POP :: Volume #8

#54: Wang Anye and immortal pledge

Chapter 1000 第1000章 Wang Anye and immortal pledge 王安业和仙阵盟 ...... …… Same time. 同一时间段。 World of Immortals, occupies remote antiquity Divine/God Palace of World of Immortals central location. 仙界,占据仙界中央位置的太上神宫 As one of the World of Immortals most ancient influences, the remote antiquity Divine/God Palace history is glorious, even can trace the Ancient God time the end. 作为仙界最古老的势力之一,太上神宫的历史非常悠久,甚至可以一直追溯到古神时代的末期。 The most prosperous period, it had the World of Immortals half of the country. 其最鼎盛时期,它足足占据了仙界的半壁江山。 Present remote antiquity Divine/God Palace, although no longer the strongest potential, occupies in the current World of Immortals three ten three layers days alone Ascends the sky, Universe day, Too clear day, These three very bountiful world World Group fall. 如今的太上神宫,虽说已不复最强之势,却也单独占据着当前仙界三十三重天中的【太上天】、【太虚天】、【太清天】,这三块非常富饶的世界群落。 World of Immortals each single layer heaven unusual length and breadth, is the sizable areas that the Shengming (Life) material and energy nature gathering concentrate. 仙界的每一重“天”都非常广袤,是生命物质和能量自然汇聚富集的广大区域。 Size also non- closely coincide between heaven and heaven, in three ten three layers days biggest too heaven, compared with smallest 7 Star/Big Dipper Xuantian (Profound Heaven), wants on big three times. “天”“天”之间的大小也并不完全相等,三十三重天中最大的“太上天”,比起最小的“七星玄天”,要大上三倍有余。 But Wang Clan is at Holy Territory, its area completely insufficient single layer day scale, only then in addition Shattered Territory, its total area can be single layer day appearance. 王氏所在的“圣域”,其疆域完全不够一重天的规模,只有加上破灭之域后,其总疆域才能算是“一重天”的样子。 But Kong Jian (Space) between heaven and heaven from, often is also quite remote, even if sometimes speed extremely quick Dao Boat, wants to stretch across the void sea, arrives at another single layer day from the single layer day, usually still takes dozens years, even is over a hundred years. “天”“天”之间的空间距离,往往也是相当遥远,有时候即便是速度极快的“道舟”,想要横跨虚空海,从一重天到达另一重天,往往也需要数十年,甚至是上百年的时间。 Therefore, wants from some single layer heaven to other single layer heaven, the quickest way is long-distance range Transmission Array. 因此,想要从某一重“天”去往另外一重“天”,最快的方式莫过于远距离传送阵 However Transmission Array opens every time one time, the energy consumption is very huge, is not World of Immortals average person can bear. 然而传送阵每开启一次,能量消耗都十分巨大,并非是仙界的“普通人”能够负担的。 Also is from this, in World of Immortals below most Void Soaring Boundary average person, from the birth not necessarily has often had that single layer day of oneself life to the death. 也是由此,仙界中绝大多数凌虚境以下的“普通人”,往往从出生至死亡都未必出过自己生活的那一重天。 Even if these lives may reach four thousand years Void Soaring Boundary cultivator, still transfer the revolutions in nearby 2-3 heaven occasionally. Only if „the unit government expense business trip, otherwise travels by Transmission Array every time time, must make oneself purse shrink a big truncation, what end is loves dearly very much. 即便是那些寿元可达四千载的凌虚境修士,也就是偶尔在附近的2-3个“天”转转。除非是“单位公费”出差,否则每搭乘一次传送阵,都得让自己“荷包”缩水一大截,端的是心疼得很。 Without the means that is one poor character is noisy ~ 没办法,都是一个“穷”字闹的~ Reason that World of Immortals is called World of Immortals, then because of here, after cultivator achieves True Immortal Boundary truly, the position can be more aloof, truly has the qualifications in the major days freely to travel, or comes a going ahead travel. 仙界”之所以称为“仙界”,便是因为在这里,修士只有真正达到“真仙境”后,地位才能超然一些,才真正有资格在各大天之间自由游历,或是来一场说走就走的旅行。 Universe day. 【太虚天】。 As one of the remote antiquity Divine/God Palace jurisdiction three layers days, the universe day productivity affluence, can count in entire World of Immortals. 作为太上神宫管辖的三重天之一,太虚天的丰饶富裕程度,在整个仙界都是数得着的。 Also is therefore, here influence constitution especially is also complex, various Dao Sect, Divine Dynasty and god clan influence stands in great numbers. They occupy in the galaxy group of length and breadth, between the influence and influence each other spread across, dominates a side respectively, the multiplication lives. 也是因此,这里的势力构成也就格外复杂,各种道宗神朝、神族势力林立。它们盘踞在广袤的星河群中,势力和势力之间彼此纵横交错,各自称霸一方,繁衍生息。 But Heavenly Ruins city, Then is entire universe day the place of core. 而【天墟城】,则是整个太虚天的核心之处。 Before Dongxia (East Xia/Eastern Rosy Cloud) Divine Dynasty was liveliest wealthy Divine Capital Luojing (Luo Capital), Compared with the Heavenly Ruins city, is just like the gap between countryside nameless small town and Demon Capital Shanghai. 之前东霞神朝最繁华富裕的神都洛京】,和天墟城比起来,就好比是乡下无名小镇和魔都上海之间的差距。 But at present in the Heavenly Ruins city, the most famous influence, is famous Immortal pledge Headquarters. 而目前天墟城中,最为出名的势力,莫过于大名鼎鼎的【仙阵盟】总部了。 Immortal pledge The full title is World of Immortals Array Master alliance, It is one relatively is essentially loose and neutral organization. 【仙阵盟】的全称是【仙界阵法师联盟】,其本质上是一个相对松散且中立的组织。 It was some wandering cultivator or small influence Array Master organized at first spontaneously, interchange association that helped the cooperation mutually. 它起先不过是一些散修或小势力阵法师自发组织起来,互帮互助的交流协会。 The time grew, had some fame actually gradually, developing is also getting better and better. 时间长了,倒是渐渐有了些名气,发展得也越来越好。 Arrived afterward, various big influence internal Array Master also started to be involved, and gradually formed a series of industry specifications and industry criteria, finally, develops to become a present immortal pledge in the long history. 到后来,各种大势力内部的阵法师也开始加入其中,并且逐渐形成了一系列的行业规范和行业准则,最终,在漫长的历史中发展成为了现在的仙阵盟。 But even if develops so a situation immortal pledge, in has Divine/God Palace, temple that Immortal Emperor assumes and other in the top influence eyes, is still acting as array project outsourcing team as before role. 但即便是发展到如此地步的仙阵盟,在一些拥有仙帝坐镇的神宫、神殿等顶级势力眼中,也依旧不过是充当着“阵法工程外包团队”的角色。 The respect has, but is also limited. 尊重有,但也有限。 After all, in this World of Immortals, the strength is a kingly way. Does an influence have Immortal Emperor to assume personal command, the treatment absolutely is difference of heaven and earth. 毕竟,在这仙界,实力才是王道。一个势力有没有仙帝坐镇,待遇绝对是天差地别 However, a present immortal pledge, was actually all of a sudden hot. 然而,如今的仙阵盟,却是一下子炙手可热了起来。 The main reason, is an immortal pledge in Kong Jian (Space) Transmission Array technically, made the major breakthrough. 其最主要的原因,便是仙阵盟在“空间传送阵法”技术上,有了重大的突破。 Naturally, some breakthroughs mainly because absorbed Demon Race Transdimensional Corridor technology. 当然,这部分突破主要还是因为吸收了魔族超空间走廊”的技术。 Demon Race Transdimensional Corridor, is one type through folds Dark Void Realm interior Kong Jian (Space), to make stably temporary Kong Jian (Space) tunnel technology. 魔族超空间走廊,乃是一种通过对黑暗虚界内部空间进行折迭,以制造出稳定的“临时空间隧道”的技术。 This technical difficulty is enormous, is effective. 这种技术难度极大,却又非常有效。 Naturally, this did not say the sophistication far ultra Immortal Clan civilization of Demon Race civilization. 当然,这并非是说魔族文明的先进程度远超仙族文明。 In fact, Demon Race as a result of its natural characteristics issue, in Dark Void Realm energy compatible, as well as to utilization of dark energy on, is ultra World of Immortals. 事实上,魔族由于本身天然属性的问题,在和黑暗虚界的能量亲和度,以及对黑暗能量的运用度上面,都是远超仙界的。 Therefore, by getting up understanding and utilization to Dark Void Realm, Demon Race is also naturally stronger than World of Immortals. 因此,论起对黑暗虚界的理解和运用,魔族自然也比仙界强许多。 Comparatively speaking, although World of Immortals can also construct the long-distance range Transmission Array, but comparatively speaking, its construction difficulty, the transmission efficiency, and convenience of use is less than Transdimensional Corridor technology to be many. 相比较而言,仙界虽然也能建造远距离的传送阵,但相比较而言,其建设难度,传送效率,以及使用的便利程度都不及“超空间走廊”技术多矣。 In fact, Demon Race also with expands to the utilization of Transdimensional Corridor wantonly, the line of plundering and conquering plans. Then is powerful like World of Immortals, from the beginning also ate in the Demon Race hand owed greatly, the domain was nibbled unceasingly, was compressed. 事实上,魔族也正是凭着对超空间走廊的运用大肆扩张,行掠夺和征服之策。便是强大如仙界,一开始也在魔族手中吃了巨亏,地盘不断被蚕食,被压缩。 The basic reason, but also lies in Demon Race Transdimensional Corridor is extremely fierce. Once makes them hold together the stable domain in the void sea, can rely on Transdimensional Corridor to dispatch with the concentration of effort rapidly. 其根本原因,还在于魔族超空间走廊太过厉害。一旦让他们在虚空海中占据一块稳固的地盘,便可凭借超空间走廊迅速调遣和集中兵力。 Regardless of so, attacks defends, then had the absolute initiative and advantage. 如此,无论进攻还是防守,便都占据了绝对的主动权和优势。 This was also initially, why Wang Shouzhe must destroy four Transdimensional Corridor biggest reasons simultaneously. 这也是当初,王守哲为何一定要一口气同时破坏掉四个超空间走廊的最大原因。 As long as little destroys one, Holy Territory is very likely submerging by the continuous Demon Race reinforcements. 但凡少破坏掉一个,圣域都极有可能被源源不断的魔族援军给淹没。 Is good is cruel because of the Demon Race natural disposition, and selfishness is extremely heavy, does not unite, the Demon Race major supreme between relations are also intriguing, contradictory layer on layer/heavily, supreme and supreme between basically operates independently, even can also once for a while an internal strife wave. 好在魔族生性残暴,且私心极重,并不团结,魔族各大至尊之间的关系也是错综复杂,矛盾重重,以至于至尊与至尊之间基本都是各自为战,甚至还会时不时内讧一波。 But World of Immortals under the tremendous pressure, actually quite unites relatively, once which family/home responsible war zone has problems, will also strongly rush to rescue. 仙界在巨大的压力下,却是相对比较团结,一旦谁家负责的战区出了问题,还会集中驰援。 Falls from the sky on for example Emperor Wu Yuexian of Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple unfortunately, Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor run back and force to keep up appearances. 就譬如武岳神殿的武岳仙帝不幸陨落,紫薇仙帝就两头跑撑场面。 Also, in the past after Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace routed, the Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) temple and Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple also squeezed out some domains to perch therapy for it, other big influences have also had various support, preserved the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace vitality. 还有,当年无极神宫大败之后,紫薇神殿和南明神殿也都挤出了一些地盘供其栖息疗伤,其他大势力也都有过各种支援,算是保住了无极神宫的元气。 So, World of Immortals was the reluctant knife edge lives. 如此,仙界才算是勉强支棱住了。 World of Immortals has suffered a loss, naturally also understands fierce of Transdimensional Corridor, therefore, major influences openly or covertly is studying and imitating Transdimensional Corridor, how wants to study internal Kong Jian (Space) to conduct the distortion to fold to Dark Void Realm, and makes the technology of temporary tunnel by this. 仙界吃过亏,自然也明白超空间走廊的厉害,因此,各大势力或明或暗的都在研究和模仿超空间走廊,想要研究出如何对“黑暗虚界”内部空间进行扭曲折迭,并以此制造出临时隧道的技术。 Long-term and does not count under the development of cost, various have a big harvest. 长期和不计成本的发展下,各家都有不小的收获。 However an immortal pledge, in this technical breakthrough is hugest. 但是仙阵盟,在此技术上的突破是最为巨大的。 An immortal pledge researches and develops newly Ultra Kong Jian (Space) Transmission Array, Completed the technical breakthrough for the first time, enabling Transmission Array to have the transmission efficiency to be high, the transmission scale was big, transmission distance far characteristics. 仙阵盟新研发出来的【超空间传送阵】,首次完成了技术性的突破,使得传送阵具备了传送效率高、传送规模大、传送距离远的特点。 This war to World of Immortals and Demon Realm, will play the revolutionary change. 这对仙界魔界的战局,也会起到革命性的变化。 Therefore, as immortal pledge Alliance Lord of research main force Three Array Dao lords, Naturally also becomes the reputation to be outstanding all of a sudden, its position also all of a sudden becomes aloof, is conspicuous at present , was only inferior in some Immortal Emperor. 因此,作为研究主力的仙阵盟盟主【三阵道主】,自然也是一下子变得声名卓著起来,其身份地位也一下子变得超然,就目前惹眼,也就只逊色于一些仙帝了。 In immortal pledge headquarters in Heavenly Ruins city, therefore becomes hot. 位于天墟城中的仙阵盟总部,也因此而变得炙手可热起来。 The immortal pledge headquarters entrance of Heavenly Ruins city, is standing erect a stele. 天墟城的仙阵盟总部门口,矗立着一座石碑。 The stele uses the dark-gray stone material as the base, on the tablet engraves to carve all sorts of complicated engraved inscriptions, and mounts nine to imitate the aura that if stars array eye, lends is mysterious and profound, just like containing the heaven and earth highest good is ordinary. 石碑以深灰色石料为基,碑上镌刻刻着种种繁复的铭文,并镶嵌着九个仿若星辰般的阵眼,散发出的气息玄奥而深邃,宛如蕴含着天地至理一般。 In these nine array eye, five are shining at present. 这九个阵眼中,目前有五个是亮着的。 Before the stele, there is an area enormous square. 石碑前,有一座面积极大的广场。 At this moment. 此刻。 In square, sea of people. 广场上,人山人海。 It seems is launching a grand meeting. 好似在开展一场盛会。 If there is an experienced person to examine carefully in this, will then discover in the square gathers came from World of Immortals various heaven outstanding youngster unexpectedly. 若是有见多识广的人在此细看,便会发现广场上聚集的竟都是来自仙界诸天的优秀年轻人 They gather in this, each one expressions rouse, the look is shining frantically, as if there is extremely happy anticipation to the future. 他们汇聚于此,个个表情振奋,眼神狂热而放着光,仿佛对未来有着极为美好的期待。 They the Big Boss/Great Elder far gathering from Thirty Three Heavens here, the goal are to then want to do obeisance in three Array Dao Lord hangers-on. 他们从三十三天大老远汇聚在此,目的便是希望能拜在三阵道主门下。 Even if merely is honorary disciple, will make their status when production costs rise, prices rise too, immediately soars. 哪怕仅仅是一个记名弟子,都会令他们的身份水涨船高,随即一飞冲天。 Suddenly. 忽而。 The stele engraved inscription is suddenly bright, Kong Jian (Space) fluctuates to ripple together suddenly. 石碑铭文骤亮,一道空间波动骤然荡漾开来。 Black clothes youngster was flung from Kong Jian (Space). 紧接着,一位黑衣年轻人就被从空间中甩了出来。 Is good has achieved the True Immortal Boundary rank because of this youngster cultivation base, although the appearance is distressed, actually forces to control the body in the midair, hovering in in the air. 好在这位年轻人修为已经达到真仙境级别,模样虽狼狈,却勉强在半空中控制住身体,悬停在了空中。 He looked at sixth array eye that on a stele had not shone, in the look reveals regretted the color. 他看了一眼石碑上始终没有亮起的第六个阵眼,眼神中露出了惋惜之色。 That array, he has almost wanted together! 那一道阵法,他差点就要过了! Inspection Ding min from parting regrets day, the grand total has rushed to five array.” “来自离恨天的考核者丁一旻,总计闯过五道阵法。” Sees that stood by the stele azure robe Elder wields the sleeve swayed, the clear and resonant voice sent out his result. 见状,一位站在石碑旁青袍长老一挥袖摆,朗声报出了他的成绩。 He is immortal pledge Dao Lord level Elder, is the head of this inspection. 他是仙阵盟的一位道主长老,同时也是这次考核的负责人。 His look is dignified, looked that was actually passing an appreciation to that black clothes youngster look a moment ago: Ding min, you perform well. According to the custom of my immortal pledge, has passed through five array closing, may award the five-star Array Master title, and has the qualifications to become the immortal pledge full member.” 他神色威严,看向刚才那黑衣年轻人的眼神中却透着一丝欣赏:“丁一旻,你表现得不错。按照我仙阵盟的规矩,闯过五道阵法关者,可授予五星阵法师的头衔,并有资格成为仙阵盟正式成员。” Even in an immortal pledge, five-star Array Master is still the mainstream, most five-star Array Master are cultivator of Great Principle Golden Immortal rank, can win the five-star Array Master title in True Immortal Boundary, fully obviously fierce of this Ding min on way of arrays. 即便是在仙阵盟中,五星阵法师也是主流,不过绝大多数的五星阵法师都是大罗金仙级别的修士,能在真仙境就获得五星阵法师的头衔,足可见这丁一旻在阵法一道上的厉害。 Many thanks Senior encouragement.” “多谢前辈勉励。” Black clothes youngster Ding min, quickly salutes to that Elder cups the hands. 黑衣年轻人丁一旻,急忙对那长老拱手行礼。 Hears Elder this saying, he because of being defeated, but some moods of losing, was all of a sudden better. 听得长老这话,他因为失败而有些失落的心情,一下子好了许多。 He looks to that Elder, in the look somewhat anticipated: Does not know that the younger generation can have the qualifications become three Senior honorary disciple?” 他看向那长老,眼神中有些期待:“不知晚辈可有资格成为‘三阵前辈’的记名弟子?” God clan of Ding min from parting regrets day. He now still less than 6000 years old, is True Immortal Boundary big late stage cultivator, was the eminent in youngster. 丁一旻来自离恨天的一个神族。他如今尚不足六千岁,便已经是真仙境后期修士,也是年轻人中的翘楚了。 Moreover he also likes array, spent lots of time on studying array, the attainments and perception on way of arrays was very good. If this is not the case, he cannot rush to five array critical junctions by True Immortal Boundary cultivation base. 而且他还喜欢阵法,花费了大量时间在研究阵法上,在阵法一道上的造诣和悟性都很不错。若非如此,他也不能凭借真仙境修为就闯过五道阵法大关。 Sir Alliance Lord lot of work, without so many time professor disciples.” That immortal pledge Elder said with a smile, „, but, this Elder treasures your talent, may receive you for the official disciple, as for can be personal inheritance, must look at you oneself diligently.” 盟主大人事务繁忙,没那么多时间教授弟子。”那仙阵盟长老笑着说道,“不过,本长老爱惜你的才华,可收你为正式弟子,至于能不能位列亲传,就得看伱自己努力了。” A Ding min great happiness, when the big ritual said immediately: min is willing to do obeisance Senior Master.” 丁一旻大喜,当即行大礼道:“一旻愿意拜前辈为师。” Although could not be three Array Dao Lord disciples, can have the opportunity to become Dao Lord Elder personal inheritance, was the excellent chance. 虽然做不了三阵道主的弟子,能有机会成为道主长老亲传,也是极好的机缘了。 Good.” That immortal pledge Elder flings together the token say/way, „after finished the this time inspection, you come an immortal pledge to look for this Elder.” “好。”那仙阵盟长老甩出一块令牌道,“等忙完这一次考核后,你来仙阵盟找本长老。” He to Ding min is also quite satisfied. 他对丁一旻也是比较满意。 In fact, Ding min, although is not that highest level array talent, but is rare is he comes cleanly, is only ordinary god clan juniors, is not these disciples of apex big influence. 事实上,丁一旻虽不是那种最为顶级的阵法天才,可难得的是他出身干净,只是一个普通神族子弟,并非是那些顶尖大势力的弟子。 Therefore, this Elder will have one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing to receive him, waits to polish again some years, will give him mostly a personal inheritance reputation. 因此,这位长老才会见猎心喜收了他,等再打磨些年,多半还是会给他一个亲传名头。 After Ding min salutes again, under the look that then in countless people envy takes one's leave to leave, so as to avoid will stay here to disturb the following inspection. 丁一旻再次行礼后,便在无数人羡慕的眼神下拜别离开,免得留在这里会打扰接下来的考核。 Had a Ding min this precedent. 有了丁一旻这个先例。 Under these come from various heavy days youth outstanding talent, looked that was blazing to the look of stele immediately. 底下那些来自各重天的青年俊杰们,看向石碑的眼神顿时更加炽热了。 Big Boss/Great Elder catches up, even if did not become Three Array Dao lords Senior disciple, if there is an opportunity to do obeisance Dao Lord Elder Master is also excellent. 大老远赶来,哪怕成为不了【三阵道主】前辈的弟子,若是有机会拜个道主长老为师也是极好的。 Only pitifully, can blooming eventually be only a few truly. 只可惜,真正能够脱颖而出者终究只是少数。 Quick, inspection was transmitted one after another from the stele. 很快,一个又一个考核者就相继从石碑内被传送出来了。 Jiang Yan ice from too clear day, has passed through the fourth pass/test, awards four star Array Master title.” “来自太清天的蒋闫冰,闯过第四关,授予‘四星阵法师’称号。” Wu Baichuan from 7 Star/Big Dipper Xuantian (Profound Heaven), has passed through the third pass/test, awards three stars Array Master title.” “来自七星玄天的吴百川,闯过第三关,授予‘三星阵法师’称号。” What thing is this? Person who the second pass/test overflowed, dares to inspect? Go away!” “这是什么玩意?第二关都没过的人,也敢来考核?滚!” As presides at an examination Dao Lord Elder to shout, coquettish youngster was lost to fly. 随着主考道主长老的一声叱喝,一个油头粉面的年轻人被丢飞了出去。 In fact, in youth outstanding talent that comes to inspect, can three closing be very outstanding, four closing that are few. 事实上,前来考核的青年俊杰中,能过三关者已经是非常优秀,过四关者那是寥寥无几。 Like Ding min, can rush to the crossing the five passes to attack sixth pass/test directly, is one in a thousand. 像丁一旻那样,能直接闯过五关冲击第六关者,更是千里挑一。 However these, could not affect the youngster enthusiasm. 但是这些,都丝毫影响不了年轻人们的热情。 So grand occasion, even if cannot succeed finally, but participates, is still an extremely rare experience. 如此盛况,即便最终没能成功,只是参与一下,也是一种极为难得的经历。 If there is result slightly, can boast with the posterity for a lifetime. 若是稍有成绩,便可跟子孙后代们吹嘘一辈子了。 In the inspection is conducted is like a raging fire. 就在考核进行得如火如荼之时。 Suddenly. 忽而。 A dignified sound resounds sky over the square: Makes.” 一个威严的声音在广场上空响起:“都让一让。” The voice drops at the same time, an invisible strength crosses the square, gentle actually pushed overbearingly massive youngster the one side, started out a spacious channel in the square center forcefully. 话音落下的同时,一道无形之力横贯广场,轻柔却又霸道地将大量年轻人们挤到了一旁,硬生生在广场中央开出了一条宽敞的通道。 Many youngster background on the scene may be big, especially they catch up to inspect as junior Big Boss/Great Elder, has in the family/home the elders to escort many specially. 要知道,在场的很多年轻人来头可都不小,尤其他们作为小辈大老远赶来考核,不乏有家中长辈们专程护送过来的。 But these elders, majority is Great Principle Golden Immortal cultivator, even some youngster in the Dao Lord level elder by the family/home were escorted. 而那些长辈们,大部分都是大罗金仙修士,甚至有极少数年轻人是被家里道主级长辈护送来的。 So, these youngster each one temperament are naturally big, was pushed suddenly does not distinguish between right and wrong, immediately on preparation crack scold. 如此,这些年轻人们自然个个都脾气不小,乍然被人这么不分青红皂白推了开来,立刻就准备破口斥骂。 However they just raised the head, sees a makings dignified brocade clothes old man to be hanging and vertical, is sweeping away the audience indifferently. 然而他们刚一抬头,就见一个气质威严的锦衣老者悬空而立,正在冷眼横扫全场。 The youngster expression stagnates, immediately all shuts up honestly, lowers the head. 年轻人们表情一滞,顿时全都老老实实地闭了嘴,低下了头。 The old man wears a magnificent and expensive long gown, style complicated, pattern that the fine workmanship, on that long gown embroiders can see is the remote antiquity Divine/God Palace symbolic symbol, falling decoration that on him is hanging, is the remote antiquity Divine/God Palace product. 那老者穿着一身华贵长袍,样式繁复,做工精细,那长袍上绣的花纹一眼就能看出是太上神宫的标志性徽记,就连他身上悬挂的坠饰,也是太上神宫出品。 Obviously, this old man is one from Remote antiquity Divine/God Palace Elder! 很显然,这老者是一位来自【太上神宫】的长老 It is well known, remote antiquity Divine/God Palace is one of the World of Immortals highest level influences, assumes personal command Remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, Is the current World of Immortals first expert, is big World of Immortals only one four tribulations Immortal Emperor. 众所周知,太上神宫乃是仙界最为顶级的势力之一,其中坐镇的【太上仙帝】,更是当前的仙界第一高手,是偌大仙界唯一的一位四劫仙帝 But universe day that the immortal pledge headquarters are, is one of the remote antiquity Divine/God Palace manages jurisdiction area, is one of the remote antiquity Divine/God Palace influence stablest places. 而仙阵盟总部所在的太虚天,正是太上神宫的管辖地之一,也是太上神宫势力最为稳固的地方之一。 Here, remote antiquity Divine/God Palace is the day. 在这里,太上神宫就是天。 Therefore, numerous youngster do not dare with remote antiquity Divine/God Palace Elder to. 因此,一众年轻人们根本不敢和太上神宫长老对上。 Even if the back has youngster that Dao Lord supports, will not go to and remote antiquity Divine/God Palace Elder at this kind of time competes, for no reason annoys to trouble to clan or the influence. 哪怕背后有道主撑腰的年轻人,也不会在这种时候去和太上神宫长老较劲,凭白给家族或势力惹来麻烦。 Sees that remote antiquity Divine/God Palace Elder nods satisfied slightly, then turns around toward rear slightly cups the hands, polite say/way: Does not have absurdly Young Master, please.” 见状,那位太上神宫长老满意地微微颔首,而后转身朝后方微微一拱手,客气道:“无妄公子,请。” Many thanks Wu.” “多谢吴老。” The clear and bright sound resounds from him behind together. 一道清朗的声音自他后方响起。 Wears a magnificent and expensive profound clothes, appearance handsome young Elder Brother Young Master then more numerous. 紧接着,一位身穿一袭华贵玄衣,模样俊朗的年轻公子哥儿便越众而出。 His that profound clothes has carefully designed obviously, the spacious waist seals his figure beautification gets a grip to be thin and tall and straight, is joined to him originally Toshiro's five senses outline, even more sets off his body Yushu, the bearing is striking. 他那一身玄衣明显是精心设计过的,宽大的腰封将他的身形修饰得劲瘦而挺拔,配上他本就俊郎的五官轮廓,愈发衬得他身似玉树,气度斐然。 However, compared with appearance bearing these, makes one care, actually his aura. 不过,比起容貌气度这些,更让人在意的,却还是他那一身的气息。 Is looks obviously is True Immortal Boundary cultivation base, his whole body actually seems being correct rhyme circulation, raises hand to step in all has the principle to be corresponding, is joined to his good appearance again, seriously is good deity Young Master character. 明明是看着是真仙境修为,他周身却好似有道韵流转,一举手一投足之间皆有法则相应,再配上他那不俗的品貌,当真是好一位神仙公子般的人物。 His elegant bearing slightly one nods to Divine/God Palace Elder, then directly from starting out the human wall center flutters, to Nine star tablets Before. 他风度翩翩地对神宫长老微一颔首,而后便径直从开出的人墙中央飘飞而过,到了【九星阵碑】之前。 Does not have below remote antiquity Divine/God Palace ginger absurdly, the application inspects.” “在下太上神宫姜无妄,申请考核。” young Elder Brother Young Master the ginger does not have salutes to immortal pledge Elder absurdly slightly, the look in surface is polite and respectful. 年轻公子哥儿姜无妄对仙阵盟长老微微行礼,面上的神色客气而恭敬。 Immortal pledge Elder saw that is actually quickly moves sideways to evade evading, on the face wore a smile returns salute saying: Not having Young Master was absurdly overly courteous, obsolete this gives you to open nine star tablets.” 仙阵盟长老见状却是急忙闪身避了避,脸上堆笑地还礼说:“无妄公子多礼了,老朽这就给您开启九星阵碑。” This attitude, unexpectedly some think highly and flatter. 这态度,竟然有些略带恭维和讨好。 The ginger does not have absurdly!? 姜无妄!? Surrounded youngster hear this name, thorough was silent. 围观的年轻人们一听得这个名字,也都彻底沉默了。 Although joined a production team to make that in forcefully the heart is very discontented, but at this moment, they actually also can only swallow an insult. 虽然被人强行插队弄得心中很不满,可此时此刻,他们却也只能忍气吞声。 Who called this boy, the background was too big. 谁叫这个小子,来头实在太大了。 The ginger does not have absurd cultivation base, although has not promoted Great Principle Golden Immortal , the card in the True Immortal Boundary peak, only has the one pace from the promotion. 姜无妄的修为虽然还未晋升大罗金仙,却也已经卡在了真仙境巅峰,距离晋升也就只有一步之遥。 The most important thing is, he is also far from 3000 years old! 最重要的是,他还远远没到三千岁! Without doubt! 无疑! This is remote antiquity Divine/God Palace training next generation Quasi God Child/Seed. 这是太上神宫培养的下一代准神子 It is reported that this is one has Array Dao talent extremely, specially toward Array Dao direction training Quasi God Child/Seed. 据传,这还是一个极有阵道天赋,专门往阵道方向培养的准神子 This he will also appear no wonder here. 这也就难怪他会出现在这里了。 But while all these have. 而就在这一切发生的同时。 Outside square. 广场外。 Wears the white clothing, carries young Young Master of sword box, is crossing the hands behind the back to stand, peaceful looks at this scene from afar. 一位身穿白衣,身后背着一副剑匣的年轻公子,正负手而立,安静的远远看着这一幕 He lives handsome extraordinarily, and pupil is only incorruptible, the bearing is striking, a white clothing is floating, the makings of whole body are ordinary on such as that clear Fluence moon/month, let person of does not have the reason then has the favorable impression. 他生得英俊非凡,且眸光清正,气度斐然,一袭白衣飘飘,周身的气质就如那清风朗月一般,让人没来由的便心生好感。 But that sword box that he conducts the back, the surface lay gloss is reserved, has principle aura infiltration unclearly, resembles unexpectedly with the 17th Stage above divine wood refinement, looks very uncommonly. 而他背上的那副剑匣,表面纹理光泽内敛,却隐隐然有法则气息渗透其中,竟似是用十七阶以上的神木炼制而成的,看着很是不凡。 This young Young Master, naturally is Big Boss/Great Elder Wang Anye that transmits from Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace. 年轻公子,自然便是大老远从无极神宫一路传送过来的王安业 In him behind, Dao Lord following guard but who also collects aura with two. 在他身后,还跟着两位敛去一身气息的道主相随护卫。 This two Dao Lord, one is to come from Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder, one is Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple Elder Zhantian. 两位道主,一位是来自无极神宫紫霜长老,一位则是南明神殿斩天长老 But the latter, at present is Wang Anye Teacher, has passed to Wang Anye including the Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) spirit treasure sword that oneself inherit. 而后者,目前已经是王安业师尊,连自家传承的混元灵宝剑都已经传给了王安业 After meeting mission, Wang Anye then from Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace set off, spent a lot of time all the way, finally arrives in this immortal pledge. 在接了任务之后,王安业便从无极神宫出发了,一路上花了不少时间,才终于抵达这仙阵盟。 The trip, he then by the life of Wang Shouzhe, came with immortal pledge many top Array Master Senior method friendship, then seeks fierce Array Master, discussed that transforms the matter of ancient Transmission Array. 此行,他便是受王守哲之命,前来和仙阵盟的诸多顶级阵法师前辈们套套交情,然后寻一位厉害的阵法师,商议一下改造古传送阵之事。 Actually without thinking, just one to this, caught up lively like this. 倒是没想到,刚一到这,就赶上了这样的热闹。 Anye, this ginger does not have absurdly plans to do obeisance Three Array Dao lords Master, attempts evidently is not small ~ 安业,这姜无妄欲图拜【三阵道主】为师,看样子所图非小啊~” Elder Zhantian is knows obviously this ginger does not have absurdly, introduced with Wang Anye simply this person, later cannot bear the feeling: Evidently, the Quasi God Child/Seed competition of remote antiquity Divine/God Palace also turns red-hot. Otherwise, his solemn Quasi God Child/Seed, is insufficient to outside acknowledge as teacher, seeks the boost.” 斩天长老显然是知道这姜无妄的,简单和王安业介绍了一下这人,随后忍不住感慨:“看样子,太上神宫准神子竞争也非常白热化。不然,他堂堂一个准神子,也不至于要到外面拜师,寻求助力。” But, the ginger does not have array talent to be absurdly outstanding it is said that the perception is extremely good, perhaps gave him to succeed.” “不过,据说姜无妄阵法天赋卓绝,悟性极佳,说不定就给他成功了。” Must really make him succeed, that this ginger did not have had three Array Dao absurdly Lord as well as helping of immortal pledge, the momentum rises sharply surely, perhaps really might shake remote antiquity Divine/God Palace that. 要真让他成功了,那这姜无妄有了三阵道主以及仙阵盟之助,声势必定大涨,说不定真有可能撼动太上神宫的那一位。 In Elder Zhantian sighs with emotion. 就在斩天长老感慨之际。 Near the group ears actually resounded young suddenly actually the self-important sound. 一行人耳边却冷不丁响起了一个年轻却又老气横秋的声音。 Success an arse ~! That boy surnamed Jiang is young, the spectrum actually suspends big. Really worthily is the boy who remote antiquity Divine/God Palace comes out, is the love that lineage succeeds one another keeps up appearances with remote antiquity that old ghost seriously. Hehe ~ ~ ~ looked how father a while hits his face.” “成功个屁~!那姓姜的小子年纪轻轻,谱却摆得不小。真不愧是太上神宫出来的小子,和太上那老鬼当真是一脉相承的爱摆谱。呵呵~~~看老子一会儿怎么打他的脸。” The so radical spoken language, naturally brought in the Wang Anye three people to look askance. 如此激进的言语,自然引来了王安业三人侧目。 Three people turn head to look, actually that person of looks of discovery speech is also straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, handsome, a young pretty Elder Brother Young Master the appearance, this tone does not have absurdly also in a big way compared with that ginger, but also is rampant. 三人扭头看去,却发现说话的那人长得也是剑眉星目,唇红齿白,一副年轻俊秀的公子哥模样,这口气却比那姜无妄还大,还嚣张。 Remote antiquity old ghost? 太上老鬼? Is this is scolding World of Immortals first expert remote antiquity Immortal Emperor? 这是在骂仙界第一高手太上仙帝吗? Urges to go faster ~ the little friend you hides from us.” Elder Zhantian for fear that this boy careless talk makes trouble involves everyone, does not want expel him patiently, must disturb me not here and likes the disciple speaking.” “去去去~小朋友你躲我们远一点。”斩天长老生怕这小子祸从口出牵连大家,不耐烦地想要将他驱逐,“莫要在这里打扰我和爱徒说话。” Loves the disciple? 爱徒? That self-important youngster slightly obviously surprised took a look at Elder Zhantian, took a look at Wang Anye. 那老气横秋的年轻人略显吃惊的瞅了一眼斩天长老,又瞅了一眼王安业 Did Zhantian (Severing Heaven) your son of a bitch, when accept an apprentice? 斩天你这狗东西,什么时候又收了个徒弟? Also loves the disciple? 还爱徒? Wants the face? 要点脸行吗? Hehe ~ 呵呵~ Do not think that the Zhantian (Severing Heaven) boy you restrained the aura, this...... I did not recognize you! 别以为斩天小子你收敛了气息,本……我就认不出你了! Also, this attitude, this tone. 还有,这态度,这口气。 Hehe Zhantian (Severing Heaven) boy recent temperament rose obviously ~ ~ ~ 呵呵~斩天小子最近脾气可见涨了啊~~~ ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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