POP :: Volume #8

#50: The Shouzhe ingenious plan helps Divine Maiden

Chapter 996 第996章 The Shouzhe ingenious plan helps Divine Maiden 守哲妙计助神女 Chapter 50 Shouzhe ingenious plan helps Divine Maiden 第50章守哲妙计助神女 ...... …… Valuable bottle-gourd Elder, this business do you do do not do?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden waited for the moment, seeing valuable bottle-gourd Elder is a dumbfounded appearance, look some are impatient, „, if you cannot do to advocate, I find others.” “宝葫长老,这笔生意你到底做是不做?”星澜神女等了片刻,见宝葫长老还是一副目瞪口呆的模样,眼神有些不耐烦起来,“要是你做不来主,我就去找其他人。” Does!” “做!” Does!!” “做做做!!” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder quickly grasps the meaning of something to recover, nods hastily crazily, for fear that missed such big business. 宝葫长老一激灵回过神来,连忙疯狂点头,生怕错过了这么大一笔生意。 However, in his heart was still somewhat the anxiety, could not bear repeatedly confirmed to her: Your Highness Divine Maiden really determined, 23 ninth grade spirit vein do mortgage 6900 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone?” 不过,他心中仍是有几分疑虑,忍不住再次向她确认:“神女殿下真的确定,二十三条九品灵脉抵押6900混沌灵石?” Has the common practice like this mortgage loan interest, does not need to stress actually specially, but mortgages so many ninth grade spirit vein one time, he lived tens of thousands years of first meeting. 像这种抵押借贷利息都是有定例的,倒是不用特意强调,可一次性抵押这么多九品灵脉,他活了几万年还是第一次遇到。 Does this girl really want to be clear? 这丫头真的想清楚了吗? Do not regret a while does not want to mortgage. 可别等会儿又后悔不想抵押了。 I determined.” The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden look is firm, I have a big plan to implement, lack the money.” “我确定。”星澜神女神色坚定,“我有一个大计划要实施,缺一大笔钱。” Speaking of this matter, in her radiant star pupil then delimited has wiped hot intent, the expression like coming under a spell excitedly to being hard to self-restrain. 提起此事,她璀璨星眸中便划过一抹热意,表情如中了邪般兴奋至难以自抑。 Ok! Since Your Highness Divine Maiden has decided that I naturally accompany.” “行!既然神女殿下已经打定了主意,那我自然奉陪到底。” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder is also excited. 宝葫长老也兴奋起来。 Sounding the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden ambition is very big ~ 听起来星澜神女野心很大啊~ However the ambition is bigger, his treasure bottle-gourd Elder is excited. 不过野心越大,他宝葫长老越是兴奋。 If she becomes, that 6900 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone in growing that in the lending process produces, is a large amount of income. 倘若她成,那6900混沌灵石在借贷过程中产生的孳息,便是一笔巨额收益。 If she is inadequate, sells as collateral ninth grade spirit vein casually, can gain a big pen. 倘若她不成,作为抵押物的九品灵脉随便一卖,就能赚上一大笔。 This, Divine Treasure Palace wins the hemp in any case. 这一笔,神宝殿横竖都是赢麻了。 But his treasure bottle-gourd Elder depending on this merit, not only can harvest massive performance, the position in Divine Treasure Palace also meets when production costs rise, prices rise too. 而他宝葫长老凭此功绩,非但能收获大量绩效,在神宝殿内的地位也会水涨船高。 The only small issue is, the amount of this lending is somewhat huge, has far exceeded his jurisdiction category. 唯一的小问题是,这笔借贷的数额有些巨大,已经远远超出了他的权限范畴。 But this how? 但这又如何? The means are always more than difficulty. Really did not have the means that contrary one was not good. 办法总比困难多。实在没办法了,违规一下也不是不行。 So gains the bulk bargain that does not compensate steadily, even if he operates on has what not too standard place, total Hall Lord will still turn a blind eye mostly. 如此一笔稳赚不赔的大买卖,就算他操作上有什么不太规范的地方,总殿主多半也会睁一只眼,闭一只眼。 „Can Your Highness Divine Maiden have the belt/bring copy?” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder more wants to be excited, „, if, we can sign the lending contract at the scene.” 神女殿下可有带印鉴?”宝葫长老越想越是兴奋,“若是可以的话,咱们当场就能签下借贷契约。” He fears two points now. 他现在就怕两点。 Feared daylight Dao Lord kills to suddenly, is at cost of the life to prevent the action of Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden. 一怕辰光道主突然杀至,拼老命阻止星澜神女的行动。 Two feared that the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden brain is suddenly sober, did not prepare the ruined family. 二怕星澜神女脑子忽然清醒,不准备败家了。 Therefore to avoid a long delay usually means many problems, must strike while the iron is hot, hurries to sign the contract, carries out the ruined family action of Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden. 因此为了避免夜长梦多,得趁热打铁,赶紧签下契约,将星澜神女的败家行动落实下来。 Bamboo slip!” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden puts out „the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) god to print, the trench air/Qi soars to the heavens on a racket toward table. “签!”星澜神女拿出“无极神印”,壕气冲天的往桌子上一拍。 Valuable bottle-gourd Elder smiled. 宝葫长老笑了。 He quickly puts out the Divine Treasure Palace standard contract, according to the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden condition, slightly revises, took the lead to overwhelm his mark, and left behind the soul brand mark. 他急忙拿出神宝殿的制式契约,按照星澜神女的条件,略修改一下,就率先盖下了他的印记,并留下了神魂烙印。 Naturally, provides against contingencies, he inspected a that 23 ninth grade spirit vein title deed beforehand strictly, does not have any issue. 当然,为防万一,他事先严格检查了一下那二十三张九品灵脉的地契,没有任何问题。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is also without delay, stamps with Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) god seal rapidly, leaves behind the soul brand mark. 星澜神女也是二话不说,迅速用无极神印盖了章,留下神魂烙印。 The contract achieves! 契约达成! Valuable bottle-gourd Elder puts out a hand, received that 23 title deeds like lightning, a stance of fear that Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden regret. 宝葫长老一伸手,闪电般收起了那二十三张地契,一副生怕星澜神女后悔的架势。 After receiving, he takes out one stack of Primal Chaos Spirit Stone tickets to give Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden. 收好之后,他才取出一沓混沌灵石票交给星澜神女 This is the spirit stone ticket that Divine Treasure Palace issues, with title deed same as special paper manufacture, has the special anti-fake label. 这是神宝殿颁发的灵石票,和地契一样都是用特殊纸张制作而成,拥有特殊的防伪标识。 Depending on this ticket, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden may divide the palace to extract Primal Chaos Spirit Stone in random Divine Treasure Palace, or spends with the spirit stone ticket directly. 凭此票,星澜神女可在任意一个神宝殿分殿提取混沌灵石,或是直接用灵石票消费。 Congratulates Your Highness Divine Maiden.” Falls the bag after secure, the valuable bottle-gourd Elder mood is excellent, lifts the action to have tea on table, hinted toward Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, offers borrowed flowers to Buddha obsolete, use tea in the place of wine respects your highness one cup.” “恭喜神女殿下。”落袋为安后,宝葫长老心情大好,抬手端起桌上的茶盏,朝星澜神女示意了一下,“老朽借花献佛,以茶代酒敬殿下一杯。” Xinglan (Star Wave) also congratulates valuable bottle-gourd Senior.” 星澜也恭喜宝葫前辈。” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden sees the first goal to achieve, is joyful, high-spirited, in the look filled to the future hope. 星澜神女见第一步目的达成,也是心情愉悦,意气风发,眼神中充满了对未来的希望。 Seeing that. 见状。 The valuable bottle-gourd Elder curiosity increases, asked one in a low voice: Does not know that what Your Highness Divine Maiden in a big way does have to plan? If convenient, does not know whether to give in private divulges the details obsolete? Make obsolete have the opportunity to rub a running free boat.” 宝葫长老好奇心大增,不由低声问了一句:“不知神女殿下有什么大计划?若是方便,不知可否私下给老朽透个底?让老朽也有机会蹭个顺风舟。” Mentioned this matter, Xinglan (Star Wave) must ask Elder to help.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is drinking spirit tea, the look hope. “说起此事,星澜还得请长老帮个忙。”星澜神女喝着灵茶,眼神希冀。 Your highness please say, valuable bottle-gourd can help certainly will help.” The valuable bottle-gourd Elder attitude is sincere, appearing is especially good to speak. “殿下请说,宝葫能帮的一定会帮。”宝葫长老态度诚恳,显得格外好说话。 In his heart at this moment, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden absolutely is God of Wealth that” deserves, he is hopes she makes persistent efforts to continue the ruined family, best also take the mortgage mortgage other family belongings! 在此刻的他心中,星澜神女绝对是当之无愧的“财神爷”,他自是希望她再接再厉继续败家,最好把其他家当也拿出来抵押抵押! Heard Divine Treasure Palace, not only the Duocai multi- treasures, in the spirit ore raw material and magical treasure equipment and spirit grain medicinal pill and other at the business of bulk cargoes, the business are to also do enormous.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden sincere said, thinks, I must sell some grain, will your treasure palace certainly receive?” “听说神宝殿非但多财多宝,在灵矿原料、法宝装备、灵粮丹药等大宗货物的买卖上,生意也是做的极大。”星澜神女正色说道,“想必,我要卖一些粮食,贵宝殿一定会收吧?” This is minor matter one.” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder said, wants to be reasonably-priced, is high-quality, grain, our Divine Treasure Palace has many to receive many.” “此乃小事一桩。”宝葫长老笑着说,“只要价格合理,品质优秀,粮食这一块,我们神宝殿有多少收多少。” Has Elder these words, I also felt relieved.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden nods, this is calm and composed even in press of work continues saying that I prepare third grade and fourth grade that spirit rice under our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace name produces, sold to Divine Treasure Palace.” “有长老这句话,我也就放心了。”星澜神女点了点头,这才好整以暇地继续道,“我准备将我们无极神宫名下出产的三品四品灵米,都卖给神宝殿。” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder stares slightly, but beckons with the hand to say at once: As far as I know, the expensive/noble Divine/God Palace third grade spirit field grand total has 1.6 million area units, fourth grade spirit field is roughly 140,000 area units.” 宝葫长老微微一愣,可旋即就摆摆手笑着说:“据我所知,贵神宫三品灵田总计拥有160万顷,四品灵田不过是约莫14万顷。” Recently 100 years, the expensive/noble palace third grade spirit field year average returns less than 6 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, the fourth grade spirit field year average returns were also only more than 5 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, two overlaying, yearly average income less than 12 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone.” “最近一百年,贵宫三品灵田年平均收益不足六枚混沌灵石,四品灵田年平均收益也只有五枚多一点混沌灵石,两项迭加,年均收益不足12混沌灵石。” This business was too small. Your Highness Divine Maiden must sell the grain, looked for the large-scale meter/rice line to sell casually can eat up, asks me not to need.” “这生意太小了。神女殿下要卖粮,随便找个大型米行去卖就能吃得下,找我就不必了。” The purchase of such mass, but also has no need for him personally acting. 这么点体量的收购,还用不着他亲自出面。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden hearing this, looked that immediately becomes to the valuable bottle-gourd Elder look somewhat complex: Never expected that various revenue and expenditures of valuable bottle-gourd Elder to our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is familiar with, is unexpectedly clearer than me.” 星澜神女闻言,看向宝葫长老的眼神顿时变得有些复杂:“没想到宝葫长老对我们无极神宫的各项收支如数家珍,竟比我还清楚。” After she wields Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, has naturally also glanced through various Divine/God Palace over the years income and expenditures carefully, now contrasts, discovered and valuable bottle-gourd Elder says was almost the same unexpectedly...... 她执掌无极神宫后,自然也是仔细翻阅过神宫历年来的各项收入与开支的,如今对比一下,发现与宝葫长老说的竟是相差无几…… Valuable bottle-gourd Elder indifferent laughing: Our Divine Treasure Palace, but the expensive/noble Divine/God Palace creditor, I must certainly pay attention to the expensive/noble Divine/God Palace economic situation momentarily. Divine/God Palace current owes us approximately 3500 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, every hundred years grows to achieve 210 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone!” 宝葫长老无所谓的哈哈大笑:“我们神宝殿可是贵神宫的债主,我当然得随时关注贵神宫的经济状况。要知道,神宫当前欠我们约3500枚混沌灵石,每百年的孳息达到210枚混沌灵石!” No, now total owes us 10400 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, grew to achieve more than 600 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone every hundred years! Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden must forget first to pay growing of my Divine Treasure Palace not, this is in the lease condition clearly stipulates.” “不,现在总计欠我们10400混沌灵石,每百年孳息达到了600多枚混沌灵石星澜神女莫要忘记优先支付我神宝殿的孳息,这都是契约条款中明确规定的。” The fund of such big mass, he naturally must pay attention to the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace repayment capability frequently, this can come to collect debts promptly. 这么大体量的资金,他自然要时刻关注无极神宫的还款能力,这样才能及时上门收帐。 So is why accurate regarding the data? 至于说数据为何如此精准? Divine Treasure Palace can stand erect so many years in World of Immortals in the form of firm, depended may always not be the military force value. This degree of careful planning, to Divine Treasure Palace is also the conventional operation. 神宝殿能以商行的形式在仙界屹立这么多年,靠的可从来都不是武力值。这种程度的精打细算,对神宝殿来说也就是常规操作。 In fact, is not only Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, other temple general fund running water, in his brain have an account, must use can take to use momentarily. 事实上,不仅仅是无极神宫,其他神殿大概的资金流水,他脑子里也都有一本账,要用的时候随时都能拿出来用。 But Divine Treasure Palace lends to the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace fund, the year grows all along is 6/10000 appearances. 神宝殿借贷给无极神宫的款项,年孳息一贯都是万分之六的样子。 This must place Earth, annual 6/10000 growing look like giving in vain simply. 这要放在地球,年度万分之六的孳息简直就像是在白送。 However this is in World of Immortals. 然而这是在仙界 The profound warrior / black tortoise cultivator life is long, often is hundred years millennium snaps fingers. So growing of degree, regarding Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace that the capital status is beset with problems, is very serious burden. 玄武修士寿元漫长,动不动就是百年千年时间弹指而过。如此程度的孳息,对于资金状况捉襟见肘的无极神宫而言,已经算是非常沉重的负担了。 Before Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, read a Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace last year revenue and expenditure master list, the annual gross revenue is 204 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, but the year always paid wages actually to achieve 203 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 星澜神女之前也看了一下无极神宫去年的收支总表,年度总收益是204枚混沌灵石,而年度总开支出却达到了203枚混沌灵石 If the amount is counted twice, created surplus Primal Chaos Spirit Stone merely, this was the result that her Teacher daylight Dao Lord racked one's brains. 一进一出,仅仅结余了一枚混沌灵石,这还是她的师尊辰光道主殚精竭虑的结果了。 Except that is huge, achieves beyond the personnel expenses of approximately 151 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 除了非常庞大,足足达到约151枚混沌灵石的人员开支之外。 Gives the Divine Treasure Palace growing disbursement, achieves more than 2 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, 100 years must extraneous expense more than 200 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone , is a big expenditure, sufficed to raise ten ordinary Dao Lord Elder. 给予神宝殿的孳息支出,也达到二枚多混沌灵石,一百年就得额外支出200多枚混沌灵石,也是一项不小的开支,够养十个普通道主长老了。 Bah! Vampire! 呸!吸血鬼! In the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden heart spits fragrantly to the Divine Treasure Palace mouth, the surface still gave a calm smile: „The trivial less than 12 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone business, valuable bottle-gourd Elder cannot have a liking for also normally.” 星澜神女心中对神宝殿口吐芬芳,表面却仍是淡然一笑:“区区不到12枚混沌灵石的生意,宝葫长老看不上也正常。” But, I prepare Divine/God Palace third grade and fourth grade spirit field producing over the next hundred years, sold to your treasure palace one time ahead of time.” The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden intonation is very tranquil, how do I only receive 1000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone?” “不过,我是准备将神宫三品四品灵田未来百年的出产,一次性提前卖给贵宝殿。”星澜神女的语调无比平静,“我只收1000枚混沌灵石怎么样?” What?” “啥?” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder was frightened, the prosperous-looking face hides shakes. 宝葫长老被吓到了,富态的脸皮子直抖。 Xinglan (Star Wave) this girl, dashes about wildly simply ~ on the road of ruined family 星澜这妮子,简直是在败家的路上一路狂奔啊~ He looked that the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden look seems like looking at the fool to be the same: Your Highness Divine Maiden, it is well known, third grade and fourth grade spirit rice is demand hugest spirit rice, now is going to war with Demon Race everywhere, is even more exuberant to the spirit rice demand!” 他看星澜神女的眼神就像是在看傻子一般:“神女殿下,众所周知,三品四品灵米是需求量最为巨大的灵米,现在四处都在和魔族打仗,对灵米的需求愈发旺盛!” You do not know, in these years, the price of grain is rising every year upward?” “你不会不知道,这些年里,粮食的价格每年都在往上涨吧?” I know, but I bet the grain price to fall.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is calm and composed even in press of work is drinking tea saying that will want over the next hundred years, third grade and fourth grade spirit rice price will fall 2-3 tenths, I can gain a big pen.” “我知道,但是我赌粮价跌。”星澜神女好整以暇地喝着茶说道,“只要在未来百年,三品四品灵米价格跌去2-3成,我就能赚一大笔了。” How possibly?!” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder snorts contemptuously, from the start does not believe. “怎么可能?!”宝葫长老嗤之以鼻,压根不信。 Divine Treasure Palace has the most specialized talent, the time attention market trend, momentarily adjustment operational strategy. 神宝殿有着最专业的人才,时刻关注市场动向,随时调整经营策略。 But according to the research and analysis of Divine Treasure Palace specially Sect Members gentleman, the future grain price is expected to rise, recently hundred years at least must rise 10-20%! 而根据神宝殿门人士的研究和分析,未来的粮价一路看涨,最近百年至少还要涨10-20%! If appears with the war of Demon Race high intensity, perhaps the grain price must rise 20-30%! 若是出现和魔族高烈度的战争,粮价恐怕得涨20-30%! Draws back 10,000 steps, even if the grain price will not have the fluctuation over the next hundred years, he only needs to disburse 1000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, as well as loses for hundred years growing of 60 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, the gross charge is 1060 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 退一万步来说,就算未来百年粮价毫无波动,他只需要支出1000混沌灵石,以及损失百年60枚混沌灵石的孳息,总支出为1060混沌灵石 But the income, actually at least can achieve about 1200 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, net gains more than 100 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 而收益,却至少能达到将近1200混沌灵石,净赚一百多混沌灵石 This is more than 100 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone! 这可是一百多混沌灵石 A ninth grade spirit vein mortgage loan can also loan more than 300 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. More than 100 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, even if regarding his Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm Dao Lord, is a great sum of money. 要知道,一条九品灵脉抵押贷款也就能贷300多混沌灵石而已。一百多混沌灵石,哪怕是对于他这个混元境道主来说,也已经是一笔巨款了。 The breath of valuable bottle-gourd Elder somewhat was tight. 宝葫长老的呼吸都有些紧了。 He has several points to probe, has several points of hope to look to Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden: „Is your highness really expected to fall? Really can operate?” 他带着几分试探,又带着几分希冀地看向星澜神女:“殿下真的看跌?真的要这么操作?” What's wrong? Valuable bottle-gourd isn't Elder the assured grain price will rise? Does you dare with me to betting one wave?” In the eye pupil of Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden passed over gently and swiftly wipes excitedly, even is somewhat crazy. “怎么?宝葫长老不是笃定粮价会涨吗?伱敢不敢和我对赌一波?”星澜神女的眼眸中掠过一抹兴奋,甚至有些疯狂。 To gambling! 对赌! Right, this is she new glossary that studies from Young Master Shouzhe there, even has never thought one pattern. 没错,这就是她从守哲公子那里学来的新鲜词汇,甚至是从未想过的一种模式。 To gambling? Interesting, sounds very interesting.” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder slightly does to hesitate, how to operate specifically, but also asked your highness saying that was more careful.” “对赌?有意思,听起来十分有意思。”宝葫长老略作沉吟,“具体怎么操作,还请殿下说仔细些。” „Very simple, valuable bottle-gourd Senior invests 1000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, purchases our third grade and fourth grade spirit field 100 annual output.” “很简单,宝葫前辈出资1000混沌灵石,购买我们三品四品灵田的一百年产量。” To avoid troubling, in addition our Divine/God Palace person are very many also wants the foodgrain, every year grain we did not give you. But is every year according to the grain market price, converts directly Primal Chaos Spirit Stone to you, pays the foot 100 years!” “为了避免麻烦,加上我们神宫人挺多也要吃粮,每年的粮食我们就不给您了。而是每年按照粮食市价,直接折算成混沌灵石给您,足足付足一百年!” The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden few words, then spoke the rule were clear, then continued to say with a smile: „During this, if the grain price rises, Senior earns, if falls, may owe.” 星澜神女三言两语,便将规则讲清楚了,而后继续笑着说道:“这期间,若是粮价上涨,前辈就赚得更多,若是下跌,就可能会亏掉一些。” The valuable bottle-gourd Elder eyes shone, applaud saying: Good to betting contract! The rule understands clearly, the profit and loss is proud! This business, I did.” 宝葫长老双眼放光,击掌说:“好一个对赌契约!规则清晰明了,盈亏自负!这买卖,我做了。” The present grain price rising trend is quite clear, the reason of simply not having fallen. 现在的粮价涨势极为清晰,根本没有下跌的理由。 This to gambling, his chance Gaoda over 90%. This, is the modest excuse. 这对赌,他赢面高达九成以上。就这,还是谦虚的说辞。 Also. 随之。 one old and one young, as if feared that the opposite party reneged on a promise general, signs impatiently to betting the contract. 一老一少,都仿佛怕对方反悔一般,迫不及待地签下了对赌契约。 This is also the today's second contract. 这也是今天第二份契约。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden sold out third grade and a fourth grade spirit field enough hundred years of output, had 1000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone tickets! 星澜神女卖掉了三品四品灵田足足百年的产量,同时也拿到了1000枚混沌灵石票! After this operation, the funds in her hand, inflated 7900 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone all of a sudden. 这一番操作过后,她手中的资金量,一下子膨胀到了7900枚混沌灵石 Just like Divine Treasure Palace did not fear that Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace after signing the contract acts shamelessly to be the same, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace also did not fear that Divine Treasure Palace acts shamelessly ~ ~ ~ 正如神宝殿不怕无极神宫在签订契约后耍赖一样,无极神宫同样不怕神宝殿耍赖~~~ But this has not ended. 可这还没完。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden after leisure received the contract and Primal Chaos Spirit Stone ticket, put forward a proposal again: Valuable bottle-gourd Elder, since we to betting, do want to play simply again greatly?” 星澜神女在慢条斯理的收起了契约和混沌灵石票后,又再次提出了一个建议:“宝葫长老,既然咱们都对赌了,要不要索性再玩大一点?” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder one hear of this saying, came the spirit immediately, the smile on face also becomes especially sincere: How does Your Highness Divine Maiden prepare to play in a big way?” 宝葫长老一听这话,登时又来了精神,脸上的笑容也变得格外诚挚:“神女殿下准备怎么玩大的?” I planned that with your treasure palace bets 100 million warehouse third grade spirit rice again ‚’ 10 million warehouse fourth grade spirit rice stock.” The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden expression said calmly. “我打算与贵宝殿再赌‘一亿仓三品灵米’‘一千万仓四品灵米’的期货。”星澜神女表情平静地说道。 100 million warehouses? third grade spirit rice?” “一亿仓?三品灵米?” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder swings a rattle-drum immediately: Our Divine Treasure Palace, although also makes a large amount of grain business, but on where has 100 million warehouse so many on hand? Your Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace third grade spirit field year yield, is only 200,000 warehouses! 100 million warehouses enough on your family 500 years of output!” 宝葫长老登时把头摇成个拨浪鼓:“我们神宝殿虽然也做大宗粮食买卖,可手头上哪有一亿仓那么多?你们无极神宫三品灵田年出产量,也不过是区区20万仓!一亿仓都够得上你们家五百年的产量了!” Entire World of Immortals third grade spirit rice output, cannot arrive at 100 million warehouses by far. fourth grade spirit rice output, cannot arrive at 10 million warehouses by far!” “整个仙界三品灵米的产量,也远远到不了一亿仓。四品灵米的产量,也远远到不了一千万仓!” As Elder of Divine Treasure Palace core level, this kind of data he has words at fingertips and writes with facility completely. 作为神宝殿核心层的长老,这类数据他完全是信手拈来。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden clear this point, was still also drinking spirit tea obviously unhurriedly, the tone is calm: Said was to betting the stock, according to at present market price, 100 million warehouse third grade spirit rice value 3000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone about, but 10 million warehouse fourth grade spirit rice value approximately 4000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. So, amounting to 7000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone is right?” 星澜神女显然也清楚这一点,仍是不慌不忙地喝着灵茶,语气淡定无比:“都说了是对赌期货了,按照目前市价,一亿仓三品灵米价值3000混沌灵石左右,而一千万仓四品灵米价值约4000混沌灵石。如此,总计7000混沌灵石对不对?” Right.” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder earnest nod. “没错。”宝葫长老认真的点头。 I purchase in advance 100 million warehouse third grade spirit rice one time ahead of time, 10 million warehouse fourth grade spirit rice, your treasure palace delivers I 1% grain every year, delivers to complete in 100 years feasible?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden said. “那我一次性提前预购一亿仓三品灵米,一千万仓四品灵米,贵宝殿每年交付我百分之一的粮食,在100年内交付完成可行?”星澜神女说道。 Valuable bottle-gourd Elder shook the head to say slowly: „It is not good, we anticipated that the grain can rise, hundred years later, these grain values will go far beyond 7000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone!” 宝葫长老缓缓摇头说:“不行,我们预期粮食会涨,百年后,这些粮食价值会远远超过7000混沌灵石!” That is natural, I besides delivering in advance part of advance payment, 1% grain that your treasure palace delivers every year, I add 20% payments at the current market price additionally again!” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden said, illustrates with examples, if next year the grain will not rise does not fall, the grain market price that you will deliver will be 70 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, but I will pay your 84 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone.” “那是自然,我除了预交一部分定金之外,贵宝殿每年交付的百分之一粮食,我都以当前市价额外再加20%支付!”星澜神女说道,“举例说明,明年若是粮食不涨不跌,贵方交付的粮食市价为70混沌灵石,而我会支付贵方84枚混沌灵石。” If the grain price will rise to 80 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone next year, I will then pay your 96 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone.” “倘若明年粮价涨到80混沌灵石,我便会支付贵方96枚混沌灵石。” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder leapt to stand, the black small eye stared instantaneously in a big way: „Can Your Highness Divine Maiden take seriously?” 宝葫长老腾一下站了起来,黑黢黢的小眼睛瞬间瞪大:“神女殿下可当真?” If really defers to the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden operating procedure, their Divine Treasure Palace wins the hemp simply! The grain rises is more ominous, they more were gain send greatly. 若真按照星澜神女的操作方法,他们神宝殿简直是赢麻了!粮食涨的越凶,他们就越是赚大发了。 Can this business do? Naturally can do! 这买卖能做吗?当然能做! If this business is undoable, in the world also has business that can make? 若是这种买卖都不能做,天底下还有能做的买卖吗? Naturally, there is a possibility grain price to fall.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden said that „, if the grain price falls, may continue to fall, therefore, we must also probably reduce 20% falls the fee/spent in advance. For example, next year that 1% shares drop to 50 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, we can only pay 40 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone!” “当然,也有可能粮价会跌。”星澜神女笑着说,“若是粮价跌,就有可能持续下跌,所以,我们要也要减免20%的预跌费。例如,明年那百分之一份额跌至50混沌灵石,我们就只能支付40混沌灵石!” Such remarks. 此言一出。 Valuable bottle-gourd Elder heart immediately slightly one tight, the brow also wrinkled unknowingly: „, Grain, if falls, we not only need deliver the grain on time, but can also lose money?” 宝葫长老心头登时微微一紧,眉头也不知不觉皱了起来:“如此说来,粮食若跌,我们非但要按时交付粮食,还得亏本了?” The words speaking of this, he were also understand. 话说到这份上,他也算是明白过来了。 This so-called to betting agreement, bet is the rise and drop of grain price. If rises, Divine Treasure Palace won the hemp, if fell, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace won the hemp ~ 这所谓的对赌协议,赌的就是粮价的涨跌。要是涨,神宝殿就赢麻了,要是跌,无极神宫就赢麻了~ Giggle ~ right.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden does not conceal, said with a smile tenderly, in this world where had the business that gained steadily does not compensate? Valuable bottle-gourd Senior really must have the words that also introduced to me ~, furthermore, didn't you favor the grain price to rise?” “咯咯~没错。”星澜神女也不掩饰,娇笑道,“这世上哪有稳赚不赔的买卖?宝葫前辈真要有的话,也给我介绍介绍啊~再者说,您老不是看好粮价上涨吗?” „Don't you dare to bet?” “您不会不敢赌吧?” Will the grain price fall? 粮价会跌吗? Valuable bottle-gourd Elder asked oneself over and over. 宝葫长老再三问自己 Which angle but regardless of thinks, he has to have a conclusion, that is is absolutely impossible! 但无论从哪个角度想,他都只得出了一个结论,那就是绝无可能! Only if Demon Race withdraws has the domain, rolls their oneself den, World of Immortals welcomed the overall peace, or obtains to win in the battlefield, gets the domain that many lost, the grain price has the possibility, because the output rises dramatically to fall! 除非魔族退出既有地盘,滚回它们自己的老巢去,仙界迎来了整体和平,亦或是在战场上获得大胜,打下了诸多失去的地盘,粮价才有可能因为产量暴增而下跌! Will Demon Race draw back? Naturally cannot. 魔族会退吗?自然是不会。 Can World of Immortals recapture massive domains all of a sudden? Perhaps, but, in a short time, particularly in only hundred years are at least impossible! 仙界能一下子夺回大量地盘吗?也许吧,但至少,短期内,尤其是区区百年内不可能! From this inference, the grain price will perhaps not rise suddenly, but is absolutely impossible to fall suddenly in a short time! 由此推断,粮价也许不会暴涨,但在短期内绝无可能暴跌! This business! 这买卖! Does! 做得! The valuable bottle-gourd Elder vision flashes, the expression instantaneously becomes firm: Signs the contract!” 宝葫长老目光一闪,表情瞬间变得坚定起来:“签契约!” Bamboo slip!” “签!” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is also incomparably refreshed. 星澜神女也是无比爽快。 In short one day, two people signed enough three contracts unexpectedly, and involves a fund least contract, the funds of involving surpassed thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 短短一天内,两人竟然签下了足足三份契约,并且其中牵涉到资金最少的一份契约,牵涉到的资金量都超过了一千混沌灵石 Let alone is Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace this becoming famous poor influence, even if Divine Treasure Palace, related to the bulk bargain of so huge fund is still quite rare. 别说是无极神宫这个出了名的“穷”势力了,就算是神宝殿,涉及到如此巨额资金的大买卖也是相当少见的。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden achieved the goal, was very naturally happy. 星澜神女达成了目的,自然很高兴。 But valuable bottle-gourd Elder naturally is also very happy. 而宝葫长老自然也是十分高兴。 Compared with Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden jubilance from inside to outside, in the valuable bottle-gourd Elder surface at this moment is only maintaining the light smile of maitreya buddha, has actually started to laugh at heart crazily. 只是比起星澜神女从内到外的喜气洋洋,此刻的宝葫长老表面上只维持着弥勒佛似的淡淡微笑,心里却已经开始疯狂大笑起来。 Actually although he has not done clear Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden to do this to have what idea, but regardless of she has what intention, looked like in oneself absolutely is being insane insane ~ ~ 虽然他还没搞明白星澜神女搞这一出究竟是在打什么主意,但无论她有什么意图,在自己看来都绝对是得了失心疯~~ If were were not insane insanely, how also to make him grab such huge bargain? 如果不是得了失心疯,又怎么会让他捡了这么个天大的便宜? ****** ****** Visits valuable bottle-gourd Elder, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden has not actually idled. Valuable bottle-gourd Elder is the first stand, then, some of her also many mission must complete. 拜访完宝葫长老,星澜神女却没闲下来。宝葫长老不过是第一站而已,接下来,她还有很多任务要完成。 That night. 当夜。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden nonstop visited urgently flame Old Ancestor, clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed. 星澜神女又马不停蹄的去拜访了亟焱老祖,明喆神子 Their this pair of Old Ancestor and God Child/Seed, have not lived in Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, but was listed in Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple in separate compound of Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city. 他们这一对老祖神子,并没有住在无极神宫,而是暂居在了南明神殿玄天城的别院内。 As the established strength of World of Immortals count given name, the Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple history is glorious, the background is very vigorous, moreover Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple this generation of Southern Ming(Brightness) Emperor Venerable strengths are also tyrannical, deters the outstanding heroes, was his responsible Demon Race war zone, Demon Race cannot even ask for the least bit to be cheap. 作为仙界数得上名号的老牌实力,南明神殿的历史非常悠久,底蕴十分浑厚,而且南明神殿这一代的南明帝尊实力也非常强横,震慑群雄,便是连他负责的魔族战区,魔族也是讨不了半点便宜。 Accordingly, back of Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple naturally also very hard, financial resource also very abundant. 相应的,南明神殿的腰杆子自然也是非常的硬,财力也是非常的充沛。 Also is therefore, this is located in separate compound in Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city to construct especially lordly, the main building needed materials are luxurious, the style is also luxurious magnificent, was full of money flavor. 也是因此,这座位于玄天城内的别院建造得格外气派,主体建筑用料奢侈,风格也是奢侈华丽,充满了“金钱”的味道。 These spirit flower different plants that in the separate compound garden plants, is some pampered varieties that needs the careful maintenance, do not have the sufficient financial resource, continually the routine maintenance is the issue. 就连别院花园内种植的那些灵花异卉,也都是一些需要精心养护的娇贵品种,没有足够的财力,连日常维护都是问题。 Passing through the gate of Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden just under the entrance bodyguard's leadership, felt oneself by show. 星澜神女在门口侍卫的带领下刚一进门,就感觉自己被“秀”了一把。 Put in the past, she may therefore the mood not be feeling well, but today, she actually feels oneself unprecedentedly calm calm. These past will affect her mood thing, now was unable to vacillate her mental again. 搁在往常,她或许会因此心情不爽好一阵,但今天,她却感觉自己前所未有的淡定从容。这些以往会影响到她心情的东西,如今已经再也无法动摇她的心智。 Rides spirit beast carriage under bodyguard's leadership across the spacious lane, rolls by erects the bridge sky over lake, she arrived at spirit qi to be abundant finally, in excellent surroundings yard. 在侍卫的带领下乘坐灵兽车辇穿过宽敞的行车道,驶过架设在湖泊上空的长桥,她最终来到了一座灵气充沛,环境优美的小院之中。 The courtyard wall of yard is becomes with a fiery-red spirit brickwork, fire spirit qi in institute is very abundant. In the institute has a hot spring, the hot spring, outward spout the blazing flame aura. 小院的院墙乃是用一种火红色的灵砖砌成,院内的火灵气无比充沛。院内更是有一眼温泉,温泉汩汩,正往外喷涌着炽热的火焰气息。 Haha, Xinglan (Star Wave) comes to visit, lets our separate compound you honor my humble home ~ “哈哈,星澜前来拜访,让我们别院蓬荜生辉啊~” By the warm artificial pond pavilion, urgently flame Old Ancestor and clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed attitude entertained Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden very warmly. 温泉池旁的凉亭内,亟焱老祖和明喆神子态度十分热情地招待了星澜神女 Even. 甚至。 Urgently flame Old Ancestor to keep a good impression to Xinglan (Star Wave), did not hesitate to put out picked from Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple that 19th stage peak Li Fire God Tree Li Fire god tea. 亟焱老祖为了给星澜留个好印象,不惜拿出了采自南明神殿那棵十八阶巅峰离火神树的【离火神茶】。 Tea soup luster that the Li Fire god tea steeps dark red, the tea aroma is strongly fragrant, entrance slightly spicy, has flame aura slightly, the taste is very unique. 离火神茶沏出的茶汤色泽深红,茶香馥郁,入口微辣,带着一丝微微的火焰气息,口感十分独特。 Even if not consider the effect, depending on this color, fragrant, the taste, this Li Fire god tea is in the rare tea the treasure. 哪怕不考虑功效,光凭这色,香,味,这离火神茶都是不可多得的茶中珍品。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden this wants to drink the treasure god tea that cannot drink in the past, in the heart is actually the unprecedented tranquility. 星澜神女这在以往想喝都喝不到的珍品神茶,心中却是前所未有的平静。 On nearby seat of honor, flame Old Ancestor is urgently frank and warm, being invited along clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed is also maintaining the image of handsome gentleman diligently, the smile sunlight on face is zealous. 旁边的主座上,亟焱老祖爽朗而热情,作陪的明喆神子也努力维持着翩翩君子的形象,脸上的笑容阳光而热忱。 Xinglan (Star Wave), heard that you and daylight brother did act difficult?” Flame Old Ancestor said urgently, blames me, blaming us being extremely impatient, stirred up your masters and disciples disagree declare wars unexpectedly......” 星澜啊,听说你和辰光兄闹别扭了?”亟焱老祖笑着说,“都怪我,怪我们太过心急了,竟惹得你们师徒失和……” The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden vision, instead looked to clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed, slightly did to hesitate saying: clear(ly) Zhe boy, your truth told me. If your I really get married, you will support our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace to recapture the lost territory?” 星澜神女的目光,反而看向了明喆神子,略作沉吟道:“明喆小子,你实话告诉我。你我若是真的成了亲,你会支持我们无极神宫夺回失地吗?” clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed heart next one happy, quickly sets out, the expression seriously and said solemnly and respectfully: I also told the facts, if I worked as true God Child/Seed, can transfer some resources to assist Xinglan (Star Wave) you. However, perhaps this I of stage, am incapable of supporting you to counter-attack.” 明喆神子心下一喜,急忙起身,表情郑重而肃穆地说道:“我也实话实说,若我当了真正的神子,就能调用一部分资源来协助星澜你。但是,此阶段的我,恐怕无力支持你们进行反攻。” Only then after I became Immortal Emperor, can control the overall situation truly. That time I some qualifications said that assisted your Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace to restore the lost territory, but how, I am unable to guarantee finally.” “只有等我成为仙帝之后,才能真正掌控全局。那时的我才有资格说协助你们无极神宫收复失地,但是结果如何,我也无法保证。” He line of gab, has not struck one's chest carelessly, because he knows such does, will only make Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden scoff. 他没有夸夸其谈,也没有胡乱拍胸脯,因为他知道那样做,只会令星澜神女耻笑。 You said is very sincere, before is me, had the prejudice to you.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden saw his attitude, in the eye pupil revealed some accidents/surprises. “你说的很诚恳,是我以前对你有偏见了。”星澜神女见他这副态度,眼眸中露出了些许意外。 After paused, she continues saying: If you don't mind, I think that we can try first to become friends, having a look at the character about not to compatible.” 顿了一下后,她继续说道:“若是不介意的话,我想我们可以试一试先交个朋友,看看性格合不合得来。” In clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed heart is overjoyed, but the surface actually makes a self-poise appearance as before, the elegant bearing raises slightly toward Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden slightly, the sound has a smile: Whatever Xinglan (Star Wave) dispatches.” 明喆神子心中大喜过望,可表面却依旧是做出一副镇定自若的模样,风度翩翩地朝星澜神女微微欠身,声音含笑:“任凭星澜差遣。” Can be so smooth, master grandson two also relaxes greatly. 能如此顺利,“爷孙两个”也是大松一口气。 They want is not at home while Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, hits her one to be caught off guard, like this waits for her to come back, all have become the established facts, Xinglan (Star Wave) is not naturally able to oppose again. 原本他们是想趁着星澜神女不在家,打她一个措手不及,这样等她回来,一切都已经成为了既定事实,星澜自然也无法再反对。 Has not actually thought, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden came back unexpectedly suddenly, but also caused havoc with daylight Dao Lord. 却不曾想,星澜神女竟然突然就回来了,还与辰光道主大闹了一场。 Was also thinking, this time marries to fear that was yellow , this in a while, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden visited unexpectedly on own initiative, appearance that can attempt to associate, did this make them unhappy? 原本还想着,这次联姻怕是要黄了呢,没想到,这才没过多久,星澜神女竟然就主动上门,一副可以尝试交往的模样,这让他们如何不喜? Has not expected, under Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden a few words are: Flame Senior, this Xinglan (Star Wave) takes the liberty visit urgently, first wants to ask the meaning of clear(ly) Zhe Young Master face to face. Secondly, wants to make a business with flame Senior urgently.” 可没料到,星澜神女下一句话就是:“亟焱前辈,此次星澜冒昧来访,一来是想当面问问明喆公子的意思。二来,也是想与亟焱前辈做一笔买卖。” Business!?” “买卖!?” Flame Old Ancestor stares urgently, at once actually laughs to say frank: Xinglan (Star Wave) said although, is what buys and sells? So long as appropriate, obsolete will not decline.” 亟焱老祖一愣,旋即却爽朗大笑道:“星澜尽管说,是什么买卖?只要合适,老朽绝不会推辞。” He decides, so long as this business is not fortunately odd, he complies directly, considered to the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family. 他打定了主意,只要这笔买卖不是亏得离谱,他就直接答应下来,就当是给星澜神女的聘礼了。 In my hand, there is a bulk cargoes stock.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden directly soars the subject saying that amounts to 100 million warehouse third grade spirit rice, 10 million warehouse fourth grade spirit rice, deliver 1% every year, divides for hundred years to fully pay! However I am short of money now, thinks that is cheaper produces goods one time ~ “我手中,有一份大宗货物的期货。”星澜神女直奔主题道,“总计一亿仓三品灵米,一千万仓四品灵米,每年交付百分之一,分百年交齐!但是我现在缺钱,想便宜些一次性出货~ What?” “什么?” Urgently flame Old Ancestor and on clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed face simultaneously changes countenance. 亟焱老祖和明喆神子脸上齐齐变色。 They were frightened by this form! 他们都被这单子吓到了! At this moment, in their hearts only has a thought that was Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden this insane? 此时此刻,他们心中只有一个念头,星澜神女这是疯了吗? Reviews Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, was still eight winds was motionless, calm as usual. 反观星澜神女,却仍是八风不动,淡定如常。 Obviously, urgently flame Old Ancestor and clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed response at this moment in her expected. 很显然,亟焱老祖和明喆神子此刻的反应都在她的意料之中。 However, she at this moment is only the surface is also calm, in the heart actually is also secret self-satisfied, to planning all these Wang Shouzhe is admiring extremely. 不过,此刻的她也只是表面淡定,心中其实也是暗暗得意不已,对策划了这一切的王守哲更是钦佩万分。 Young Master Shouzhe the idea of borrowing grain oversell, seriously is the divine strategy! 守哲公子的借粮卖空之计,当真是神机妙算! ...... …… This chapter has revised, the World of Immortals loan interest miscalculated, should not be 6/1000, but is 6/10000 interest ~ ~ 本章节修改过,仙界借贷利息算错了,不应该是千分之六,而是万分之六的利息~~ ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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