POP :: Volume #8

#52: Monarch white God Child/Seed! Must ask Lici to eat meal

Chapter 998 第998章 Monarch white God Child/Seed! Must ask Lici to eat meal 君皓神子!要请璃慈吃饭 ...... …… Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace main hall. 无极神宫大殿。 The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden great writer, frightening the scene is completely silent. 星澜神女的大手笔,吓得现场鸦雀无声。 Because of the uptight current economic condition, the Divine/God Palace various lineages day does not feel better, everyone's day has to take away the suo suo, spirit stone wishes one could to break off two split bamboo flowers. 因为拮据的经济条件,神宫各脉的日子均不好过,大家的日子都过得扣扣索索,一枚灵石都恨不得掰成两爿儿花。 The result of so accumulating over a long period of time, is Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace various lineages high and low, is passing one share invisible poor petty. 如此日积月累的结果,就是无极神宫各脉上下,都透着一股子无形的寒酸小家子气。 Then is even Divine/God Palace second half step Immortal Emperor Tianshu (Dubhe/Alpha Ursae Majoris) Dao Lord, his from sitting down to start on slightly whole, as if drowsy eye opened suddenly. 便是连神宫第二位半步仙帝天枢道主,他那从坐下开始就微微阖着,仿佛昏昏欲睡的眼睛都蓦然睁开了。 Does the one breath invest over ten thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone purchase minerals? 一口气投入上万混沌灵石收购矿产? How many years? 多少年了? Divine/God Palace already how many years not so great writer? 神宫已经多少年没有过如此大手笔了? I opposed!” “我反对!” The result does not wait for B Geng Elder to receive the spirit stone ticket, an appearance is handsome, white clothing man then knitting the brows of makings scholarly stood. 结果不等乙庚长老灵石票收起来,一位长相俊朗,气质儒雅的白衣男子便皱眉站了起来。 His seating order is quite near the top, white clothing has no time clear and bright, lining he originally good makings even more outstanding dust, glistening white lives the splendor like the bright moon, even if can be in one crowd of bearing impressive and dignified manner very outstanding Dao Lord like a crane among chickens. 他座次极为靠前,身上的白衣皎白无暇,衬得他本就不俗的气质愈发超卓出尘,有如皓月般皎皎生辉,哪怕是在一群气度威仪都十分出众的道主之中都算得上是鹤立鸡群。 From surrounding Dao Lord can also look to his look, he a position in Divine/God Palace numerous Elder is not low. 从周围道主看向他的眼神中也能看出来,他在神宫一众长老之中的地位不低。 In his tone brings obviously does not approve of: Xinglan (Star Wave), your money are to mortgage ninth grade spirit vein either trade, either, borrows money that the Divine Treasure Palace grain sold out ahead of time.” 他的语气中带着明显的不赞同:“星澜,你这些钱要么是抵押九品灵脉换来的,要么,是借了神宝殿粮食提前卖掉的钱。” You most money, change into various types of ores to store up in the hand unexpectedly completely!” “你竟然把大部分的钱,全部换成各种矿囤积手中!” It is well known, the minerals collection, smelts, forges and sells, has a long cycle! Cannot do well, that over ten thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone will have a poor turnover...... at the appointed time, my Divine/God Palace then has to sell off the core asset, to deal creditor!” “众所周知,矿产采集、冶炼、锻造、销售,都有一个漫长的周期!一个搞不好,那上万混沌灵石就会周转不开……届时,我神宫便将不得不变卖核心资产,以应对债主!” This appearance bearing is uncommon, appearance extremely good Elder named Stars Sword Sovereign. 这位长相气度均是不凡,卖相极佳的长老名为【星辰剑皇】。 What he practices is Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Immortal Emperor Sword Dao dao lineage that evolves from own sword intent Stars Dao Canon/Law. 他修行的乃是无极仙帝从自身剑意中演化的剑道道统【星辰道典】。 This stars Sword Sovereign less than three long live, is Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm intermediate stage cultivation base, moreover because of being sword cultivator, its strength is extraordinary, is meets common Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm late stage also to fight one fight. 这位星辰剑皇不足三万岁,便是混元境中期修为,而且因是剑修,其战力非凡,便是遇到寻常的混元境后期也能斗上一斗。 Without doubt. 无疑。 This stars Sword Sovereign is one of the only five Quasi God Child/Seed family background on the scene Dao Lord. 这位星辰剑皇便是在场唯五准神子出身的道主之一。 He has not obtained the Immortal Emperor inheritance, after cultivation to Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm , will then draw back from the Quasi God Child/Seed position, becomes Divine/God Palace core Elder! 只是他没有获得仙帝传承,修炼混元境后便会从准神子位置上退下来,成为一名神宫核心长老 Because core Elder potential far ultra common Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm Elder, often has to attack Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm late stage, even is the peak ability, the caring for quota that therefore, they enjoy is very high, the position is also far from general Elder may compare. 因为核心长老潜力远超寻常混元境长老,往往有冲击混元境后期,甚至是巅峰的能力,因此,他们享用的奉养配额很高,地位也远非一般长老可比。 The stars Sword Sovereign words have the orderliness very much, the analysis is also very in place, the hidden danger that finally proposed was also genuine. 星辰剑皇的话很有条理,分析也很到位,最后提出的隐患也是切切实实存在的。 His saying, immediately causes echoing of part of Elders. 他这话一出,立刻引起了一部分长老们的附和。 They discuss spiritedly, thought that the operation of Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden was too careless, will unable to do well will make Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace fall into the predicament. 他们议论纷纷,都觉得星澜神女的操作太草率了,一个搞不好就会让无极神宫陷入困局。 Since the beforehand matter has created the established facts, that this 10,000 several thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, how calculate to use on the blade well. 之前的事情既然已经造成了既定事实,那这一笔一万几千枚混沌灵石,就得好好盘算盘算怎么用在刀刃上。 Originally is stars Elder.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden saw that actually is still unhurriedly, even also smiles to stars Elder, listened to your tone, seemed understands to make money very much?, Produces the passing money-making result, gives me this present age generation of Palace Lord to study quite.” “原来是星辰长老。”星澜神女见状却仍是不慌不忙,甚至还冲着星辰长老笑了笑,“听你的口气,好似很懂赚钱?来来来,拿出点过往的赚钱成绩来,给我这个当代代宫主好生学习一下。” The stars Sword Sovereign expression stagnates slightly, was harmed somebody without the person knowing or feeling anything to puncture a little awkwardly by this. 星辰剑皇表情微微一滞,被她这软刀子刺得有点尴尬。 He silent, finally shakes the head: My stars Sword Sovereign lineage, always majors in fight ~ ~, but I am infatuated in Emperor Venerable stars Sword Dao, does business, but Xinglan (Star Wave) you......” 他沉默了一下,最终还是摇了摇头:“我星辰剑皇一脉,向来主修战斗~~而我更是醉心于帝尊的星辰剑道,并不懂做生意,但是星澜伱……” Does not understand shuts up!” “不懂就闭嘴!” The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden smile receives, the tone instantaneously becomes indifferent incomparable. 星澜神女笑脸一收,语气瞬间变得冷漠无比。 This generation of Palace Lord depending on money that the skill hugs, how should operate naturally is I decides. You must refuse to accept, oneself blows ten thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone to come back, how you want to operate, I ensure the fart does not put one.” “本代宫主凭本事搂回来的钱,该怎么操作自然是我说了算。你要不服,自己去刮个一万混沌灵石回来,你想怎么操作,我保证屁都不放一个。” The face of stars Sword Sovereign by the gas black, was wielded the sleeves anger sound saying: Xinglan (Star Wave), you are also Quasi Goddess, is the Divine/God Palace foreign face! Did you speak the limelight image? Wants initially, this Sword Sovereign, when Quasi God Child/Seed, is the sword crown with the generation, is the countless youth outstanding talent idol!” 星辰剑皇的脸都被气黑了,一挥衣袖怒声说:“星澜,你好歹也是准神女,是神宫对外的脸面!你说话能否注意点形象?想当初,本剑皇准神子时,可是剑冠同代,乃是无数青年俊杰的偶像!” Also right, when hears stars Sword Sovereign your young, stars sword intent vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered World of Immortals with generation unparalleled, even had once taken Shenying (God Brilliant) List second.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden said, is extraordinary except for the strength, in the legend is loose clean, command present age several Quasi Goddess are rivals for sexual favor ~ ~ ~ for you “也对,听说星辰剑皇年轻之时,星辰剑意纵横仙界同代无双,甚至一度拿下过神瑛榜第二名。”星澜神女说道,“除了战力非凡,传说中更是风流倜傥,令当代数位准神女为你争风吃醋~~~ Talked about the oneself young time the love matters and sight deeds, the stars Sword Sovereign anger reduced several points. 谈及自己年轻时候的风流韵事和风光事迹,星辰剑皇怒气削减了几分。 In his heart secret somewhat contented, in the surface actually was still a school of wind pale cloud clear, beckoned with the hand free and easy: Real man did not raise was brave in the past, did not raise.” 他心中暗暗有些自得,面上却仍是一派风淡云清,洒脱地摆了摆手:“好汉不提当年勇,不提也罢。” So can great achievements, how not raise?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is a pupil shines, seemed thinks some wonderful ideas, I heard remote antiquity Divine/God Palace Leaves Elder Yun, Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Divine/God Palace Contains smoke Elder, Sky temple Illusion Elder, As if as before to your odd/surplus emotion not appearance.” “如此丰功伟绩,怎能不提?”星澜神女却是眼眸发亮,好似想到了一些奇思妙想,“我听说太上神宫的【离韵长老】、紫薇神宫的【珺烟长老】,昊天神殿的【幻梦长老】,似乎依旧都对你余情未了的样子。” „Do you...... want to do?” In the stars Sword Sovereign heart one thump, not a wonderful premonition arises spontaneously. “你……想干什么?”星辰剑皇心中一咯噔,一股不妙的预感油然而生。 That several Elder not like you so, only know cultivation with fighting, they are the mainstay of respective influence, is responsible for real power Elder of concrete affair.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden somewhat is slightly excited, more wants more to think that the idea of oneself is quite excellent, this, stars Elder you idle are also idling, goes to one by one to visit, makes the friendly contacts at the same time, asked while convenient they borrow a money.” “那几位长老不像你这般,只知修炼与打架,她们都是各自势力的中流砥柱,负责具体事务的实权长老。”星澜神女微微有些兴奋,越想越觉得自己的主意相当绝妙,“这样吧,星辰长老你闲着也是闲着,就去一一拜访一下,联络联络感情的同时,顺便问她们借点钱。” Lends money?” “借钱?” Stars Sword Sovereign flustered, rushes to reject: no no no, my stars life has never lent money, will not lend money.” 星辰剑皇慌了,赶忙拒绝:“不不不,我星辰一生从未借过钱,也不会借钱。” Regarding one bragged that compels the standard unparalleled man, before making him lag behind the face looks , the girlfriends to lend money, this is his life simply. 对于一个自诩逼格无双的男人而言,让他拉下脸去找前女友们借钱,这简直就是要他的命。 Stars Sword Sovereign is only thinks that scene, has started the whole body to be uncomfortable, seemed placed in the wok with cooking oil to fry, whole person hemp. 星辰剑皇光是想到那个场景,就已经开始浑身难受,仿佛被放在油锅里煎似的,整个人都麻了。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden pats the chair, in the sound has taken the imposing anger: My Teacher can lend money to support the family brazenly, I can be thick the face to lend money to save Divine/God Palace! Why, can't your stars go out lend money? Are you brazen? Has the self-respect on you?” 星澜神女一拍椅子,声音中已然带上了凛然怒气:“我师尊能厚着脸皮去借钱养家,我能厚着脸去借钱拯救神宫!凭什么,就你星辰不能出门借钱?就你脸大?就你有自尊心?” „Do you know? Our Divine/God Palace every year in 151 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone personnel expenses, there are enough two Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, is used to supply your cultivation sprint boundary!?” “你知不知道?咱们神宫每年一百五十一枚混沌灵石的人员开销中,有足足两枚混沌灵石,是用来供你修炼冲刺境界的!?” You ask that B Geng Elder, he lives simply and frugally, one year gets down consumes 20 Immortal Spirit Stone!” “你问问乙庚长老,他个人节衣缩食,一年下来不过消耗20枚仙灵石!” You do not go also good, now our Divine/God Palace economy is uptight. Cannot raise your waste core Elder. Starting today, you work as ordinary Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm intermediate stage Elder.” “你不去也行,现在咱们神宫经济拮据。养不起你这个废物核心长老。从今天起,你就当一个普通的混元境中期长老。” According to at present is well-mannered, your every year caring for standard reduces to 40 Immortal Spirit Stone!” “按照目前规矩,你每年的奉养标准降为40仙灵石!” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden seized stars Sword Sovereign, a continuous output, said complexion azure white of stars Sword Sovereign, the Peerless Sword Sovereign elegant demeanor and bearing were hit. 星澜神女逮住了星辰剑皇,一通连绵不绝的输出,说得星辰剑皇的脸色一阵青一阵白,绝世剑皇的风采和气度都被打了下来。 How every year do 40 Immortal Spirit Stone resources provide for enough?” The stars Sword Sovereign appearance is somewhat distressed, I am Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm intermediate stage, these resources feared that can only maintain my consumption.” “每年40仙灵石的资源供养怎么够?”星辰剑皇模样有些狼狈,“我已经是混元境中期了,这些资源怕是只能维持我的消耗。” His former every year enjoyed the value two Primal Chaos Spirit Stone resources rations, although cannot compare other peers of influence, actually also enough his cultivation base forwarded to Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) late stage as before with steady steps. 他之前每年享用价值两枚混沌灵石的资源配给,虽依旧比不上其他势力的同辈,却也够他修为混元后期稳步向前了。 But now, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden do not break his future? 可现在,星澜神女不是要断他的前途吗? Insufficiently tries to find the solution, starting today, our Divine/God Palace does not raise the idler.” The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden cold sound rejects, immediately glanced his one eyes, the tone some are meaningful, stars Senior, puts acting with constraint of innermost feelings sometimes, perhaps, your world will suddenly see the light.” “不够就去想办法,从今天开始,我们神宫不养闲人。”星澜神女凛声拒绝,随即又瞟了他一眼,语气有些意味深长,“星辰前辈,有的时候将内心的矜持放一放,或许,你的世界就会豁然开朗了。” Xinglan (Star Wave), you changed!” Stars Sword Sovereign Youyou is saying. 星澜,你变了!”星辰剑皇幽幽地说着。 He remembers that Xinglan (Star Wave) in childhood that is very clever cute, often likes pursuing in oneself stars Senior long stars Senior is short behind, before worshipping his , specially generation of Quasi God Child/Seed! 他记得星澜小时候那阵,还是挺乖巧可爱的,动不动就喜欢追在自己身后星辰前辈长星辰前辈短,特别崇拜他这个前代准神子 But now, she for several filthy money, is compelling his solemn stars Sword Sovereign unexpectedly, betrays most precious youth recollection, moreover sells or sells three! 可现在,她为了几个臭钱,竟逼着他堂堂星辰剑皇,去出卖最宝贵的青春回忆,而且一卖还是卖三家! „Do you go not to go?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden stared his one eyes. “你去是不去?”星澜神女瞪了他一眼。 Goes!” “去!” Stars Sword Sovereign gives up resisting rapidly. 星辰剑皇飞速放弃抵抗。 Can't he dare? 他敢不去吗? If not go, will provide for is drastically reduced. 若是不去,供养就会被大幅削减。 He as Sword Sovereign, will always only fight and play the graceful, does not understand what occupation, even if wants such to depend on the vice- vocational skill subsidy to select the cultivation resources not to have that ability by other Dao Lord. 他身为剑皇,向来只会打架和耍帅,也不懂什么副职业,就算想靠其他道主那样靠着副职业技能补贴点修炼资源都没那能耐。 In the Divine/God Palace main hall, falls into a silence again. 神宫大殿内,再度陷入一片寂静。 Various Elders, felt that Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden changed, became fierce. 长老们,都感觉星澜神女变了,变得厉害了。 Although some people have discontented to her some strategy hearts as before, but, actually does not dare to open the mouth again face to face. After all, in everyone Elder on the scene, the sign surface is fewer than stars Sword Sovereign cow. 虽说依旧有人对她的一些策略心有不满,可是,却不敢再当面开口了。毕竟,在场诸位长老中,牌面比星辰剑皇还牛者寥寥无几。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden sees that knows that the oneself preliminary prestige set up similarly, slightly was then affable the complexion, started on the sweet jujube. 星澜神女见状,知道自己初步的威信树立得差不多了,便也将脸色稍微舒缓了些,开始上甜枣。 everyone present is the Xinglan (Star Wave) elder, but Xinglan (Star Wave) this time wields Divine/God Palace, but during short hundred years.” She is sincere in words, the look is sincere, might as well put aside the distracting thoughts thoughts, in these hundred years, coordinates my one time well.” “在座的诸位都是星澜的长辈,而星澜此次代为执掌神宫,不过短短百年间而已。”她言辞恳切,神色真诚,“不如都放下杂念心思,在这百年内,好好配合我一次。” If lost, that all responsibility for an offense are then carried by my Xinglan (Star Wave). But the eventuality, did we win? After this, Divine/God Palace will then break out of the difficult position, progresses day by day , has to restore the Divine/God Palace lost territory, revives the older generation honor the foundation.” “倘若输了,那所有罪责便由我星澜来背。可万一,咱们赢了呢?从此之后,神宫便会摆脱困境,蒸蒸日上,如此,才有收复神宫失地,重振先辈荣光的基础。” Yes. 是啊。 However hundred did the short years, then can be clear, why drag Xinglan (Star Wave) at this time? 不过才短短百年时间,便能见分晓了,何必在这时候扯星澜后腿呢? Many Elders, the thoughts also changed gradually. 诸多长老们,心思也渐渐变化了起来。 Said like Xinglan (Star Wave), if won? 诚如星澜所言,万一赢了呢? Surplus several thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, I will integrate in the Divine/God Palace treasure house completely.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden detected that the change of people mentality, strikes while the iron is hot immediately, announced with the sound forcefully, starting today, Divine/God Palace high and low, in cared for in the foundation to practice the meritorious value system.” “剩余数千混沌灵石,我会全部纳入神宫宝库之中。”星澜神女察觉到众人心态的变化,立刻趁热打铁,用铿锵有力地声音宣布,“从今天起,神宫上下,在原本奉养基础上实行功勋值制度。” Who wants many resources cultivation, or wants to train to like the disciple loving the grandson, trades with the meritorious service!” “谁想要更多的资源修炼,或是想要培养爱徒爱孙,就拿功勋来换!” This word, a stone arouses thousand overlapping waves again. 此言,再次一石激起千层浪。 Many Elders the spirit inspires immediately greatly, starts to discuss the meritorious system earnestly. 诸多长老们登时精神大振,开始热切讨论起功勋制度来。 Everyone is not strange to the meritorious system, in many influences, armies, existence that has the meritorious system many. 大家对功勋制度并不陌生,诸多势力中、军队中,都不乏有功勋制度的存在。 However before Divine/God Palace was too poor, everyone according to the difference of status, position and sequence, is living with the corresponding lowest safeguard. In fact, this lowest safeguard, Divine/God Palace maintains is difficult. 但是之前神宫太穷了,所有人都是根据身份、职位、序列的不同,拿相应的最低保障在过日子。事实上,就连这最低保障,神宫维持得都很艰难。 But the core of meritorious system is the award and penalty, without enough reward as the seduction, who will be glad to brush the meritorious service? 可功勋制的核心就是奖罚,没有足够的奖赏作为诱惑,谁会乐意去刷功勋? The Divine/God Palace financial resource are beset with problems, carries out the meritorious system with what? 神宫财力如此捉襟见肘,又拿什么去执行功勋制? Several days later. 数日之后。 The conference eventually ended. 会议终于结束。 When most Elders led different mission, has some excitement are busy at work at the same time. 当大部分长老们都领了不同的任务,怀揣着些许激动的心情去忙活的同时。 Has two Dao Lord Elder, was kept the hall by Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden. 两位道主长老,被星澜神女留了堂。 Azure Wood Elder and river higher than its banks Elder.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden invited them to drink tea politely, two was agriculture and sericulture top Great Grandmaster together, Commander has jurisdiction over our Divine/God Palace the matter of complete agriculture and sericulture, these years were laborious you.” 青木长老、悬河长老。”星澜神女客气地邀请他们喝茶,“两位都是农桑一道的顶级大宗师,统领管辖咱们神宫的全部农桑之事,这些年辛苦你们了。” two Elder quickly returns a courtesy: Your Highness Divine Maiden the erroneous approved, we are play one's part.” 两位长老急忙回礼:“神女殿下谬赞了,我们不过是尽本分而已。” Different from core Elder of stars Sword Sovereign like that Quasi God Child/Seed family background, when their two is ordinary Elder, cultivation to Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm about three have long live, the potential basically exhausts, this this lifetime very big probability has stayed in Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm initial stage. 不同于星辰剑皇那般准神子出身的核心长老,他们两个都是普通长老,修炼混元境时已经将近三万岁,潜力基本耗尽,这辈子很大概率会一直停留在混元境初期 Elder like them, is in Elder largest existences, similarly is in Elder the position is also lowest. 像他们这样的长老,也是长老之中数量最多的存在,同样也是长老之中地位最低的。 Therefore, the attitude to Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden are much politer than stars Sword Sovereign. 因此,他们对星澜神女的态度远比星辰剑皇要客气得多。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden drank half tea with them, flattered their good one with the words that does not ask for money, finally, the plot revealed, pulled out finally sealed grain seed in jade pot. 星澜神女与他们喝了半盏茶,用不要钱的话吹捧了他们好一阵,最后,才终于“图穷匕见”,掏出了一些封存在玉罐内的粮种 My some third grade and fourth grade grain seed, exhausted two Elder plants experimentally, how has a look at the output and quality?” “我这里有些三品四品粮种,劳烦两位长老试种一番,看看产量与品质如何?” By the strength of Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm powerhouse, plants third grade fourth grade grain seed to use a talented person in an insignificant position completely, naturally does not have any difficulty. 混元境强者的实力,种植三品四品粮种完全是大材小用,自然也不存在任何困难。 In the two Elder heart is the doubts is puzzled, had not asked that but saluted to comply respectfully: Respectfully follows the life of your highness.” 两位长老心中都是疑惑不解,却也都没有多问,而是恭恭敬敬地行礼应了下来:“谨遵殿下之命。” After two Elder sends off, in the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden heart is also the mighty waves slightly. 两位长老送走之后,星澜神女心中也是波澜微起。 Although she has not planted these grain seed, has actually known these grain seed situations from Young Master Shouzhe. 她虽然没有种过这些粮种,却早就从守哲公子那边了解过了这些粮种的情况。 But they, are her this time dare to conduct this unrestrained gambling the key! 而它们,便是她这一次敢于进行这一场豪赌的关键! She believes Young Master Shouzhe, firm believes that the Divine/God Palace destiny will soon be changed. 她相信守哲公子,也坚定的相信神宫命运即将被改变。 ****** ****** After some time . 一段时间之后。 World of Immortals northern various heaven. 仙界北部诸天。 Entire World of Immortals according to the region division method, is divided into Thirty Three Heavens. 整个仙界按照区域划分,共分为三十三天 So-called heaven, refers to a big void sea region within certain range. 所谓的“天”,指的是一定范围内的一大片虚空海区域。 Void sea range that this region contains, is often huge. The complete area that in the past Immortal Alliance presided, roughly was also compares a heaven range to be slightly bigger. 这个“区域”包含的虚空海范围,往往非常巨大。当年仙盟所统辖的全部疆域,大致也就是比一个“天”的范围略大一些而已。 World of Immortals Thirty Three Heavens, each heaven has to be the oneself name, for example Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is at ten thousand island Xuantian (Profound Heaven), the Azure Sovereign palace is at Azure Sovereign day wait/etc. 仙界三十三天,每一个“天”都有属于自己的名字,譬如无极神宫所在的“万岛玄天”,青皇宫所在的“青皇天”等等。 Regarding most influences, its sphere of influence only stops in a day, for example Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, then occupied ten thousand island Xuantian (Profound Heaven) most areas, but also has resides in the colossus of pyramid peak, sphere of influence of its governance, even covered several days. 对于大多数势力来说,其势力范围都是仅止于某个天,譬如无极神宫,便占据了万岛玄天的大部分疆域,但也有那么一些居于金字塔顶端的庞然大物,其统辖的势力范围,甚至涵盖了好几个天。 Sky temple, Then is one of them. 【昊天神殿】,便是其中之一。 As the World of Immortals top big influence ranked third, the foundation of sky temple in north various heaven, day altogether three of its actual control, the range that its influence can affect also this be much bigger. 作为仙界排名第三的顶级大势力,昊天神殿的根基在北部诸天,其实际掌控的天一共有三个,其影响力所能影响到的范围则还要比这大得多。 But the Core Area territory of its influence, is sky temple, situated in „the Taihao day. 而其势力的核心区域,也就是昊天神殿本部,则位于“太昊天”之中。 The core main city, then named Sky city. 其核心主城,则名为【昊天城】。 At this moment. 此刻。 Sky city. 昊天城。 Governs most core as the sky temple, most important main city, the sky city is huge, its area even stretched across several world. 作为昊天神殿辖下最核心,也最重要的一座主城,昊天城庞大无比,其疆域甚至横跨了数个世界 Meanwhile, it is also the sky temple governs a liveliest city, every day in has crosses the boat to come and go in the harbor innumerably, the magnanimous resources from gather in all directions. 同时,它也是昊天神殿辖下最繁华的一座城市,每日里都有无数渡舟在港口来来去去,海量的资源从四面八方汇聚而来。 Sky city Western Regions. 昊天城西域 Enormous and powerful giant Heavenly River crosses from the city west, is ordinary just like a giant jade belt, in dark profound void splendid. 一条浩浩荡荡的巨型天河从城西横穿而过,宛如一条巨大的玉带一般,在黝黑深邃的虚空中熠熠生辉。 The bank of Heavenly River, there is huge Transmission Array. 天河之畔,有一座巨大的传送阵 This is giant Transmission Array after improvement. It while retaining the World of Immortals Transmission Array style and characteristics, fused many from the Demon Race study Transdimensional Corridor technology. This made it have and Transdimensional Corridor similar function, can through Dark Void Realm, realize the Kong Jian (Space) shuttle of ultra long-distance range. 这是一座改良后的巨型传送阵。它在保留仙界传送阵本身风格和特色的同时,又融合了诸多从魔族学来的“超空间走廊”技术。这让它具备了和“超空间走廊”类似的功能,可以通过黑暗虚界,实现超远距离的空间穿梭。 At this moment. 此刻。 Giant array has started. 巨型阵法已经启动。 In the dazzling array ray, a giant Kong Jian (Space) channel takes shape in void slowly, the dark Kong Jian (Space) energy twists unceasingly, is sending out the fearsome might. 耀眼的阵法光芒中,一条巨大的空间通道在虚空中缓缓成型,其中黑暗空间能量不断扭曲,散发着可怖的威力。 . 紧接着。 A build endures compared with the galaxy giant beast giant crosses the boat, from the Kong Jian (Space) channel of distortion shuttles back and forth. 一艘体型堪比星河巨兽的巨型渡舟,从扭曲的空间通道之中穿梭而来。 This crosses the boat contour to be honest, feeling especially is steadfast steady. 这渡舟外形敦厚坚实,给人的感觉格外踏实稳重。 The dark energy of distortion coerces in its body week, actually cannot affect it, even defended great array not to shake. 扭曲的黑暗能量裹挟在它身周,却丝毫影响不到它,甚至连防御大阵都撼动不了。 Quick, giant crosses the boat then to shuttle back and forth from the Kong Jian (Space) channel. 很快,巨型渡舟便从空间通道中穿梭而过。 After it leaves thoroughly twisted Kong Jian (Space), giant Transmission Array then rapidly closes, the Kong Jian (Space) channel also re-entered the closed position. 在它彻底离开了扭曲空间之后,巨型传送阵法便迅速关闭,空间通道也重新进入了闭合状态。 An energy consumption huge Kong Jian (Space) transmission, then comes to the end. 一次能量消耗巨大的空间传送,便就此告一段落。 At this time. 这时候。 Several small-scale cross the boat to go forward void, starts giant to cross the boat to conduct various inspections to that to prevent the enemy or the forbidden object mixes. 几艘小型虚空渡舟上前,开始对那艘巨型渡舟进行各种检查,以防止有敌人或违禁物品混入。 This giant crosses the boat is shuttle Endless Heaven Abyss special-purpose crosses the boat, usually in only in giant Transmission Array both sides back and forth. 这艘巨型渡舟是穿梭无尽天渊的专用渡舟,平日里就只在巨型传送阵两端来回。 All must through Transmission Array flying boat back and forth, the Saint boat, Dao Boat wait/etc, need first to purchase the passage ticket to enter giant crosses the boat, can pass giant Transmission Array back and forth. 所有要通过传送阵来回的飞舟,圣舟,道舟等等,都需要先购买船票进入巨型渡舟,才能通过巨型传送阵来回。 Naturally, giant crosses in the boat not only to travel by personal flying boat and freight transportation flying boat, personally, flying carriage, mount and so on can also travel by, similarly also only needed to buy a ticket to enter is OK. 当然,巨型渡舟内不仅仅可以搭乘私人飞舟和货运飞舟,个人,飞辇,坐骑之类的也可以搭乘,同样也只需要买票进入就可以了。 Kong Jian (Space) in not transition boat is only limited, once filled, needs to wait for the next batch. 只不过渡舟内的空间是有限的,一旦满了,就需要等下一批了。 But giant crosses the boat huge build by this, even if Dao Boat, can hold many, carrying capacity each time is quite huge. 而以这巨型渡舟庞大的体型,哪怕是道舟,都能容纳好多艘,每次的运载量都极为庞大。 Not many moments, the inspection is completed, giant crosses around the boat the both sides access panels open, every large or small spatial boats depart from inside one after another, goes in the respective target direction. 不多片刻,检查完成,巨型渡舟前后两侧的舱盖打开,一艘艘大大小小的空舟陆续从里面飞出,朝着各自的目标方向而去。 Appearance attractive azure Dao Boat, mixes in these spatial boats departs, quick followed the direction that the energy galloped to converge in Heavenly River. 一艘模样漂亮的青色道舟,混在这些空舟之中飞出,很快就顺着能量奔腾的方向汇入了天河之中。 After half double-hour, this azure Dao Boat anchored in the airport in sky city Western Regions big market. 半个时辰后,这艘青色道舟停靠在了昊天城西域大市场的空港中。 Quick, the azure Dao Boat cabin door opens, got down the two young attractive female from Dao Boat. 很快,青色道舟的舱门打开,从道舟内下来了两个年轻漂亮的女子。 This two female appearance simple and beautiful makings are tender, is extraordinary, the elegant demeanor is excellent, divine light is reserved, tone deep conceals, looks to look like a background big appearance. 两个女子一个长相清丽一个气质娇憨,皆是气质出众,风采过人,却神光内敛,气韵深藏,一看就像是来头不小的样子。 Right. 没错。 This two young female, is present age Quasi Goddess Qing Li of Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple, as well as her good sisters Wang Lici. 两个年轻女子,正是武岳神殿的当代准神女青璃,以及她的好姐妹王璃慈 Younger Sister Lici, this Sky minerals market, Is one of the World of Immortals most famous three big minerals markets.” 璃慈妹妹,这处【昊天矿产市场】,乃是仙界最著名的三大矿产市场之一。” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess is very obviously familiar with this place, the familiar house region Wang Lici is sitting flying carriage, leading her to stroll in the big market, strolled is briefing the further information in this big market with her. 青璃神女显然对这地方很熟悉,熟门熟路地带着王璃慈坐上了飞辇,带着她在大市场内逛了起来,边逛边和她介绍着这个大市场的详细情况。 Because backs on the sky temple, the credibility of this market is very high, for these years the business also gets bigger and bigger, many influences are glad to draw the minerals to here sell.” “因为背靠昊天神殿,这处市场的信誉度很高,这么多年来生意也是越做越大,很多势力都乐意将矿产拉到这里来卖。” „The minerals market has nothing fun, when I escorting after a steamship spirit ore delivers, leads you to go to the sky City Lord city to stroll, there really lively lively, various types of fresh funs have everything expected to find, can lead you to taste while convenient various types of good food.” “不过矿产市场没啥好玩的,等我把押运过来的一大船灵矿交割后,就带你去昊天城主城区逛逛,那里才是真的繁华热闹,各种新鲜的好玩的东西应有尽有,顺便还能带你尝一尝各种美食。” This sky city one line, the Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess main purpose is sells out some convoy minerals to the sky minerals market, and purchases large quantities of grain, and weaponry of end product. 此次昊天城一行,青璃神女的主要目的便是押运一些矿物到昊天矿产市场卖掉,并采购一大批粮食,以及成品的武器装备回去。 In the state of war, the grain, medicinal pill and magical treasure that spirit treasure quantity the Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple consumes every year is for a long time huge, the temple pill refining item refining capacity cannot follow, therefore then can only purchase from outside. 长期处在战争状态中,武岳神殿每年消耗的粮食、丹药法宝灵宝数量都非常巨大,神殿本身炼丹炼器的产能跟不上,因此便只能从外面采购。 Is good various types of ores are quite many in the Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple range, after picking spirit ore roughing smelting, then can receive in exchange many military cargos. 好在武岳神殿范围内各种矿比较多,采了灵矿初步加工冶炼之后,便能换回不少军用物资。 But besides this main purpose, the secondary goal, naturally then brings Wang Lici to come to the sky temple, the preparation to rush to together God beautiful jade palace Dungeon, assigns good achievements, raised name. 而除了这个主要目的之外,次要目的,自然便是带着王璃慈一起来昊天神殿,准备闯一闯【神瑛殿】副本,打个好成绩,扬个名儿了。 Beforehand Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess ranking is not high, but this time, her goal points to Shenying (God Brilliant) List first three! 之前的青璃神女排名并不高,而这一次,她目标直指神瑛榜前三! Actually, in this minerals market , many delicious.” “其实,这矿产市场中,也有不少好吃的。” In flying carriage, Wang Lici lies in the porthole, looks that below transaction area that packed with the giant Kong Jian (Space) boxes of various types of spirit ores, cannot help but the eye pupil shines, within the body glutton is ready to make trouble. 飞辇内,王璃慈趴在舷窗上,看着下方交易区中那满载着各种灵矿的巨型空间箱,不由得眼眸发亮,体内馋虫蠢蠢欲动。 She can feel, in these Kong Jian (Space) boxes should hide many delicious things. 她能感觉到,那些空间箱里面应该藏了不少好吃的东西。 Almost forgot.” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess pats elegant forehead, cannot bear hehe smiles, Younger Sister Lici you in the good thing to undressed ore to have the natural induction, this time, our sisters two must conquer by killing the minerals market, to these profiteers well ground classes.” “差点忘了。”青璃神女一拍秀额,忍不住“嘿嘿”直笑,“璃慈妹妹你对原矿中的好东西有天然感应,这一次,咱们姐妹两个一定要血洗矿产市场,给那些奸商们好好地上一课。” However, the following matter must wait to get through the proper business to be good. 不过,后续事情都得等办完正事才行。 Quick, they went to the market the biggest ore transaction line. 很快,她们来到了市场内最大的矿石交易行。 This is the sky temple self-management transaction firm, the reasonable price and strength is vigorous, is the object of Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple until now long-term collaboration. 这是昊天神殿自营的交易商行,价格公道、实力浑厚,也是武岳神殿一直以来长期合作的对象。 Yo this time is Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess sends under custody the minerals unexpectedly personally?” “哟~这一次居然是青璃神女亲自来押送矿产?” Two females just went, azure robe Dao Lord of makings scholarly and wound to welcome toward Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess people on the enthusiasm ripe: Comes, first sits down to drink tea.” 两女刚一进去,一位气质儒雅的青袍道主就热情而熟络地朝青璃神女一众人迎了过来:“来来来,先坐下喝茶。” Sapphire Elder.” “青玉长老。” Handing over that Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess is conscientious in discharging official duties a list, the tone all of a sudden becomes calm is also capable: This minerals list you first look, then reported a solid price. If the price is appropriate, I then make the freighter directly deliver you storehouse.” 青璃神女公事公办的递上了一份清单,语气也一下子变得沉稳干练起来:“这份矿产清单您先看一看,然后报个实在价。若是价格合适,我便让货船直接送你库房去。” Thanks for the compliment, our sky minerals firm price always most fairs.” Sapphire Elder an appearance of friendly disposition leads to wealth, has taken the minerals list, the preparation life person calculates the amount. “好说好说,我们昊天矿产商行价格一向最为公道。”青玉长老一副和气生财的模样,拿过了矿产清单,就准备命人去核算金额。 Wait!” “等等!” Suddenly, a voice of old man resounds. 忽而,一位老者的声音响起。 The people in transaction line go following the prestige, sees a azure garment old man to lead several tall disciples from trading the good entrance walks. 交易行内的众人循声望去,就见一名青衫老者正带着几位五大三粗的弟子从交易行门口走过来。 Looks at his whole body say/way rhyme circulation, the tone extraordinary appearance, obviously is also Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm Dao Lord. 看他那周身道韵流转,气韵非凡的模样,显然也是一位混元境道主 His step creates an incident arrives in front of Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess , toward her cups the hands, polite say/way: Does not know Your Highness Qing Li, whether also to give obsolete minerals list?” 他步履生风地走到青璃神女面前,朝她一拱手,客气道:“不知青璃殿下,可否也给老朽一份矿产清单?” The sapphire Elder seeing that face was black, the angry sound reprimanded: B Geng, can doing business be fastidious about a first come first served? Let alone, the Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple is always our operation targets, what do you run over suddenly insert a bar horizontally are?” 青玉长老见状脸都黑了,不由怒声斥道:“乙庚,做买卖总得讲究一个先来后到吧?何况,武岳神殿向来是我们的合作对象,你忽然跑过来横插一杠算什么?” Hehe ~ sapphire Elder stands to reason.” B Geng Elder glanced his one eyes, remains unmoved slightly, the look on face was still calm free, „, but, did business is also fastidious about another point, that was price high results.” “嘿嘿~青玉长老言之有理。”乙庚长老瞟了他一眼,丝毫不为所动,脸上的神色仍是淡定自若,“不过,做买卖还讲究另一点,那就是价高者得。” Your Highness Qing Li, our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is willing to pay a higher price, purchases the minerals of your ship.” 青璃殿下,我们无极神宫愿意出更高价格,收购你们这一船的矿产。” This person, was sent to purchase the ore by Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden B Geng Elder. 此人,正是被星澜神女派出来收购矿石的乙庚长老 Recently his hand grasped the large sum of money, swept across the minerals market, swept away all obstacles, felt one had never felt in the past the excessive wealth very much. 最近他手握重金,横扫矿产市场,所向披靡,很是感受了一番以往从未感受过的财大气粗。 Also is therefore, he is more unyielding than the past the speech now. 也是因此,他如今连说话都比以往硬气了许多。 Sapphire Elder was mad heavily. 青玉长老被气得不轻。 Although he also has the temple to be authorized, when purchasing the minerals the purchase price can fluctuate in certain price sector up and down, but been authorized price sector is actually far less than B Geng Elder. 他虽然也有神殿授权,在购买矿产时采购价格可以在一定价格区间内上下浮动,但被授权的价格区间却远不如乙庚长老 Because of this, tendered him to suffer a loss on B Geng Elder recently several times repeatedly, he notices now B Geng Elder does not have the complexion. 就因为这样,最近几次竞价他在乙庚长老身上屡屡吃亏,以至于他如今一看到乙庚长老就没好脸色。 Is good because, he has informed the one's superior official. 好在,他已经通知了上峰。 Sees this ship spirit ore to by B Geng Elder high price truncation reckless. 眼看着这一船灵矿又要被乙庚长老高价截胡。 Mild such as the sound of jade resounds suddenly: „Did the Qing Li girl, pass on a message you not to close up? How to do to escort mission?” 一个温润如玉的声音蓦然响起:“青璃丫头,传言你不是在闭关吗?怎么有空来做押运任务?” People simultaneously looks. 众人齐齐望去。 Saw a white clothing to be floating, shoulders young Young Master of long sword to walk from out of the door. 就见一个白衣飘飘,背负长剑的年轻公子从门外走了进来。 His appearance is handsome, the elegant bearing, the bearing is striking, although seems like sword cultivator, but the aura of whole body actually not obviously swift and fierce chilling, instead has one share in a big way Senior Brother mild such as jade bearing. 他长相俊朗,风度翩翩,气度斐然,虽然看起来像是剑修,但周身的气息却丝毫不显凌厉冷硬,反而颇有一股子大师兄般的温润如玉气度。 Has seen Monarch white God Child/Seed.” “见过君皓神子。” Sapphire Elder sees comes the person complexion one happily, the whole person back straightened up several points, seemed the pillar to be the same. 青玉长老见得来人脸色一喜,整个人腰杆都挺直了几分,就好似来了主心骨一般。 B Geng Elder is actually the complexion changes, in the heart the secretly thought/passage is not wonderful. 乙庚长老却是脸色微变,心中暗道不妙。 Monarch white Quasi God Child/Seed of hearsay sky temple, is very good with the Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple Qing Li Quasi Goddess relations. Now he came, this ship spirit ore feared that was doomed to miss with oneself. 传闻昊天神殿的君皓准神子,与武岳神殿青璃准神女关系很好。如今他来了,这一船灵矿怕是注定与自己无缘了。 Monarch white Elder Brother.” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess saw immediately comes the person, on the face to show the happy smile, „my time was to bring Lici Girl plays.” “君皓哥哥。”青璃神女见得来人,脸上顿时露出了开心的笑容,“我这次是带璃慈丫头来玩的。” Well? Did you also lead the friend to come?” “咦?你还带朋友来了?” Monarch white God Child/Seed looked at Wang Lici one earnestly, felt that this Miss makings are pure, a tender gruff gentle appearance, actually very his eye reason, unlike Qing Li in the past these friends. 君皓神子认真看了王璃慈一眼,感觉这姑娘气质纯净可爱,一副娇憨文静的模样,倒是很得他的眼缘,跟青璃以往那些朋友很不一样。 Looks at this intimate appearance, it seems like relations really very good ~ 看这亲密的样子,看来关系是真的很不错了~ He smiles immediately: In view of this, waits to finish this, I asked you to go Sky pavilion Eats meal.” 他当即爽朗一笑:“既如此,等忙完这一茬,我请你们去【昊天阁】吃饭。” Asked me to eat meal? 请我吃饭? Wang Lici at present one bright. 王璃慈眼前一亮。 She felt that oneself for a long time is very very long, had not heard these words, cannot help but the throat rolled at this moment slightly, greedy intent increased. 她感觉自己已经很久很久,没有听说过这句话了,此刻不由得喉头微微滚动,馋意大增。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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