POP :: Volume #8

#42 Part 1: Shouzhe promotes Holy Venerable

...... …… The living conditions are different, the idea and concept also will naturally be affected imperceptibly. 生活環境不一樣,想法和觀念自然也會在無形中受到影響。 Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess lived since childhood in World of Immortals, the side frequently was some lived several thousand years of big Luo Golden Immortal, Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Dao Lord, was affected by them, naturally also and Wang Lici to the concept of time had a big difference. 青璃神女自幼生活在仙界,身邊動輒就是些活了數萬年的大羅金仙,混元道主,受他們影響,對時間的觀念自然也和王璃慈有不小的區別。 Wang Lici responded quickly, but felt speechless. 王璃慈很快就反應過來了,但還是覺得無語。 However, thinks 1,000-2,000 years will at least also open Zhuan Xu God Palace Dungeon, she is not anxious , to continue very happily soaks is quenching the body pond Neishen breast, soaked comfortably, but also ahem two: " Un un, yes. Qing Li Elder Sister, how did I invite the material that you helped me check? " 不過,一想到至少還有1,000-2,000年才會開啟【顓頊神宮副本,她也就不急了,繼續美滋滋的泡著淬體池內神乳,泡得舒服了,還哼唧兩聲:「嗯嗯,對了。青璃姐姐,我請你幫我查的資料怎麼樣了?」 " , You said Immortal Alliance is right? " Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess sees the Lici take a bath " not to incite " , is clenching teeth not to make a sound hardly, ships out a very relaxed free appearance diligently, " recently I glanced through a lot of old book materials, consults the elder who researched in thorough detail the historical data. " 「哦,你是說仙盟對吧?」青璃神女璃慈泡澡不「滋滋」,也就硬咬著牙不吱聲了,努力裝出一副很輕鬆自若的模樣,「最近我翻閱了很多古籍資料,也請教了一些精研史料的長老。」 " I discovered Immortal Alliance that you said that is the limitless Divine/God Palace Beyond-Territory development branch. However, since 100 hundreds of thousands of years ago, limitless Emperor Venerable falls from the sky mystically, after causing entire limitless Divine/God Palace suffers the drastic change, the relation of World of Immortals here and Immortal Alliance breaks. " 「我發現你所說的仙盟,乃是無極神宮域外開拓分支。不過,自從一百數十萬年前,無極帝尊神秘隕落,導緻整個無極神宮都遭受劇變後,仙界這邊和仙盟的聯繫就斷了。」 " 100 several hundred thousand years ago? Broke the relation? " A Wang Lici face is speechless. 「一百幾十萬年前?斷了聯繫?」王璃慈一臉無語。 As soon as she listens to this huge number on some headaches. How frequently can such long history? 她一聽這龐大的數字就有些頭疼。怎麼動不動就要這麼漫長的歷史? Our Wang Clan rises now, but also less than 3000 ~! 我們王氏崛起到現在,還不足三千年呢~! " That transmission does, have ultra telematics? " Wang Lici has several points of hope to ask, " even Demon Race has the ultra long-distance range space corridor, our Immortal Clan have no reason not to have? " 「那傳送陣呢,有沒有超遠距離傳送陣?」王璃慈帶著幾分希冀問道,「連魔族都有超遠距離空間走廊,咱們仙族沒理由沒有啊?」 " Theoretically, since must conduct the Beyond-Territory development, will definitely construct transmission, but wants to come should only to be able the small scale transmission. " Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess sighs, " Demon Race is a powerful external race, their types through the distortion inexhaustible day deep pool space, implement the method of large-scale ultra telematics are Demon Race unique, our World of Immortals could not have achieved at present. Otherwise our World of Immortals He Zhiyu is at so passive, suppressed aspect. " 「理論上,既然要進行域外開拓,肯定是會建傳送陣的,不過想來應該隻能小規模傳送。」青璃神女嘆了一口氣道,「魔族是一個強大的外來種族,它們那種通過扭曲無盡天淵空間,來實行大規模超遠距離傳送的手段是魔族特有的,咱們仙界目前還做不到。否則我們仙界又何至於會處在如此被動,受到壓制的局面。」 " Small scale then small scale ~ " Wang Lici, although is disappointed, actually also can only accept the reality, then asked that " how can I find transmission to pass on Immortal Alliance? " 「小規模便小規模吧~」王璃慈雖失望,卻也隻能接受現實,轉而問道,「我怎麼樣才能找到傳送陣傳去仙盟?」 " Limitless Divine/God Palace has gone down in the world now, its core region also becomes stretch of ruins, moreover fell into the Demon Race control scope. " Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess thinks these that oneself checks, the expression then cannot help but somewhat sobbed, " first did not say that we can submerge the limitless Divine/God Palace ruins, then can submerge, and successfully found transmission, must consider to service the matters concerned. " 「無極神宮如今早已落魄,其核心地帶也成為了一片廢墟,而且還落入了魔族的掌控範圍。」青璃神女一想到自己查到的那些,語氣便不由得有些唏噓,「先不說咱們能不能潛入無極神宮廢墟,便是能夠潛入進去,並順利找到傳送陣,也還得考慮維修事宜。」 " After all 100 several hundred thousand years passed by, that transmission perfect probability was very initially low. " 「畢竟一百幾十萬年過去了,當初那座傳送陣完好無損的概率很低。」 " Although sounds somewhat difficult. " The Wang Lici vitality is actually full, " , but in any event, I must contact with the family member on, otherwise Fourth Uncle they will certainly be worried my. " 「雖然聽起來有些困難。」王璃慈倒是元氣滿滿,「但是無論如何,我都是要和家人聯繫上的,不然四叔他們一定會擔心我的。」 " Lici you could rest assured that I will certainly help you full power. However, after all these must wait for you to practice greatly Luo Golden Immortal boundary, can start. " Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess gives free reign to the imagination in the future, in the eye also fully is the colors of anticipation, " always listens to you to mention these interesting clansmen, I also want to see your Fourth Uncle, your glass Yao Younger Sister they. " 璃慈你放心,我一定會全力助你。不過,這一切都得等你修煉到大羅金仙境後才能開始。」青璃神女暢想起未來,眼中也滿滿都是期待之色,「總是聽你說起那些有趣的族人,我也想見見你的四叔,你的璃瑤妹妹他們。」 " Qing Li Elder Sister, you are really good to me. " Wang Lici rubbed. 青璃姐姐,你對我真好。」王璃慈蹭了上去。 " Hey, Younger Sister Lici you leave hug randomly...... " 「喂喂,璃慈妹妹你別亂抱……」 Also passes the answer moon/month later. 又過得數月之後。 Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess found Wang Lici again, offered valuable advice delivered 13th grade Good Fortune God Pill, Beams with joy saying: " This luck is really good, heard that Southern Ming(Brightness) Emperor Venerable acts personally, assists the Pill King senior refine the pill of immortality with the Southern Ming(Brightness) god fire, stove Spirit Pill had/left enough four! " 青璃神女再一次屁顛屁顛找到了王璃慈,獻寶般的送上了一枚十三品造化神丹】,眉開眼笑道:「這一次運氣真不錯,聽說南明帝尊親自出手,用南明神火輔助丹王前輩煉丹,一爐神丹出了足足四枚!」 " Gave Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple to take the reward, gave Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor. Remaining two, your my! " 「其中一枚給了南明神殿作為報酬,一枚給了紫薇仙帝。剩下兩枚,你一枚我一枚!」 Saying, her was entering the Wang Lici bosom the jade stopper in hand. 說著,她就把手裡的玉瓶塞進了王璃慈懷裡。 Wang Lici opens seals the Spirit Pill jade bottle, attractive medicine fragrance then followed the nasal cavity to flood into her in vivo instantaneously, making her swallow saliva unrestrainedly: " This is Good Fortune God Pill, feels like very delicious appearance. " 王璃慈打開封存神丹的玉瓶,一股誘人至極的藥香味便瞬間順著鼻腔湧入了她體內,讓她情不自禁地吞咽了一下口水:「這就是造化神丹啊,感覺好像很好吃的樣子。」 Arrived Wang Lici this blood vessels rank, has anything to make him very much rarely feel so greedy intent. 到了王璃慈這個血脈級別,已經很難得有什麼東西能讓他感受到如此饞意了。 This is the instinct from blood vessels longs. 這是來自血脈的本能渴望。 She can feel, after this Spirit Pill swallows down, will have the huge advantage to her. 她能感覺到,此神丹吞下去後,對她會有天大的好處。 Driven by greedy intent, she endured to endure, finally could not bear, " " swallowed Good Fortune God Pill directly. 在饞意的驅使下,她忍了又忍,最後還是沒忍住,直接「啊嗚」一口吞下了造化神丹 In a flash, a terrifying efficacy melts in vivo, the wild strength dashes in vivo crazily, her complexion leapt to become flushed! 一瞬間,一股恐怖的藥力就在她體內化開,狂暴的力量在她體內瘋狂衝撞,她的臉色騰一下就漲紅了! " What!? How did you eat? " 「啥!?你怎麼吃下去了?」 Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess was frightened the face to be white, rushes to skid the mouth of Wang Lici: Lici, you have not been able to eat this, spits quickly!” 青璃神女被吓得臉都白了,趕忙去撬王璃慈的嘴巴:“璃慈,你還不能吃這個,快吐出來!” She was soon insane, Good Fortune God Pill is what kind of terrifying drug efficacy, is this Dao Seed/Son second grade blood vessels intelligence big Luo Shengzun must take, must have Emperor Venerable to protect in the one side , helping digest the efficacy by the Immortal Emperor supernatural power, in order to avoid has any mistake. 她快要瘋了,造化神丹是何等恐怖的藥效,便是她這種道子乙等血脈資質的大羅聖尊要服用,也得有帝尊在一旁護著,以仙帝神力幫助消化藥力,以免出什麼差池。 According to her planned, this Spirit Pill they first receive, after Lici practices greatly Luo Jing, then invited the Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor making a move berm together, simultaneously took Good Fortune God Pill. 按照她原本的計劃,這神丹兩人先收起來,等璃慈修煉到大羅境後,便一起請紫薇仙帝出手護道,同時服用造化神丹 Who can think, Lici such harebrained swallowed down unexpectedly. 誰能想到,璃慈居然就這麼冒冒失失的一口吞下去了。 If what to do this accidentally does have a good and evil to be possible?! 這萬一要是有個好歹可怎麼辦?! " Cannot spit, melted. " Wang Lici tears the collar, long breathed the mouth thick gas. 「吐不出來,化開了。」王璃慈扯開衣領,長長地喘了口粗氣。 She only thinks that now the oneself whole body is dry and hot, vitality ebullition, whole body gracefully very carefree. 她現在隻覺得自己渾身燥熱,氣血沸騰,全身飄飄欲仙好不暢快。 This feeling quenched the body pond stimulation more than the former bubble, but has not made her feel the danger. 這感覺比之前泡淬體池刺激多了,可也沒讓她感覺到危險。 Saw Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess to frighten the complexion changed, she instead comforted her intimately in turn: " Qing Li Elder Sister, all right, only Spirit Pill. Do not worry, I am all right. " 青璃神女嚇得臉色都變了,她反而貼心地反過來安慰起她來:「青璃姐姐,沒事,區區一顆神丹而已。你別擔心,我沒事。」 " Was all right damn! Do you True Immortal Boundary you know?! How do you dare to eat this? " Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess is annoying extremely. 「沒事才見鬼了!你才真仙境你知不知道?!你怎麼敢吃這個啊?」青璃神女懊惱萬分。 The one had only known, she is first receiving Spirit Pill for Lici, where will give her directly? Must wait to promote Luo Golden Immortal in any case to take greatly, is late also has no influence on her. 早知如此,她就先替璃慈神丹收著了,哪裡會直接給她?反正都是要等晉升了大羅金仙才服用的,晚點給她也沒什麼影響。 Now may be good, then what to do should? 現在可好,這下該怎麼辦? Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess is utterly confused suddenly. 青璃神女一時間心亂如麻。 " Yes, Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor! " 「對了,紫薇仙帝!」 The matter leaves urgently, she does not dare to hesitate, immediately then took out Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Emperor Seal, crumb start without hesitation. 事出緊急,她不敢猶豫,當即便取出了紫薇帝印,毫不猶豫的捏碎啟動。 Among next instant, the boundless auspicious sign blooms, a Daoist/Taoist shadow condenses the formation in front of Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess suddenly. 下一瞬間,茫茫紫氣綻放開來,一道人影驀然在青璃神女面前凝聚成型。 That is a female who wears the purple immortal clothes, the eyebrow flies into the temple, the heroic bearing soughs, looks about the pupil light circulation, beautiful not local products. 那是一位身穿紫色仙衣的女子,眉飛入鬢,英姿颯颯,顧盼間眸光流轉,美艷不可方物。 This female, naturally is World of Immortals famous Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor. 此女,自然是仙界大名鼎鼎的紫薇仙帝 As a powerhouse of Immortal Emperor level, the Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor age naturally did not calculate slightly, martial Yue Immortal Emperor was her younger generation. However, to this grade of rank, the mortal body had removed human body every embryo, no longer receives the limit of age. 作為一位仙帝級的強者,紫薇仙帝的年齡自然不算小了,就連武嶽仙帝都算是她的晚輩。不過,到了她這等級別,肉身早已褪去了肉體凡胎,也不再受年齡的限制。 The present her semblance was still very young, looks also on 30 over appearances. 如今的她外表仍舊是十分年輕,看著也就三十出頭的模樣。 However, her body surface at this moment sends out a glimmer, the figure is looking that slightly somewhat is also dim, obviously is a projection. 不過,她此刻的身體表面散發著一層微光,身形看著也略微有幾分朦朧,顯然是一尊投影。 This little while, her true body still therapy in the forbidden area ~ 這會兒,她的真身還在禁區內療傷呢~ " Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Emperor Venerable, asking you to rescue Younger Sister Lici. " Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess is anxious has tears streaming down the face, " she swallowed Good Fortune God Pill. " 紫薇帝尊,求您救救璃慈妹妹。」青璃神女急得是淚流滿面,「她吞下了造化神丹。」 " What? This was also too rash. " 「什麼?這也太莽撞了。」 One hear of this saying, on the Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor calm face also revealed wiped anxiously. 一聽這話,紫薇仙帝原本冷靜的臉上也露出了一抹焦急。 She holds the Wang Lici arm, strength of the pure actually quantity many Immortal Emperor flood into Lici in vivo, plans to assist her first to stand firm the Spirit Pill drug efficacy, and prepares to arrive by the this Venerable/main body true body momentarily. 她一把抓住王璃慈胳膊,一股精純卻數量不多的仙帝之力湧入璃慈體内,欲圖協助她先穩住神丹藥效,并準備随時以本尊真身降臨。 The Lici girl potential is infinite, even if she puts together in the wound to add the wound also to protect her, does not allow her to damage absolutely. 璃慈丫頭潛力無窮,她哪怕拼著傷上加傷也得護住她,絕對不容她有所損傷。 Who would imagine, among next instant she at the scene...... 豈料,下一瞬間她就愣在了當場…… This, this is cracks a joke? 這,這是開玩笑的吧? Sufficiently the Good Fortune God Pill efficacy that the common True Immortal Boundary Dao Seed/Son relaxed brace explodes, in Lici in vivo unexpectedly so " docile " , at most looks like only mischievous " little monkey " , lets some Wang Lici blushing ear scarlet drunken appearances. 足以將尋常真仙境道子輕鬆撐爆的造化神丹藥力,在璃慈體內竟然如此「溫順」,至多就像是隻調皮的「小猴子」,讓王璃慈有些臉紅耳赤醉醺醺的模樣。 What is odder, Wang Lici in vivo the strength of blood vessels is sending out a mysterious strength, the rapid digestion is absorbing the Spirit Pill drug efficacy, is awakening the blood vessels at an unthinkable speed. 更加離譜的是,王璃慈體內的血脈之力正散發著一股玄妙的力量,迅速消化吸納著神丹藥效,以一種匪夷所思的速度覺醒著血脈。 From Dao Seed/Son first grade, rushed to Dao Seed/Son first grade intermediate stage! 道子甲等開始,一路衝到了道子甲等中段 Also, Dao Seed/Son first grade high stage. 隨之,道子甲等高段 Dao Seed/Son first grade peak! 道子甲等巔峰! God Child/Seed fourth grade! 神子丁等 God Child/Seed fourth grade intermediate stage! 神子丁等中段 The Wang Lici blood vessels intelligence breaks through a small stage every time, the Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor heart cannot bear pit-a-pat. 王璃慈的血脈資質每突破一小階段,紫薇仙帝心頭就忍不住突突一下。 However, the blood vessels of Wang Lici the card in God Child/Seed fourth grade intermediate stage, cannot break fourth grade intermediate stage finally, actually also rose a big truncation, may achieve the God Child/Seed fourth grade high stage appearance anytime. 不過,王璃慈的血脈最終還是卡在了神子丁等中段,沒能破掉丁等中段,卻也是漲了一大截,隨時有可能達到神子丁等高段的樣子。 In this flash, Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor looked that became to Wang Lici eye Divine Capital incomparably blazing: " Lici, did you have the teacher? " 在這一瞬間,紫薇仙帝看向王璃慈的眼神都變得無比熾熱了:「璃慈,你有師尊了嗎?」 If trades to make beforehand Wang Lici, although the potential is also very huge, in the younger generation is also existence of being among the best, actually cannot make Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor change countenance, after all her family/home accurate God Child/Seed is not bad. 若是換做之前的王璃慈,雖然潛力也是非常巨大,在年輕一代中也是名列前茅的存在,卻也不能令紫薇仙帝動容,畢竟她家準神子也不差。 But present Wang Lici, but was not only among the best, but can in that evildoer/monstrous talent with contemporary younger generation compare favorably, even also surpassed plans. 可如今的王璃慈,可不僅僅是名列前茅了,而是能與當代年輕一代中的那一位妖孽媲美,甚至還超出一籌了。 So, not only can describe with youth outstanding. 如此,就不僅僅是能用青年俊傑來形容了。 " Frightens? " Wang Lici had a scare by the Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor look, said weakly, " I have had several teachers. " 「嚇?」王璃慈紫薇仙帝的眼神嚇了一跳,弱弱地說,「我有過好幾個師尊了。」 " You minded that are many? " The Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor expression is very gentle. 「那你介意再多一個嗎?」紫薇仙帝語氣無比溫柔。 " ...... " Wang Lici and Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess . 「……」王璃慈青璃神女 ****** ******
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