POP :: Volume #8

#45: Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city! Since the ancient times my family sacred territory

Chapter 991 第991章 Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city! Since the ancient times my family sacred territory 无极城!自古以来我家神圣领土 ...... …… Not to mention Old Ancestor Longyan is filled with the doubt, the brain made up anything secretly. 且不说珑烟老祖这边满心狐疑,暗地里脑补了些什么。 That side Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, by the Wang Shouzhe threat words hit soft rib , the complexion is Yin clearly is also uncertain. 星澜神女那边,被王守哲的威胁话语命中软肋之下,脸色也是阴晴不定起来。 Struggles for a long time, she gave up eventually with the plan that the card in a hand escapes, is clenching teeth to get angry the sound to argue: Was I spied on you in secret, had nothing to do with Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder. Do not feel embarrassed her.” 挣扎许久,她终究还是放弃了用底牌逃跑的打算,咬着牙怒声辩解道:“是我暗中窥探了你们,与紫霜长老无关。你们别为难她。” Irrelevant or related, after I clarify the reason, will have the judgment.” Wang Shouzhe sincere said, makes the misunderstanding continue to deepen for avoidance, creates the irretrievable result, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden hands over the arms in advance quite well.” “无关或有关,等我弄清楚缘由后自会有判断。”王守哲正色说道,“为了避免让误会继续加深,造成不可挽回的结局,星澜神女还是先行缴械投降比较好。” A little Your Highness Divine Maiden may feel relieved, we are not the ferocious disciple. If verifies you not to have the hostility to me, I not only will not feel embarrassed you, will also make the compensation and apology.” “有一点神女殿下可放心,我们不是什么穷凶极恶之徒。若是查明你们对我没有敌意,我非但不会为难伱们,还会做出补偿和致歉。” The Wang Shouzhe attitude is very sincere. 王守哲的态度很诚恳。 After all in has not clarified Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden artificially wait/etc. what before then, lets escape them at will is a dangerous hidden danger. 毕竟在还没弄清楚星澜神女等人为何在此之前,随意放跑她们是一桩危险的隐患。 Meanwhile, he does not want to intensify the conflict, creates the contradiction that is hard to be well distributed between both sides, so, adopted so the way. 同时,他也不想加剧冲突,在双方之间造成难以调和的矛盾,如此,才采取了如此方式。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden heard Wang Shouzhe to say sincerely, was seeing with own eyes Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder was being pressed hitting under the joint attack of White Tiger and Elder Zhantian, the condition was even more in imminent danger, has to clench teeth to comply hardly: In view of this, I then trust your one time. If you dare to act unreasonably......, our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is not also affable.” 星澜神女听得王守哲说得恳切,又眼见着紫霜长老白虎斩天长老的联手进攻下被压着打,状况愈发岌岌可危,只得硬咬着牙答应下来:“既如此,我便信任你一次。倘若你敢乱来……哼,我们无极神宫也绝非好惹的。” Can become Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace Quasi Goddess, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is not the loathsome person, said, she then received the weapon neatly, gave up the resistance. 能成为无极神宫准神女,星澜神女也不是什么拖泥带水的人,说罢,她便干脆利落地收了武器,放弃了抵抗。 Sees that Old Ancestor Longyan and Wang Anye look at each other, simultaneously stopped the attack, simultaneously blocks the direction that Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden escaped one on the left and other on the right respectively, in order to avoid her pretended surrender. 见状,珑烟老祖王安业相视一眼,也齐齐停止了进攻,同时一左一右分别挡住了星澜神女逃跑的方向,以免她诈降。 Oh ~ ~ “唉~~ Also sees this scene, Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder knows the situation to be beyond any help, deeply sighs, similarly decides to surrender. 见得这一幕,紫霜长老也知局势无可挽回,不由深深叹了一口气,同样决定投降。 She also knows, by the strength of opposite party group of people, if full power the attack, oneself and Divine Maiden feared that has been seriously injured, now this situation, is the consequence that the opposite party shows mercy. 她也知道,以对方这伙人的实力,若是全力进攻,自己神女怕是早就受了重伤,如今这局势,已经是对方手下留情的后果了。 With her surrender, Elder Zhantian and Wang Yinhu also stopped pressing on step by step. 随着她的投降,斩天长老王寅虎也同时停下了步步紧逼。 Under the passes message instruction of Wang Shouzhe, one person and one tiger proficiently pulls out one bunch of things, took a series of imprisoned measures to Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden and Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder. 王守哲的传音吩咐下,一人一虎熟练地掏出一堆东西,对星澜神女紫霜长老采取了一系列禁锢措施。 These are Wang Clan Item Refining Main Division and Wang Clan Research Institute unite the product the top shackles, specifically is used to imprison the strength tyrannical top powerhouse, not only the contour is covert, imprisoning the effect is also very splendid. Coordinates other seal methods again, is even Dao Lord, wants to get out of trouble must spend a hands and feet. 这些都是王氏炼器总司王氏研究院联合出品的顶级镣铐,专门用来禁锢实力强横的顶级强者,不仅外形隐蔽,禁锢效果也十分出色。再配合一些其它封印手段,便是连道主,想要脱困都得费一番手脚。 So sees the result, Wang Shouzhe is quite naturally satisfied. 见得如此结果,王守哲自然比较满意。 He shows a faint smile to Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, nods said: Your Highness Divine Maiden made the wise choice.” 他冲星澜神女微微一笑,颔首道:“神女殿下做出了明智的选择。” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden presents the fishy, in his time heart had somewhat guessed, but also needs to inquire that Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, can verify the suspicion of oneself. 星澜神女出现得蹊跷,他此时心中已然有些猜测,但还需要询问星澜神女一番,才能印证自己的猜想。 Immediately, Wang Shouzhe was launching along the cave mansion same place, activated a small Kong Jian (Space) entrance. 当即,王守哲就在原地展开了随身洞府,激活出了一个小小的空间入口。 „The surrounding ruins environment is bad, is not suitable talks, but also in asked Your Highness Divine Maiden to enter a to chat. Your I chat alone.” “周围废墟环境恶劣,不宜谈话,还请神女殿下入内一叙。你我单独聊聊。” This saying, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden has not said anything, in nearby Old Ancestor Longyan heart is actually thump. 这话一出,星澜神女还没说什么,旁边的珑烟老祖心中却是咯噔一下。 Shouzhe then just came World of Immortals, so abandoned oneself to Bohemianism? 守哲这才刚来仙界,就如此放浪形骸了吗? However, this Xinglan (Star Wave) Quasi Goddess looks is very indeed attractive, young, bloodline is powerful, there is a strength...... to be joined to my family Shouzhe actually, the heir who in the future will give birth to will not miss. 不过,这个星澜准神女的确长得挺漂亮,又年轻,血脉强大,又有实力……倒是配得上我家守哲,将来生出的子嗣也不会差。 Ruolan that pass/test afraid does not feel better. 只是若蓝那一关怕是不好过。 forget it, forget it, eventually is the child...... 罢了罢了,终究是自家孩子…… This matter, she must try to find the solution for Shouzhe in any event well. Here is World of Immortals, with Divine Martial world great distance far more than thousand Wanli (Ten Thousand Li), if in Lane World of Immortals two, with Ruolan well water not interfering with river water, might as well be means. 此事,她无论如何得替守哲好好想想办法。这里是仙界,和神武世界相隔何止千万里,若是在仙界个二房,与若蓝井水不犯河水,也未尝不是个办法。 The Old Ancestor Longyan rapid revolution brain, starts to provide for a rainy day for Shouzhe. 珑烟老祖飞速运转脑子,开始替守哲未雨绸缪起来。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden sees this stance, the innermost feelings are also flurried incomparable, but is the block I am the fish meat, finally has to go against the vision of people, braced oneself to stride in along in the cave mansion. 星澜神女一见这架势,内心也是慌乱无比,只是碍于人是砧板我乃鱼肉,最后还是不得不顶着众人的目光,硬着头皮跨入了随身洞府之中。 Not many moments. 不多片刻。 two people then sat in along the yard in cave mansion. 两人便坐在了随身洞府的小院内。 This along cave mansion already with Wang Shouzhe for a long time, the yard area in cave mansion, although is not big, the vegetation is luxuriantly green, Lingyun/spirit charm abundant, certain conspicuous places also planted various fruits and melons spirit, were full of the countryside character and style. 这座随身洞府已经跟了王守哲许久,洞府内的小院面积虽然不算大,却草木葱茏,灵韵盎然,某些显眼的地方还种植了各种瓜果灵疏,充满了田园风情。 Various arrangement ornaments in yard, filled with the life breath, the light is looks that can imagine, here lives is quite inevitably satisfied. 小院内的各种布置摆设,也充满了生活气息,光是看着都能想象到,在这里住着必然极为惬意。 In the yard has a pavilion. 小院内有一座凉亭。 At this moment, on the stone table in pavilion, is putting two tea. The tea aroma curls, scatters in the quiet air slowly. 此刻,凉亭内的石桌上,正放着两盏茶。茶香袅袅,在静谧的空气中缓缓飘散。 Near the stone table, the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden figure sits on the stone stool tight, the complexion is intense, vigilant is extremely staring at Wang Shouzhe, in the heart is frightened and disturbed. 石桌边,星澜神女身形紧绷地坐在石凳上,面色紧张,又警惕万分的盯着王守哲,心中惴惴而忐忑。 Wang Shouzhe carries tea, sipped one careless, spoke thoughtlessly saying: Your Highness Divine Maiden whether to launch saying that how you did deceive Cloud Crane Young Master?” 王守哲端起茶盏,漫不经心的抿了一口,随口说道:“神女殿下能否展开说说,你是如何欺骗了云鹤公子的?” What?” “什么?” A Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden two stars pupil opens the circle instantaneously, the innermost feelings mighty waves rises from all directions. 星澜神女一双星眸瞬间睁圆,内心波澜四起。 She has a dream has not thought, this person of first few words unexpectedly are this. 她做梦也没想到,此人第一句话竟是这个。 Sees this response, in the Wang Shouzhe heart understands clearly immediately. 见她这反应,王守哲心中登时了然。 He advanced in front of tea Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, puts out a hand to hint toward her: This is the Minghun (Nether Soul) tea, has to calm the nerves the effect of congealing air/Qi.” 他将茶盏推到了星澜神女面前,朝她伸手示意:“此乃冥魂茶,有安神凝气之效。” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden slightly does hesitant, finally carried the Minghun (Nether Soul) tea to drink one. 星澜神女略作犹豫,最后还是端起冥魂茶喝了一口。 The tea aroma enters the throat, cool aura such as the trickle passes immediately in within the body, making mood that she loses patience tranquil many. 茶香入喉,一股清凉的气息顿时如涓涓细流般在她体内流转开来,让她烦乱的心情平静了不少。 She calms down, this calm opens the mouth: Young Master said that Xinglan (Star Wave) could not understand.” 她定了定神,这才冷静开口:“公子所言,星澜听不懂。” I treat it to Your Highness Divine Maiden to honestly, Your Highness Divine Maiden spoke to be possible is quite senseless.” Wang Shouzhe cast aside the tea froth leisurely, the tone is light, „the Cloud Crane brother the cause and effect, is all honest with me. I suggested that your highness must conceal not, in order to avoid has the unnecessary misunderstanding. Here is the secluded unmanned place, if has what misdemeanor, cannot pass on World of Immortals.” “我对神女殿下待之以诚,神女殿下如此说话可就好生无趣了。”王守哲慢条斯理的撇了撇茶沫,语气淡淡,“云鹤兄已将前因后果,悉数与我坦诚。我建议殿下莫要隐瞒,以免产生不必要的误会。要知道,此处乃僻静无人之处,若是发生点什么坏事,也传不回仙界。” Looks at his appearance, as if during all completely have been grasping. If she did not confess truthfully, then can only the consequence be proud. 看他的模样,仿佛已经一切尽在掌握之中。她若不如实招供,便只能后果自负了。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden places the hand on table to grip little tightly. 星澜神女放在桌上的手一点点攥紧。 This flash, she has oneself was seen through completely the feeling unexpectedly. 这一瞬间,她竟有种自己被完全看穿了的感觉。 A chill in the air from her tailbone ascension, inundates her back instantaneously, making her whole body stiff, in the heart is alarmed and afraid. 一股寒意自她的尾椎骨升腾而起,瞬间漫上她的脊背,让她浑身僵硬,心中更是惊惧不已。 Xinglan (Star Wave) does not dare to deceive Young Master.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden clenches teeth, has to brace oneself the explanation, I see Yan Cloud Crane not to know where knew some unofficial history materials, and inquires our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment in secret the information, then thwarts, disclosed some information in secret and he.” 星澜不敢欺瞒公子。”星澜神女咬了咬牙,只得硬着头皮解释,“我见阎云鹤不知从哪里得知了些野史资料,并且暗中打探我们无极神宫掌界令碎片的情报,便将计就计,暗中透露了一些情报与他。” Since Your Highness Divine Maiden knew perfectly well that the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment in Immortal Alliance, why doesn't take personally?” Wang Shouzhe lifts the pupil to look at her, why can promote Yan Cloud Crane to take the lead in secret?” “既然神女殿下明知掌界令碎片在仙盟,为何不亲自去取?”王守哲抬眸看她,“为何非要暗中推动阎云鹤打头阵?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden silent, the look was somewhat helpless: Young Master, since can ask that the beforehand issue, can guess correctly some reasons. Since 100 several hundred thousand years ago, our Emperor Venerable falls from the sky, the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city started the self-destruction pattern, after some Demon Race perish together, our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace then becomes did not have a duckweed.” 星澜神女默了默,神色有些无奈:“公子既然能问出之前的问题,想必也能猜出些缘由。自从一百几十万年前,我们帝尊陨落,无极城又启动了自毁模式,与部分魔族同归于尽之后,我们无极神宫便成了无根之萍。” Is too big in the self-destruction array might that in the war starts finally because of the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city, causing the surrounding void sea to become extremely chaotic, is quite dangerous, until the recent ten thousand years, the Kong Jian (Space) turbulent flow subsides gradually, we can reluctantly the rediscovery Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city ruins.” “因无极城在最终之战中启动的自毁阵法威力太大,导致周围的虚空海变得极为混乱,也极为危险,直到最近万年,空间乱流渐渐平息,我们才能勉强重新探索无极城废墟。” But at this time, Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace has lost contact with Immortal Alliance was too long, how does not know that side situation. We also feared the trade restored Transmission Array rashly in the past, will give birth to all sorts of accidents. After all, present Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace already no longer in the past, overall strength even also cannot compare initial Immortal Alliance. Therefore, we moved some small plans ~ ~ “但是这时候,无极神宫已与仙盟失联了太久,不知那边情况如何。我们也怕贸贸然修复传送阵过去后,会生出种种变故。毕竟,现在的无极神宫早已不复当年,总体实力甚至还比不上当初的仙盟。因此,我们才动了些小心机~~ Really so.” Wang Shouzhe looked that took to the Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden look wiped the happy expression, Yan Cloud Crane was kept in the dark from beginning to end, becomes the Miss cannon fodder scout, something has been done deliberately he also thought oneself infallible oneself to eavesdrop on the information secret.” “果然如此。”王守哲看向星澜神女的眼神中带上了一抹笑意,“阎云鹤从头到尾都被蒙在鼓里,成为了姑娘的炮灰探子,偏生他还自以为是自己探听到了情报秘闻。” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden lowers the head, without the speech, in the heart actually clenches teeth secretly. 星澜神女低下头,没说话,心中却是暗暗咬牙。 oneself planned so many, finally has not fallen short, did plant in this male manpower? 自己算计了这么多,最后还不是功亏一篑,一头栽在了这个男人手里? He is self-satisfied ~! 他就得意吧~! Sees this appearance, Wang Shouzhe has not continued this topic again, lowered the head drank Minghun (Nether Soul) tea in hand slowly, this put down tea in hand slowly. 见她这副样子,王守哲也没再继续这个话题,低头慢悠悠地喝了一口手中的冥魂茶,这才缓缓放下了手中的茶盏。 Your Highness Divine Maiden, if Yan Cloud Crane all smooth, brought back this Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command The fragment, does not know how Your Highness Divine Maiden does prepare to process?” 神女殿下,若是阎云鹤一切顺利,拿回了这枚【掌界令】碎片,不知神女殿下准备如何处理?” During the speeches, Wang Shouzhe took out that Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment, have a relish is holding appreciatively in the fingertip. 说话间,王守哲取出了那枚掌界令碎片,饶有兴致地在指尖把玩着。 This...... the original Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment, has fallen in the Young Master hand.” The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden heart one suddenly, looked becomes to the Wang Shouzhe look flash incomparably complex, as for the hypothesis that Young Master comes up with...... actually, if Yan Cloud Crane brought back Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command, we also take him not to have the good way, after all Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple strength far superego.” “这……原来掌界令碎片,早就落在了公子手中。”星澜神女心头一突,看向王守哲的眼神一瞬间变得无比复杂,“至于公子所作的假设……其实,若是阎云鹤拿回了掌界令,我们也拿他没太好的办法,毕竟南明神殿的实力远超我等。” I guess that the Divine Maiden palace starts, perhaps some special cards in a hand, but section reckless Yan Cloud Crane.” The Wang Shouzhe faint smile, closely is staring at Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden. “我猜神女殿下手中,或许有一些特殊的底牌,可截胡阎云鹤。”王守哲似笑非笑,紧紧盯着星澜神女 The Wang Shouzhe look, making Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden as if have to plant is pierced the feeling of mind thoroughly. Her body trembles, almost blurted out subconsciously: How does Young Master know?” 王守哲的眼神,令星澜神女仿佛有种被彻底洞穿心灵的感觉。她身躯微颤,几乎是下意识地脱口而出:“公子如何会知道?” Wang Shouzhe naturally not possible assured, in his just heart some inferences. 王守哲当然不可能笃定,他只不过心中有些推断而已。 So many years passed by, this Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden and Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder costs the time as before, is defending this Transmission Array in secret, after and other Yan Cloud Crane will return will not always congratulate the opposite party? 那么多年过去了,这位星澜神女紫霜长老依旧耗费时间,暗中守着这传送阵,总不会是为了等阎云鹤归来后恭喜对方吧? Now, sees Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden so to respond, he determined actually perhaps this female really has to cope with Yan Cloud Crane method. 如今,见星澜神女这般反应,他倒是确定了此女恐怕真有对付阎云鹤的手段。 Your Highness Divine Maiden is not anxious.” Wang Shouzhe then said with a smile, franked, below Wang Shouzhe, actually with Your Highness Divine Maiden was the oneself person.” 神女殿下莫要紧张。”王守哲这才笑道,“实不相瞒,在下王守哲,实则与神女殿下乃是自己人。” oneself person? 自己人? The Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden expression is stunned. 星澜神女表情不禁错愕。 Where this is braves so fierce oneself person, is......? 这是从哪里冒出来如此厉害的自己人,难道是……? Your highness guesses right, our clan called Divine Martial Changning Wang Clan, The ancestor came from Immortal Alliance Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Dao Sect.” Saying that Wang Shouzhe is calm and composed even in press of work, branch that but as far as I know, the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Dao Sect lineage itself/Ben divides from Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace.” “殿下猜得没错,我们家族叫【神武长宁王氏】,先祖出身自仙盟无极道宗。”王守哲好整以暇的说道,“而据我所知,无极道宗一脉本就是从无极神宫分出来的分支。” Wang Shouzhe this point naturally does not lie, Wang Clan bloodline can trace Tianwei (Heavenly Wei) Wang Clan Ancestor. But this Ancestor, initially was in Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Dao Sect ordinary Great Principle Golden Immortal. 王守哲这一点自然不是说谎,王氏血脉可以一直追溯到【天渭王氏】的老祖宗。而这位老祖宗,当初便是无极道宗内一位普普通通的大罗金仙 He carried the family member initially, fled from calamity together Dongxia (East Xia/Eastern Rosy Cloud) Central Land with Xuanyuan Clan, subsequently the opening up wasteland vertical clan, bloomed a loose leaf unceasingly outward, finally had Changning Wang Clan. 他老人家当初携带家人,跟着轩辕氏一起逃难到了东霞中土,继而开荒立族,不断向外开枝散叶,最后才有了长宁王氏 So climbs the relations hardly, naturally can climb. 如此硬攀关系,自然是能攀上去的。 Originally Young Master Shouzhe is Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Dao Sect lineage.” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden relaxes immediately greatly, in the eye pupil was full of the color of pleasant surprise, that may really be the flood flushed Longwang Temple.” “原来守哲公子无极道宗一脉的。”星澜神女登时大松一口气,眼眸中充满了惊喜之色,“那可真是大水冲了龙王庙了。” Initially went to Beyond-Territory to open up wasteland, the maximum main force naturally is Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Dao Sect lineage, however Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace also recruited and admits many assorted influences on open up wasteland together. 当初去域外开荒,最大的主力当然是无极道宗一脉,然而无极神宫也招募和接纳了不少杂七杂八的势力共同开荒。 The time was long, then evolves Immortal Alliance afterward appearance. 时间久了,便是演变成了仙盟后来的样子。 Your Highness Divine Maiden did not fear that I do lie?” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile. 神女殿下就不怕我说谎?”王守哲笑道。 „......” The smile of Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden stiffens immediately, mentality some of whole person are not good. “……”星澜神女的笑脸登时僵住,整个人的心态都有些不好了。 She usually in is also an intelligent person, but today, she actually feels that oneself brain some not too sufficient as, all mood and mentalities led by the nose by this Wang Shouzhe, making her happily happy, making her dread dreads. 她平日里也算是个聪慧之人,可今天,她却感觉自己的脑子有些不太够用似的,所有情绪和思路都被这王守哲牵着鼻子走,让她高兴就高兴,让她畏惧就畏惧。 This man, too fearful ~ 这男人,也太可怕了~ Daoyi (Dao 1) Senior, can come out to greet with Xinglan (Star Wave) Your Highness Divine Maiden.” Wang Shouzhe actually received the smile at this time, the complexion one positively, the look one enforced. 道一前辈,可以出来与星澜神女殿下打个招呼了。”王守哲却在这时收了笑容,面色一正,眼神一下严肃了起来。 Among next instant. 下一瞬间。 The Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment of his fingertip shivers slightly, is correct saying that the strength of soul from fills the air, condensed a somewhat illusory person's shadow above the fragment gradually. 他指尖的掌界令碎片微微颤抖,有道道神魂之力自其中弥漫而出,渐渐在碎片上方凝聚成了一道有些虚幻的人影。 This person's shadow, naturally was Ji Daoyi soul. 这人影,自然便是姬道一神魂了。 His soul disperses not to gather, although condensed the human form reluctantly, seeming like will actually seem like the dissipation to be momentarily same, seemed very weak. 他的神魂散而不聚,虽然勉强凝聚成了人形,看起来却像是随时都会消散一样,显得十分虚弱。 However, even so, made others identify his status sufficiently clearly. 不过,即便如此,却也足以让别人清晰辨认出他的身份了。 His semblance is 50-60 -year-old male appearance, wears the white jade Daoist monk's cap, wears the complicated dignified Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Daoist robe, appears calm as water and high as a mountain, the bearing is uncommon. 他的外表是50-60岁男子模样,头戴白玉道冠,身穿繁复威严的无极道袍,显得渊渟岳峙,器宇不凡。 Just appears, Ji Daoyi then salutes to Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden slightly excitedly: Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Dao Sect Sect Lord Ji Daoyi, has seen Your Highness Divine Maiden.” 甫一出现,姬道一便微微激动地向星澜神女行礼:“无极道宗宗主姬道一,见过神女殿下。” As Wang Shouzhe promotes Great Principle Golden Immortal, his Life Source bloodline awakened again the single layer, the ability that Life Source bloodline brings naturally is also when production costs rise, prices rise too. He then starts to attempt with Life Source to treat Ji Daoyi soul. 随着王守哲晋升大罗金仙,他的生命本源血脉再度觉醒了一重,生命本源血脉所带来的能力自然也是水涨船高。他便开始尝试用生命本源治疗姬道一神魂 After spending a lot of time, finally is slightly somewhat the result. 花了不少时间之后,总算是略有几分成效。 Now, Ji Daoyi soul is lives reluctantly, the Hundun (Primal Chaos) ignorant consciousness was also awakened, can exchange normally. However, Ji Daoyi soul was still weak, temporarily has no way to leave the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment. 如今,姬道一神魂已经算是勉强活过来了,原本混沌蒙昧的意识也被重新唤醒,可以正常和人交流了。不过,姬道一神魂仍旧非常虚弱,暂时没法离开掌界令碎片。 As for that wisp of Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast soul, was stripped by Wang Shouzhe, for the time being transfers to raise in the soul wood. 至于那缕灾变兽神魂,则是被王守哲剥离了下来,暂且挪移到了养魂木中。 Obviously, a moment ago Wang Shouzhe and dialogue of Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, Ji Daoyi heard in the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment. 很显然,刚才王守哲星澜神女的对话,姬道一掌界令碎片里都听见了。 Feared that Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden does not believe that he also showed oneself aura especially. 星澜神女不相信,他还特地展现了一下自己的气息。 That was cultivation Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Dao Sect was most legitimate Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Xuantian (Profound Heaven) secret art After air/Qi of an overwhelming Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) implication that accumulated has naturally, even if merely only soul , the characteristics are still distinct, is very easy to identify. 那是修炼无极道宗最正统的【无极玄天诀】后,自然而然蕴生出的一身浩然无极之气的意蕴,哪怕仅仅只余神魂,也依旧特征鲜明,很容易辨认。 Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) noble spirit!? Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Xuantian (Profound Heaven) secret art?” 无极浩然之气!?无极玄天诀?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden dazed, recognized this special aura slightly immediately immediately, and feels very intimate. 星澜神女微微一愣神,随即立即就认出了这股特别的气息,并且觉得十分亲近。 She quickly stood, toward Ji Daoyi also a ritual: Xinglan (Star Wave) has seen Daoyi (Dao 1) Sect Lord, Xinglan (Star Wave) at present is also only Quasi Goddess, when can not Sect Lord this your highness.” 她急忙站了起来,朝姬道一还了一礼:“星澜见过道一宗主,星澜目前还只是准神女,当不得宗主这一声‘殿下’。” Also is no wonder. 也是难怪。 This Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Xuantian (Profound Heaven) secret art, with her cultivation Limitless Star Secret Art Has lineage, is since Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Immortal Emperor Branch dao lineage that in the inheritance evolves, belongs to Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace Orthodox inheritance. 这门无极玄天诀,与她修炼的【无极星辰诀】同出一脉,均是从【无极仙帝】传承中演化出来的分支道统,都属于无极神宫的【正统传承】。 Again for example Ying Clan Luohe Old Ancestor Heavenly Water Dao Book, Is a dao lineage inheritance of Origin Water department, in principle is turns to and attaches to Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Dao Sect dao lineage. Therefore in the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace legitimate inheritance eye, this belongs to collateral branch dao lineage, in the closeness naturally must miss one section. 再譬如嬴氏洛荷老祖的【天水道书】,属于元水一系的道统传承,原则上是投靠和依附无极道宗道统。因此在无极神宫正统传承眼中,这属于旁支道统,亲近感上自然是要差一截的。 But outside that Zishuang (Purple Frost) Elder, belongs to Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace collateral branch dao lineage obviously. 而外面那个紫霜长老,显然也属于无极神宫的旁支道统 Might as well.” Ji Daoyi smiles free and easy, „before me, heard the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace current condition. By the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace present resources, can raise Quasi Goddess is very extraordinary, called you your highness is not overrated for one.” “无妨无妨。”姬道一洒脱一笑,“我之前也听说了无极神宫目前的状况。以无极神宫如今的资源,能养出一个准神女就挺了不起了,称呼你为一声‘殿下’也不为过。” Simply put, naturally is points to Divine/God Palace now is too poor goes down in the world, cannot raise second Quasi Goddess. 言下之意,当然是直指神宫现在太穷太落魄,根本养不起第二个准神女 But he actually is also quite proud. 而他其实也是颇为自傲的。 When wants initially his young bloodline is also unusual, although is not God Child/Seed, is actually led far astray by a slight error. 想当初他年轻之时血脉也非同寻常,虽然不是神子,却也不过差之毫厘。 If not has the aptitude of so going against heaven's will, and when cultivation to the half step Immortal Emperor strength, initially Immortal Alliance danger, he is impossible to depend on secret technique to break through 19th stage forcefully, but also success. 若非有着如此逆天的资质,并且修炼到了半步仙帝的实力,当初仙盟危难之际,他也不可能靠着秘法强行突破十九阶,还成功了。 Only pitifully, that time Immortal Alliance had lost contact with Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace , depends on his young aptitude, can mix Quasi God Child/Seed at least. 只可惜,那时候的仙盟已经与无极神宫失联了,否则,就凭他年轻时的资质,至不济也能混个准神子当一当。 Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden was somewhat said the face to be red by him. 星澜神女却是被他说得脸都有些红了。 This Daoyi (Dao 1) Sect Lord, was extremely really straightforward. 这位道一宗主,着实太过耿直了。 Wait! 等等! Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden responded suddenly until this time, this Daoyi (Dao 1) Sect Lord was the soul condition, in the eye pupil cannot help but passed over gently and swiftly unexpectedly wiped the color of surprise. 星澜神女直到这时候才忽然反应过来,这位道一宗主居然是神魂状态,眼眸中不由得掠过了一抹诧异之色。 Your Highness Divine Maiden has not to know, initially after our two lost contact,......” 神女殿下有所不知,当初咱们两家失联之后……” It seems like detected that the doubts of Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden, Wang Shouzhe seriously gave her to say probably Immortal Alliance also encountered the disaster, recently just restored some vitalities appearances. 似乎是察觉到了星澜神女的疑惑,王守哲表情严肃地给她大概说了一下仙盟也遭到了劫难,最近才刚刚恢复了些元气的样子。 A moment later, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is not only the shock is the grief and indignation: That does not know Crystal Ancient Race where braves went too far, if our we have not lost contact, perhaps...... oh......” 片刻之后,星澜神女既是震惊又是悲愤:“那个不知从哪里冒出来的晶古族太过份了,若是我们咱们没有失联,或许……唉……” She could not be justified. 她说不下去了。 That Crystal Ancient Race powerful to fearsome degree, let alone Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace is remnant at that time, without remnant, can find the way to support Immortal Alliance, cannot be victorious as before Crystal Ancient Race. 那个晶古族强大到可怖的程度,别说当时无极神宫已经残了,即便没有残,能想办法支援仙盟,也依旧是打不过晶古族 Crystal Ancient Race the actually not major problem, our Immortal Alliance will recover at present sooner or later.” Wang Shouzhe is the indignation, is only our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace so goes down in the world now, definitely is incorrect, being probable changes is good.” 晶古族目前倒不是大问题,我们仙盟迟早会恢复元气。”王守哲则是愤慨不已,“只是咱们无极神宫如今这般落魄,肯定是不行的,须得有所改变才行。” „Does Young Master Shouzhe have what plan?” Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden looks to him, the complexion somewhat blushes. 守哲公子有何计划?”星澜神女看向他,脸色有些发红。 In recent years, she actually finds the way to try to promote Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace a lot, what a pity does not have the multi- great accomplishment effect. 这些年来,她其实没少想办法试图振兴无极神宫,可惜始终没多大成效。 But if this Young Master, perhaps...... 但如果是这位公子,或许…… Even Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden oneself has not noticed, she looks to the Wang Shouzhe vision, has taken unknowingly wiped the hope. 星澜神女自己都没注意到,她看向王守哲的目光中,已经不知不觉带上了一抹希冀。 Naturally must revive our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace, restored in those days the honor.” The Wang Shouzhe pupil light flashes, the look on face becomes incomparably firm, first, we, if wants the means to recapture the lost territory, rebuilds the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city.” “自然是要重振咱们无极神宫,恢复往日荣光。”王守哲眸光一闪,脸上的神色变得无比坚定,“第一,咱们要想办法夺回失地,重建无极城。” Second, we must retrieve the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) Immortal Emperor inheritance of losing, starts the Divine/God Palace inheritance.” “第二,咱们要找回遗失的无极仙帝传承,重新开启神宫传承。” Third, we must look for other Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragments, strives to obtain more chances, is powerful our Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace.” “第三,咱们要找一找其他掌界令碎片,争取获得更多机缘,强大咱们无极神宫。” Fourth, Zhuān Xū Divine/God Palace will soon open. We must obtain the resources in Zhuān Xū Divine/God Palace as far as possible, strives to obtain second Immortal Emperor to inherit.” “第四,颛顼神宫即将开启。咱们要在颛顼神宫中尽可能获得资源,争取获得第二个仙帝传承。” Fifth, we want......” “第五,咱们要……” Each step goal is very big. 每一步的目标都很大。 But Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden is actually hears the cheeks flushed, the pupil light to surge. 星澜神女却是听得脸颊潮红,眸光涌动。 Each step that this Young Master Shouzhe said that poked her heart deep place to go, the direct hit her these can only fantasize the wish in the dream, was the expectation that Divine/God Palace lineage kept thinking about up and down! 守哲公子说的每一步,都戳到了她的心坎深处去了,直接命中了她那些只能在梦中幻想一下的心愿,都是神宫一脉上下日思夜想的憧憬! Urgent matter, then must rebuild the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city. This is our since the ancient times sacred territories, does not allow to lose.” “当务之急,便是要重建无极城。此乃咱们自古以来的神圣领地,绝不容失。” The Wang Shouzhe expression is sonorous, the will is generous, the look is firm, and we, placed in oneself the Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) God Palace standpoint completely. 王守哲言辞铿锵,意志慷慨,眼神坚定,并且一口一个“咱们”,完全是将自己放在了无极神宫的立场上。 In this flash, Xinglan (Star Wave) Divine Maiden she blushed, she suffocated! 在这一瞬间,星澜神女她脸红了,她窒息了! ...... ……
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