POP :: Volume #8

#48: 9 color immortal deer! World of Immortals economic crisis

...... …… In daylight and Xinglan (Star Wave) this to poor masters and disciples, when quarrel and worries for the matter of money. 就在辰光和星澜这对贫穷的师徒,在为了钱的事情“争吵”和发愁时。 Was just settled in Wang Shouzhe one group of who in Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace stayed, actually under the influence of Divine/God Palace guard, entered Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city Played in private. 刚刚被安顿在无极神宫内住下的王守哲一行人,却是在神宫侍卫的引领下,进入了【玄天城】中,私下游玩去了。 Then, Wang Shouzhe and the others came World of Immortals already 50 years. 说起来,王守哲等人来仙界已经五十年了。 However in the 50 years hurries along in Dao Boat, moreover basically walks in the Demon Race control area, must avoid the Demon Race patrol fleet all the way cautiously, was unable to understand the elegant demeanor of World of Immortals. 但是这五十年都是在道舟内赶路,而且基本都是在魔族控制范围内行走,一路上都得小心翼翼躲避魔族的巡逻船队,还没能领略仙界之风采。 Therefore, initially to the Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city, naturally must stroll, look. 因此,初至玄天城,自然是要逛一逛,看一看的。 two Young Master, Young Lady, you look at that side.” 两位公子,小姐,你们看那边。” The one who is responsible for entertaining the Wang Shouzhe ancestor grandchildren three people are an appearance martial-looking Divine/God Palace guard. 负责招待王守哲祖孙辈三人的是一位长相英武的神宫侍卫。 He adjusted one from Divine/God Palace by crane drawing flying carriage, having three people to shuttle back and forth to hover in the Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city, each process landmark constructs, then stops to introduce to three people slightly. 他从神宫中调了一辆由仙禽拉着的飞辇,带着三人在玄天城中穿梭翱翔,每经过一处地标性建筑,便略微停一下向三人介绍。 That giant palatial palace, is the Xuantian (Profound Heaven) palace, this is the management center of Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city, the business that every day handles there are numerous similar cases.” “那座巨大巍峨的殿堂,便是玄天殿,此乃玄天城的管理中枢,每天经手的事务不知凡几。” This must be similar to the City Protector Residence place. 这应当是类似于城守府的地方。 In the Wang Shouzhe heart understands clearly, but has no interest in it for the time being, but the surface said with a smile: Has the opportunity to have a look.” 王守哲心中了然,不过对它暂且没有兴趣,只是表面笑道:“有机会去看看。” Young Master you looked again, tall tower who that stands tall and erect into the galaxy.” The Divine/God Palace guard points around tall tower to introduce said, that is the Xuantian (Profound Heaven) exceedingly high tower, feeds specially some youth outstanding talent to overcome an obstacle to use.” 公子您再看,那座高耸入星河的高塔。”神宫侍卫又指着附近的一座高塔介绍说道,“那是玄天通天塔,专供一些青年俊杰闯关所用。” If can rush to hundred, then has the qualifications to do obeisance into Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace. If can rush to 200, then has the qualifications to become Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace core disciple. Wants initially, I had then rushed to 200, did obeisance into a Great Principle Golden Immortal hanger-on, arrived at today.” “若是能闯过百层,便有资格拜入无极神宫。若是能闯过两百层,便有资格成为无极神宫核心弟子。想当初,我便是闯过了两百层,拜入了一位大罗金仙的门下,才一路走到了今天。” The Divine/God Palace guard is the facade acting of Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, naturally can choose some appearances to be good, the cultivation base strength and potential good disciple hold the post. 神宫侍卫乃是无极神宫的门面担当,自然会选择一些长相好、修为实力和潜力都不俗的弟子担任。 But Divine/God Palace guard who this is responsible for entertaining , is quite outstanding, not only seems like the appearance to be solemn, is the True Immortal Boundary strength, although mostly will be Great Principle Golden Immortal will be in the future hopeless, but will could rush to True Immortal late stage, was the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace nucleus. 而这位负责招待的神宫侍卫,也算是其中比较出众的,非但看上去样貌堂堂,还是真仙境实力,虽说未来多半是大罗金仙无望,但说不定能冲到真仙后期,也算是无极神宫的中坚力量了。 Like living of this entertainment, he also did in the past a lot, therefore introduced that each landmark constructs is also quite skilled, talked about had had all sorts of amusing things from the origin of construction, was not arid. 像这种招待的活,他以往也没少做,因此介绍起各个地标性建筑来也是相当熟练,从建筑的来历讲到曾经发生过的种种趣事,一点都不枯燥。 Brother Yao.” Wang Shouzhe actually have little interest in these, shows a faint smile to him, said directly, these places even. You lead us to go to the county fair to look.” 姚兄。”王守哲却对这些没多大兴趣,冲他微微一笑,直接道,“这些地方就算了。你带我们去市集看一看。” By the Wang Shouzhe status and strength, regarding Xuantian (Profound Heaven) exceedingly high tower type low rank trial small Dungeon, naturally is the interest lacks. 王守哲的身份与实力,对于玄天通天塔这种“低阶试炼小副本”,自然是兴致缺缺。 This trial Dungeon, plays to the clan children. Personally similar trial Dungeon, he designs has several. 这种试炼副本,都是给家族里的孩子们玩的。类似的试炼副本,他亲手设计的都有好几座。 County fair?” “市集?” Yao Divine/God Palace guard stares, under the heart cannot bear whisper. 姚姓神宫侍卫一愣,心下忍不住嘀咕起来。 The two Young Master and Young Lady that this time entertains, is the appearance is all uncommon, makings have the dust, looks at or big clan the noble descent juniors from the big influence, how to like going to the county fair? 此番招待的这两位公子小姐,俱是品貌不凡、气质出尘,一看就是来自大势力或是大家族的贵胄子弟,怎会喜欢去市集? Right, best is the county fair that Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city most common people go.” The Wang Shouzhe expression is genial, in the intonation actually shows an interrupted flavor unknowingly. “没错,最好是那种玄天城最普通的人去的市集。”王守哲表情和煦,语调中却不经意间透出一股不容置喙的味道。 Also is no wonder, he held the post of Patriarch to be very long, the top of the head also did not have many clan Old Ancestor balance. Gradually, naturally fostered did not get angry from the high-rank bearing of prestige. 也是难怪,他担任族长很久了,头顶又没有多少家族老祖制衡。久而久之,自然养成了不怒自威的上位者气度。 The Divine/God Palace guard brain has not responded, the body receives an order subconsciously: My this led everyone Young Master Young Lady in the past.” 神宫侍卫大脑还没反应过来,身体已经下意识领命:“我这就领诸位公子小姐过去。” Then, he informs the flying carriage chair bearer to transfer the direction to go to the county fair immediately, but also pointed out is biggest county fair that goes to ordinary profound warrior / black tortoise cultivator often to go. 说罢,他立即通知飞辇轿夫调转方向前往市集,还点明了是去普通玄武修士常去的最大市集。 Although the Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city called city, but the actual range was quite huge, was still broad compared with Dongxia (East Xia/Eastern Rosy Cloud) Luojing (Luo Capital). 玄天城虽然叫“城”,但实际范围极为庞大,比起东霞洛京犹要恢宏。 Even if crane flying carriage, flew the double-hour, arrived in the Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city edge Western suburbs county fair. 哪怕是仙禽飞辇,也是足足飞了个把时辰,才抵达了位于玄天城边缘的【西郊市集】。 Here, from Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace Is remote. 此处,距离【无极神宫】已经非常遥远。 Looks up from this position, float in empty/sky Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace seems is full moon of a round of embed in Xinghai (Star Sea) is ordinary, is sending out brightly brilliance. 从这个位置抬头看去,悬浮于空的无极神宫就好似是一轮镶嵌在星海中的圆月一般,散发着熠熠光辉。 But in Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city central area, even if to the night, the top of the head is also a magnificence, is ordinary just like the daytime, therefore the Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city also has lively district the name. 而在玄天城中心区域,哪怕到了夜间,头顶也是一片光辉灿烂,宛如白昼一般,因此玄天城也有“不夜城”之称。 The central area of Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city, naturally is also in the Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city the liveliest region, coming and going is also noble descent Young Master, aristocratic family Young Lady, or the elite disciples of major influences, the space often is various luxurious flying carriage flies round. 玄天城的中心区域,自然也是玄天城中最繁华的区域,来来往往的也都是贵胄公子,世家小姐,亦或者各大势力的精英弟子,天上动不动就是各种豪华飞辇飞来飞去。 However to western suburbs here, the environment met the rusticity to be many. 但是到了西郊这里,环境就接地气多了。 Here said is a county fair, but in fact is place of cargo collection and distribution, in the week airport has every large or small flying boat to anchor unceasingly unceasingly, turnover various types of cargos. But transportation cargo, will be transported to various warehouses , will also flow in the market. 这里说是市集,但实际上是一处货物集散之地,周空港中不断有大大小小的飞舟不断地停靠,吞吐着各种货物。而输送进来的货物,又会被运输到各仓库之中,随之又会流入市场。 Wang Shouzhe must come to the county fair, naturally wants through the situation in investigation county fair, understands World of Immortals most real side. 王守哲之所以要来市集,自然是想要通过探查市集的情况,来了解仙界最为真实的一面。 For example, in inspection price, economy and society underlying bed ecological environment, World of Immortals average person livelihood problem wait/etc. 例如,考察物价、经济、社会中低层生态环境,仙界普通人民生问题等等。 These information, are not possible obtain from Cloud Crane Young Master or Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden. Their positions extremely kept aloof, does not meet the rusticity completely, even if these issues asked them, they still not necessarily know. 这些情报,是不可能从云鹤公子或是星澜神女身上获得的。他们所处的位置太过高高在上了,完全不接地气,这些问题就算问他们,他们也未必知道。 But which world , the intermediate level and floor forever is the hugest class, is the most not allow to neglect class. 而无论是在哪个世界,中层与底层永远是最庞大的阶层,也是最不容忽视的一个阶层。 The Wang Shouzhe three people quick changed the quality of material ordinary casual cloth, is even that Yao Divine/God Palace guard, changed the casual cloth at the request of Wang Shouzhe, looks like the personal servant to follow in Wang Shouzhe behind. 王守哲三人很快就换了身质地普通的常服,便是连那位姚姓神宫侍卫,也在王守哲的要求下换上了常服,就像是跟班般跟在王守哲身后。 In the big shot eye of keeping aloof, he is an ordinary guard, however in the common person eyes, had also gone against the day great person like his Divine/God Palace guard, if not change the clothes, he will wear the uniform/subdue of Divine/God Palace guard to appear here, will inevitably cause the stir. 在高高在上的大佬们眼中,他不过是一名普通的侍卫,但是在寻常人眼中,像他这种神宫侍卫也已经是顶了天的大人物了,要是不换衣服,他穿着神宫侍卫的制服出现在这里,势必会引起轰动。 However, World of Immortals is World of Immortals. 不过,仙界就是仙界 This Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city good and evil is also Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace governs most important main city, even if floor „the ordinary people, have Celestial Boundary cultivation base, but Purple Mansion Boundary powerhouse is also everywhere. 玄天城好歹也是无极神宫辖下最重要的一座主城,哪怕是“底层”的“普罗大众”,都拥有着天人境修为,而紫府境“强者”也是比比皆是。 Shop owner, how this third grade does spirit rice sell?” Wang Shouzhe enters a meter/rice shop at will, grasps third grade spirit rice that demonstration used to look, smelled smelling. “店家,这三品灵米怎么卖?”王守哲随意走进一家米铺,抓了一把展示用的三品灵米看了看,嗅了嗅。 Wang Clan also plants massive third grade spirit rice now, but plants spirit rice mother seed/type. 王氏现在也种植大量的三品灵米,不过都是种植灵米母种。 So-called spirit rice mother seed/type, is the grain seed stool. 所谓灵米母种,便是粮种的母株。 But the seed that after planting mother seed/type breeds has again is grain seed, after grain seed plants again, is the touchable grain crops. 而通过种植母种再次繁育后结出的种子便是粮种,粮种再次种植后才算是可食用的粮食作物。 Plants and trades grain seed, yields per mu the work of benefit high return. But planter spirit rice mother seed/type, that naturally was the yield per mu income maximizes. 种植和贩卖粮种,已经算是亩产效益高回报的作业了。而种植灵米母种,那自然是亩产收益最大化了。 Now entire Holy Territory cannot say that is completely the Wang Clan grain seed world, but only currently, various Wang Clan grade grain seed, occupy 30-40% of entire Holy Territory total market! 如今整个圣域不能说全部是王氏粮种的天下,但是仅目前而言,王氏各品级的粮种,已经占据了全圣域总市场的30-40%! Only this, then established Wang Clan is the cornerstone of Holy Territory great alligator. 仅此一项,便奠定了王氏乃是圣域巨鳄的基石。 Also is therefore, Wang Shouzhe comes World of Immortals, first cares is here spirit rice. 也是因此,王守哲仙界,最先关心的就是这里的灵米 This Young Master, this plants good third grade White fat spirit rice, The wholesale price is Yicang 350,000 immortal crystal, this price hundred warehouses get up to sell.” A strength achieves the Divine Ability Boundary effective old man, to Wang Shouzhe respectful saying. “这位公子,这种上好的三品【白脂灵米】,批发价为一仓‘三十五万’仙晶,此价格百仓起卖。”一位实力达到神通境的管事老者,对王守哲恭恭敬敬的说道。 immortal crystal and spirit stone link up, immortal crystal is equal to low grade spirit stone. 仙晶灵石挂钩,一枚仙晶等于一枚下品灵石 Evidently, Divine Martial world with immortal crystal as the currency, its origin can also trace World of Immortals. 看样子,神武世界用“仙晶”作为流通货币,其来源也可以一路追溯到仙界 This is also no wonder, the Immortal Alliance itself/Ben is the World of Immortals development branch, but Holy Territory is Immortal Alliance Survivor(s), Divine Martial world and Holy Territory is also the complicated relations, follows the use similar currency system is not unusual. 这也是难怪,仙盟本就是仙界的开拓分支,而圣域又是仙盟遗民,神武世界圣域也是千丝万缕的关系,沿袭使用同样的货币体系也不稀奇。 But Yicang Also is the standard grain business unit, is about equal to 100 tons, 200,000 jin (0.5 kg) appearance. Divine Martial world and Holy Territory, have such measuring unit. 而【一仓】也是个标准的粮食交易单位,约等于一百吨,二十万斤的样子。神武世界圣域,同样有这样的计量单位。 However Wang Shouzhe hears this price, the brow actually wrinkles slightly, thought that this price is somewhat odd. 然而王守哲一听得这个物价,眉头却是微微皱起,觉得这价格有些离谱。 This third grade white fat spirit rice quality seems like also good, but compared with Wang Clan now the lord pushing third grade spirit rice Purple Paste Spirit Rice 97 th】, Still must miss the appearance that first half plans. 这种三品白脂灵米品质看起来还不错,但是比起王氏现在主推的三品灵米之一紫膏灵米97号】,犹要差上半筹的样子。 But at present the Holy Territory Purple Paste Spirit Rice large amount of knockdown price, often 190,000 to 230,000 immortal crystal fluctuates in Yicang, the margin of fluctuation round trip is not very big. 而目前圣域紫膏灵米的大宗成交价格,往往都是在一仓“十九万至二十三万”仙晶之间波动,波动幅度来去不是很大。 That Divine Ability Boundary effective old man is also good at watching a person's every mood the generation, saw the Wang Shouzhe expression to have several at heart probably. 神通境的管事老者也是擅长察颜观色之辈,一瞅见王守哲表情心里就大概有数了。 He lowered the sound to continue saying: This Young Master, our Spring and Autumn Period meter/rice good spirit rice quality is the western suburbs county fair is best, the price was also optimal. If you are in batches higher, for example can probably to 3500 warehouses, I also be able to take responsibility to give some preferential benefits.” 他压低了声音继续道:“这位公子,我们春秋米行的灵米品质是西郊市集最好的,价格也是最优了。若是您批量再高些,例如可以要到三五百仓,我还能做主给予些许优惠。” This line of bearing are striking, looked has Elder Brother Young Master Qian, this Divine Ability Boundary is in charge also wants to facilitate a bulk bargain. 这一行人气度斐然,一看就是有钱公子哥儿,这位神通境管事也想促成一笔大买卖。 300 warehouses, were the bulk bargains of hundred million immortal crystal, may change to one Immortal Spirit Stone. 三百仓,就是过亿仙晶的大买卖了,可化作一枚“仙灵石”了。 This third grade white fat is spirit rice, who eats mostly?” Wang Shouzhe spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “这三品白脂灵米,多半都是什么人吃?”王守哲随口问道。 This......” manager old man expression stagnates. “这……”管事老者表情一滞。 Sentimental Young Master Gui/noble young master is not does business, but understood the public sentiment to come. 感情这贵公子不是来做买卖的,而是体察民情来了。 However even so, he does not dare to offend, bears the temper to say as before respectfully: reporting Young Master, the third grade meter main customer segment is Purple Mansion Boundary cultivator, Divine Ability Boundary cultivator that as well as some, must live simply and frugally for various reasons. Naturally, there is aptitude outstanding or family circumstances wealthy cultivator when the Celestial Boundary stage long-term edible.” 不过即便如此,他也不敢得罪,依旧是耐着性子恭敬道:“启禀公子,三品米的主要消费群体是紫府境修士,以及一些因为种种原因,必须节衣缩食的神通境修士。当然,也有天资卓绝或是家境富裕修士天人境阶段时就会长期食用。” Even, some family circumstances and bloodline very strong Spirit Platform Boundary child, will supplement the vitality with the third grade meter massively, but this partial mass quantity are small.” “甚至,一些家境和血脉都很强的灵台境孩子,会用三品米来大量补充气血,不过这部分群体数量较少。” Biggest customer segment, is the army, after all in the army most soldiers are Celestial Boundary or Purple Mansion Boundary.” “还有一个最大的消费群体,便是军队,毕竟军队中大部分兵卒都是天人境紫府境。” Also does not blame him being so overcautious. 也不怪他如此谨小慎微。 As Divine Ability Boundary cultivator, he in this Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city is only a common character, if did not offend what great person carefully, will unable to eat to capture inevitably, wants to live calmly and steadily, must overcautious. 作为一个神通境修士,他在这玄天城中只是个寻常人物,万一不小心得罪了什么大人物,势必吃不了兜着走,想要活得安稳,就得谨小慎微一点。 Wang Shouzhe nods slightly. 王守哲微微颔首。 Evidently second grade and third grade spirit rice, even if in World of Immortals, is falling short of demand mainstream spirit rice, the market prospect is good. 看样子二品三品灵米哪怕在仙界,也是供不应求的主流灵米,市场前景不错。 Afterward, Wang Shouzhe also asked about other spirit rice situations carefully. 随后,王守哲又仔细询问了一下其他灵米的情况。 Effective old man's patient one by one explanation. 管事老者耐心的一一解答。 Follows in the buttocks following Yao Divine/God Palace guard, is looks at zhang (3.33 m) two monks unable to feel the mind. 跟在屁股后面的姚姓神宫侍卫,则是看得丈二和尚摸不着头脑。 The Young Master that Your Highness Xinglan (Star Wave) invited, was actually what background? 星澜殿下请回来的这位公子,究竟是个什么来头? How won't the foundation price understand? 怎会连基础物价都不懂? Was supposing was the family background was too high, cultivation in the ivory tower has grown, to these well-known the marketplace information was interested. 估摸着是出身太高了,一直在象牙塔中修炼成长,才会对这些“众所周知”的市井情报颇感兴趣。 Actually his where can expect, seems like the elegant bearing and Wang Shouzhe of bearing Saint bone, is actually top agriculture and sericulture Great Grandmaster. 其实他哪里能料到,看起来风度翩翩、神姿圣骨的王守哲,实则是一位顶级的农桑大宗师 Do not look enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that Wang Clan various industries make now, lucrative, however Wang Shouzhe most attaches great importance to from beginning to end, was still that mu spirit field, bowls of spirit rice food. 别看王氏现在各项产业都做的风生水起、财源滚滚,然而王守哲从始至终最为重视的,仍是那一亩亩的灵田,一碗碗的灵米饭。 He remembers until now as before passes through that little while of just regaining consciousness, White Jade Spirit Rice entrance taste. 他迄今依旧记得穿越刚苏醒的那会儿,白玉灵米入口的滋味。 agriculture and sericulture together, is the basis that Wang Clan settles down and gets on with life truly. 农桑一道,才是王氏真正安身立命的根本。 Asked enough half double-hour, understood in detail various World of Immortals grade spirit rice market quotations, Wang Shouzhe eventually ended the topic. 问了足足半个时辰,详细了解了仙界各品级灵米的市场行情,王守哲才终于结束了话题。 Many thanks your excellency answers questions to dispel doubt.” “多谢阁下答疑解惑。” He nodded the head to that Divine Ability Boundary manager old man slightly, gives extreme grade spirit stone to take the thank-you gift, then turned around to go floating. 他对那神通境管事老者微微颔首,给了一枚极品灵石作为谢礼,便转身飘然而去。 Shouzhe has not displayed are too many reverence for elders the politeness to that old man, although after all the opposite party contour is old, but the physical age mostly is also 1000 500-600 years old. But his Wang Shouzhe, has soon crossed 3000 before birthday! 守哲没有对那位老者表现出太多“敬老式”的客气,毕竟对方外形虽老,但实际年龄多半也就是一千500-600岁。而他王守哲,不久之前已经过了三千“大寿”! Discussed at the age purely, Wang Shouzhe was Senior of his Ancestor rank. 纯以年龄而论,王守哲才是他老祖宗级别的前辈 Reviews another side, that manager old man is looking at spirit stone in hand, is actually the heart plop plop jumps, was shocked directly. 反观另一边,那管事老者看着手中的灵石,却是心脏扑通扑通直跳,直接被惊呆了。 Until after the person walks away, he as if awakening from a dream, continuously to salute in the direction that the person leaves excitedly: Thanks politely Young Master to reward and support obsolete.” 直到人走远后,他才如梦初醒,激动地朝着人离开的方向不住行礼:“老朽拜谢公子赏赐和扶持。” He bumps into the honored person today. 他今天算是碰到贵人了。 Question that this Young Master Gui/noble young master asked although tedious careful, may be the matter that some everyone knew, oneself speaks thoughtlessly to answer, spent a time. 这位贵公子问的问题虽然繁琐细致,可都是些大家都知道的事情,自己随口就能答上来,也就是花了点时间而已。 Such issue, enjoys to hitting of extreme grade spirit stone unexpectedly, this Young Master was generous also too ~! 就这么点问题,居然给一枚极品灵石的打赏,这公子出手也太大方了~! Had this extreme grade spirit stone, embarrassed in his family/home being short of money can alleviate greatly, family's that outstanding junior can also be trained and grow fully, perhaps has the opportunity to become the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace outer sect disciple. 有了这枚极品灵石,他家里缺钱的窘迫就可以大大缓解,家里的那个优秀小辈也能得到充分培养和成长,或许有机会能成为无极神宫外门弟子。 What a pity, cannot express gratitude with that Young Master a moment ago well. If can see him next time again, oneself must thank others well. 可惜,刚才都没能跟那位公子好好道谢。要是下次能再见到他,自己一定要好好感谢感谢人家。 In here manager old man heart thousand chapters of hundred revolutions, another side, Wang Shouzhe simply has not actually cared about that extreme grade spirit stone that oneself gives conveniently , to continue to stroll in the western suburbs county fair, is feeling the most common price from World of Immortals commodity. 这边管事老者心中千回百转,另一边,王守哲却根本没在意自己随手给出的那枚极品灵石,继续在西郊市集闲逛,感受着来自仙界物资的最寻常物价。 How does this sixth grade Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) pill sell? 13,000 thousand immortal crystal? Hundred do have the batch? Is the wholesale over thousand also to be cheap? Meaning ~ ~ Wang Shouzhe is a little interested in sixth grade Limitless Precious Pill extremely. “这六品无极丹怎么卖?一枚一万三千仙晶?百枚起批?批发超过千枚还能再便宜?有点意思~~王守哲六品无极宝丹极感兴趣。 Wants initially he to pat Limitless Precious Pill, but spent lots of time and enough several million Qian gold, about 30,000-40,000 immortal crystal. 想当初他为了拍一枚无极宝丹,可是花费了大量时间和足足数百万乾金,约合30,000-40,000仙晶 This Limitless Precious Pill price is actually very cheap, produces the cost to be lower than Wang Clan Pill Refining Main Division. 无极宝丹的价格倒是挺便宜的,比王氏炼丹总司自产成本还低一些。 Well? The cultivation kind, therapy class medicinal pill why such expensive/noble?” Wang Shouzhe spoke thoughtlessly to ask that other medicinal pill prices, had the new doubts immediately. “咦?修炼类、疗伤类的丹药为何如此之贵?”王守哲随口问了问其他丹药的价格,顿时就又生出了新的疑惑。 However, this issue has the answer immediately. 不过,这个问题立刻就有了答案。 Follows to explain in his body side Yao Divine/God Palace guard: Young Master must know, recently hundreds of thousands of years, we and Demon Realm wars were more and more frequent and intense. Affected by the war, overwhelming majority medicinal pill, as well as magical treasure spirit treasure and other weaponry of the prices also rise successively.” 跟在他身侧的姚姓神宫侍卫解释道:“公子应当知道,最近数十万年,咱们与魔界的战争是越来越频繁和激烈了。受到战争影响,绝大部分丹药,以及法宝灵宝等武器装备的价格也是节节攀升。” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Under chats while walking, Wang Shouzhe quick on and another side of county fair, saw an unusual scene. 边走边聊之下,王守哲很快就又在市集另外一边,看到了一幕奇特的场景。 That is a service market, there are massive Celestial Boundary and Purple Mansion Boundary, even Divine Ability Boundary cultivator, sits along the street, in front of everyone is setting upright a wooden sign. 那是一个劳务市场,有大量的天人境紫府境,甚至还有神通境修士,沿着街席地而坐,每人面前都竖着一块木牌。 On the wooden sign writes the dense and numerous large characters with the striking handwriting. 木牌上都用醒目的字迹写着密密麻麻的大字。 Celestial Boundary peak Spirit Plant Master seeks employment, casual laborer one year 200 immortal crystal, the long-term employment package of board and lodging prices may discuss.” 天人境巅峰灵植师求职,短工一年200仙晶,长期雇佣包食宿价格可谈。” But proficiently refines third grade medicinal pill Purple Mansion Boundary Pill Refiner,( note: Furnace pill success rate is not lower than six), the plea stable position, the long-term employment price concession, or may adopt to guarantee a minimum to be divided into the pattern.” “可熟练炼制三品丹药紫府境炼丹师,(备注:一炉成丹率不低于六枚),恳求稳定职位,长期雇佣价格优惠,或可采取保底分成模式。” Divine Ability Boundary body cultivator, asked to support, may do the heavy labor, did not fear that dirty did not fear tired.” 神通境体修,求包养,可干重活,不怕脏不怕累。” Outstanding item refining team pack seeks employment, has been able proficiently to forge Purple Mansion treasure.” “优秀炼器团队打包求职,已能熟练锻造紫府宝器。” Talents, lots of talents! 人才,大量的人才! Bountiful by the Wang Shouzhe state of mind, saw that the this scene eye somewhat straightens. 饶是以王守哲的心境,看到这一幕眼睛都有些发直。 Here unexpectedly is full the avenue is the skilled workers of various trades and occupations, moreover low-cost arrives make the blood boil! 这里居然满大街都是各行各业的熟练工,而且价格便宜到令人发指! Has flash that he even gave birth to impulsive, wants to pack these talents, sends to Divine Martial world to go. 有那么一瞬间,他甚至生出了一股冲动,想要把这些人才都打包起来,发到神武世界去。 Only pitifully. 只可惜。 At present channel between Divine Martial world and World of Immortals extremely narrow, disposable can only transmit several people not to raise, certain cooling-off period, the consumption is very big. 目前神武世界仙界之间的通道太过“狭窄”,一次性只能传送数人不提,还有一定的冷却期,消耗还特别大。 Before Holy Territory and World of Immortals have not established the large-scale Kong Jian (Space) channel, facing the so many talents, Wang Shouzhe also can only feel powerless and frustrated. 圣域仙界之间没有建立大型的空间通道之前,面对如此众多的人才,王守哲也只能望洋兴叹。 After had inquired as usual a situation, he can only first endure suffering to leave the place of this everywhere talent , to continue other places to inspect. 在照例询问过一番情况之后,他只能先忍痛离开了这个遍地人才的地方,继续去其他地方考察。 But similar inspection, has continued several days. 而类似的考察,一直持续了数日。 After several days . 数日后。 Wang Shouzhe eventually ended the ground reconnaissance in western suburbs county fair, for the time being returns to Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace to transfer specially to their guest institutes. 王守哲终于结束了在西郊市集的初步勘察,暂且回了无极神宫专门分拨给他们的客院。 Although Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is poor, but that also compared to the poverty of Divine/God Palace this mass. Camel of skinny is big, present Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace goes down in the world again, compared with the past Immortal Alliance difference, the foundation there, the sign surface of entertainment person was not good. 无极神宫虽穷,但那也是相对于神宫这个体量的穷。正所谓“瘦死的骆驼比马大”,如今的无极神宫再落魄,也并不比当年的仙盟差,根基在那里,招待人的牌面还是不错的。 In order to indicate to attach great importance, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden urged in the palace the disciple to transfer specially to the guest institute that Wang Shouzhe and the others lived , was in itself in Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace very good courtyard. 为了表示重视,星澜神女专门叮嘱宫中弟子分拨给王守哲等人居住的这座客院,本身就是无极神宫中非常好的院子。 This courtyard understood at a glance that has not the short history, builds a wall with although the brick material is the excellent clothing material, has actually also revealed the Years trace, but, this does not damage its makings, instead added wiped the solid feel of history. 这座院子一看就知道有着不短的历史了,砌墙用的砖料虽是顶好的料子,却也已经显露出了岁月的痕迹,不过,这丝毫不损它的气质,反而更添了一抹历史的厚重感。 In the institute installed underground high-grade spirit vein, causing spirit qi in courtyard is quite abundant, assorted spirit plant spirit tree is looks especially is also full of vitality, takes a quick look around, then seems the Xianyun(Immortal Charm) circulation. 院内埋设了高等级灵脉,导致院子里的灵气极为充沛,各色灵植灵树也是长得格外生机勃勃,一眼看去,便似有仙韵流转。 Also does not know that feared wasted in the institute such abundant spirit qi, in this courtyard not only planted spirit tree, in the spirit pond also raised spirit fish even also to raise jubilation propitious nine color immortal deer, seemed very lively. 也不知道是不是怕浪费了院内这么充沛的灵气,这院子里不仅仅种植了灵树,灵池里还养了灵鱼甚至还豢养着一头喜庆吉祥的九色仙鹿,显得十分热闹。 Perhaps if general noble descent Young Master, is not necessarily able to like such lively environment, Wang Shouzhe very likes actually. 若是一般的贵胄公子,或许未必会喜欢这样热闹的环境,王守哲倒是挺喜欢的。 After coming back, Wang Shouzhe does not have sharply to return to the study room, first accompanied a tree to chat the little while day, threw fed next nine color immortal deer, relaxed a mood, this returned to the study room record the experience of this inspection. 回来后,王守哲也没急着回书房,先陪一棵树聊了会儿天,又投喂了一下九色仙鹿,放松了一下心情,这才回书房记录下了这次考察的所见所闻。 From is more existing in the data and information looked, World of Immortals is being a unhealthy economic crisis condition, skyrocketing prices, but the personnel are unemployed is serious. 从已有的一些数据和情报上看,仙界正处在一个不健康的经济危机状态,物价飞涨,但是人员失业却非常严重。 In addition, Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city that Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace manages, the general economic condition is prosperous. 此外,无极神宫下辖的玄天城,整体经济状况还算繁荣。 But is the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace why economic situation so also embarrassed? 无极神宫又为何经济状况如此窘迫呢? Wang Shouzhe analyzed in the brain, quick gave several speculations. 王守哲在脑子里分析了一下,很快就给出了几种推测。 And the most credible one speculation, is Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace inheritance that to retain the ancestor hands down from generation to generation, inheriting the structure are too many, the personnel are jumbled, the consumption is huge, finally causes to be unable to make ends meet. 其中最为靠谱的一种推测,是无极神宫为了保留先祖传下来的传承,传承结构太多,人员过于冗杂,消耗巨大,结果导致入不敷出。 Moreover according to the observation of Wang Shouzhe, the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace economic situation is bad, at present sign of surface Xinglan (Star Wave) Quasi Goddess Divine/God Palace is even passing one share poor and shabby appearance. 而且根据王守哲的观察,无极神宫的经济状况已经非常糟糕,目前连神宫之牌面星澜准神女都透着一股子寒酸气。 But Yao Divine/God Palace guard when resulted in his one Immortal Spirit Stone to hit to enjoy, was excited almost must call his father! 而那姚姓神宫侍卫在得了他一枚“仙灵石”打赏的时候,更是激动的差点要叫他爹! The poverty of Divine/God Palace overall, peeps a spot to know the overall picture. 神宫总体之穷,窥一斑而知全豹。 In Wang Shouzhe while the study room record attainment. 就在王守哲在书房记录心得的同时。 By he gets poor and shabby appearance Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, is living in a strange or foreign place the entrance of courtyard in Wang Shouzhe, paces, the complexion somewhat hesitates. 被他打上“寒酸气”的星澜神女,则正在王守哲客居院落的门口,踱步来踱步去,面色有几分踌躇。 She can feel that Young Master Shouzhe is a rich man, moreover is not the general richness, must be capable of solving the crisis for her. 她能感觉到守哲公子是个有钱人,而且不是一般的有钱,应当有能力替她解决危机。 However, she actually does not know how to open the mouth. 但是,她却不知如何开口。 After all, this is the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace family affairs, Young Master Shouzhe no doubt comes Immortal Alliance, has the relations that lineage succeeds one another with Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, but separated the room eventually relative, moreover both sides know also shortly , the relations are not intimate. 毕竟,这是无极神宫的家事,守哲公子固然出身仙盟,和无极神宫之间有着一脉相承的关系,但终究是隔了房的“亲戚”,而且双方认识也没多久,关系也没那么亲近。 Asked him rashly taking advantage of such money, what to do if Young Master Shouzhe did reject directly? 贸然问他借这么一大笔钱,若是守哲公子直接拒绝了怎么办? If he proposed that some excessive request, for example like this, such such wait/etc, how she should handle? 若是他提出一些非常过份的要求,例如这样这样,那样那样等等,她又该如何处置? Is the agreement? Acts with constraint to agree again? 是同意呢?还是矜持一下再同意? Your Highness Divine Maiden.” 神女殿下。” Is sad when Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden from time to time, from time to time is charming, blushes from time to time, is filled with hesitates, first nine color immortal deer vivaciously appear in the courtyard entrance, said to her: Young Master Shouzhe asked you to go to a study room to chat, said that must continue to look around in his entrance not stealthily.” 就在星澜神女时而忧愁,时而娇羞,又时而脸红,满心犹犹豫豫时,一头九色仙鹿蹦蹦跳跳地出现在了院落门口,冲她道:“守哲公子请你去书房一叙,说是莫要继续在他门口鬼鬼祟祟探头探脑了。” Stealthy? 鬼鬼祟祟? Bah! 呸呸! Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden blushed, could not bear spat one in the heart secretly, actually followed nine color immortal deer to go toward the Shouzhe study room honestly. 星澜神女又脸红了,忍不住在心中暗啐了一口,却还是老老实实跟着九色仙鹿往守哲书房而去。 Suddenly, her elegant pupil looked, notices the unusualities of nine color immortal deer: „Is fawn, what the you mouth ba eating to chew?” 忽然,她俏眸一瞄,注意到了九色仙鹿的异常:“小鹿,伱嘴里吧唧吧唧在吃嚼些什么?” Immortal Spirit candy that Young Master Shouzhe gives.” Nine color immortal deer stretch/open Luzui, very happy chewing, were saying that with the syrup that many immortal rice refine, in addition all sorts of immortal fruits quenching, the flavor may be beautiful. Young Master is rich and gentle, I had been considering, tonight wants a Form Changing beautiful young girl to repay Young Master......” 守哲公子给的仙灵软糖。”九色仙鹿咧着张鹿嘴,美滋滋的嚼吧着,“说是用多种仙米炼制出的糖浆,外加种种仙果淬炼而成,味道可美了。公子有钱又温柔,我已经在考虑,今晚要不要化形个美少女报答一下公子……” Nine color immortal deer words have not said, was held the nape of the neck by getting angry Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, lost to fly directly. 九色仙鹿话还未说完,就被黑脸的星澜神女一把抓住脖颈,直接丢飞了出去。 Nine color immortal deer whiz, change to a rainbow directly, vanished in remote Heavenly River. 九色仙鹿“嗖”一下,直接化作一道长虹,消失在了遥远的天河之中。 Quick. 很快。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden arrived at the Wang Shouzhe study room entrance. 星澜神女就到了王守哲书房门口。 Her mood is disturbed and charming: Xinglan (Star Wave) seeks an interview Young Master.” 她的心情忐忑而娇羞:“星澜求见公子。” ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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