POP :: Volume #8

#47: 3 tribulation Immortal Emperor! Southern Ming(Brightness) Emperor Venerable

...... …… Daylight Senior.” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder reminded immodestly, actually you, if has not had Primal Chaos Spirit Stone not to relate, before you lent, didn't mortgage three ninth grade spirit vein?” “辰光前辈。”宝葫长老不客气地提醒说,“其实您若还不出混沌灵石也没关系,之前贵方借贷时,不是抵押了三条九品灵脉吗?” If auctions, at least can lay out 1300 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, but also falls lending and growing, as well as pulling out to auction room becomes, but can also remaining big dozens Primal Chaos Spirit Stone.” “若是去拍卖一下,至少能拍出一千三百枚混沌灵石,还掉借贷、孳息,以及给拍卖行的抽成,还能剩下大几十枚混沌灵石。” The face of daylight Dao Lord one was black, cannot bear pat arm rest, the angry sound reprimands: „The valuable bottle-gourd boy, you dares!” 辰光道主的脸一下黑了,忍不住一拍椅把手,怒声斥道:“宝葫小子,尔敢!” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder had not actually been daunted , to continue to say false smile: Expensive Divine/God Palace mortgages lending with spirit vein, is contract that signs sureproof, there is an expensive/noble Divine/God Palace copy is the card. Now you cannot return the loan, our Divine Treasure Palace the collateral auction the withdrawing fund, is fair, this lawsuit where projects on to convince.” 宝葫长老却没被吓住,皮笑肉不笑地继续道:“贵神宫灵脉抵押借贷,乃是白纸黑字签下的契约,又有贵神宫的印鉴为证。如今你们还不上贷款,我们神宝殿将抵押物拍卖以抽回资金,合情合理,这官司无论是打到哪里都说得通。” Even the daylight is the Dao Lord peak and strength of half step Immortal Emperor rank, but suppresses his treasure bottle-gourd with ease, but he is actually the least bit does not fear. 即便辰光乃是道主巅峰、半步仙帝级别的实力,可轻松镇压他宝葫,可他却是半点不怵。 The Divine Treasure Palace business proliferates World of Immortals, how can let the person to act bashful easy with it generation? 神宝殿的生意遍布仙界,岂会是任人拿捏的易与之辈? Daylight Dao Lord is at a loss for words for a while. 辰光道主一时语塞。 He builds the hand on arm rest to get hold of slowly, the look on face becomes Yin clear uncertain, the eyeground also exudes to wipe dejected. 他搭在椅把手上的手缓缓握紧,脸上的神色变得阴晴不定,眼底也泛起一抹颓然。 If Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is also at the prosperous period, three ninth grade spirit vein or Good Fortune God Pill, that did not call the matter. But now, was actually writing Qiannan dies the hero. 若是无极神宫还处在鼎盛时期,无论是三条九品灵脉还是造化神丹,那都不叫事儿。可现在,却是一文钱难死了英雄汉。 Initially the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city downcast, retreated the Divine/God Palace older generations who fled from calamity to walk hurriedly, altogether screens out more than 70 ninth grade spirit vein with enough time. After that as a result of losing of Immortal Emperor inheritance, the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace rapid deterioration, the short 100 hundreds of thousands of years later, selling that original more than 70 ninth grade spirit vein sell, lost losing. 当初无极城陷落,撤退逃难的神宫先辈们走得匆忙,一共才来得及抽走七十多条九品灵脉。在那之后,由于仙帝传承的失落,无极神宫飞速衰败,短短一百数十万年下来,原本的七十多条九品灵脉就卖的卖,丢的丢。 When passes to the daylight Dao Lord hand, ninth grade spirit vein in Divine/God Palace only had 37. 传到辰光道主手中时,神宫内的九品灵脉就仅剩下了三十七条。 In the daylight wields in the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace 80,000 years, the entire Divine/God Palace system even more is unable to make ends meet, was arrived sells six ninth grade spirit vein to fill the debt. 而在辰光执掌无极神宫的八万年内,整个神宫体系愈发入不敷出,先后又是抵卖出了六条九品灵脉来填补亏空。 Now can owe three? 如今难道又要亏掉三条吗? During his daylight Dao Lord palm, no matter what, the grand total owes nine ninth grade spirit vein, is may be called successively holds the ruined family simply! 在他辰光道主掌任期间,总计亏掉九条九品灵脉,简直是堪称历任败家之最! Not being able to do well, after is by the descendants, stabs in the back! 搞不好,是会被子孙后们戳脊梁骨的! However, the person has to lower the head under the eaves. 然而,人在屋檐下不得不低头。 Daylight Dao Lord represses to punch the impulsion of valuable bottle-gourd Elder forcefully, somewhat submissive flattering said: This, valuable bottle-gourd Elder first stays a while a period of time in my Divine/God Palace, allowing me first to try to find the solution.” 辰光道主强行按捺住想要揍宝葫长老的冲动,有些低声下气的讨好说:“这样吧,宝葫长老先在我神宫小住一段时日,容我先想想办法。” „, I await respectfully the Senior three months.” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder sees his appearance, has not compelled him again. “也罢,那我就恭候前辈三个月时间。”宝葫长老见他这副模样,也没再逼他。 Daylight Dao Lord after all is Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm peak half step Immortal Emperor, he does not dare to compel too tightly, if the opposite party gets angry launches a psychological attack anxiously, what to do does not a sane matter to come out? 辰光道主毕竟是混元境巅峰的半步仙帝,他也是不敢逼得太紧,万一对方怒急攻心,干出点不理智的事情出来怎么办? Valuable bottle-gourd Elder stands up, toward daylight Dao Lord good a ritual, then the disciple with attendant left. 宝葫长老站起身来,朝辰光道主行了一礼,便跟着随侍的弟子离开了。 Leaves behind daylight Dao Lord to stay in the Divine/God Palace reception room alone, kept sighing, anxious look over the face. 独留下辰光道主留在神宫会客厅内,长吁短叹,愁容满面。 If this time does not auction spirit vein, can sell Holy Picture? Sells Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) spirit treasure? Even yes, can sell Dao Book? 此次若是不拍卖灵脉,难道要卖圣图?卖混元灵宝?甚至是,要卖道书 But these are the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace foundations, sells easily, receiving to be difficult. 可那些都是无极神宫的根基,卖出去容易,收回来可就难了。 Moreover, if Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace wants to revive the mountains and rivers, doesn't have the sufficient battle efficiency line? Without adequate strength support, how also to defend the base industry? 而且,无极神宫若想重振山河,没有充足的战斗力怎么行?没有足够的实力支持,又如何守得住基业? It is not good, has not arrived that step, cannot sell the foundation. 不行,还未到那一步,坚决不能卖根基。 Although daylight Dao Lord headache, but wants completely the means to start to raise money. 辰光道主虽然头疼,但还是想尽了办法开始筹钱。 What a pity, being short of money of Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, that is bottom-up lacking! The poor poor flavor is flooding each corner, many Dao Lord and Great Principle Golden Immortal, the day crosses is beset with problems, the thing that to maintain cultivation and inheritance, can sell sold out. 可惜,无极神宫的缺钱,那是自上而下的缺!贫穷的寒酸味道充斥着每一个角落,很多道主大罗金仙,日子都过得捉襟见肘,为了维持修炼和传承,能卖的东西都卖掉了。 From all sides, takes the trouble to think, he was also digs out to collect several hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 前前后后,费尽了心思,他也不过是抠凑出了数百混沌灵石 Also is no wonder, if not entire Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace poor was too long, in the major influences can borrow has borrowed, does his how to go so far as to mortgage lending with ninth grade spirit vein? 也是难怪,若非整个无极神宫都穷的太久了,各大势力中能借的都借过了,他何至于用九品灵脉去抵押借贷? How while daylight Dao Lord worries remaining Primal Chaos Spirit Stone to plan. 正当辰光道主发愁剩下的混沌灵石要怎么筹的时候。 Divine/God Palace palace former guard reported the report, said that was Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple vice- Hall Lord Urgently flame Old Ancestor Comes to visit. 神宫殿前护卫禀报,说是南明神殿的副殿主【亟焱老祖】前来拜访。 Urgently flame Old Ancestor? 亟焱老祖 Daylight Dao Lord brow straight wrinkle. 辰光道主眉头直皱。 He usually does not have the friendship with this flame urgently, why to visit to this time? 他与这亟焱素无交情,缘何在此时来拜访? However, the flame Old Ancestor strength tyrannicalally is not urgently weak in his daylight, in entire World of Immortals is quite prestigious. 不过,亟焱老祖实力强横不弱于他辰光,在整个仙界都是颇有威望的。 What is more important, others Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple is rising, even if only vice- Hall Lord of half step Immortal Emperor rank, has money a lot compared with his daylight. 更重要的是,人家南明神殿如日中天,哪怕只是一个半步仙帝级别的副殿主,也比他辰光有钱得多。 In any event, this side he must see. 无论如何,这一面他都必须得见。 He assigns/life the person to invite immediately. 他立即命人去请。 Quick, a beard and hair is all red like the raging fire, the tall tall and straight old man entered the reception room. 很快,一位须发皆如烈火般赤红,身材高大挺拔的老者就走进了会客室。 Although has gotten old, but he walks as before is majestic, impressive bearing, has to plant just like the fierce tiger patrols the strong atmospheric field. 虽然已经上了年纪,但他行走间依旧是龙行虎步,气宇轩昂,有种宛如猛虎巡行般的强大气场。 In him behind, but also with elegant and makings outstanding youth Elder Brother Young Master. 在他身后,还跟着一位丰神俊朗、气质卓绝的青年公子哥儿。 The people just , the flame Old Ancestor frank big laughter made a sound urgently: Takes the liberty to come to visit obsolete, but also looks at daylight Palace Lord not to blame, do not blame!” 人刚至,亟焱老祖爽朗的大笑声就响了起来:“老朽冒昧前来拜访,还望辰光宫主勿怪,勿怪!” Flame vice- Hall Lord visits my Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace urgently, made my Divine/God Palace you honor my humble home, I welcome also without enough time, how to be offended?” But daylight Dao Lord politeness warm sets out to greet. “亟焱副殿主莅临我无极神宫,令我神宫蓬荜生辉,我欢迎还来不及呢,怎会见怪?”辰光道主礼貌而热情的起身迎接。 The double plan exchanged greetings, then divided the guests and hosts to take a seat, serves tea. 双方略一寒暄,便分宾主先后落座,上茶。 Flame Old Ancestor is then pointing at a side youth Young Master introduced urgently: Daylight Palace Lord, this is one of the we Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple Quasi God Child/Seed, clear(ly) Zhe boy.” 亟焱老祖这才指着身边的青年公子介绍道:“辰光宫主,这位便是我们南明神殿准神子之一,明喆小子。” Originally this Young Master is clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed.” Daylight Dao Lord reveals immediately let the commercial smile that the person bathes in fresh air, such as the spring breeze genial flattered, really such as the rumor was ordinary, the elegant demeanor was outstanding, bearing was striking, in the future will certainly be the World of Immortals a person of great ability and tremendous potential.” “原来这位公子就是明喆神子。”辰光道主立刻露出了让人如沐春风的商业笑容,如春风和煦般吹捧起来,“果然如传言一般,风采卓著、气度斐然,未来必将是仙界栋梁之才。” Daylight Dao Lord understood, this clear(ly) Zhe Quasi God Child/Seed is urgently the flame Old Ancestor bloodline descendant, always treasure. 辰光道主了解,这位明喆准神子乃是亟焱老祖血脉后裔,向来宝贝得很。 Compares in Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple another Quasi God Child/Seed Cloud Crane Young Master, as if must miss one section. 只是相较于南明神殿另外一位准神子云鹤公子,似乎要差了一截。 Meanwhile, in the daylight Dao Lord heart is also filled with emotion. 同时,辰光道主心中也是感慨万千。 Others Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple in this, trains two Quasi God Child/Seed with ease, moreover food and clothing with is quite luxurious, clothes that the body wears also frequently several hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 人家南明神殿在这一届,轻轻松松培养出两个准神子,而且吃穿度用都极为奢侈,身上穿的衣服也动辄数百混沌灵石 But his Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace trains Quasi Goddess, actually needs to lose everything lending. 而他无极神宫培养一个准神女,却是需要砸锅卖铁般借贷。 In which disparity, thinks to feel sad. 其中的差距,想想都心酸。 Haha ~ ~ flame Old Ancestor was patted by daylight Dao Lord urgently comfortably, on the face showed a slightly somewhat self-satisfied smile, clear(ly) Zhe boy, although is good, but on talent compared to miss according to your family Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden partly planned.” “哈哈~~”亟焱老祖被辰光道主拍得舒服了,脸上不由露出了一个微微有些得意的笑容,“明喆小子虽然还行,可天赋上照你家星澜神女比起来还是要差了半筹。” Where where ~ my family Xinglan (Star Wave) aptitude dumb, if not urges on her at times, perhaps embarrassedly greatly duty.” The daylight Dao Lord surface humble smalltalk, in the heart is actually giving birth to several points of vigilance calmly immediately. “哪里哪里~我家星澜资质驽钝,若非时时鞭策她,恐怕难堪大任。”辰光道主表面不动声色地谦逊客套着,心中却立刻生出了几分警惕。 The flame leads clear(ly) Zhe boy to come urgently, how many meanings also raised Xinglan (Star Wave) is? 亟焱带着明喆小子过来,又提起星澜是几个意思? Ha, the daylight brother was modest, Xinglan (Star Wave) can arrange at Shenying (God Brilliant) List fifth, how can be the common people?” Urgently flame Old Ancestor heroic smiling. “哈哈哈,辰光兄过谦了,星澜能排在神瑛榜第五,岂会是泛泛之辈?”亟焱老祖豪迈的笑着。 Suddenly, his complexion slightly one positive, looks that daylight Dao Lord said in a low voice: Daylight brother, I bumped into Divine Treasure Palace before accidentally Valuable bottle-gourd Elder, Listening to him to complain that raised the lending fund, does not know that can have this matter?” 忽而,他面色微微一正,看着辰光道主低声道:“辰光兄,之前我无意中碰到了神宝殿的【宝葫长老】,听他抱怨般提起了借贷款项,不知可有此事?” Daylight Dao Lord complexion slightly black, in heart to valuable bottle-gourd Elder unstated criticism complaint. 辰光道主脸色微黑,心中不由对宝葫长老腹诽埋怨不已。 Divine Treasure Palace boasted all day oneself pays great attention to the privacy of customer, finally so-called paid great attention to privacy to catch the person to say casually? Wasn't the poor customer a customer? Didn't have the dignity? 神宝殿整天吹嘘自己注重客户的隐私,结果所谓的“注重隐私”就是随便逮着人就说是吧?穷客户就不是客户了?就没有尊严了吗? The words that he said also took several points of disgruntledness slightly: Flame Old Ancestor Big Boss/Great Elder comes urgently, is teases my Divine/God Palace poorly?” 他说出的话也带上了几分微微的不悦:“亟焱老祖大老远过来,是来取笑我神宫贫穷的吗?” Haha, the daylight brother must misunderstand not.” Flame Old Ancestor said with a smile urgently, obsolete this time came, the big good deed and daylight brother discussed.” “哈哈,辰光兄莫要误会。”亟焱老祖笑道,“老朽此番前来,是有一桩大好事与辰光兄洽谈。” „, Can it be that flame does Old Ancestor come to repay a debt for my Divine/God Palace urgently?” The daylight Dao Lord innermost feelings are grieved, unavoidably mystifying. “呵,亟焱老祖莫不是来替我神宫还债的?”辰光道主内心酸楚,不免阴阳怪气了起来。 Why not repays a debt?” Flame Old Ancestor laughs to say urgently, wants daylight brother a few words, Good Fortune God Pill special-purpose that you lend, I immediately for you. As for other mortgage lending, is not cannot discuss.” “还债又有何不可?”亟焱老祖大笑道,“只要辰光兄一句话,你借贷的造化神丹专用款,我立即就替伱还了。至于其他抵押借贷,也不是不能商量。” Facing big good deed that so delivers, daylight Dao Lord not only not happy, the complexion instead one becomes dignified, in the eye were also for many several points to be vigilant: I believe that urgently flame Old Ancestor is not a talking irresponsibly generation, might as well first say your condition.” 面对如此送上门来的大好事,辰光道主非但没有高兴,脸色反而一下变得凝重起来,眼中也多了几分警惕:“我相信亟焱老祖不是个信口雌黄之辈,不如先说说你的条件。” Oh ~ told the facts obsolete, my family clear(ly) Zhe this brat, in the heart admired expensive/noble disciple Xinglan (Star Wave). I urged his many times to make him give up fantasizing, he was actually besotted.” Flame Old Ancestor resigned-looking oh the sound sighed urgently, as if shut out the bloodline descendant's appearance extremely, obsolete was also stubborn he, unavoidablily has to come to seek a marriage alliance to the daylight brother brazenly.” “唉~老朽实话实说,我家明喆这臭小子呢,心中爱慕贵徒星澜。我劝过他好多次想让他放弃幻想,他却是执迷不悟。”亟焱老祖一脸无奈地唉声叹息,仿佛极为嫌弃自家血脉后裔的模样,“老朽也是拗不过他,不得已只好厚着脸皮来向辰光兄求亲。” Daylight Dao Lord face one black, is good to hang has not begun to hit the person directly. 辰光道主脸一黑,好悬没直接动手打人。 But even if bore impulsion that hits the person, in his heart is the anger is still dreadful, even the smalltalk in surface could not maintain. 但即便忍住了打人的冲动,他心中也是怒意滔天,连表面上的客套都维持不住了。 My family is Xinglan (Star Wave) what kind of treasure? That is the Shenying (God Brilliant) List fifth outstanding talent youth, will be the hope of future wanderer Zhuān Xū Divine/God Palace. Flame your old dog very can think urgently actually, depending on that thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone repayments, wants to compel him to marry the disciple. To result in beautiful! 我家星澜是何等宝贝?那是名列神瑛榜第五的俊杰青年,也是未来闯荡颛顼神宫的希望。亟焱你这条老狗倒是挺敢想,凭那千把混沌灵石的还款,就想逼他嫁徒。想得美! Snort!” Daylight Dao Lord sneers constantly, I felt strange, Divine Treasure Palace does not pull out the loan not to pull out the loan early late, must play this at this time. Originally behind this, has your Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple head and tail unexpectedly.” “哼!”辰光道主冷笑不迭,“我本就奇怪,神宝殿早不抽贷晚不抽贷,偏偏要在这时候玩这一出。原来这背后,竟有你们南明神殿的首尾。” Going into debt the money back itself/Ben is perfectly justified, why must also to depend in me?” Flame Old Ancestor said urgently with a laugh, daylight brother, if can comply with this marriage, may not only be matter of the Good Fortune God Pill, other lending, we can one by one discuss.” “欠债还钱本就是天经地义,又何须赖我头上?”亟焱老祖笑呵呵地说道,“辰光兄若是能答应这门亲事,可不仅仅是一枚造化神丹之事,其余借贷,我们都可以一一商量。” Tone such big? Your urgently flame Old Ancestor even expensive/noble is vice- Hall Lord, is impossible to hoodwink the public, utilizes so many resources to come for me to repay a debt?” Daylight Dao Lord snorts contemptuously, from the start does not believe his words, beckoned with the hand drew on the guard, came the person, saw a visitor out!” “口气如此之大?你亟焱老祖就算贵为副殿主,也不可能一手遮天,动用那么多资源来替我还债吧?”辰光道主嗤之以鼻,压根就不信他的话,摆手就招来了护卫,“来人,送客!” Daylight brother is patient, the obsolete words have not said.” Flame Old Ancestor overbearing extraordinary waving, the guard will all lay out out of the door urgently, later looks the daylight Dao Lord faint smile said that does not know the daylight brother may know, my family Emperor Venerable life how much?” “辰光兄稍安勿躁,老朽的话还未说完。”亟焱老祖霸道非凡的一挥手,将护卫全都拍出了门外,随后看着辰光道主似笑非笑道,“不知辰光兄可知,我家帝尊寿元几何了?” Daylight Dao Lord stares slightly, is somewhat perplexed, is cold the face saying: „The Southern Ming(Brightness) Emperor Venerable life is exceedingly high, heard that now is 61 long live, is it possible that waits for...... you to refer to......” 辰光道主微微一愣,有些不明所以,却还是寒着脸说道:“南明帝尊寿元通天,听说现在已经是六十一万岁了,等等……你莫非是指……” Right.” Flame Old Ancestor lowers the sound to say urgently, „when my family Emperor Venerable eight long live promotes revering of Immortal Emperor, 170,000 years ago, then passed the third Immortal Emperor tribulation!” “没错。”亟焱老祖压低声音说道,“我家帝尊八万岁时晋升仙帝之尊,早在十七万年前,便度过了第三次仙帝劫!” The gentleman of many experience superficial Beyond-Territory, thinks, once after building Immortal Emperor, then can be aloof Samsara (Reincarnation) and longevity equal to heaven! 很多见识浅薄的域外之士,以为一旦修成仙帝之后,便能超脱轮回寿与天齐 Naturally, this saying theoretically right, but also is only theoretically. 当然,这话理论上没错,但也只是理论上。 After becoming Immortal Emperor, profound warrior / black tortoise cultivator needs to face a bigger challenge, that is the source great misfortune! 成为仙帝之后,玄武修士需要面临更大的挑战,那就是本源大劫! This source great misfortune might is quite terrifying, these daily crazy bang chop randomly Hundun (Primal Chaos) purple gold thunder Compared with it, looks like in flexure is simply itchy. 此本源大劫威力极为恐怖,那些日常狂轰乱劈的【混沌紫金雷】与之比起来,简直就像是在挠痒痒。 After cultivator promotes Immortal Emperor, then welcomes the first source great misfortune immediately. 修士晋升仙帝之后,便会立刻迎来第一次本源大劫。 Only then successfully crossed Immortal Emperor after first Heavenly Dao great misfortune, can obtain sufficiently from the great misfortune God fine wine, Pours to condense the body of Immortal Emperor. 只有成功渡过第一次天道大劫后的仙帝,才能从大劫中获得充足的【天帝琼浆】,灌浇凝聚出仙帝之躯。 Later, crosses for 180,000 years, will then welcome the second source great misfortune. 之后,又过得十八万年,便会迎来第二次本源大劫。 Where hides, even if in the Endless Heaven Abyss forbidden area, source great misfortune also closely associated, but to! 无论是躲在哪里,哪怕是在无尽天渊的禁区之中,本源大劫也会如影随形而至! If unable to cross the source great misfortune, naturally, will then make the embarrassing situation that Emperor Venerable falls from the sky. 若是无法渡过本源大劫,自然而然,便会造成帝尊陨落的尴尬局面。 This source great misfortune will arrive every 180000 years one time, cannot escape, cannot avoid. 这本源大劫每隔180000年都会降临一次,逃不掉,也躲不开。 Therefore, crossed the second source great misfortune Immortal Emperor, was called Two tribulation Immortal Emperor, Compared with just became Immortal Emperor tribulations Immortal Emperor to be stronger to plan. 因此,渡过第二次本源大劫的仙帝,被称之为【二劫仙帝】,比刚成仙帝的一劫仙帝要强出一筹。 But three tribulation Immortal Emperor, from compared with two tribulations Immortal Emperor to plan. 而三劫仙帝,自又是比二劫仙帝强一筹。 But famous Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor, is quite fierce three tribulation Immortal Emperor, after all his cultivation, has soon welcomed the fourth tribulation unceasingly. 而大名鼎鼎的南明仙帝,便是比较厉害的三劫仙帝,毕竟他不断修炼,已经快要迎来第四劫了。 At present, is remote antiquity Divine/God Palace remote antiquity Immortal Emperor, can press his head steadily. 目前,也就是太上神宫的太上仙帝,能够稳稳压他一头。 Daylight Dao Lord hears urgently the flame Old Ancestor words, the expression was even more dignified, said in a low voice: I pour have also heard some, will soon welcome the situation of fourth tribulation about Southern Ming(Brightness) Emperor Venerable. However according to rumor, Emperor Venerable he had the sufficient confidence to cross the fourth tribulation, became our World of Immortals second four tribulation Immortal Emperor.” 辰光道主听得亟焱老祖的话,表情愈发凝重了起来,低声说:“我倒也听说过一些,关于南明帝尊即将迎来第四劫的情况。但是据传言所述,帝尊他老人家有充足的信心渡过第四劫,成为咱们仙界第二位四劫仙帝。” Has the big influence that Immortal Emperor assumes, in the good time, will train Quasi God Child/Seed to treat as the successor, after to prevent appears falls from the sky accidentally/surprisingly, no one can inherit the embarrassing situation of Immortal Emperor inheritance. 一些拥有仙帝坐镇的大势力,都会在恰当时机,培养准神子当做接班人,以防止出现意外陨落后,无人能够继承仙帝传承的尴尬局面。 Therefore, historically most Quasi God Child/Seed, are actually the spare tires, in the normal condition misses to inherit the Immortal Emperor inheritance. 因此,历史上大部分准神子,实则都是备胎,正常情况下是无缘继承仙帝传承的。 Even so, these Quasi God Child/Seed after the promotion to Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm, the potential are also good, almost each one is Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm late stage, even is the seed of half step Immortal Emperor, in the future will also be the backbones of major influences. 但即便如此,这些准神子在晋升至混元境后,潜力同样不俗,几乎个个都是混元境后期,甚至是半步仙帝的种子,未来也都是各大势力的顶梁柱。 When like daylight Dao Lord, urgently flame Old Ancestor this grade of Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm peak powerhouse, young who isn't Quasi God Child/Seed is also coming? Each one dominates existence of Shenying (God Brilliant) List. 像辰光道主、亟焱老祖这等混元境巅峰的强者,年轻之时谁还不是个准神子来着?个个都是称霸神瑛榜的存在。 However in another special time, Quasi God Child/Seed function was enlarged infinitely. 然而在另外一种特殊时刻,准神子的作用性就被无限放大了。 That is Immortal Emperor of influence, will soon welcome a time for 180,000 years Immortal Emperor tribulation, thought that oneself is unable to cross smoothly. 那便是本势力的仙帝,即将迎来十八万年一次的仙帝劫,却又觉得自己无法顺利渡过。 In this case, Immortal Emperor is very likely to inherit to pass to present age God Child/Seed ahead of time, but their oneself, will then often catch up before the great misfortune approaches, chooses to do a ticket bulk bargain. 在这种情况下,仙帝极有可能提前将传承传给当代神子,而他们自己,则往往会赶在大劫来临之前,选择去干一票大买卖。 If this ticket bulk bargain can become, that naturally was gains sent greatly, if not successful, that was also owes not. 若是这一票大买卖能成,那自然是赚大发了,倘若不成,那也是亏不到哪里去。 However, can actually the Immortal Emperor tribulation cross, the crossed probability had several tenths, this issue often only had Immortal Emperor oneself to be clear. 不过,仙帝劫究竟能不能渡过,渡过的几率有几成,这个问题往往只有仙帝自己才清楚。 Moreover, the time span between twice Immortal Emperor great misfortune has 180,000 years fully, is longer than the Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm powerhouse complete life , the Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm powerhouse often cannot meddle in such issue from the start. 而且,两次仙帝大劫之间的时间跨度足有十八万年,比混元境强者全部的寿元还要漫长,混元境强者在这样的问题上往往也压根插不上手。 Therefore, before daylight Dao Lord , although had heard Southern Ming(Brightness) Immortal Emperor will soon cross the news of tribulation, does not have to care. 因此,辰光道主之前虽然听说过南明仙帝即将渡劫的消息,却也没太在意。 But now, flame Old Ancestor raises this matter with him urgently suddenly,...... 但如今,亟焱老祖却忽然跟他提起这事,难道说…… Daylight brother, the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace good and evil also once was one of the World of Immortals peak influences, the fourth Immortal Emperor great misfortune had was difficult to cross you to be clear...... flame Old Ancestor to lower the sound much urgently, said extremely mystically, this was also our clan, the reason that is willing to gamble full power was. If clear(ly) Zhe boy can marry with Xinglan (Star Wave), can bolster his momentum inevitably, at the appointed time won the probability of struggle of God Child/Seed to increase.” “辰光兄,无极神宫好歹也曾是仙界最顶尖的势力之一,第四次仙帝大劫有多难渡你应该是清楚的……”亟焱老祖压低着声音,极为神秘地说道,“这也是我们家族,愿意全力押注的原因所在。若是明喆小子能与星澜联姻,必然能壮大他的声势,届时赢得神子之争的概率就会大增。” Once our clear(ly) Zhe boy successfully obtains the Southern Ming(Brightness) inheritance, what your Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace these debts were considered as? When he ascends a height to get a broad view the position of Emperor Venerable, Xinglan (Star Wave) is Emperor Consort, at the appointed time helps your Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace recapture the lost territory to be a cinch full power.” “一旦咱们明喆小子成功获得南明传承,你们无极神宫那些债务又算得了什么?等他登临帝尊之位,星澜就是帝妃,届时全力助你们无极神宫夺回失地都不在话下。” Recaptures the lost territory, remoulded the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace past magnificence, this could be said as Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace high and low everyone's obsession, daylight Dao Lord was naturally no exception. 夺回失地,重塑无极神宫昔日的辉煌,这可以说是无极神宫上下所有人的执念,辰光道主自然也不例外。 Heard the last few words, some daylight Dao Lord finally heart movements. 听得最后一句话,辰光道主终于有些心动了。 He somewhat does not hate to love disciple Xinglan (Star Wave) as before, feared that she is wronged. 只是他依旧有些舍不得爱徒星澜,也怕她受委屈。 Slightly after doing hesitates, daylight Dao Lord seriously looks to urgently flame Old Ancestor: „The flame brother's meaning, I see clearly urgently. However this matter of great substance, I must consider carefully.” 略作沉吟后,辰光道主郑重看向亟焱老祖:“亟焱兄的意思,我已经了然。然兹事体大,我还得仔细斟酌一番。” That is natural.” Flame Old Ancestor is very urgently satisfied his response, without pesters again, immediately sets out to say with a smile, in view of this, the daylight brother considered quite, I and clear(ly) Zhe then say goodbye for the time being.” “那是自然。”亟焱老祖很满意他的反应,也没再纠缠,当下就起身笑道,“既如此,辰光兄好生考虑考虑,我与明喆便暂且告辞了。” Then, he then brought clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed to leave. 说罢,他便带着明喆神子离开了。 two people is self-confident, by the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace present poor and pedantic type, this is they biggest turning over opportunity, the daylight wants slightly a little brain, will not reject. 两人都自信满满,以无极神宫如今的穷酸样,这已经是他们最大的翻身机会了,辰光只要稍微有点脑子,就不会拒绝。 However. 然而。 What they have not thought that this should the ninety percent sure matter, actually have problems. 他们谁都没想到的是,这本该十拿九稳的事情,却偏偏出了问题。 After several days . 数日后。 Dao Boat that is embellishing the star light shuttles back and forth to come from Heavenly River, hovering behind Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace. 一艘点缀着星光的道舟天河中穿梭而来,悬停在了无极神宫后面。 Afterward, the Dao Boat edge stretches out the long corridor, completed the connection with Divine/God Palace. 随后,道舟边缘伸出长长的廊道,与神宫完成了接驳。 This Dao Boat, naturally is Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden Xinglan (Star Wave) Dao Boat. 这艘道舟,自然便是星澜神女星澜道舟 After the long journey, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden led Wang Shouzhe one group to return to Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace finally. 在经过漫长的旅途之后,星澜神女终于带着王守哲一行人回到了无极神宫 Finally is, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden just arrived home, knew matter that urgently flame Old Ancestor and clear(ly) Zhe God Child/Seed comes to discuss marriage. 结果就是,星澜神女刚一到家,就得知了亟焱老祖和明喆神子上门提亲的事情。 I did not agree!” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden stared in a big way a pupil, resolutely opposed, Teacher, what broken revival plan your was? clear(ly) Zhe that son of a bitch even/including Yan Cloud Crane was inferior how I possibly do marry him?” “我不同意!”星澜神女瞪大了眼眸,坚决反对,“师尊,您这是什么破复兴计划?明喆那狗东西连阎云鹤都不如,我怎么可能嫁给他?” She is filling with the happy return, just settled Wang Shouzhe and other honored guests, comes to take undeserved credit to Teacher immediately, the preparation first news will tell Teacher, actually takes the lead the sad news that unexpectedly unexpectedly heard Teacher to give. 她是满怀着欢喜回归,刚安顿好王守哲等贵客,就立刻屁颠屁颠来向师尊邀功,准备第一时间将好消息告诉师尊,却不料竟率先听到了师尊给的噩耗。 Is name husband and wife, even after getting married, you do not use Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple , to continue to keep in Divine/God Palace the management general situation.” The daylight Dao Lord good words consolation, Xinglan (Star Wave), who called us Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is too poor, this was the excellent turning over opportunity.” “就是个名义夫妻而已,哪怕成亲后,你也不用去南明神殿,还是继续留在神宫内主持大局。”辰光道主好言劝慰,“星澜啊,谁叫咱们无极神宫太穷了,这可是大好的翻身机会。” „Did poverty hold true? Can the poverty sell the apprentice?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is good to hang is irritated. “穷就有理了?穷就能卖徒弟了?”星澜神女好悬没被气死。 Usually in Teacher is very credible, how all of a sudden on blind heart? 平日里师尊挺靠谱的,怎么一下子就瞎了心? You think that Master wants like this ~ daylight Dao Lord is also filled with reluctantly, you have a look at others Qing Li girl, is smaller than over 1000 years old you, others supreme den copying, sent the huge wealth!” “你以为为师想这样啊~”辰光道主也是满心无奈,“你看看人家青璃丫头,比你还小一千多岁呢,就把人家至尊老巢给抄了,发了天大的财!” Frightens? Such matter? How the Qing Li girl had such big courage......” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden to be shocked. “吓?还有这样的事情?青璃丫头怎么有这么大胆子……”星澜神女被震惊到了。 However quick, she realized anything, stares the big eye fiercely, looks unbelievable to own Teacher: Wait, Teacher, is your is shutting out me?” 然而很快,她就意识到了什么,猛地瞪大眼睛,难以置信地看向自家师尊:“等等,师尊,您这是在嫌弃我?” Teacher has not shut out you, Teacher is presenting the facts.” 师尊没嫌弃你,师尊就是在摆事实。” Okay good, copies the supreme den? My this copies the Supreme Ming den!” “好好好,抄至尊老巢是吧?我这就去抄至尊冥的老巢!” You come back to me! My just hot air...... your girl, do you want to irritate Master?” Daylight Dao Lord was frightened heavily, quickly held on Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, okay okay, you do not want to marry do not marry. At the worst, Master goes to the frontline to look for going to war living. The war zone near ~ Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple is good, now the Qing Li girl has money ~ ~ to me to open high price ~ ~ probably “你给我回来!我就说说而已……你这丫头,你这是要气死为师吗?”辰光道主被吓得不轻,急忙拉住了星澜神女,“行行行,你不想嫁就不嫁。大不了,为师去前线找份打仗的活。唔~武岳神殿附近的战区就挺好的,现在青璃丫头有钱啊~~保不齐可以给我开个高价~~ „It is not good, now Supreme You is certainly insane, you go extremely dangerously.” “不行,现在至尊幽一定疯了,你去太过危险。” On the battlefield, that is must spell with the life, Teacher he already one big age, puts these top temple influences, his age should enjoy retirement life, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden does not want Teacher to take risk. 上战场,那可是要拿命去拼的,师尊他老人家都已经一大把年纪了,搁那些顶尖的神殿势力,他这个年纪就应该颐养天年了,星澜神女着实不愿意师尊去冒这个险。 However owes money has no alternative but. 但是欠钱又不能不还。 Suddenly, she thought of anything, an eye slightly bright say/way: I have means that could solve urgent matter.” 忽而,她想到了什么,眼睛微微一亮道:“我有一个办法,或许能解燃眉之急。” ...... ……
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