POP :: Volume #8

#51: Empress fosters the plan

Chapter 997 第997章 Empress fosters the plan 女帝养成计划 ...... …… ( Ps: The previous chapter of 1600 interest made a mistake, changes to 16,000.) (ps:上一章千六利息错了,改成万六。) Good after long time . 好半晌后。 Urgently flame Old Ancestor and clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed, as if recovers, starts seriously to ponder this matter. 亟焱老祖和明喆神子,才似乎回过神来,开始认真思考起这件事儿来。 Xinglan (Star Wave) ~ 星澜~ The flame Old Ancestor attitude enforced urgently gradually, hesitates saying: I consider as finished slightly, 100 million warehouse third grade spirit rice market prices are about 4000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, was equivalent to your Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace 300-400 years of output? Your when grain bin so numerous spirit rice?” 亟焱老祖的态度渐渐严肃了起来,沉吟道:“我略微算了一下,一亿仓三品灵米时价大约是4000混沌灵石,相当于你们无极神宫300-400年的产量了吧?你们何时囤了如此众多的灵米?” If merely is the business of 100-200 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, urgently flame Old Ancestor naturally was without delay on the direct decision. 倘若仅仅是100-200混沌灵石的买卖,亟焱老祖自然是二话不说就直接拍板了。 But this form, the amount was really oversized. 可这笔单子,金额着实过大了。 Flame Old Ancestor has to spunk up urgently, in order to avoid made the careless mistake. 亟焱老祖不得不强打起精神来,以免出了纰漏。 In fact, our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace only 1.6 million area units third grade spirit field, the annual output is 200,000 warehouses! Does not eat and drink without the loss, 500 years can accumulate the next 100 million warehouses.” “事实上,我们无极神宫仅有160万顷三品灵田,年产量不过是20万仓!不吃不喝无损耗,也得五百年才能攒下一亿仓。” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden has not flickered but actually he, takes directly truthfully. 星澜神女倒也没忽悠他,直接如实以告。 These two grain, at present the total market price is 7000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, is I and Divine Treasure Palace makes the time manifest that other transactions mortgage!” “这两笔粮食,目前总时价为7000混沌灵石,乃是我与神宝殿做其他交易抵押过来的期货单!” At this time, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden put out with the stock contract that Divine Treasure Palace set. Feared that flame Old Ancestor is not urgently clear, she also explained a meaning of next time manifest very much intimately. 这时候,星澜神女才拿出了与神宝殿定下的期货契约。怕亟焱老祖不明白,她还很贴心的解释了一下期货单的意思。 Urgently flame Old Ancestor and clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed is the brain flexible smart person, under her explanation, understood the principle and value of this stock contract all of a sudden. 亟焱老祖和明喆神子都是脑子灵活的聪明人,在她的讲解下,也是一下子就明白了这期货契约的原理与价值。 If they spend 7000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone now all of a sudden, takes over this stock contract, in the future every year can extract 1 million warehouse third grade spirit rice from Divine Treasure Palace, as well as 100,000 warehouse fourth grade spirit rice, or market price conversion Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, hundred years later raises completely. 倘若他们现在一下子花费7000混沌灵石,接手这份期货契约,未来每年能从神宝殿提取一百万仓三品灵米,以及十万仓四品灵米,或是时价折算的混沌灵石,直至百年后全部提完。 According to the present grain price extends the unceasing rising trend, this business without doubt is extremely cost-effective. If the grain price will fall suddenly over the next hundred years, they may lose money. 依照如今粮价延绵不绝的涨势,这笔买卖无疑是极为划算的。但是倘若未来百年粮价暴跌,那他们就有可能会亏本。 However, at present this situation, will the grain price fall? 但是,眼下这种局势,粮价会跌吗? In the flame Old Ancestor heart slightly calculates urgently, then cannot help but shakes the head secretly, the possibility that in a short time the grain price falls is extremely low. 亟焱老祖心中略一盘算,便不由得暗暗摇头,短期内粮价跌的可能性极低。 By their Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple, as unceasing approaching of third Immortal Emperor great misfortune, the Emperor Venerable war desire even more is also exuberant, now Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple has actually entered the war preparations condition in secret, starts to have the plan to store up the grain. 就以他们南明神殿而言,随着第三次仙帝大劫的不断临近,帝尊的战争欲望也愈发旺盛,如今南明神殿其实已经暗中进入了战争准备状态,开始有计划有目的性地囤积粮食。 In addition, the Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple and Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Divine/God Palace and other war zones of big influence governance also hit now are very intense, oneself grain yield somewhat cannot keep up with the consumption, is also exuberant regarding the demand of grain. 此外,武岳神殿、紫薇神宫等大势力统辖的战区如今打得也是十分激烈,自身粮食产量有些跟不上消耗,对于粮食的需求也非常旺盛。 Which angle from goes to want one result, nearly hundred years of grain price not only will not fall, but also definitely will have a big increase! 无论是从哪个角度去想都只有一个结果,近百年的粮价非但不会跌,还必然会有不小的涨幅! If his flame Old Ancestor really took this stock urgently, is gains inevitably steadily does not compensate, actually the issue is only to gain how many? 倘若他亟焱老祖真的拿下了这笔期货,就必然是稳赚不赔,问题只在于究竟能赚多少? If can rise 30%, that naturally gains the hemp! 若是能涨30%,那自然是赚麻了! Xinglan (Star Wave), you may result to think.” Flame Old Ancestor said urgently, our Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple, is expected to rise to the future grain price. you has this stock ahead of time, in the future felt that sold to owe do not complain about us.” 星澜,你可得想好了。”亟焱老祖笑着说,“我们南明神殿,对未来的粮价是看涨的。伱提前出这笔期货,未来感觉卖亏了可别怨我们。” If is not short of money, how also to sell this stock?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is also helpless sighing, oneself also loves dearly the appearance that does not give up very much very much. “若非着实缺钱,又岂会卖这笔期货?”星澜神女也是无奈的叹了一口气,一副自己也很心疼很舍不得的模样。 However quick, her thread of conversation is one revolution , to continue saying: But, the market is always Yin clear measures not, no one dares saying that the judgment of oneself certainly is accurate.” 不过很快,她话锋便是一转,继续道:“不过,市场向来是阴晴莫测的,谁也不敢说自己的判断就一定准确。” Did not say certainly, the grain price over the next hundred years will fall suddenly a big section also to still do not know. If by some chance, I mean the eventuality, if urgently flame Old Ancestor bought to owe, do not complain about us.” “说不准,未来百年的粮价会暴跌一大截也犹未可知。万一,我是说万一啊,亟焱老祖若是买亏了,也别怨我们。” Ha haha ~ flame Old Ancestor heroic laughing said urgently, where does business to have gains steadily does not compensate? Decides to buy to the hand, the profit and loss is proud the truth I understands.” “哈哈哈~”亟焱老祖豪迈的大笑道,“做买卖哪有稳赚不赔的?‘买定离手,盈亏自负’的道理我还是懂的。” Let alone, our Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple must store grain for a long time, Xinglan (Star Wave) your large amount issue of manifest, was timely rain.” “何况,我们南明神殿本就要长期囤粮,星澜你这笔大宗期货单,算是一场及时雨了。” But, seven thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone are not small numbers, I can only give you our Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple oneself Primal Chaos Spirit Stone ticket.” “不过,七千混沌灵石并非小数目,我只能给你我们南明神殿自己混沌灵石票。” Major temples and Divine/God Palace, to trade the convenience, will often issue the oneself spirit stone ticket. Has spirit stone ticket, may go to corresponding influence spirit stone of branch receiving in exchange correspondence at any time. 各大神殿、神宫,为了交易方便,往往会发行自己灵石票。拥有灵石票者,可随时去相应势力的分部换取对应的灵石 But this, stands in several big influences of World of Immortals pyramid peak has the privilege that. 而这,也是站在仙界金字塔顶端的几大势力才有的特权。 Is the financially solid influence, the spirit stone ticket prestige of distributes is better, the conductivity is also better. 越是财力雄厚的势力,所发行的灵石票信誉就越好,流通性也越好。 The Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple foundation is stable, is financially solid, the spirit stone ticket prestige that it distributes is very good, has approval in entire World of Immortals. 南明神殿本身根基稳固,财力雄厚,它发行的灵石票信誉很好,在整个仙界都是有认可度的。 Once Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace also had the qualifications to issue the spirit stone ticket. 曾经无极神宫也是有资格发行灵石票的。 As Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Emperor Venerable falls from the sky, the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace spirit stone ticket encountered the run, that time Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace to maintain the prestige, can only sell off many assets to cash in the spirit stone ticket. 但是随着无极帝尊陨落,无极神宫灵石票就遭到了挤兑,那时候的无极神宫为了维持信誉,只能变卖了许多资产兑现灵石票。 Then, although lost large assets, actually also maintains the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace reputation/honorary. 如此一来,虽然损失了大量的资产,却也算是维护住了无极神宫的名誉。 But present Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, to issue the spirit stone ticket difficultly such as to ascend to heaven. An influence that does not have Immortal Emperor to assume, simply does not have the qualifications to issue the spirit stone ticket! 但如今的无极神宫,要想发行灵石票就难如登天了。一个没有仙帝坐镇的势力,根本没有资格发行灵石票! „The spirit stone ticket conductivity of expensive/noble temple is very good, naturally does not have the issue.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden accepts with pleasure, in view of this, we sign the contract.” “贵神殿的灵石票流通性很好,自然没有问题。”星澜神女欣然接受,“既如此,那我们双方就签订契约。” Although will say the Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor great misfortune, but this to at least must to near ten thousand years, but will look at the Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple appearance, the normal God Child/Seed inheritance must be nothing issue, the credibility big probability of spirit stone ticket will not be affected. 虽然都说南明仙帝大劫将至,但这个“将至”起码还得“将至”近万载,而看南明神殿的样子,正常的神子传承应当是没有什么问题的,灵石票的信誉度大概率不会受影响。 Draws back 10,000 steps, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden can also use the spirit stone ticket, changes into some fixed assets. 退一万步来讲,星澜神女也能将灵石票用出去,换成一些固定资产。 Afterward. 随后。 Very naturally. 很自然而然的。 In harmonious and friendly atmosphere, urgently flame Old Ancestor and Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden signed a large amount of grain stock transfer agreement. 在一片和谐和友好的气氛下,亟焱老祖星澜神女签下了大宗粮食期货的转让协议。 Hence, the transaction of this time also receives the officer perfectly. 至此,这一次的交易也算是完美收官了。 But in this extremely short time, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden expendable fund on hand, achieved 10,000 several thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone! 而在这极短的时间内,星澜神女手头的可用资金,也达到了一万数千混沌灵石 All conduct incomparably smoothly. 一切都进行得无比顺利。 Naturally, even if flame Old Ancestor is not willing to receive this stock urgently, to Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is not the major problem, there are other means to process. 当然,即便亟焱老祖不愿意接下这笔期货,对星澜神女而言也不是什么大问题,有其他办法可以处理。 According to the Young Master Shouzhe scheme, so long as at the appointed time opens 10,000 this stock or are more, in the grain price situation bullish situation, naturally can also sell with ease, but needs to spend some time. 按照守哲公子的计谋,届时只要将这笔期货拆成一万份或更多,在粮价大势看涨的情况下,自然也是能轻轻松松卖出去,只是需要花一些时间而已。 In fact, if not meets Young Master Shouzhe, is Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden oneself does not even believe that the grain price will fall! 事实上,若非是遇到守哲公子,便是连星澜神女自己也绝不相信粮价会跌! Wall that on this world has not ventilated. 世界上就没有不透风的墙。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden the plan is conducted smoothly, another side, in valuable bottle-gourd Elder unknowingly under propaganda, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden this series of super ruined family being muddleheaded operation behavior, like grown wings to be spread rapidly. 星澜神女这边计划进行得顺风顺水,另一边,在宝葫长老“不经意间”的宣传下,星澜神女这一系列“超级败家”的“昏头”操作行为,也如同长了翅膀般被迅速传扬开来。 Suddenly. 一时间。 About all sorts of rumor noise dust of Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden seizing power ruined family on. 关于星澜神女夺权败家的种种谣言喧嚣尘上。 Even some hearsay said that because Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden discontented Teacher plans to marry clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed her, starts to sell off the Divine/God Palace asset crazily, prepared the volume money to travel. 甚至有传闻说,星澜神女因为不满师尊欲图将她嫁给明喆神子,开始疯狂变卖神宫资产,准备卷钱跑路了。 The plan elopes with her together, an origin is mystical, good-looking and extraordinary Elder Brother Young Master. 计划与她一起私奔的,还有一个来历神秘,俊俏而气质不凡的公子哥儿。 The rumor said that mysterious Elder Brother Young Master, is the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden secret strategist, the goal is to urge Divine Maiden sells off the Divine/God Palace asset, finally curled money to trample again Divine Maiden. 还有传言说,那位神秘的公子哥儿,才是星澜神女幕后的操盘手,目的就是撺掇神女变卖神宫资产,最后卷了钱再将神女一脚踹开。 These rumors disseminate such rapidness, dissemination range such broad, naturally must have valuable bottle-gourd Elder add fuel to the flames secretly. 这些谣言传播得如此之快,传播范围如此之广,自然少不了宝葫长老暗地里地推波助澜。 His goal is also quite clear, that is thoroughly the solid this series of mortgage, to betting and other contracts, so as to avoid daylight Dao Lord is restless afterward, depending on adding many twists and turns. 他的目的也相当明确,那就是彻底坐实这一系列的抵押、对赌等契约,免得辰光道主事后闹腾起来,凭添许多波折。 After all, although Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace has declined, poverty that also becomes famous, but the Divine/God Palace inheritance background, dozens Dao Lord level Elder and Great Principle thousand and three ten thousand True Immortal inheritance lineups has not cracked a joke. 毕竟,无极神宫虽然已经没落,也是出了名的贫穷,可神宫传承底子还在,数十位道主长老大罗过千、三万真仙的传承阵容可不是开玩笑的。 Even if the Divine Treasure Palace strength is also very strong, does not dread Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, but really does not need to go looking for trouble. 哪怕神宝殿的实力也很强,并不畏惧无极神宫,可也实在没必要自找麻烦。 Outside Divine/God Palace various rumors cause a clamor, many Elders in Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace are not the generations of being out of touch with reality, naturally also received the message one after another. 神宫外各种传言甚嚣尘上,无极神宫内的诸多长老们也不是闭目塞听之辈,自然也都陆陆续续收到了消息。 This all of a sudden, some Divine/God Palace Elder cannot take a seat immediately, the urge held the joint conference, prepares to ask daylight Dao Lord and Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, outside these baseless rumor outcomes what's the matter. 这一下子,一些神宫长老立刻就坐不住了,极力主张召开了联合会议,准备问一问辰光道主星澜神女,外面那些风言风语究竟是怎么回事。 Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace main shrine. 无极神宫主殿。 As a Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace most important building, this main shrine area is not very only broad, the contour is also towers palatially, the imposing manner is broad. 作为无极神宫最重要的一栋建筑,这座主殿不仅占地面积很广,外形也是巍峨耸立,气势恢宏。 The main shrine is located in the entire Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace midpoint, is not only the venues of many high-level meetings, is the entire Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace array hub is also. 主殿位于整座无极神宫的正中央,不仅仅是诸多高层会议的举办地点,同时也是整座无极神宫阵法枢纽所在。 The strict sense, above tall Juyun day Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace actually solely is not a pure building, it is an extremely powerful rare treasure, when necessary can definitely treat as the Dao Boat use, not only the defense capability is very strong, even certain attack capability. 严格意义来说,高居云天之上的无极神宫其实并不单单是一栋单纯的建筑物,它本身便是一件极为强大的秘宝,必要的时候完全可以当做道舟使用,不仅防御能力很强,甚至还有一定的攻击能力。 Once Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace was in World of Immortals Thirty Three Heavens the strength strongest influence, like tall Juyun the day above Divine/God Palace, naturally also absolutely incessantly. 曾经的无极神宫乃是仙界三十三天中实力最为强大的势力,像这样的高居云天之上的“神宫”,自然也绝对不止一座。 It is said that this Divine/God Palace once was also only one of the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace many palaces, in the past Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace final a group of people, were ride this Divine/God Palace to flee, guaranteed the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace final life. 据说,这座“神宫”曾经也只是无极神宫诸多殿宇之一,当年无极神宫最后的一批人,便是乘坐这座神宫一路奔逃,才保下了无极神宫最后的命脉。 Now, so many years pass by, entire Divine/God Palace was still basically maintaining the past appearance under the careful maintenance, but were many wiped the vicissitudes that Years left behind. 如今,这么多年过去,整座神宫在精心的维护下仍旧基本保持着当年的模样,只是多了一抹岁月留下的沧桑。 At this moment. 此刻。 In Divine/God Palace main shrine. 神宫主殿之中。 One by Dao Lord Elder, as well as some powerful Great Principle Golden Immortal, the Divine/God Palace high-level meeting that participates in together launches. 一场由道主长老,以及部分位高权重的大罗金仙,一起参与的神宫高层会议就此展开。 According to custom. 根据规矩。 Temporarily generation of Palace Lord Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, splendid sitting in the big Hall Lord position. 临时代宫主星澜神女,堂而皇之的坐在了大殿主位上。 Her complexion is calm as usual, as if there is expectation to this scene early. 她面色淡定如常,仿佛对这一幕早有预料。 But this time, her Teacher daylight Dao Lord sat left side of the seat of honor a position position, was in the remote antiquity Elder position! 这一次,她的师尊辰光道主则是坐在了主位左侧顺位一个位置,也就是太上长老的位置上! In the main hall, the remote antiquity Elder sequence order altogether has two, respectively the cis-position's first position situated in seat of honor left and right hands. 大殿内,太上长老的位次一共有两个,分别位于主位左右手的顺位第一个位置。 It represents, is in Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is next to the generation of Palace Lord authority. 它代表的,也是无极神宫中仅次于代宫主的权威。 But at this moment, sits in the daylight Dao Lord opposite position, is one is thin, is actually in high spirits the old man. 而此刻,坐在辰光道主对面位置的,是一位身材消瘦,却精神矍铄的老者。 Old men named Tianshu (Dubhe/Alpha Ursae Majoris) Dao Lord. 老者名为【天枢道主】。 When Tianshu (Dubhe/Alpha Ursae Majoris) Dao Lord young also once was the Quasi God Child/Seed family background, once hung long time in the Shenying (God Brilliant) List front row, was young one generation of outstanding people who the world became famous. 天枢道主年轻之时也曾是准神子出身,曾经一度在神瑛榜前列挂了很长时间,也是天下扬名的年轻一代佼佼者。 Now, many ten thousand years pass by, he is also like daylight Dao Lord, achieved the Dao Lord peak and half step Immortal Emperor level. 如今,许多万年过去,他也已经和辰光道主一样,达到了道主巅峰、半步仙帝的层次。 In fact, scene Quasi God Child/Seed Quasi Goddess family background does not stop Tianshu (Dubhe/Alpha Ursae Majoris) Dao Lord one. 事实上,现场准神子准神女出身的绝不止天枢道主一个。 Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace current thirty Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm Dao Lord, or in the same rank powerhouse, three are the Quasi God Child/Seed Quasi Goddess family backgrounds. 无极神宫当前的三十几名混元境道主、或同级别强者中,还有三位都是准神子准神女出身。 Their age varies, the sex varies, the direction that even practices is also different, but looked that their aura can know, they without exception, have achieved in Dao Lord the late stage strength . Moreover the semblance looks also calculates young. 他们年龄不一,性别不一,甚至修行的方向也不一样,但看他们的气息就可以知道,他们无一例外,都已经达到了道主后期的实力,而且外表看起来还算年轻 This also no wonder. Daylight Dao Lord wielded Divine/God Palace already 100,000 years, during this, how also to possibly have Quasi God Child/Seed Quasi Goddess? 这也难怪。辰光道主代为执掌神宫已经十万年了,这期间,又怎么可能会没有出过准神子准神女 But for Palace Lord daylight Dao Lord, although has the name of ruined family, is conscientious is Divine/God Palace worries actually, the overall does also good, therefore the position is quite stable, some following Quasi God Child/Seed and position of Quasi Goddess not round of former generation Palace Lord. 只不过代宫主辰光道主虽有败家之名,实则也是兢兢业业为神宫操碎了心,总体干得还行,因此地位比较稳固,后续的一些准神子准神女们没轮上代宫主之位。 Naturally, does not remove following these Quasi God Child/Seed and powerhouse of Quasi Goddess family background, is oneself is not willing to take over generation of Palace Lord this doing a thankless job positions, cleans up the mess for Divine/God Palace. 当然,也不排除后续的这些准神子准神女出身的强者,是自己不愿意接手代宫主这个吃力不讨好的位置,替神宫收拾烂摊子。 After all, the power and responsibility are always a body. 毕竟,权力和责任从来都是一体的。 Takes over the generation of Palace Lord position, the taking advantage of a situation necessity branches out many time and energy handles various numerous and diverse trivial matters in Divine/God Palace, from the foreign commercial trade to the Divine/God Palace internal affairs, its work load is very huge and terrifying, the mental effort of consumption is also very huge, the daily cultivation time definitely will also be extruded seriously. 接手代宫主的位置,就势必要分出许多时间和精力来处理神宫内的各种繁杂琐事,从对外的商业贸易到神宫内务,其工作量是非常庞大和恐怖的,消耗的心力也十分巨大,日常的修炼时间也肯定会受到严重挤压。 Without the means that although the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace area was prosperous the period to shrink the past years were more, but was still huge, is almost present Holy Territory subordination area several times. 没办法,无极神宫的疆域虽说比当年鼎盛时期缩水了非常多,但仍旧非常庞大,几乎是如今圣域统属疆域的好几倍。 It can be said that the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace this generation of Palace Lord position, without many advantage did not say, a troublesome also big pile, approximately is also Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden this especially responsible Quasi Goddess, will scurry to take over. 可以说,无极神宫这代宫主的位置,没多少好处不说,麻烦还一大堆,大约也就是星澜神女这种格外有责任感的准神女,才会上赶着接手。 But today. 而今天。 Besides daylight Dao Lord, Tianshu (Dubhe/Alpha Ursae Majoris) Dao Lord, as well as several once Quasi God Child/Seed Quasi Goddess, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace other Dao Lord level Elder were also rare being assemble, was away from too to catch up without enough time, sent the projection to arrive at the participation conference. 除了辰光道主,天枢道主,以及几位曾经的准神子准神女外,无极神宫的其他道主长老也是难得的齐聚一堂,就连距离太远来不及赶过来的,也派了投影降临参与会议。 Enough thirty Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm Dao Lord sit in a circle, the looks on almost all faces are very serious. 足足三十几位混元境道主围坐成一圈,几乎所有人脸上的神色都十分严肃。 The dignified atmosphere fills the air in the air. 凝重的气氛弥漫在空气之中。 No one has the driving opens the mouth. 谁都没有主动开口。 After good moment, young-looking elderly, makings floating like immortal, but sequence order quite Elder near the bottom cannot repress finally, sets out cups the hands saying: Your Highness Divine Maiden, you have nothing must confess with us?” 好片刻后,一位鹤发童颜,气质飘然如仙,但位次比较靠后的长老终于按捺不住,起身拱手道:“神女殿下,您就没有什么要与我们交代的吗?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden glances toward him careless, the tone is indifferent: Originally is B Geng Elder, What do you want this generation of Palace Lord to confess?” 星澜神女漫不经心地朝他一瞥,语气淡然:“原来是【乙庚长老】,你要本代宫主交代什么?” B Geng Elder expression stagnates, obviously has not expected Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden to be this response unexpectedly. 乙庚长老表情一滞,显然没料到星澜神女居然会是这个反应。 However he responded quickly, the intonation obviously somewhat stirs up starts to output high: Hearsay, Your Highness Divine Maiden Divine/God Palace surplus 23 ninth grade spirit vein title deed coefficient mortgage lending, but also signed anything to betting the agreement with Divine Treasure Palace!” 不过他很快就反应了过来,语调明显有些激亢地开始输出:“外界传闻,神女殿下将神宫剩余二十三条九品灵脉地契系数抵押借贷,还与神宝殿签了什么对赌协议!” „The important matter, Xinglan (Star Wave) you actually discussing one do not have, then made the position arbitrarily!” “如此大事,星澜你竟然连商议一番都没有,便擅自做了主张!” Is difficult to be inadequate, you such as the rumor is really ordinary, can prepare the volume money to travel?” “难不成,你真如传言一般,要准备卷钱跑路吗?” Facing blaming of B Geng Elder, the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden eye hides has not lifted, beckons with the hand saying: Opportunity is fleeting, the matter in business field, B Geng Elder , if not understand little worries blindly.” 面对乙庚长老的诘难,星澜神女眼皮子都没多抬一下,摆摆手道:“商机稍纵即逝,生意场上的事情,乙庚长老若是不懂就少瞎操心。” B Geng Elder only thinks that a throat stem, had almost not been mad spits blood. 乙庚长老只觉喉咙一梗,差点没被气得吐血。 He has not thought, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden so does not bear to his attitude unexpectedly, but also is so righteous. Shouldn't she feel shamefacedly? 他也是万万没想到,星澜神女对他的态度居然如此不耐,还如此理直气壮。她难道不应该感觉羞愧吗? Sees that another female Dao Lord Elder was unable to continue watching, stands saying: What words Your Highness Divine Maiden is this? Although your daylight lineage wields Divine/God Palace, but this Divine/God Palace is not you Divine/God Palace! We facing the generation Palace Lord bad move decision, even interrogated that the power didn't have?” 见状,另一位女性道主长老看不下去了,站出来说道:“神女殿下这是什么话?你们辰光一脉虽代为执掌神宫,但是这神宫不是你们一家的神宫!我们面对代宫主昏招决策,连质问一下的权力都没有了吗?” bad move decision?” The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden faint smile looks to her, dark blue jade Elder do you understand the appearance of management and commercial probably very much?, This generation of Palace Lord position makes you sit, having a look at you to have what Shence ingenious method, may break the bureau of Divine/God Palace deterioration!” 昏招决策?”星澜神女似笑非笑地看向她,“沧玉长老你好像很懂管理和商业的样子?来来来,本代宫主的位置让你来坐,看看你有何神策妙法,可破神宫衰败之局!” Saying, she puts out Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) god seal Toward a front racket. 说着,她拿出【无极神印】往前面一拍。 In a twinkling, radiant Golden Light then blooms from Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) god India , China, changes into the illustrious invincible might to fill the air, covered the entire main hall suddenly. 霎时间,璀璨的金光便自无极神印中绽放而出,化为赫赫神威弥漫开来,瞬息间笼罩了整座大殿。 Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) god seal, is the symbol of Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace authority. 无极神印,乃是无极神宫权柄的象征。 Sees god seal, such as sees Immortal Emperor. 见神印,如见仙帝 Everyone's expression becomes all of a sudden serious and dignified, prepares dark blue jade Elder that retorted to refute to shut up subconsciously, set out honestly good a ritual. 所有人的表情一下子变得严肃而端重,就连准备反唇相驳的沧玉长老都下意识闭上了嘴,老老实实起身行了一礼。 Right, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden grasps Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) god seal, now in name with the legal principle theory of law, is generation of Immortal Emperor wields Divine/God Palace, the position nature is different from general Divine Maiden. 没错,星澜神女手持无极神印,如今名义上和法理上,都是代仙帝执掌神宫,身份地位自然不同于一般神女 Even if gathering place this blew temporarily. 场子这就算是暂时镇住了。 As for Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden said that the generation of Palace Lord position lets the words that dark blue jade Elder sits, this little while also selectively forgot by dark blue jade Elder. 至于星澜神女说代宫主的位置让沧玉长老来坐的话,这会儿也被沧玉长老选择性地忘记了。 Has the opinion to turn over to the opinion, the accusation turns over to accuse face to face face to face, making her meet Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) god seal, she does not dare. 有意见归有意见,当面指责归当面指责,让她接无极神印,她是决计不敢的。 cough cough ~ 咳咳~” Daylight Dao Lord coughs lowly, broke in the palace the quiet atmosphere: everyone, Xinglan (Star Wave) now is generation of Palace Lord. Has what issue, that asked well, must listen to several hearsay not casually, is then breathless, mystifying.” 辰光道主低咳一声,打破了殿内沉寂的氛围:“诸位,星澜如今乃是代宫主。有什么问题,那就好好问,莫要随便听了几句传闻,便气急败坏,阴阳怪气。” I believe the Xinglan (Star Wave) actions, all are good for Divine/God Palace.” “我相信星澜所作所为,一切均是为了神宫好。” Then, his pupil light one severe, pressure aura of share of Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm peak powerhouse sweeps away immediately. 说罢,他眸光一厉,一股混元境巅峰强者的威压气息顿时横扫而出。 His eye of reveal is dignified, sweeps away the audience! 他目露威严,横扫全场! Daylight Dao Lord takes Teacher, at this important moment naturally must support Apprentice/Disciple. 辰光道主作为师尊,在此关键时刻自然是要力挺自家徒儿的。 On his mouth said is believing, in the heart is also actually miserable beyond description. 只是他嘴上说着相信,心中却也是苦不堪言。 Information and news that he obtains, may be much more than other Elders, is therefore, his mentality at this moment is disturbed than these Elder, is more anxious. 他得到的情报和消息,可比其他长老们多得多,也是因此,他此刻的心态远比这些长老更加忐忑,更加不安。 He cannot think through completely, what ghost does Xinglan (Star Wave) like these operations of disciple is? 他完全想不通,星澜爱徒的那些操作是什么鬼? Said that his daylight is the ruined family generation of Palace Lord, may compare with Xinglan (Star Wave), his real fart does not calculate. 都说他辰光是败家之代宫主,可与星澜比起来,他真的屁都不算。 However, even if many uncertainties, on his face have not revealed the slightest at heart. 不过,哪怕心里有再多的不确定,他脸上也没有表露出分毫。 Clear to see oneself had blown the gathering place thoroughly, he then looks to Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, the look on face also becomes kind: Xinglan (Star Wave), everyone on the scene is our Divine/God Palace Elder, moreover is your elder. If you have what ingenious plan, might as well said that listens with everyone, quite makes the elders feel relieved.” 眼见得自己已经彻底镇住了场子,他这才看向星澜神女,脸上的神色也变得和蔼起来:“不过星澜啊,在场诸位都是咱们神宫长老,而且都是你的长辈。若是你有什么妙策,不妨说与大家听一听,也好让长辈们放心一些。” Teacher, Divine/God Palace rises does not treat to eat meal, the commercial competition is the bad risk endures compared with the battlefield! For relieved, can I leak the business secret?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden cold sound said, Teacher, you may know you to wield Divine/God Palace hundred thousand years, exhausts every effort, does one's best, why can only strive to support Divine/God Palace not but actually?” 师尊,神宫崛起不是请客吃饭,商业竞争更是凶险堪比战场!为了让人安心,我就得将商业机密泄露出去吗?”星澜神女冷声说道,“师尊啊,你可知你执掌神宫十万载,殚精竭力,鞠躬尽瘁,为何只能勉力支撑神宫不倒?” ...... 呃…… A daylight Dao Lord awkwardness. 辰光道主一阵尴尬。 This treasure Apprentice/Disciple the back is unafraid now, the power and influence is big, today the Teacher face does not give unexpectedly. 这宝贝徒儿如今腰杆子硬了,威势不小,今天竟然连师尊的面子都不给了。 I read the financial revenue and expenditure ~ Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden clearly was prepared early, during the speeches then puts out a form, the expression said solemnly, recently 100 years added that our Divine/God Palace finance always paid wages to achieve 20461 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone.” “我来读一读财务收支吧~”星澜神女显然早有准备,说话间便拿出了一份表格,表情冷峻地说道,“最近一百年加起来,我们神宫财务总开支达到20461枚混沌灵石。” „The complete personnel always pay wages to achieve 15291 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone.” “其中全部人员总开支达到15291枚混沌灵石。” Divine/God Palace influence overhead charge and miscellaneous unclassified payments are 913 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone.” 神宫势力管理费用与杂项支出为913枚混沌灵石。” Lending grows the disbursement to achieve 210 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone!” “借贷孳息支出达到210枚混沌灵石!” „......” “……” As pay wages to be read, the everyone Elders complexion changed in abundance. 随着一项项开支被读出来,诸位长老们的脸色都纷纷发生了变化。 In the past although they also know that the Divine/God Palace expenses were big, had a fuzzy concept, from the start not clear special details. 以往他们虽然也知道神宫开销大,却也只是有个模糊的概念,压根不清楚具体情况。 Originally the Divine/God Palace expenses unexpectedly are so huge? 原来神宫的开销居然是如此巨大的吗? Especially the personnel expense, the amount also was too rather huge ~ ~ 尤其是人员开支,数额未免也太庞大了~~ But when numerous Dao Lord is dumbfounded, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden has read off various expenditures, started to read the income list. 而就在一众道主目瞪口呆的时候,星澜神女已经读完了各项开支,又开始读起了收益列表。 Nearly hundred years, the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace gross revenue achieved 19239 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, net loss more than 1000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone! 近百年,无极神宫的总收益达到了19239枚混沌灵石,净亏损一千多混沌灵石 However recently one year, daylight Dao Lord unexpectedly very mysterious turned losses into profit, although summarizes at the end of the year time created surplus Primal Chaos Spirit Stone merely, actually is also a good opening. 不过最近一年,辰光道主竟然很神奇的扭亏为盈了,虽然年末总结的时候仅仅结余了一枚混沌灵石,却也是个不错的开局。 Daylight Dao Lord manages Divine/God Palace so many years, can make the profit time are really not many, suddenly, he also has the self-satisfaction slightly. 辰光道主主持神宫这么多年,能实现盈利的时候还真不多,一时间,他也是略微有得意。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden ordered directly: B Geng Elder obeys orders.” 星澜神女却直接下令说:“乙庚长老听令。” B Geng Elder complexion is astonished slightly, was actually honest cups the hands complied with one. 乙庚长老脸色微微讶异,却还是老实的拱手应了一声。 He at least also acknowledged daylight generation of Palace Lord are very laborious. 他至少也是承认了辰光代宫主是真的很辛苦。 Your B Geng lineage excels at metal minerals smelting, I want you from organize and lead hanger-on all disciples instantly, goes out purchases various grade immortal gold/metal Lingtie raw materials, as well as various grade undressed ore mineral lode!” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden sincere said. “你乙庚一脉擅长金属矿产冶炼,我要你从即刻起组织和率领门下所有弟子,出门采购各品级仙金灵铁原材料,以及各品级原矿矿脉!”星澜神女正色说道。 Your Highness Divine Maiden, obsolete, although in the expression somewhat disrespects to you, but you must give obsolete...... B Geng Elder look not at the scene change, is ashamed and resentful is angry. 神女殿下,老朽虽言辞上对您有些不敬,可您也莫要当场就给老朽……”乙庚长老神色一变,又是羞愤又是恼怒。 This Your Highness Divine Maiden is seriously hot-tempered, has a grudge at the scene on the report. 神女殿下当真是脾气大,有仇当场就报。 Even if wears the small shoes to him, once in a while no? 就算给他穿小鞋,隔段时间不行吗? Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden shot a look at his one eyes, knew in the heart that he misunderstood, had not explained, lost record information jade slip directly. 星澜神女瞥了他一眼,心知他是误会了,却也没解释,直接丢出了一块记录信息的玉简 This is the list that needs to purchase.” “这是需要采购的清单。” Then, she put out thick repeat spirit stone ticket. 然后,她又拿出了厚厚一迭灵石票。 You receive although, many receives many, according to ten thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone above receives! This batch of money used up, I send people to give you to deliver again!” “你尽管收,有多少收多少,照着一万混沌灵石以上收!这批钱用完了,我再派人给你送!” What?!! 啥?!! B Geng Elder stupidly received the spirit stone ticket, counted subconsciously, discovered that really has enough 20! 乙庚长老傻愣愣地接过灵石票,下意识地数了一下,发现竟然有足足二十张! This may be 100 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone big currency value spirit stone tickets, 20, that is enough 2000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone! 这可都是100混沌灵石一张的大面额灵石票,二十张,那就是足足2000混沌灵石 He the whole person was immediately silly. 他登时整个人都傻了。 He lived this for a lifetime, but also has never seen so many spirit stone tickets one time. 他活了这一辈子,还从未一次性见过如此众多的灵石票。 ****** ****** Strives to turn the tide in the Divine/God Palace internal high-level meeting in Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, making determined efforts at the same time. 就在星澜神女神宫内部高层会议上力挽狂澜,励精图治的同时。 In Luming park. 鹿鸣苑内。 Under the tree shade, Wang Shouzhe and Wang Anye grandparent and grandchild two is playing chess. 树荫下,王守哲王安业祖孙两个正在下棋。 The situation on this checkerboard, is the Wang Shouzhe situation is naturally bright, but Wang Anye can only struggle desperately, strives the support. 这棋盘上的局势,自然是王守哲大势煌煌,而王安业只能“苦苦挣扎”,勉力支撑。 Not many moments, Wang Anye then cannot support, is defeated. 不多片刻,王安业便支撑不住,败下阵来。 On his face cannot help but reveals wipes the forced smile, the admiration said: „The Great Grandfather status are majestic, the exquisite place the foolproof plan, Anye feels ashamed of one's inferiority.” 他脸上不由得露出一抹苦笑,敬佩道:“太爷爷的棋势大气磅礴,细腻处又算无遗策,安业自愧不如。” Wang Shouzhe gives a calm smile, beckons with the hand, is not willing to discuss the issue of chess strength: Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder has contacted an immortal pledge for us. These, you visited the immortal pledge with Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder and Elder Zhantian on the 2nd together Senior.” 王守哲淡然一笑,摆了摆手,不愿多谈棋力的问题:“紫霜长老已经替咱们联络好了仙阵盟。这两日,你就与紫霜长老斩天长老一起去拜会一下仙阵盟的前辈们。” Yes, Great Grandfather.” “是,太爷爷。” Wang Anye should honestly under. 王安业老实应下。 He the elder reason was since childhood good, like this acting and mission of strange Senior negotiation, he does from infancy to maturity has not known many times, is skilled, what even if this time faces is Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm Array Master, his not big feeling. 他自幼长辈缘就好,像这种出面与陌生前辈交涉的任务,他从小到大干过不知多少次,已经非常熟练了,哪怕这一次面对的是混元境阵法师,他也没多大感觉。 Proficiently picks to retract a chess move in the basket board game piece one by one on checkerboard, he lowered the head hesitant, finally is emboldening to ask: Great Grandfather, you so take the trouble help Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden control Divine/God Palace with every effort , you really want to add one to me again......” 熟练地将棋盘上的棋子一一捡回棋篓里,他低头犹豫了一下,最后还是壮着胆子问道:“太爷爷,您如此费心尽力地帮助星澜神女掌控神宫,难道,您真的是想给我再添一位……” The Wang Shouzhe face one black, stared Anye one ill-humoredly: Is all right must listen to the fawn to talk nonsense not.” 王守哲脸一黑,没好气地瞪了安业一眼:“没事莫要听小鹿胡扯。” However, to Great Grandson that oneself most is loving, Wang Shouzhe has not spoken what harsh language. 不过,对着自己最宠爱的重孙儿,王守哲到底还是没说什么重话。 He slightly hesitates, explained simply: Entire World of Immortals, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace involves deeply with our Holy Territory lineage, then has the closeness naturally, is we integrates the World of Immortals best way. Helps them , helping our oneself.” 他略一沉吟,干脆解释道:“整个仙界,无极神宫与咱们圣域一脉牵扯最深,天然便有亲近感,是我们融入仙界最好的途径。帮他们,就是帮我们自己。” Let alone, you may want not, because their economy is uptight, looked down on Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace. Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace eventually is the World of Immortals being able to stand in line number super big influence, the person who if not must raise are too many, how will they become now so the appearance poorly?” “何况,你可莫要因为他们经济拮据,就小瞧了无极神宫无极神宫终究是仙界排得上号的超级大势力,若非要养的人太多,他们又岂会穷成现在这般模样?” Great Principle thousand, True Immortal 30,000, this is the unignorable great power.” 大罗过千,真仙三万,此乃不可忽视的强大力量。” The bonus is Wang Shouzhe, has not expected Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace also to maintain so the powerhouse quantity of scale unexpectedly. 饶是王守哲,也没料到无极神宫居然还维持着如此规模的强者数量。 The Great Principle Holy Venerable total quantity that entire Holy Territory, registers at present is about 617, but at present True Immortal Boundary, and number of same strength powerhouse, registers is about 18489! 要知道,整个圣域,目前登记在册的大罗圣尊总数量不过617位,而真仙境、以及同等战力强者的数量,目前登记在册的也不过18489位! The entire Holy Territory expert adds, unexpectedly also cannot compare deteriorated Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace! 圣域高手加起来,竟然还比不过一个已经衰败的无极神宫 In this grade of situation, what qualifications do they have to look down upon Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace? 这等情况下,他们又有什么资格看不起无极神宫 However, Wang Shouzhe is actually confident, by Holy Territory present reserve of capable people and resources reserve, so long as to the Holy Territory some time evolution, the number of top powerhouse definitely will blowout. 不过,王守哲倒是有信心,以圣域如今的人才储备和资源储备,只要给圣域一定时间发展,顶级强者的数量必然会井喷。 Surpasses Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, is only the time issue. 超过无极神宫,只是时间问题。 Wang Shouzhe is self-confident, the determination is clear the issue explanation. 王守哲自信满满,自觉已经将问题解释清楚了。 Wang Anye looked that is slightly is complex to own Great Grandfather look. 王安业看向自家太爷爷的眼神却是略显复杂。 He sets firm resolve probably general, nods layer on layer/heavily: Great Grandfather, I understood your painstaking efforts and exquisite layout. You could rest assured that this Anye will certainly stand you.” 他像是下定了决心一般,重重点了点头:“太爷爷,我明白您的良苦用心和精妙布局了。您放心,此次安业一定会站在您这边。” „?” Wang Shouzhe is stunned. “?”王守哲错愕。 Wang Anye did not have to say anything again, the last board game piece will pick in the chess basket, then set out to say goodbye toward Wang Shouzhe, then departed lightly. 王安业却没再多说什么,将最后一颗棋子捡进棋篓里面,便起身朝王守哲告辞,而后翩然离去。 Meanwhile, in his heart also sets firm resolve, is Great Grandmother kills him, he will not betray Great Grandfather. 同时,他心中也下定了决心,便是太奶奶打死他,他都坚决不会出卖太爷爷 He firmly supports Great Grandfather Empress fosters plan. 他坚决支持太爷爷的“女帝养成计划”。 Is useless, first goes to and immortal pledge Array Master makes the friendly contacts, perhaps can also do obeisance Teacher again, is clan makes the contribution. 多想无益,还是先去和仙阵盟的阵法师们联络联络感情,说不定还能再拜个师尊,为家族做贡献。 Although the Teacher quantity are getting more and more, this Wang Anye is somewhat worried. 尽管师尊数量越来越多,这王安业有些苦恼。 But Great Grandfather can for the clan sacrifice. 太爷爷都能为了家族牺牲。 Why his couldn't Wang Anye, sacrifice? 凭什么他王安业,就牺牲不得? ...... …… ( PS: The previous chapter of interest miscalculates, the World of Immortals lending changing to year 6/10000, thank politely the reader big shot to point out mistakes ~) (PS:上一章利息算错,仙界借贷改为年万分之六,拜谢读者大佬们指正~) ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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