POP :: Volume #8

#49: In history first ruined family Divine Maiden!

Chapter 995 第995章 In history first ruined family Divine Maiden! 史上第一败家神女 ...... …… Your Highness Divine Maiden come.” 神女殿下请进。” The Wang Shouzhe gentle sound conveys from the study room. 王守哲柔和的声音从书房内传来。 The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden intention pushes the door to enter frightenedly, sees Wang Shouzhe to sit before the desk writes anything, looks very earnest. 星澜神女心怀惴惴地推门而入,就见得王守哲正坐在书桌前书写着什么,看起来很是认真。 Because of the angle issue, the face of Wang Shouzhe has half to be hidden in the shadow, only has that full forehead, the stiff bridge of the nose, and outstanding profile outline is especially clear under outlining of light shadow. 因为角度问题,王守哲的脸有一半都隐没在阴影之中,唯有那饱满的额头,挺直的鼻梁,以及优秀的侧脸轮廓在光影的勾勒下格外清晰。 In the copper incense burner of desk corner, there is a curling sandalwood to ascend. 书桌角落的赤铜香炉之中,有袅袅檀香正升腾而起。 On nearby tea table, furnace immortal tea is heating on the furnace, is sending out the fresh strongly fragrant tea aroma. 一旁的茶几上,一炉仙茶正温在炉上,散发着清新馥郁的茶香。 Why does not know, saw this scene, the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden frightened mood stabilized inexplicably. 不知为何,见得这一幕,星澜神女原本惴惴的心情莫名就安定了下来。 Sees the Wang Shouzhe look to concentrate on, she does not dare to disturb, but is clever standing in the one side, once for a while rubs immortal black ink to him, pours out immortal tea. 王守哲神色专注,她也不敢打搅,而是乖巧的侍立在一旁,时不时给他磨一磨仙墨,斟一盏仙茶 Good long while, Wang Shouzhe stopped the pen, smiles is looking to Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden: Your highness just returned to Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, should have many trivial matters to process. I in this Luming park Lives quite comfortably, your highness does not need extremely to pay attention.” 好半天后,王守哲才停住了笔,微笑着看向星澜神女:“殿下刚回无极神宫,理应有诸多琐事要处理。我在这【鹿鸣苑】中住得颇为自在,殿下无需太过关注。” Doesn't pay attention? 不关注? This Quasi Goddess does not pay attention to the words, feared when you did not know nine color immortal deer eating. 准神女不关注一下的话,怕你不知何时就把九色仙鹿给吃了。 Under the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden heart mutter, on the face actually does not dare to display, has to brace oneself is blushing saying: Actually Xinglan (Star Wave) this time seeks an interview Young Master, yes, has the important matter to ask Young Master to help. This matter some are difficult, does not know that from where mentioned.” 星澜神女心下碎碎念,脸上却不敢表现出来,只得硬着头皮微红着脸说:“其实星澜此次来求见公子,是,是有要事求公子帮忙。只是此事有些难以启齿,不知从何说起。” Wang Shouzhe gentle smiling, first is entertains Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden to sit down, gave her to steep pot tea alone, this said: Your Highness Divine Maiden was extremely polite, your I have lineage, should support mutually. If your highness has what difficulty, might as well said that listens to Shouzhe, the matter that can help I will certainly help.” 王守哲温柔的笑了笑,先是招待星澜神女坐下,又给她单独沏了一壶茶,这才道:“神女殿下太过客气了,你我同出一脉,理应互相扶持。殿下若有什么困难,不妨说给守哲听听,能帮的事情我一定会帮。” Really if nine color immortal deer said, Young Master Shouzhe is rich and gentle. 果然如九色仙鹿所说,守哲公子有钱又温柔。 Is listening to his genial words, looks at he tranquil temperate facial features, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden receives moral encouragement to be the same, deeply inspires, then exerts pressure on Divine Treasure Palace valuable bottle-gourd Elder and Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple flame Old Ancestor urgently jointly, plans to force her to marry clear(ly) Zhe Quasi God Child/Seed matter, said carefully. 听着他和煦的话语,看着他平静温和的面容,星澜神女似是受到了精神鼓励一般,深吸一口气,而后便将神宝殿的宝葫长老南明神殿的亟焱老祖联手施压,欲图逼迫她嫁给明喆准神子的事情,细细说了一遍。 The Wang Shouzhe expression is also gradually dignified, slightly hesitates, said: How does Your Highness Divine Maiden want Shouzhe to help you?” 王守哲的表情也是渐渐凝重,略一沉吟后说:“神女殿下要守哲如何帮你?” Taking advantage, lends money......” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden to swallow the saliva, anxious extremely. “借,借钱……”星澜神女吞咽着口水,紧张万分。 She lived over 4000 years old, the first towards the people opens the mouth to lend money, unavoidably some blushing ears are red, the heart is fearful. 她活了四千多岁,还是第一次朝人开口借钱,难免有些脸红耳赤,芳心惶惶。 Your highness is so tense, what matter I consider.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile indifferently, in the Shouzhe hand still some spare cash, do not know how many your highness does want to borrow?” “殿下如此紧张,我当是何事。”王守哲淡然一笑道,“守哲手中尚有些闲钱,不知殿下要借多少?” Listens to the Young Master Shouzhe so tone, a Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden mood slightly loosen, says: Thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone.” 守哲公子如此口气,星澜神女情绪微微一松,开口说道:“一千混沌灵石。” After saying, she somewhat regretted, quickly also said: Young Master, if dislikes many, is also good taking advantage of 600-700 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone.” 说完之后,她就有些后悔了,急忙又说:“公子若是嫌多,借个600-700混沌灵石也行。” The Wang Shouzhe expression has no change, as if 600-700 are also good, over a thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, to him is a number. 王守哲的表情没有任何变化,仿佛无论是600-700也好、上千混沌灵石也罢,对他来说都是一个数字而已。 But he has not complied immediately, but hesitated slightly the little while, this said: Lends money actually, but defers to the Divine/God Palace present economic situation, wants to return this sum of money afraid in a short time is somewhat difficult.” 但他也没有立刻答应,而是略微沉吟了会儿,这才说道:“借钱倒是可以,只是依照神宫如今的经济状况,想要在短时间内还上这笔钱怕是有些困难。” Does not know Your Highness Divine Maiden, can have the repayment schedule?” “不知神女殿下,可有还款计划?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden gawked staring. 星澜神女愣了愣。 She indeed has not thought the repayment schedule from the start...... 她的确压根没想过还款计划…… Her cheek somewhat is much more bashful, shamefacedly said: Young Master Shouzhe, Xinglan (Star Wave) frankly, our Divine/God Palace is unable to make ends meet at present every year, I...... I...... I am willing by frail and weak......” 她脸蛋有些臊得慌,不由羞愧道:“守哲公子,星澜实不相瞒,我们神宫目前每年都是入不敷出,我……我……我愿意以蒲柳之姿……” Her words have not said, was quickly broken by Wang Shouzhe: Your highness was quiet!” 她话还未说完,就被王守哲急忙打断:“殿下住嘴!” He are also quite speechless. 他内心也是颇为无语。 Matter of the discussion lending money in good condition, how frequently is frail and weak, to pledge yourself and so on? Made that he seems is big villain that spends money to force Miss. 好端端的谈借钱之事,怎么动辄就是蒲柳之姿、以身相许之类?弄得他好似是个用钱胁迫姑娘的大反派似的。 The face of Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden was redder, some ashamed and resentful desires certainly, look Youyou . 星澜神女的脸更红了,又有些羞愤欲绝,眼神幽幽 Never expected that she is willing to sacrifice oneself, was categorically rejected by Young Master Shouzhe unexpectedly. 没想到她都愿意牺牲自己了,竟被守哲公子给断然拒绝了。 Her solemn Xinglan (Star Wave) is Divine Maiden, really frail and weak in the Young Master Shouzhe eye? 难道,她堂堂星澜神女,在守哲公子眼里还真的是蒲柳之姿吗? cough cough!” Wang Shouzhe straightened, said with a smile, Your Highness Divine Maiden must misunderstand not, actually in the Shouzhe heart, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace has the treasure house not to know, so long as your highness is willing to transform the mentality, what only over a thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone were?” 咳咳!”王守哲正了正身姿,笑道,“神女殿下莫要误会,其实在守哲心中,无极神宫是坐拥宝库而不知,只要殿下愿意转换一下思路,区区上千混沌灵石又算什么?” Why must so to put in great inconvenience to oneself?” “又何须如此委屈自己?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden stagnates slightly, the look is somewhat low-spirited and disappointed: „The meaning of Young Master Shouzhe I understand, depending on the background of Divine/God Palace, if sells out some spirit vein, Dao Book and Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) dao item wait/etc, can indeed raise spirit stone fast.” 星澜神女微微一滞,眼神有几分黯然和失望:“守哲公子的意思我懂,凭神宫之底蕴,若是卖掉些灵脉道书混元道器等等,的确可以快速筹措灵石。” Is only the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace asset background, arranges in order for the base industry that the older generations accumulate, is the hope that future Divine/God Palace will rise.” “只是无极神宫的资产底蕴,都是列代先辈们攒下来的基业,也是未来神宫重新崛起的希望。” Today you will sell, me will sell tomorrow. Divine/God Palace inevitably is even more feeble, lost the ability of overturn gradually.” “今天伱卖一些,明天我卖一些。神宫必然是越发衰弱,渐渐失去了翻盘的能力。” Also is from this, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden rather entrusts the body to solve the problem in Wang Shouzhe brazenly, is not willing to reduce the Divine/God Palace background. 也是由此,星澜神女宁愿厚着脸皮委身于王守哲去解决问题,也不愿意削减神宫底蕴。 Naturally, these have the factor of Shouzhe individual charm. 当然,这其中也是有守哲个人魅力的因素在。 If trades to make that clear(ly) Zhe Quasi God Child/Seed, she takes a look does not want to take a look at one. 若是换作那明喆准神子,她瞅都不想瞅一眼。 Your highness stands to reason, but Shouzhe not this intent.” Wang Shouzhe has not refuted her words, but waved the arms about to eject a pie, your highness may want to solve the difficult position at the same time, was Divine/God Palace makes the money, saved the background?” “殿下言之有理,但守哲并非此意。”王守哲没有反驳她的话,而是甩手抛出了一张大饼,“殿下可想解决困境的同时,为神宫赚上一大笔钱,积攒底蕴?” „?” “?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden the star pupil circle opens the eyes immediately, whole face doubts. 星澜神女登时星眸圆睁,满脸疑惑。 Divine/God Palace became so the appearance poorly, but how also to make money? Where also makes money? 神宫都穷成这般模样了,还怎么赚钱?又从哪里赚钱? Your highness , if willing to sacrifice all, the Shouzhe actually idea, may help your highness realize the first dream.” Wang Shouzhe carried the teacup to sip one leisurely, the tone was indifferent. “殿下若是肯豁出一切,守哲倒是有一计,可助殿下实现第一步梦想。”王守哲慢条斯理地端起茶杯抿了一口,语气淡然无比。 Wants, I am willing to sacrifice all.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden shines immediately eyeful, incomparably held on the Wang Shouzhe arm excitedly, „, if really can achieve Young Master Shouzhe saying that Young Master wants to make anything to be good to Xinglan (Star Wave).” “愿意,我愿意豁出一切。”星澜神女登时满眼放光,无比激动的拉住了王守哲胳膊,“若是真能做到守哲公子所言,公子想对星澜做什么都行。” I want to ask you first to let loose me, must exchange flattery and favors not. 我想请你先放开我,莫要拉拉扯扯。 Wang Shouzhe stares her one eyes, after assigning/life she sat, this expression very seriously mentions the proper business: Before drawing up strategy, but also asked your highness to provide some Divine/God Palace core intelligence, wanted to conceal not.” 王守哲瞪她一眼,命她坐正了后,这才表情十分严肃地说起正事:“在拟定策略之前,还请殿下提供一些神宫的核心情报,莫要有所隐瞒。” Good.” “好。” Then, is Wang Shouzhe asked, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden answered. 接下来,便是王守哲问,星澜神女答。 As gradual penetration of issue, understanding of Wang Shouzhe Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is also deepening step by step. 随着问题的逐渐深入,王守哲无极神宫的了解也在一步步加深。 An embryonic form plans, pushes to spread out the restoration in the Wang Shouzhe mind step by step, completes gradually. 不知不觉间,一个雏形计划,在王守哲的脑海中一步步推衍修缮,逐步完成。 Three days and three nights later. 足足三天三夜之后。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden glowing with health departure Luming park. 星澜神女红光满面的离开了【鹿鸣苑】。 She looked like eats top heavenly materials and earthly treasures to be common, from head to toe filled hot blooded and spirited, in the look had named hope ray. 她就像是吃了顶级的天材地宝一般,浑身上下充满了热血和激昂,眼神中更是拥有了一种名为“希望”的光芒。 After she walks . 等她走后。 Wang Longyan and Wang Anye, as well as first nine color immortal deer came out from the hidden place, gather in one. 王珑烟王安业,以及一头九色仙鹿从暗处出来,汇聚在了一起。 Reporting that nine color immortal deer said with certainty: Longyan Elder Sister, Younger Brother Anye. The fawn said right? Our family/home Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, is conspires to Young Master Shouzhe.” 九色仙鹿言之凿凿的举报:“珑烟姐姐,安业弟弟。小鹿说的没错吧?我们家星澜神女,就是对守哲公子图谋不轨。” Three days three nights ~ “三天又三夜啊~ How can the body of aowu aowu ~ Young Master endure? My family Divine Maiden was too aggressive......” 嗷呜嗷呜~公子的身体怎么吃得消?我家神女太生猛了……” Shut up. Was Shouzhe clan laborious for a lifetime, occasionally how enjoyed?” Wang Longyan shamed stared nine color immortal deer one angry, this matter gave me rottenly in the belly, no one permitted to say.” “闭嘴。守哲家族辛苦了一辈子,偶尔享受享受怎么了?”王珑烟羞恼地瞪了九色仙鹿一眼,“这件事情都给我烂在肚子里,谁都不准说。” Longyan Elder Sister you felt relieved.” Nine color immortal deer raised the chest saying that turned head my own automorphy Young Master, not Quasi Goddess strided in Young Master study room one step again.” 珑烟姐姐你放心。”九色仙鹿昂着胸脯说,“回头我亲自守着公子,坚决不准神女再跨入公子书房一步。” Wang Anye also shakes the head , indicating that his anything had not seen, anything has not heard. 王安业也摇了摇头,表示他啥都没见到,啥都没听到。 Only some Wang Longyan as before are heavyhearted. 唯有王珑烟依旧是忧心忡忡。 If this matter processing is not good, the clan foundation will be vacillated. 此事若是一个处理不好,家族根基都会被动摇。 But, other matter can also find the person to discuss, this matter is actually less people knows is better, she discussing object does not have, how has to ponder over secretly to solve the clan crisis. 可偏偏,别的事情还能找人商量,此事却是越少人知道越好,她连个商量的对象都没有,只得暗自琢磨着如何解决家族危机。 Yeah ~ may worry her. ~可愁死她了。 ****** ****** Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden does not know, among oneself this if the amount is counted twice, some people had made up the dramas of tens of thousands characters in the brain secretly. 星澜神女可不知道,自己这一进一出间,有些人已经在暗地里脑补了几万字的大戏。 As chief criminal she, the brain is Wang Shouzhe gives her to plan at this moment brilliance in the future. 作为“罪魁祸首”的她,此刻满脑子都是王守哲给她规划出的光辉未来。 If in the cave mansion, Wang Shouzhe gave the grand blueprint that she described also to have an outline of foundation initially along, above the giant blueprint of present, has such a corner, had the specific implementation plan. 如果说当初在随身洞府之中,王守哲给她描绘出的宏伟蓝图还只是有一个基础的轮廓,如今的这副巨大蓝图之上,却已经有那么一个角落,拥有了具体的实施方案。 In this case, her where can also be able to attend to other? 在此情况下,她哪里还能顾得上别的? After taking one's leave Wang Shouzhe, she then rushed to the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace treasure palace directly, said toward Teacher daylight Dao Lord: Teacher, I thought through, I am willing to sacrifice oneself, marries clear(ly) Zhe Quasi God Child/Seed.” 在拜别了王守哲之后,她便直接冲到了无极神宫宝殿,朝着师尊辰光道主说道:“师尊,我想通了,我愿意牺牲自己,嫁给明喆准神子。” The daylight Dao Lord stature is thin, two temples are gray, obviously was one is Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace held for a lifetime the work, boiled broke to pieces the appearance of heart. 辰光道主身材消瘦,两鬓花白,明显是一副为无极神宫操了一辈子劳,熬碎了心的模样。 hearing this his body shakes, puts down the words, in the look full is to loving dearly and apology of Apprentice/Disciple: Xinglan (Star Wave), was Master is useless, implicated you, was Divine/God Palace is unfair to you.” 闻言他身躯一震,放下笔墨,眼神中满是对徒儿的心疼和歉意:“星澜啊,是为师没用,拖累了你,也是神宫对不起你。” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden complexion slightly grief and indignation, is somewhat unwilling, slightly after doing to hesitate, said: Properly speaking, Xinglan (Star Wave) takes the Divine/God Palace disciple, was the Divine/God Palace sacrifice is natural, was not worth flaunting. So the result, in my heart still somewhat is unwilling ~ 星澜神女脸色微微悲愤,又有些不甘,略作犹豫后说道:“按理说,星澜作为神宫弟子,为神宫牺牲乃是理所应当,并不值得标榜。只是如此结局,我心中依旧有些不甘呐~ Seeing Xinglan (Star Wave) is so uncomfortable, in the daylight Dao Lord heart is such as the blade shears the needle to poke general uncomfortable. 见得星澜如此难受,辰光道主心中更是如刀割针戳一般难受。 He incomparably said guilty: Xinglan (Star Wave), you, if has what desire, said with Master, Master will satisfy you in any event.” 他无比愧疚道:“星澜,你若有什么愿望,就和为师说,为师无论如何都会满足你。” Waited is your words. 等的就是你这句话。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden turns serious, the tone is neat: I think present age Palace Lord.” 星澜神女神色一正,语气干脆利落:“我想当代宫主。” „......” “……” A daylight Dao Lord silence. 辰光道主一阵沉默。 He has not thought, Apprentice/Disciple actually wanted to usurp the throne directly! 他万万没想到,徒儿竟然直接想要篡位了! The silent moment, he sighed: Xinglan (Star Wave), is not Teacher yearns for the positions of this generation of Palace Lord.” 沉默片刻,他才叹息道:“星澜啊,并非是师尊留恋这代宫主之位。” Is only Master fully realized how the positions of this generation of Palace Lord are difficult, the responsibility on shoulder is heavy such as the Tianyuan (Heavenly Origin) Divine Mountain.” “只是为师深知这代宫主之位是如何艰辛,肩膀上的责任重如天元神山。” You 4000 are several hundred years old, age still young, feared that cannot withstand so the heavy burden. Was inferior, you study again well, after you arrived at Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm, Teacher passes on situated in you immediately.” “你才四千几百岁,年龄尚幼,怕是承受不起如此重担。不如,你再好好学习学习,等你到了混元境后,师尊立即传位于你。” Normally, the daylight Dao Lord words do not have the problem. 正常情况下,辰光道主的话没有毛病。 But this time is very special period, she and others. 但此时乃是非常时期,她等不起了。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden deeply inspires, the will said firmly: 100 years!” 星澜神女深吸一口气,意志坚定道:“一百年!” Teacher asked you to give me 100 years tries. If I can change the aspect, making Divine/God Palace change the potential of deterioration, with the matter of flame Old Ancestor lineage marrying needs further consideration urgently.” 师尊请您给我一百年的时间试一试。若是我能改变局面,让神宫扭转衰败之势,与亟焱老祖一脉联姻之事就从长计议。” If my Xinglan (Star Wave) is unable to save the situation, then all are my life.” “若是我星澜无力回天,便一切都是我的命。” At the appointed time I accept fate, listens to Teacher to arrange honestly, and assists clear(ly) Zhe Quasi God Child/Seed to compete for the God Child/Seed inheritance.” “届时我就认命,老老实实听师尊安排,并辅佐明喆准神子争夺神子传承。” Daylight Dao Lord was nearly mad smiles. 辰光道主险些被气笑了。 Xinglan (Star Wave) are you questioning the Master wielding ability? 星澜你这是在质疑为师的执掌能力吗? My daylight succeeded generation of Palace Lord the position already enough more than 100,000 years, achieved reluctantly pulled the raging tide but not but actually, is actually not able to prevent Divine/God Palace gradually to deteriorate as before. 我辰光继任“代宫主”之位已经足足十万多年了,也不过是勉强做到了挽狂澜而不倒,却依旧无法阻止神宫逐渐衰败。 But your treasure Apprentice/Disciple you, actually want only to depend on for 100 years changes the course of events, henceforth the revolutions fades to hold...... 而你宝贝徒儿你,却想仅凭一百年的时间就扭转乾坤,从此转衰向盛…… This without doubt is fantasy story. 这无疑是天方夜谭。 Xinglan (Star Wave), Master knows that you are unwilling! May trade to make wielding of your only hundred years to Divine/God Palace, how many can also change?” Helpless daylight Dao Lord sighed. 星澜,为师知道你不甘!可换做你区区百年对神宫的执掌,又能改变多少呢?”辰光道主无奈叹息。 „Does Teacher, dare to bet?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden decides to look at daylight Dao Lord, provokes in a tone with, look in a two stars pupil is actually incomparably firm, „the position of only hundred age Palace Lord, is it possible that Teacher also feared that I did snatch your crest of wave?” 师尊,敢不敢赌一把?”星澜神女定定看着辰光道主,语带挑衅,一双星眸中的神色却是无比坚定,“区区百年代宫主之位而已,莫非师尊还怕我抢了您的风头?” Haha ~ ~ daylight Dao Lord was mad smiled, „. Master understands, if this request cannot satisfy you, you will not really be resigned.” “哈哈~~”辰光道主被气笑了,“也罢。为师明白,若是这个要求不能满足你,你也不会真的甘心。” Since you must bet, Master accompanies you to bet.” “既然你要赌,为师就陪你赌一把。” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden pupil light one bright, immediately follows up a victory with hot pursuit: If I can achieve, how later Divine/God Palace develops listens my.” 星澜神女眸光一亮,立刻乘胜追击:“若我能做到,以后神宫如何发展都听我的。” Ok.” “行。” Daylight Dao Lord was also stirred up several points of anger. 辰光道主也是被激出了几分火气。 Own this treasure Apprentice/Disciple, seriously is extremely weak, has not suffered loss truly, somewhat does not know the immensity of heaven and earth. Such being the case, that makes this brutal world give her on well a class. 自家这宝贝徒儿,当真是太过幼稚,没真正地吃过苦头,有些不知天高地厚。既然如此,那就让这残酷的世界给她好好上一课。 His look slightly cold, the tone also becomes chilling: You, if can achieve, later that generation character removes, you are true Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace Palace Lord. If cannot achieve......” 他神色微冷,语气也变得冷硬起来:“你若能做到,以后那个‘代’字就去掉,你就是真正的无极神宫宫主。若是做不到……” I, if cannot achieve, is willing to marry clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed, the implementation curve rescues the plan of Divine/God Palace.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is also the forceful promise. “我若做不到,就心甘情愿嫁给明喆神子,实施曲线救神宫之计划。”星澜神女也是铿锵有力的许诺。 Said it and meant it!” “一言为定!” Cannot take back!” “驷马难追!” Masters and disciples two is dumbfounded is staring each other, looks like the bullfight that kills to get angry to be in sharp opposition generally, is for fear that opposite party reneges on a promise completely the stance. 师徒两个大眼瞪小眼地盯着彼此,就像是杀红了眼的斗牛一般针锋相对,完全是一副生怕对方反悔地架势。 Gives forewarning, since I must be in power for hundred years, in this Divine/God Palace the every large or small matter must take responsibility by me completely. If some Elder refuse to accept, complies in public but opposes in private to me, how works as? If really so, I then lost were unwilling.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is blinking, starts to supplement the condition. “有言在先,既然我要掌权百年,这神宫内大大小小的事情就得全部由我做主。若是一些长老不服,对我阳奉阴违,又当如何?若真如此,我便是输了也不甘心。”星澜神女眨着眼睛,又开始追加条件。 This request is very reasonable. 这个要求很合理。 A daylight Dao Lord thinking, feels no issue slightly, is striking one's chest to comply: Everything has Master to support for you, you go about something with a free hand although, even if makes mistakes does not need to fear, all have Master to capture for you.” 辰光道主稍一思索,觉得没什么问题,便拍着胸脯答应下来:“凡事有为师替你撑腰,你尽管放手去做,就算犯了错也不用怕,一切都有为师替你兜着。” In his opinion, only hundred years on the past, the thing that can change eventually were in a flash limited, even if the Xinglan (Star Wave) girl makes mistakes, caused some losses, when the time comes waits for him to be in power, naturally can change the course of events again. 在他看来,区区百年时间一晃就过去了,能改变的东西终究有限,即便星澜丫头犯了错,造成了些许损失,到时候等他重新掌权,自然可以再度扭转乾坤。 These are the small issues, so long as the Xinglan (Star Wave) girl is willing to marry clear(ly) Zhe Quasi God Child/Seed willingly, is to Divine/God Palace huge good. 这些都是小问题,只要星澜丫头肯心甘情愿地嫁给明喆准神子,便是对神宫的天大利好。 Daylight Dao Lord more wants more to feel in the principle, the appearance that for fear that Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden reneges on a promise, quickly signed the contract with her, turned over to the power symbol Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) god seal. 辰光道主越想越觉得在理,一副生怕星澜神女反悔的模样,急忙与她签订了契约,移交了权力象征的【无极神印】。 Completes all these, he is holding the hand of Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, treats a matter seriously the commission saying: Xinglan (Star Wave), in starting today 100 years, you were the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace palm helmsman! To make anything to do, must stay behind not regretted, annoying life-long. Master will inform various Divine/God Palace high and low unit ~ ~ ~ 做完这一切,他拉着星澜神女的手,郑重其事嘱托道:“星澜,从今天开始的一百年内,你就是无极神宫的掌舵手了!想做什么就去做,莫要留下遗憾,懊恼终生。为师会通知神宫上下各单位~~~ What although daylight Dao Lord has not held to this matter, but he saved such a faint trace anticipation unavoidably, if? 虽说辰光道主对此事没有抱什么希望,但他心里难免还是存了那么一丝丝期待,万一呢? If by some chance treasure Apprentice/Disciple is really the having god-given wisdom rare talent, presented the miracle? 万一宝贝徒儿真的是天纵奇才,出现了奇迹呢? Teacher you felt relieved.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden both hands hold Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) god seal, the look is serious, in the look passed over gently and swiftly wipes frantic and renounces, Divine/God Palace in my hands, will certainly have the tremendous changes.” 师尊您放心。”星澜神女双手托着无极神印,神色郑重无比,眼神中掠过一抹狂热和决绝,“神宫在我手中,一定会有翻天覆地的变化。” Daylight Dao Lord secret nod. 辰光道主暗暗点头。 Has spirit ~ 有志气~ Apprentice/Disciple, dream, although is good, the reality is very brutal. Only wants to be defeated in the future time, you can meet Accept it the reality, will not be attacked ~ too ruthlessly 只是徒儿啊,梦想虽好,现实却很残酷。只希望将来失败的时候,你能接受得了现实,不会被打击得太狠吧~ However what daylight Dao Lord has not thought that in a while, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace really was earth-shaking! 然而辰光道主万万没想到的是,没过多久,无极神宫就真的“翻天覆地了”! ****** ****** Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden replaces daylight Dao Lord to wield Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, this without doubt is a stone Potian (Break Heaven) startled flash news. 星澜神女代替辰光道主执掌无极神宫,这无疑是一个石破天惊的大新闻。 Short one month, this news spread over entire Divine/God Palace and Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city. 短短一个月的时间,这消息就传遍了整个神宫无极城。 However, after passing surprised from the beginning, the people in Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace system also recovered slowly, accepted with pleasure this change. 不过,在度过了一开始的惊讶后,无极神宫体系内的众人也慢慢回过神来,欣然接受了这个变化。 The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden itself/Ben is the Divine/God Palace successor, is also unlikely to train second Quasi Goddess by the Divine/God Palace current economic situation, can say, in the future Divine/God Palace must hand over in her hand inevitably. 星澜神女本就是神宫接班人,以神宫目前的经济状况也不太可能去培养第二个准神女,可以说,将来神宫势必是要交到她手上的。 In the future will also point at her to have the big prospect ~ 未来还指着她能有大出息呢~ Now she wields Divine/God Palace ahead of time, considered to whet. 如今她不过是提前执掌神宫,就当是磨砺一下了。 In the history similar situation is not rare. Slightly what is only different, now the Xinglan (Star Wave) age is too small, only has 4,000-5,000 years old. 历史上类似的情况并不罕见。唯一稍稍不同的是,现在星澜年纪还太小,仅有4,000-5,000岁而已。 Moreover, this time wields the cycle is about hundred years, this time let alone regarding the big shot of Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm rank, even if regarding Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden of Great Principle boundary, in a flash. 而且,此次执掌周期不过百年,这点时间别说是对于混元境级别的大佬,哪怕是对于大罗境的星澜神女而言,都不过弹指间而已。 Even if Xinglan (Star Wave) does not make mistakes carefully, following reverses is not difficult. 哪怕星澜不小心犯了错,后续扭转也不难。 Elder and deacons in many Divine/God Palace, even has been deciding in secret, if Xinglan (Star Wave) has what idea and plan, assists her with every effort, satisfies her, did not refuse. 不少神宫内的长老和执事,甚至都已经在暗中下了决心,若是星澜有什么想法和计划,就尽力去协助她,满足她,绝不推三阻四。 ...... …… Many Elder in Divine/God Palace is troubled, has the thoughts respectively time. 就在神宫内诸多长老纷纷扰扰,各有心思的时候。 Of Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace guest institutes Watching the tide park. 无极神宫客院之一【观潮苑】。 Temporarily resides with Wang Shouzhe Luming park Almost, Watching the tide park Similarly is in Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace very good courtyard. 王守哲暂住的【鹿鸣苑】差不多,【观潮苑】同样是无极神宫之中非常好的院子。 Just, with spirit plant everywhere, Lingxi (Spirit Creek) surrounds, nine color immortal deer pacing in, compared with a Luming park of school of countryside character and style, the view in watching the tide park was short of composed of several points of sinuous type, added wiped boundless and atmosphere. 只不过,和灵植遍地,灵溪环绕,有九色仙鹿踱步其中,一派田园风情的鹿鸣苑相比,观潮苑内的景致少了几分曲径通幽式的婉约,更添了一抹磅礴和大气。 The construction in park has the characteristics, they not only are quite generally high, but also almost every building peak constructs the flat roof or the hanging garden. 苑内的建筑非常有特色,它们不仅普遍比较高,而且几乎每一栋建筑顶端都建造有露台或者空中花园。 The field of vision of these flat roof or hanging garden quite, after dusk fall, stands in these flat roofs and hanging gardens, can appreciate to top of the head galloping brilliant Heavenly River clearly. 这些露台或者空中花园的视野都相当好,暮色降临之后,站在这些露台以及空中花园之中,可以非常清晰地欣赏到头顶奔腾绚烂的天河 Often when season alternately, the energy in Heavenly River galloping will then form the tide, blooms the colorful light in the nighttime sky, brilliance brilliant, too beautiful to behold. 每每季节交替之时,天河中奔腾的能量便会形成潮汐,在夜空中绽放出五彩斑斓的光,光辉绚烂,美不胜收。 Watching the tide park, Also therefore acquires fame. 【观潮苑】,也是因此而得名。 But this Watching the tide park In lives now, is Divine Treasure Palace Elder treasure bottle-gourd. 而这【观潮苑】内如今住着的,乃是神宝殿长老宝葫。 Now Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace needs help from valuable bottle-gourd Elder, naturally gave him the best entertainment. 如今无极神宫有求于宝葫长老,自然给予了他最好的招待。 Valuable bottle-gourd Elder in that little building who in the watching the tide park is occupied by, is in the entire watching the tide park best one, not only region spirit qi is most abundant, is best watching the tide place. 宝葫长老在观潮苑内居住的那座小楼,也是整个观潮苑内最好的一栋,不仅所处区域灵气最为充裕,同时也是最佳的“观潮”之地。 At this moment. 此刻。 In that small roof end hanging garden. 那栋小楼顶端的空中花园内。 Valuable bottle-gourd Elder and Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is sitting facing each other tea, chatted, while appreciated the top of the head to cross the expansive sky enormous and powerful Heavenly River. 宝葫长老星澜神女正对坐饮茶,一边闲聊,一边欣赏着头顶横贯长空的浩荡天河 In Heavenly River, the energy tide of surging is blooming the brilliant brilliance, looks to look from under, seemed one jade multi-colored sunlight to cover heaven and earth to be the same, too beautiful to behold. 天河之中,涌动的能量潮汐绽放着绚烂的光辉,从下方望上看去,就好似一片玉色霞光笼罩住了天地一般,美不胜收。 Congratulates Your Highness Divine Maiden.” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder had also heard obviously Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden replaces daylight Dao Lord to wield the Divine/God Palace news, on the prosperous-looking face is hanging the warm smile, treats the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden attitude is very polite, so wields Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace young, has boundless prospects evidently, immeasurable ~ “恭喜神女殿下。”宝葫长老显然也已经听说了星澜神女代替辰光道主执掌神宫的消息,富态的脸上挂着热情的笑容,对待星澜神女的态度也十分客气,“如此年纪轻轻就代为执掌无极神宫,看样子前途无量,无量呐~ Oh ~ my generation of Palace Lord pressures are very big ~ Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden to drink tea, freely oh the sound sighed, this time came, wants to invite Duocai multi- treasure Divine Treasure Palace, generous support ~ “唉~我这代宫主压力很大啊~星澜神女喝着茶,不住地唉声叹息,“此番前来,还是想请多财多宝的神宝殿,多多支持啊~ Thanks for the compliment ~, if Your Highness Divine Maiden has any outstanding idea, our Divine Treasure Palace will help one another.” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder over the face wears a smile, speaking thoughtlessly is drawing the pie. “好说好说~若是神女殿下有什么优秀的想法,我们神宝殿自会鼎力相助。”宝葫长老满面堆笑,随口画着大饼。 He said that outstanding idea! 他都说了,“优秀的想法”! As for what is outstanding? Also isn't his treasure bottle-gourd decides? 至于什么叫优秀?还不是他宝葫说了算? For example, if she wants to postpone taking this opportunity returns Good Fortune God Pill special-purpose taking advantage of the loan, that gives her to select the face, extends to 100 years later said. 例如,她若是想要借此机会延期归还造化神丹专用借贷款,那就给她点面子,延到一百年后再说。 He also heard that gambling contract, as if is quite favorable for clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed. 他也是听说了那个赌约了,似乎对明喆神子颇为有利。 Only hundred years, in a flash. The brutal World of Immortals society, what will teach her is the reality. 区区百年,弹指间而已。残酷的仙界社会,会教她什么叫现实。 I have to have mind filled with the plan to implement, but I am short of money.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden told the facts. “我有满腹计划要实施,但是我缺钱。”星澜神女实话实说。 Such direct? 这么直接的吗? The valuable bottle-gourd Elder expression stagnates, if at once the shape the safe/without matter laughs: Your Highness Divine Maiden might as well said the integer, having a look at this Elder can satisfy. However, ahead of time reached an agreement, lending must has the mortgage......” 宝葫长老表情一滞,旋即状若无事般哈哈大笑起来:“神女殿下不妨说个数,看看本长老能不能满足。不过,提前说好了,借贷须得有抵押……” His words have not said. 他的话还未说完。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden the big hand has then wielded, bang a palm of the hand clapped on the table. 星澜神女便已经大手一挥,“砰”的一声一巴掌拍在了桌子上。 Valuable bottle-gourd Elder was shaken quickly grasps the meaning of something, jammed to the words of mouth instantaneously. 宝葫长老被震得一个激灵,到了嘴边的话也瞬间卡壳。 Waits for him to calm down, to inquire with great difficulty, saw Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden to move out of the way the palm of the hand. 好容易等他冷静下来,正要询问,就见星澜神女已经挪开了巴掌。 On the desktop, published a thick repeat title deed. 桌面上,多出了厚厚的一迭地契。 This repeat title deed is exuding the golden flowing light all over the body, has a special charm from blooms, seeming like the quality of material is quite good. 这迭地契通体泛着金色的流光,有股特殊的神韵从其中绽放开来,看起来质地极为不俗。 This is with the paper contract that the 17th Stage god plants to refine, may have been through repeatedly hundred ten thousand years, even carries to be immortal ten million/countless. 这是用十七阶神植炼成的纸张契约,可历经百万载,甚至是千万载而不朽。 This is, ninth grade spirit vein special-purpose deed! 这是,九品灵脉的专用地契纸! So the scene, looks at valuable bottle-gourd Elder is the pupil micro, jammed to the words of mouth again, does not know that Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is sending anything to be insane insanely. 如此场面,看得宝葫长老是瞳孔微缩,到了嘴边的话再次卡壳,不知星澜神女在发什么失心疯。 „When my Teacher succeeds to the throne, Divine/God Palace also has 37 ninth grade spirit vein. 100,000 years later present, six have lost thoroughly. Now is only left over 31, eight ninth grade spirit vein, as pawning the thing mortgaged to expensive/noble Divine Treasure Palace.” “我师尊继位时,神宫还剩下三十七条九品灵脉。十万年后的现在,其中六条已经彻底失去。如今仅剩下三十一条,其中又有八条九品灵脉,已经作为质押物抵当给了贵神宝殿。” Now, in our hands on remaining 23 ninth grade spirit vein.” “现在,我们手中就剩下二十三条九品灵脉。” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden saying every single word or phrase. 星澜神女一字一句的说道。 This......” the valuable bottle-gourd Elder eye hides shakes, hurried argument, be that as it may, but this is the pure business dealing. Your Highness Divine Maiden will not just wield Divine/God Palace, prepares to bring up old scores?” “这……”宝葫长老眼皮子一抖,急忙辩解,“话虽如此,可这不过是纯粹的商业行为。神女殿下不会是刚执掌神宫,就准备翻旧账吧?” No!” “不!” The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden vision renounces to be tranquil, the sound is actually forceful: Remaining these 23 ninth grade spirit vein, I all mortgaged, lends 6900 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone to the expensive/noble palace!” 星澜神女的目光决绝而平静,声音却是铿锵有力:“剩下这二十三条九品灵脉,我全都抵押了,向贵殿借贷六千九百枚混沌灵石!” What?!” “啥?!” Entire mortgage?!!” “全全全抵押了?!!” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder was frightened quickly grasps the meaning of something, stood directly, a black small eye also stares perfectly round, the expression felt the happy feeling. 宝葫长老被吓得一个激灵,直接站了起来,一双黑黢黢的小眼睛也瞪得滚圆,表情充满了喜感。 However at this moment, he could have ignored the expression management completely. 不过此时此刻,他已经完全顾不上表情管理了。 His present mood, looks like in good condition was captured to irrigate basin hot oil, seemed like the chest to be trampled a foot suddenly, in the heart numb, was the shock does not dare to believe that had to plant such as not sense of reality in falling dream. 他现在的心情,就像是好端端的被人兜头浇了一盆热油似的,又像是心口冷不丁被人踹了一脚,心中酥酥麻麻的,又是震惊又是不敢置信,更有种如坠梦中的不真实感。 Said that daylight generation of Palace Lord are generation of Palace Lord of Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace in history most ruined family, often sells off the family property, an intention revolution must mortgage lending. 都说辰光代宫主无极神宫有史以来最败家的代宫主,动不动就变卖家产,心念一转就要抵押借贷。 Compared with the present Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden behavior, daylight Dao Lord calculates an arse! 但跟如今星澜神女的行为比起来,辰光道主个屁 Then wields Divine/God Palace one month, was Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden this prepares to take the first ruined family Palace Lord given name at one fell swoop?!!! 这才执掌神宫一个月,星澜神女这是准备一举拿下第一败家宫主的名号了?!!! ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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