RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1800: Visit

The plan of Xie Ming, is very rough. Is the simple respective defense free display, then offering food to a guest moon/month Pleiades fish the chief criminal to be able. 谢铭的计划,是非常粗糙的。就是简简单单各自防御自由发挥,然后让菜月昴来钓出罪魁祸首便可。 However this is also the information that because Strega (Witch) teaches is extremely really scarce, even if the information obtained cannot determine its accuracy. 不过这也是因为魔女教的情报实在太过稀少,哪怕是获得的情报都不能确定其的准确性。 The information that if according to the genuine and fake is difficult to distinguish makes the detailed dealing plan, perhaps the fate will be more miserable. 如果按照真假难辨的情报来制定详细的应对计划的话,恐怕下场会更惨。 That might as well draws several frames simply, in these frames must arrange any detail planning, is decided by the head of frame. 那还不如干脆就画几个框,这几个框里要安排什么详细计划,都由框的负责人来定。 Simply speaking, is to make the head of each front door come the free display. 简单来说,就是让每一个大门的负责人来自由发挥。 So long as does not draw back does not fall, what preparation regardless of that you make not to matter. 只要不退不降,那么无论你们做什么样的准备都无所谓。 Although bumps into the big crime division to teach that strange power, most preparations cannot apply are. 虽然碰上大罪司教那种诡异的权能,大多数准备都不太会派上用场就是。 To defeat this group of power owners, most important is the hard strength. Only then your hard strength is powerful enough, can in the battle discover that the power effect and weakness of opposite party, then defeat to cut to kill them. 想要战胜这群权能拥有者,最重要的便是硬实力。只有你硬实力足够强大,才能在交战中发现对方的权能效果和弱点,进而战胜斩杀他们。 May take a broad view at the entire potential surface, can have this self-confidently perhaps also on a Seine Ha Luti person. Strega (Witch) teaching makes people hear reason that the demeanor changes, then lies in this. 可放眼整个位面,能有这点自信的恐怕也就莱茵哈鲁特一个人。魔女教让人们闻声色变的原因,便在于这点上。 If the ordinary fight, perhaps the storehouse arc of contact of halo will cultivate under their not that quick defeat. But who knows that was concocted Strega (Witch) to use what method, unexpectedly can make all big crime Si teach launch the suicide attack together. 如果是普通的战斗,恐怕库珥修他们也不会那么快败下。但谁知道虚饰魔女用了什么方法,居然能让所有大罪司教一起发动自杀式攻击。 Perhaps, because was she has gone well, succeeds to envy Strega (Witch) summoning? 或许,是因为她已经得手,成功将嫉妒魔女给召唤出来了? Possibly is this. 可能是这样。 Because several big crime Si teach die is too quick, therefore Xie Ming does not even have the means to clarify their powers is anything. 因为几名大罪司教死的太快,所以谢铭甚至都没有办法弄清楚她们的权能是什么。 Sneaks king city lust Si teach who with Pandora actually, the part of exposition are quite many. 倒是和潘朵拉一起潜入进王城的色欲司教,暴露的部分比较多。 Lust Strega (Witch) ability, will become in others mind that he. But obtains the power that the lust division of lust factor teaches to evolve, is actually changes itself and others 's appearance. 色欲魔女本身的能力,是将自己变为别人心目中那个他。但得到色欲因子的色欲司教所衍化出的权能,却是改变自己和他人的外貌。 That everywhere changes by the king resident for Black Dragon, and appearance of lust Si teach that weird creature, is the best evidence. 那漫天由王都居民变化为的黑龙,以及色欲司教自己那个四不像的模样,便是最好的证据。 This very can be solved to Xie Ming actually, after all the vision to him, is the most preliminary observation way. Even without the sensation domain, pure he can distinguish by the intuition. 这点对谢铭来说倒是很好解决,毕竟视觉对他来说,已经是最低级的观察方式了。哪怕不用感知领域,就单纯靠直觉他都能分辨出来。 But he can distinguish, does not represent others to come out respectively. 可他能分辨出来,不代表其他人能分别出来。 What to do should that? 那该怎么办? Dark, Xie Ming thought of a person. Person who if, he does not want to see. 冥冥之中,谢铭想到了一个人。一个如果可以,他再也不想见到的人。 Because actually not the opposite party does like Lods Var, but is the pure trouble. 倒不是因为对方像罗兹瓦尔那样作死,而是单纯的麻烦。 ----- ----- Yo, Brother Xie Ming.” “哟,谢铭老兄。” Wears the knight helmet, named Alty Barrin's alone arm warrior flexure iron: Young lady she said also really right, today you will walk on own initiative.” 戴着骑士头盔,名为阿尔迪巴兰的独臂斗士挠了挠铁:“大小姐她说的还真没错,今天你会主动找上门来。” Right?” “是吗?” Xie Ming tranquil saying: „The goal that I come did she also expect?” 谢铭平静的说道:“那么,我来的目的她也预料到了?” This I am not clear. In brief, young lady's her instruction is, if you came to make me lead you to go.” “这个我就不清楚了。总之,大小姐她的吩咐便是,如果你来了就让我带你进去。” ....., Goes.” “.....唉,进去吧。” Hahahaha, Brother Xie Ming you are so repugnant our eldest young lady.” “哈哈哈哈,谢铭老兄你就这么讨厌我们大小姐啊。” Al smiles bitterly saying: Actually the young lady her heart does not go bad, otherwise I will not follow her.” 阿尔苦笑道:“其实大小姐她心地并不坏,不然我也不会追随她。” But troubles.” “但是麻烦。” This actually.” About this, if were not short of an arm, Al is thinks absolutely both hands both feet expressed the support: Trouble degree, my family young lady absolutely is in four Wang Xuan highest level that.” “这倒是。”关于这点,如果不是少了一个胳膊,阿尔绝对是想双手双脚表示赞同:“论麻烦程度,我家大小姐绝对是四名王选者里最顶级的那个。” But if obtains her approval, can the support can also be biggest. Naturally, definitely is Brother Xie Ming your loves Sir Millie behind the camp the strategist.” “但如果得到她的认可,能够得到的支持也会是最大的。当然,肯定是谢铭老兄你这个爱蜜莉雅大人阵营背后操盘手。” Therefore this morning young lady and I said this matter time, I have not believed. The friend who single-handedly planned such big magnificent ceremony you, will have the matter to look for us unexpectedly.” “所以今早大小姐和我说这事的时候,我还不相信呢。一手策划了这么大的盛典的老兄你,居然还会有事来找我们。” If Ok, I do not want to look.” “如果可以,我也不想来找。” Xie Ming sighed: But does not have the means that now thinks carefully, actually the world has given the answer, but no one discovers.” 谢铭叹了口气:“但没办法,现在仔细想想,其实世界早就给出了答案,只是没有人发现而已。” „ To stabilize thoroughly, the strength that four kings choose must. “想要彻底安定下来,四名王选择的力量都是必须的。 „, Too difficult matter friend you with the young lady said that I am one work smelly. How the young lady wants me to do, how I do am.” ”“啊,太难的事情老兄你还是和大小姐说吧,我就是一臭打工的。大小姐要我怎么做,我就怎么做就是。” Hehe, This One appreciates one of your reasons, was you have self-knowledge? Al.” “呵呵呵,妾身欣赏你的原因之一,就是你有自知之明哦?阿尔。” That also really many thanks.” “那还真是多谢了啊。” Wears the blonde young girl of bright red ritual skirt, grasps the folding fan to walk slowly toward here. 身着艳红礼裙的金发少女,手持折扇缓缓朝着这里走来。 Has saying that the appearance of young girl under shining of sunlight, even does not belong to love Millie. 不得不说,少女的容貌在阳光的照耀下,甚至不属于爱蜜莉雅。 If said that loves Millie is the gentle pure lily, then the present young girl is the scarlet rose that incomparably blooms gorgeously and recklessly. 若说爱蜜莉雅是温柔纯洁的百合,那么眼前的少女便是无比艳丽、肆意绽放的大红玫瑰。 Priscilla postscript Lieres.” “普莉希拉・跋利耶尔。” „Hasn't the This One previous time said with you? Called the This One name to be then good directly, Xie Ming.” 妾身上次没有和你说吗?直接称呼妾身的名字便好,谢铭。” The Priscilla corners of the mouth curl upwards: Previous time This One on Wang Xuan has then said that sooner or later some day you can arrive in front of This One.” 普莉希拉嘴角微翘:“上次在王选上妾身便说过,迟早有一天你会自己来到妾身面前。” „Hasn't This One spoken incorrectly?” 妾身没有说错吧?” „, You have not spoken incorrectly, was I speaks incorrectly.” Xie Ming ill-humored saying: Satisfaction?” “啊,你没有说错,是我说错了。”谢铭没好气的说道:“满意了吗?” Hehe, this is progressive.” “呵呵呵,这是进步。” Enters again, Priscilla smiles beautifully: From the initial resistance, to driving visit that the present does not prefer. Arrived finally, you will definitely prostrate oneself under the This One skirt.” 再次走进,普莉希拉明媚一笑:“从最初的抗拒,到现在不情愿的主动上门。到最后,你肯定会拜倒在妾身的裙下。” That is not possible, you feel relieved.” Xie Ming light saying: Chatted arrived here, I had the proper business to look your.” “那是不可能的,你放心吧。”谢铭淡淡的说道:“闲聊就到这里吧,我是有正事才来找你的。” Related Strega (Witch) teaches right?” “有关魔女教对吧?” Priscilla turns on the folding fan: You want to make This One with other these people same, helping you cope with Strega (Witch) to teach.” 普莉希拉打开折扇:“你想让妾身和其他那些人一样,帮助你对付魔女教。” No, perhaps you responsibility that wants This One to hold the post, but must be heavier.” “不,或许你想要妾身担任的职责,还要更重。” Right.” “没错。” Regarding Priscilla, Xie Ming does not want to circle the big circle: I seek your reason, then wants to draw support from your divine protection, discovers has submerged big crime Si teach to king.” 对于普莉希拉,谢铭并不想绕多大圈子:“我来找你的原因,便是想借助你的加护,找出已经潜入到王都里的大罪司教。” If can achieve, I hope that you can get rid of her directly.” “如果能做到的话,我希望你能直接干掉她。” Un, your request This One can accept.” Priscilla shows a faint smile: But, can you be used to return This One?” “嗯,你的请求妾身可以接受。”普莉希拉微微一笑:“但,你要用什么来回报妾身呢?” No.” “没有。” Xie Ming tranquil saying: I am not request your, but is invites your.” 谢铭平静的说道:“我不是来请求你的,而是来邀请你的。” If you are willing to join this temporary union, then works. If you do not want, getting down that then can continue to stick to one's own way of doing things.” “如果你愿意加入这临时同盟,那么就做事。如果你不愿意,那么就可以继续我行我素的下去。” I do not have the too much time and you in this waste, you give me directly a result on the line.” “我也没太多的时间和你在这浪费,你就直接给我一个结果就行。” Agreement, is the rejection.” “同意,还是拒绝。” ....... “.......” The smile on Priscilla face disappears slowly, is looking at each other with Xie Ming mutually. 普莉希拉脸上的笑容缓缓消失,和谢铭互相对视着。 The divine protection of Sun, is gives her various actions to supplement and correct. This supplementing and correcting is not other, before Priscilla acts one judgment that is similar to the intuition. 太阳的加护,是给予她各种行动补正。这种补正不是别的,正是普莉希拉行动前的一种类似于直觉的判断。 Does that is correct, pondered, then the matter will then defer to that oneself think. 这么做是正确的,这么去思考,那么事情便会按照自己所想的发生。 Therefore the divine protection that Priscilla has, does not make the world coordinate her to rotate, but was she knows rule that the world is going to rotate, thus was stood by oneself in the rotation center. 所以普莉希拉拥有的加护,并不是让世界配合她来转动,而是她知道了世界将要转动的规律,从而让自己站在转动的中心。 But now the divine protection gives her feeling is, complies with the invitation of Xie Ming. By doing so, is the best choice. 而现在加护给予她的感觉是,答应谢铭的邀请。这样做,才是最好的选择。 But, who her Priscilla is, will she concede? 但,她普莉希拉是什么人,她会就这么服输吗? Is impossible. 不可能的。 Al, sees a visitor out.” “阿尔,送客。” The young girl of blonde turns around to leave: If changes the mind, welcome you to come to request me at any time again well, Xie Ming.” 金发的少女转身离开:“如果改变主意的话,随时欢迎你再次过来好好的请求我,谢铭。” Relax, will not have that condition.” Xie Ming light saying: In this world, whom nothing was short of unable to achieve.” “放心,不会出现那种状况的。”谢铭淡淡的说道:“这个世界上,没有任何事情是少了谁就做不到的。” This tortuous path, I also cajole into.” ( to be continued ) “这点弯路,我还绕得起。”(未完待续)
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