RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1806: 2 types of fires

As Xie Ming arrives fourth-order, all abilities integrated the deviation strengthening and taking the opportunity that the life sublimated. 随着谢铭抵达四阶,所有能力都借着生命升华的机会进行了偏向性强化和整合。 Integrates sea of spirit Spartan's Fury, is naturally no exception. 融入到精神之海的斯巴达之怒,自然也不会例外。 Lv.3 Spartan's Fury brings to Xie Ming, and is not only the strengthening of ability, similarly also has the manufacture exclusive weapon: Murders hidden ability that the almighty troops installs. Lv.3的斯巴达之怒谢铭带来的,并不仅仅是能力的强化,同样还有着制作专属武器:弑神兵装的隐藏能力。 But promotion to Lv4 Spartan's Fury, although has the conformity and deviation guidance of Karbala life tree record, but that is impossible to lose directly removes this ability the core: To the exemptions of all controls, as well as to divine nature Villain/enemy special attacks. 而升级到Lv4的斯巴达之怒,虽说有着卡巴拉生命树图录的整合和偏向性引导,但那也不可能直接失去掉这项能力的核心:对一切控制能力的豁免,以及对神性敌人的特攻。 May regarding entering to fourth-order Xie Ming, the former has appeared some weaks. Has to be centered on ten big particles the domain world that establishes, basically myriad potential surfaces many controls cannot become effective to him. 可对于进入到四阶的谢铭来说,前者已经显得有些鸡肋。有着以十大质点为核心建立的领域世界,基本上万千位面已经没有多少控制能力可以对他生效了。 If there is a control that the domain world even cannot prevent, that Lv4 Spartan's Fury surely does not have the means to exempt. 要是有连领域世界都阻挡不住的控制在,那Lv4的斯巴达之怒肯定也没办法豁免。 Therefore after over and over consideration, Xie Ming was partial to two points the strengthening of Spartan's Fury. 所以再三考虑之后,谢铭斯巴达之怒的强化偏向了两点。 Murders the almighty troops attire, as well as to divine nature special attacks. 弑神兵装,以及对神性的特攻。 Former, it can be said that in Xie Ming fight as essential one point. 前者,可以说是谢铭战斗中作为关键的一环。 Day fire net flame because of existence of Justeaze, what are more is regarded the companion to treat by Xie Ming. Monster Blade has a nightmare, is Xie Ming from beginning to end continuously the weapon that uses. 天火净焰因为羽斯缇萨的存在,更多的是被谢铭当成同伴来对待。妖刀・魇,才是谢铭从始至终一直在使用的武器。 Only has the hand to grasp Monster Blade Xie Ming, is his true strength full condition. 唯有手握妖刀谢铭,才是他真正战力全开的状态。 But his main Villain/enemy, not in gods situated in potential surface, but swallows the Mōryō clan of potential surface source specially. 可他的最主要敌人,并不是位于位面内的神明,而是专门吞噬位面本源的魍魉族。 Such being the case, murders the limitation that the almighty troops installs a little to be big. 既然如此,弑神兵装的局限性就有点大了。 Although has many aiming at to the gods, but the direction was actually aims at wrong. 虽然对神明有更多的针对,但方向却是针对错了。 But is good because, Monster Blade has a nightmare in a special experience, had the branch that set aside other to aim at: different kind killer. 但好在,妖刀・魇在一次特殊经历中,本就有划分出了一个其他针对的分支:异类杀手。 This is Xie Ming in the OverLord world, cut to kill beyond several hundred the god clone, thus let the new ability that Monster Blade evolved. 这是谢铭在OverLord世界中,斩杀了数百名外神分身,从而让妖刀衍化出的新能力。 Then taking advantage of ten particle and effect of Karbala life tree record, without change attacks to the god especially, becomes this new ability more powerful, more targeted? 那么借着十质点和卡巴拉生命树图录的效果,在不改变‘对神特攻’的前提下,将这个新能力变得更加强大,更加有针对性呢? The answer, is the affirmation. 答案,是肯定的。 Therefore the present murdering almighty troops attire, no longer is pure to gods weapon, but is to the world weapon. 所以现在的弑神兵装,已经不再是单纯的‘对神明’武器,而是‘对世界’武器。 Primary soldier attire: Special Equipment of strength of implication primary world, enemy the injury to world enhances 500. 原初兵装:蕴含原初世界之力的特殊装备,对世界之敌的伤害提高500。 But Monster Blade Skill that 6 has a nightmare: different kind killer, with Skill 1: Murders the god, under the way of Karbala life tree record, fused in one 妖刀・魇的技能六:异类杀手,也和技能一:弑神,也在卡巴拉生命树图录的路径之下,融合在了一起 Skill 1: Slaughters the world it blade( passive): Right Outside world The injury of thing enhances 500. 技能一:屠戮世界之刃(被动):对【外世界】事物的伤害提高500。 No longer pure To god, But is right Outside world. Then, what is outside the world? 不再是单纯的【对神】,而是对【外世界】。那么,什么是外世界? Xie Ming the world beyond domain world, is outside the world. 谢铭的领域世界之外的世界,便是外世界。 Is such was unreasonable. 就是这么的不讲道理。 But original attacks to the god especially, is changes into murders the fire of god, is right Outside world The attacks under the strengthening especially, conducted the overlay. 而原本的对神特攻,则是化为弑神之火,在对【外世界】的这个特攻强化下,进行了叠加。 Therefore present Spartan's Fury, in the Skill introduction of Main God Space is this. 因此现在的斯巴达之怒,在主神空间技能介绍中是这样的。 Spartan's Fury primary: By the position of primary world, the foreign world rules the trial. After opening, body attribute increase 500, the injury of foreign world enemy enhances 800. After cutting kills, may extract the false god divine nature( source) in light of the primary source to make the primary soldier attire. 斯巴达之怒・原初:以原初世界之位,对外世界进行审判与裁决。开启后,身体属性增幅500,对外世界敌物的伤害提高800。斩杀后,可抽取伪神神性(本源)结合原初本源制造原初兵装。 The primary source, naturally is the strengths of ten particles. 原初本源,自然就是十质点的力量。 This is also another type, uses ten big particle strengths the methods. Moreover this union, is not the permanent extraction. 这也算是另外一种,使用十大质点力量的方法。而且这种结合,也不是永久性的抽取。 So long as extracts inside particle strength, then the primary soldier will install becomes will murder the almighty troops attire. 只要将里面的质点力量抽取出来,那么原初兵装会重新变为弑神兵装。 Ten big particle such important things, Xie Ming naturally does not dare to mess things up to make do. If not careful, doing to crash the domain world that oneself construct with great difficulty should what to do? 十大质点这么重要的东西,谢铭自然是不太敢胡搞乱搞的。要是一个不小心,把自己好不容易构建起来的领域世界给搞崩塌了该怎么办? Generally speaking, complete Spartan's Fury by Xie Ming opening for two parts. 总体上来说,完整的斯巴达之怒已经被谢铭给拆为了两个部分。 Rebel Energetic core, as well as Murders god Strength core. 【叛逆】的精神核心,以及【弑神】的力量核心。 The former, integrated in the energetic sea. Latter, then held to obtain the conceptive strengthening in in addition of ten particles. 前者,融入到了精神海中。后者,则是在十质点的加持下得到了概念性强化。 Not only did not have the limit of time, had based in the condition. 不仅没有了时间的限制,更是有了常驻状态。 Also unified the scarlet dragon Huanglong hand yi honest flame fire 【The flame of the world being shattered. 也就是结合了赤龙皇笼手的【燚诚的炎火】的【世界破灭之焰】。 The effect, is the combustion to world. 其效果,便是对世界的燃烧。 With Monster Blade on ‚a drop flame, trickles following the knife. The next instance, the raging flame, then covered entirely this by half world that the desire sludge fills up. 随着妖刀上的‘一滴’火焰,顺着刀身滴下。下一个瞬间,熊熊烈火,便布满了这被欲望污泥填满的半个世界。 The desire, a part that composes from the zero potential surface world. May should become with the divine protection relative phase, maintains the balanced desire actually to be broken, thus makes half world this desire abyss. 欲望,是从零位面世界组成的一部分。可原本应该和加护相对相成,保持平衡的欲望却被打破,从而让半个世界成为了这个欲望深渊。 Originally the plan of Xie Ming, after then the complete power extracts, a fire this abyss burns down. Again fuses the divine protection and power, through the world the strength of tree and record, is complete this world supplement. 原本谢铭的打算,便是将全部权能抽取完后,一把火将这个深渊烧毁。再将加护与权能融合,通过世界树和图录的力量,重新将这个世界补充完整。 The Satella personality transforms to envy Strega (Witch), this within the expectation of Xie Ming, is not from the beginning accidental. But this premise , because Satella causes weakly. 莎缇拉的人格转换为嫉妒魔女,这从一开始就在谢铭的预料之内,并不意外。但这前提,是因为莎缇拉虚弱导致的。 The personality by vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades being caused transforms, that nature is completely then different. Because that showing is concocted Strega (Witch), is stealing the family/home. 由菜月昴导致的人格转换,那性质便完全不同了。因为那说明虚饰魔女,正在偷家。 The Strega (Witch) aura regarding the sensitive person, can feel easily. Before the plan starts, Xie Ming has also observed vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades Strega (Witch) aura density especially. 魔女气息对于敏感的人来说,非常容易就能感觉到。所以在计划开始之前,谢铭还特地观察过菜月昴身上的魔女气息浓度。 After confirming did not have the issue, seal that he relieves. 在确认了没问题后,他才解除的封印。 Therefore even if Xie Ming, cannot bear scold one if it is unable to accomplish anything it will at least be able to spoil everything in that moment. 所以哪怕是谢铭,在那一刻都忍不住骂上一句‘成事不足败事有余’。 With first time completely same, the mistake that vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades make only needs to pay attention slightly, cares 1 own words points, the completely avoidable matter. 就和第一次完全相同,菜月昴犯下的错误都是只需要稍微注意一下,把自己的话放在心上一点,就完全可以避免的事情。 But, this fellow has not really cared completely. 但,这个家伙真就完全没在意。 What is he actually thinking? 他到底在想些什么? ... The present did not ponder that these have nothing to use. Although makes Justeaze first overtake, but facing being concocted Strega (Witch) that strange power, even if promotes as Justeaze that the primary soldier installs also has no means. 不...现在去思考这些已经没有任何用了。虽然让羽斯缇萨先赶了过去,但面对虚饰魔女那诡异的权能,哪怕是升级为原初兵装的羽斯缇萨也没有任何办法。 But can deal to be concocted Othinus and cold Mi of Hewan Strega (Witch) power by in three people, must help itself protect the power source. 而能够应对虚饰魔女权能的欧提努斯、凛祢和万由里三人,又必须帮助自己保护权能本源。 Therefore, now Xie Ming can do, only then cuts to kill to envy Strega (Witch) as soon as possible, this desire abyss together with also after envying the power source of Strega (Witch) within the body burns down together, then goes to the kings to solve to be concocted Strega (Witch). 所以,现在谢铭能够做的,只有尽快斩杀嫉妒魔女,将这片欲望深渊连同还在嫉妒魔女体内的权能本源一起烧掉后,再去王都解决虚饰魔女 The blade light flashes through in the Othinus three people of whole bodies unceasingly, shuts off another invisible hand. The black red flame, continually is reducing the silt of abyss. 刀光不断在欧提努斯三人的周身闪过,切断一只又一只无形之手。黑红色的火焰,持续减少着深渊的淤泥。 The flame unceasing spread, burnt following the invisible hand body that envied Strega (Witch). 火焰不断的蔓延,顺着无形之手烧到了嫉妒魔女的身上。 Fire .... “火....” Slowly close to Xie Ming and the others being concocted Strega (Witch) stopped, looks is firing the flame of clothes continually, as if thought anything. 慢慢接近谢铭等人的虚饰魔女停了下来,看着持续灼烧着自己衣服的火焰,似乎想起来了什么。 Fire... fire? Love .... Is the flame.” “火...火?爱....是火焰。” „!!!!!” “!!!!!” In the description envies in the Strega (Witch) song, has such a few words. 在描述嫉妒魔女的歌谣中,存在着这么一句话。 The dark fog is covering the half elf of silver hair, the faded and fallen sending silk envied flame illuminates. 黑暗的雾笼罩着银发的半精灵,飘零的发丝被嫉妒的火焰照亮。 This moment Xie Ming appears at present, is such a scene. 此刻谢铭眼前出现的,便是这么一番景象。 The deep purple hatred( love) the fire, before the flame of being shattered, took the lead to light the trim abyss. 深紫色的憎恨(爱)之火,在破灭之焰之前,率先点燃了整片深渊。 The flame of being shattered can maintain in this abyss does not extinguish , because the desire burnt down pure energy can make it continue to burn. 破灭之焰在这深渊之中能保持不灭,是因为欲望被烧毁后的纯净能量可以让它继续燃烧。 But, regarding envying the Strega (Witch) flame, the silt of these half world, is completely its combustion material. 但,对于嫉妒魔女的火焰来说,这半个世界的淤泥,全部都是它的助燃材料。 Earthly Blade Art, luminary!” 尘世刀诀,曜!” Bang!!!!” “轰!!!!” The half sky of the world, was dyed fully by the deep purple color. 世界的半边天空,被深紫之色染满。
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