RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1799: The death returned

Power altogether four matters needing attention that the death returned to: 死亡回归的权能总共有四点注意事项: First: Can return, only then a vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades person, the conditions of others and remember, metropolis/can reset to regression point that time. 第一:能够回归的只有菜月昴一人,其他人的状态和记忆,都会重置到回归点的那一时刻。 Second: The death returned is unable to tell anybody, if strong told others, will stimulate to envy the Strega (Witch) defense mechanism, the person who will hear killed. 第二:死亡回归无法告诉任何人,若是强硬的告诉别人,会激发嫉妒魔女的防御机制,将听到的人杀死。 Third: The regression point that the death returned, is unable to establish. 第三:死亡回归的回归点,无法自己设置。 Fourth: The number of times that as the death returned to increased, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades Strega (Witch) odd/surplus fragrant will also be also thick. 第四:随着死亡回归的次数增多,菜月昴身上的魔女余香也会随之浓厚。 Although noteworthy, and not only then these four points. But these four points are are actually the keys in all matters needing attention, can bring the danger for vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, but can also bring the opportunity for him similarly. 虽然值得注意的,并不仅仅只有这四点。但这四点是却是所有注意事项中的关键,能够为菜月昴带来危险,但也同样能为他带来机遇。 The power that however the death returned, must be able to play the role in the frame of the world eventually. Why this is also, maintenance that Xie Ming must do utmost lives in the frame. 不过死亡回归的权能,终究是要在世界的框架中才能发挥作用。这也是为什么,谢铭要竭尽全力的维持住框架。 Even if must look helplessly Seine Ha Luti died in battle, looks that the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates, Djafer they to be killed, must take the lead summoning the world tree to live the frame stably. 哪怕要眼睁睁的看着莱茵哈鲁特战死,看着库珥修、加菲尔他们被杀,也要率先将世界树给召唤过来把框架给稳定住。 Once frame disintegration, then Seine Ha Luti and envies Strega (Witch) within the body is not then able to retain again, announced thoroughly starts to enter the world destruction the countdown. 一旦框架崩碎,那么莱茵哈鲁特和嫉妒魔女的体内便再也无法保留下去,彻底宣告开始进入世界毁灭的倒计时。 The frame was shattered, the death returned is unable to have the effect, that lost truly. 框架破碎,死亡回归无法起效,那才是真正的输了。 However even this power has the effect, still has many issues. 不过就算这份权能起效,也还有着很多问题。 Principle that the death returned , was actually the recollection of the world. The recollection of the world, thus drives to recall with world related all together. 死亡回归的原理,其实就是世界的回溯。世界的回溯,从而带动和世界有关的一切一起将进行回溯。 This ability, in own domain world has been close to ability of Xie Ming. Also is vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades is backing on Satella that is equal to half world, can the so simple use. 这种能力,已经和谢铭在自己领域世界中的能力非常接近了。也就是菜月昴背靠着等同于半个世界的莎缇拉,才能如此简单的使用。 Although Satella has died now, the frame of the world about is also stave, but essential source actually also preservation well. So long as the source does not have the loss to pass, then the thing of related ability will not have the issue. 虽然现在莎缇拉已死,世界的框架也将近破碎,可关键的本源却还保存的好好的。只要本源没有损失流逝,那么有关能力的东西就不会有问题。 Moreover, this is Satella before exhausts the strength to make at the point of death, gives the final gift of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. 而且,这可是莎缇拉在临死前用尽力量制造出的,给予菜月昴的最后的礼物。 Until before dying, he hopes is not vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades recalls all. 直到死之前,他所希望的都不是菜月昴来挽回一切。 Asked .... Let happiness that Pleiades he himself chooses... to want .】 【拜托了....让昴他自己选择...自己想要的幸福..】 This was then feared by everyone, by envy Strega (Witch) that everyone is afraid, final last words. 这便是被所有人恐惧,被所有人害怕的嫉妒魔女,最后的遗言。 Xie Ming does not know, the happiness that vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades want is anything. But Xie Ming knows, the happiness of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades absolutely is not the having a thing in the world world. 谢铭是不知道,菜月昴想要的幸福是什么。但谢铭知道,菜月昴的幸福绝对不是一无所有的世界。 It is not, Satella not in the world. 也绝不是,莎缇拉不在的世界。 ----- ----- Ha............” “哈啊...哈啊...哈啊......” Looked like drowning to pass through own effort to crawl finally the ashore, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades was breathing the air in gulps. 就像是溺水者终于经过自己的努力爬到了岸上,菜月昴大口大口呼吸着空气。 Said that suffocates dead is one of the most painful causes of death, after personally experienced one next, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades thought that said the person of these words, has with absolutely experiences similarly. 都说窒息死是最痛苦的死法之一,在亲身体验了一下后,菜月昴觉得说出这句话的人,绝对有着和自己类似的经历。 But, compared with this pain, what vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades care is periphery. 但,比起这份痛苦,菜月昴更在意的是周围。 Returned... comes back?” “回...回来了吗?” Turns over/Stands up to jump down the bed, opens the window curtains. The warm sunlight sprinkles on his face, making him narrow the eye. 翻身跳下床,拉开窗帘。温暖的阳光洒在他脸上,让他不禁眯了眯眼睛。 Under garden, the familiar domestic servants are constructing the branch. Looked again outward, discovered crowd slowly surges toward the city outside. 底下的庭院里,熟悉的家仆们在修建着枝条。再向外看,发现人群正在慢慢的朝着城外涌动。 Came back .... “回来了....” Without a doubt, this executes that morning of multi- rabbit. Oneself, really came back .... 毫无疑问,这就是处决多兔的那天早上。自己,真的回来了.... Hey! Pleiades! When you must rest!?” “喂!昴!你要睡到什么时候!?” Wore poor|Fei Luti of long skirt to trample the room gate: Don't forget you today is also...? Unexpectedly got up. Really unusual.” 身着长裙的菲鲁特一脚踹开了房间门:“别忘了你今天也是...哦?居然起来了啊。真是稀奇。” Since got up, changes the clothes to get down a bit faster .... Do you want to do? To fight? Really are trivial Pleiades also rampant .....?” “既然起来了,就快点换衣服下来....你要干嘛?想打架啊?区区昴还真是嚣张.....唉?” Wraps own masculine aura, that also calculates the solid body .... All, making the head of Luti enter the down condition instantaneously. 包裹住自己的男性气息,那还算结实的身体....所有的一切,让菲鲁特的脑袋瞬间进入到了宕机状态。 Good .... Good ....... “太好了....太好了.......” Closely supports into the poor|Fei Luti the bosom, the sound of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades is shivering: Good... you also, everyone in .... Good .... 紧紧将菲鲁特拥入怀中,菜月昴的声音颤抖着:“太好了...你还在,大家都在....太好了....” ....... Really is.” “.......真是。” Feels body that youngster that is shivering, young girl face tender vanishes slowly, rare becomes must be gentle. Traces vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades gently after sends, ill-humored saying. 感受着少年那颤抖的身体,少女脸的娇蛮缓缓消失,难得的变得柔和起来。轻轻摸了摸菜月昴的后发,没好气的说道。 Valley lt ; /spangt ; „A grown man, cries unexpectedly this, doesn't make sense.” 谷lt;/spangt;“一个大男人,居然哭成这样,像什么话。” Is unfair to... the poor|Fei Luti... to sorry......” “对不起...菲鲁特...对不起......” „Is is, although does not know that what happened, but I forgave you, Pleiades.” “是是是,虽然不知道发生了什么事,但我原谅你了,昴。” Un .... “嗯....” Loosens the poor|Fei Luti, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades were red the eye to wipe a nasal mucus: Gets down, my something must say with you.” 松开菲鲁特,菜月昴红着眼睛抹了把鼻涕:“下去吧,我有些事情要和你们说。” .... Should you, not have to drop on my clothes the nasal mucus?” “....你,应该没有把鼻涕滴我衣服上吧?” Heard this saying, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades hits one to stagger, aerobic and funny saying: In this affected time you cannot say that looks at the atmosphere the words!?” 听到这话,菜月昴打了一个踉跄,又好气又好笑的说道:“在这种感动的时刻你就不能说些看氛围的话吗!?” Ha? Affected time?” “哈啊?感动的时刻?” The poor|Fei Luti shows the whites of the eyes: I only noticed that a love crying ghost is acting like a spoiled brat to me.” 菲鲁特翻了个白眼:“我只看到一个爱哭鬼在对我撒娇而已。” Is bashful.” “害臊不害臊啊。” „... Wordy! I have very important matter to tell you! Is the related today's plan!” “啰...啰嗦!我有很重要的事情要告诉你们!是有关今天的计划的!” Today's plan?” “今天的计划的?” The poor|Fei Luti knitting the brows head, associated to just the loss of self-control of youngster, in the heart had a clue. 菲鲁特皱了皱眉头,联想到刚刚少年的失态,心中有了点头绪。 ---- ---- Good morning, Pleiades.” “早上好,昴。” Sits Seine Ha Luti on table seat of honor is showing a faint smile to vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, in the smile has a worry: Just happened ..... so that's how it is.” 坐在餐桌主位上的莱茵哈鲁特对着菜月昴微微一笑,笑容中带着点担心:“刚刚是发生了.....原来如此。” Pleiades you have died a time.” “昴你已经死过一次了啊。” ....... “.......” Really cannot hide the truth from you, Seine Ha Luti.” “果然瞒不过你啊,莱茵哈鲁特。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades sighed: „, My power has started one time. However is I starts, was not started.” 菜月昴叹了口气:“啊,我的权能发动过一次了。不过是我自己去发动的,不是被人发动的。” „Related with the matter that today is going to have.” “和今天将要发生的事情有关。” Listens to vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades to tell he has experienced future, the facial expression of Seine Ha Luti and poor|Fei Luti enforced slowly. 听着菜月昴讲述他经历过的未来,莱茵哈鲁特和菲鲁特的神情慢慢严肃了起来。 To be honest, if stemming from the trust vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, they really does not think that he was rests regarded the reality the scene in dream ignorant. 说实话,如果不是出于对菜月昴的信任,他们真的会认为他是睡懵了把梦里的场景当成现实了。 But vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades just unusual condition, as well as in Seine Ha Luti eye on vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades became rich Strega (Witch) aura, is actually proving the authenticity of words. 可菜月昴刚刚的异状,以及莱茵哈鲁特眼里菜月昴身上变得浓郁起来的魔女气息,却证明着话语的真实性。 But, this was also too inconceivable. 但,这也太不可思议了点。 dragon sword broke off, Seine Ha Luti was swallowed .... Which matter this was casual to take saying that will be regarded the lunatic by others. 龙剑被折断,莱茵哈鲁特被吞噬....这随便哪件事拿出去说,都会被别人当成疯子。 Even if Seine Luti, has not thought will die this matter. 哪怕是莱茵哈鲁特自己,都从来都没有想过自己会死这件事。 I do not understand the matter of these anything source non- source Xie Ming he said that Xie Ming he said in any case, Seine Ha Luti you actually with envying Strega (Witch) are the same , but actually opposite existence.” “我是不明白谢铭他说的那些什么本源不本源的事情,反正谢铭他说,莱茵哈鲁特你其实和嫉妒魔女是同等但却相反的存在。” How therefore your two people do not have the means with the opposite party, will hit only to let be concocted mutually Strega (Witch) to seize the chance to enter.” “所以你们两人都没有办法拿对方怎么样,互相打起来只会让虚饰魔女趁机而入。” ....... “.......” Then Pleiades, what to do you do plan?” “那么昴,你打算怎么办?” poor|Fei Luti both hands hold the chest, light asking: Plan has started, wants to withdraw is the not possible matter. Let alone, listening to you saying that even if we withdraw, thing that is concocted Strega (Witch) also evil behind-the-scenes manipulator under back.” 菲鲁特双手抱胸,淡淡的问道:“计划已经开始,想要退出已经是不可能的事情。更何况,听你所讲,哪怕我们退出,那个虚饰魔女的玩意也会在背后下黑手。” Yes.” “是啊。” Seine Ha Luti nods slightly, the vision is glittering: „The information that Pleiades your time have was very valuable, at least makes us know Villain/enemy plan roughly, as well as my limit.” 莱茵哈鲁特微微颔首,目光闪烁着:“不过昴你这次带回来的情报很有价值,至少让我们知道了敌人大体的打算,以及我的极限。” After knowing these information, my plan to the Xie Ming also had a deeper step understanding. Similarly, discovered some loopholes in this plan.” “在知道这些情报后,我对谢铭的计划又有了更深一步的理解。同样,也发现了这计划中的一些漏洞。” I felt, we need to adjust the part that we are responsible.” “我觉得,我们需要调整一下我们所负责的部分。” https:// https:// Talent one second remembers the home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: 天才一秒记住本站地址:。手机版阅读网址:
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