POP :: Volume #8

#46: Shouzhe collaborates Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden

...... …… Young Master Shouzhe said right.” The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden facial expression is excited, the cheeks flushed, we must rebuild the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city, revives the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace honor.” 守哲公子说的没错。”星澜神女神情激动,脸颊潮红,“咱们要重建无极城,重振无极神宫的荣光。” She had regarded as oneself Wang Shouzhe person. 不知不觉间,她已经将王守哲视作了“自己”人。 Pours does not blame her to appear in front of Wang Shouzhe immature, although from the age, she indeed be greatly more than Wang Shouzhe, but Wang Shouzhe this nearly 3000 will Years come? 倒也不怪她在王守哲面前显得“稚嫩”,虽然从年龄上来讲,她的确是要比王守哲大不少,但王守哲这近三千年的岁月是怎么过来的? This walks, he it can be said that fortifies at every step, used all might, overcame the hardships, since grew. 这一路走来,他可以说是步步为营,一路摸爬滚打,克服了千难万险,才成长至今。 During this, does not know many times, as long as he is defeated, is beyond redemption. 这期间,不知多少次,他但凡失败,便是万劫不复。 In comparison, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, although is also sustaining the tremendous pressure, but in the family/home has the elder to withstand/top eventually, even if has problems still some people to help settle! 相比之下,星澜神女虽说也承担着巨大的压力,但家里终究有长辈在顶着,就算出了问题也有人帮忙善后! She biggest mission, cultivation grows eventually quite, pressure that undertakes at all not in a magnitude. 她最大的任务,终究是好生修炼成长,所承担的精神压力根本不在一个量级上。 They regarding the understanding concept of time, regarding the localization of oneself status cognition, is the condition of small child, absolutely unlike Wang Shouzhe. 他们对于时间的理解概念,对于自己身份认知的定位,也是处在小青年的状态,绝对与王守哲不一样。 Did not say that was World of Immortals, was even Wang Clan, now actually also has similar condition. 不说是仙界了,便是连王氏内部,现在其实也出现了类似状况。 Because the life is abundant, Wuyou, in addition the aptitude high life is approximately long, some greatly several hundred years old, even is yiliangqian-year-old everywhere child. 由于生活富足,无忧无虑,再加上资质高寿元长,一些大几百岁,甚至一两千岁的“孩子”比比皆是。 Did not say that Wang Jinna they, is even Wang Youyue, Linglong Princess wait/etc, the mental age also immature. 不说王瑾娜她们了,便是连王宥岳玲珑公主等等,心理年龄还都“稚嫩”的很。 However, compares the contemporaries on Shenying (God Brilliant) List, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is the children of poor family manages a household early, relatively relatively mature. 不过,相比较于神瑛榜上的同龄人,星澜神女已经算是穷人家的孩子早当家,相对比较成熟的了。 When she is excited, is some hesitations said: Our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace now the potential is just weak, during the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city ruins are at the Demon Race influence on control, difficultly perhaps wants to reconstruct such as to ascend to heaven.” 她激动之余,又是有些踌躇道:“只不过咱们无极神宫现在势弱,无极城废墟又处在魔族势力掌控之中,想要重建恐怕难如登天。” Difficulty naturally has. If can easily achieve, the older generations in this 100 hundreds of thousands of years have achieved for us.” The Wang Shouzhe look is firm, „, but difficult to do? So long as we dare to face difficultly, dares to solve the difficulty, one day can succeed sooner or later.” “难度自然是有的。若是能轻易做到,这一百数十万年里的先辈们早就替咱们做到了。”王守哲眼神坚定无比,“但是难就不做了吗?只要咱们敢于面对困难,敢于解决困难,就迟早有一天能成功。” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden one hear of this saying, still resembled are filled several big chicken blood fiercely, the surging emotions one became incomparably rushes: Young Master Shouzhe criticizes right, facing the difficult position, solves the difficult position! Didn't know in the Young Master Shouzhe heart to have the brilliant plan?” 星澜神女一听这话,犹似被猛灌了几大口鸡血,心潮一下变得无比澎湃:“守哲公子批评得对,面对困境,解决困境!不知守哲公子心中可有了良策?” First, needs money, we need massive money.” Wang Shouzhe sincere said, goes to war is the economy of hitting, expels Demon Race, or reconstructs Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, cannot leave the enormous wealth.” “第一,需要钱,咱们需要大量的钱。”王守哲正色说道,“打仗打的就是经济,无论是驱逐魔族,亦或是重建无极神宫,都离不开巨额财富。” ...... 呃…… Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden looked like pocket to be irrigated basin ice water to be the same, the heart one became cool cool, the person all of a sudden was also more sober. 星澜神女就像是兜头被浇了盆冰水一般,心一下变得哇凉哇凉的,人也一下子清醒了许多。 Now what Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace most lacks is what? Naturally is money...... 现在无极神宫最缺的是什么?当然就是钱…… Domain that now Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace dwells, is Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple and Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Divine/God Palace wait/etc influences, pushes and put together mutually, to domain that they collect. 如今无极神宫栖息的地盘,还是南明神殿紫薇神宫等等势力,互相挤一挤、拼一拼,给他们凑出来的地盘。 Resources that these domains produce, now is used to support to maintain Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, is very strenuous. 这些地盘出产的资源,如今用来养活维持无极神宫上上下下,都十分吃力。 That that even, this Xinglan (Star Wave) Quasi Goddess takes Good Fortune God Pill, Teacher buys with asset mortgage lending of Divine/God Palace, to bet her can return to the itself/Ben in Zhuān Xū Divine/God Palace. 甚至乎,她这星澜准神女服用的那一枚【造化神丹】,还是师尊神宫的资产抵押借贷买回来的,就是为了赌她能在颛顼神宫内回本。 Young Master Shouzhe, our Divine/God Palace economy is quite uptight.” The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden complexion is somewhat ashamed, the sound also all of a sudden becomes faint, appears some poverty inhibits one's ambitions, does not dare to be loud the speech. 守哲公子,咱们神宫经济比较拮据。”星澜神女的面色有些羞愧,声音也一下子变得低弱起来,显得有些人穷志短,连说话都不敢大声。 Economy we can try to find the solution slowly, can always solve.” Wang Shouzhe smiles is the comfort, immediately also said, key we must want the army, massive armies.” “经济咱们可以慢慢想办法,总是能解决的。”王守哲笑了笑算是安慰,随即又道,“关键咱们还得要军队,大量的军队。” If Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden were still irrigated second basin ice water by the overhead. 星澜神女犹若被当头浇了第二盆冰水 Her tone is somewhat weak: Our Divine/God Palace inheritance loses too, before the strength has been inferior greatly, although can collect some military to come out reluctantly, to defeat and expel Demon Race Supreme Ming Perhaps lineage, misses too. Other major influences, has the respective front and responsibility, cannot set aside too to help us.” 她的语气有些无力:“咱们神宫传承失落太多,实力已经大不如以前,虽然能勉强凑些兵力出来,但是要想战胜和驱逐魔族至尊冥一脉,恐怕差得太远。其余各大势力,也都有各自的战线与责任,腾不出太多手来帮咱们。” Right, Young Master Shouzhe, our Immortal Alliance Survivor(s) lineage situation how?” She gave birth for several points to hope for, does not know whether to collaborate with Divine/God Palace, pursued Demon Race Supreme Ming together.” “对了,守哲公子,咱们仙盟遗民一脉情况如何?”她又生出了几分希冀,“不知能否与神宫联手,共同驱逐魔族至尊冥。” We have every actually.” The Wang Shouzhe expression is serious and serious, the brow deep lock, seems somewhat dignified, is only at present this 【The gate of World of Immortals Transmission Array is extremely worn-out and backward, this time we transmitted five people to come, unexpectedly is the limit, fierce Kong Jian (Space) fluctuated also caused some damages to the gate of World of Immortals, after being probable spends the time maintenance and repair, can start again.” “我们人手倒是有一些。”王守哲的表情沉重而严肃,眉头深锁,显得有些凝重,“只是眼下这座【仙界之门】传送阵太过破旧与落后,此番我们一口气传送了五人过来,竟已是极限,剧烈的空间波动还对仙界之门造成了些许损伤,须得花时间维护修理后才能再次启动。” In such situation, can we collect the simultaneous/uniform manpower to rush to rescue Divine/God Palace lord knows when?” “此等情况下,我们猴年马月才能凑得齐人手来驰援神宫?” This Transmission Array is ten million years ago when develops Beyond-Territory constructs, indeed was extremely ancient and backward.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden twists the eyebrow to ponder saying that present World of Immortals many excel at Kong Jian (Space) array Mighty Figure, is attempting to digest the Demon Race Transdimensional Corridor technology unceasingly.” “这座传送阵是千万年前开拓域外时建造的,的确是太过古老和落后了。”星澜神女拧眉思考道,“如今仙界诸多擅长空间阵法大能,也在不断尝试消化魔族超空间走廊技术。” Major influences in ultra Kong Jian (Space) transmission attainments, already today we are no longer as we have been. And, World of Immortals Array Master alliance To Kong Jian (Space) array research most systematic and thorough, many influences when constructing ultra far Kong Jian (Space) transfers, will ask them to intend to build.” “各大势力在超空间传送造诣上,已经今非昔比。其中,【仙界阵法师联盟】对空间阵法的研究最为系统和深入,不少势力在建造超远空间挪移阵时,都会请他们出手打造。” Speaking of this, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden showed the poor expression: But, the charge of immortal pledge is quite expensive, ultra far Kong Jian (Space) transfers, is one of the several most expensive array.” 说到此,星澜神女又露出了贫穷的表情:“不过,仙阵盟的收费颇为昂贵,超远空间挪移阵,又是数种最贵的阵法之一。” Is the charge expensive/noble? 收费贵? In the Wang Shouzhe heart had several points of joy. 王守哲心中有了几分喜悦。 This ancient 【The gate of World of Immortals, The present is bottleneck pain spot between Holy Territory and World of Immortals. So long as can expand the communication channel, the price expensive/noble point also does have why not? 这古老的【仙界之门】,眼下是圣域仙界之间的瓶颈痛点。只要能拓宽来往通道,价格贵一点又有何妨? He fears is not expensive/noble, but does not have. 他怕的不是贵,而是没有。 If the World of Immortals current Transmission Array technology cannot achieve his demand, even if he has the skill of direct access to the highest authorities, does not have the means. 如果仙界目前的传送阵技术达不到他的需求,那他就算是有通天的本事,也是毫无办法。 Regarding money...... 至于说钱…… Money thing, did Anye go out picks does not have? 钱这东西,安业出门捡一捡不就有了? At least, his Wang Shouzhe can also make money ~ by accelerate ripening spirit medicine 至不济,他王守哲还能靠催熟灵药来赚钱呢~ Now is Great Principle boundary God Child/Seed bloodline he, expedites childbirth ability that spirit medicine makes money also already today we are no longer as we have been. 如今已经是大罗神子血脉的他,催生灵药赚钱的能力也已经今非昔比。 He will have derived mang The tenth grade Water Department god lineage/vein of forbidden area, transplanted in his cave mansion along, and turned into two mu tenth grade Water Department Kanda in his cave mansion. 他已将得自【娏】禁区的十品水系神脉,移植到了他的随身洞府之中,并在他洞府中化成了两亩十品水系神田。 In these two mu water deity in the fields, he planted Primal Chaos Golden Lotus. 就在这两亩水神田中,他种植了混沌金莲 When Wang Shouzhe is True Immortal Boundary Dao Seed/Son, his bloodline awakening degree is ten three layers Great Principle bodies, at that time the accelerate ripening was similar to Primal Chaos Golden Lotus such 13th grade wonder drug, the estimate roughly needs enough in 2000. 早在王守哲真仙境道子时,他的血脉觉醒程度为十三重大罗道躯,那时候催熟类似于混沌金莲这样的十三品神药,估算约莫需要足足两千年。 In this case, he can only choose accelerate ripening twelfth grade Dao Origin Fruit, is used to refine Dao Origin Pill. 这种情况下,他只能选择催熟十二品道元果,用来炼制道元丹 But breaks through God Child/Seed in the Wang Shouzhe bloodline aptitude, bloodline awakens to ten four layers Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Saint bodies, the speed of accelerate ripening wonder drug then dramatically speeds up, approximately took 600-700 years to be able accelerate ripening 13th grade wonder drug. 而在王守哲血脉资质突破到神子,血脉觉醒至十四重无极圣躯时,催熟神药的速度便大大加快,大约需要600-700年就能催熟一棵十三品神药了。 But present Wang Shouzhe, after cultivation base achieves the Great Principle boundary, the strength of bloodline also awakened the tenth five layers Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) body, the time that accelerate ripening Primal Chaos Golden Lotus required naturally also greatly reduced. 而如今的王守哲,修为达到大罗境之后,血脉之力也觉醒到了第十五重混元道躯,催熟混沌金莲需要的时间自然也是大大缩短了。 Also is convenient for the accelerate ripening, Wang Shouzhe simply all placed along in the god lineage/vein and Primal Chaos Golden Lotus the cave mansion, and shortly after promoting the Great Principle boundary on starting accelerate ripening. 也是为了催熟方便,王守哲才干脆将神脉和混沌金莲全都放在了随身洞府之中,并在晋升大罗境之后不久就开始着手催熟。 Now 60-70 years passed by, in his cave mansion that Primal Chaos Golden Lotus, roughly has grown along 30% many durations and degrees of cooking! 如今60-70年过去了,他随身洞府中那株混沌金莲,约莫已经成长到了30%多的火候! According to the progress pushes to spread out, approximately wants more than 100 years, that Primal Chaos Golden Lotus can maturely to the level of sufficiently being used as medicine. 根据进度推衍,大约只要一百多年,那株混沌金莲就能成熟到足以入药的水准。 Thus it can be seen, Wang Shouzhe the accelerate ripening such as Primal Chaos Golden Lotus this grade of 13th grade wonder drug, always lasts now only takes about 200 years merely! 由此可见,王守哲现在催熟诸如混沌金莲这等十三品神药,总耗时仅仅只需要两百年左右! In World of Immortals, Primal Chaos Golden Lotus is often valuable not to have the city, in the event , the selling price can achieve two thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone with ease. 仙界,混沌金莲往往有价而无市,一旦出现,售价轻轻松松就能达到两千混沌灵石 Considering the Wang Shouzhe accelerate ripening speed , he if concentrates on to plant Primal Chaos Golden Lotus, individual yearly income estimated that can achieve about 10 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 考虑到王守哲的催熟速度,他要是专注种植混沌金莲,个人年收入估计能达到十枚混沌灵石左右。 This is 10 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone! 这可是十枚混沌灵石 Dongxia (East Xia/Eastern Rosy Cloud) Divine Dynasty one year of military spending also on 10 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone about, Wang Shouzhe this quite therefore, by a person of income, can only shoulder the military spending of entire Dongxia (East Xia/Eastern Rosy Cloud) Divine Dynasty! 要知道,东霞神朝一年的军费开支也就十枚混沌灵石左右,王守哲这相当于是,单靠一人的收入,就能“肩负”起整个东霞神朝的军费开支! Thus it can be seen, Wang Shouzhe Life Source bloodline, is older is seriously more valuable. Then even Anye picks money in Endless Heaven Abyss dedicated, the average annuals are impossible to achieve 10 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 由此可见,王守哲生命本源血脉,当真是越老越值钱。便是连安业无尽天渊专注捡钱,平均年收入也绝不可能达到十枚混沌灵石 Price expensive/noble point is expensive, the ultra long-distance range transfers to construct, we on also somewhat save on hand.” The Wang Shouzhe expression is calm, is only we do not have the foundation in World of Immortals, but must exhausted Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace act, with immortal pledge discussion cooperation.” “价格贵一点就贵一点,超远距离挪移阵必须要建,我们手头上还有几分积蓄。”王守哲表情淡定,“只是我们在仙界没有根基,还得劳烦无极神宫出面,与仙阵盟洽谈合作事宜。” This was one of the Wang Shouzhe goals. The person of Holy Territory comes World of Immortals, that was equal to that is the status illegibile illegal resident. 这就是王守哲的目的之一了。圣域之人来仙界,那等于就是身份不清不楚的黑户。 Do not look that now he and Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden communication is very smooth, so long as looked that Yan Cloud Crane knew, their these Immortal Alliance Survivor(s) lost was too outside long, the opportunity was not necessarily treated as the oneself person by the people of these World of Immortals, did not do well, by World of Immortals that the big shot of help/gang keeping aloof, was regarded as Outside people, Or Wild race Has the possibility. 别看现在他和星澜神女沟通很是顺利,可只要看阎云鹤就知道了,他们这些仙盟遗民失落在外太久了,未必机会被这些仙界之人当做自己人,一个弄不好,被仙界那帮高高在上的大佬们,视作【化外之民】、或是【蛮荒种族】都有可能。 Therefore, first becomes „the oneself person this to be very important. 所以,先成为“自己人”这很重要。 Shouzhe trip World of Immortals, the original plan actually prepared first to inquire into to seek the ancestor, tried to involve on the relations with World of Immortals some native influences. 守哲此行仙界,原计划其实就是准备先寻根觅祖,设法和仙界的一些本土势力攀扯上关系的。 And, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is the first choice, next is the Azure Sovereign palace, again, was the Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple. 其中,无极神宫就是首选,其次便是青皇宫,再次,便是武岳神殿了。 Although Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace declines to be poor, actually eventually is one of the World of Immortals orthodox influences, bound with it depth together, can grow strong in World of Immortals justifiablily. 无极神宫虽说没落而寒酸,却终究是仙界正统势力之一,与之深度绑定在一起,便可在仙界名正言顺的发展壮大了。 Wang Shouzhe has not then even expected, the trip progresses so will be unexpectedly smooth. They just now tread 【The gate of World of Immortals, But also without finds the person with enough time, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace Xinglan (Star Wave) Quasi Goddess, as well as Divine/God Palace Elder delivers on oneself. 只是便连王守哲都没料到,此行进展竟会如此顺利。他们才刚踏出【仙界之门】,还没来得及去找人呢,无极神宫星澜准神女,以及一位神宫长老自己送上了门来。 So, he naturally must hold the opportunity to hurry to tie up the oneself chariot. 如此,他自然要抓住机会赶紧把人绑上自己的战车。 However, Wang Shouzhe said with ease, tone that but his is not short of money, actually results in the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden stimulation the heart is bitter and astringent, envies. 不过,王守哲说得轻松,但他这不差钱的口吻,却把星澜神女刺激得心中又是苦涩,又是羡慕。 Tone that if, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace can also not be short of money with this type in a moment good ~ 要是什么时候,无极神宫也能用这种不差钱的口吻说话就好了~ She deeply inspires, suppresses grieved that the heart gushes out inexplicably, is too busy guarantees to say to Wang Shouzhe: Since the Young Master investment constructs to transfer, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace strives also to.” 她深吸了一口气,强忍住心头莫名涌出的酸楚,忙不迭向王守哲保证道:“既然公子出资建造挪移阵,无极神宫出点力也是应当的。” In her opinion, once expanded World of Immortals and Immortal Alliance channel, will then have the continuous reinforcements to come the convergence. At the appointed time, even is unable expel Demon Race completely, perhaps can still regain part of domains. 在她看来,一旦扩充了仙界仙盟的通道,便会有源源不断的援军过来汇合。届时,即便无法完全驱逐魔族,说不定也能收复一部分地盘。 The day that Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace lives under subjugation passed for a long time, now finally has an opportunity of such rise, she is not willing to let off. 无极神宫寄人篱下的日子过得太久了,如今终于有那么一线崛起的机会,她自是不愿意放过。 Suddenly, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden more wants to be happier: Young Master Shouzhe waits a bit, I asked Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder to come to discuss the specific matter, she recognized an immortal pledge the high level.” 一时间,星澜神女越想是越高兴:“守哲公子且稍待,我去请紫霜长老进来商议一下具体事宜,她认得仙阵盟的高层。” Obviously, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden could not have repressed the strong sense that Divine/God Palace rises. 十分显然,星澜神女已经按捺不住神宫崛起的强烈使命感了。 Regarding this, Shouzhe consented joyfully. 对此,守哲自是欣然应允。 Quick. 很快。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden beamed with health walked out of along the Kong Jian (Space) gate of cave mansion. In her foreheads has the exciting color that cannot be concealing, the cheek is slightly the flushed. 星澜神女就满面红光地跨出了随身洞府的空间门。她的眉宇间带着掩饰不住的兴奋之色,面颊更是微微潮红。 Sees that Wang Anye and Old Ancestor Longyan look at each other in blank dismay. 见状,王安业珑烟老祖面面相觑。 In the cave mansion, actually what happened? How this Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden goes in also fades dá dá, coming out to be full of energy? 洞府之内,究竟发生了什么事情?怎么这星澜神女进去的时候还蔫哒哒的,出来就精神抖擞了? But Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden this little while is filled with is the grand blueprint of Wang Shouzhe plan, where can also attend to other? 星澜神女这会儿满心都是王守哲规划的宏伟蓝图,哪里还顾得上别的? She responds has not responded the people, several steps went forward to pull the arm of Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder affectionate, drew her to walk toward the cave mansion in along: In a big hurry quickly! Zishuang (Purple Frost) Aunt sees Young Master along with me quickly.” 她连搭理都没搭理众人,几步上前亲昵地挽住了紫霜长老的胳膊,拉着她就往随身洞府里走:“快快快!紫霜姑姑快随我去见公子。” Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder the response without enough time, one face compelled to be entrained into along in the cave mansion by her ignorant. 紫霜长老连反应都来不及,就一脸懵逼地被她拽入了随身洞府之中。 Also passes the most double-hour, three people had/left along the cave mansion together. 又过得大半个时辰,三人一起出了随身洞府。 The Wang Shouzhe step is somewhat lively, seems the somewhat refreshing appearance. 王守哲步履有些轻快,好似有些神清气爽的模样。 But Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden and Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder, then sweeps the delapidated powder aura, in the look filled the light of hope, particularly the latter, is face glowing with health, even more appeared old yet still graceful. 星澜神女紫霜长老,则是一扫颓散气息,眼神中充满了希望的光,尤其是后者,更是容光焕发,愈发显得风韵犹存了起来。 The Old Ancestor Longyan complexion is even more dignified, passes message to warn to Wang Anye: Anye, this matter you give me rottenly in the belly.” 珑烟老祖的面色愈发凝重,对王安业传音告诫道:“安业啊,此事你给我烂在肚子里。” Wang Anye understands, nods again and again, expressed that cannot betray Great Grandfather. 王安业心领神会,连连点头,表示坚决不会出卖太爷爷 Wang Shouzhe does not know the two people brain made up anything, he lifted the hand to assign/life Anye to relieve Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden and on the Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder two women's various bans. 王守哲可不知道两人脑补了些什么,他抬手就命安业解除了星澜神女紫霜长老两女身上的各种禁制。 Now they on a ship, are the oneself person, does not need to use this method control again. 如今他们已经在一条船上,属于自己人了,自是没必要再用这种手段控制。 Young Master Shouzhe waits a bit, allowing me to process the head and tail.” 守哲公子稍待,容我处理一下首尾。” Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder has not disappointed Wang Shouzhe, quick looked for the localization of oneself, in array the foundation outside the gate of World of Immortals, added array that again covered up the aura and fluctuation of energy. 紫霜长老也没让王守哲失望,很快就重新找准了自己的定位,在仙界之门外面原本阵法的基础上,再次加了一层遮掩气息和能量波动的阵法 Thus, even following starts ancient Transmission Array again, was not discovered easily. 这样,就算后续再次启动古传送阵,也不容易被人发现。 But Wang Shouzhe also leaves behind the encryption information that was in sole possession, leaves the Holy Territory team that following transmitted. 王守哲也是留下了一些独有的加密信息,留给了后续传送过来的圣域团队。 Also. 随之。 The people then mounted Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden together Xinglan (Star Wave) Dao Boat, Except for Elder Zhantian. 众人便一起登上了星澜神女的【星澜道舟】,除了斩天长老 Elder Zhantian goes to another direction, digs up Dao Boat that drawing another was hidden from a very covert corner Cloud Crane Dao Boat. 斩天长老前往另一个方向,从一个非常隐蔽的角落里扒拉出来了另一艘被隐藏起来的道舟云鹤道舟】。 Clearly, this is the Cloud Crane Young Master private car. 很明显,这艘是云鹤公子的座驾。 He drove Cloud Crane Dao Boat to follow Xinglan (Star Wave) Dao Boat quickly, ran away to the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace direction high-speed. 他很快就驾驶着云鹤道舟跟上了星澜道舟,一齐向无极神宫方向高速遁去。 Wang Shouzhe when Holy Territory, with Xuanqing (Deep Black/Profound Azure) Shenzhou, Under the contrast, this Dao Boat speed immediately seemed slow. 王守哲圣域时,用惯了【玄青神舟】,对比之下,这道舟的速度顿时就显得过于缓慢了。 Only pitifully, even Xuanqing (Deep Black/Profound Azure) Shenzhou The build is small, is absolutely impossible to transmit through the gate of World of Immortals. 只可惜,即便【玄青神舟】体型偏小,也绝无可能通过仙界之门传送过来。 But the Quasi God Child/Seed status is even honored, is still basically unlikely to have rare and expensive Shenzhou. 准神子们即便身份尊贵,基本也不太可能拥有稀有且昂贵的神舟。 I heard that in World of Immortals various day of God Child/Seed, then only then Shenying (God Brilliant) List first place that has a small-scale Shenzhou. 听说,仙界诸天神子之中,便只有神瑛榜榜首那一位,才拥有一艘小型神舟。 So, is enough 50 years passes in a flash. 如此,一晃眼间又是足足五十年时间过去。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Dao Boat and Cloud Crane Dao Boat, passed through the Demon Race territory finally stealthily, passed through the temporary border, arrived at present the World of Immortals jurisdiction area southeastern direction. 星澜道舟云鹤道舟,终于鬼鬼祟祟的穿过了魔族领地,穿过了临时边境,抵达了目前仙界辖地的东南方向。 This position, exactly is the Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple sphere of influence and included angle place of Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Divine/God Palace sphere of influence. 这个位置,恰好是南明神殿势力范围与紫薇神宫势力范围的夹角处。 Just arrived, Wang Shouzhe obviously felt here and difference of Demon Race territory. 刚一抵达,王守哲就明显感觉到了这里和魔族领地的区别。 Without the ruins of finding at everywhere, did not have the shatter scattered in disorder void trash, does not have the torn to pieces galaxy, here void environment obviously is the process tidies up the reorganization, one type builds artificially clean and neat feeling. 没有了随处可见的废墟,没有了破碎散乱的虚空垃圾,也没有支离破碎的星河,这里的虚空环境明显是经过收拾整理的,有一种人为营造出来的“干净”和“清爽”的感觉。 Just, this void sea obviously is not bountifully. Here environment is quite stave, was short of the continuous large-scale galaxy group, the energy of void travelling relatively is thin. 只不过,这片虚空海明显算不上多富饶。这里的环境比较破碎,也少了连绵不绝的大型星河群,就连虚空中游历的能量都相对稀薄。 Here, is the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace present habitat. 这里,便是无极神宫如今的栖息地。 Here is not near from the border line, the overall environment actually is also calm and steady. 这里距离边境线不远不近,总体大环境却还算是安稳。 In the center of this void sea, the piece looks also calculates the careless galaxy group. 在这片虚空海的中央,有一片看起来还算马马虎虎的星河群。 The galaxy group center, there is piece of attractive Xinghu (Star Lake). 星河群中心,有一片漂亮的星湖 In the Xinghu (Star Lake) center, is situated piece of spirit qi also to calculate abundant world. 星湖中心,坐落着一片灵气还算充裕的世界 But in this world, is standing erect a giant float city, named Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city. 这方世界之中,也矗立着一座巨大的悬浮城池,名为【玄天城】。 Famous Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, then float above Xuantian (Profound Heaven), in Immortal Palace like the cloud is ordinary, in cloud layer partly visible. 大名鼎鼎的无极神宫,便悬浮在玄天之上,有如云上仙宫一般,在云层之中若隐若现。 This Xuantian (Profound Heaven) city hundred ten thousand years history, the scale grand degree, far is inferior in the self-destruction beforehand Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city. 只是这座玄天城连百万载历史都不到,无论是规模还是雄伟程度,都远逊色于自毁之前的无极城。 At this moment. 此刻。 Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace. 无极神宫 Entertains a guest with specially in side hall, two Daoist/Taoist shadow minute/share guests and hosts sit. 专门待客用的偏殿之中,有两道人影正分宾主而坐。 And, what sits on the seat of honor is a plane kind and old man. 其中,坐在主座上的是一位面相慈和的老者。 His graying at the temples, seems like has somewhat gotten old, spirit actually as before healthy, particularly a pair of eyes pupil, profound, but the vicissitudes, taking a quick look around then know person who has the story. 他两鬓斑白,看上去已经有些上了年纪,精神却依旧矍铄,尤其是一双眼眸,深邃而沧桑,一眼看去便知道是个有故事的人。 The Daoist robe that is embroidering the stars design puts in him, even more sets off his features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, is ordinary like the old deity. 一袭绣着星辰图案的道袍穿在他身上,愈发衬得他仙风道骨,有如老神仙一般。 This old man, is Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace present generation of Palace Lord, Daylight Dao Lord. 这位老者,便是无极神宫如今的代宫主,【辰光道主】。 Sits opposite of him, is a figure clear middle-aged person. 坐在他对面的,则是一位身形圆润的中年人。 He puts on dark golden color to embroider the copper coin dark mark the long gown, the waist hangs a purple gold abacus, the whole person is passing stock from inside to outside friendly disposition leads to wealth the flavor. 他穿着一袭暗金色绣铜钱暗纹的长袍,腰悬一把紫金算盘,整个人从里到外都透着股“和气生财”的味道。 He came from the ancient organization Divine Treasure Palace Elder. 他是来自于古老组织【神宝殿】的一位长老 This Divine Treasure Palace history is very glorious, specially is engaged in various treasure and work of resources business. It is said that is even some World of Immortals development places outside, will have a Divine Treasure Palace minute/share of palace to enter. 这个神宝殿历史十分悠久,专门从事各种宝物和资源买卖的工作。据说,便是连一些仙界在外的开拓地,都会有神宝殿的分殿进驻。 Initially Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace took the lead in developing Immortal Alliance, Divine Treasure Palace then set up a minute/share of palace in Immortal Alliance. 当初无极神宫带头开拓仙盟,神宝殿便在仙盟设立了分殿。 Even afterward Immortal Alliance destruction, after Holy Territory rise, Immortal Alliance god treasure divides palace Also had not broken the inheritance, instead lives even more in entire Holy Territory moistens, even Wang Shouzhe likes having to do with them. 即便后来仙盟覆灭,圣域崛起之后,【仙盟神宝分殿】也未曾断了传承,反而在整个圣域活得愈发滋润,连王守哲都喜欢与他们打交道。 Divine Treasure Palace receives Wang Shouzhe to like, that is because they have an ancient tradition, that respects the rich man, and is willing to do utmost for the rich man serves. 神宝殿之所以受王守哲喜欢,那是因为他们有一项古老的传统,那就是尊重有钱人,并且愿意竭尽全力为有钱人服务。 As for some poor people, then often does not like Divine Treasure Palace. 至于一些穷人,则往往并不太喜欢神宝殿 For example generation of Palace Lord daylight Dao Lord. 例如宫主辰光道主 Faces cultivation base only to have Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm initial stage Divine Treasure Palace Elder, cultivation base has achieved daylight Dao Lord of boundary of half step Immortal Emperor actually appears somewhat lacks in resonance. 面对着修为仅有混元境初期神宝殿长老,修为已然达到半步仙帝之境的辰光道主却显得有些底气不足。 On his face is hanging the genial smile, flatters discusses with the tone and that middle-aged Elder that: Valuable bottle-gourd Elder, we that lends from your treasure palace Good Fortune God Pill Can the obligated funds, extend a time limit again 1,000-2,000 years. You also know, my disciple Xinglan (Star Wave) aptitude potential is good, after entering Zhuān Xū Divine/God Palace, perhaps is predestined friends to pick wonder drug. When the time comes, but also falls lending to have more than enough to spare.” 他脸上挂着和煦的笑容,用略带讨好的语气和那中年长老商量道:“宝葫长老,我们从贵宝殿借贷的那笔【造化神丹】专用款项,能不能再宽限个1,000-2,000年。你也知道,我徒星澜资质潜力还行,进入颛顼神宫后,或许有缘能捡到一株神药。到时候,还掉借贷绰绰有余。” Valuable bottle-gourd Elder looks at daylight Dao Lord, showed the sincere smile of businessman: Properly speaking daylight Senior a few words, younger generation do not dare to disobey. Recently our Divine Treasure Palace funding chain tied tight, really does not have the means to decide to withdraw some lending of due.” 宝葫长老看着辰光道主,露出了生意人的诚恳笑容:“按理说辰光前辈一句话,晚辈莫敢不从。只是最近我们神宝殿资金链紧绷,实在没办法才决定抽回一些到期的借贷。” Daylight Senior, we only withdraw this lending, gives favored treatment to Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace.” “辰光前辈,我们只抽回这一项借贷,已经算是优待无极神宫了。” The smile on daylight Dao Lord face is somewhat stiff. 辰光道主脸上的笑容有些僵硬。 Some never expected that this time Divine Treasure Palace future are bad ~ 没想到这一次神宝殿有些来者不善啊~ Looks at this stance, if cannot return money, Divine Treasure Palace feared that will not easily give up. But where in Divine/God Palace takes to obtain so much money now? 看这架势,要是没能把钱还上,神宝殿怕是不会轻易善罢甘休。可神宫内如今哪里拿得出这么多钱? In the heart worries at the same time, he cannot bear somewhat worry that Apprentice/Disciple came. 心中发愁的同时,他忍不住又有些担忧起徒儿来了。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Xinglan (Star Wave), actually did your vanish quick two hundred years...... to make what? 星澜星澜,你这消失了快两百载了……究竟在做些什么? ...... ……
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