POP :: Volume #8

#53: Your this Younger Sister! This God Child/Seed or

Chapter 999 第999章 Your this Younger Sister! This God Child/Seed or 你这妹妹!本神子要不起 ...... …… However, Wang Lici now gradually is also mature, knows that some were embarrassed. 不过,王璃慈现在也逐渐成熟了,知道些不好意思了。 She is swallowing the saliva, is hesitating the rejection: I am not too hungry, Qing Li Elder Sister you and Monarch white God Child/Seed eats.” 她吞咽着口水,犹豫着拒绝了:“我不是太饿,青璃姐姐你和君皓神子去吃吧。” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess has not spoken. 青璃神女还没说话呢。 Monarch white God Child/Seed of that theater box has actually smiled: Miss Lici is not polite, since you are Younger Sister of Qing Li girl, then is also my Younger Sister.” 那厢的君皓神子却已经笑了起来:“璃慈姑娘莫要客气,既然你是青璃丫头的妹妹,便也是我的妹妹。” Is rare your Big Boss/Great Elder to come sky temple, asking you to eat meal should also.” “难得你大老远来昊天神殿一趟,请伱吃顿饭也应该。” Younger Sister? 妹妹 Wang Lici is blinking the eye. 王璃慈眨巴着眼睛。 This did Younger Sister also recognize very quickly? 妹妹也认得忒快了吧? The feeling is quite frivolous, very credible appearance. 感觉好轻浮,好不靠谱的样子。 Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess guessed correctly probably her idea, pulls her arm to smile: Younger Sister Lici you leave minded, actually Monarch white Elder Brother manner upholds justice very much, moreover is frank, the elegant bearing, is the friend who is worth making very much, his only shortcoming is likes recognizing Younger Sister.” 青璃神女像是猜到了她的想法似的,挽着她的胳膊莞尔一笑:“璃慈妹妹你别太介意,其实君皓哥哥为人很仗义,而且性格爽朗,风度翩翩,是个很值得一交的朋友,他唯一的缺点就是爱认妹妹。” Saying, she gathers near the Wang Lici ear, said with sound that everyone can hear in a low voice: Like their types thinks leads sword cultivator that and can hit, has no bad mind essentially, wants to save face at all costs, this was the old problem.” 说着,她凑到王璃慈耳边,用所有人都能听到的声音“低声”道:“像他们这种自认为又帅又能打的剑修,本质上也没啥坏心眼儿,就是死要面子,这都是老毛病了。” He must please eat meal, you feel relieved and that's the end.” “他要请吃饭,你放心去就是了。” I spoke ~ ~ to you Sky pavilion But one of the we World of Immortals highest level restaurants, food quality, cooking skill of spirit chef is best!” “我跟你讲啊~~【昊天阁】可是咱们仙界最顶级的酒楼之一,无论是食材品质,还是灵厨师的厨艺都是最棒的!” Monarch white God Child/Seed looks at Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess speechless. 君皓神子无语地看着青璃神女 What is thinks? Our sword cultivator is not recognized leads and can hit? 什么叫自认为?我们剑修不就是公认的又帅又能打吗? What is the old problem? 什么叫老毛病? An ability stronger responsibility is bigger, is protecting World of Immortals these attractive Younger Sister, do I have the mistake? 正所谓能力越强责任越大,多护着仙界这些漂亮的妹妹们,我有错吗? This......” this excuse obviously moved Wang Lici, the look on her face changed several points, is only still somewhat hesitates: But my appetite is too big, can eat...... me to hear that sword cultivator is poor, Monarch white God Child/Seed contributes money not easily......” “这……”这一番说辞明显打动了王璃慈,她脸上的神色松动了几分,只是依旧有些犹豫:“可是我胃口太大,太能吃了……我听说剑修都穷,君皓神子攒点钱也不容易……” What? Haha ~ ~ “啥?哈哈~~ Monarch white God Child/Seed was mad smiles: Younger Sister Lici, whom you look down upon? I am Quasi God Child/Seed of solemn sky temple, please eat meal, can eat to be poor I?” 君皓神子被气笑了:“璃慈妹妹,你这是瞧不起谁呢?我乃堂堂昊天神殿的准神子,请你吃顿饭而已,难道还能吃穷我了?” My this Quasi God Child/Seed very did not have the scale.” “那我这准神子也忒没档次了。” „It is not good, this food God Child/Seed please decide! Your this Younger Sister, this God Child/Seed also recognized.” “不行,这顿饭本神子请定了!你这个妹妹,本神子也认定了。” Monarch white God Child/Seed straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards selected, revealed an interrupted overbearing manager appearance. 君皓神子剑眉一挑,露出了一副不容置喙的霸道老总模样。 Ok, the line ~ Wang Lici felt the opposite party sincere sincere intention, immediately no longer hesitant, a face looked grateful to Monarch white God Child/Seed, many thanks Monarch white Elder Brother please eat meal.” “行,行叭~王璃慈感受到了对方诚恳的拳拳心意,当即不再犹豫,一脸感激地看向君皓神子,“多谢君皓哥哥请吃饭。” Hears this Monarch white Elder Brother, Your Highness God Child/Seed then showed the satisfactory smile. 听得这一声“君皓哥哥”,神子殿下这才露出了满意的微笑。 He then said to Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess : „The Qing Li girl, I thought that your ship spirit ore also left in all directions the inquiry.” 他转而对青璃神女说道:“青璃丫头,我看你那船灵矿也别四处询价了。” I also know that your Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple situation is relatively difficult, is quite sensitive to the price. Like this, the fixed-price, I rises 10% to you in the original foundation!” “我也知道你们武岳神殿情况相对艰难,对价格比较敏感。这样吧,一口价,在原有基础上我给你们涨10%!” Monarch white God Child/Seed attitude is very refreshed and heroic. 君皓神子的态度十分爽快而豪迈。 Rises 10%?” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess the heart movement is incomparable immediately, on the face also revealed wiped the gratitude, many thanks Monarch white Elder Brother. Such won't Elder Brother you lose money?” “涨10%?”青璃神女登时心动无比,脸上也露出了一抹感激,“多谢君皓哥哥。这样哥哥您这边不会亏本吧?” This is the value over a thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone spirit ores, rises 10%, that was many much money ~ 这可是价值上千混沌灵石的灵矿,涨10%,那可是好多好多钱了~ Loses money to be insufficient, our sky temple in spirit ore smelting, spirit treasure processes this, on the one hand all -round strength is good, besides the laborious money, the draw enters at most makes a new line.” Monarch white God Child/Seed said with a smile, considered to rush to rescue your Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple.” “亏本不至于,我们昊天神殿在灵矿冶炼,灵宝加工这一方面的综合实力还行,至多就是除了辛苦钱之外,平进平出而已。”君皓神子笑道,“就当是驰援你们武岳神殿了。” That good ~ “那太好了~ Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess , is preparing to decide this renumeration for writers joyfully 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. 青璃神女欣喜不已,正准备敲定这笔单子时。 However, is preparing in her decides, B Geng Elder suddenly lifts the hand: Slow! This ship spirit ore, we rise 1.50% in the original price foundation!” 然而,正在她准备拍板的时候,乙庚长老忽然抬手:“慢着!这一船灵矿,我们在原有价格基础上涨一点50%!” Monarch white God Child/Seed face one black, said ill-humoredly: B Geng Elder, as far as I know, your Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace smelting working capacity is very ordinary, pays this price to return to the itself/Ben?” 君皓神子脸一黑,没好气道:“乙庚长老,据我所知,你们无极神宫的冶炼加工能力很一般吧,出这价格能回本吗?” B Geng Elder was actually hits, a face smiled to say politely: Monarch white your highness excuses me ~ this is the order of our family/home Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, wears me to be possible the vigor to receive the spirit ore.” 乙庚长老却是打起了哈哈,一脸客气地笑眯眯道:“君皓殿下见谅啊~这是我们家星澜神女的命令,着我可着劲儿收灵矿。” „Was your family Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden this in the brain the water penetration? This losing money business also does!? Feared that does not come to do with our sky temple intentionally to?” Monarch white God Child/Seed straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are but actually vertical, the air/Qi resulted in the Lianping day Xinglan (Star Wave) Younger Sister did not call. “你们家星澜神女这是脑子里进水了?这种亏本的买卖也干!?怕不是故意来和我们昊天神殿做对的吧?”君皓神子剑眉倒竖,气得连平日里的“星澜妹妹”都不叫了。 Nowadays, spirit ore smelting, item refining processing and other processing industries, are not only the funding are huge, is the personnel work is crowded! 这年头,灵矿冶炼、炼器加工等加工行业,既是资金投入巨大,又是人员劳动密集! These years, with continuing of frontline war, spirit ore smelting and item refining processing industry vigorously develop, competitions among the major influences also present the superheating, in which profit is the volume is thinner. 这些年,随着前线战事的持续,灵矿冶炼和炼器加工行业蓬勃发展,各大势力之间的竞争也呈现白热化,其中的利润却是越卷越薄。 According to the estimate of Monarch white God Child/Seed, the raw material increases price on the existing basis 10%, the net profit is meager. If raw materials price many 15%, that was equal to that is true white laborious. 按照君皓神子的估算,原材料在原来的基础上加价10%,纯利已经非常微薄了。若是原材料价格多15%,那等于就是真正的白辛苦一趟。 This business, has had no way to do. 这笔生意,已经没法做了。 But Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace in smelting processes in this strength, cannot compare with the sky temple, this price must owe absolutely! 无极神宫在冶炼加工这一块的实力上,根本不能跟昊天神殿相比,这价格绝对要亏! But Monarch white God Child/Seed can judge the matter that also understood the market quotation B Geng Elder can't judge? 可君皓神子能判断出来的事情,同样十分了解市场行情的乙庚长老难道就判断不出来吗? In fact is also, B Geng Elder hears Monarch white God Child/Seed words, not only has not been angry, instead secret nod in heart, quite approves to the judgment of Monarch white God Child/Seed. 事实上也是,乙庚长老听到君皓神子的话,不仅没生气,反而在心中暗暗点头,对君皓神子的判断相当赞同。 Own Divine Maiden brain feared that was indeed the water penetration! 自家神女脑子怕是的确进水了! However, the Divine Maiden stars Sword Sovereign face does not give, what qualifications does oneself have to raise the objection? The execution ended. 不过,神女连星辰剑皇的面子都不给,自己又有什么资格提出异议?执行就完了。 Moreover, can so a forcing sky temple head, his B Geng really very be crisp ~ 而且,能如此力压昊天神殿一头,他乙庚真的很爽啊~ His this whole life first feeling is comfortable, this rich, really can act in a self-serving manner. 他这辈子还是第一次感觉如此舒爽,这有钱啊,真的可以为所欲为。 Immediately, B Geng Elder smilingly cups the hands said: Monarch white your highness excuses me, but this does business, naturally is price high results.” 当即,乙庚长老笑眯眯地拱手说:“君皓殿下见谅,不过这做买卖嘛,自然是价高者得。” Qing Li Younger Sister, how did you say?” Monarch white God Child/Seed looks to Qing Li, appeals to educate with reason saying that our two, but long-term collaboration relations. Relations among us, you not for this trivial petty profit, does switch the Xinglan (Star Wave) bosom?” 青璃妹妹,你怎么说?”君皓神子看向青璃,动之以情晓之以理道,“咱们两家可是长期合作关系。以咱们之间的关系,你不会为了这区区蝇头小利,就转投星澜怀抱吧?” „Our big freighter spirit ores, but accumulated dozens years of high-quality spirit ores, many high stage rare metals.” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess blinks, on the face that innocent expression has the Wang Lici charm, foundation price wants 1300 hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, extra again mostly becomes, is many 65 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone!” “我们这一大货船灵矿,可是攒了好几十年的精品灵矿,有不少高阶稀有金属在内。”青璃神女眨了眨眼睛,脸上那无辜的表情颇有王璃慈的神韵,“基础价格就要一千三百混沌灵石,额外再多半成,就是多65枚混沌灵石!” Then? Among us friendship, on value 65 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone? You may result to think, perhaps that side Xinglan (Star Wave) emerged for a while raises prices ~ ~ ~ to have this ~ ~ Monarch white God Child/Seed not to remind her to say next time. “然后呢?咱们之间的交情,就值65混沌灵石?你可得想好了,星澜那边也许只是一时兴起抬价~~~有了这趟没下趟~~”君皓神子提醒她道。 this time, he is unable to increase price again, otherwise this form might slightly owe a wave, he is unable with the item refining Elders confession. 这一次,他无法再加价,否则这单子兴许就要小亏一波,他无法和炼器长老们交代。 I and Monarch white Elder Brother sentiment, naturally priceless.” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess said with certainty, the big eye actually shines, an innocent appearance, „, but Xinglan (Star Wave) Elder Sister this giving were too many.” “我与君皓哥哥的感情,当然是无价的。”青璃神女言之凿凿,大眼睛却忽闪忽闪,一副无辜的样子,“怎奈星澜姐姐这次给的实在太多了。” Or, this time I put into the bosom of Xinglan (Star Wave) Elder Sister temporarily, next time again with Monarch white Elder Brother cooperation.” “要不,这一次我就暂时投入星澜姐姐的怀抱,下一次再和君皓哥哥合作。” Monarch white should Elder Brother, the sentiment between you and me, you not haggle over with my Younger Sister? You will certainly forgive my is right?” “君皓哥哥,以你我之间的感情,你应该不会和我这个妹妹计较吧?你一定会原谅我的对不对?” Monarch white God Child/Seed was mad happily: Ok, you decided well. This form, I gave Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden.” 君皓神子被气乐了:“行,你决定了就好。这笔单子,我就让给星澜神女了。” What to do can he? 他能怎么办? Really rises in prices to do to lose money angrily to buy and sell? 难道真的一气之下提价做亏本买卖吗? Even, he has no way really and Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess haggles over. After all does business, chooses the maximum benefit also to have nothing wrong. 甚至于,他也没法真和青璃神女计较。毕竟做买卖嘛,选择利益最大化也没什么错。 If he really clutches this point not to put, appeared his solemn Monarch white God Child/Seed is too mean-spirited ~ 他要是真揪着这一点不放,就显得他堂堂君皓神子太小气了~ Many thanks Monarch white Elder Brother shows solicitude, Monarch white Elder Brother you are really the magnanimous and good big good person.” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess smiles very delightfully, the fine words do not ask for money to resemble sprinkles outward. “多谢君皓哥哥体恤,君皓哥哥你真是个大度又善良的大好人。”青璃神女笑得十分甜美,漂亮话不要钱似的往外洒。 This was extra 65 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone ~ 这可是额外多了65枚混沌灵石~ Although she made the pen big wealth recently, the Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple also followed to gain one ruthlessly, but 65 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone were not the small numbers, can gain a point is. 虽说最近她发了笔大财,武岳神殿也跟着狠赚了一笔,可65枚混沌灵石也不是小数目,能多赚一点是一点。 Then. 然后。 Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess on and B Geng Elder signed the contract, received one stack to send out Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Golden Light Primal Chaos Spirit Stone ticket, Then called Dao Lord Elder of Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple, asking him to go to and B Geng delivery. 青璃神女就屁颠屁颠的和乙庚长老签了契约,收了一沓散发着混元金光的【混沌灵石票】,然后唤来了一位武岳神殿的道主长老,请他去和乙庚交割。 So long as the opposite party is willing to pay the Transmission Array money, they even can deliver goods to the doorstep! 只要对方愿意出传送阵的钱,他们甚至可以送货上门! Filthy rich B Geng Elder, caring Transmission Array that money, the big hand will not naturally wield immediately, the freighter of Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple did not need to unload the goods, sent to Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace directly! “财大气粗”的乙庚长老,自然是不会“在意”传送阵那点钱的,当即大手一挥,武岳神殿的货船连货都不用卸了,直接送去无极神宫 This feeling, looks like depending on the high net loan that skill to rub comes, because has not planned from the start, therefore spends the least bit not to love dearly. 这感觉,就像是凭本事撸来的高额网贷,因为压根没打算还,所以花起来半点都不心疼。 When the entire process, the Monarch white God Child/Seed polite accompaniment in the side, may look to Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess is actually look Youyou , the heart is also the acid, one type „my the tendency bright moonlight, does to the bright moonlight seriously according to drainage ditch light sad. 整个过程,君皓神子都礼貌性的陪同在侧,可看向青璃神女时却是眼神幽幽,心头也是酸酸的,当真是有一种“我本将心向明月,奈何明月照沟渠”的淡淡忧伤。 Bustles about. 一通忙碌完毕。 Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess cannot bear stretch oneself: This does business also is really very laborious. Walks, first ate meal. Has eaten meal, I bring Younger Sister Lici to stroll again well.” 青璃神女忍不住伸了个懒腰:“这做买卖还真是挺辛苦的。走走走,先吃饭去了。吃过饭,我再带璃慈妹妹好好逛逛。” Then, her drawing Wang Lici, is sitting Monarch white God Child/Seed luxurious personal flying carriage together. 说罢,她就拉着王璃慈,一起坐上了君皓神子的豪华私人飞辇 That is by two powerful fifteenth stage Saint dragon La flying carriage. 那是由两头威风凛凛的十五阶圣龙拉的飞辇 This is two Wood Department Green Dragon, under the sunlight, the scales of two Saint dragon body surface are exuding the clear gloss, carves just like the jadeite, the boundless power and influence fills the air, is fully showing the uncommonness of Monarch white God Child/Seed status. 这是两头木系绿龙,阳光下,两头圣龙体表的鳞片泛着粼粼光泽,宛如翠玉雕琢而成,磅礴的威势弥漫开来,充分彰显着君皓神子身份之不凡。 Has not taken the spirit ore, Monarch white God Child/Seed heart is also elegant, told to the Great Principle Golden Immortal rank chair bearer of driving: old Luo, went to still Weilou.” 没拿下灵矿,君皓神子心头也是郁郁,对驾车的大罗金仙级别轿夫吩咐说:“老罗,去‘尚味楼’。” Lorton receives an order: Alright ~ fellow honored guests sat firmly.” 老罗顿即领命:“得嘞~各位贵客坐稳了。” However when also not waits for him to actuate Saint dragon flying carriage, Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess actually suddenly detected that was not right: Wait, we did not reach an agreement Sky pavilion Eats meal? Monarch white Elder Brother, can it be that did you make a mistake?” 然而还没等他驱动圣龙飞辇时,青璃神女却忽然察觉出了不对:“等等,咱们不是说好了去【昊天阁】吃饭吗?君皓哥哥,你莫不是搞错了?” Hehe ~ “呵呵~” Monarch white God Child/Seed pulled the corners of the mouth, Youyou shot a look at her one eyes. 君皓神子扯了扯嘴角,幽幽瞥了她一眼。 Why went to still Weilou, didn't you have the points? 为什么去尚味楼,你心里没点数吗? Your this just for benefit an bosom that dug in Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, hurt my heart and feelings ruthlessly, wants me to eat the sky pavilion in an instant unexpectedly? 你这刚为了点利益一头扎入了星澜神女的怀抱,狠狠地伤害了我的心和感情,一转眼居然又要我请吃昊天阁? Good your Qing Li Younger Sister, I to work as own Younger Sister you, you take me, when the big injustice plants! 好你个青璃妹妹,我把你当亲妹妹,你却拿我当大冤种! Also ~ 再说了~ Previously please, that was invite the business partner, the board to walk the government accounts! 先前请你们,那是宴请生意合作伙伴,饭钱可以走公账! Now cooperated not to have, this food he personal picked pockets. 现在合作没了,这顿饭就得他私人掏腰包。 Can this be the same? 这能一样吗? Does not know dao sword cultivates is quite on hand tight? 不知道剑修的手头都比较紧吗? Shells out to eat the sky pavilion, his heart cannot painful? 自掏腰包吃昊天阁,他的心不会痛的吗? Monarch white God Child/Seed does not want to meet the Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess thread of conversation, is preparing to look for right by the head, deceive they went to still Weilou to assemble. 君皓神子不太想接青璃神女的话茬,正准备找个正当的由头,诓她们去尚味楼凑合一下。 Wang Lici actually drew Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess suddenly, said in a low voice: Qing Li Elder Sister, we are the guest does as the host pleases. Perhaps, what difficulty Monarch white does Elder Brother have?” 王璃慈却忽然拉了青璃神女一下,低声说:“青璃姐姐,咱们还是客随主便吧。兴许,君皓哥哥有什么难处呢?” Also right, heard that sword cultivator crosses is quite uptight, money is how insufficient.” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess nods, showed the understanding, „, but, since reached an agreement must eat the sky pavilion, I cannot call Younger Sister Lici to be disappointed. Like this, Monarch white Elder Brother, we go to the sky pavilion to eat meal, this I please and that's the end.” “也对,听说剑修过得都比较拮据,钱怎么都不够用。”青璃神女点头,表示十分理解,“不过,既然说好了要吃昊天阁,我也不能叫璃慈妹妹失望。这样吧,君皓哥哥,咱们还是去昊天阁吃饭,这顿我请就是了。” Saying, she also looked at Monarch Hao God Child/Seed one specially, the tone comforted him to say sincerely: You could rest assured that I have money.” 说着,她还特意看了君昊神子一眼,语气真诚地安抚他道:“你放心,我有钱。” Took by force the Great Secluded Forbidden Region matter in the past shortly, she not like Wang Lici consumed like that greatly, now the personal purse rouses, the manner of even speaking is very much different. 打劫太幽禁区的事儿过去才没多久,她又不像王璃慈那般消耗巨大,如今私人荷包鼓得很,连说话的派头都不一样。 This how line?” “这怎么行?” Monarch white God Child/Seed one hear of this saying, the complexion instantaneously changes, the whole person was not quite good. 君皓神子一听这话,脸色瞬间就是一变,整个人都不太好了。 You come to my Monarch white God Child/Seed domain, is in my sky temple oneself restaurant, eats meal also wants you to shell out unexpectedly? 你们来我君皓神子的地盘上,还是在我昊天神殿自己的酒楼里,吃顿饭居然还要你们自掏腰包? If this matter the rumor goes out, after his Monarch white God Child/Seed, how to cultivate the behavior? 这事儿要是传言出去,他君皓神子以后还怎么做人? Qing Li Younger Sister, I just joked with you ~ Monarch white God Child/Seed clenches teeth to squeeze out wiping to make the smile that the person bathes in fresh air, the expression slightly somewhat mediate stiffly, your just behavior hurt the heart of your Monarch white Elder Brother ruthlessly ~ I play a small joke, venting anger isn't good?” 青璃妹妹,我刚刚跟你开玩笑呢~”君皓神子咬牙挤出一抹让人如沐春风的笑容,表情略有些僵硬地打圆场,“你刚刚的行为可是狠狠伤了你君皓哥哥的心~我开个小小的玩笑,出出气都不行?” Monarch white Elder Brother, you are cracks a joke, the appearance that haha ~ a Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess face feels relieved, on the face also showed the bright smile, okay okay, I give you to apologize. everyone knows, in various temple Divine/God Palace influences, is Monarch white Elder Brother you are most natural, the disposition was most magnanimous, you will definitely not haggle over with me, right?” “君皓哥哥,原来你是开玩笑的啊,哈哈~青璃神女一脸如释重负的样子,脸上也重新露出了灿烂的笑容,“行行行,我给您道歉。谁都知道,各神殿神宫势力中,就属君皓哥哥你为人最为大方,心性最大度了,你肯定不会跟我计较的,对吧?” Naturally, will I haggle over with Qing Li Younger Sister? Also, Sky pavilion The restaurant that but our sky temple opens, goes to hit the 20% discount by my status!” Monarch white God Child/Seed restrains by force the feeling of heart drop blood, clenches teeth to tell directly the flying carriage chair bearer said that old Luo, goes to the sky pavilion.” “当然,我怎么会跟青璃妹妹计较呢?再说了,【昊天阁】可是我们昊天神殿开的酒楼,以我的身份去可打八折!”君皓神子强压住心头滴血的感觉,咬牙直接吩咐飞辇轿夫说,“老罗,去昊天阁。” Alright everyone the honored guest sat firmly.” 得嘞~诸位贵客坐稳了。” As old Luo called, Saint dragon flying carriage instantaneous such as a sword of irrelevant string flies to flee generally, the direct impact galaxy, speeds along to go in the direction of sky pavilion. 随着老罗一声吆喝,圣龙飞辇瞬间如一支离弦的剑一般飞窜而出,直冲星河,往昊天阁的方向飞驰而去。 Saint dragon is flying carriage what kind of speed? 圣龙飞辇是何等速度? Short less than half double-hour, Saint dragon flying carriage then arrived of smoothly sky pavilions World of Immortals three big top gourmet restaurants. 短短不足半个时辰,圣龙飞辇便顺利抵达了仙界三大顶级美食酒楼之一昊天阁。 As the industry under sky pavilion name, the sky pavilion is located in the sky city liveliest section. This place the internal decoration and chef level, or the food quality, is World of Immortals highest level, naturally, price also same top. 作为昊天阁名下的产业,昊天阁位于昊天城最繁华的地段。这地方无论是内部装潢、厨师水准、亦或是食材品质,都是仙界最为顶级的,当然,价格也同样顶级。 The soaring price, being doomed it is not the place that ordinary cultivator can patronize. 高昂的价格,注定了它不是普通修士能光顾的地方。 The sky pavilion custom, wants to subscribe the table in the pavilion, at least is also True Immortal Boundary Dao Seed/Son Dao Daughter, or Great Principle Golden Immortal acts. 昊天阁规矩,想在阁内订桌,至少也得是真仙境道子道女,或是大罗金仙出面。 This sky pavilion discrimination low rank cultivator, purely is actually very high because of these top delicacy delicacy grade, the cultivation base insufficient cultivator bloodline awakening degree is too low, rashly edible, is not only useless in the body, instead may also impair the health. 这倒不是昊天阁歧视低阶修士,纯粹是因为那些顶级的珍馐美味本身品级就很高,修为不够的修士血脉觉醒程度太低,贸然食用,不仅于身体无益,反而可能还会损害健康。 Moreover, in the pavilion spends is too expensive, eats casually must press the Immortal Spirit Stone cost, what if point is the signature dish, the price was more expensive, on a food getting down flower dozens over a hundred Immortal Spirit Stone have. Strength insufficient cultivator has not had the sufficient financial resource to be able to haunch spends in the sky pavilion. 而且,阁内消费太贵,随便吃吃就得按仙灵石计费,如果点的是招牌菜,价格就更贵了,一顿饭下来花上几十上百个仙灵石都是有的。实力不够的修士可没有有足够的财力能支撑得起在昊天阁内消费。 Is even/including Monarch white God Child/Seed this grade of status is then honored, backs on the guest in sky temple, cannot achieve thing to be all right to run the sky pavilion to eat to the heart's content! 便是连君皓神子这等身份尊贵,又背靠昊天神殿的客人,也做不到有事没事就跑来昊天阁大快朵颐! two Younger Sister, ordered food casually, opened wide eating, should not be impolite with me.” 两位妹妹,随便点菜,敞开了吃,千万别和我客气。” Sought a theater box to sit down in the sky pavilion, Monarch white God Child/Seed greeted Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess and Wang Lici warmly takes a seat, then beckoning let in the pavilion small two came, prepares to order food. 在昊天阁内寻了个包厢坐下,君皓神子热情地招呼青璃神女王璃慈落座,而后招手让阁内的小二进来,准备点菜。 His physique at this moment is tall and straight, the movement is natural, the long sword point of back that Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) spirit treasure level is hidden, appears is that martial-looking uncommon. 此刻的他身姿挺拔,动作潇洒,背后那柄混元灵宝级的长剑锋芒暗藏,显得是那么英武不凡。 He always attaches importance to face, particularly in front of knowing well Younger Sister, should have the ostentation that unable to be weak. 他向来好面子,尤其是在熟识的妹妹们面前,该有的排场自是不能弱了。 this time, he has decided the shelling out massive hemorrhage. 这一次,他已经决定自掏腰包大出血了。 Many thanks Monarch white Elder Brother.” “多谢君皓哥哥。” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess and Wang Lici eat the mouth of person to be short, the smile on this moment face is especially sincere, mouth also especially sweet. 青璃神女王璃慈吃人的嘴短,此刻脸上的笑容格外真诚,嘴也是格外的甜。 two people feels the sincerity that Monarch white God Child/Seed treated, then not polite, takes the menu to start to order food. 两人均是感受到了君皓神子请客的诚意,便也没客气,拿过菜单就开始点菜。 From the beginning Wang Lici restrains very much, always thought that eats is not good, after all the vegetable/dish of this sky pavilion truly is a little expensive/noble. 一开始王璃慈还是很克制的,总觉得吃太多不好,毕竟这昊天阁的菜确实是有点贵。 But the spirit kitchen level of this sky pavilion is the high, made vegetable/dish seriously is really delicious, ate to eat her unable to stop. 可这昊天阁的灵厨水平着实是高,做出的菜当真好吃,吃着吃着她就停不下来了。 Looks that her has not given full expression, appearance that has not obviously eaten to the full, even if Monarch white God Child/Seed loves dearly money again, still can only refreshed waves: additional cuisine!” 看着她那一副意犹未尽,明显没吃饱的样子,君皓神子就算再心疼钱,也只能爽快的一挥手:“加菜!” Cracks a joke, treats to eat meal, if made the guest not eat to the full finished, spread that to lose disgraced sends greatly. 开玩笑,请客吃饭,若是让客人没吃饱就结束,传扬出去那丢人可就丢大发了。 If really so, but also really might as well not invite from the beginning! 若真如此,还真不如一开始就不请了! Finally is, this food ate obstinately for three days and three nights. 结果就是,这一顿饭愣是吃了三天三夜。 Monarch white God Child/Seed does not remember that actually oneself wielded many hands, welcoming many times Monarch white Elder Brother you were really good and so on sweet talk. 君皓神子都不记得自己究竟挥了多少次手,迎来了多少次“君皓哥哥你真好”之类的甜言蜜语。 He only knows, oneself wields hand every time a time, the heart seemed like cut a blade ache! 他只知道,自己每挥一次手,心就像是被砍了一刀般疼痛! But each hear of sweet talk, seemed the wound to be cured. 而每听一次甜言蜜语,又好似伤口被治愈了。 Thus and such and such repeated injured healed, heals injured, injuring the wound gathered about to is finally numb. 如此这般反复的伤了又愈合,愈合了又伤,伤伤合合到最后都麻木了。 Originally the wound were many, the heart will not be painful ~ 原来伤多了,心就不会痛了嘢~ Finally. 最后。 Their this food even alarmed legendary Great Storekeeper of sky pavilion Skilled artist said kitchen. 他们这一顿饭甚至惊动了昊天阁的传奇大掌柜【妙手道厨】。 Three days and three nights later, the skilled artist said that the kitchen sent out the front door of sky pavilion Monarch white God Child/Seed people. 三天三夜后,妙手道厨将君皓神子一众人送出了昊天阁的大门。 Monarch white your highness and Your Highness Qing Li and Your Highness Lici walk, often/common to come patronizes the business of this pavilion.” The skilled artists said that the kitchen be all smile to/clashes three people of cups the hands, the attitude is especially polite, is especially warm. “君皓殿下、青璃殿下、璃慈殿下走好,有空常来光顾本阁的生意啊。”妙手道厨满脸堆笑地冲三人拱手,态度格外客气,格外热情。 Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess one is hand-held nearby Saint jade parapet, one is hand-held the waist, the pair of eyes delay is being atheistic. 青璃神女一手扶着旁边的圣玉栏杆,一手扶着腰,双眼呆滞而无神。 Wang Lici, was showed the well satisfied expression. 就连王璃慈,也是久违地露出了心满意足的表情。 The vegetable/dish of this sky pavilion, was too delicious. 这昊天阁的菜,太好吃了。 Senior Miraculous Hand, you are an elder, must deliver on don't again.” On Monarch white God Child/Seed face brings like the spring breeze genial smile, the elegant bearing to return salute. 妙手前辈,您是长辈,就莫要再送了。”君皓神子脸上带着如春风般和煦的微笑,风度翩翩还礼。 Then, he holds Wang Lici and Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess , returned to Saint dragon flying carriage. 说罢,他就扶着王璃慈青璃神女,回了圣龙飞辇 flying carriage cuts the expansive sky, the direct impact galaxy. 飞辇划破长空,直冲星河。 Monarch white Elder Brother, this food was too delicious.” Wang Lici licked the lip, seemed is still tasting the delicacy, in the heart to Monarch white God Child/Seed favorable impression also achieved the apex, „your Elder Brother, I handed over.” “君皓哥哥,这顿饭太好吃了。”王璃慈舔了舔嘴唇,好似还在回味刚才的美味,心中对君皓神子的好感也达到了顶点,“你这个哥哥,我交定了。” Monarch white God Child/Seed whole body shakes. 君皓神子浑身一震。 In a flash, his innermost soul transmits the fierce tremor, seems has a sound to cry out crazily. 一瞬间,他的灵魂深处传来剧烈的颤动,好似有一个声音在疯狂呐喊。 But, Wang Lici Wang Lici ~ your Younger Sister! This God Child/Seed or ~ ~!!! 可是,王璃慈王璃慈~你这个妹妹!本神子要不起啊~~!!! He good to want handle Wang Lici to trample Saint dragon flying carriage now, will henceforth never meet. 他现在好想一脚把王璃慈踹下圣龙飞辇,从此永不相见。 However, the food please invite. 不过,饭请都请了。 Under the huge sunk cost, attitude of Monarch white God Child/Seed to Wang Lici even more makes one bathe in fresh air, the sound is also genial and gentle: „The words that Younger Sister Lici likes, we will eat next time again.” 巨大的沉没成本下,君皓神子王璃慈的态度愈发让人如沐春风,声音也是和煦而又温柔:“璃慈妹妹喜欢的话,下次咱们再来吃。” The flying carriage porthole, blows white sparkling wind of Heavenly River. 飞辇舷窗,吹进来一阵白莹莹的天河之风。 Served as contrast his complexion such as bright jade, the white robe is floating. 衬托的他脸色如皎玉,白袍飘飘。 Even if the back were short of the sword , not improper generation of sword cultivator God Child/Seed natural demeanor. 哪怕后背少了柄剑,也不失当代剑修神子的潇洒风度。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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