POP :: Volume #8

#43: Shouzhe goes to World of Immortals to lie low until something blows over

...... …… Taluoluo/Tarolo (Tarot Collection) Galaxy Group. 塔罗罗星河群 The Immortal Alliance period, here once was a wild region, surviving some strengths is weak, various civilization development degree low Barbarian Clan. 仙盟时期,这里曾是一片蛮荒区域,生存着一些实力较弱,文明发展程度较低的各种蛮族 In the Immortal Alliance most prosperous period, once gave peripheral these to fall behind Barbarian Clan to bring the Immortal Clan civilization. 仙盟最鼎盛时期,也曾给周边这些落后蛮族带来了仙族文明。 The Immortal Clan person superiority feeling is too strong, always by Heavenly Dynasty Exalted Immortal the stance overlooks these races, and unifies the classification them is the wild race, extremely will not naturally care about them. 只是仙族人自身优越感太强,向来是以“天朝上仙”的姿态俯瞰这些种族,并将它们统一归类为蛮荒种族,自然也不会太过在意它们。 But with once powerful destruction of Immortal Alliance in the big cataclysm, was the Immortal Alliance vast area to change to Shattered Territory, Tianhai (Heavenly Sea), Heavenly Lake, Heavenly River wait/etc , because the energy clears away to change course in abundance, a large number, then poured into this stretch of wild downstream region finally. 而随着曾经强盛的仙盟在大灾变中覆灭,原本属于仙盟的辽阔疆域化作破灭之域,其中天海天湖天河等等,更是因为能量涤荡而纷纷改道,其中相当一部分,最终便注入到了这片蛮荒下游地带。 Spreads across, crosses the energy substance that the void sea Heavenly River carries to come to drive, the vitality in this wild region is even more vigorous, the development speed also dramatically speeds up. 在一条条纵横交错,横贯虚空海的天河所携带而来的能量物质带动下,这片蛮荒区域内的生机愈发蓬勃,发展速度也大大加快。 Every large or small Barbarian Clan rose one after another, formed side thriving galaxy community world. 不知不觉间,大大小小的“蛮族”相继崛起,形成了一方繁荣昌盛的星河群落世界 During this many World Group falls, having a film title is Great Horn Region World World Group. 而在这诸多世界群落之中,有一片名为【大角域】的世界群 In this piece of the world World Group, Great Horn Clan occupied the position of overlord. 在这片世界群中,大角族占据了霸主之位。 Great Horn Clan is a type human form lifeform, the male Great Horn Clan shoulder wide waist is narrow, the contour is powerful and brave, the top of the head has pair of symbolic Great Horn, seems like extremely the military might. The female Great Horn Clan figure must slightly thin and small, seeming like is also not affable. 大角族是一种类人形生物,雄性大角族肩宽腰窄,外形孔武有力,头顶更是有一对标志性的大角,看起来极为威武。雌性大角族的身形要略微纤瘦一点,看起来却同样不好惹。 Great Horn Clan has enough three fifteenth stage Great Horn Clan experts, was called Great Horn 3 Sage Kings. 大角族拥有足足三尊十五阶大角族高手,被称之为“大角三圣王”。 Great Horn 3 Sage Kings relates inharmoniously, frequently attacks mutually, mutual competition, but once can actually unite as one outward. 大角三圣王相互间关系不睦,动辄相互攻伐,相互竞争,可一旦对外却又能团结一致。 Also is therefore, Great Horn Clan can sit quietly the position of overlord. 也是因此,大角族才能稳坐霸主之位。 At this moment. 此刻。 Yujiao (Jade Horn) Saint King palace. 玉角圣王殿。 This is of a Yujiao (Jade Horn) Saint King Great Horn 3 Sage Kings palace. 这是大角三圣王之一玉角圣王的宫殿。 The Saint King palace cultivates extremely roughy, according to the aesthetic standard of human, even can be called is crude, only area relative big, sufficiently the Great Horn Clan person who internal relative spacious, holds quantity not gathers at this. 圣王殿修得极为粗犷,按照人类的审美标准,甚至可以称得上是简陋,唯独占地面积相当之大,内部相当之宽敞,足以容纳数量不斐的大角族人在此聚集。 In the main hall the most conspicuous position, this little while is setting upright a large-scale crystal curtain, on the crystal curtain the light shadow is fluctuating, is broadcasting Photo Play Storage. 大殿中最显眼的位置,这会儿正竖着一块大型晶幕,晶幕上光影变幻,正播放着留影剧 The crystal curtain front, is primarily Yujiao (Jade Horn) Saint King, an numerous every large or small Great Horn Clan person, is sitting in a circle in addition, stares at the picture that on the crystal curtain is playing dedicated. 晶幕前方,以玉角圣王为主,加上一众大大小小的大角族人,正围坐成一圈,专注地盯着晶幕上播放的画面。 Sees the splendid place, one group of Great Horn Clan people cannot bear simultaneously call out in alarm, uniform that the movement could not say. 看到精彩处,一群大角族人忍不住齐齐惊呼,动作说不出的整齐划一。 Different from Divine Martial world Photo Play Storage, on this moment silver screen broadcasts the Photo Play Storage Lord supporting role, is the Great Horn Clan local clansman. They are deducting splendid stories in the crystal curtain, from time to time is anxious, from time to time is touching, from time to time is awakening. 不同于神武世界留影剧,此刻银幕上所播留影剧的主配角,全都是大角族本土族人。它们在晶幕中演绎着一段段精彩的故事,时而紧张,时而感人,时而发人深省。 The splendid plot attracted many Great Horn Clan aristocrats firmly. 精彩的剧情牢牢吸引住了诸多大角族贵族。 By these Great Horn Clan people, but also sits one to wear the yellow clothes, appearance beautiful moving attractive young girl. 在这些大角族人身旁,还坐着一位身穿黄色衣裳,长相明媚动人的漂亮少女。 The young girls sit a bald robust man behind. 少女身后坐着一位光头壮汉。 He puts on a dark yellow hand-to-hand fight in tights, carries at the same time the carapace shield, the figure looks especially strong tall and strong. Even if sits straight, on him also from sending out stocky heavy/thick makings, making one not have the reason to result in the feeling to be steady, steadfast. 他穿着一身暗黄色的短打,身后背着一面龟甲盾,身形看着格外健硕魁梧。哪怕是端端正正坐着,他身上也自散发着一股敦实厚重的气质,让人没来由得感觉稳重,踏实。 Lixuan Young Lord is really wise.” Wallows while Great Horn Clan people in Photo Play Storage, the bald robust man lowers the head near the gathering young girl ear, smiles obsequiously was saying, begins using the Great Horn Clan person first to complete the commercial content, then carries out the souvenir photo crystal curtain, so then can quickly seize the entertainment industry of Great Horn Region.” 璃玹少主果然英明。”趁着大角族人们都沉迷于留影剧,光头壮汉低头凑到少女耳边,谄笑着说道,“启用大角族人先做好商业内容,再推行留影晶幕,如此便能迅速占领大角域的娱乐行业。” Right, that looks sunny young girl, is of Wang Lixuan Wang Shouzhe treasure unmarried girls. 没错,那位长得阳光明媚的少女,便是王守哲的宝贝闺女们之一王璃玹 But robust man who that shoulders the carapace, then yes Void Saw Carapace Black Tortoise Human form condition Wang Gui! 而那位背负龟甲的壮汉,则是【虚空锯壳玄龟】所化的人形状态王贵 But carapace shield that he conducts the back, when breaks through with him to fifteenth stage precious shield that the tortoise shell refinement that slips off becomes, the defensive power, is not purely inferior in general defensive Holy Item. 而他背上的龟甲盾,则是用他突破至十五阶时褪下的龟壳炼制而成的宝盾,纯以防御力而言,已不逊色于一般的防御性圣器 In recent years, Wang Gui has become one of the Wang Clan clan Saint beasts, enjoys the Consecrate resources that Wang Clan is grasping superiorly, and learned the Human Race language and culture. However, although he in name is Wang Clan Consecrate, in fact actually has followed Wang Lixuan as retinue guard. 这些年来,王贵已经成为了王氏家族圣兽之一,享受着王氏优握的供奉资源,并学会了人族语言和文化。不过,虽然他名义上是王氏供奉,实际上却一直以仆从护卫的身份跟着王璃玹 But Wang Lixuan since after a Athane Clan wartime received Wang Gui, with Wang Lilong, has the Wang Lixian clone two sisters together to draw a team, starts to make some clan development and trade mission, its main development direction, is another side of Shattered Territory wild region Tataluo/Tataro (Tower Tarot) Galaxy Group. 王璃玹自从在和阿塔纳族一战时收了王贵之后,就和王璃珑、还有王璃仙分身俩姐妹一起拉了支队伍,开始做一些家族开拓和贸易任务,其主要开拓方向,便是破灭之域另外一侧的蛮荒地带塔塔罗星河群 This small since 2000, the Wang Clan trade domain after the development, had gradually penetrated Tataluo/Tataro (Tower Tarot) Galaxy Group. 这小两千年来,王氏的贸易版图几经开拓,已经逐渐深入了塔塔罗星河群 During this, the two sides trades also gave Wang Clan to bring innumerable heavenly materials and earthly treasures and various spirit vein kind of resources. 这期间,两边的贸易也给王氏带来了无数天材地宝和各种灵脉类资源。 However, three sisters, although with is the Wang Shouzhe daughter, foreign concentric makes an effort, but the interior must have the mutual competition, mutually other symptom. 不过,三姐妹虽然同为王守哲的女儿,对外同心戮力,可内部还是少不了相互竞争,相互别苗头。 Everyone is exploring Great Horn Region After then divided mission respectively, whom prepares to compare to be able first to unfold the trade, makes the most outstanding progress. 大家在探索到了【大角域】后,便各自划分了任务,准备比一比谁能将贸易最先铺开,取得最优秀的成绩。 These are the expensive/noble stomachs of Great Horn Clan.” Wang Lixuan takes a fast look around these to immerse the Great Horn Clan person at present in Photo Play Storage, in the black eye pupil is exuding the cunning happy expression, I to the localization content that they match, is the big pattern big breadth of spirit contents of what Emperor military and political leaders, develops their innermost feelings sufficiently new world, making them feel the superiority of our higher civilized culture.” “这些都是大角族的贵胃。”王璃玹扫视着眼前那些沉浸在留影剧中的大角族人,黑黢黢的眼眸中泛着狡黠的笑意,“我给他们匹配的本土化内容,都是什么帝王将相的大格局大气魄内容,足以开拓出它们内心的新世界,让他们感受到咱们高等文明文化的优越性。” But, to be bigger and stronger the recreation industry, making it proliferate Great Horn Region rapidly, but must depend some such as Waste material counterattack, I am assigned by me not by day, 【The King returns Waits for the localization of mainstream kingly way theme to develop, after all any world is the average person is overwhelming majorities.” “不过,如果想要将文娱行业做大做强,使之迅速遍布大角域,还得靠一些诸如【废材逆袭】、【我命由我不由天】、【王者归来】等主流王道题材的本土化开拓,毕竟任何一个世界都是普通人占据绝大多数。” Lixuan Young Lord military might!” Wang Gui tian the face is flattering crazily, believes that in this time result dark ratio, Young Lord can certainly top, presses Young Lady Lixian and Young Lady Lilong, then reveals a big face in front of Family Head.” 璃玹少主威武!”王贵觍着脸狂拍马屁,“相信这一次的成绩暗比中,少主一定能拔得头筹,将璃仙小姐璃珑小姐都压下去,然后在家主面前露一个大大的脸。” Is speaking, high tide and solemn and stirring music exaggeration of Photo Play Storage on crystal curtain, dropped the curtain. 正说话间,晶幕上的留影剧在高潮和悲壮的音乐渲染下,落下了帷幕。 Lixuan Young Lady.” Great Horn Clan Yujiao (Jade Horn) Saint King The eye socket flood turns head to look red, the intonation of speech somewhat shivers slightly, this Royal agreed that your cooperation program, making us try hard for the rise dream of Great Horn Clan together.” 璃玹小姐。”大角族的【玉角圣王】眼眶泛红地扭头看过来,说话的语调微微有些颤抖,“本王同意你的合作计划,让我们一起为了大角族的崛起梦想而努力。” Tries hard for the dream that Great Horn Clan rises together!” “一起为了大角族崛起的梦想而努力!” Although ten thousand die with no regrets!” “虽万死而无悔!” Yujiao (Jade Horn) Saint King subordinate these whole body of ministers hearing this become the mood to be spirited immediately, one after another follows to cry out that takes an oath. 玉角圣王麾下那些群臣闻言立刻变得情绪激昂,一个个纷纷跟着呐喊宣誓起来。 In their eye pupils is exuding the exciting red light, probably cannot from the plot of changing walk as before. 它们的眼眸中泛着激动的红光,像是依旧没能从跌宕起伏的剧情中走出来。 At this moment, their as if one after another incarnation for the Great Horn Clan elites in play, strives for success for the survival, multiplication and survival race, even if liked a moth to the flame the heroic death facing the powerful enemy, had no complain and regret. 此时此刻,他们仿佛一个个都化身为了剧中的大角族精英们,为了种族的生存、繁衍、生存而拼搏,哪怕是面对强敌飞蛾扑火般壮烈牺牲,亦是无怨无悔。 To vainly hope to suffocate ~ “为了梦想而窒息吧~” Wang Lixuan also mixes in the crowd stirs up high is shouting the slogan, simultaneously in heart assured, this spread her is bets right. 王璃玹也混在人群中激亢的喊着口号,同时心中笃定,这一铺她算是赌对了。 Then, she will surface in three sisters' respective team, takes the lead to seize the Great Horn Clan domain. 接下来,她将在三姐妹的各自团队中脱颖而出,率先占领大角族的地盘。 To vainly hope to suffocate.” “为了梦想而窒息。” Yujiao (Jade Horn) Saint King and , the grave and sacred solemn and respectful neatness shouted. 玉角圣王和麾下,庄重而神圣肃穆的齐喊。 Quick, Wang Lixuan strikes while the iron is hot, signed a series of contracts with Yujiao (Jade Horn) Saint King, even with treaty of alliance of Divine Martial world together defense! 很快,王璃玹就趁热打铁,与玉角圣王签下了一系列的契约,甚至还有一份与神武世界共同防守的盟约! However, after the fervor removes, Yujiao (Jade Horn) Saint King on „the hollowness of Photo Play Storage content, conducted a series of questions or comments. 不过,在激情褪去之后,玉角圣王还是就“留影剧内容的不真实性”,进行了一系列批评与建议。 For example, Great Horn Clan to the similar female interest is not very big, does not have any inspiring love story. Only then in the multiplication, the two Great Horn Clan person will conduct the duel, who wins who is the male gender, a lost side is unwilling must turn into the female. 例如,大角族对同类雌性的兴趣不是很大,没有什么可歌可泣的爱情故事。只有在繁衍的时候,两个大角族人会进行决斗,谁赢谁是雄性,输的一方再不甘心也得变成雌性。 In order to illustrate with examples, Yujiao (Jade Horn) Saint King also showed its several Saint Royal Consort to Wang Lixuan specially. Their each one strengths are uncommon, and was the Yujiao (Jade Horn) Saint King birth got down many heir descendants. 为了举例说明,玉角圣王还专门向王璃玹展现了一下它的几个圣王妃。它们个个战力不凡,且都为玉角圣王诞下了不少子嗣后代。 However without exception, they lost to Yujiao (Jade Horn) Saint King in the fair duel, turns into the Great Horn female clansman...... 但是无一例外,它们都是在公平决斗中输给了玉角圣王,才变成大角雌性族人的…… This lets Wang Lixuan and Wang Gui master and servant two hears is the back tingles with numbness, whole body cold sweat. 这让王璃玹王贵主仆两个听得是后背发麻,浑身冷汗。 This is in the true sense contending ~ ~ in this world is really all sorts of strange and unusual, anything may happen. 这可是真正意义上的“一决雌雄”啊~~这世上果然是千奇百怪,什么都有可能发生。 However, to respect the Great Horn Clan tradition, Wang Lixuan expressed immediately was oneself neglected, and struck one's chest to express the later content will pat some Great Horn Clan people with every effort much fair duel bridge section, therefore won Yujiao (Jade Horn) Saint King truly friendship. 不过,为了尊重大角族的传统,王璃玹当即表示是自己疏忽了,并拍胸脯表示以后的内容会尽力多拍些大角族人“公平决斗”的桥段,因此真正赢得了玉角圣王的“友谊”。 Depending on this, Wang Lixuan rapid opened the market in Great Horn Clan. 凭此,王璃玹迅速在大角族中打开了市场。 Under the high-quality content output one after another, she earned huge wealth quickly. 在一波又一波的高质量内容输出下,她很快就赚取到了大量的财富。 A rapidness, step by step quickly. 正所谓,一步快,步步快。 Wang Lixuan made use to increase the output of Wang Clan product in Great Horn Clan. In the short dozens years, various products and crops of Wang Clan production, then flooded the life and cultivation of Great Horn Clan, even aspects in the military action. 王璃玹又趁势加大了王氏产品在大角族内的输出。短短数十年内,王氏生产的各种产品和作物,便充斥了大角族的生活、修炼、甚至军事行动中的方方面面。 Also is from this, Wang Clan got the huge interests, filled the Wang Clan even more huge expenses. 也是由此,王氏获得了巨大的利益,填补了王氏愈发庞大的开销。 Also is after several years . 又是数年之后。 A large-scale void sea crosses in the boat, was eliminated Wang Lilong and Wang Lixian clone, and complacent Wang Lixuan three sisters meet with finally. 一艘大型虚空海渡舟中,被淘汰了的王璃珑王璃仙分身,以及洋洋得意的王璃玹三姐妹终于会面。 Wang Lilong and Wang Lixian lost the competition, at this moment looks at the Wang Lixuan self-satisfied expression, the complexion is not very attractive. 王璃珑王璃仙输掉了比试,此刻看着王璃玹得意的表情,脸色都不是很好看。 Both females are the expression that the acid cooks, this time they admit defeat, but the next time, will certainly win. 两女都是酸熘熘的表示,这一次她们认输,但下一次,一定会赢回来的。 Wang Lixuan naturally is with a smile should the challenge. 王璃玹自然是笑吟吟的应下了挑战。 In any case among three sisters ordered benign competition, will only make everyone stronger and stronger. Was together so many years, they had the discretion early. 反正三姐妹之间有序的良性竞争,只会让大家变得越来越强。都相处这么多年了,她们早有分寸。 Moreover at present in entire Taluoluo/Tarolo (Tarot Collection) Galaxy Group, is not only then their three sisters are developing. In fact, many Wang Clan elite clansman, or other Divine Martial world clan, form a team in the development greatly void sea navigation, constantly is developing new world. 而且目前整个塔罗罗星河群中,又不是只有她们三个姐妹在开拓。事实上,不少王氏精英族人,或是神武世界其他家族,都组队在开展大虚空海航行,不断地开拓着新世界 But large amounts of resources, also converges Divine Martial world continuously, becomes the cornerstone of Divine Martial world vigorous development. 而大量的资源,也随之源源不断汇入神武世界,成为神武世界蓬勃发展的基石。 ****** ****** Same time. 同一时间段。 World of Immortals. 仙界 Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city ruins. 无极城废墟。 This stretch of ruins have abandoned are very long. 这片废墟已经废弃很久了。 Also does not know that here had experienced anything, in the ruins the black fog covers, Demon Fiend Qi is intermittent, Kong Jian (Space) crack that peripheral void has not healed everywhere. The entire ruins are much more peaceful, does not have including a vitality, looks infiltrates the person very much. 也不知道这里曾经经历过什么,废墟之中黑雾笼罩,魔煞之气阵阵,周边虚空中四处都是未曾愈合的空间裂缝。整个废墟安静得吓人,连一丝生机也无,看着很是渗人。 Suddenly, Kong Jian (Space) in ruins actually swung layer upon layer the ripples at this moment. 忽而,废墟中的空间此刻却荡起了层层涟漪。 Complicated array of silver light circulation appeared in the ruins suddenly. 一座银光流转的繁复阵法蓦然出现在了废墟之中。 This, impressively is ancient Transmission Array. 这,赫然是一座古传送阵 Clearly, here Kong Jian (Space) was arranged array, made concealing, when ancient Transmission Array does not start, superficially could not discover its existence. 很明显,这里的空间被布置了阵法,做了掩饰,古传送阵不启动时,从表面上看根本发现不了它的存在。 Until the present, ancient Transmission Array was started again, appears. 直到如今,古传送阵被再次启动,才显现出来。 Under Kong Jian (Space) drastic fluctuation, quick, five forms indistinctly then appeared in ancient Transmission Array. 空间剧烈波动下,很快,五道影影绰绰的身影便出现在了古传送阵中。 When the Transmission Array ray gets down again secretly peacefully, their figure also appeared thoroughly. 传送阵的光芒重新暗澹下去,他们的身形也彻底显现了出来。 In these five people, what is the head is men and women. A in which men's expensive/noble family/home Elder Brother Young Master the appearance, looks is outstanding uncommon, impressive appearance, is only a pair of eyes pupil, is actually profound like the deep pool, the common person is unable to completely understand. 这五人中,为首的是一对男女。其中的男子一身贵家公子哥儿打扮,长得是俊逸不凡、器宇轩昂,只是一双眼眸,却是深邃如渊,寻常人根本无法看透。 This man, then promoted Great Principle Golden Immortal Wang Clan Family Head Wang Shouzhe impressively a short time ago. 这位男子,赫然便是前不久晋升了大罗金仙王氏家主王守哲 Standing in his side is the female who a figure selects high. 站在他身边的是一位身形高挑的女子。 On her face wears the veil, two stars pupil look cold Dan, from head to toe is sending out vague ice-cold Demon Fiend Qi, as if aloofs, she is Divine Martial Changning Wang Clan first Old Ancestor, Wang Longyan. 她脸上戴着面纱,一双星眸神色冷澹,浑身上下都散发着一股若有若无的冰冷魔煞之气,仿佛拒人于千里之外,她正是神武长宁王氏第一老祖,王珑烟 At this moment, Wang Longyan sets the mind to look all around, knits the brows slightly: This Wuji (Limitless/Everlasting) city ruins good strong Demon Fiend Qi, cultivation base slightly is bad children, after coming , the body perhaps cannot shoulder.” 此刻,王珑烟定下心神四下环顾一番,微微皱眉道:“这无极城废墟好浓重的魔煞之气,修为稍差些的孩子们,过来后身体恐怕扛不住。” Old Ancestor felt relieved, regarding this Shouzhe is prepared early.” Wang Shouzhe smiles cool, then lifts the hand, then sprinkled a thing. 老祖放心,对此守哲早有准备。”王守哲澹然一笑,而后一抬手,便将一把东西洒了出去。 That is the seed. 那是种子。 Contained the vine seed of his Life Source Strength. 一些蕴含了他生命本源之力的藤蔓种子。 These seeds just fall fully are in the Demon Fiend Qi bricks slits, then grows immediately fast. 那些种子甫一落入满是魔煞之气的砖瓦缝隙之中,便立即飞快生长起来。 Their tall and slender root hair across various slits, drill into to invade in the demon qi extremely thick soil, quick against the wind was then long, changed to black vines. 它们细长的根须穿过各种缝隙,钻入侵染魔气极浓的土壤之中,很快便迎风即长,化作了一条条黑色藤蔓。 These vines are absorbing massive Demon Fiend Qi baseless, changes to the oneself nutrient, not many moments are the growth are black python. 这些藤蔓凭空吸收着大量魔煞之气,化作自己的养分,不多片刻便是成长为一条条“黑色巨蟒”。 The black python grew the innumerable leaves, leaf blowhole stretch/open He, swallowed in surrounding Kong Jian (Space) to travel fast Demon Fiend Qi, later the transformation was Immortal Spirit Qi spat. 黑色巨蟒又生长出了无数片叶子,叶子气孔张合,飞快吞噬着周围空间中游历魔煞之气,随后又转化为仙灵之气重新吐了出来。 This is Demon Devouring Transformation Spirit Vine No.97.” Wang Shouzhe and Old Ancestor Longyan answered, this was Wang Clan Research Institute and my in-depth cooperation, the research and development one may various negative demon qi, the transformation be Immortal Spirit Qi super spirit plant. At present this is the latest edition, just can the depth experiment.” “这是噬魔化灵藤九十七号。”王守哲珑烟老祖解释道,“此乃王氏研究院与我深度合作,研发出的一种可将各种负面魔气,转化为仙灵之气的超级灵植。目前这是最新版本,刚好可以深度试验一下。” Actually looks and Zongteng that child, several phase splitting...... the Wang Longyan doubt takes a look at Wang Shouzhe likely, heard that Zongteng that child ran to explore and develop Taluoluo/Tarolo (Tarot Collection) Galaxy Group, shouted the slogan that was, I must gain the contribution with the oneself effort, does not want to betray oneself, is not because you did bully him to go too far?” “倒是长得宗藤那孩子,有几分相像……”王珑烟狐疑地瞅了瞅王守哲,“听说宗藤那孩子跑去探索和开拓塔罗罗星河群了,喊出的口号是,‘我要凭着自己的努力赚贡献,再也不想出卖自己了’,不会就是因为你们欺负他太过分了吧?” cough cough ~ ~ the Wang Shouzhe eyeground delimits has wiped awkwardly, on the face actually flings the pot say/way coolly, „is mainly Liyue is studying, I am knock come to somebody's aid. Furthermore, Zongteng is also therefore obtained the magnanimous clan contribution, and had the honor to receive the title of Wang Clan scientific research institute academician.” 咳咳~~王守哲眼底划过一抹尴尬,脸上却面不改色地甩锅道,“主要是璃玥在研究,我就是敲敲边鼓。再者说,宗藤也是因此获得了海量的家族贡献,并且荣获了王氏科研院院士的职称。” Snort, next time will bully Zongteng again, no wonder I punch you.” Old Ancestor Longyan ill-humored stared his one eyes ruthlessly. “哼,下次再欺负宗藤,莫怪我揍你。”珑烟老祖没好气的狠狠瞪了他一眼。 Yes, Shouzhe respectfully follows the life of Old Ancestor.” Wang Shouzhe honest responding. “是,守哲谨遵老祖之命。”王守哲老老实实的应着。 By Wang Shouzhe present position, and rank and prestige in clan, is Old Ancestor Longyan has the qualifications so reproving he, he must listen honestly. 王守哲如今的身份地位,以及家族中的辈分和威望,也就是珑烟老祖才有资格如此“训斥”他,他还得老老实实听着了。 Also, you and I confessed honestly, recently was also and Ruolan has clashes of opinion?” Old Ancestor Longyan recalled that recent matter, in a two stars pupil caught wiped to worry. “还有,你与我老实交代,最近是不是又和若蓝闹矛盾了?”珑烟老祖回想起最近的事情,一双星眸中又染上了一抹担忧。 How can?” Wang Shouzhe the sincere rebuttal said immediately, I and Ruolan high couple affectionate, the sentiment is very good.” “怎么会?”王守哲登时正色反驳道,“我与若蓝亢俪情深,感情很好。” Snort Shouzhe you usually were a cautious person, this time taking advantage of inspecting the Transmission Array reputation, the unexpectedly interim resolution took the lead to come World of Immortals to explore the way...... this to be possible not like to be the matter that your temper came out competently.” The Old Ancestor Longyan brow wrinkles, gives my feeling to be very towering, seems is intending to avoid the Ruolan appearance.” “哼~守哲你素来是个谨慎之人,此次借着视察传送阵的名头,竟然临时决议身先士卒要来仙界探路……这可不像是你这性子能干出来的事情。”珑烟老祖眉头皱起,“给我的感觉很突兀,好似在有意避开若蓝的样子。” Old Ancestor misunderstanding.” Wang Shouzhe hurrying said that Shouzhe is thinking, this World of Immortals wanted the Wang Clan clansman to search sooner or later explores the way. But am I as clan Patriarch, always insufficient always to ask the children to come the adventure?” 老祖误会了。”王守哲赶忙解释说,“守哲就是想着,这仙界迟早要王氏族人来探一探路。而我身为家族族长,总不至于总叫孩子们过来冒险吧?” Now I have become Great Principle Golden Immortal, then can also shoulder to shoulder with the Dao Lord rank enemy, turns defeat into victory by the card in a hand is not not possible. Naturally must take the lead, in a children road to the family/home comes out. Let alone, the Lici Girl whereabouts are still not bright, my makes Fourth Uncle, is in suspense eventually.” “如今我已经成为了大罗金仙,便是与道主级别敌人也能扛上一扛,凭借底牌反败为胜也并非不可能。自然应当身先士卒,给家里孩子们趟一条路出来。更何况,璃慈丫头依旧下落未明,我这做四叔的,终究是放心不下。” Wang Shouzhe is explaining seriously, satisfying is actually the forced smile constantly. 王守哲一本正经的解释着,可心中却是苦笑不迭。 He cannot tell the facts with Old Ancestor Longyan, said that he is comes out to lie low until something blows over? 他总不能和珑烟老祖实话实说,说他就是出来避风头的吧? This time his Wang Shouzhe led Ruolan one step, the achievement Great Principle boundary God Child/Seed, stimulated oneself wife incautiously. 这次他王守哲领先了若蓝一步,成就了大罗神子,一不小心刺激到了自家娘子。 Finally, she then starts to draw his together altogether ginseng/partake all day Jin Chan (Golden Moon/Toad) Great Dao, Plans to depend on this also soon to achieve Divine Maiden level bloodline. 结果,她便开始整日拉着他一起共参【金蟾大道】,欲图凭此也早日达到神女层次血脉 This which line? 这哪行啊? His Wang Shouzhe age, was the iron body cannot shoulder ~ 王守哲一把年纪了,便是铁打的身子也扛不住啊~ Therefore, he caused a small trick simply, escapes World of Immortals to lie low until something blows over, searches to explore the way while convenient, the cultivation cultivation wonder drug, will strive soon to give Ruolan also to make Good Fortune God Pill, directly bloodline raising, so as to avoid she will wallow in Jin Chan (Golden Moon/Toad) Great Dao all day cannot extricate oneself. 因此,他干脆使了点小小的伎俩,遁来仙界避避风头,顺便探探路,培植培植神药,争取早日给若蓝也弄上一枚造化神丹,直接把血脉给提上去,免得她整天沉迷于金蟾大道不可自拔。 Old Ancestor Longyan hear of Wang Shouzhe said clearly, letter/believed his words actually. 珑烟老祖王守哲说得真切,倒是信了他的话。 However her speaking warned as before: Shouzhe, World of Immortals this place groups of heroes gather together, various Fairy Holy Daughter are dazzling. You may result are restraining some, must seek after not for a while freshly, made that family residence not peaceful, taught the juniors to look at the joke.” 不过她依旧出言警告说:“守哲啊,仙界这地方群英荟萃,各种仙子圣女琳琅满目。你可得收敛着些,莫要一时贪图新鲜,弄得家宅不宁,教小辈们看了笑话。” Shouzhe is compliant.” 守哲遵命。” Wang Shouzhe should honestly under. 王守哲老实应下。 Regarding this point, he really has no idea actually. 对于这一点,他倒是真没什么想法。 Cracks a joke, a wife already enough enough, came one again, he did not have the life probably. 开玩笑,一个娘子已经够够的了,再来一个,他保不齐连命都没了。 Let alone looks for any purity, two of being congenial. 别说找一个什么清心寡欲,志趣相投的二房。 Not long, Ruolan is also very pure in heart, is often shy, now frequently do not eat the person? 曾几何时,若蓝也挺清心寡欲,动不动就害羞的,现在还不是动不动就要吃人? What person?” “什么人?” Suddenly, Wang Shouzhe and Wang Longyan, if has a sleep/felt, simultaneously looks to a direction. 忽而,王守哲王珑烟若有所觉,齐齐向一个方向看去。 The two people vision is ordinary like the essence, as if ascertained anything instantaneously. 两人的目光有如实质一般,仿佛瞬间就窥破了什么。 Quiet within, in the Wang Longyan hand had presented a long sword, the wrist/skill shakes, astonishing Demon Fiend sword glow has let go together, such as the Thunderclap electric light cuts generally to that direction. 悄无声息间,王珑烟手中已然出现了一柄长剑,手腕一抖,一道惊人的魔煞剑芒已然脱手而出,如雷霆电光一般向那方向斩去。 The sword light institute, Kong Jian (Space) looks like the frail cloth easily to be ripped open, is almost suddenly, a huge Kong Jian (Space) fissure appears during was void. 剑光所及,空间就像是脆弱的布帛般被轻易撕开,几乎是眨眼间,一道巨大的空间裂痕出现在了虚空之中。 Also, the terrifying power and influence that sword light sends out spreads in void, startling the person is fearful and apprehensive. 随之,剑光所散发出的恐怖威势才在虚空中蔓延开来,骇得人胆战心惊。 Oh no, was discovered!” “糟糕,被发现了!” With the sword light crazy spread, the position that not far away was empty, suddenly depending on is empty Kong Jian (Space) to fluctuate. 随着剑光疯狂蔓延,不远处原本空无一物的位置,忽然凭空荡起一阵空间波动。 A Dao Daughter startled sound also resounds. 道女子惊慌的声音也随之响起。 Tender body indistinctly flashes before from void in together, the danger strategic place avoided Demon Fiend sword glow, then the extreme speed runs away to the distant place. 紧接着,一道影影绰绰的娇躯自虚空中闪现,险之又险地避开了魔煞剑芒,而后极速向远处遁去。 That situation, seriously is the bad risk extremely, if she runs again slowly on some, even if had not been hewn two, feared that is still unavoidably a severe wound. 那情况,当真是凶险万分,她若是跑得再慢上些许,就算没被削成两段,怕是也免不了一个重伤。 However has not waited for her to escape far, then has the one after another vine to fly to flee from the ground, such as the group snake dance seizes toward her! 然而还没等她逃远,便有一道道藤蔓从地上飞窜而起,如群蛇狂舞般朝她擒去! Almost in an instant, leapt up the quickest vine soon to catch up with her. 几乎是刹那间,蹿得最快的藤蔓就已经快要追上她了。 How possibly?! 怎么可能?! The female shouted panic-stricken lowly, in the look filled does not dare to believe. 那女子惊恐低呼,眼神中充满了不敢置信。 ...... ……
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