POP :: Volume #8

#55: I can tell you, am I Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor?

Chapter 1001 第1001章 I can tell you, am I Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor? 我能告诉你,我是南明仙帝吗? ...... …… Wait? 等等? As if some not right place. 似乎有些不对劲的地方。 youngster knits the brows suddenly slightly, in the heart exudes to wipe the anxiety. 年轻人”忽而微微一皱眉,心中泛起一抹疑虑。 If he did not have the dotard, Zhantian (Severing Heaven) and Zhantian (Severing Heaven) liangs boy is always the boy mixes up, and is the faithful fans of Cloud Crane boy. 如果他还没老糊涂的话,斩天小子向来是厮混在一起的,并都是云鹤小子的忠实拥趸。 Now how Zhantian (Severing Heaven) accepts an apprentice bewilderedly, appears in the immortal pledge entrance? Can it be that to break off with Tianchen (Heavenly Dust/Dirt/Earth) and Cloud Crane boy noisily? 怎么现在斩天莫名其妙收了个徒弟,出现在仙阵盟门口?莫不是和天尘云鹤小子闹掰了? youngster has not thought from the start, Yan Cloud Crane their several ran unexpectedly quietly Immortal Alliance, and had matter of a series of being unexpected. 年轻人”压根就没想到,阎云鹤他们几个竟然悄悄跑去了仙盟,并发生了一系列始料未及的事情。 Zhantian (Severing Heaven) Teacher appeases anger, perhaps this friend spits the discontent purely, must haggle over with him not.” Wang Anye sees situation some is not right, opens the mouth to advise hastily. 斩天师尊息怒,这位朋友或许就是单纯吐吐牢骚而已,莫要与他计较。”王安业见情况有些不对,连忙开口劝阻。 He really fears Elder Zhantian violent temper, others innocent youngster punching. 他真怕斩天长老一个暴脾气,把人家无辜的年轻人给揍了。 Then, he shifts to that youngster, the elegant bearing to his ritual, then the tone expostulates to say sincerely: This brother, walk outside must say cautiously. Remote antiquity Emperor Venerable as the World of Immortals first expert, does not know that was World of Immortals performed many meritorious services, kept off many disasters. These merits are to all be obvious to all, is not tolerant of others the question.” 说罢,他又转向那“年轻人”,风度翩翩地冲他一礼,而后语气诚恳地劝诫道:“这位兄台,在外行走还需慎言。太上帝尊身为仙界第一高手,也不知为仙界立下了多少功勋,挡下了多少灾难。这些功绩皆是有目共睹的,不容人质疑。” His some behaviors, perhaps appear in our these junior eyes are not that reasonable, does not make one understand, but knows is not because we stand insufficient high, the field of vision is insufficient, therefore isn't able to understand? You want arbitrary wild talk Senior is not not.” “他的有些行为,或许在咱们这些小辈眼里显得不是那么合理,不是那么让人理解,但焉知不是因为我们站的不够高,视野不足,所以才无法理解呢?兄台还是莫要武断妄言前辈的不是。” Do I stand insufficiently high? Is my field of vision insufficient? 我站得不够高?我视野不足? What dog welldoing the remote antiquity old ghost is, can he not know? 太上老鬼是个什么狗德行,他能不知道? youngster hehe smiles. 年轻人”呵呵一笑。 However, has not haggled over these with Wang Anye eventually. 不过,终究没有和王安业计较这些。 These that because Wang Anye said that also truly is on the junior the problem that is easy to have. Wang Anye urged him actually not to have the problem. 因为王安业说的这些,也确实是小辈身上很容易出现的问题。王安业这么劝他其实没毛病。 He cannot tell Wang Anye directly, the father is solemn Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor, Has lived more than 60 to long live, stands enough high, looks enough far. 他总不能直接告诉王安业,老子乃是堂堂【南明仙帝】,已经活了六十多万岁了,站得足够高,看得足够远。 These issues that he said that do not exist. 他说的那些问题,根本就不存在。 oneself is because cultivation base boundary fell into the bottleneck thoroughly, the self inductance was hopeless to pass the fourth great misfortune, satisfying some unwilling this whole life arrived withstood/top, simply willful, came out to travel the bustling place while the final time, sought for a hope of such trivial vast. 自己不过是因为修为境界彻底陷入了瓶颈,自感无望度过第四次大劫,可心中又有些不甘心这辈子就这么到顶了,干脆就任性了一把,趁着最后的时光出来游历一下红尘,寻找那么一丝微渺的希望。 If by some chance, but said the eventuality, in the travelling process oneself has sensed and touched suddenly, successfully broke the boundary bottleneck shackles, that did oneself win the hemp? 万一,只是说万一,游历过程中自己忽然有所感悟和触动,成功打破了境界瓶颈桎梏,那自己岂不是赢麻了? Naturally, Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor also knew that can break through the boundary probability to be extremely low. 当然,南明仙帝也自知能突破境界的概率极低。 The trip, was last time plays in the world of mortals mostly. 此行,多半就是最后一次在凡间玩一玩了。 He hidden the identity to come out the travelling bustling place, will not expose the oneself status casually, where regardless of otherwise arrives, will bring in the attention worships of countless person, does that also travel an arse? 他隐藏身份出来游历红尘,自不会随便暴露自己身份,否则无论走到哪里,都会引来无数人的关注朝拜,那还游历个屁 Even, to avoid causing the unnecessary trouble, he not only changed the contour, even cultivation base aura anything's hidden. 甚至于,为了避免引起不必要的麻烦,他不仅改变了外形,连修为气息什么的也隐藏了。 In others opinion, he now is ordinary True Immortal Boundary youngster, even if knows his cultivator, only if Immortal Emperor face to face, or is familiar with the pinnacle to him, otherwise is still not necessarily able to recognize him. 在旁人看来,他现在就是个普普通通的真仙境年轻人,就算是认识他的修士,除非是仙帝当面,亦或者对他熟悉到极致,否则也未必能认得出他。 Your boy temperament mental disposition is actually good. Right, do you name? this time, is rushes Nine star tablets, To do obeisance into three Array Dao Lord hangers-on?” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor spoke thoughtlessly to shift the topic. “你小子脾气秉性倒是不错。对了,你叫什么名字?这一次,也是来闯【九星阵碑】,想要拜入三阵道主门下的吗?”南明仙帝随口转移了话题。 Wang Anye does not want to clutch is not putting, hearing this took advantage of opportunity also shifted the topic, introduced oneself: „Below Wang Anye, this time comes an immortal pledge, wants to ask everyone Array Master Senior to intend to construct Kong Jian (Space) array.” 王安业本来也没想揪着不放,闻言顺势就也转移了话题,自我介绍道:“在下王安业,此次前来仙阵盟,是想请诸位阵法师前辈出手建设空间阵法。” The Wang Anye attitude is temperate, to Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor is also very polite: May I ask your honored name? This time does not have Young Master to be absurdly same as that does the preparation rush to that nine star tablets?” 王安业态度温和,对南明仙帝也是十分客气:“敢问兄台尊姓大名?难道此番也是与那无妄公子一样,准备闯一闯那九星阵碑吗?” I called brightly...... You can call me bright brother.” “我叫……阳明。你可以叫我‘阳明兄’。” Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor spoke thoughtlessly to arrange a name, immediately lifted the pupil to look to the nine star tablets of distant place, in the tone brings several points of careless: Nine star tablets...... hehe. If I make a move, this broke through the formation a tablet minute/share of minute to be able entire broken. I am come to see to watch the fun, gives a try while convenient can pound to disturb, adds the point to stop up to the remote antiquity old ghost.” 南明仙帝随口编了个名字,随即抬眸看向远处的九星阵碑,语气中带着几分漫不经心:“九星阵碑……呵呵。若是我出手,这破阵碑分分钟就能全破了。我就是来看看热闹,顺便试试看能不能捣捣乱,给太上老鬼添点堵。” This point, he has not boasted actually. 这一点,他倒是没有吹牛。 These nine star tablets, are to usually be used to give Alliance Array Master test the admittance level. 这九星阵碑,平日里是用来给【加盟】的阵法师们测试准入水平的。 Yes. Is admittance standard, rather than upper limit. 是的。是“准入”标准,而不是上限。 Specializes in array Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm Array Master, basically can ninth array, become an immortal pledge to approve Nine star Array Master. 一些专修阵法混元境阵法师,基本都能过第九道阵法,成为仙阵盟认可的【九星阵法师】。 Even if in Great Principle Golden Immortal in late stage Array Master, part very fierce Array Master, can nine stars. 哪怕是大罗金仙后期阵法师中,部分非常厉害的阵法师,也是能过九星的。 As for his Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor...... 至于他南明仙帝…… Although he does not specialize in the array family background Immortal Emperor, but he lived after all enough 61 long live. 虽然他不是专修阵法出身的仙帝,可他毕竟活了足足六十一万岁了。 The long time wipes the disparity that Pingtian bestows on sufficiently. 漫长的时间足以抹平天赋上的差距。 Perhaps he talent on way of arrays is inferior to three Array Dao Lord that and other having god-given wisdom rare talents, but stronger on one big to plan compared with common Dao Lord level Array Master. 他在阵法一道上的天赋也许不如三阵道主那等天纵奇才,但是比起寻常的道主阵法师还是要强上一大筹的。 So many years later, if nine star Array Master cannot take, his Immortal Emperor white Dang? 这么多年下来,要是连个九星阵法师都拿不下,他这个仙帝岂不是白当了? However, nearby Wang Anye hears his rampant speech, actually cannot bear speechless. 然而,一旁的王安业听到他这嚣张的发言,却忍不住一阵无语。 Disturbs? 捣乱? Adds to stop up? 添堵? This named bright fellow, the age looks not big, the tone rather was a little extremely arrogant. 这个叫阳明的家伙,年纪看上去不大,口气却未免有点过于狂妄了些。 Also does not know that actually he and remote antiquity Divine/God Palace is what enmity what resentment? 也不知他和太上神宫究竟是什么仇什么怨? However, all these have nothing to do with his Wang Anye. The main purpose that his this time comes is to find the person constructs Kong Jian (Space) Transmission Array, next wants to have a look to be able deceiving to Teacher. 不过,这一切都与他王安业无关。他这一次来的主要目的是找人建造空间传送阵,其次是想看看能不能“骗”到一个师尊 This Teacher first choice, without a doubt definitely is three Array Dao lords. 这个师尊的首选,毫无疑问肯定是三阵道主。 But looks at now this stance, wants deceiving to three Array Dao Lord this Teacher, is basically hopeless. 但看现在这架势,想要“骗”到三阵道主这个师尊,基本已经无望了。 Although he also studies array, however in the understanding and achievements of way of arrays is also careless, he main energy placed sword array On. 他虽然也修习阵法,但是在阵法一道的理解与建树也就是“马马虎虎”,他更主要的精力都放在了【剑阵】上。 Wants him to rush to these nine star tablets, perhaps could not really have attained the good result. 要他去闯这九星阵碑,恐怕还真拿不到太好的成绩。 The forget it, forget it ~ pure spending employment relations are also good. 罢了罢了~单纯的花钱雇佣关系也挺好。 His Wang Anye Teacher are many enough, the multi- pressures also are too again big. Moreover he has Dao Book, another Dao Book has with is actually not limited to his influence. 王安业师尊已经够多了,再多压力也太大。而且他已经有一部道书了,另一部道书有和没有对他的影响其实有限。 Also is at the same time. 也是与此同时。 Immortal pledge, in a secluded graceful garden. 仙阵盟内部,一处僻静优雅的庭院内。 With these Divine/God Palace in frequently compared with the luxurious splendid, mighty big project group, the courtyard in immortal pledge seemingly wants simply many, the area is also small, to a certain extent even can be exquisite fine. 和那些神宫之中动辄奢华富丽,气势恢宏的大型建筑群相比,仙阵盟内的院落看起来要“朴素”得多,占地面积也小,某种程度上来说甚至可以算是“小巧精致”。 But, these are the representations. 但,这些不过都是表象。 These look at the simple exquisite courtyard, in has the universe actually. 这些看着朴素小巧的院落,实则都内有乾坤。 If some people enter in the courtyard, by the courtyard in that dense and numerous, dazzling array will be shocked surely. 若是有人进入院落之中,必定会被院子中那密密麻麻,让人眼花缭乱的阵法所震撼。 These courtyards, seemed like by respective master are regarded the new array test facility, as well as dazzled the technique the stage to be the same personally, various array, high of array density, the array type, was the mystery of array effect, can be dumbfounded absolutely stunning. 这些院落,似乎是被各自的主人当成了新型阵法的试验场,以及个人炫技的舞台一般,各种阵法层层迭迭,无论是阵法密度之高,阵法种类之多,还是阵法功效之神奇,都绝对能让人瞠目结舌。 But the present garden, is. 而眼前的这座庭院,更是其中之最。 Dazzles technique array compared with these, although array in this garden quantity not so many, but the overall level actually must be higher than the entire big truncation. Each array of, makes other Array Master praise to the heavens sufficiently, thumps the table and shouts praise. 比起那些炫技般的阵法,这座庭院中的阵法虽然数量没那么多,但总体水平却要高出整整一大截。其中的每一座阵法,都足以让其他阵法师叹为观止,拍案叫绝。 Under the array level repeat, this entire garden seems is small Heavenly Grotto that develops specially is ordinary, has the type give up affectation regards the feeling. 阵法层迭之下,这整座庭院就好似是一个专门拓展出的小洞天一般,有种返璞归真的既视感。 During the garden center, the vegetation complements, there is a white lithical pavilion. 庭院中央,草木掩映之中,有一座白色的石质凉亭。 In the pavilion, one similarly is the lithical circular tea table. 凉亭中,有一个同样是石质的圆形茶桌。 Near tea table. 茶桌边。 The two old man is sitting facing each other, drinks tea, while is chatting at will. 两位老者正相对而坐,一边喝茶,一边随意聊着天。 A their grey robe, a azure robe, putting on is very simple, makings are entirely different, even it can be said that two extremes. 他们一个一身灰袍,一个一身青袍,穿着皆十分朴素,一身的气质却迥然不同,甚至可以说是两种极端。 And, that grey robe old man beard and hair is gray, figure actually as before tall and strong tall and straight, even can also see the smooth muscle line by the light clothing indistinctly. 其中,那位灰袍老者须发已经花白,身形却依旧魁梧挺拔,透过薄薄的衣衫甚至还能隐约看到流畅的肌肉线条。 He seemed like very long has not paid attention to the personal image, the gray hair looks chaotically, the beard somewhat tied a knot, the clothing looks that was not quite neat, the whole person somewhat was seemingly sloven. 他看起来似乎已经很久没有关注过个人形象了,花白的头发看着乱糟糟的,就连胡须都有些打结,衣衫看着也不太整洁,整个人看上去似乎有些不修边幅。 However, even so, his eye is still also brilliant and sober, sinks to collect profoundly, lets person of the feeling without the reason is steadfast and faith. 不过,即便如此,他那一双眼睛也依旧睿智而清醒,深邃而沉敛,让人没来由的感觉踏实和信赖。 This person, is the present World of Immortals hot three Array Dao lords. 此人,正是如今仙界炙手可热的三阵道主。 As for another, seeming like, although is also the old appearance, even the beard and hair Lord must be whiter than three Array Dao, the figure is also thinner, the complexion is very ruddy, cannot see the senile feeling. 至于另外一位,看上去虽然也是岁数不小的样子,甚至于须发比三阵道主还要更白一些,身形也更加瘦削,面色却十分红润,丝毫看不出老态龙钟的感觉。 On him that azure long gown, is spotless, even a fold does not have. 他身上那一袭青色长袍,更是一尘不染,甚至连一丝褶皱都无。 Gust blows, his azure lower hem drags slightly, lining his whole person's under pine like moon/month, in the snow the cold cypress is common, showed one to be elegant from inside to outside the dust, light stretch/leisurely and flavor. 一阵风吹来,他青色的衣摆微微摇曳,衬得他整个人如同月下青松,雪中寒柏一般,由内而外透出了一股飘逸出尘,清淡舒和的味道。 That appearance, just like a standard returning to native place mountain forest, the old deity image of idle cloud wild crane. 那模样,活脱脱就是一个标准的归隐山林,闲云野鹤的老神仙形象。 If there are some World of Immortals big shot to present, can recognize this azure robe old man surely all of a sudden. 若是有仙界一些大佬在场,必定能一下子认出这位青袍老者。 He, is the conduct is low-key all along Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace For Palace Lord Venus Dao Lord. 他,正是一贯行事低调内敛的【青帝神宫】代宫主长庚道主 Venus Dao Lord Lord be slightly older than three Array Dao, but as also has technical Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Dao Lord of enormous achievements in the vice- occupation, he and three Array Dao Lord occupations, although is completely different two directions, but personal friendship actually continuously good. 长庚道主的年龄要比三阵道主略大一些,但作为同样在副职业上有着极大建树的技术型混元道主,他和三阵道主的职业虽然属于完全不同的两个方向,但私交却一直不错。 When this point, drinks tea from two people the comfortable optional attitude, then can be inferred. 这一点,从两人喝茶时闲适随意的态度,便可见一斑。 Venus brother.” Three Array Dao commanding general mouthful fragrance tea soup swallows into the abdomen, only thinks refreshing, the mouthful unrefined resin, in the tone naturally then took for several points to acclaim and sigh with emotion, you this Immortal god tea Really wonderful, the taste is infinite. This tea gets down, I felt that my obsolete body seemed like the wash is been common, had the sinking sickness completely to go, the life rubbed the feeling of rising dramatically.” “长庚兄。”三阵道主将一口满嘴馨香的茶汤吞入腹中,只觉神清气爽,满嘴生香,语气中自然便带上了几分赞叹和感慨,“伱这【长生神茶】果然妙不可言,滋味无穷。这一盏茶下去,我感觉我这老朽的身体都像是得到了洗涤一般,有种沉疴尽去,寿元蹭蹭飙升的感觉。” Venus Dao Lord makings natural smiling: Three brother expressions were exaggerating. Our Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace Immortal God Tree Although has achieved 19th stage , is actually the subspecies that is evolved by Shengming (Life) God Tree, although there is the effect of good long life, may to three brother your, drink multiple god tea half step Immortal Emperor, the effect is very weak.” 长庚道主气质潇洒的莞尔一笑:“三阵兄言辞夸张了。我们青帝神宫的【长生神树】虽然已经达到了十八阶,却不过是由生命神树衍变出的亚种,虽然有不俗的延寿之效,可对三阵兄你这等,喝过多次神茶的半步仙帝而言,效果已经十分微弱了。” Is only the new tea comes out, tastes the flavor to you.” “只是新茶出来,给你尝尝味道而已。” Saying, his oneself tosses down the last tea soup in hand, then puts down tea, this continues to say with the somewhat dignified tone slightly: Three brother this time conduct to receive the disciple congress publicly, and by Nine star tablets Tests the array level of participant, clarified did not have in view of the remote antiquity Divine/God Palace ginger absurdly, did not fear that, did have the opinion about you?” 说着,他自己将手中的最后一口茶汤一饮而尽,而后将茶盏重新放下,这才用略微有些凝重的语气继续说道:“三阵兄这一次公开举办收徒大会,并以【九星阵碑】来测试参与者的阵法水准,摆明了是针对太上神宫的姜无妄,难道就不怕‘那一位’,对你心生意见?” Oh ~ ~ “唉~~ Three Array Dao lords sighed, obviously also knows that Venus Dao Lord is having scruples anything. 阵道主叹了口气,显然也知道长庚道主在顾忌什么。 His tone is helpless: My this was not forced the ~ ginger does not have that boy status background too to be absurdly big, the back also has thatto support faintly ‚.” 他语气无奈:“我这不也是被逼无奈嘛~姜无妄那小子身份来头太大,背后又隐隐有‘那一位’在支持。” If I really accepted the ginger no unseemly behavior disciple, teaches Legacy with him, could not want number ten thousand years, our immortal pledge all previous generations older generation spent with all one's heart the strength, the base industry of great difficulty setting the record, then by remote antiquity Divine/God Palace annexation absorption.” “倘若我真收了姜无妄为徒,将一身衣钵都传授与他,要不了数万载,我们仙阵盟历代先辈费尽心力,好不容易才创下的基业,便会被太上神宫吞并吸收。” This truth Venus Dao Lord naturally must be clear. 这个道理长庚道主自然不会不明白。 Exactly said that remote antiquity Divine/God Palace this time hits is the bright sign, the goal is obvious, how even covers up without to cover up, as long as slightly a little Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Dao Lord of overall perception , there would be no not to look clearly. 或者更确切的说,太上神宫此番打的就是明牌,目的昭然若揭,甚至连遮掩都没怎么遮掩,但凡稍微有点大局观的混元道主,就没有看不明白的。 However, hearing three Array Dao Lord saying that Venus Dao Lord actually instead smiled: Remote antiquity Divine/God Palace is the World of Immortals largest influence, three brother so conflicts is annexed absorbs, is it possible that attempts evidently is not small ~, three brother has three normalizing direction?” 不过,听得三阵道主这么说,长庚道主却反而笑了:“太上神宫乃是仙界第一大势力,三阵兄如此抵触被吞并吸收,看样子所图非小啊~莫非,三阵兄已经有了‘三阵归一’的方向?” On the way of arrays perception, all previous immortal pledge Alliance Lord may can be called is a rare talent, but three Array Dao lords, absolutely are the rare talents in rare talent. 阵法一道的悟性来说,历代仙阵盟盟主都可称得上是奇才,但三阵道主,绝对是奇才中的奇才。 When his young exposed excellent perception of oneself on way of arrays, studying what array was quick, anything studied, finally was studies numerously and disorderly incomparable, was known as that „during world array is completely grasping. 年轻之时就展露出了自己阵法一道上的绝佳悟性,学什么阵法都快,就什么都学,结果就是所学庞杂无比,号称“天下阵法尽在掌握之中”。 His aptitude is in addition outstanding, then promotes Dao Lord young, therefore says as Ten thousand Array Dao lords. 再加上他资质卓绝,年纪轻轻便晋升道主,因此自称为【万阵道主】。 Ten thousand are empty refers , the meaning is among the world does not have him unable array. “万”是虚指,意思是天下间没有他不会的阵法 This tone, is nothing less than extremely arrogant. 这口气,不可谓不狂妄。 However, when this is his young matter. 不过,这都已经是他年轻时的事了。 When promoting Dao Lord, he seemed like realized heaven and earth was broad, difficult of say/way of follow-up exploration array, therefore quick precipitated, the person also changed young frivolous recklessly, becoming calm to be reserved. 在晋升道主之后,他似乎是意识到了天地广阔,阵法之道后续探索之难,所以很快就沉淀了下来,人也一改年轻时的轻狂肆意,变得沉稳内敛起来。 In later cultivation, he starts to try simplifying unceasingly, and myriad great array fusions. 在之后的修炼之中,他开始不断尝试着化繁为简,并将万千大阵融合。 Slowly, he turned into thousand Array Dao lords from ten thousand Array Dao lords, turned into hundred Array Dao lords! 慢慢的,他从“万阵道主”变成了“千阵道主”,又变成了“百阵道主”! Until ten thousand years ago, cultivation base has reached the Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm peak, has half step Immortal Emperor he of title, finally reduces myriad great array for three, starts to say Three Array Dao lords. 直至万年前,修为已然达到混元境巅峰,拥有“半步仙帝”称号的他,终于将万千大阵缩减为“三”,开始自称【三阵道主】。 He once openly said, oneself only meets three array, Transfers, Obstructs day, Executes immortal, Is corresponds the Kong Jian (Space) transmission and protection hiding respectively, the attack murders three directions. 他曾公开表示,自己只会三种阵法,【挪移阵】、【遮天阵】、【诛仙阵】,分别是对应空间传送、防护隐蔽,进攻杀伐三种方向。 Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, after knowing this matter, once openly expressed the commendation, spoke frankly that three Array Dao Lord in the foundation that all previous Array Dao older generation accumulates, finally went out of oneself Grand Dao/Avenue! 就连太上仙帝,在得知此事之后,也曾公开表示称赞,直言三阵道主在历代阵道先辈累积的基础上,终于走出了自己大道 If he one day achieved ten thousand normalizing seriously, was known as „when a Array Dao lord, perhaps has the opportunity to break through the shackles, steps unsurpassed Immortal Emperor Grand Dao/Avenue! 倘若他有一天当真做到了“万阵归一”,号称“一阵道主”时,或许就有机会突破桎梏,踏上无上仙帝大道 This is also in Venus Dao Lord mouth three normalizing origin. 这也是长庚道主口中“三阵归一”的由来。 Three Array Dao lords hear this saying, the expression actually all of a sudden becomes somewhat complex. 阵道主听到这话,表情却是一下子变得有些复杂。 He silent for a long time, sighed to say finally: Three normalizing, difficultly were too too difficult, is broken to the world my lifetime is also not necessarily have too many achievements. Now, I only strove for being able to find a very outstanding disciple to inherit my Legacy.” 他沉默了许久,才终于叹了口气说道:“三阵归一,太难太难了,穷极我毕生也未必能有太多建树。现在,我只求能找到一个非常优秀的弟子来继承我的衣钵。” Has me for the foundation that he builds, he could in ten thousand turn over to three foundations, proceeds again, perhaps the luck good then to go out to ‚a three normalizing the road comes.” “有我为他打下的基础,他或许能在万阵归三的基础上,再往前走走,说不定运气好便能走出一条通往‘三阵归一’的路来。” However, three Array Dao Lord also know the hope to be uncertain. 不过,三阵道主也知希望渺茫。 Is the road of unsurpassed Immortal Emperor so can it be that good? 无上仙帝之路岂是那么好走的? The Immortal Emperor rank inheritance that World of Immortals currently has, except for conducts from the inheritance of Ancient God directly, as well as simply is not beyond the inheritance of human, which did not experience long Years, finally completes the breakthrough through the outstanding disciples unceasing relay from generation to generation? 仙界目前拥有的仙帝级别传承,除了直接承袭自古神的传承,以及干脆不是人类的传承之外,哪一个不是经历了漫长岁月,通过一代一代的优秀弟子们不断的接力才最终完成突破的? Three Array Dao Lord received this stick from the older generations hand, and proceeded to step revolutionary one step, is very extraordinary achievement. 阵道主从先辈们手中接过这一棒,并往前跨了革命性的一步,已然是十分了不起的成就。 He is hopes can give a more outstanding apprentice the next stick. 他自是希望能将下一棒交给一个更加优秀的徒弟。 Obviously, three Array Dao Lord do not like the ginger not having absurdly that boy. 十分显然,三阵道主非常不喜欢姜无妄那小子。 First, is that boy is extremely a shrewd schemer, although has the perception on the say/way of array extremely, but oneself this lineage inherits, in his eyes is stepping on the tool of ascent eventually. 一来,是那小子太过工于心计,虽说在阵法之道上极有悟性,可自己一脉传承,在他眼里终究不过是踩着爬高的工具而已。 Secondly, the ginger does not have absurdly is remote antiquity Divine/God Palace training future Quasi God Child/Seed, once the inheritance falls into his hand, is very likely an entire immortal pledge in the future, combines into remote antiquity Divine/God Palace. 二来,姜无妄乃是太上神宫培养的未来准神子,一旦传承落入他手中,在未来便极有可能连带着整个仙阵盟,都归并入太上神宫 This regarding the development of immortal pledge without doubt is extremely disadvantageous. 这对于仙阵盟的发展无疑是极为不利的。 forget it, forget it, is useless.” Three Array Dao lords think it over, helpless finally sighed, ginger did not have although absurdly talent unparalleled, but eventually 3000 years old, its extraordinary were six star Array Master levels, definitely will lose in the seventh pass/test.” 罢了罢了,多想无益。”三阵道主思来想去,最终还是无奈叹了口气,“姜无妄虽然天赋无双,可终究连三千岁都不到,其了不起便是六星阵法师的水准,必然会折戟在第七关。” However I have arranged the subsequent hand, in many disciples, trained an outstanding disciple carefully, although age soon 6000 years old also in True Immortal Boundary, but his Array Dao talent was extremely high, has been able to rush to the seventh pass/test!” “而我已经安排了后手,在诸多弟子中,精心调教出了一位杰出弟子,虽然年龄快要六千岁还在真仙境,但他的阵道天赋却极高,已经能冲到第七关!” So, this Alliance Lord then can have the abundant reason to refuse the ginger not to have face to face absurdly, but that, although secretly will be uncomfortable, in emotion actually cannot pick up the problem in the principle.” “如此,本盟主便能有充沛的理由当面拒绝姜无妄,而‘那一位’虽说会暗自不爽,于情于理却也挑不出毛病。” Venus Dao Lord ridicules saying: Three brother usually in looks simple and honest honest, has not thought that will also play the plans. No wonder, even if that ginger does not have absurdly goes to overcome an obstacle, you can also calm drink tea with me as usual.” 长庚道主笑骂道:“三阵兄平日里看着憨厚老实,没想到也会耍心机。难怪,哪怕那姜无妄进去闯关,你也能淡定如常与我喝茶。” Three Array Dao Lord shook the head to say with a smile: I was also forced, offers this bad plan. Did not say that my broken matter, said you.” 阵道主笑着摇头说:“我也是被逼无奈,才出此下策。罢了,不说我这破事了,说说你吧。” „The Venus brother you always the conduct low key, the mental disposition is also mean-spiritedly parsimonious. Before this immortal god tea, I asked that you asked for that many time had not seen you to relent, this time brought to cook up the system the immortal god tea to look for me newly, deciding was the safe/without matter does not ascend the Three Treasures palace.” “长庚兄你向来行事低调,秉性又吝啬小气。这长生神茶之前我问你讨了那么多次都没见你松口,此次却带着新炒制的长生神茶过来找我,定是无事不登三宝殿。” Three Array Dao Lord do not have to the ginger deals absurdly early, extremely will not pay attention, instead smiling looked to the best friend old friend. 阵道主对姜无妄早有应对,自不会太过关注,反而是笑眯眯的看向了至交老友。 Ha haha ~ knows my three brother also ~ ~ Venus Dao Lord to smile, this time, this generation of Palace Lord are requests reinforcements, hopes that can hire a number of outstanding Kong Jian (Space) Array Master.” “哈哈哈~知我者三阵兄也~~”长庚道主爽朗一笑,“这一次,本代宫主是来求援的,希望能雇佣一批优秀的空间阵法师。” Three Array Dao Lord first stare, but on the face reveals the color of pleasant surprise at once: Is it possible that your Emperor Venerable missing forbidden area and did the inheritance have the whereabouts?” 阵道主先是一愣,可旋即脸上就露出了惊喜之色:“莫非,你们帝尊失踪的禁区和传承有了下落?” Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace Emperor Venerable Azure Sovereign Immortal Emperor, was then missing 1 million years ago mystically, together missing also has the forbidden area and inheritance. 青帝神宫帝尊青皇仙帝,早在百万年前便神秘失踪了,连带着一起失踪的还有禁区和传承。 According to at that time the judgments of several other Immortal Emperor, the Azure Sovereign Immortal Emperor big probability fell from the sky, the forbidden area and inheritance do not know the trace. 根据当时另外几位仙帝的判断,青皇仙帝大概率是陨落了,连带着禁区和传承也不知所踪。 Also from that time, Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace from rise to fall, is surviving low-key, while sought for the Azure Emperor forbidden area and inheritance actively. 也是从那时候起,青帝神宫由盛转衰,一边低调的生存着,一边积极寻找青帝禁区和传承。 Just, is Emperor Venerable falls from the sky similarly, the inheritance cannot look, the Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace day generally speaking be stronger than Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace. 只不过,同样都是帝尊陨落,传承找不回来,青帝神宫的日子总的来说要比无极神宫强许多。 After all Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace several main dao lineage are Wood Department is related, most is good at farming to plant the medicine, not only oneself spirit field delivers well, but can also output „the high-quality Spirit Plant Master labor force, helping other influences plant high grade level spirit rice, subsequently achieves the win-win effect. 毕竟青帝神宫的数种主要道统都是木系相关,最为擅长种田种药,非但自己灵田产出不错,还能输出“优质灵植师劳动力”,帮助其他势力种植高品灵米,继而达到双赢的效果。 In addition, the inheritance of Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace milk strength is always abundant, often is the logistics treatment personnel in the battlefield, is doing the work of noble spirit of saving the sick and wounded. 此外,青帝神宫的传承向来“奶力充沛”,在战场上往往担任后勤治疗人员,做着救死扶伤的工作。 But what is well-known, in the mortality rate extremely high battlefield, the treatment personnel of noble spirit of saving the sick and wounded is always extremely well-respected and respect. Milk strength is abundant Azure Sovereign Divine/God Palace cultivator, is eminent, the position will be only higher. 而众所周知的是,在死亡率极高的战场上,救死扶伤的治疗人员向来都是极受重视和尊敬的。“奶力充沛”的青皇神宫修士,更是其中翘楚,地位只会更高。 Moreover, their characters do not struggle not to snatch, is relatively mild-mannered and cultivated, the bearing is gentle. 而且,他们的性格也不争不抢,相对温文尔雅,气度平和。 Also, Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace not only has the stable creating income channel, has also been maintaining relatively good human relations with other influences, the popularity is far from Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace can compare. 也正是如此,青帝神宫不仅有着稳定的创收渠道,和其他势力之间也一直维持着相对不错的人脉关系,受欢迎程度远非无极神宫能比。 For many years, without Azure Sovereign Immortal Emperor supported, their easy lives had as before well, even somewhat was wealthily small. 多年来,哪怕没了青皇仙帝撑腰,他们的小日子依旧过得不错,甚至还有些小富裕。 If Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace can retrieve the forbidden area and Azure Emperor inheritance, perhaps could not need 70,000-80,000 years, World of Immortals then to increase Immortal Emperor, will then increase with the strength that Demon Race resisted. 若是青帝神宫能找回禁区和青帝传承,恐怕要不了70,000-80,000年,仙界便能增添一尊仙帝,与魔族对抗的力量便会大增。 Also three Array Dao lords heard no wonder will be very happy. 也难怪三阵道主听到了会很高兴。 Right.” Venus Dao Lord nods with a smile, our Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace induced the Emperor Venerable forbidden area to be activated some time past, and basically located the position.” “没错。”长庚道主笑着颔首,“我们青帝神宫前些时候感应到了帝尊的禁区被激活,并大致确定了位置。” Said that perhaps three brother you do not believe that when we conduct the survey and demarcation to the position of Emperor Venerable forbidden area, discovers its general Kong Jian (Space) position, unexpectedly with Beyond-Territory organization of Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace losing contact Immortal Alliance The position is similar.” “说起来三阵兄你恐怕不信,在我们对帝尊禁区的位置进行勘测和标定时,发现其所处的大概空间位置,居然与无极神宫失联的域外组织【仙盟】位置差不多。” Therefore we guessed, perhaps, these Immortal Alliance people discovered the Emperor Venerable forbidden area, activated the forbidden area.” “所以我们猜测,或许,正是那些仙盟的人发现了帝尊禁区,激活了禁区。” Unexpectedly in wild Beyond-Territory?” Hears here, on three Array Dao Lord faces the smile collects, in the foreheads shows for several points to have doubts, previously listened to you to mention, Azure Sovereign Emperor Venerable is coordinating Great wild goose When Senior carries out the top-secret plan falls from the sky mystically, why will the forbidden area appear in wild Beyond-Territory?” “竟然是在蛮荒域外?”听到这里,三阵道主脸上笑容一敛,眉宇间透出几分疑惑,“先前听你提及过,青皇帝尊是在配合【鸿】前辈执行绝密计划时神秘陨落,为何禁区会出现在蛮荒域外?” This point I was not quite clear.” Venus Dao Lord shakes the head, according to various lineages Emperor Venerable, great wild goose Senior has 1 million years not to feed in the news. That so-called top-secret plan, is actually becomes the defeat no one was also clear.” “这一点我就不太清楚了。”长庚道主摇头,“据各脉帝尊说,鸿前辈已经有一百万年没有传回消息了。那一次所谓的绝密计划,究竟是成是败也没人清楚。” Perhaps has not really fed in the news, perhaps also had Emperor Venerable to receive the message, actually the choice concealed.” Three Array Dao Lord expressions are dignified, we, although was known as that is half step Immortal Emperor, in fact is huge with the true Immortal Emperor disparity, was excluded from the news level also not necessarily not possibly.” “或许是真的没传回消息,也或许有帝尊收到了消息,却选择隐瞒。”三阵道主表情凝重,“我们虽然号称是‘半步仙帝’,实际上却与真正的仙帝差距巨大,被排除在消息层外也未必没有可能。” Even such as you guessed, we still have no alternative.” The Venus Dao Lord sincere say/way, was good because of the forbidden area has the news. Now the matter of primary importance, is welcomes the Emperor Venerable forbidden area, retrieves the Emperor Venerable inheritance. When our Azure Emperor Divine/God Palace also had Immortal Emperor, all were easy to do.” “即便如你猜测,我们也无可奈何。”长庚道主正色道,“好在禁区已经有了消息。现在最重要的事情,便是去迎回帝尊禁区,寻回帝尊传承。等我们青帝神宫也有了仙帝,一切就好办了。” „The Venus brother, said your plan.” Thinks Human Race might add Immortal Emperor again, three Array Dao Lord are also very inspired, „, so long as my three can achieve, certainly whole-heartedly.” “长庚兄,说说你的计划。”一想到人族或许要再添一位仙帝,三阵道主也很是振奋,“只要我三阵能做到的,一定全力以赴。” Venus Dao Lord the look, said the oneself plan. 长庚道主正了正神色,说出了自己计划。 Although between the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city ruins and Immortal Alliance have old style Transmission Array, but considering that the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city ruins in the Demon Race sphere of influence, the situation are not bright, the action is very rashly easy to alert the enemy, we consider over and over, to strive for safely, the decision carefully handles affairs.” “虽说无极城废墟和仙盟之间有一座老式传送阵,但考虑到无极城废墟处在魔族势力范围内,情况未明,贸然行动很容易打草惊蛇,我们思虑再三,为求稳妥,还是决定谨慎行事。” Our current plans are, deploying advance forces to ride Shenzhou to cross the void sea directly, arrives in the target location.” “我们目前的计划是,派遣一支先遣部队乘坐神舟直接横渡虚空海,抵达目标位置。” I hope that three brother can send out several to be skilled in ultra long-distance range Kong Jian (Space) Dao Lord, travels together with our advance forces. Waited till that side first not to recover the forbidden area anxiously, but first determined Kong Jian (Space) coordinates, the two sides first constructed ultra long-distance range Kong Jian (Space) Transmission Array simultaneously!” “我希望三阵兄能派出数位精通超远距离空间阵的道主,与我们先遣部队同行。等到了那边先不急着找回禁区,而是先确定好了空间坐标,两边同时先建造超远距离空间传送阵!” Had Transmission Array, we can lots of dispatch personnel in the past, in order to avoid has various accidents/surprises.” “有了传送阵,我们就能大量派遣人员过去,以免出现各种意外。” „, Indeed is so safe.” Three Array Dao lords hear to nod the head slightly, immediately proposed the anxiety, so long-distance range, even independent Shenzhou navigates, at least still in 1000? Moreover, large-scale Transmission Array of so long-distance range, must the investment magnanimous resources.” “如此,的确稳妥。”三阵道主听得微微颔首,随即却提出了疑虑,“如此远距离,即便是单独一艘神舟航行,至少也得一千年吧?而且,如此远距离的大型传送阵,须得投入海量资源。” Only more than 1000 years, our Divine/God Palace , etc .” Venus Dao Lord said inspired, as for constructing the Transmission Array resources, you do not need to worry. For these years, our Divine/God Palace by helping the person farms and therapy, accumulated some qualifications.” “区区一千多年而已,我们神宫等得起。”长庚道主振奋道,“至于建造传送阵的资源,你也不用愁。这么多年来,我们神宫靠帮人种田和疗伤,还是攒了些本钱的。” Our Divine/God Palace over a million years of rest and preparation, for today! Resources, absolutely not short you!” “我们神宫上百万年的蛰伏与准备,都是为了今天!资源这一块,绝对不会短了你!” So good.” Three Array Dao Lord nod the head slightly, immediately continues saying that that only had an issue. Heard that your Xuanqing (Deep Black/Profound Azure) Shenzhou, was missing with Azure Sovereign Emperor Venerable and forbidden area together. Where does your Shenzhou from come?” “如此就好。”三阵道主微微颔首,随即继续道,“那就只剩下一个问题了。听说你们的玄青神舟,与青皇帝尊以及禁区一起失踪了。你们的神舟从哪来?” Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace.” Venus Dao Lord has calculated that all appearances, said calm, their Shenzhou also, because the use and maintenance consumption are huge, they cannot use, actually does not give up, does not dare to sell out, can only seal. They now are poor are about to beg for food, I am willing to pay the money to rent 2,000-3,000 years, they happily were certainly bad.” 无极神宫。”长庚道主一副早就已经算好一切的模样,淡定地说道,“他们的神舟还在,但因为使用和维护消耗过于巨大,他们根本用不起,却又不舍得,也不敢卖掉,就只能封存了起来。他们现在穷得都快讨饭了,我愿意出一大笔钱去租用个2,000-3,000年,他们一定高兴坏了。” Standing to reason, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is extremely indeed poor.” Three Array Dao lords nod the head the agreement. “言之有理,无极神宫的确太过贫穷。”三阵道主颔首同意。 Now, he did not have the issue again. 现在,他再也没有问题了。 He is preparing very happily complies to participate in the plan. 他正准备很高兴的答应参加计划。 Suddenly. 忽而。 On nine star tablets that had not paid attention, represents already through the stars of seventh pass/test, shone. 一直未曾关注的九星阵碑上,代表已经通过第七关的星辰,就这么亮了起来。 next moment. 下一刻 The crowds burst into the intermittent shocking cheers suddenly. 围观群众们蓦然爆发出了阵阵震惊的欢呼声。 Although many person very repugnant ginger do not have absurdly, but at this moment, they actually have to by his performance conquering. 尽管不少人都很讨厌姜无妄,但此时此刻,他们却也不得不被他的表现给征服。 Under 3000-year-old 7 Star/Big Dipper Array Master! 不到3000岁的七星阵法师 Perhaps, was this historically most young 7 Star/Big Dipper Array Master? 恐怕,这是历史上最年轻七星阵法师了吧? „......?” “……?” Three Array Dao Lord also somewhat were all of a sudden ignorant. 阵道主一下子也有些懵了。 How possibly? This boy unexpectedly really success the seventh pass/test, moreover is passing through the eighth pass/test positively!? 怎么可能?这小子居然真的成功过了第七关,而且正在积极闯第八关!? This is representing, was the subsequent hand who he previously arranged discarded all of a sudden? 这岂不是代表着,他先前布置的后手一下子被废掉了? ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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