POP :: Volume #8

#56: Destiny unparalleled! Wang Anye

Chapter 1002 第1002章 Destiny unparalleled! Wang Anye 气运无双!王安业 ...... …… According to three Array Dao Lord estimates, the ginger did not have because absurdly too young, in addition goes to school array also to be impure attentive, can at most the appearance of sixth pass/test. 原本按照三阵道主的估计,姜无妄因为年龄太小,加上学阵法又用心不纯,至多也就是能过第六关的样子。 So, he arranged older, can actually in the immortal pledge of seventh pass/test the talent ambush him as the subsequent hand. 如此,他才安排了一位年龄较大,却能过第七关的仙阵盟内部天才作为后手狙击他。 At the appointed time he then can have the excuse not to accept the ginger no unseemly behavior disciple, was really not good gives him a reputation of ordinary disciple, the casualness can send. 届时他便能有借口不收姜无妄为徒,实在不行就给他一个普通弟子的名头,随随便便就能打发了。 Actually does not think, can this boy unexpectedly the seventh pass/test? 却不想,这小子竟能过第七关? Matter, became some difficult offices all of a sudden. 事情,一下子变得有些难办了。 Suddenly, three Array Dao Lord did not have the leisurely mood of drinking tea again, then watched the following situation seriously. 一时间,三阵道主再也没有了喝茶的闲心,转而面色凝重地关注起了接下来的局势。 If the ginger does not have passed through the seventh pass/test absurdly merely, although matter difficult office, but following he can also try to find the solution again, but if...... 若是姜无妄仅仅闯过第七关,事儿虽难办,可后续他还能再想想办法,可若是…… No, is impossible! 不,不可能! Three Array Dao Lord shake fiercely. 阵道主猛地甩了甩头。 The ginger not possibly does not have absurdly the eighth pass/test!! 姜无妄绝不可能过第八关!! In fact, then three Array Dao lord oneself continually, when the ginger does not have absurdly this year the discipline, reaches the 7 Star/Big Dipper Array Master level merely reluctantly. 事实上,便是连三阵道自己,在姜无妄这年纪时,也仅仅是勉强达到七星阵法师的水准。 But the later development, makes three Array Dao Lord such as be struck by lightning, the expression on face could not stretch again. 可之后的事情发展,却让三阵道主如遭雷击,脸上的表情再也绷不住了。 Because after spending half double-hour, the ginger did not have passed through the eighth pass/test absurdly unexpectedly seriously roughly, lightened the eighth stars of nine star tablets! 因为在花费了半个时辰后,姜无妄竟然当真磕磕绊绊地闯过了第八关,点亮了九星阵碑的第八颗星辰! Although this eighth pass/test crosses very reluctantly, moreover after entering the ninth pass/test quick was kicked, may eventually be enough eight passes/tests ~!! 虽说这第八关过得十分勉强,而且在进入第九关后很快就被踢了出来,可终究是过了足足八关啊~!! Venus Dao Lord that then has no immediate concern to oneself continually, saw that this development cannot bear the double pupil shine, amazed extremely: Perhaps three brother, your I extremely looked down on the ginger not to have absurdly. Beyond under 3000-year-old young, then can achieve so the achievement on the say/way of array, this ginger does not have can be called one absurdly absolutely having god-given wisdom rare talent ~ 便是连事不关己的长庚道主,见到这发展也忍不住双眸发亮,惊诧万分:“三阵兄,恐怕你我都太过小瞧姜无妄了。以远不到3000岁的稚龄,便能在阵法之道上取得如此成就,这姜无妄绝对称得上一句‘天纵奇才’~ Three Array Dao Lord complexions are also azure white. 阵道主的脸色也是一阵青一阵白。 Previously his assured this boy cannot pass the seventh pass/test, finally others crossed. 先前他笃定这小子过不了第七关,结果人家过了。 Afterward he was also assured this boy unable to pass the eighth pass/test, others also crossed. 后来他又笃定这小子过不了第八关,人家也过了。 The ginger does not have absurdly this boy, gathering is being hits his three Array Dao Lord faces? 姜无妄这小子,合着就是来打他三阵道主脸的吗? Three brother, perhaps you really to that Does not have absurd boy Has the prejudice, otherwise by you attainments on Array Dao, sentences big of disparity not being the extent that in advance.” Venus Dao Lord somewhat looks at three Array Dao lords sigh with emotion, realistic saying, such age such achievement, feared when is three brother you young also slightly was inferior.” “三阵兄,或许你真的对那【无妄小子】有偏见,否则以你在阵道上的造诣,预判差距也不至于如此之大。”长庚道主有些感慨地看着三阵道主,实事求是的说道,“此等年龄此等成就,怕是三阵兄伱年轻之时也略有不如。” His saying to be polite. In fact, three Array Dao Lord initially when the ginger did not have absurdly this age, the strength on Array Dao was well below the ginger did not have absurdly. 他这话已经是客气了。事实上,三阵道主当初在姜无妄这个年龄的时候,在阵道上的实力是远远不如姜无妄的。 Such remarks, three Array Dao Lord hearts even more worry. 此言一出,三阵道主心头愈发烦恼。 He does not want to receive ginger no unseemly behavior Legacy Disciple, but the opposite party comes according to the foot acknowledging as teacher custom, performance so evildoer/monstrous talent, if did not receive on the trouble is big. 他根本不想收姜无妄为衣钵弟子,但对方按足拜师规矩前来,表现又如此妖孽,若是不收就麻烦大了。 What is main, remote antiquity Immortal Emperor will definitely blame in him, what asked that three three, did you have the opinion to this Emperor Venerable? Isn't willing to accept no unseemly behavior disciple?” 最主要的是,太上仙帝肯定会诘难于他,问什么,“三阵啊三阵,你是不是对本帝尊有意见?才不愿意收无妄为徒?” To be honest, three Array Dao Lord have certainly the opinion to remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, but he does not dare to say ~ 说实话,三阵道主对太上仙帝当然是有意见的,可他也不敢说啊~ Then, is various types of small shoes follows on somebody's heels mostly, later did his immortal pledge also live? 然后,多半便是各种小鞋接踵而至,以后他仙阵盟还过不过日子了? Perhaps, the ginger did not have this Legacy he is receives absurdly. 恐怕,姜无妄这衣钵他是收定了。 Only if...... 除非…… In the following inspection crowd, has one to rush to youngster of eighth pass/test again. 在后续的考核人群中,再出一个能闯过第八关的年轻人 However, this possibility? 但是,这可能吗? In a twinkling, three Array Dao Lord faces black like black ink, mood bad to pinnacle. 霎时间,三阵道主脸黑如墨,心情糟糕到了极致。 ****** ****** But at the same time. 而与此同时。 That immortal pledge Elder that under the entrance stele, is responsible for inspecting a face has started to sing excitedly: Does not have from the ginger that ascends the sky absurdly, has passed through the nine star tablet's eighth passes/tests, awards Eight star Array Master Title.” 门口石碑下,负责考核的那位仙阵盟长老已经一脸激动地开始唱喏:“来自太上天的姜无妄,闯过九星阵碑第八关,授予【八星阵法师】称号。” In the Elder look was also full of the shock. 长老眼神中也充满了震惊。 This ginger does not have absurdly young, seriously is the talent unparalleled! At least, when compared with his Elder young, did not know many. 这姜无妄年纪轻轻,当真是天才无双!至少,比他这个长老年轻之时,强了不知多少。 In the square, various whoas, the discussion, the booing is also lingering on faintly. 广场上,各种惊叹声,议论声,起哄声也是不绝于耳。 Reviewed just from nine star tablets the ginger did not have absurdly, was actually shoulders single-handed after behind, the expression on face was calm as usual, an unflustered appearance. 反观刚刚从九星阵碑中出来的姜无妄,却是单手背负在身后,脸上的表情淡定如常,一副从容不迫的模样。 Actually this little while, the ginger does not have absurdly is far from the surface being like that tranquil, instead in the heart is even/including say/way is also lucky. 其实这会儿,姜无妄远没有表面那般平静,反而心中也是连道侥幸。 According to his normal level, this eighth pass/test is actually very sad, to is really relies on the luck finally, staggering along unexpectedly. 按照他正常水准,这第八关其实很难过去,到最后真的是凭借运气,跌跌撞撞的竟然就过了。 If makes him come again, he did not have such good luck mostly. 要是再让他来一遍,他多半就没这么好的运气了。 However, has succeeded the eighth pass/test thanks to him. 不过,也多亏他成功过了第八关。 If only passes seven passes/tests, perhaps three Senior have the reason of shifting responsibility onto others, but this eighth pass/test crosses, whatever three Senior are big to his prejudice , must receive him for Legacy. 若是仅过七关,三阵前辈或许还有推诿的理由,可这第八关一过,任凭三阵前辈对他成见再大,也必然是要收他为衣钵的。 This time, destiny in me. 此番,气运在我。 Facing surroundings cheering and praise sound like surging tides, the ginger did not have even more to be elated with success absurdly, on the handsome face also revealed to wipe the smile unknowingly. 面对周围如潮水般的欢呼和夸赞声,姜无妄愈发春风得意了起来,俊脸上也不知不觉流露出了一抹笑容。 The breeze strokes lightly, his black clothes sleeve drags slightly, seems like even more natural calmly. 微风轻拂,他玄色的衣袂微微摇曳,看起来愈发得潇洒从容。 So sees the situation, was even Wang Anye behind Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder and Elder Zhantian cannot bear open the mouth to approve one. 见得如此情况,便是连王安业身后的紫霜长老斩天长老都忍不住开口赞了一句。 This Jiang Boy indeed one set, worthily is remote antiquity Divine/God Palace careful training future Quasi God Child/Seed.” “这姜小子的确有一套,不愧是太上神宫精心培养的未来准神子。” With the say/way of array, the ginger does not have purely absurdly feared that was young in one generation most powerhouse, did not have one......” “纯以阵法之道而言,姜无妄怕是年轻一代中最强者了,没有之一……” Although two Dao Lord level Elder does not major in array, but to Dao Lord this level, the live time was long, or initiative, or passive, will always learn all kinds of knowledge. 两位道主长老虽都不是主修阵法,但是到了道主这层次,活的时间久了,或主动、或被动,总是会学到各种各样的知识。 On way of arrays, they naturally have browse, by the level, cannot place on a par compared with specialized Array Master of Dao Lord level, but if really goes to nine star tablets to test, mixes six stars, even 7 Star/Big Dipper Array Master to have the possibility. 阵法一道上,他们自然也是有所涉猎的,论水平,比起道主级的专业阵法师自是不能相提并论,但若真去九星阵碑测试的话,混个六星、甚至七星阵法师都是有可能的。 Fierce an arse, looks at that boy one to be able......, is simply exactly the same as the remote antiquity old ghost. Should this boy not be his illegitimate child?” The Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor tone is sour, starts to fabricate a rumor irresponsibly carelessly. “厉害个屁,看那小子一副能的……啧啧,简直与太上老鬼一模一样。这小子该不会是他私生子吧?”南明仙帝的语气酸溜溜的,不负责任地开始胡乱造谣。 Actually Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor also knows, the ginger does not have absurdly this boy is a little skill. He is purely uncomfortable. 其实南明仙帝也知道,姜无妄这小子还是有点本事的。他纯粹就是不爽而已。 Then, Elder Zhantian was even unable to continue watching, ill-humoredly resentment his: Bright boy, acknowledged that others are very difficult? Your tone is so crazy, on your group of you ~ 这下,连斩天长老都看不下去了,没好气地怼了他一句:“阳明小子,承认别人强很难吗?你口气那么狂,你行你上啊~ The Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor eye stares, is good to hang has not been mad a palm of the hand to shout Zhantian (Severing Heaven) flies. 南明仙帝眼睛一瞪,好悬没气得一巴掌把斩天呼飞。 Actually your boy is remote antiquity Divine/God Palace Elder, is my Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple Elder? 你这小子究竟是太上神宫长老,还是我南明神殿长老 Your this dog rebel! 你这狗叛徒! His Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor must go on stage, naturally can link breaks nine passes/tests, did not have that boy to give the suppression the ginger thoroughly absurdly. 南明仙帝要上场,当然是能连破九关,彻底把姜无妄那小子给镇压了。 But then? 可然后呢? His solemn can Immortal Emperor, really do obeisance three that junior Master? 难道他堂堂仙帝,真要去拜三阵那个小辈为师 Also, if the status in his travelling bustling place exposes, was spread. Said that his solemn Immortal Emperor unexpectedly personally being barebacked fate, bullies the remote antiquity Divine/God Palace child, can his Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor face lose completely? 再说了,万一他游历红尘的身份败露,被传扬了出去。说他堂堂仙帝竟然亲自赤膊下场,欺负太上神宫的小孩儿,那他南明仙帝的脸面岂不是要丢尽了? „The Anye boy, is inferior to you. Cannot make that boy surnamed Jiang alone enjoy renown in before.” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor eyeball bone common revolution, swiftly looked to Wang Anye. 安业小子,不如你上吧。不能让那姓姜的小子专美于前。”南明仙帝眼珠子骨碌碌一转,倏的看向了王安业 Even if must disturb and play a dirty trick, must look for an agent. 就算是要捣乱、使坏,也得找个代理人。 On me?” “我上?” Wang Anye was stunned stares in a big way the eye, responded, shook the head hastily: „It is not good, although I slightly understand array, but most can also the sixth pass/test, my mainly practicing direction in sword array on together.” 王安业错愕得瞪大了眼睛,反应过来后连忙摇头:“不行,我虽然略懂阵法,但最多也就能过第六关,我的主要修行方向都在剑阵一道上。” sword array?” 剑阵?” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor swept a Wang Anye behind sword box, cannot bear express admiration: You may really suffice the know-nothing party to be dauntless, others sword cultivator specializes in a sword, can practice successfully the poor devil oneself. Your this cultivates big pile of swords......, hehe the ~ ~ Great Principle boundary said fortunately, waited till Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm, what to do can you?” 南明仙帝扫了一下王安业身后的剑匣,忍不住啧啧称奇:“你可真够无知者无畏的,人家剑修专修一把剑,都能把自己修成穷鬼。你这修一大堆剑……呃,呵呵~~大罗境还好说,等到了混元境,你可怎么办?” It looks like in Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor, sword array dual cultivation unusual weak. 南明仙帝看来,剑阵双修非常鸡肋。 Especially after Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm, others common Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) sword cultivator specializes in Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) dao sword, then the capable person sword unites, Zhantian (Severing Heaven) cuts, breadth of spirit unparalleled. 尤其是到了混元境后,人家寻常混元剑修专修一把混元道剑,便能人剑合一,斩天斩地,气魄无双。 But sword array dual cultivation was different, similarly is Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) dao sword, hits the person in sword array automatically, can be the same in the might in Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) sword cultivator hand? 剑阵双修就不一样了,同样是一把混元道剑,在剑阵中自动打人,和在混元剑修手中的威力能一样吗? Even if in your sword array has Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) dao sword, in addition several Holy Sword, additional one pile of assorted immortal sword, are still cannot compare pure sword cultivator. 就算你剑阵中有一柄混元道剑,外加几柄圣剑,加一堆杂七杂八的仙剑,也是比不过剑修的。 Whatever your big pile of swords fly, I break it from a sword. 任凭你一大堆剑飞来,我自一剑破之。 Why this is pure sword cultivator obviously most down and out, actually some innumerable youngster go after like ducks as before. 这就是为何纯剑修明明多数穷困潦倒,却依旧有无数年轻人趋之若鹜。 The reason does not have it, pure sword cultivator is graceful and strong ~ 原因无它,纯剑修又帅又强啊~ Young frivolous time, who can reject a person of sword, sweeps away the charm of universe? 年少轻狂的时候,谁能拒绝得了一人一剑,横扫乾坤的魅力? Naturally, sword array dual cultivation does not have no merit to speak. 当然,剑阵双修也并非一无是处。 Assuming that supposed merely, your family is especially rich, can match many when Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) dao sword, can collect big pile of Holy Sword, composes true Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) sword array, naturally can become is very very strong. 假设,仅仅是假设啊,你家特有钱,在混元境时能配得起多把混元道剑,又能收集一大堆圣剑,组成真正的混元剑阵,自然会变得很强很强。 Moreover, this type does not have of upper limit. 而且,这种强是没有上限的强。 Considers, sword array dual cultivation when Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm, made dozens handles Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) dao sword, Several hundred handles Holy Sword refining sword array, whom this has not caught to hit who? 试想一下,一个剑阵双修混元境时,一口气弄了几十柄【混元道剑】、几百柄【圣剑祭炼剑阵,这还不是逮谁打谁? Strong sword cultivator comes to kneel. 再强的剑修来都得跪。 Even, so long as is rich enough, disposes some divine sword and so on, even Immortal Emperor can on just a wave. 甚至,只要足够有钱,配置些神剑之类,连仙帝都能刚上一波的。 But this all premises, are Rich. 可这所有一切的前提,是得【有钱】。 Common cultivator raises big pile of swords, did not say that buys cannot afford, light/only the expense of maintenance restoration can make him go bankrupt 100 100. Also Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) sword array, has a dream also almost. 寻常修士养一大堆剑,不说买不买得起,光维护修缮的费用就能让他破产一百遍啊一百遍。还混元剑阵,做梦还差不多。 Wang Anye where can expect the Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor psychological drama so to be unexpectedly full? 王安业哪里能料到南明仙帝内心戏居然这么足? Hears the Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor words, he also has no feeling, tranquil say/way: Bright brother, I very likes sword array dual cultivation. As for consuming money...... also good, I can bear.” 听到南明仙帝的话,他也没什么感觉,平静道:“阳明兄,我挺喜欢剑阵双修的。至于耗钱……还行吧,我能负担的。” Hehe ~ 呵呵~ Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor smiles, has not pestered in this matter again. 南明仙帝只是笑了笑,没有再在此事上纠缠。 Now his goal, must not have absurdly and remote antiquity Immortal Emperor good deed the ginger merely stirring yellow. 现在他的目的,仅仅是要把姜无妄和太上仙帝的好事给搅黄了。 What advantage regarding stirring yellow this matter had to him? That naturally does not have. 至于说搅黄了这件事对他有什么好处?那自然是没有的。 He was happy enough. 他心里爽就够了。 „The Anye boy, you can the sixth pass/test also calculate well, might as well try, perhaps had the miracle ~ Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor shift topic, smiled. 安业小子,你能过第六关也算不错了,不如去试一试,或许就有奇迹了呢~南明仙帝转移话题,嘿嘿一笑。 Wang Anye does not want to respond him, will reject. 王安业不想搭理他,正要拒绝。 Finally among next instant. 结果下一瞬间。 Wang Anye felt that oneself was bound all round by an invisible gentle strength, but also without he responded, had been thrown instantaneously flew in front of nine star tablets. 王安业就感觉自己被一股无形的柔和力量团团裹住,还没等他反应过来,就已经被瞬间抛飞到了九星阵碑前面。 Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder and Elder Zhantian complexion one startled, almost realized simultaneously is not right, immediately wants to put out a hand to fish. 紫霜长老斩天长老脸色一惊,几乎同时意识到了不对,立刻就想伸手把人捞回来。 However, two people eventually was slow one step. 然而,两人终究是慢了一步。 profound qi of their within the body just started to revolve, Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor then stared to block them. 他们体内的玄气才刚刚开始运转,南明仙帝便一瞪眼拦住了他们。 Sound that two condense the bunch, fell in the two Elder ear. 两道凝聚成束的声音,落到了两位长老耳中。 two Elder is dumb as a wooden chicken immediately, looked that becomes the shock to the front youngster vision, but does not dare to believe. 两位长老登时呆若木鸡,看向面前年轻人的目光变得震惊而不敢置信。 Especially Elder Zhantian, is excitedly the look changes, almost the knees one soft kneels down at the scene. 尤其是斩天长老,更是勃然色变,差点双膝一软当场跪倒。 Under Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor vision To watch attentively, he does not dare hurriedly, to depend on opposite party's request, trembling sound to send greetings to Wang Anye: Anye, you listen to the Senior words, rushes to that nine star tablets.” 南明仙帝的目光注视下,他根本不敢造次,只得依着对方的要求,向王安业颤声传音:“安业,你听前辈的话,闯一闯那九星阵碑。” When to this time, where Wang Anye has not known, oneself should be bumps into some person of high skill. 时至此时,王安业哪里还不知道,自己应该是碰到某个“高人”了。 However, the opposite party seems like to oneself also has no evil intention. 不过,对方看起来对自己也没什么恶意。 He turned head to sweep Zhantian (Severing Heaven) Teacher of distant place, saw him not to obstruct greatly, then also no longer thinks, prepared according to the word conduct. 他扭头扫了眼远处的斩天师尊,见他没有大碍,便也不再多想,准备依言行事。 At this time, the sound that Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor teased also made a sound in the Wang Anye ear: „The Anye boy, you plays casually, can rush to several pass/test on several pass/test. If the card closed/pass is also all right, I will act.” 这时候,南明仙帝戏谑的声音也在王安业耳边响了起来:“安业小子,你随便玩儿,能闯到第几关就第几关。若是卡了关也没事,我会出手。” Does not need Wang Anye to speak, Elder that is responsible for inspecting has noticed him, the attitude inquired kindly: This small Young Master, is plans to participate in the inspection?” 不待王安业说话,负责考核的长老就已经注意到了他,态度和蔼地询问道:“这位小公子,也是准备参加考核吗?” The attitude is polite, naturally has the premise. 态度客气,自然是有前提的。 The Wang Anye clothes are elegant, makings have the dust to be refined, and age non- feces is True Immortal Boundary peak cultivation base, explained that the aptitude is outstanding. 王安业穿着打扮考究,一身气质出尘脱俗,且年纪不大便已经是真仙境巅峰的修为,说明资质卓绝。 He points at storage ring that on wears, is not common Holy Item level storage ring. 他手指上戴的储物戒,也绝非寻常圣器储物戒 The sword box material that he conducts the back is also quite expensive, the interior seems has the Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) dao sword aura faintly. 他背上的剑匣材料也极为昂贵,内部更是隐隐好似有混元道剑的气息。 These, all indicated that this youngster origin is uncommon. 这些,无一不表明这位年轻人来历不凡。 Even if might as well that ginger not have a moment ago absurdly, he still absolutely is the young disciple of some big influence careful trained, perhaps will be future Quasi God Child/Seed. 即便不如刚才那个姜无妄,他也绝对是某个大势力精心培养的年轻弟子,说不定就是未来的准神子 Zhuān Xū Divine/God Palace will soon be born, but now the world of big struggle, as long as has money to have the big influence of resources, is almost preparing for this reason, trains two Quasi God Child/Seed is also fair. 颛顼神宫即将出世,如今可是大争之世,但凡有钱有资源的大势力,几乎都在为此做准备,多培养两个准神子也合情合理。 But an immortal pledge the position is aloof, may compare to these to have the big influence that Immortal Emperor assumes, eventually is not with the first stage level. 而仙阵盟虽然地位超然,可比起那些拥有仙帝坐镇的大势力,终究不是同一阶层。 Regarding such Young Master, joined a production team joins a production team ~ to consider another ginger not to have absurdly. 对于这样的公子,插队就插队吧~就当是另一个姜无妄了。 „Below Wang Anye, from Ten thousand island Xuantian (Profound Heaven).” Meaning that Wang Anye has not put on airs actually, he lifts the hand to a that Elder ritual, introduced oneself politely. “在下王安业,来自【万岛玄天】。”王安业倒是没有摆架子的意思,他抬手冲那长老一礼,客气地自我介绍了一句。 Ten thousand island Xuantian (Profound Heaven)? 万岛玄天 Inspects Elder to stare slightly. 考核长老微微一愣。 Ten thousand island Xuantian (Profound Heaven) without doubt are also one of the Thirty Three Heavens. 万岛玄天无疑也是三十三天之一。 Although ten thousand island Xuantian (Profound Heaven) area scopes are not smallest, but that piece of void world World Group was shattered and disorderly, and between world and world often are away from the big void sea, analogies the words, seems is turbulent flow Archipelago of enlargement version. 万岛玄天的疆域范围虽不算最小,可那片虚空的世界群破碎而杂乱,且世界世界之间往往隔着偌大的虚空海,类比一下的话,就好似是一个放大版的乱流群岛 Once ten thousand island Xuantian (Profound Heaven), belonged to Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple and place of Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Divine/God Palace jointly jurisdiction, afterward Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace had an accident, this stretch of area was pushed to Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace as the habitat that the multiplication lived. 曾经的万岛玄天,属于南明神殿紫薇神宫联合管辖之地,后来无极神宫出事,这片疆域就被挤给了无极神宫作为繁衍生息的栖息地。 Without doubt, that is a remote, backward and poor place. 无疑,那是一个偏远、落后、贫穷的地方。 Is it possible that this Young Master comes Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace? 莫非,这公子是出身无极神宫 Was not right ~ Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is so poor, trains Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden to be beset with problems, how possibly to train second Quasi God Child/Seed? 不对啊~无极神宫那么穷,培养一个星澜神女就已经捉襟见肘了,怎么可能培养第二个准神子 Inspects the Elder train of thought to flutter about, Wang Anye had entered in nine star tablets through the Kong Jian (Space) slit, started the overcoming an obstacle pattern. 考核长老思绪纷飞间,王安业已经通过空间缝隙进入了九星阵碑之中,开始了闯关模式。 Although Wang Anye said modestly oneself is not very solid in the level on say/way of array, but his level is not common inspection can compare. 虽然王安业自谦说自己阵法之道上的水平不够扎实,但他的水平也不是寻常考核者能比的。 After entering nine star tablets shortly, he has passed through the first pass/test with ease, immediately starts the second pass/test, passed through the third pass/test quickly. 进入九星阵碑之后没多久,他就轻轻松松闯过了第一关,随即开始第二关,又很快闯到了第三关。 Also at this time, near his ear resounded the Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor sound: Your boy is dishonest, did your array level also callslightly to understand ‚? I look at you very good ~ 也就是在这时候,他的耳边又响起了南明仙帝的声音:“你小子不老实,你这阵法水准也叫’略懂‘?我看你挺行的嘛~ „?” “?” A Wang Anye question mark, responded immediately fiercely, shock: Senior you really with? These nine star tablets cannot isolate all parasitic soul, to guard to cheat?” 王安业一头问号,随即猛地反应过来,震惊不已:“前辈你真的跟进来了?这九星阵碑不是可以隔绝一切寄生神魂,以防作弊的吗?” The dialogue between two people is held by spiritual sense. Nine star tablets should very keen sensation, seem were blind general, has not detected any difference unexpectedly completely. 两人之间的对话都是以神念进行。九星阵碑原本应该十分敏锐的感知,却好似“瞎了”一般,竟是完全没有察觉到任何异样。 Hehe, you, when I did chat?” The Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor tone is self-satisfied, these nine star tablets, although designs is ingenious, but how possibly to defend me? You play although, behind has me to reveal to you.” “呵呵,你当我说笑吗?”南明仙帝的语气洋洋自得,“这九星阵碑虽然设计得还算巧妙,但怎么可能防得住我?你尽管玩儿,后面有我给你兜底。” This also really cheats...... 这还真是作弊…… The Wang Anye heart somewhat is on nettles, felt that one type was deep the guilty conscience. 王安业心头有些忐忑不安,感觉到了一种深深得负罪感。 From infancy to maturity, he works is open and aboveboard, never does the dishonest ways, in the heart full is positive energy, even if studies laboriously in Clan School has never cheated again. 从小到大,他做事情都是堂堂正正,从不搞歪门邪道,心中满满都是正能量,即便是在族学内学得再辛苦也从未作弊过。 Such he, where can meet Accept it this type obviously is the method of cheating? 这样的他,哪里能接受得了这种明显是作弊的手段? He has decided that if this Senior really tries to cheat, his oneself springs nine star tablets, ended the inspection. 他已经打定主意,若是这“前辈”真的试图作弊,他就自己弹出九星阵碑,结束考核。 After thinking through this point, Wang Anye then also no longer intertwines, represses the distracting thoughts to continue to start to overcome an obstacle. 想通了这一点后,王安业便也不再纠结,按捺住杂念继续开始闯关。 The fourth pass/test. 第四关。 The fifth pass/test. 第五关。 Then is the sixth pass/test. 然后就是第六关。 So agile, so fast overcoming an obstacle speed, naturally caused three Array Dao to advocate peace the attention of Venus Dao Lord. 如此利落,如此快速的闯关速度,自然是引起了三阵道主和长庚道主的关注。 In the two people heart cannot help but gave birth wiped the hope. 两人心中不由得生出了一抹希望。 Front overcomes an obstacle to rush such agily, explained that also has the ample force, perhaps perhaps, can pass through the eighth pass/test? 前面闯关闯得这么利落,说明还有余力,说不定,说不定就能闯过第八关呢? However, they also clear, the hope of this boy is still very uncertain. After all, results in the overcoming an obstacle speed from him earlier, did not have absurdly compared with the ginger comes to miss planned. 不过,他们心里也清楚,这小子的希望依旧很渺茫。毕竟,从他前期得闯关速度来看,比起姜无妄来还是要差了一筹。 Is good is not weak because of Wang Anye, after all Teacher are from infancy to maturity many, array knowledge that he learns although heterogeneous, the evolution is complete, browsing the surface is also very widespread, it can be said that Bo Caizhong the family/home was long. 好在王安业也不弱,毕竟从小到大师尊很多,他学到的阵法知识虽然驳杂,却谱系完整,涉猎面也十分广泛,可以说是博采众家之长了。 A moment later, he successfully adopted the sixth pass/test, on outside nine star tablets also shone the sixth stars. 片刻之后,他就顺利通过了第六关,外面九星阵碑上也亮起了第六颗星辰。 By this time, he was equivalent has taken Six star Array Master Title. 截至此时,他相当于已经拿下了【六星阵法师】的称号。 However, after waiting to enter the seventh pass/test, he actually encountered the difficulty, by card in last step of seventh pass/test, how regardless to change the mentality, cannot untie last array obstinately. 然而,等进入第七关之后,他却遇到了困难,被卡在了第七关的最后一步,无论怎么换思路,都愣是解不开最后一道阵法 Missed half step to be able seventh to close, your boy this year age level , can be called oneoutstandingly ‚. The Zhantian (Severing Heaven) vision was actually good, accepted a good apprentice.” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor praised one. “差半步就能过第七关了,你小子这年龄这水平,也能称得上一声’优秀‘了。斩天眼光倒是不错,收了个好徒弟。”南明仙帝夸赞了一声。 Clearly, the Wang Anye has arrived array strength to here withstood/top, then, this/should he acted. 很明显,王安业阵法实力到这里就已经到顶了,接下来,就该他出手了。 Senior waits a bit.” 前辈稍等。” Detected that the Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor intention, Wang Anye is too busy to prevent: I have the last move not to attempt.” 察觉到南明仙帝的意图,王安业忙不迭阻止:“我还有最后一招没有尝试。” „?” “?” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor is inexplicable. 南明仙帝莫名。 Like this, what move but can also have? 都这样了,还能有什么招? In his heart the doubt, is not good to discourage the youngster enthusiasm, after hesitating flickered, complied: Your boy, must delay the time quickly not.” 他心中狐疑,却也不好打击年轻人的积极性,迟疑了一瞬之后还是答应了下来:“那你小子快一点,莫要耽搁时间。” Good Senior.” “好的前辈。” Wang Anye was unambiguous, lifts the hand then to pinch the sword secret art. 王安业也不含糊,抬手便掐了个剑诀。 Clang!” “锵!” In the sword box, Zhantian (Severing Heaven) dao sword comes out of the sheath suddenly. 剑匣中,斩天道剑蓦然出鞘。 Cold sword intent sweeps across, immediately flooded entire array Kong Jian (Space). 凛凛剑意席卷而出,顿时充斥了整个阵法空间 Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor sees that immediately was given by him entire is speechless: Boy, is this your last move? This array Kong Jian (Space), what test is you level on way of arrays, does not make you break it by the strength!” 南明仙帝见状,顿时被他给整无语了:“小子,这就是你的最后一招?这阵法空间,测试的是你在阵法一道上的水准,不是让你以力破之!” If depends on the brute force to break open array, that these nine star tablets also do have the significance that what has? 要是靠着蛮力就能破开阵法,那这九星阵碑还有什么存在的意义? Wait? 等等? Isn't this Zhantian (Severing Heaven) dao sword? 这不是斩天道剑吗? Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor outside nine star tablets stares, the expression becomes somewhat a long story suddenly. 九星阵碑外的南明仙帝一瞪眼,表情忽然变得有些一言难尽。 Did ~ Zhantian (Severing Heaven) that son of a bitch, even Zhantian (Severing Heaven) dao sword pass to the Anye boy unexpectedly?! ~斩天那狗东西,竟然连斩天道剑都传给安业小子了?! Senior, I do not prepare to act recklessly.” Wang Anye actually does not know that curved in Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor heart circles, he explained to Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor very much earnestly, then beckons toward Zhantian (Severing Heaven) dao sword. 前辈,我并非是准备蛮干。”王安业却不知道南明仙帝心中的弯弯绕绕,他很认真地跟南明仙帝解释了一句,而后便朝着斩天道剑招了招手。 Zhantian (Severing Heaven) dao sword as if also knows that he must make anything, flew very much amenable, then peaceful hovering set in Wang Anye front several chi (0.33 m) position. 斩天道剑似乎也知道他要做什么,很是顺从地飞了过来,而后安安静静地悬停在了王安业面前数尺地位置。 Wang Anye finds out spiritual sense, gently one group on sword hilt. 王安业探出神念,在剑柄上轻轻一拨。 In a twinkling, Zhantian (Severing Heaven) dao sword flew high to revolve. 霎时间,斩天道剑就凌空旋转了起来。 From the beginning, Zhantian (Severing Heaven) dao sword transfers very rapidly, but is quick, its rotational speed falls slowly, finally stops slowly, the sword is revealing the point sharp, aimed at an accurate direction. 一开始,斩天道剑转得非常迅速,但很快,它的转速就慢慢降了下来,最后缓缓停下,剑尖吐露着锋芒,指向了一个精准的方向。 Wang Anye pats the forehead, is suddenly enlighted. 王安业一拍额头,恍然大悟。 So that's how it is! Does not know the truth about the matter seriously, only the reason is in this mountain! 原来如此!当真是不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中! Then, was then simple. 接下来,便简单了。 Then, Wang Anye in one vigorous effort, broke seventh very much naturally, subsequently starts to rush to eighth! 然后,王安业一鼓作气,很自然而然地破掉了第七阵,继而开始闯第八阵! Is this also good?!! 这样也行?!! When Zhantian (Severing Heaven) did dao sword have such function? 斩天道剑什么时候拥有了这样的功能? no no no, is not right! This should be the luck of Anye boy makes it so...... 不不不,不对!这应该是安业小子的运气使然…… Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor was done all of a sudden silent. 南明仙帝一下子被干沉默了。 When on nine star tablets shone seventh, the cheers in square resounded overwhelming. 当九星阵碑上亮起了第七颗时,广场上的欢呼声如潮般响起。 The calm usual ginger did not have absurdly, on the face the leisurely and carefree expression also solidifies suddenly, the look all of a sudden becomes dignified. 一直淡定如常的姜无妄,脸上悠闲的表情也是骤然凝固,眼神一下子就变得凝重起来。 Not a wonderful premonition raids his heart. 一股不妙的预感袭上他心头。 Can't? 不会吧? Can't this boy really pass through the eighth pass/test? 这小子不会真的能闯过第八关吧? The aspect of winding peaks and paths, making three Array Dao Lord is also pleasantly surprised, unknowingly took a seat straight the body, starting to be somewhat restless. 如此峰回路转的局面,令三阵道主也是惊喜不已,不知不觉就坐直了身体,开始有些坐立难安起来。 Three brother, you could be saved probably.” Venus Dao Lord said that this level, at least can also , when your personal inheritance disciple. Was inferior that you put to turn on the water in secret, helping him pass the eighth pass/test, as the matter stands, how could it not be was the issue solved?” “三阵兄,你好像有救了。”长庚道主笑着说,“这水平,至少也可以当你亲传弟子了。不如你暗中放放水,让他过了第八关,这样一来,问题岂不就解决了?” Suggested, making three Array Dao lords stare. 如此建议,让三阵道主愣了一下。 However quick, he shakes the head: Cheating is incorrect. Remote antiquity Senior to be always famous careless, here definitely has his informer to stare!” 不过很快,他就摇了摇头:“作弊是不行的。太上前辈向来是以苟著称,这里肯定有他的眼线在盯着!” However three Array Dao lords finish speaking. 然而三阵道主话音刚落。 A Youyou sound then resounds in his ear bank: Three, what are you whispering?” 一个幽幽的声音便在他耳畔响起:“三阵,你在嘀嘀咕咕说什么?” With the speaking voice, he with Venus Dao Lord front Kong Jian (Space), the tall person's shadow seemed emerges out of thin air slightly together appears generally suddenly in front of two people. 伴随着说话声,他和长庚道主面前的空间微微一荡,一道颀长的人影好似凭空出现一般蓦然浮现在了两人面前。 Three Array Dao advocate peace Venus Dao Lord to be terrified immediately is startled. 阵道主和长庚道主顿时悚然一惊。 Before this person's shadow appears, they have not even detected his existence from the start! This regarding is half step Immortal Emperor two people, almost cannot imagine. 在这人影出现之前,他们甚至压根都没有察觉到他的存在!这对于已然是半步仙帝两人来说,几乎是不可想象的。 Also was at this time, they saw clearly this Daoist/Taoist shadow finally. 也是这时候,他们才终于看清了这道人影。 That is an old man who wears the Daoist robe. 那是一位穿着道袍的老者。 He seemed like already some ages, the complexion had the gloss as before ruddily, the figure was still also tall and straight, the not like common old man like that was slightly senile. 他看起来已经有些年纪了,脸色却依旧红润而有光泽,身形也依旧挺拔,丝毫不像一般的老者那般老态龙钟。 hair of his full efflorescence was used a jade crown to fix after the brain, does not have the reveal to come out including hair, Daoist robe is also puts on meticulously, does not have including a fold, looks very investigate. 他满头霜白的发丝被用一顶玉冠固定在了脑后,连一根发丝都没有露出来,身上的道袍也是穿得一丝不苟,连一丝褶皱都无,看起来非常考究。 The rich say/way rhyme lingers in his body week, making his whole person seem added a share of god, but Saint flavor, even if standing motionless, the principle between heaven and earth seemed is revolving him to revolve. 浓郁的道韵萦绕在他身周,让他整个人都好似平添了一股神而圣之的味道,哪怕站着不动,天地间的法则都好似在围绕着他运转。 However, he most impressive, is that eye. 不过,他最让人印象深刻的,还是那一双眼睛。 That pupil is profound and distant, seems is precipitating the innumerable trains of thought that also seemed precipitates the endless time to be the same. 那眼眸深邃而悠远,好似沉淀着无数思绪,也好似沉淀了无尽光阴一般。 Under looking at each other, is unconscious will then have a time circulation, the Years brutal feeling. 对视之下,不自觉便会生出一种光阴流转,岁月无情的感慨。 His figure edge also has such a vague illusory feeling, feared that will be some people will not realize this will actually project together. 要不是他的身形边缘还有那么一丝若有若无的虚幻感,怕是根本不会有人意识到这其实是一道投影。 !!! !!! Even if comes merely is a projection, three Array Dao advocate peace Venus Dao Lord also to be frightened the whole body to tremble. 哪怕来的仅仅是一个投影,三阵道主和长庚道主也是被吓得浑身一哆嗦。 two people hurried Shuangshuang/pair sets out, toward its salutes respectfully. 两人急忙双双起身,毕恭毕敬地朝其行礼。 Has seen remote antiquity Emperor Venerable!” “见过太上帝尊!” Dispense with ceremony.” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor attitude kind beckoning with the hand, this Emperor Venerable heard that does not have is participating absurdly, comes to see casually. You continue to watch the competition are, does not need to care about me.” “免礼了。”太上仙帝态度和蔼的摆了摆手,“本帝尊听说无妄在参赛,也就是随便来看看。你们继续看比赛就是,不必在意我。” Has a look while convenient? 顺便看看? This saying, three are half character does not believe with Venus Dao Lord, but in the two people surface actually does not dare to reveal, instead simultaneously showed an expression so that's how it is. 这话,三阵和长庚道主是半个字都不信,但两人面上却丝毫不敢表露出来,反而齐齐露出了一副原来如此的表情。 But, this Emperor Venerable saw just now that Wang Anye the boy named progress that overcomes an obstacle is not right.” If the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor profound vision has to resemble not to have swept nine star tablets, the smile on face is even more kind, perhaps has the fishy, you might as well read the overcoming an obstacle souvenir photo, in order to avoid there is any unclean thing to mix.” “不过,本帝尊适才看到,那个叫王安业的小子闯关的进度不对。”太上仙帝深邃的目光若有似无地扫过九星阵碑,脸上的笑容愈发亲切,“其中或许有蹊跷,你们不妨看一看闯关留影,以免有什么不干净的东西混了进去。” Three Array Dao Lord stare. 阵道主一愣。 Remote antiquity Emperor Venerable this was suspecting that Wang Anye does cheat? 太上帝尊这是在怀疑王安业作弊? Unclean thing? 不干净的东西? What does that refer to? 那是指什么? Three Array Dao lords are confused, suddenly did not make clear remote antiquity Emperor Venerable this is saying anything. 阵道主一头雾水,一时间也搞不清楚太上帝尊这是在说什么。 However, since remote antiquity Immortal Emperor must read the overcoming an obstacle souvenir photo, that looks and that's the end, three Array Dao Lord naturally do not dare to refute. 不过,既然太上仙帝要看闯关留影,那看就是了,三阵道主自然不敢反驳。 In order to prevent to cheat, as well as convenience afterward turning round plate, performance after overcoming an obstacle in entering nine star tablets, actually by the Phecda Image Keeping Plate automatic recording. 为了防止作弊,以及方便事后复盘,闯关者在进入九星阵碑后的表现,其实都会被天机留影盘自动记录下来。 However this record temporary, if long-term no one moves to take, the front record will then be covered naturally by the follow-up record. Naturally, this long-term no one moves to take, the time span is also very long and that's the end. 不过这种记录是临时的,如果长期没有人调取的话,前面的记录便会自然而然地被后续的记录覆盖掉。当然,这个“长期没有人调取”,时间跨度也很漫长就是了。 Now Wang Anye has just passed through the seventh pass/test, the record is new, naturally also retains well. 如今王安业才刚刚闯过第七关,记录还是新鲜的,自然还保留得好好的。 Quick, when three Array Dao Lord sent people to make Wang Anye to rush to the seventh pass/test souvenir photo record, three people gathered to examine together. 很快,三阵道主就派人弄来了王安业闯第七关时的留影记录,三人凑到一起查看起来。 Former half of record all normal, until the souvenir photo record latter half. 记录的前半截一切正常,直到留影记录后半段。 When three people look at Wang Anye to put out the dao sword turning circle circle helplessly, and pass through after this. 当三人眼睁睁看着王安业拿出把道剑转圈圈,并且靠此过关后。 Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, three Array Dao lords, Venus Dao Lord, all was silent. 太上仙帝,三阵道主,还有长庚道主,全都沉默了。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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