RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1883: Wall that is unable to shake

Un? Dr. Zola?” “嗯?索拉医生呢?” Doctor said that must have a look at the situation of villagers, therefore after debugging to leave.” “医生说要去看看村民们的情况,所以在调试完后就离开了。” „......” “......” Listens to the week to finish among the dialogue with Uquina beautiful, Xie Ming frowns slightly. 听着周毕与阿塔丽之间的对话,谢铭微微皱起眉头。 Doctor Zola, although the contact are not many, but his many are a little impression. 索拉医生这个人,虽然接触不多,但他多少还是有点印象的。 Initially in the border people village saw him, the first response of Xie Ming was: Such person why in this remote remote village? 当初在边民村见到他时,谢铭的第一个反应是:这样的人为什么会在这种偏僻遥远的村子里? No matter the style of speaking, makings, the manner or the look, he does not seem like a village medicine. Is more like one .... Knights. 不管是谈吐、气质、行为举止还是眼神,他都不像是一个村医。更像是一个....骑士。 Right, knight. 没错,骑士。 This words and expressions, gave a Xie Ming inspiration. He looked at Prakke one eyes subconsciously, in the heart had a guess. 这个词语,给予了谢铭一个灵感。他下意识的看了身旁的普拉克一眼,心中有了一个猜测。 But to his boundary, so-called guess actually has become a modest word. As the technique powerhouse of big grandmaster rank, steps onto Karbala evolves the road new human, in a thought appears at heart, he has been able with the feeling to analyze that this thought is whether correct. 而到了他这个境界,所谓的‘猜测’其实已经成为了一种谦词。作为大宗师级别的技法强者,走上卡巴拉进化之路的‘新人类’,在一个念头出现在心里时,他就已经能够凭感觉来判断这个念头是否正确。 However opens hangs the person to be different from his, shows the meaningful smile the week to finish, obviously was depends on own observation to speculate the status of Dr. Zola. 不过和他这个‘开挂’的人不同,露出意味深长笑容的周毕,显然是靠着自己的观察来推测出了索拉医生的身份。 But he, as if not prepare to use this matter to make anything. 但他,似乎并不准备利用这件事做些什么。 Naturally, Xie Ming did not plan that does any article in this aspect. 当然了,谢铭也不打算在这方面搞出些什么文章。 Dr. Zola and they do not have the enmity without the injustice, has not shirked all the way, assists him on own initiative and week finishes the help to debug High border people number, Undertakes the ship's doctor and to villagers counseling the responsibility. At present he leaves the bridge on own initiative, naturally has his own secret facts to be. 索拉医生和他们无冤无仇,一路上更是没有推脱,主动协助他和周毕帮忙调试【高边民号】,承担起船医和对村民心理辅导的责任。眼下他主动离开舰桥,自然是有着他自己的隐情所在。 Returns evil for good this matter, before Xie Ming, has not done, later will not do. 恩将仇报这种事,谢铭之前也没有做过,之后也绝不会做。 That is High border people number Bridge?” “这就是【高边民号】的舰桥吗?” Is strictly adhering to the interest of knight, Prakke has not indulged oneself curiosity, not polite looks around everywhere, but consistently maintains not near distance not to follow in the Xie Ming side. 谨守着骑士的利益,普拉克并没有放纵自己的好奇心,不礼貌的四处东张西望,而是始终保持着一个不远不近的距离跟随在谢铭的身边。 Really made one acclaim. Hears this ship place the underground appearance of border?” “真是令人赞叹。听说这艘船是从边境之地的地下出现的?” „, Un, is this right .... “啊,嗯,是这样没错....” Nearby Elsa voice some insufficient energy: It is also the bewildered appearance, after I put on the knot that... Xie Ming kept to vow the bracelet.” 一旁的艾尔莎声音有些不够底气:“它也是莫名其妙的出现的,就在我戴上了...谢铭留下来的结誓臂环之后。” „?” Prakke raised some interests instantaneously: Unexpectedly has also had this matter, Xie Ming your excellency.” “哦?”普拉克瞬间提起了一些兴趣:“居然还发生过这种事啊,谢铭阁下。” Did this give to sell me? 这就把我给卖了? Slightly obviously helpless cast aside Elsa one eyes, the latter this time also responded, the look dodged one side. 略显无奈的撇了艾尔莎一眼,后者此时也反应了过来,眼神闪躲到了一边。 Oh, is really.” “唉,真是的。” In the heart sighed, Xie Ming shrugged saying: Mentioned this matter, what I may probably well was everyone in border people village you complains the complaint to Pula Keqing.” 心中叹了口气,谢铭耸肩道:“说起这件事,我可要好好的为边民村的各位向普拉克卿你抱怨抱怨啊。” At that time heard I come in the border people village, Pula Keqing you should exert pressure on through the channel. President, but plans border people village everyone directly together with this High border people number Processes.” “当时听说我在边民村现身,普拉克卿你应该是通过渠道向伊奇施压了吧。伊奇的总统,可是直接打算将边民村的各位连同这艘【高边民号】一起处理掉呢。” Right, the week finishes.” “对吧,周毕。” Hehe, yes.” “呵呵呵,是啊。” The week finish spoke thoughtlessly to say: ~, if did not have me to act at that time promptly, everyone in border people village may really the danger.” 周毕随口应道:“呀~如果当时没有我及时出手的话,边民村的各位可就真的危险了。” Unexpectedly has this matter?” “居然有这种事?” Prakke turns serious, serious lowers the head to apologize to Uquina beautiful and Elsa slightly: Two young ladies, my crude behavior, brought such big trouble for border people village everyone unexpectedly.” 普拉克神色一正,严肃的对着阿塔丽与艾尔莎两人微微低头致歉:“两位小姐,我的鲁莽行为,居然为边民村的各位带来了这么大的麻烦。” Extremely was really sorry.” “真的是非常抱歉。” No, after all Prakke .... Pula Keqing does not know that will have such matter, therefore also asked you do not rebuke oneself.” “不,毕竟普拉克....普拉克卿也不知道会发生这样的事,所以也请你不要太自责了。” Miss Elsa, is really thanks.” “艾尔莎小姐,真是非常感谢。” Good! It seems like everyone words have discussed that “好!看来大家话都已经谈开了, Then I also enter the subject. ” Claps to attract itself on the attention of people, the week finish put through Yarrow Altruism: „Did Yarrow, hear?” 那么我也进入正题吧。”拍手将众人的注意力吸引到自己身上,周毕接通了亚罗的【无我】:“亚罗,听到了吗?” „! Heard heard!” “哦哦哦!听到了听到了!” The sound of Yarrow spirit resounds in the bridge: This wall may be really hard! Hit so many, unexpectedly does not have including the fissure together.” 亚罗精神的声音在舰桥中响起:“这墙壁可真硬啊!打了这么多下,居然连一道裂痕都没有。” Therefore, our times must give it to come a fierce attack. Yarrow, pays attention to dodge.” “所以,我们这次要给它来次厉害的攻击啊。亚罗,注意闪避。” Understanding!” “了解!” Blue white machine armor jumped to leap backward, leaves High border people number Fire track. Six the granule light beam that is condensed by the faith granule then hits one after another in the wall same position. 蓝白色的机甲纵身向后一跃,离开了【高边民号】的射击轨道。紧接着,六道由信念粒子凝聚成的粒子光束便接连命中在墙壁的同一位置。 Bang!!!! 轰!!!! The city ship rocks, the ray of explosion catches pink the bridge. 城舰晃动,爆炸的光芒将舰桥染上一层粉红。 Became and succeeds?” Bits who is responsible for pressing down the firing button grins: I, broke the wall of the world!” “成、成功了吗?”负责按下发射按钮的比特咧开嘴:“我,打破了世界的墙壁!” No.” “不。” Xie Ming narrowed the eye: Wall is perfect.” 谢铭眯起了眼睛:“墙壁完好无损。” „!!!!!” “!!!!!” The smog diverges slowly, besides hit spot still outside braving light smoke slowly, breakage that the wall has no as before. 烟雾缓缓散去,除了命中的部位还在冒着徐徐的青烟外,墙壁依旧没有任何的破损。 This may really be ..... “这可真是.....” The week finishes the fan to have the feather fan slowly, in the eye is glittering the exciting ray: This was I have seen the strongest granule artillery, unexpectedly was entirely still.” 周毕缓缓扇起羽扇,眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒:“这可是我见过的最强的粒子炮了啊,居然纹丝不动。” Hey! Xie Ming, the week finishes! Under the wall presented any strange thing probably .....!!!!” “喂!谢铭,周毕!墙壁下面好像出现了什么奇怪的东西.....呜哇!!!!” The words have not said, Altruism Then blowing to fly by the giant ventilating duct that stretches out from the wall, pounding ruthlessly in High border people number Above deck. 话还没有说完,【无我】便被从墙壁底部伸出的巨型通风管道给吹飞,狠狠的砸在了【高边民号】的甲板之上。 Hurts, unexpectedly can blow such big wind .... ei? High border people number Here, how wind does not have.” “疼疼疼,居然能吹起这么大的风....欸?【高边民号】这里,怎么一点风都没有啊。” Hehe, it is estimated that is the special function of this city ship.” “呵呵,估计是这艘城舰的特殊功能吧。” After week complete(ly) Suikou deceived one, " cheerful , interested " the giant vent that stares on the bridge screen to demonstrate: Really, the wall is the artificial divine creative force.” 周毕随口糊弄了一句后,兴致盎然的盯着舰桥屏幕上显示出的巨大通风口:“果然,墙壁是人为的造物。” Pula Keqing you had said again in addition sky .... Hehe, our world, it seems like imagines us is more interesting.” “再加上普拉克卿你曾经说过的天空....呵呵,我们的世界,看来比我们想象中的还要有趣啊。” Week finishes your excellency .... You seem like very happy.” “周毕阁下....你看起来好像很高兴啊。” That was natural.” “那当然了。” The week finishes turn head smiles: „Doesn't Pula Keqing think? The curiosity and exploration desire that the world that you understand is not you understand appearance type that unknown brings, not excited?” 周毕回头一笑:“普拉克卿难道不这么认为吗?你所了解的世界并不是你所了解的样子这种未知所带来的新鲜感和探索欲,难道不让人心情激动吗?” Haha, perhaps in this regard, I am unable to finish your excellency to have too many sentiments altogether with the week. After all my faith is Devotes for princess, My all will only use for Princess.” “哈哈,在这个方面,我或许无法和周毕阁下有太多的共情吧。毕竟我的信念是【为公主献身】,我的一切都只会为了菲妮公主而使用。” Yes, that also is really regrettable.” The week finish shrugs, turns the head to look to Xie Ming: But, Xie Ming should be able to understand.” “是嘛,那还真是遗憾。”周毕耸了耸肩,转头看向谢铭:“不过,谢铭应该能够理解吧。” Naturally.” “自然。” Xie Ming said with a smile: Rather, can support me one of the adventurous driving forces in the infinite world, is anticipating in the different world unknown adventurous.” 谢铭笑道:“不如说,能支撑我在无限世界中冒险的原动力之一,就是期待着在不同世界之间的未知冒险。” I said how you chatted.” “我说,你们怎么聊起来了啊。” Yarrow's discontented voice reaches the bridge: I cannot puncture, High border people number The main artillery cannot puncture, then what to do should?” 亚罗不满的声音传进舰桥:“我打不穿,【高边民号】的主炮也打不穿,这下该怎么办啊?” Yarrow, but also remembers our agreements?” “亚罗,还记得我们的约定吗?” The week finishes the light reminder: If we do not have the means to span the wall, complies with Pula Keqing's invitation, goes to the colored glaze special Sir/minister to look for the method.” 周毕轻飘飘的提醒道:“如果我们没有办法跨越墙壁的话,就答应普拉克卿的邀请,前往琉特卿去寻找方法。” This .... But ..... “这....可是.....” Yarrow.” Xie Ming tranquil asking: „Can you violate among us the agreement?” “亚罗。”谢铭平静的问道:“你要违背我们之间的约定吗?” ....... I knew.” “.......我知道了。” Un.” “嗯。” The Xie Ming slight nod, looks to Prakke: „, Pula Keqing, then troubled you to lead the way.” 谢铭微微点头,看向普拉克:“那么,普拉克卿,接下来就麻烦你引路了。” Hehe , please allow me to represent the colored glaze special Sir/minister and country, said one to everyone.” “呵呵,那么,请允许我代表琉特卿和国,向各位说一声。” Toward the people good a knight ritual, Prakke showed a faint smile. 向着众人行了一个骑士礼,普拉克微微一笑。 Everyone, the colored glaze special Sir/minister welcome your arrivals.” “各位,琉特卿欢迎你们的到来。”
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