RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1798: Why insisted

Were oneself doing at that time? Oneself finally and beautiful young girl met in ..... the exciting sigh. 自己当时在干什么?自己在.....兴奋的感叹终于和美少女相遇了。 But in Pandora after exposing name, is because the panic in heart, all threw into beyond the highest heavens all confession. Finally was also designed by Pandora, killed the poor|Fei Luti personally .... 而在潘朵拉自曝姓名后,则是因为心中的恐慌,将所有的交代全都抛到了九霄云外。最后还被潘朵拉设计,亲手杀死了菲鲁特.... ....... “.......” Saw that vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades are silent, Xie Ming does not have then to press for an answer downward. To come, why this fellow does not have meddlesome. 见到菜月昴沉默,谢铭也没有接着往下逼问。想来,这家伙就没干什么好事。 He and this looks that young old Youkai is different, is the juicy high-school student, moreover is curls upwards study that issue high-school student. 况且,他和自己这个看着年轻的老妖怪不一样,是水灵灵的高中生,而且是翘学的那种问题高中生。 In addition because of own reason, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades has not received so many misery and disciplining. 再加上因为自己的原因,菜月昴并没有受到那么多的苦难和磨练。 Even if there is guidance of Seine Ha Luti, the thought and character are not the things that easily can change. However the Xie Ming good and evil is also the former high school teacher, naturally is understands how should enlighten vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades such child. 哪怕有着莱茵哈鲁特的教导,思想和性格也不是那么轻易就能改变的东西。不过谢铭好歹也是前高中老师,自然是明白该怎么来开导菜月昴这样的小孩。 Reprimanding must, but cannot be on outwardly. Scolding merely is only the method, rather than ultimate goal. 斥责是必须的,但并不是必须是明面上的。责骂仅仅只是手段,而不是最终的目的。 So long as can make the student realize own mistake, then can definitely this step exempting. 只要能让学生认识到自己的错误,那么完全可以将这个步骤给免去。 Then, then opens heart. 接下来,便是交心。 To win others' trust, what first needs is must pay own trust. Although Xie Ming has paid the trust, but vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades have not understood this point. 想要获得别人的信任,首先需要的是要付出自己的信任。虽然谢铭已经付出了信任,但菜月昴并没有理解这一点。 Therefore, now is to make him understand that is good. 所以,现在是要让他理解才行。 Pleiades, perhaps when just started, you thought that I do give you this duty to send you?” “昴,或许在刚开始的时候,你觉得我给你这个任务是在打发你吧?” Xie Ming tranquil saying: Duty that but, you assume, is in us most is unreplaceable.” 谢铭平静的说道:“但,你所承担的任务,才是我们所有人中最不可替代的。” Even if not I, some people can process Pandora. Even if not love Millie, others can also make Strega (Witch) teach to turn out in full strength with other ways.” “哪怕不是我,也有人可以处理潘朵拉。哪怕不是爱蜜莉亚,其他人也可以用其他的方式让魔女教倾巢而出。” But only has you, only has with Satella has the you of cause and contract, can the Pandora true attraction.” “但唯有你,唯有和莎缇拉有着因缘和契约的你,才能将潘朵拉真正的吸引出来。” Perhaps Satella gives you death returned to the power, was hopes that you can become the hero, can become key that solved Pandora. Also perhaps, she wants to make you happy.” “或许莎缇拉给你‘死亡回归’的权能,就是希望你能够成为英雄,能够成为解决潘朵拉的关键。又或许,她只是想让你幸福。” Lets you no longer because of the wrong choice, but is unable to recall, making you be able through attempt time and time again, holds thing that oneself want truly. This power, Satella should hold the blessing to send out.” “让你不再因为错误的选择而无法挽回,让你能够通过一次又一次的尝试,抓住自己真正想要的事物。这份权能,莎缇拉应该是抱着祝福送出的。” „...... What's the big deal?” “......那又如何?” Saying of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades face deathly stillness: ” In any case now, why also late. ” 菜月昴一脸死寂的说道:”反正现在,干什么也晚了。” Everyone all died, gave me this strength Satella also dead, wanted to recall, is unable to recall.” “大家全都死了,给我这份力量的莎缇拉也死了,想要挽回,也无法挽回了。” No, but can also recall.” “不,还可以挽回。” What?” “什么?” You believe that I for what especially gets together the world source?” “你认为,我是为了什么才特地的将世界本源重新聚合起来?” Xie Ming smiles, gives vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades a jet black seed: After I cut massacres Pandora, the consciousness of Satella had short awakens.” 谢铭笑了笑,将一颗漆黑的种子递给菜月昴:“在我斩杀掉潘朵拉之后,莎缇拉的意识有了短暂的苏醒。” She, uses a oneself final strength, condensed this power for you.” “她,使用自己最后的一丝力量,为你重新凝聚了这个权能。” Until finally, her is also believing you, is believing you can save everyone, believes that you can hold your happiness.” “直到最后,她也相信着你,相信着你能拯救大家,相信你能抓住自己的幸福。” I ..... “我.....” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades sit to set out, puts out a hand toward the seed. But extends half, suddenly stopped. 菜月昴坐起身来,朝着种子伸手。但伸到一半,突然又停了下来。 He flinched, he was afraid. 他退缩了,他害怕了。 Recalled that Pandora that demonic nature smile, recalled the start that the corpse of poor|Fei Luti, he cannot stop is afraid. 回想起潘朵拉那魔性的笑容,回想起菲鲁特的尸体,他止不住的开始害怕起来。 He is afraid Pandora, is afraid itself to screw up again. 他害怕潘朵拉,更害怕自己再一次搞砸。 Obviously is very simple matter, he is actually afraid himself unable to complete. 明明是非常简单的事情,他却害怕自己做不好。 Why is I?” “为什么是我?” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades grasp the head slowly: I am not fierce like you, I have no broad ideal, I have crossed just passed through to the different world was excited.” 菜月昴缓缓抱住脑袋:“我不像你那么厉害,我也没有什么远大的理想,我早就过了刚穿越到异世界的兴奋了。” Everyone, everyone of Lancet Treia family/home is living diligently. Even if Rhine Luti, he also has oneself worry.” “大家,阿斯特雷亚家的大家都是在努力生活着。哪怕是莱因哈鲁特,他也有着自己的烦恼。” I do not want to become am incompatible with everyone, therefore I try hard, effort that I go all out! Disregards these words diligently, every day goes to trouble Rhine Luti ..... finally, finally obtained the approval! Finally made them acknowledge me!” “我不想变得和大家格格不入,所以我努力,我拼命的努力了!努力无视那些话,每天去麻烦莱因哈鲁特.....终于,终于得到了认可!终于让他们承认了我!” I already enough! I am tired! Persisting in so being why difficult!” “我已经够了!我已经累了!坚持为什么会这么困难啊!” „Can you give up?” “那你要放弃吗?” „......” “......” Valley lt ; /spangt ; Yes, persists in very being indeed difficult..” Saying of Xie Ming quite sigh: Particularly cannot see insistence of end, cannot feel and cannot see progressive insistence, is to make people feel desperate.” 谷lt;/spangt;“是啊,坚持的确很困难。。”谢铭颇为感叹的说道:“尤其是看不到尽头的坚持,感觉不到、看不到进步的坚持,更是让人感到绝望。” „The innumerable suspicions, innumerable will want to give up. But, actually under that determination.” “会无数次的怀疑,会无数次的想要放弃。但,却又总是下不了那个决心。” Can think insisted again... insisted again... insists the words again, can perhaps succeed, can perhaps obtain the achievement.” “会想着再坚持一下...再坚持一下...再坚持一下的话,或许就能成功了,或许就能得到成果了。” But sees, that cannot look at the end path.” “但所看到的,还是那望不到尽头的道路。” Xie Ming, you .... 谢铭,你....” „Very surprised?” “很惊讶?” Xie Ming is smiling to vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades: You thought that I and Rhine Luti is the same, has this strength inborn?” 谢铭对着菜月昴笑了笑:“你觉得我和莱因哈鲁特一样,是天生拥有这份力量的吗?” How possibly.” “怎么可能。” Started to practice starting from that day of blade to calculate from me, from all sides in addition the time, how said that must have over a hundred years. Will come across the setback like Rhine Luti, how won't I probably meet?” “从我开始练刀的那天开始计算,前前后后加起来的时间,怎么说都得有个上百年了。像莱因哈鲁特都会遇到挫折,我怎么可能不会遇到?” Mistake that the setback and barrier that I come across, I make, too many were too many.” “我遇到的挫折和障碍,我所犯下的错误,太多太多了。” „To know how I overcome?” “想知道我是怎么克服过来的吗?” „......” “......” „Very simple, thought that gave up too wasting.” “很简单,觉得放弃太浪费了。” Ha?” “哈啊?” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades gawked, he thinks that the reply of Xie Ming can be anything ‚, because wants to insist ‚, because the surrounding person has been supporting and so on words. 菜月昴愣了一下,他以为谢铭的回答会是什么‘因为想要坚持下去’‘因为周围的人一直在支持着自己’之类的话。 Finally, unexpectedly is this? 结果,居然是这个? Too waste.” “太浪费了啊。” Xie Ming sighed: I insisted the present with great difficulty, if gave up, didn't the time that beforehand effort, spent before all waste?” 谢铭感叹道:“我好不容易坚持到现在了,如果放弃,那之前的努力,之前付出的时间不全都浪费了吗?” That is not cost-effective.” “那也太不划算了。” I do not try hard for others, I try hard for myself. All time and energy that I spend , are improving themselves in the final analysis, making oneself grow.” “我不是为了别人而努力,我是为了自己而努力。我所付出的所有时间和精力,归根到底都是在为了自己,是在完善自己,让自己成长。” I for you, but diligently, this is giving itself to give a pretext. In fact, and no one and I had said ‚asked that for my again diligently one in this case.” “‘我是为了你而努力的’,这样的话只是在给自己借口而已。实际上,并没有人和我说过‘拜托了,为了我再努力一下吧’这样的话。” Pleiades are you also this not? And no one requests you to go diligently, but you are not willing such to get down, is not willing to become a having no merit to speak of person.” “昴你也是这样不是吗?并没有人去要求你去努力,只是你不愿意就那样下去,不愿意成为一个一无是处的人。” Therefore you will try hard, because of your effort, affected many people, changed many people.” “因此你才会努力,而因为你的努力,也影响了许多的人,改变了许多的人。” Rhine Luti was changed, the poor|Fei Luti was changed, the people of Lancet Treia family/home were changed them, was changed by you diligently.” “莱因哈鲁特被改变了,菲鲁特被改变了,阿斯特雷亚家的人被改变他们,都是被努力的你改变的。” After knowing these, you also thought that your effort hasn't returned?” “在知道这些后,你还觉得自己的努力没有回报吗?” „...... And I said so many, but pure, because only then I go back, can save everyone?” “......和我说这么多,只是单纯因为只有我回去,才能救到大家吧?” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades said suddenly: If yourself can achieve, you will definitely not manage me.” 菜月昴突然说道:“如果你自己能做到,你肯定不会管我。” Nonsense.” “废话。” Xie Ming accidental/surprised looks at vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades: If I can achieve, I also here rubbish.” 谢铭意外的看着菜月昴:“如果我自己就能做到,我还在这里废什么话啊。” Your this bastard .... “你这个混蛋....” Held the black seed in Xie Ming hand, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades saying ruthlessly: Good, I do to you look! I insisted that gives you to look!” 一把抓住了谢铭手中的黑色种子,菜月昴狠狠的说道:“好啊,我就做给你看!我就坚持给你看!” Regardless of one time is ten times, I will insist!” “不论一次还是十次,我都会坚持下去!” You think that who I am! I am vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades! Changes the man of Lancet Treia family/home by one's effort!” “你以为我是谁啊!我可是菜月昴!是以一己之力改变阿斯特雷亚家的男人!” Un.” “嗯。” Xie Ming hit a sound to refer , the consciousness of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades went far away slowly. 谢铭打了个响指,菜月昴的意识缓缓远去。 Bon voyage.” “一路顺风。” Your this bastard ..... “你这混蛋.....” First greeted to me .... 好歹,先给我打个招呼啊.... https:// https:// Talent one second remembers the home station address:. Cell phone version reading website: 天才一秒记住本站地址:。手机版阅读网址:
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