POP :: Volume #8

#44: Shouzhe and star billows Divine Maiden

...... …… In this electric light flint. 就在这电光火石之间。 Void hears one to shout at courageous: Young Lord, you first walk, the old body blocks them!” 虚空中勐地传来一声断喝:“少主,您先走,老身来挡住他们!” This sound several points of old, tone actually succinct powerful. 这声音略带着几分苍老,语气却简洁有力。 The voice drops at the same time, the form has also spanned together void, but extreme speed. 话音落下的同时,一道身影也已经跨越虚空,极速而至。 That is a figure thin middle age female. 那是一位身形瘦削的中年女子。 She seems like the age to be not young, both temples already somewhat graying, has not actually appeared the obvious senile, instead has the quietness and reserved that Years precipitates. 她看上去年纪不算小,两鬓都已经有些斑白,却还没有显现出明显的老态,反而有种岁月沉淀出的沉静和内敛。 A dull purple long wide sleeve long skirt puts in her, lining her physique is gently beautiful, the bearing is graceful, boundless power and influence that but that sends out all through, is torrential like Heavenly River, the power and influence myriad, making one not dare to belittle. 一袭暗紫色的广袖长裙穿在她身上,衬得她身姿柔美,气度优雅,但那通身散发出的磅礴威势,却有如天河滔滔,威势万千,让人不敢小觑。 Saw that the beforehand female must be entangled by the black vine tentacle, her long wide sleeve wields, the everywhere purple cold frost then falls with the strong winds, covered the audience instantaneously. 眼看着之前的女子就要被黑色藤蔓触手缠上,她广袖一挥,漫天的紫色寒霜便随着狂风而降,瞬间笼罩住了全场。 These black vine tentacles just bumped into the purple frost, the movement stagnates, such as the eggplant is faded by the cold frost hit generally, lost the original impulse. 那些黑色藤蔓触手刚一碰到紫霜,动作就是一滞,如被寒霜打了的茄子一般蔫了下来,失去了原本的冲劲。 Obviously, these purple cold frost might are unusual. 很显然,这些紫色寒霜威力非同寻常。 Well?” “咦?” In our camp, a tall tall and straight old man sees that to knit the brows, look somewhat surprised: Beginning of the universe purple frost? Is this...... limitless Divine Palace purple frost Elder? Why does she appear here?” 我方阵营中,一位身材高大挺拔的老者见状皱了皱眉,神色有些意外:“混元紫霜?这是……无极神宫的紫霜长老?她为何出现在此处?” Limitless Divine Palace? Young Lord? Purple frost Elder? 无极神宫少主?紫霜长老 This saying information content is a little big ~ 这话信息量有点大啊~ The Wang Shouzhe pupil light/only flashes, the information that in the brain will have instantaneously connected, immediately rapidly makes the resolution: Since cuts the person of day of Senior acquaintance, requesting Senior to intend to constrain her.” 王守哲眸光一闪,脑子里瞬间就将掌握的信息串联了起来,随即迅速做出决断:“既然是斩天前辈相识之人,烦请前辈出手拖住她。” Cuts day of Elder hearing this, immediately is laughing the long body: Family Head holds, obsolete do not dare to disobey.” 斩天长老闻言,当即大笑着长身而起:“家主所托,老朽莫敢不从。” In the frank laughter, he treads one step, the entire body seemed inflated one instantaneously, becoming exceptionally Gao Dawei was courageous, the power and influence that the whole body sent out also suddenly became in this moment swift and fierce, such as the sharp blade of sheath, sent out point that absorbed the person. 爽朗的笑声中,他踏出一步,整个身躯瞬间好似膨胀了一圈似的,变得异常高大威勐,周身散发出的威势也在这一刻陡然变得凌厉,就如出鞘的利刃,散发出了摄人的锋芒。 Sees only his hand to extend, a thick ji long sword then appears in his hands. 只见他手一伸,一柄厚嵴长剑便出现在他手中。 The horizontal sword cuts, sword light goes toward that purple frost Elder attack instantaneously. 横剑一斩,一道剑光瞬间朝着那紫霜长老侵袭而去。 This sword, is seemingly optional, in sword light contains the extremely fearsome power and influence, swift and fierce, overbearing, seems can open heaven and earth to be the same. 这一剑,看似随意,剑光中却蕴含着极为可怖的威势,凌厉,霸道,就好似能噼开天地一般。 The sword light institute and place, the cold frost was opened from the middle all over the sky immediately, left behind a giant opening in void. 剑光所及之处,满天寒霜登时被从中间噼开,在虚空中留下了一道巨大的豁口。 Although cuts day of Elder beginning of the universe dao sword, has inherited to give Wang Anye, however to his grade of cultivation base boundary, even if with a branch, when the sword, its sword intent is also cuts the day to extinguish, the prestige is irresistible! 尽管斩天长老的混元道剑,已经传承给了王安业,然而到了他这等修为境界,哪怕是拿一根树枝当剑,其剑意也是斩天灭地,威势不可挡! Not to mention, the sword in his hand, although must be not as good compared with it beginning of the universe dao sword, actually the good and evil is also quality good Holy Sword. 更别提,他手中的剑虽然比之混元道剑要略逊一筹,却好歹也是柄品质不俗的圣剑 Under the sword light attack, the power and influence is earth-shaking. 剑光侵袭之下,威势自是石破天惊。 Cuts the day, unexpectedly is you?!” “斩天,竟然是你?!” Evades that sword intent shatter void, purple frost Elder notices making a move cuts day of Elder, on the slightly old face revealed immediately wiped the panic-stricken color, the whole person is critical situation. 破碎虚空躲过那道剑意,紫霜长老注意到出手的斩天长老,略显苍老的脸上登时露出了一抹惊骇之色,整个人如临大敌。 Obviously, she is the understanding cuts day of Elder, is clear about his strength. 很显然,她是认识斩天长老的,也清楚他的实力。 It is well known, many sword cultivator study hundred skills, do not concentrate on Sword Dao entire life. 众所周知,有不少剑修都不学百艺,一生专注于剑道 Cutting day of Elder is this kind of sword cultivator. 斩天长老便是此类剑修 This sword cultivator turns over to poorly poorly, but the battle efficiency and lethality exceptionally are fearful, purple frost Elder simply has not grasped with him directly is hard the bar. 这种剑修穷归穷,但是战斗力和杀伤力却异常可怕,紫霜长老根本没有把握与他正面硬杠。 What a pity, this time condition may be unable to allow her to choose. 可惜,此时的境况可容不得她选择。 Also without she recovered from the shock, cuts the day of Elder second sword then to come. 还没等她从震惊中回过神来,斩天长老的第二剑便已经来了。 Purple frost Elder being too busy both hands gather together, the everywhere beginning of the universe purple frost all takes back, shortly in she will hold changed to a purple snow ice shield, will welcome to sword light that the attack came. 紫霜长老忙不迭双手一拢,漫天的混元紫霜悉数收回,顷刻间就在她掌中化作了一面紫霜冰盾,迎向了侵袭而来的剑光 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! two people fought one group in void. 两人在虚空中战成了一团。 Terrifying sword intent and bone-chilling cold purple frost erupt unceasingly, suddenly, is the sword light numerous, purple frosts dances in the air all over the sky, the void sea environment was devastated damaged immediately even more ruined, is even more chaotic. 恐怖的剑意和凛冽的紫霜不断爆发,一时间,满天都是剑光重重,紫霜飞舞,本就破败不堪的虚空海环境顿时被摧残得愈发破败,愈发混乱。 Also is at the same time. 也是与此同时。 The Old Ancestor Longyan movement tears to pieces the space like the ghosts and demons, kept off that Young Lord that” planned to run away front. 珑烟老祖身法如鬼魅般撕破空间,挡到了那位欲图逃走的“少主”前面。 one after another contains terrifying Demon Fiend Qi sword glow, Young Lord crazy bang goes to that. 一道道蕴含着恐怖魔煞之气剑芒,向那“少主”狂轰而去。 When to this time, that Young Lord description fell in the people eyes. 时至此时,那“少主”的形容才落到了众人眼里。 That is a female who seems like very young, wears one set of decorative design in a utensil the stars point Daoist robe. 那是一个看起来非常年轻的女子,身穿一套纹饰着繁星点点的道袍。 She pinches various types to refer to the secret art conveniently, then inspired all sorts of mysterious heaven and earth changes, the rays of myriad stars gather in body, or concentrates to protect the shield to resist sword light, either gathers the light beam counter-attack, or changes to like the energy ball that the stars flicker, exploded the one after another ruination extremely strong shock-wave. 她随手掐动各种指诀,便引动了种种玄妙的天地变化,万千繁星的光芒汇聚于身,或凝成护盾抵挡剑光,或聚成光束反击,亦或是化作一颗颗如星辰般忽明忽暗的能量球,炸出了一道道毁灭性极强的冲击波。 When she recovers, not only blocked the attack of Old Ancestor Longyan, counter-attacked unexpectedly methodically. 待得她回过神来,非但挡住了珑烟老祖的攻击,竟然还有条不紊的反击了起来。 Well?” “咦?” Wang Shouzhe slightly somewhat was finally surprised. 王守哲终于略有些惊讶了。 Although the Old Ancestor Longyan bloodline aptitude has not achieved the god child rank, actually is also Daoist Seed first grade! Even if compared with would-be god child Yan Cloud Crane, bloodline stronger on a section. 珑烟老祖血脉资质虽没有达到神子级别,却也已经是道子甲等!哪怕比起准神子阎云鹤,血脉都要强上一截。 Moreover Old Ancestor Longyan is like Wang Shouzhe, had taken the Crystal Ancient Race psychic force strengthening medicament, and estimates and studies the Crystal Ancient Race psychic force to quenching secret technique, spiritual sense is far from the common Great Principle boundary may compare. 而且珑烟老祖王守哲一样,都曾经服用过晶古族的精神力强化药剂,并且也揣摩和学习过晶古族的精神力淬炼秘法,神念之强远非寻常大罗境可比。 The soul flying upwards route that although Crystal Ancient Race takes is extreme, spiritual secret technique that but they create has the good point , many implications regarding Human Race cultivator. 要知道,虽然晶古族走的灵魂飞升路线过于极端,但是他们创造出来的精神秘法却颇有可取之处,对于人族修士而言也有不少借鉴意义。 Overall, their spiritual sense are very powerful, must surpass the same step with bloodline one section. 总体而言,他们的神念都十分强大,要超出同阶同血脉者一截。 Why this is also Wang Shouzhe and Old Ancestor Longyan, can first cut day of Elder this Dao Lord one step unexpectedly, discovered that some people hide the important reason that peeps in the hidden place. 这也是为何王守哲珑烟老祖,竟然能先斩天长老这位道主一步,发现有人隐藏在暗处窥视的重要原因。 Naturally, because of Yan Cloud Crane was 4500 years old, cultivation base had achieved Great Principle Golden Immortal boundary three layers, perhaps the battle efficiency, wants a forcing Old Ancestor Longyan head purely. 当然,因为阎云鹤已经四千五百岁了,修为已经达到了大罗金仙三层,纯以战斗力而言,恐怕还是要力压珑烟老祖一头的。 But at present this young female, after holding one's ground, displays the good strength. Faint within, Old Ancestor Longyan somewhat cannot even resist her gorgeous star light bomb and light beam unexpectedly. 而眼前这年轻女子,在稳住阵脚后,也是发挥出了不俗的战力。隐隐间,竟然连珑烟老祖都有些抵挡不住她绚丽多彩的星光炸弹和光束。 A little meaning.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, fights the star light is so radiant, radiance overflows, mostly is limitless Divine Palace did not pass on the secret technique limitless stars secret art. Then, this young female was the current god beautiful jade list is then ranked the fifth.” “有点意思。”王守哲笑着说道,“战斗起来如此星光璀璨,光华四溢,多半就是无极神宫的不传秘法无极星辰诀了。那么,这位年轻女子便是当今神瑛榜排名第五的了。” The day dust, cut day of two Elder already pledging allegiance to the Wang Clan big dozens years, naturally contributes many information. It can be said that in did not violate the Southern Ming temple custom under the prerequisite, the information that two people can reorganize has reorganized. 天尘、斩天两位长老已经“归顺”王氏大几十年了,自然是贡献出了不少的情报。可以说,在并不违反南明神殿规矩的前提条件下,两人能整理的情报都已经整理出来了。 About limitless Divine Palace and Immortal Alliance origin, Wang Shouzhe naturally also not like such had a smattering of knowledge initially. 关于无极神宫以及仙盟的来历,王守哲自然也不像当初那样一知半解了。 Initially, limitless Immortal Emperor fell from the sky accidentally/surprisingly after outside, the Immortal Emperor inheritance lost, the magnificent temporary limitless city was also once destroyed by Demon Race, manages the area also to be seized by Demon Race. 当初,无极仙帝意外陨落在外面之后,仙帝传承遗失,曾经辉煌一时的无极城也被魔族摧毁,下辖疆域也悉数被魔族占领。 However, limitless Divine Palace not thorough destruction. 但是,无极神宫并没有彻底覆灭。 The small group of limitless Divine Palace disciples, evacuated under escorting of several Elder promptly, preserved a limitless Divine Palace life. 有一小批无极神宫弟子,在几位长老的护送下及时撤离,保住了无极神宫一线命脉。 The limitless Divine Palace original area had been seized, they did not have the foundation, has to drift outside, is fortunate enough to the assistance and donations of other top influences, seperately obtained a side habitat, can multiply to live. 只是无极神宫原本的疆域已经被占领,他们没有了根基,只得漂泊在外,幸得其他顶尖势力的协助和捐赠,才另外获得了一方栖息地,得以繁衍生息。 Although this habitat was far less than that the limitless Divine Palace original domain delivers like that wealthily, actually can also multiply to live reluctantly, extends dao lineage. 这块栖息地虽然远不如无极神宫原本的地盘那般富裕产出,却也能勉强繁衍生息,将道统延绵下来。 But also because the domain is quite small, the resources are also quite barren, the limitless Divine Palace strength starts to decline inevitably day after day, until now already no longer in the past the elegant demeanor of prosperous period, more seems like in barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, is waiting for some opportunity silently. 可也正是因为地盘比较小,资源也较为贫瘠,无极神宫的实力不可避免地开始日渐衰退,到如今已经远不复当年鼎盛时期的风采,更多的像是在“苟延残喘”,默默等待着某种机会。 Because 760,000 years cycle will soon arrive a time, worlds of young one generation of big struggle also open. 而因为七十六万年一次的周期即将到来,年轻一代的大争之世也随之开启。 Limitless Divine Palace naturally willing does not miss such chance of a lifetime. 无极神宫自然不甘心错过这样千载难逢的机会。 Divine Palace is most basic, most important is the Immortal Emperor inheritance, limitless Divine Palace feeble until now situation, most fundamental reason, actually because losing of limitless Immortal Emperor inheritance. 要知道,一座神宫最根本,也最重要的便是仙帝传承,无极神宫之所以衰弱到如今的地步,最根本的原因,其实还是因为无极仙帝传承的失落。 In Zhuanxu Divine Palace has the inheritance of antiquity Zhuanxu Immortal Emperor, regarding limitless Divine Palace, this is the opportunity that they rise. 颛顼神宫之中有着上古颛顼仙帝的传承,对于无极神宫而言,这就是他们重新崛起的机会。 Therefore, limitless Divine Palace lives simply and frugally for a long time, training of not anxious price accurate Divine Maiden, hopes she can have achievements in the world of big struggle. 为此,无极神宫节衣缩食许久,不急代价的培养出了一位准神女,正是希望她在大争之世中能有所建树。 If can obtain the inheritance of antiquity Immortal Emperor in Zhuanxu Divine Palace, limitless Divine Palace then can escape the destiny of decline. 若是能在颛顼神宫中获得上古仙帝的传承,无极神宫便能就此摆脱没落的命运。 These information could not be regarded the secret intelligence of Southern Ming temple, as long as Dao Lord of some experiences almost know, the day dust and cut day of two Elder naturally to speak out frankly. 这些情报算不得南明神殿的机密情报,但凡有些见识的道主几乎都知道,天尘和斩天两位长老自然是知无不言。 In fact, not only limitless Divine Palace, the World of Immortals current several big top influences, as well as some passing is magnificent the ancient influence, Wang Shouzhe do not say that now is knows from A to Z, basically also understood 7788, can say conveniently 123. 事实上,不只是无极神宫,仙界目前的几大顶尖势力,以及一些过往曾经辉煌过的古老势力,王守哲如今不说是了若指掌吧,基本也是了解了个七七八八,随手就能说出个一二三来。 After all, with his consistent discrete character, even if gives a pretext World of Immortals to lie low until something blows over, is impossible to fight the unprepared war. 毕竟,以他一贯的谨慎性格,哪怕是借口来仙界避避风头,也不可能打毫无准备的仗。 Also is therefore, he can the laying bare with one word star billows accurate Divine Maiden status. 也是因此,他才能一口道破星澜准神女的身份。 But at this time. 而此时。 Wang Longyan and a star billows accurate Divine Maiden war, is hits like a raging fire. 王珑烟与星澜准神女的一战,也是打得如火如荼。 Star billows accurate Divine Maiden eventually be older than on over 1000 years old Wang Longyan, cultivation base must be higher than three layers, over time, had some advantages eventually slightly. 只是星澜准神女的年龄终究要比王珑烟大上一千多岁,修为也要高出三层,随着时间的流逝,终究还是略微占据了些优势。 Wang Shouzhe sees that slightly hesitates, then said toward young Young Master: Anye, you help Old Ancestor helping hand, is good to try the World of Immortals accurate Divine Maiden elegant demeanor.” 王守哲见状略一沉吟,便朝身旁一位年轻公子说道:“安业,你去助老祖一臂之力,也好试一试仙界神女的风采。” Yes, Great Grandfather.” “是,太爷爷。” Wang Anye showed a faint smile, speaks thoughtlessly to comply. 王安业微微一笑,随口应了下来。 Previously he did not make a sound, was because heard Old Ancestor Longyan to scold Great Grandfather from the beginning, he as the clan junior, naturally can only pretend ignorance in the one side. Now Great Grandfather has the life, he naturally cannot reject. 先前他不吱声,是因为一开始就听得珑烟老祖在数落太爷爷,他作为家族小辈,自然只能在一旁装聋作哑。如今太爷爷有命,他自然不会拒绝。 He regarding beginning actually no obsession, his cultivation is also good, studying diligently sword array is also good, stemming from the interest, usually also few makes a move to confront, even the ranking rarely hits. 他对于动手倒是没什么执念,他修炼也好,钻研剑阵也好,都是出于兴趣,平时也鲜少出手和人对阵,连排行榜都很少打。 However, really to must begin, he will not fear the war. 不过,真到了要动手的时候,他也不会畏战。 Sees only him to refer to the secret art pinching, the back sword box departs, everywhere flying sword then goes to the star billows accurate Divine Maiden lasing immediately. 只见他指诀一掐,后背剑匣飞出,漫天的飞剑登时便向星澜准神女激射而去。 Although his cultivation base has not promoted Great Principle Golden Immortal for the time being, actually is also the True Immortal Boundary peak character, in addition his sword array is luxurious. 他的修为虽然暂且还未晋升大罗金仙,却也是真仙境巅峰人物,再加上他的剑阵奢华至极。 Is headed by cutting day of dao sword, left by dozens Holy Sword, sword array that several hundred immortal sword compose, is the person keeps off murder Buddha to keep off to kill Buddha seriously, how Great Principle can Golden Immortal of commonplace be his opponent? 以斩天道剑为首,左以数十把圣剑,数百把仙剑组成的剑阵,当真是人挡杀人佛挡杀佛,等闲的大罗金仙岂会是他的对手? Had leading a cheer of Wang Anye, star billows accurate Divine Maiden these permits Youshi changed into the ashes immediately completely, quick started by Wang Longyan and Wang Anye is pressing hitting jointly. 有了王安业的助阵,星澜准神女的那些许优势登时化为灰尽,很快就开始被王珑烟王安业联手压着打。 However she has not escaped as before, but is nipping the jaw to resist hardly with hardship, seems having scruples anything. 但是她依旧没有逃跑,只是在硬咬着牙关苦苦抵挡,仿佛在顾忌些什么。 Young Lord, you run, must care about the old body not!” 少主,你快跑,莫要顾及老身!” Purple frost Elder in cutting in the day of Elder dogfight also falls in leeward, notices here situation, anxious shouting. 紫霜长老在和斩天长老的缠斗中也落于下风,注意到这边的情况,不由焦急的大喊。 Un. 嗯。 Is accurate Divine Maiden of some cards in a hand, Wang Shouzhe understands clearly the nod evidently secretly. 看样子是个有些底牌的准神女,王守哲暗暗了然点头。 Indeed is also. On initial Cloud Crane Young Master the assorted card in a hand were innumerable, then linked in the cataclysm beast hand also has the opportunity to run away. 的确也是。当初的云鹤公子身上杂七杂八的底牌无数,便是连在灾变兽手中也有机会逃走。 Although limitless Divine Palace declined, was poorer, camel of skinny was however big, how accurate Divine Maiden that went out to walk will not have the point to take advantage? 无极神宫虽然没落了,穷了些,但是瘦死的骆驼比马大,一个出外行走的准神女岂会没有点依仗? At least, will have several in the card in a hand that in the Chaos Origin Boundary cultivator hand maintains life. 至不济,在混元境修士手中保命的底牌还是会有几张的。 Wang Shouzhe considered, feels or fights a battle to force a quick decision quite, then said to the last person that transmitting to come safely: Yinhu, you go to and cut day of Senior to collaborate, catch purple frost Elder.” 王守哲斟酌了一下,觉得还是速战速决比较保险一点,便对传送而来的最后一人说道:“寅虎,你去和斩天前辈联手,擒住紫霜长老。” Wang Yinhu! 王寅虎 He was that only lived initially in 19th stage Psuedo Divine Beast White Tiger of Azure Emperor life-forbidden zone. Initially naive it went into the life-forbidden zone accidentally, was caught by the life old tree, then launched long-term enslaving. 他便是当初那只生活在青帝生命禁区的十八阶伪神兽白虎。当初年幼无知的它无意中闯入了生命禁区,被生命古树逮了个正着,便对它展开了长期的奴役。 Also therefore, the Wang Yinhu light grew a muscle lump, the years of schooling are not high, even if previously threw into Clan School to make him him study the cultural knowledge, has not studied a positive result to come, instead makes is in chaotic situation. 也正是因此,王寅虎光长了一身肌肉疙瘩,文化程度却不高,哪怕先前把他丢进族学想让他学点文化知识,也没学出个名堂来,反而闹得鸡飞狗跳。 Therefore, Wang Shouzhe only then leads him in the side, frequently instructs earnestly, hopes that the time grew, Yinhu can have the manager to enter in the culture and region of art, so as to avoid the bandit air/Qi is too heavy. 因此,王守哲只有将他带在身边,时时刻刻耳提面命一番,希望时间长了,寅虎在文化和艺术领域中能有所长进,免得匪气太重。 Hehe! ~ aowu ~ ~ ~ “嘿嘿!~嗷呜~~~ Hears the instruction of Wang Shouzhe, appearance rough ominous severe Wang Yinhu smiles badly, immediately then soars, directly flushed. 听到王守哲的吩咐,长相粗犷凶厉的王寅虎一声坏笑,当即便腾空而起,直接冲了出去。 Still in the half-way, on him then has the ray to bloom, his figure will also change to huge starry sky White Tiger shortly. 还在半道上,他身上便有光芒绽放开来,他的身形也在顷刻间化作了一头体型庞大的星空白虎 Under the void dark peaceful ray reflects, its strong figure is sending out the huge constriction, runs the whole body muscle to surge, powerful, is competitive. 虚空中暗澹的光芒倒映下,它健硕的身形散发着巨大的压迫感,奔跑间浑身肌肉涌动,威风凛凛,霸气十足。 Especially forehead king character, is sending out the mysterious incomparable principle fluctuation, making its makings have several points of mysterious flavor baseless. 尤其是眉心处的“王”字,更是散发着玄妙无比的法则波动,让它的气质凭空多出了几分神秘的味道。 Runs, the dreadful pressure fills the air from its within the body, shortly will then cover surrounding void. 奔跑间,滔天的威压自它体内弥漫开来,顷刻间便笼罩了周围的虚空。 Under the pressure covers, seemed imprisoned on the space generally. 威压笼罩下,就空间都仿佛被禁锢住了一般。 aowu ~ ~ ~ 嗷呜~~~” In a low and deep tiger's roar sound, a Wang Yinhu claw, patted to purple frost Elder across the sky courageous. 一声低沉的虎啸声中,王寅虎横空一爪,勐地向紫霜长老拍了过去。 Tiger claw mistake, surrounding space extruded overlapping shatter, the power and influence is overbearing. 虎爪过处,周围的空间被挤压的层层叠叠破碎,威势霸道绝伦。 19th stage Psuedo Divine Beast White Tiger!” 十八阶伪神兽白虎!” Purple frost Elder felt immediately is incapable desperately. 紫霜长老登时感觉一阵无力绝望。 Psuedo Divine Beast the strength is always tyrannical, even if with is 17th Stage White Tiger also is extremely difficult to deal with, not to mention 19th stage . 伪神兽向来实力强横,哪怕是同为十七阶白虎也极难对付,更别提十八阶的了。 Relied on this White Tiger strength, relaxed pressing rubs on the ground her sufficiently, hits her 2-3 not to have the issue certainly. 就凭这头白虎的实力,足以轻松将她“摁”在地上摩擦,一个打她2-3个绝无问题。 Young Lord, run!” The purple frost Elder left Zhiyou clumsy resistance, in the heart the heart of going all out, the grief and indignation was wanting shouting certainly, „the life of old body is not valuable, you keep the useful body......” 少主,快跑!”紫霜长老左支右拙的抵抗着,心中起了拼命之心,悲愤欲绝的喊道,“老身的命不值钱,你留着有用身……” Her words have not said, was actually broken by Wang Shouzhe, his clear and resonant voice said: Purple frost Senior you can't be that bad? Among your my both sides, including is the enemy is the friends has not clarified, does how to go so far as to want to perform the program that parts forever?” 她的话还未说完,却被王守哲打断,他朗声说:“紫霜前辈你何至于此?你我双方之间,连是敌是友都还没弄清楚,何至于就要上演生离死别的戏码?” „?” “?” Purple frost Elder and that star billows accurate Divine Maiden respective expression stagnate. 紫霜长老和那星澜准神女各自表情一滞。 Has made into like this, isn't the enemy? 都已经打成这样了,还不算敌人吗? We are near initially World of Immortals, discovered that side some people stealthy spy on secret, intending to intercept is also fair?” The Wang Shouzhe clear and resonant voice said that when you were being intercepted by us, intending to resist similarly is also fair.” “我们初临仙界,发现旁边有人鬼鬼祟祟暗中窥探,出手拦截也是合情合理吧?”王守哲朗声说道,“而贵方在被我方拦截时,出手抵抗同样也是合情合理。” Hears this saying. 一听得这话。 Purple frost Elder and star billows Divine Maiden relaxes immediately secretly. 紫霜长老和星澜神女登时暗松一口气。 The opposite party very said probably is reasonable. 对方好像说得挺有道理。 Thinks and this, card in a hand that they will soon have acted, was received temporarily. Now this situation, should not need to go all out. 思及此,她们原本已经即将出手的底牌,也被暂时收了回去。现在这情况,应该是不用拼命了。 „The side that Young Master said is, since this is a misunderstanding, might as well please cut day of Elder and Young Master White Tiger stops in advance.” Purple frost Elder is dealing difficultly converging attack that jointly cuts day of Sword Sovereign and White Tiger, while maintains the benign expression diligently, old body may apologize for this misunderstanding.” 公子说的极是,既然这是一场误会,不如请斩天长老公子白虎先行住手。”紫霜长老一边艰难地应对着斩天剑皇白虎的联手夹击,一边努力维持住和颜悦色的表情,“老身可为这场误会而道歉。” Although may be misunderstands.” Wang Shouzhe nods said that since, but you peep in secret in first, that please advance abandoned weapon surrender, after allowing me to screen the cause and effect carefully, again the consideration releases you.” “虽说有可能是误会。”王守哲颔首说道,“但是既然贵方暗中窥视在先,那就请先行弃械投降,容我仔细甄别过前因后果之后,再行考虑释放你们。” Abandons the weapon surrender? How possibly!?” The star billows accurate Divine Maiden complexion changes suddenly, „your crowd of person status of unknown origin, if we surrender, how could to have the security? Do not think that we are the meat on block, whatever you butchered!” “弃械投降?怎么可能!?”星澜准神女脸色骤变,“你们这群人身份来历不明,我们若是投降,岂能有安全保障?你别以为我们就是砧板上的肉,任由你宰割了!” „, Star billows Divine Maiden has the card in a hand to could run away, this point I did not suspect.” The Wang Shouzhe expression is cool, the content of saying is very brutal, „, but, purple frost Elder can run away I not to believe.” “也罢,星澜神女有底牌或许能逃遁走,这一点我并不怀疑。”王守哲表情澹然,说出口的内容却很残酷,“但是,紫霜长老能逃走我是不信的。” Therefore , star billows Divine Maiden, you do not think that purple frost Elder does have the matter?” “所以说,星澜神女,你也不想紫霜长老有事吧?” You......” the star billows accurate Divine Maiden anger launch a psychological attack anxiously, the complexion rises immediately red. “你……”星澜准神女怒急攻心,脸色登时涨得通红。 She really wants to curse ruthlessly this fellow, but she suppresses by Wang Longyan and Wang Anye jointly, making her normal speech favor, how to make her set aside the time to curse at people? 她真想狠狠地咒骂一下这家伙,只是她被王珑烟王安业联手压制,让她正常说话已是厚待了,岂会让她腾出功夫骂人? Wang Shouzhe thinks little, is said to purple frost Elder distantly: I looked that star billows Divine Maiden is Divine Maiden that feels emotion the righteousness, she naturally cannot maintain life for oneself, but gives up protecting her to grow up since childhood you.” 王守哲不以为意,又是遥遥地对紫霜长老说道:“我看星澜神女是个有情有义的神女,她自然不会为了自己保命,而放弃从小护着她长大的您。” Purple frost Elder, you do not think that star billows Divine Maiden does have the matter?” “紫霜长老,您也不想星澜神女有事吧?” Purple frost Elder hears to hang not to crash from the void sea, in the heart criticizes to continue. 紫霜长老听得好悬没从虚空海中坠落下来,心中暗骂不止。 This Elder Brother Young Master looks is actually very attractively good-looking, so to be how impudent and shameless? Same threat words, but can also use two? 这个公子哥儿长得倒是挺俊俏好看的,怎么会如此厚颜无耻?同样的一句威胁话儿,还能用两遍的? Then is suppressing star billows Divine Maiden Old Ancestor Longyan continually, cannot bear to Wang Shouzhe looks askance. 便是连正在压制星澜神女珑烟老祖,也是忍不住对王守哲侧目不已。 In her heart cannot help but ponders secretly, our family/home Shouzhe travels on official business rarely Beyond-Territory, started dissolutely ~ 她心中不由得暗忖,我们家守哲难得出差来一次域外,就开始放浪了啊~ Remembers that previous he travels on official business time Holy Territory , is Yun Tiange gangs up, provoked Jiang Muxian wait/etc several females. 记得上一次他出差去圣域,也是和妘天歌勾勾搭搭,又是招惹了姜慕仙等等数位女子。 This time came World of Immortals, the side did not have the control of Ruolan, on the shoulder did not have the burden of clan, should do not prepare to release for flight? 此次来了仙界,身边同样没有了若蓝的管束,肩膀上没有了家族的负担,该不会又是要准备放飞自我了吧? ...... …… Please remember this book first round domain name:.: 请记住本书首发域名:。:
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