POP :: Volume #8

#57: Nine stars are continuous! Anye worried life

Chapter 1003 第1003章 Nine stars are continuous! Anye worried life 九星连珠!安业的苦恼人生 ...... …… The following matter, somewhat had nothing worthwhile. 接下来的事情,就有些乏善可陈了。 After entering the eighth pass/test, Wang Anye also once tried oneself to break through, but he in the background on say/way of array eventually is too shallow, after entering here, with falling into mire, the leg could not even start to walk. 进入第八关后,王安业也曾尝试自己破关,可他在阵法之道上的底蕴终究还是太浅,进入这里之后就跟陷入了泥潭似的,连腿都迈不开。 After trying one slightly next, his knowing the limitation gave up oneself idea diligently, uses the Zhantian (Severing Heaven) dao sword turning circle circle of honestly. 稍微试了一下之后,他就识相的放弃了自己努力的想法,老老实实地使用斩天道剑转起了圈圈。 In a while, he successfully adopted the eighth pass/test, then, adopted the ninth pass/test in the same fashion. 没过多久,他就顺利通过了第八关,然后,又以同样的方式通过了第九关。 At this time, nine stars on nine star tablets, were all lightened, nine stars became the frontline continually, forming nine stars was continuous, the Mingliang ray as if shone upon the entire dust-shower tablet to cover a gentle white light, was the special effect draws simply fully. 这时,九星阵碑上的九颗星辰,悉数被点亮,九颗星辰连成一线,形成了九星连珠,明亮的光芒映照得整座阵碑都仿佛镀上了一层柔和的白光,简直就是特效拉满。 In square a silence. 广场上一片寂静。 According to the truth, in the square should be now a piece cheers a wave of scene. 按照道理,现在广场上应该是一片欢呼如潮的场面。 However, this inconceivable nine stars are continuous, this adopted the astonishing result of ninth pass/test directly, made them lose the ability of language temporarily. 然而,这不可思议的“九星连珠”,这直接通过了第九关的惊人成绩,却让他们暂时失去了语言的能力。 Most people in square at this moment shocking in the extreme, the innermost feelings were under the huge impact, the entire brain is ignorant. 广场上的绝大多数人此刻都被震惊的无以复加,内心受到了巨大的冲击,整个大脑都是懵的。 The ginger does not have absurdly complexion at this moment also already completely stiff. 姜无妄此刻的脸色也已经完全僵硬。 His vision looks to sparkle intently the shining nine star tablets, the look delay, the expression is confused, as if in the expression of suspicion life. 他的目光直愣愣地看着闪闪发亮的九星阵碑,眼神呆滞,表情迷茫,一副仿佛在怀疑人生的表情。 He can the eighth pass/test, have the lucky ingredient. 他能过第八关,已经是有侥幸成分了。 His unable to believe, in could this world really really has such talent simply, so pass through the ninth pass/test young unexpectedly? 他简直无法相信,这世上竟然真有如此天才,如此年纪轻轻居然就已经能闯过第九关? But compared with the crowds of understanding the true situation, in this moment three Array Dao Lord courtyards, the atmosphere is much more peaceful. 而比起不明真相的围观群众,此刻三阵道主的院落内,气氛更是安静得诡异。 Three people including remote antiquity Immortal Emperor projection no one has spoken, as before is silent, is silent. 包括太上仙帝投影在内的三人谁都没有说话,依旧是只有沉默,再沉默。 But in this strange silentness, only had Elder Zhantian to guess correctly the result, on the face showed with having the glory the smile. 而在这诡异的静默之中,唯有斩天长老似是早就猜到了结果,脸上露出了与有荣焉的笑容。 He swept side Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder, said with a laugh: Zishuang (Purple Frost), my Apprentice/Disciple is Anye good? Young was nine star Array Master.” 他扫了眼身旁的紫霜长老,笑呵呵道:“紫霜啊,我徒儿安业不错吧?年纪轻轻便是九星阵法师了。” Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder is also speechless. 紫霜长老也是一阵无语。 In her opinion, although Young Master Anye is indeed good, but the even/including nine have closed also a little goes against heaven's will. this time he can overcome an obstacle successfully, is that is helping one another mostly in secret. 在她看来,安业公子虽说的确不错,可连过九关也着实是有点过于逆天了。这一次他能闯关成功,多半是“那一位”在暗中相助。 However, stemming from the politeness, Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder praised one: „The Zhantian (Severing Heaven) brother, you picked the treasure actually.” 不过,出于礼貌,紫霜长老还是夸赞了一句:“斩天兄,你倒是捡到了宝。” During speeches. 说话间。 On nine star tablets has the Kong Jian (Space) ripples to flash through, successfully rushed to Wang Anye of all checkpoints to be sprung nine star tablet Kong Jian (Space) suddenly. 九星阵碑上有空间涟漪闪过,成功闯过所有关卡的王安业蓦然被弹出了九星阵碑空间 Inspects Elder immediately excited moving forward to meet somebody, looked that is completely pleasantly surprised and shocks to the Wang Anye look: Young Master Anye, you may really give brought huge pleasantly surprised ~ obsolete! Congratulates you successfully to pass through the ninth pass/test, obtains Nine star Array Master Title.” 考核长老立刻激动万分的迎了上去,看向王安业的眼神中满是惊喜和震撼:“安业公子,你可真是给老朽带来了天大惊喜~!恭喜你成功闯过第九关,获得【九星阵法师】称号。” Then, he lifts the hand toward Wang Anye is a ritual. 说罢,他抬手朝着王安业就是一礼。 An immortal pledge always discussed the hero by the array strength, since Wang Anye took nine star Array Master the title, has the qualifications to discuss the junction with his person of the same generation. 仙阵盟向来以阵法实力论英雄,王安业既然拿下了“九星阵法师”的称号,就已经有资格与他平辈论交了。 Elder was polite.” Wang Anye has a scare, returns salute hastily, „my is luck ~ is luck ~ 长老客气了。”王安业吓了一跳,连忙还礼,“我这都是运气~都是运气~ Young Master Anye you was too modest.” Inspects the Elder attitude to be exceptionally polite. 安业公子伱实在太谦虚了。”考核长老的态度异常客气。 He is clear, by this incomparably shocking strength that Young Master Anye shows today, the outstanding potential that as well as its represents, definitely will be received to be the apprentice by Alliance Lord. 他心里清楚,以安业公子今天展现出的这让人无比惊艳的实力,以及其所代表的卓绝潜力,必然会被盟主收做徒弟。 Then, this Young Master Anye just came up a moment ago time, he also very appreciates, is thinking, if this Wang Anye if can the sixth pass/test, he must punish personal inheritance him, even inherits Legacy. 说起来,刚才这位安业公子刚上来的时候,他还挺欣赏来着,想着倘若这王安业如果能过第六关,他必然要将他收作亲传,甚至是继承衣钵 But who once thinks...... 可谁曾想…… Yeah ~ was oneself wants is too many eventually. ~终究是自己想太多了。 Inspects under the Elder heart to regret. 考核长老心下惋惜不已。 But at this time, as Wang Anye leaves nine star tablets, Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor wisp of soul also returned to the main body. 而这时候,随着王安业离开九星阵碑,南明仙帝的一缕神魂也重新回归了本体。 The expression on his face is somewhat absent-minded, probably was stimulated by anything, did not have slow the god. 他脸上的表情有些恍惚,像是受了什么刺激,还没缓过神来。 However quick, he responded, spiritual sense sweeps, covered still self-satisfied Elder Zhantian instantaneously, isolated exterior Kong Jian (Space), then wicked compelled to ask: „The Zhantian (Severing Heaven) boy, you confessed truthfully, actually where to receive this apprentice?” 不过很快,他就反应了过来,神念一扫,瞬间笼罩住了犹自得意的斩天长老,将外部空间隔绝开来,而后“恶狠狠”的逼问道:“斩天小子,你如实交代,究竟是从哪里收来了这徒弟?” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor previously thought Wang Anye this junior is good, actually also stayed in also the good situation merely. 南明仙帝先前觉得王安业这小辈还不错,却也仅仅停留在了还不错的地步。 May in final three of nine star tablets, the performance of Wang Anye, shake the tiny bits the Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor three views directly. 可在九星阵碑的最后三阵中,王安业的表现,直接将南明仙帝的三观震得稀碎。 He solemn three tribulation Immortal Emperor, lived for enough 610,000 years, has to see Child of Destiny. Even, each can existence of achievement Immortal Emperor, be some destiny in addition holds somewhat, otherwise has no way to emerge from all living things. 他堂堂三劫仙帝,活了足足六十一万年,也不是没有见过气运之子。甚至乎,每一个能成就仙帝的存在,多多少少都是有些气运加持的,否则也没法从芸芸众生中脱颖而出。 May look like Wang Anye this type, does not need him to act completely, only depending on the luck can array nine closing, he actually sees what one never saw before, hears something never heard of before. 可像王安业这种,完全不用他出手,仅凭运气就能过阵法九关者,他却是见所未见,闻所未闻。 This where is what Child of Destiny, what this special is destiny his biological father? 这哪里是什么“气运之子”,这特么的是气运他亲爹吧? To on Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor sharp look, wicked the expression, Elder Zhantian was all of a sudden hurried. 对上南明仙帝犀利的眼神,“恶狠狠”的表情,斩天长老一下子慌了。 May facing Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor, he not dare extremely to conceal, has to evade the important questions for the easy goes to Immortal Alliance through Transmission Array, a series of things that as well as following has, briefly and said fast. 可面对南明仙帝,他又不敢“太过”隐瞒,只得避重就轻地将通过传送阵仙盟,以及后续发生的一系列事情,简要而快速的说了一遍。 In order to avoid Immortal Emperor gets angry to create side issues, he also twisted some account slightly. 为了避免仙帝发怒而横生枝节,他还略微扭曲了一些事情经过。 My goodness ~ Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor hears is surprised, I said that a Cloud Crane boy how revolution of nature, had one dead in battle to pay respects, stirs my quiet cultivation. Originally had the clue of Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment, wants to seek to me a pleasant surprise. Calculates his somewhat filial piety.” “好家伙~南明仙帝听得是惊奇不已,“我说云鹤小子怎么转性了,都有一阵没来请安,搅我清修了。原来是有了掌界令碎片的线索,想寻来给我一个惊喜。算他有几分孝心。” But, does the boy for Miss, forget to return in Beyond-Territory unexpectedly wildly? Hehe ~ ~ on this prospect?” “不过,那小子竟然为了个姑娘,在域外蛮荒流连忘返?呵呵~~就这点出息?” forget it, forget it, did not say the Cloud Crane boy. This Anye boy......” 罢了罢了,不说云鹤小子了。这安业小子……” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor at this point, the look of eyeground immediately becomes somewhat complex, is not only somewhat excited, somewhat regrets and is annoyed. 南明仙帝说到此处,眼底的神色顿时变得有些复杂,既是有些兴奋,又有些惋惜和懊恼。 In Elder Zhantian heart thump, all of a sudden anxious. 斩天长老心中“咯噔”一下,一下子紧张了起来。 Emperor Venerable should your majesty not want to snatch the apprentice with him? 帝尊陛下该不会是想跟他抢徒弟吧? If this Anye does obeisance other Dao Lord Master, everyone shares to love the disciple at most, although his Sword Dao Teacher position will be affected, but eventually the influence is quite small. 这要是安业拜其他道主为师,至多大家共享爱徒而已,他这个剑道师尊的地位虽然会受影响,但终究影响是比较小的。 But Anye, if did obeisance Emperor Venerable Master, definitely will monopolize Anye with the Emperor Venerable temper, will not share with him. 安业若是拜了帝尊为师,以帝尊的性子必然会独占安业,绝不会与他分享。 Oh ~ Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor complexion Yin clear unpredictable, the deep sigh one breath, is a pity was a pity, the Anye boy is Second Wood bloodline, likes sword array rigid! If receives him for the disciple, instead delays this uncut jade.” “唉~南明仙帝的脸色阴晴变幻莫测,长叹一口气,“可惜啊可惜,安业小子乃是乙木血脉,又偏偏执着爱好剑阵!若是收他为徒,反而是耽搁这块璞玉了。” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor is Li Fire bloodline, cultivation base and cultivation technique are Fire Department. 南明仙帝乃是离火血脉,一身修为功法都是火系 Although he also slightly understands array and Sword Dao, but pure at boundary and level, compared with common Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm Array Master, or Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm sword cultivator is slightly stronger. 他虽说也略懂阵法剑道,但是纯以境界和水准而言,也不过比寻常混元境阵法师,或是混元境剑修略强一些。 At least, he had self-knowledge very much, knew on way of arrays, oneself missed there are numerous similar cases compared with three Array Dao lords. 至少,他很有自知之明,知道在阵法一道上,自己比起三阵道主差了不知凡几。 However, Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor regretted annoyingly also disappears. 不过,南明仙帝的懊恼惋惜也不过转瞬即逝。 He the biggest difficult position does not lie in inheriting Legacy now, although after all the Cloud Crane boy can only be careless, actually also took him to inherit competently. 他现在最大的困境不在于传承衣钵,毕竟云鹤小子虽然只能算马马虎虎,却也够资格接他传承了。 No matter how, the layout of this time remote antiquity old ghost was stirred yellow, I am very happy.” “不管如何,这一次太上老鬼的布局被搅黄了,我就很爽。” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor eventually is not that womanishly fussy person, after intertwining a while, takes easy, will then re-focus on this matter, the expression will also become the interest all of a sudden abundant. 南明仙帝终究不是那种婆婆妈妈的人,纠结了一会儿之后也就想开了,转而将注意力转回了这件事情本身,表情也一下子变得兴致盎然起来。 By the individuality of that old boy, peeps in the nearby inevitably, this Emperor Venerable this looks for him talking about old days. After my foul odor leaves probably completely, thought understanding, has then sensed suddenly, breaks through boundary.” “以那老小子的个性,必然在附近窥视,本帝尊这就去找他‘叙叙旧’。保不齐我一口恶气出尽之后,就忽然念头通达,然后就有所感悟,突破境界了。” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor more wants more to feel in the principle. 南明仙帝越想越觉得在理。 Among next instant, his body advantage of terrain is vanishing same place. 下一瞬间,他的身形便在原地消失了。 Sees that Elder Zhantian then relaxed secretly, cannot bear scratch the cold sweat of forehead. 见状,斩天长老这才暗松一口气,忍不住擦了擦额头的冷汗。 Emperor Venerable had not suspected luckily his excuse, this time was deceives. However, oneself Emperor Venerable individuality also was really even more has one's wish, is subject to changing moods. 幸好帝尊没怀疑他的说辞,这次算是糊弄过去了。不过,自家帝尊的个性还真是愈发随心所欲,喜怒无常了。 However thinks carefully normally but actually. Although he cultivates the sword wholeheartedly, did not care that these Eight Trigrams (gossip) passed on a message, actually also heard that indistinctly the Emperor Venerable this time great misfortune cannot cross mostly. 不过仔细想想倒也正常。他虽然一心修剑,不怎么关心那些八卦传言,却也隐约听说帝尊这一次的大劫多半渡不过去了。 People who live 61 to long live, knows clearly oneself was only left over is less than 10,000 years of age, the individuality was high-profile, the behavior handled matters unscrupulous some, pouring was also very normal. 一个活了六十一万岁的人,明确知道自己只剩下不到一万年的寿数了,个性张扬一些,行为处事肆无忌惮些,倒也是非常正常。 But at this time. 而这时候。 In three Array Dao Lord courtyards. 阵道主院落内。 Several big shot also get back one's composure from the awkward silence finally. 几位大佬也终于从尴尬的沉默中回神。 World of Immortals first expert remote antiquity Immortal Emperor restored the handsome demeanor, congratulates to say to three Array Dao lords: Three, your luck may be really good.” 仙界第一高手太上仙帝恢复了翩翩风度,对三阵道主恭喜道:“三阵啊,你运气可真不错。” In his intonation is passing the stock meaningful flavor. 他的语调中透着股意味深长的味道。 This, hehe ~ ~ pure luck, luck.” Three Array Dao Lord attitudes are making fun respectfully, inquired in a low voice, Emperor Venerable, must call that boy, making him pay respects to Emperor Venerable?” “这个,呵呵~~纯运气,运气。”三阵道主态度恭敬地打着哈哈,又低声询问,“帝尊,要不要将那小子叫进来,让他给帝尊请安?” Does not need, this Emperor Venerable lot of work, is not many delays.” Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor wields the dao clothes long wide sleeve, natural free say/way, „, but, so outstanding Apprentice/Disciple, you must train quite, in the future also good to increase a backbone to Immortal Clan.” “不必了,本帝尊事务繁忙,就不多耽搁了。”太上仙帝一挥道衣广袖,潇洒自若道,“不过,如此优秀的徒儿,你可得好生培养,将来也好给仙族增添一个顶梁柱。” Respectfully follows the Emperor Venerable decree.” “谨遵帝尊旨意。” Three Array Dao Lord acknowledged with deep veneration. 阵道主肃然应诺。 The remote antiquity Immortal Emperor projection nods slightly, along with, even if turned around to submerge behind Kong Jian (Space), suddenly vanished to disappear. 太上仙帝投影微微颔首,随即便转身没入了身后的空间,眨眼间消失不见了。 Three Array Dao advocate peace Venus Dao Lord to see that has not spoken, maintained the original expression to count on the fingers at heart silently the time. 阵道主和长庚道主见状都没说话,保持着原来的表情在心里默默掐算起了时间。 Crossed some little time, two Dao Lord exhales long, the expression on face also relaxes finally. 过了好一会儿,两位道主才长出了一口气,脸上的表情也终于放松下来。 Venus Dao Lord said with a smile half jokingly: Remote antiquity Emperor Venerable his disposition, such as in the hearsay general disposition is seriously big, bears a grudge very much. Trades to make sky Emperor Venerable that and other mind/bosom broad Emperor Venerable, meets this matter, will remain to encourage the later generation mostly, leads by the hand while convenient.” 长庚道主更是半开玩笑地笑道:“太上帝尊他老人家的脾性,当真如传闻中一般‘气性不小’,很是记仇。换做昊天帝尊那等胸怀宽阔的帝尊,遇上这事,多半会留下来勉励一下后辈,顺便提携一番。” At this point, he remembered anything, cannot bear urge: Three brother, your masters and disciples two this time offended Emperor Venerable, in the future may result is more overcautious, so as to avoid......” 说到这里,他想起了什么,又忍不住叮嘱道:“三阵兄,你们师徒两个此番得罪了帝尊,往后可得谨小慎微些了,免得……” However his words have not said, in the sky then heard a long low sound of talking suddenly: Venus, forgot to show loving care for your outstanding later generation just now obsolete. You find time to bring Quasi God Child/Seed to come my remote antiquity Divine/God Palace to play, obsolete will lead by the hand an expensive/noble Divine/God Palace disciple surely quite.” 然而他话还未说完,天空中便蓦然传来了一道悠悠的低语声:“长庚呐,适才老朽忘记关怀你这优秀后辈了。你抽空带着准神子来我太上神宫玩,老朽定会好生提携一番贵神宫弟子。” This sound, clearly is the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor sound. 这声音,分明是太上仙帝的声音。 Venus Dao Lord smile stiffens instantaneously, drop of cold sweat falls from the forehead slowly. 长庚道主的笑容瞬间僵住,一滴冷汗从额头缓缓滑落。 Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor has walked then walked, actually also kept spiritual sense to eavesdrop secretly? 太上仙帝已经走便走了,竟然还偷偷留了一道神念听墙根? Solemn Emperor Venerable, what bad habit is this? 堂堂帝尊,这是什么臭毛病? What a pity, even if in the heart has many complaining, he does not dare to reveal the slightest in the surface, instead respectfully upwards white line a ritual. 可惜,纵然心中有再多的吐槽,他也不敢在面上流露分毫,反而是恭恭敬敬地朝天空行了一礼。 Younger generation respectfully follows the Emperor Venerable decree.” “晚辈谨遵帝尊旨意。” In his heart some rounds painstakingly, then by the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor caring, must mostly the put on small shoes, suffer loss. 他心中有些发苦,这下被太上仙帝惦记上了,多半要被穿小鞋,吃苦头了。 However, he also knows, remote antiquity Immortal Emperor and retaliation heart is strong besides mean-spirited and bearing a grudge, has no big problem. 不过,他也知道,太上仙帝除了“小气”、“记仇”、“报复心强”之外,也没啥大毛病。 Including knife edge World of Immortals, leads by the hand the outstanding later generation, resists the Demon Race invasion wait/etc these Immortal Emperor should responsibility completely, he also never shirks the responsibility. 包括支棱仙界,提携优秀后辈,抵抗魔族入侵等等这些仙帝应尽的责任,他也从不推卸责任。 Naturally, it is said in the battlefield, the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor attitude is „is quite usually steady, the Demon Race supreme provocation that even if lower than him facing the strength, requests duel, he also sits quietly fishing platform to remain unmoved. 当然,据说在战场上,太上仙帝的作风通常都是“比较稳健”,哪怕面对实力比他低的魔族至尊挑衅,要求单挑,他也稳坐钓鱼台不为所动。 In his words, this Emperor Venerable as the World of Immortals first expert, is the spiritual props of big World of Immortals 10000.00000002 trillion people, because if the corrupt merit advances recklessly to fall from the sky, to harm the entire World of Immortals confidence avalanche? 用他老人家的话来说,本帝尊身为仙界第一高手,乃是偌大仙界亿亿万万子民们的精神支柱,若是因为贪功冒进而陨落,岂不是害得整个仙界信心崩塌? Regarding this point, Venus Dao Lord also quite approves, after all compares in remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, the sky, Southern Ming(Brightness), Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) and other Immortal Emperor are not the calm character, World of Immortals must have the moderates to keep up appearances. 对于这一点,长庚道主倒也是颇为赞同,毕竟相较于太上仙帝,昊天、南明紫薇等几位仙帝都不是沉稳性格,仙界总得有稳健派撑场面。 Also is so, although by the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor caring, in Venus Dao Lord heart was sent painstakingly, is not flurried, does not feel the indignation, but cannot bear is rough heart that oneself will soon encounter in the future tired. 也是如此,虽然被太上仙帝惦记上了,长庚道主心中发苦,却也没太慌乱,更不觉得怨愤,只是忍不住为自己未来即将遭遇的“坎坷”心累不已。 The idle talk does not raise. 闲话不提。 Such a interrupts after remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, three Array Dao Lord also tidied up the mood, transmitted orders to set up great merit Young Master Anye to invite that. 经过太上仙帝这么一打岔,三阵道主也收拾好了心情,传令将那立了大功的安业公子请了进来。 Not many moments, being promoted with all attendant honor nine star Array Master Wang Anye, then under the immortal pledge member's leadership, as well as Zhantian (Severing Heaven) and under the accompaniment of Zishuang (Purple Frost) two Dao Lord, entered three Array Dao Lord courtyards. 不多片刻,“荣升”九星阵法师王安业,便在仙阵盟成员的带领下,以及斩天紫霜两位道主的陪同下,进了三阵道主的院落。 Zhantian (Severing Heaven) and Zishuang (Purple Frost) two Dao Lord, takes the lead to go forward to salute, and exchanged greetings several with Venus Dao Lord with three. 斩天紫霜两位道主,率先上前行礼,并与三阵和长庚道主寒暄了几句。 In three Array Dao Lord hearts is astonished slightly. 阵道主心中微微讶异。 This combination somewhat seems to be strange, Zhantian (Severing Heaven) and Zishuang (Purple Frost) belong to the different influences, how to accompany that Wang Anye to come the trial? 这组合似乎有些古怪,斩天紫霜分属不同势力,怎么都会陪同那王安业前来试炼? Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder is perceived that his doubts, cups the hands explained: Three Senior have not to know, Young Master Anye is not only my Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace honored guest, is Elder Zhantian Legacy Disciple.” 紫霜长老似是觉察到了他的疑惑,拱手解释道:“三阵前辈有所不知,安业公子非但是我无极神宫的贵客,也是斩天长老衣钵弟子。” Well?” Three Array Dao lords glanced Zhantian (Severing Heaven) one, the brow straight wrinkle, the disgruntled say/way, your does sword cultivator, how accept the apprentice randomly? Did not fear that delayed the outstanding junior? Also, Anye had inherited your Legacy, why also to attend nine star tablet smelting trials?” “咦?”三阵道主瞟了斩天一眼,眉头直皱,不悦道,“你一个剑修,怎么乱收徒弟?不怕耽搁了优秀小辈么?还有,安业既已继承了你的衣钵,缘何还参加九星阵碑试炼?” By three Array Dao Lord strengths and position, when facing various group of Emperor Venerable, naturally is respectful, may face Zhantian (Severing Heaven) and other ordinary Dao Lord, half step Immortal Emperor big shot the imposing manner then exposed naturally. 以三阵道主的实力和地位,在面对各路帝尊时,当然是毕恭毕敬,可面对斩天等普通道主,半步仙帝“大佬”的气势便自然而然地展露出来了。 This......” the Elder Zhantian strength and position are inferior to the person, has embarrassed to explain with a smile, Senior has not to know, my disciple Anye is sword array dual cultivation, what he inherits is only the Sword Dao inheritance of younger generation.” “这个……”斩天长老实力和地位不如人,只好尬笑着解释,“前辈有所不知,我徒安业乃是‘剑阵双修’,他继承的只是晚辈的剑道传承。” sword array dual cultivation? 剑阵双修 Three Array Dao lords took a look at the sword box of Wang Anye back, the complexion was slightly affable, but somewhat is still discontented: Grand Dao/Avenue 3000, various are completely whether there is mysterious. Can walk ripe one extremely for is not easy, cultivates to cultivate/repair the sword, earlier unifies to seem like the might to be good, but each other delays actually.” 阵道主瞅了眼王安业后背的剑匣,脸色略舒缓了些,但依旧有几分不满:“大道三千,各有无尽玄奥。能走熟一条道就殊为不易了,修阵又修剑,前期结合起来看似威力不俗,可实则彼此耽搁。” This little while, in his heart has regarded as the apprentice Wang Anye, had what naturally then to say discontentedly directly. 这会儿,他心中已经将王安业视作徒弟了,有什么不满自然便直接说了出来。 Venus Dao Lord sees that mediates busily with a smile: Three brother, we have not saluted upon meeting the appearance that ~ your is a teacher by worthy example impatiently with Little Young Master Anye officially, for the time being first receives.” 长庚道主见状,忙笑着打圆场:“三阵兄,咱们还未与安业小公子正式见礼呢~你这副迫不及待为人师表的模样,暂且先收一收。” Does obeisance different Teacher in the different periods, this situation is not rare in World of Immortals, therefore Venus Dao Lord does not care about three Array Dao Lord grieved from the start. 在不同阶段拜不同师尊,这情况在仙界并不罕见,因此长庚道主压根就不在意三阵道主的酸楚。 Hears this word. 听闻此言。 Has lowered the head to make the younger generation stance Wang Anye to seize the opportunity immediately, approaches cups the hands to pay a visit: Younger generation Divine Martial Wang Clan Anye, pays a visit three Senior, Venus Senior.” 一直垂首做晚辈姿态的王安业登时抓住机会,主动上前拱手拜见:“晚辈神武王氏安业,拜见三阵前辈,长庚前辈。” Before passing through the gate, he had heard, another bearing kind Dao Lord, is Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace generation of Palace Lord Venus Dao Lord, similarly is powerful half step Immortal Emperor. 进门前他就已经听说了,另外一位气度和蔼的道主,乃是青帝神宫的代宫主长庚道主,同样是一位强大的半步仙帝 Saluting at the same time, he could not bear looked at Venus Dao Lord one. 行礼的同时,他没忍住多看了长庚道主一眼。 After all at present oneself Great Grandfather cultivates is Azure Sovereign Dao Book, is quite deep with the Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace origin. The tour of this time World of Immortals, Great Grandfather was wants the means and Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace contact, has not thought actually, instead was oneself first met Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace generation of Palace Lord. 毕竟自家太爷爷目前修的便是青皇道书,与青帝神宫渊源颇深。这一次仙界之行,太爷爷本来就是要想办法和青帝神宫接触的,倒是没想到,反而是自己先遇上了青帝神宫的代宫主 Divine Martial Wang Clan? 神武王氏 Which place World of Immortals has to call Divine Martial? How to remember such clan? 仙界有哪个地方叫“神武”的么?怎么想不起有这么个家族来? Three hear self introduction of Wang Anye with Venus Dao Lord, actually cannot bear knit the brows to rack one's brains, in the heart cannot help but ponders secretly, is it possible that this is small clan of some small place? 三阵和长庚道主听到王安业的自我介绍,却都忍不住皱眉苦思起来,心中不由得暗忖,莫非这是某个小地方的小家族 This should not ~ 这不应该啊~ Small place small clan, can train Wang Anye this and other top youth outstanding talent probabilities is too low. 小地方小家族,能培养出王安业这等顶级青年俊杰的概率太低了。 forget it, forget it, which perhaps also is really not famous small clan walked the huge luck...... 罢了罢了,兴许还真是哪个不出名的“小家族”走了天大运气…… Actually what they do not know, how long could not want, this was not famous small clan Divine Martial Wang Clan, then met such as the startling thunderclap general crack entire World of Immortals, making one like thunder reverberating in one's ears. 其实他们不知道的是,要不了多久,这个“不出名”的“小家族神武王氏,便会如惊雷一般炸响整个仙界,令人如雷贯耳。 Cannot think, two Dao Lord has not felt embarrassed oneself, then started calculate should in the mind central disk to pull out many gifts on first meeting the things. 想不出来,两位道主也没为难自己,转而开始在脑海中盘算起了该掏多少见面礼的事情来。 World of Immortals naturally also has the tradition that Senior and elder lead by the hand the junior, the relations are more intimate, or a more outstanding junior, is easier to be led by the hand, given gift on first meeting, is naturally richer. 仙界自然也有前辈、长辈提携小辈的传统,关系越亲近、或是越优秀的小辈,就越容易受到提携,给的见面礼,自然也就越丰厚。 This is why, the remote antiquity Immortal Emperor Wang Anye surface did not see a moment ago, then walks piqued and headstrong, by Venus Dao Lord will complain mean-spiritedly the reason. 这也是为何,刚才太上仙帝王安业的面都不见,便“负气而走”,会被长庚道主吐槽“小气”的原因。 After all, remote antiquity Immortal Emperor this behavior, is very difficult not to suspect, he does not want to pull out the gift on first meeting intentionally. 毕竟,太上仙帝这行为,实在很难让人不怀疑,他是不是故意不想掏见面礼。 Who would imagine. 岂料。 two Dao Lord has not thought that pulls out what gift on first meeting ~ 两位道主还未想好掏什么见面礼呢~ Another side Wang Anye has pulled out the gift: Venus Senior, little gift, but also looks to kindly accept.” 另一边的王安业就已经率先掏起了礼物:“长庚前辈,区区薄礼,还望笑纳。” From infancy to maturity, he is filial piety the elder, is broadly well-respected in the elder group. 从小到大,他都十分孝敬长辈,在长辈群中广受好评。 In addition because of the reason of inheritance, later Wang Clan must have must associate with Venus Dao Lord, opportunity current, Wang Anye goes all out especially. 再加上因传承的原因,以后王氏少不得要与长庚道主交往,机会当前,王安业自是格外卖力。 Hands in front of gift box both hands Venus Dao Lord, Wang Anye pulled out another gift box again adeptly, both hands gave three Array Dao lords. 将一个礼盒双手递到长庚道主面前,王安业再次娴熟地掏出另一个礼盒,双手递给了三阵道主。 Three Senior, this gives your being filial piety, must decline not.” “三阵前辈,这是给您的孝敬,莫要推辞。” The two gift box is the same, the box is not big, but the semblance is very fine. 两个礼盒是一样的,盒子不大,但外表很是精致。 Clearly, these gift boxes are early morning prepare, looks very attentively, the Wang Anye mouth is also sweet, the attitude seems like an absolute sincerity. 很明显,这些礼盒都是一早就准备好的,看着很用心,王安业嘴也甜,态度看起来更是一片赤诚。 two Dao Lord as if also eats this set very much. 两位道主似乎也很吃这一套。 Although by their status, position and wealth, does not lack these that a True Immortal Boundary junior delivers to be filial piety, but the junior has this filial piety, naturally feels in the heart warm. 虽说以他们的身份、地位以及财富,并不缺一个真仙境小辈送的那些孝敬,但是小辈有此孝心,自然是感觉心中暖洋洋的。 Anye had a mind.” 安业有心了。” two Dao Lord showed the smile, simultaneously decided instantaneously, then enhances 30% to the Wang Anye gift on first meeting again! 两位道主都露出了笑脸,同时瞬间决定,接下来给王安业的见面礼再提高30%! Well?” “咦?” Suddenly, the smile of Venus Dao Lord stagnates slightly. 忽而,长庚道主的笑脸微微一滞。 His some doubt are looking at the tea canister in hand: „Is this what tea? How can some soul dao profundity?” 他有些狐疑地看着手中的茶叶罐:“这是何茶?怎会有些神魂道蕴在内?” He usually in the good tea, in being filial piety that noticed Anye to deliver has an clay jar tea leaves, the nature opens curiously smelled lightly. 他平日里好茶,注意到安业送的孝敬中有一陶罐茶叶,自然好奇地打开轻嗅了一下。 Finally this does not smell fortunately, smells the discovery is not right. 结果这不嗅还好,一嗅就发现不对劲了。 The quality of this tea, as if compared with the oneself imagination must be higher. Moreover, as if benefits the soul effect? 这茶的品质,似乎比自己想象的要高出许多。而且,似乎还有补益神魂的功效? Returns to Senior.” Wang Anye cups the hands explained, this is in younger generation town/subdues clan Psuedo God Tree Moon Nether Demon Tree Produced high-quality Minghun (Nether Soul) god tea.” “回前辈。”王安业拱手解释,“此乃晚辈家中镇族伪神树太阴冥魂树】出产的精品冥魂神茶。” This......” Venus Dao Lord expression is somewhat astonished, this can feared that has enough 12. Anye, your gift was also very precious.” “这……”长庚道主表情有些惊异,“这一罐怕是有足足一两。安业啊,你这礼物也忒珍贵了。” In the World of Immortals major influences, not deficient 17th Stage, even is 19th stage Psuedo God Tree, including part may deliver various types of god tea. 仙界各大势力中,并不缺乏十七阶、甚至是十八阶伪神树,其中有一部分可产出各种神茶。 However each god tea, the price is expensive. 但是每一种神茶,价格都非常昂贵。 Actually, to Yu Changgeng Dao Lord and three Array Dao Lord this grade of quite wealthy half step Immortal Emperor, god tea, although precious rare, but is not very unusual. Even, they each other associate the partner hand ritual that the time delivers, will frequently present various types of god tea. 其实,对于长庚道主、三阵道主这等比较富裕的半步仙帝而言,神茶虽然珍贵难得,但也算不上特别稀奇。甚至于,他们彼此交往时候送的伴手礼,也经常会出现各种神茶。 However, Wang Anye is the True Immortal Boundary child ~ delivers the elder the filial piety salute, unexpectedly directly delivers the false god tea? Did this make a move is too the trench is also mad? 但是,王安业才是个真仙境的孩子啊~送长辈孝敬礼,居然直接就送伪神茶的吗?这出手是不是也太壕气了点? The tea that since Anye delivers was the god tea, the liquor that delivered...... mostly was not common grade. 既然安业送的茶都是神茶了,那送的酒……多半也不是凡品 Venus Dao Lord quickly carried that „the universe liquor bottle gourd, opened smells smelled. 长庚道主急忙又拎出了那个“乾坤酒葫芦”,打开嗅了一嗅。 Flickers the time, the wine overflows, has the dao profundity radiance to overflow from gourd mouth faintly. 瞬时间,酒香四溢,隐隐有道蕴光华自葫芦口溢出。 This liquor, looks is not common grade ~ 这酒,看着不是凡品啊~ Venus Dao Lord is somewhat surprised, plugs in the stopper hastily, then raised the liquor bottle gourd to shake shaking. 长庚道主有些吃惊,连忙把瓶塞重新塞好,而后提起酒葫芦晃了晃。 The liquor in this universe bottle gourd, fears not under several hundred jin (0.5 kg). 这一乾坤葫芦内的酒,怕是不下于数百斤。 Wang Anye explained: Senior, nine color liquor that this is younger generation clan from planting produces the ninth grade meter/rice nine color meter/rice fermentings that becomes.” 王安业解释道:“前辈,这是晚辈家族自种自产的九品道米九彩道米酿制而成的九彩道酒。” ninth grade rice wine? 九品道米酒? Venus Dao Lord speechless. 长庚道主一阵无语。 Their Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace is good at planting spirit rice, the spirit rice output is counts in entire World of Immortals, therefore the current economic condition also calculates. 他们青帝神宫擅长种植灵米,灵米产量在整个仙界都是数得着的,因此经济条件还算可以。 However his Venus Dao Lord usually in also eats the eighth grade meter, at holidays is willing to eat the ninth grade meter to reward with food and drink oneself. 但是他长庚道主平日里也就是吃吃八品米,逢年过节才舍得吃九品米犒劳一下自己 But a ninth grade liquor, he is naturally impossible often to drink, must comes across various good deeds, on excuse such a small cup. 九品道酒,他自然也不可能常喝,须得碰到各种好事,才借口品上那么一小杯。 According to his Venus Dao Lord usually in consumption, this universe bottle gourd nine color liquor, sufficed him to drink slowly for dozens years. 按照他长庚道主平日里的消耗,这一乾坤葫芦的“九彩道酒”,都够他慢慢喝上几十年了。 Owed he previously also to think the Wang Anye family background small clan...... the result, this judgment feared missed the goal half World of Immortals. 亏他先前还以为王安业出身小族……结果,这判断怕是都偏出半个仙界去了。 Venus Dao Lord has such gift, three Array Dao lords receive will not naturally miss. In the gift box similarly is the Minghun (Nether Soul) god tea and nine color liquor, even the component is exactly the same. 长庚道主有这样的礼物,三阵道主收到的自然也不会差。礼盒里同样是冥魂神茶和九彩道酒,连份量都一模一样。 Venus Dao Lord holds the gift box, becomes doubtful at heart, has to think that also goes back the gift box. Without the means that this ritual was too heavy, he really receives does not start. 长庚道主捧着礼盒,心里直犯嘀咕,有心想把礼盒还回去。没办法,这份礼实在太重了,他实在是收不下手。 However, has not waited for him to be determined the gift box to draw back. 然而,还没等他下定决心把礼盒退回去。 Three Array Dao Lord actually kindly accepted directly: Since is the Anye intention, that Alliance Lord accepted.” 阵道主却直接笑纳了:“既然是安业的心意,那本盟主就收下了。” Saying, three Array Dao Lord received the gift box, then pulled out a Primal Chaos Crystal stopper to give Wang Anye: „I am quite vulgar, the boy you likes eating anything, buys on oneself.” 说着,三阵道主就把礼盒收了起来,然后掏出一枚混沌结晶塞给了王安业:“我这人比较俗,小子你喜欢吃什么,就自己去买。” „?” “?” Venus Dao Lord eye stares immediately perfectly round. 长庚道主眼睛登时瞪得滚圆。 Which family/home leads by the hand the gift on first meeting of later generation, gives Primal Chaos Crystal directly? 谁家提携后辈的见面礼,直接给混沌结晶的? This is value enough one hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone! 这可是价值足足一百混沌灵石 Good ~ 好吧~ His Venus understood. 他长庚明白了。 This is three Array Dao lords gives under him a wrap/sets. 这是三阵道主给他下的一个套。 At that moment, their two and Wang Anye have not determined the relations for the time being, can only be Senior. two people with for a leader of side influence, is half step Immortal Emperor, the received junior is filial piety also exactly the same. 当下,他们两个王安业暂且都没有确定关系,只能算是前辈两人同为一方势力的领袖,又都是半步仙帝,收的小辈孝敬也一模一样。 Then three Array Dao Lord such stoppers others Primal Chaos Crystal took the gift on first meeting. 然后三阵道主就这么塞了人家一枚混沌结晶作为见面礼。 What to do can his Venus also? 他长庚还能怎么办? Little, to appear his Venus is too mean-spirited? Azure Emperor doesn't Divine/God Palace have the sign surface very much? 给少了,岂不是显得他长庚太小气?青帝神宫很没牌面? But the issue is, three have not related with Wang Anye now, but a while must be in collusion the Master disciple. 可问题在于,三阵和王安业现在是没有关系,可一会儿就得互相勾结为师徒了。 His three give again much, the meat was rotten in oneself pot!! 他三阵给再多,肉都是烂在了自家锅里!! His Venus, actually really massive hemorrhage! 他长庚,却是实打实地大出血! However, under the look that in three Array Dao lords smile, even if Venus Dao Lord has seen through his repertoire, has no other alternative, can only suppress the heart drop blood, clenched teeth to pull out Primal Chaos Crystal. 然而,在三阵道主笑眯眯的眼神下,长庚道主哪怕已经识破了他的套路,也是别无他法,只能强忍着心头滴血,咬牙掏出了一枚混沌结晶 Anye ~ your cultivation, strives soon to arrive at Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm quite, becomes our Immortal Clan mainstay.” He pulls out the Primal Chaos Crystal movement somewhat reluctantly, the encouraged words are very sincere. 安业啊~你好生修炼,争取早日到混元境,成为咱们仙族的中流砥柱。”他掏混沌结晶的动作有些勉强,鼓励的话语却十分真诚。 Their Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace not like was Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace so also poor, is short of Primal Chaos Crystal not to go on living? 他们青帝神宫不像无极神宫那么穷,少了个混沌结晶难道就活不下去了? The critical moment sheds a blood, uses temporarily as ties good karma. Perhaps, this Anye boy really can become the great talent in the future, is good to Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace. 关键时刻出点血,权当结个善缘。说不定,这安业小子未来真的能成大器,对青帝神宫也有好处。 Many thanks two Senior leads by the hand.” “多谢两位前辈提携。” Wang Anye feels grateful wear a look, under the heart is actually calm, instead sighs secretly. 王安业面带感激,心下却是波澜不惊,反而暗暗叹了一口气。 Oh ~ ~ He really wants to be filial piety the elder sincerely, does to the gift to deliver each time, can receive several times, even is returning a courtesy of ten times of values. 他真的是诚心诚意想孝敬长辈的,奈何每次礼物送出去,都能收到数倍,甚至是十倍价值的回礼。 This money is more colored are more, is to make him worry worry really ~ 这钱越花越多,着实是令他烦恼啊烦恼~ ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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