RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1796: The endless loop of non-solution

Your this bastard!!!” “你这混蛋!!!” Hears the reply of Xie Ming, could not repress vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades diligently to shake the fist to punch ruthlessly to the face of Xie Ming. But was extended the foot to stumble by Xie Ming gently, falls down. 听到谢铭的回复,按耐不住努力的菜月昴狠狠挥拳揍向了谢铭的脸。但被谢铭伸脚轻轻一绊,摔倒在地。 Perhaps many people believe, with the Xie Ming character, is impossible to look this matter has anything is not done. 或许很多人都会认为,以谢铭的性格,不可能会看着这种事情发生什么都不做。 But in fact, this he besides cuts to kill Pandora time finally, his anything has not really done. 但事实上,这一次他除了最后斩杀潘朵拉之外,他真的什么都没有做。 Accurate, is he is undoable. 准确的来说,是他不能做。 Because he, if makes anything, matter instead will become worse. Starting from that moment of although, from Pandora envying Strega (Witch) summoning, matter does not have the means to recall. 因为他如果去做些什么的话,事情反而会变得更加糟糕。虽然,从潘朵拉把嫉妒魔女召唤出来的那一刻开始,事情就已经没有办法挽回了。 Here must first inquire, envies Strega (Witch) to get up by the sword Saint and dragon God, the Great Sage three people of common seals. This matter, is the matter that the entire i world know. 这里首先要进行提问,嫉妒魔女是被剑圣、龙神、大贤者三人共同封印起来的。这件事,是整个i世界都知道的事情。 Infers the matter from the result, since three people of energy seals envy Strega (Witch), that showing envies Strega (Witch) definitely is weak collaborates in three people. 从结果来推断事情,既然三人能封印嫉妒魔女,那说明嫉妒魔女肯定是弱于三人联手的。 Then, is really this? 那么,真的是这样吗? In this, was short of a merit of person? 这里面,是不是少了一个人的功劳? Named Satella the merit of young girl. 名为莎缇拉的少女的功劳。 Xie Ming obtains from other big crime Strega (Witch) there, one of the most important news is: Envying Strega (Witch) and Satella is two people. 谢铭从其他大罪魔女那里得到的,最重要的消息之一便是:嫉妒魔女莎缇拉是两个人。 Envies Strega (Witch), after is Satella swallowed other Strega (Witch) factors, because absorbed too many desires personality that but the violent walks. But besides the familiar Satella person, who will know this matter? 嫉妒魔女,是莎缇拉吞噬了其他魔女因子后,因为吸收了太多的欲望而暴走的人格。但除了熟悉莎缇拉的人之外,谁会知道这事? If not Satella goes all out to revolt, lets envy the Strega (Witch) strength to reduce greatly, can the dragon god three people the seal envy Strega (Witch)? 如果不是莎缇拉拼命反抗,让嫉妒魔女的力量大减,龙神三人能够封印嫉妒魔女吗? To come, cannot. 想来,是不能的。 After all initially the generation of sword Saints do not have Seine to be extra-heavy, Divine Dragon had been beaten savagely by lazy Strega (Witch), Great Sage .... Although too did not understand, but evidently not Taihang. 毕竟初代剑圣并没有莱茵哈鲁特强,神龙则是被怠惰魔女暴打过,大贤者嘛....虽然不太了解,但看样子也不太行。 If discussed in envying Strega (Witch) by seal matter, whose merit was biggest, that inevitably was Satella. 所以若论在嫉妒魔女被封印这件事上,谁的功劳最大,那必然是莎缇拉 But Satella after all is a young girl, she also has the weakness to exist. Once this weakness were controlled, then Satella is not then able to suppress to envy the Strega (Witch) personality again. 莎缇拉毕竟是一名少女,她也有着弱点存在。一旦这个弱点被掌控住的话,那么莎缇拉便再也无法压制住嫉妒魔女的人格。 Vegetable/Dish moon/month Pleiades, are she biggest weakness. 菜月昴,就是她最大的弱点。 Perhaps because has with the contract of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, Satella can insist now. But this contract, was given the destruction by Pandora. 或许正是因为有着和菜月昴的契约,莎缇拉才能坚持到现在。可这份契约,被潘朵拉给破坏了。 When the last things that may cause fires blew out at night, then desperate will then swallow all. 当黑夜中的最后一根火烛被吹灭,那么绝望便会吞噬一切。 Swallowed envy Strega (Witch) of half world to break the seal, killed guarded the seal all existed, arrived at the Nika kings. 吞噬了半个世界的嫉妒魔女打破了封印,杀死了看守封印的所有存在,来到了露格尼卡王都。 But is seeing to envy Strega (Witch) that moment, Xie Ming then understands, oneself this plan fail. 而在看到嫉妒魔女的那一刻,谢铭便明白,自己这次的计划失败了。 Even if he has known at this moment is concocted Strega (Witch) at this time in the kings, he does not have the means with be the same, lived in Villain/enemy to prevent the injury to expand through the domain world cover that before thought. 哪怕他此刻已经知道虚饰魔女此时就在王都内,他也没有办法和之前想的一样,通过领域世界罩住敌人来防止伤害扩大。 Because Satella and in the contract of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, mixed with named Pandora's foreign matter. 因为莎缇拉和菜月昴的契约中,夹杂了一个名为潘朵拉的异物。 If he Pandora inhaling the domain world, then envies Strega (Witch) and vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades same will also arrive at the domain world. At the appointed time, the world will then destroy from the root directly. 如果他将潘朵拉给吸入到领域世界,那么嫉妒魔女和菜月昴也一样会来到领域世界当中。届时,世界便会从根源上直接毁灭。 The most essential place, is envies Strega (Witch) to swallow half world. This on behalf , the half source of this potential surface, is envying Strega (Witch) within the body. 其最关键的地方,便是嫉妒魔女吞噬过半个世界。这代表着,这个位面的半个本源,在嫉妒魔女的体内。 Xie Ming integrates it to own world, was equivalent seized the half source of this potential surface all of a sudden. 谢铭将其纳入到自己的世界,就相当于一下子夺走了这个位面的半个本源。 That this world, was definitely finished all of a sudden. The star was finished, source connected the person with this world all was also finished. 那这个世界,肯定是一下子就完蛋了。星球完蛋,和这个世界的本源相连的人也全完蛋。 If the ordinary domain world, surely does not have this issue. But the Xie Ming domain world may be different, that is based on the world embryonic form of Karbala life tree foundation design. 如果是普通的领域世界,肯定没有这种问题。可谢铭的领域世界可不同,那可是以卡巴拉生命树为基础设计的世界雏形。 Even if has not grown, Xie Ming domain world position standard also by far tall passed/lived all potential surfaces. 哪怕还没有成长起来,谢铭的领域世界位格也远远高过所有位面。 World embryonic form that such is higher than from zero potential surface, wrapped from zero the half world source of potential surface, what is that representative? 这么一个高于“从零”位面的世界雏形,包裹住了“从零”位面的半个世界本源,那代表着什么? On behalf of the world war, is representing the source between world to swallow .... From strict, should be called the source to return. 代表着世界之战,代表着世界之间的本源吞噬....从严格上来讲,应该叫做本源回归。 The child potential surface that the present myriad potential surfaces are completely the Karbala life tree record initial owner creates the seat of honor surface institute that split, because the innumerable potential surfaces were destroyed, the child potential surface was unable to gather the seat of honor surface again. 现在的万千位面全部都是卡巴拉生命树图录最初的拥有者创造出的主位面所分裂出的子位面,而因为无数位面被毁,子位面已经无法再重新汇聚成主位面。 But now , the brand-new seat of honor surface embryonic form appeared. 但现在,又有一个全新的主位面雏形出现了。 This looks like two completely same machineries, lacking that machinery inside components broken broken, damaged damaging, lacks, but can also revolve, having energy that can actuate. 这就像是两个完全相同的机械,其中一个机械里面的零件破的破,损的损,缺的缺,但还能运转,有着可以驱动的能量。 Another machinery, all components complete complete, but lacks the energy. 另一个机械,所有零件都齐全完备,但缺能量。 The energy of named world source. 名为世界本源的能量。 But how does the world source become many? One is trains to grow slowly, another... naturally plundered. 而世界本源怎么变多呢?一个是自己慢慢培养成长,另一个...自然就是掠夺了。 No doubt Xie Ming can control the domain world not to plunder, may isolate the function to have. 固然谢铭能够控制住领域世界不进行掠夺,可隔绝作用还是有的。 Potential surface was envied Strega (Witch) to swallow the broken potential surface of half source from zero, because of envying Strega (Witch) exists in this world, can therefore maintain. “从零”位面这个本就被嫉妒魔女吞噬掉半个本源的残破位面,是因为嫉妒魔女而存在于这个世界,所以才能维持下去。 Because envies the Strega (Witch) itself/Ben is this potential surface product, was envied Strega (Witch) to swallow half source actually to be equivalent to one of us to fight, not possibly hits again to break the room. 因为嫉妒魔女本就是这个位面的产物,被嫉妒魔女吞掉半个本源其实就相当于自家人打架,再打也不可能把屋子打破。 But Xie Ming meddles, that is equivalent to the bystander to operate the excavator to come, a shovel adds the ground to exhaust together with half room you together. 谢铭插手,那就相当于外人开着挖土机过来,一铲子把你人连同半个屋子加地基一起挖掉。 If Xie Ming will envy Strega (Witch) to drag into the domain world, is equal to such matter. 如果谢铭将嫉妒魔女拉入到领域世界当中,就等同于这么一回事。 Half part that even if he motionless poached that part, leaves behind still meets to break. When the time comes also comes back again, did not have the significance. 就算他不动被挖走的那部分,留下的半部分也会自己破碎。到时候再还回来,也没有意义了。 If the domain world can entire potential surface integrate directly from zero, that is naturally all right. But now Xie Ming domain world, but also no grows to that degree. 如果领域世界能够直接将整个“从零”位面都纳入进去,那自然没什么事。可现在谢铭的领域世界,还没有成长到那种程度。 Therefore at that time, what Xie Ming faces is an endless loop of non-solution. 所以当时,谢铭面对的是一个无解的死循环。 With envying Strega (Witch) begins directly, will destroy the kings, the casualty are innumerable. The use domain world integrates king words, will also draw together vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. 和嫉妒魔女直接动手,会摧毁王都,死伤无数。使用领域世界纳入王都的话,会把菜月昴也一起拉进来。 But Pandora, envies Strega (Witch) also to come in together, the world destroys. 而潘朵拉、嫉妒魔女也会一同进来,世界毁灭。 Excludes vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades fought complementary waves being killed by shock. Then, this world then lost the final hope. 把菜月昴排除在外,菜月昴会被战斗的余波给震死。那么,这个世界便失去了最后的希望。 How he will not die, but others? 他无论怎么样都不会死,可其他人呢? Loves Millie, Rem, Djafer, Ram .... Everyone will die. Control as world embryonic form, no one compared with after him understood whole world source can achieve anything. 爱蜜莉亚、雷姆、加菲尔、拉姆....所有人都会死。身为世界雏形的掌控者,没有人比他更了解掌控世界本源后能做到什么事。 Simple, you think that who dies who dies. The straight dead demon eye good and evil needs to delimit to the line, the source controls only to need to be moved good then. 简单的来说,你想谁死谁就死。直死魔眼好歹需要对着线划划,本源掌控者只需要动动念头便行。 But, needs the method. 但,需要方法。 After all no matter envies Strega (Witch) to be concocted Strega (Witch), is the spoliators, rather than potential surface creator. Therefore wants to interfere with the world phenomenon, must use the method. 毕竟不管是嫉妒魔女还是虚饰魔女,都是掠夺者,而不是位面创造者。所以想要干涉世界现象,必须要用方法。 Then everyone goes ahead and guesses, what is this method? 那么各位猜猜看,这个方法是什么? What method, can interfere with the world, interferes with the world phenomenon? 什么方法,能够让人来干涉世界,干涉世界现象? When big crime Si Jiaomen initiation suicide without delay attacks, when the Strega (Witch) factor enters to one after another envying Strega (Witch) within the body, Xie Ming then understood. 在大罪司教们一个个二话不说的发起自杀式攻击之时,魔女因子接连进入到嫉妒魔女体内时,谢铭便明白了。 The divine protection, is actually the self-help of the world. 加护,其实是世界的自救。 Through apportions qualifications the source, thus avoids almost having it all like the previous time. Then the strength of overwhelming majority sources, gives on best qualifications. 通过将本源分给资格者,从而避免像上次那样被差点一锅端。然后再将绝大部分的本源之力,给予一个最佳资格者身上。 But this best qualifications ..... is Rhine Luti. 而这个最佳资格者.....便是莱因哈鲁特。
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