RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1797: You are making anything

In the world does not have anything not to have because of the fruitless matter absolutely, this is when Xie Ming senses the infinite and only principle the conclusion under institute. 世界上绝对不存在什么无因无果的事情,这是在谢铭感悟无限与唯一之理时所下的定论。 The thing that you see, only has the tip of the iceberg forever. 你看到的东西,永远只有冰山一角。 The world light is knows that the Seine Ha Luti that unapproachable strength, actually no one knows, studies Seine Ha Luti so to be why unapproachable. 世人都光是知道莱茵哈鲁特那无可匹敌的实力,却没有人去知晓、去研究莱茵哈鲁特为什么这么无可匹敌。 Because of the know-nothing party, can only see the thing the surface. 因为无知者,只能看到事物的表面。 Naturally, if with Seine Ha Luti this matter, that obviously somewhat bullied the person. After all, not who can be the same with Xie Ming, with ‚the world the angle regards individual. 当然,如果拿莱茵哈鲁特这件事来说的话,那明显是有些欺负人了。毕竟,并不是谁都能和谢铭一样,用‘世界’的角度去看待‘个体’。 Even if Xie Ming, and envies after Seine Ha Luti Strega (Witch) fights, the matter that detects. 况且哪怕是谢铭,也是在莱茵哈鲁特和嫉妒魔女交手后,才察觉的这件事。 Hence, all puzzles collected finally entire. 至此,所有的拼图才终于收集全了。 From zero potential surface without a doubt is an extremely special potential surface, the potential surface consciousness of this potential surface is also in the dim condition. Does not have the means to exchange, light to the instinct that can ignore. “从零”位面毫无疑问是一个极为特殊的位面,这个位面的位面意识还处于朦胧的状况。没有办法交流,只有淡薄到可以忽略不计的本能。 But the world source of potential surface, just like the moon/month world, same is divided into two kinds with most world. 而位面的世界本源,也和型月世界一样,和其他大多数世界一样分为两类。 The source of the world, human source. 世界的本源,人类的本源。 The former is according to the divine protection that qualifications grants, the latter is the source of human gathering father desire. 前者是根据资格者而赐予的加护,后者则是人类汇聚爹欲望之源。 The divine protection and power keep in balance mutually, if there is a power great strength birth, that must have the divine protection great strength appearance. 加护和权能相互制衡,如有权能强大者诞生,那也必有加护强大者出现。 400 years ago, corresponds big crime Strega (Witch), is the sword Saint and dragon God, Great Sage and the others. 四百年前,对应大罪魔女们的,便是剑圣、龙神、大贤者等人。 But now, the corresponding almost centralization can for envy Strega (Witch), then be a volume of divine protection is a Seine Ha Luti. 而如今,对应几乎集权能为一身的嫉妒魔女的,便是集加护为一身的莱茵哈鲁特。 Two people battles, are actually equivalent to the desire of the world and person battle. both sides, are not possible to decide a high under victory and defeat in the strength. 两人的交战,其实就相当于世界与人的欲望交战。双方,是不可能在力量上分出一个高下胜负的。 But Pandora, actually found the weakness of the world. 但潘朵拉,却找到了世界的弱点。 The world battle efficiency, the world cannot only grant people the divine protection, the guide protects. 世界本身并没有战斗力,世界只能赐予人加护,引导人来守护。 Like the root of power, is coming from the human desire. Allocation of divine protection, must be able to display the limit in the life of enough reliable enough qualifications similarly. 正如同权能的根源,是来自于人类的欲望。加护的赋予,同样也是要在足够可靠足够资格的生命上才能发挥到极限。 If Seine Ha Luti died, then the life of next qualifications possibly is the dragon, is the elf, is half elf, is the dwarf .... 如果莱茵哈鲁特死去,那么下一个资格的生命可能是龙,是精灵,是半精灵,是矮人.... But now, this qualifications is Seine Ha Luti. 但现在,这个资格者是莱茵哈鲁特。 But Seine Ha Luti is not a god, person who he also has the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures. 而莱茵哈鲁特并不是神,他同样也是有着七情六欲的人。 So long as is the person, then definitely will have a flaw. Is concocted, is this flaw that Strega (Witch) Pandora holds. 而只要是人,那么就必然会有所破绽。虚饰魔女潘朵拉所抓住的,便是这个破绽。 Loyalty of Seine Ha Luti. 莱茵哈鲁特的忠诚。 Sometimes, the good personal character that is unable to adjust to be equal to the shortcoming. 有的时候,无法变通的好品德等同于缺点。 In seeing stupor vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, after dying still by the poor|Fei Luti that Pandora plays with, Seine Ha Luti's extraordinary anger. 在见到昏迷的菜月昴,和死去后依然被潘朵拉玩弄的菲鲁特时,莱茵哈鲁特出奇的愤怒起来了。 Acting as world, the anger of Seine Ha Luti, is equal to the anger of the world. 作为世界的代行者,莱茵哈鲁特的愤怒,等同于世界的愤怒。 The land cracks, the sky covers entirely the lightning, the cold wind withers. 大地崩裂,天空布满闪电,寒风肃杀。 In that instance, actually Seine Ha Luti obtained many divine protections, perhaps Seine Ha Luti this party concerned does not know. 在那一个瞬间,莱茵哈鲁特究竟获得了多少加护,恐怕就连莱茵哈鲁特这个当事者也不知道。 To cope with the angry Seine Ha Luti, envies the Strega (Witch) power also to open completely. Tens of thousands of invisible hands, swallow all black mud to be similar to the tide to turn toward this red hair sword Saint to well up generally. 而为了对付愤怒的莱茵哈鲁特,嫉妒魔女的权能也全部开放。成千上万的不可视之手,吞噬一切的黑泥都如同浪潮一般向着这位红发剑圣涌去。 Hair such as youth of flame generally flaming combustion, is grasps sword of cutting repeatedly brilliance to open the darkness. 头发如火焰一般熊熊燃烧的青年,则是手持光辉之剑一遍又一遍的斩开黑暗。 Xie Ming has not chosen the help, because he understands that oneself should do at this moment, matter that only then he can achieve. 谢铭并没有选择上去帮忙,因为他明白自己此刻应该做的,只有他能够做到的事情。 Maintains the world frame at the same time, protects possibly to reverse all these hopes only. 维持住世界框架的同时,保护住唯一可能逆转这一切的希望。 Although now this aspect, is useless because this hope causes is. 虽然如今这局面,是因为这个‘希望’不中用导致的就是。 However to be honest, Xie Ming felt oneself give the duty that vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades arrange is not actually difficult. The person who found doubtful Pandora, then informed him with Magic. 不过说实话,谢铭觉得自己给菜月昴安排的任务其实不难啊。找到疑似潘朵拉的人,然后用魔法来通知他。 Is he does not have the confession to be clear? Xie Ming remembers what clearly oneself at that time and vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades said was 【After finding existence of doubtful goal, uses Magic to inform immediately These words. 是他没有交代清楚吗?谢铭非常清楚的记得自己当时和菜月昴说的是【找到疑似目标的存在后,立马使用魔法通知】这句话啊。 Even if you put a Yin attribute foundation Magic gauze curtain casually, Xie Ming can also the earliest possible time detect. But the entire journey, the kings have not presented any Magic to fluctuate. 哪怕你随便放一个阴属性的基础魔法纱幕,谢铭也能够第一时间察觉到。可全程,王都中没有出现任何魔法波动。 Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades asked that Xie Ming made anything, Xie Ming also wants to ask that vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades made anything. 菜月昴问谢铭做了些什么,谢铭还想问菜月昴做了些什么呢。 Saw after the goal, puts the Magic such simple matter, can't achieve? 就见到目标后放个魔法这样简单的事,都做不到吗? However vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades can vent the anger like this, Xie Ming cannot. Because Xie Ming knows, this incompetent is not meaningful wildly with rage. 不过菜月昴可以这样发泄怒气,谢铭不能。因为谢铭知道,这种无能狂怒没有任何意义。 Generally speaking, everyone in this world died, was only left over several of us is not the person in this world.” “总体来说,这个世界上的所有人都死了,只剩下了我们几个不属于这个世界的人。” Xie Ming casual sitting by vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades that lies on the ground: Although I successfully killed Pandora finally, recaptured everyone's life.” 谢铭随便的坐在了趴在地上的菜月昴旁边:“虽然我最后成功杀死了潘朵拉,夺回了大家的生命。” But, merely is the life.” “但,也仅仅是生命。” Depends on the function of the world tree and record, I maintained the frame of this world reluctantly, consolidated the source of the world in the frame, is waiting for the fusion of the again source and frame.” “靠着世界树和图录的作用,我勉强维持住了这个世界的框架,将世界的本源稳固在框架中,等待着本源和框架的再次融合。” But this, requires the incomparably long time. Even the restoration, that is still opening of new world, has no relations with the beforehand world.” “可这个,需要无比漫长的时间。就算恢复,那也是新世界的开启,和之前的世界没有任何关系。” „...... Your person?” “......你身边的人呢?” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades turn over/stand up the nosebleed that wiped under to fall, indifferent asking: „Did you also see somebody in danger and do nothing to them?” 菜月昴翻身抹了下摔出的鼻血,冷漠的问道:“你也对她们见死不救了吗?” Their bodies I preserved.” “她们的身体我保存了下来。” „, You also are really the cold blood monster.” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades sneer to taunt: Your these people, should quite trust you.” “呵,你还真是个冷血的怪物。”菜月昴冷笑着嘲讽道:“你身边那些人,应该相当信赖你吧。” Not is only your person, Rhine Luti and storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates, even the poor|Fei Luti is also willing to believe you. However, is capable of saving their you actually to see somebody in danger and do nothing.” “不仅仅是你身边的人,莱因哈鲁特、库珥修,甚至菲鲁特也愿意相信你。然而,有能力拯救她们的你却见死不救。” Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades, what did you make a mistake?” “菜月昴,你是不是弄错了什么?” What?” “什么?” Why you believe, I am capable of saving them?” Xie Ming coldly looks at vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades: I, if can rescue, I can not rescue?” “你为什么会认为,我有能力救她们?”谢铭冷冷的看着菜月昴:“我要是能救,我会不救吗?” „!!!!!” “!!!!!” Was given to daunt by the Xie Ming ice-cold vision, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades swallowed a saliva, somewhat could not speak. 谢铭冰冷的目光给吓住,菜月昴咽了口口水,有些说不出话来。 ..... I explained with you slightly.” “.....我稍微和你解释一下吧。” Under represses vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades by the anger that shoulder, Xie Ming tranquil saying: Because is concocted the Strega (Witch) power to be unclear, therefore I have not said all plans.” 按捺下被菜月昴挑起的怒火,谢铭平静的说道:“因为虚饰魔女的权能不明,所以我并没有将所有计划都说出去。” Said that merely is some key points. And a key point is you, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades.” “说的,仅仅是一些关键点。其中一个关键点便是你,菜月昴。” Is concocted the Strega (Witch) goal, without doubt envies Strega (Witch). But to you who envying Strega (Witch) and Satella settle on, is the best bait. Therefore, I am the plan fish to be concocted Strega (Witch) this big fish with you.” “虚饰魔女的目的,无疑是嫉妒魔女。而对嫉妒魔女莎缇拉看中的你,则是最佳的鱼饵。所以,我是打算用你来钓起虚饰魔女这条大鱼。” You have the divine protection that the death returned, therefore was concocted Strega (Witch) not to dare to begin to you casually. If your opinion strong determination decides, then the actual situation Strega (Witch) power does not have the means to interfere with you.” “你有着死亡回归的加护,所以虚饰魔女不敢随便对你动手。如果你意志坚定,那么虚实魔女的权能也没有办法干涉到你。” Therefore, you are most appropriate.” “因此,你是最合适的。” So long as you when seeing to be concocted Strega (Witch) to release Magic immediately, I then can the earliest possible time detect, will be concocted Strega (Witch) to draw to her not to have the place of means display power to solve.” “只要你在见到虚饰魔女时立马释放魔法,我便能第一时间察觉到,将虚饰魔女拉到她没有办法发挥权能的地方解决掉。” Xie Ming light looks at vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades: You should be first see to be concocted the Strega (Witch) person. I have also told you, saw is concocted Strega (Witch) time must release Magic immediately.” 谢铭淡淡的看着菜月昴:“你应该是第一个见到虚饰魔女的人。我也告诉过你,见到虚饰魔女的时候要立马释放魔法。” But you have not done that.” “但你并没有这么做。” Therefore I want to ask you, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. In detecting to be concocted Strega (Witch) in front of you, what are you making?” “所以我想问问你,菜月昴。在察觉到虚饰魔女在你面前的时候,你在做些什么?”
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