POP :: Volume #8

#41 Part 1: In history most tragedy Quasi God Child/Seed

...... …… Young Lord, Young Lord?” Elder Zhantian called several continually, asked kindly, „were you all right?” 少主,少主?”斩天长老连唤了几声,关切地问道,“您没事吧?” Cloud Crane Young Master gets back one's composure gradually, takes a look at Wang Anye, attractive, extraordinary except for looks, but also likes carrying the sword box to install beside Sword Immortal, has nothing special. 云鹤公子渐渐回神,瞅了瞅王安业,唔,除了长得好看、气质不凡,还喜欢背着个剑匣装剑仙之外,也没什么特别的。 My solemn Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple does Quasi God Child/Seed, fall to so the situation unexpectedly? 我堂堂南明神殿准神子,竟然落到如此地步? forget it, forget it! 罢了罢了 The day wants the raining mother to get married, Elder Zhantian must accept the disciple, even if he wants to block cannot block. 天要下雨娘要嫁人,斩天长老要收徒,他即便是想拦也拦不住的。 Suddenly, some Cloud Crane Young Master meanings are popular Shan, puts down the wine glass say/way conveniently: Elder Zhantian, congratulates you to receive pleasant loves the disciple. My this does not have the surplus...... the cash as a present turn head to make up ~ ~ again 一时间,云鹤公子有些意兴珊,随手放下酒杯道:“斩天长老,恭喜您收得如意爱徒。我这身无长物……礼金回头再补上~~ His Cloud Crane Young Master is the generation of what kind of stunning talent, even if in this moment heart wants to hold that Wang Anye several blades, cannot lose the demeanor. 云鹤公子是何等惊才绝艳之辈,哪怕此刻心中想捅那王安业几刀,也是不能失了风度。 Cash as a present anything, Young Lord must care not.” Elder Zhantian hearing this is well satisfied immediately, can obtain Young Lord to bless, obsolete felt relieved. The time, Young Lord you did not continue to drink early, obsolete then first said goodbye. The sensibility on some obsolete also many Sword Dao, must share with Anye.” “礼金什么的,少主莫要放在心上。”斩天长老闻言却是立刻心满意足起来,“能得到少主祝福,老朽就放了心。时候不早了,少主您继续喝酒,老朽便先告辞了。老朽还有不少剑道上的感悟,要与安业分享。” Cloud Crane Young Master, Anye said goodbye.” After Wang Anye has saluted, departs with Zhantian (Severing Heaven) together. 云鹤公子,安业告辞。”王安业行过礼后,与斩天一同离去。 The Cloud Crane Young Master look is very complex. 云鹤公子神色无比复杂。 Suddenly, he did not have the interest of drinking, only sits in same place, looks from afar their masters and disciples talked and laughed merrily to leave. 一时间,他连喝酒的兴致也没有了,只怔怔地坐在原地,远远看着他们师徒谈笑风生地离开。 , He can also hear their priest's and disciple's dialogues by far vaguely. 远远的,他还能依稀听到他们师徒俩的一些对话。 Anye, Master Zhantian(Severing Heaven) Sword, is Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) spirit treasure that all previous ancestor hands down, you may probably disappoint his reputation not!” 安业,为师斩天剑,乃是历代先祖传下的混元灵宝,你可莫要辜负了他的名头!” Many thanks Teacher bestows the sword.” “多谢师尊赐剑。” You must remember quite cultivation, strives soon to cultivate/repair the Great Principle Golden Immortal rank, at the appointed time Master leads you to return to World of Immortals to hit Shenying (God Brilliant) List.” “你要记得好生修炼,争取早日修到大罗金仙级别,届时为师带你回仙界去打神瑛榜。” Teacher, what is Shenying (God Brilliant) List?” 师尊,神瑛榜是什么?” Shenying (God Brilliant) List is World of Immortals many young one generation of strongest lists, if can be first 100, then can praising entire World of Immortals. However, Master to your expectation may incessantly so, if you can enter Shenying (God Brilliant) List first ten, Master is thick the face to lead you to see Southern Ming(Brightness) Emperor Venerable, we must snatch the Quasi God Child/Seed position.” 神瑛榜乃是仙界诸多年轻一代最强的榜单,若是能名列前一百,便能扬名整个仙界。不过,为师对你的期望可不止如此,若是你能进神瑛榜前十,为师就厚着脸带你去见南明帝尊,咱们也要抢一抢准神子的位置。” Quasi God Child/Seed? Teacher can I also snatch Quasi God Child/Seed?” 准神子师尊我也能抢准神子?” Your Teacher is also Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple Elder, you are my Apprentice/Disciple, naturally had the qualifications. What's wrong, on permits that Yan Cloud Crane is Quasi God Child/Seed, our isn't Anye good? You return young, so long as quite diligently, some are the opportunities. Even if unable to inherit the position of Emperor Venerable, still has to attack the qualifications of half step Immortal Emperor.” “你师尊也是南明神殿长老,你是我徒儿,当然有资格了。怎么,就许那阎云鹤准神子,咱安业就不行吗?你还年轻,只要好生努力,有的是机会。即便无法继承帝尊之位,也有冲击半步仙帝的资格。” Yes, Teacher, Anye will try hard.” “是,师尊,安业会努力的。” Hears here, masters and disciples two vanishes to disappear. 听到此处,师徒两个消失不见了。 Cloud Crane Young Master must be mad the hemp simply. 云鹤公子简直要被气麻了。 Good your Elder Zhantian, previously also Young Lord, to turn the head to turn into Yan Cloud Crane. 好你个斩天长老,先前还一口一个少主,可转头间就变成阎云鹤了。 This way of the world! 这世道! Young heart in the old days ~ 人心不古呐~ Cloud Crane Young Master was mad continually did several glasses of strong liquor, the reluctant pouring extinguished some grief and indignation. 云鹤公子被气得连干了几杯烈酒,才勉强浇熄了些悲愤。 Is drinking, there are two beautiful girl to enter the bar. 正喝着,又有两位漂亮女孩进入了酒吧。 two people is chatting happy, without paying attention to the bar has anyone, looked for a secluded corner to occupy an individual seat at will, selected. the liquor to continue to chat the cup 两人正聊得欢,也没注意酒吧里有什么人,随意找了个僻静的角落占了个散座,点了杯酒就继续聊起来。 This two girl appearance looks quite several phase splitting shapes, are only makings are steadier, makings slightly bracelet some, slightly the clear oval face completely high-ranking family/home Young Lady elegant demeanor, impressively is now a Holy Communist Alliance Secretary long Wang Fugui pair of daughter, Wang Guiling and Wang Guihu. 两位女孩模样长得颇有几分相像,只是一个气质稳重一些,一个气质略微跳脱一些,微微圆润的鹅蛋脸尽显贵家小姐的风采,赫然便是当今圣共盟秘书王富贵的一对女儿,王瑰玲王瑰瑚 Elder Sister, your God silkworm treasure clothes Sold?” 姐姐,你那件【神蚕宝衣】卖出去了吗?” Wang Guihu takes the straw to sting the low tasty spirit fruit liquor, a pair seems condenses the moonlight eye to blink, somewhat is quite lovable. 王瑰瑚拿着吸管嘬着低度爽口的灵果酒,一双好似凝聚着月光的眼睛眨巴眨巴,颇有几分可爱。 Her length compares Wang Guiling to be finer, from the small sumptuous lifestyle, Wuyou growing up approximately, making on her face still bring pretty and innocent of several points of young girl, on meat small face led several points of baby to be fat, does not know that feared that was basic unable to believe she is the 2000-year-old person. 她的长相比王瑰玲要更加精致一些,从小锦衣玉食,无忧无虑的长大,让她的脸上仍旧带着几分少女的娇俏和天真烂漫,肉都都的小脸上更是带着几分婴儿肥,不知道的,怕是根本无法相信她都已经是2000多岁的人了。 Compares her, the Wang Guiling temper is wilder, is partial to drink some fierce liquor. 相比起她,王瑰玲性子更野一些,偏爱喝烈性些的酒。 Carries liquor that the bar attendant just sent, her one is half cup gets into the stomach, the one breath sighed painstakingly: Looked for several buyers, does not dislike expensively is not willing to buy, shuts out the passed through secondhand goods.” 端起酒吧侍应生刚送来的酒,她一口就是半杯下肚,哈了一口气苦叹道:“找了几个买家,不是嫌贵不肯买,就是嫌弃是被穿过的二手货。” Must not be really good discounts, selling two hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone is also good.” Wang Guihu suggested that in any case your god silkworm treasure clothes was also white Jianlai.” “要实在不行就打打折,卖个两百混沌灵石也是好的。”王瑰瑚建议道,“反正你那神蚕宝衣也是白捡来的。” Line, can I gave a discount to sell, look find the fool.” Wang Guiling is drinking, a grievance anxiety appearance anxiously. “行叭,那我就折价卖一下,看看能不能找到冤大头。”王瑰玲喝着酒,一副委屈巴巴的肉疼模样。 The one side had noticed that this hears here to sisters' Cloud Crane Young Master, is good to hang a blood not to spurt. 一旁早就留意到这对姐妹的云鹤公子听到这里,好悬没有一口血喷死。 This dead girl may really be the child sells the master field not to love dearly, your white Qianglai god silkworm treasure clothes hits to sell for cash, what vigor do you put in great inconvenience to? 这死丫头可真是崽卖爷田不心疼,你白抢来的神蚕宝衣打折卖,你委屈个什么劲? Must put in great inconvenience, who can compare favorably with my Yan Cloud Crane grievance? 要委屈,谁能比得上我阎云鹤委屈? His that god silkworm treasure clothes, but spent many favors, personal ordering that as well as enough 398 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone high prices take, that is his Yan Cloud Crane signboard treasure clothes! 他的那身神蚕宝衣,可是费了不少人情,以及足足三百九十八枚混沌灵石的高价才弄到手的私人订制,那可是他阎云鹤的招牌宝衣! Young Lady Guiling, you , if not like the this Young Master valuable clothes, how might as well give back to me?” Cloud Crane Young Master could not bear, raises the wine glass to walk, tone Youyou . 瑰玲姑娘,你要是不喜欢本公子的宝衣,不如还给我如何?”云鹤公子没忍住,提着酒杯就走了过去,语气幽幽 Ha? 哈? two Miss turns head vigilantly, is staring at the unexpected visitor, reprimanded: Who are you? How to listen secretly the person to speak?” 两个姑娘警惕回头,盯着不速之客,纷纷斥道:“你是谁?怎么偷听人说话?” Cloud Crane Young Master is good to hang is irritated, stares Wang Guiling saying: Young Lady Guiling, you dug up to carry off my god silkworm treasure clothes initially, did this cross for more than hundred years not to recognize me?” 云鹤公子好悬没被气死,瞪着王瑰玲道:“瑰玲姑娘,当初你把我神蚕宝衣扒拉走了,这才过了百多年就不认得我了?” He remembers these more than hundred years of experiences not to hit one on the air/Qi. Is this group of people, weeded out little oneself from head to toe property. Now, even storage ring was confiscated temporarily! 他一想起这百多年的经历就气不打一处来。就是这帮人,把自己浑身上下的财产一点点都薅走了。现在,连储物戒都暂时被没收了! ~ originally is that World of Immortals meeting misfortune Young Master Gui/noble young master ~ a Wang Guiling face, beckoned with the hand to say suddenly immediately, you did not need to stare at me to thank, initially after saving you, I had received thank-you gift.” “哦~原来是那位仙界的落难贵公子啊~”王瑰玲一脸“恍然”,当即摆摆手说,“你不用盯着我来感谢,当初救你后,我已经收了‘谢礼’了。” Thank your soul! 感谢你的魂! ! Also, what that calculates thank-you gift? Clearly is your clever girl seizes while this Young Master weakly. 还有,那算哪门子的“谢礼”?分明是你这个贼丫头趁着本公子虚弱强抢的。 In the Cloud Crane Young Master heart full is mutter, the look is especially melancholy: About that god silkworm treasure clothes, Miss, since cannot sell, might as well give back to me simply.” 云鹤公子心中满是碎碎念,眼神格外忧郁:“关于那件神蚕宝衣,姑娘既然卖不出去,不如索性还给我吧。” Ok.” Wang Guiling refreshed say/way. “可以。”王瑰玲爽快道。 Well? 咦? Cloud Crane Young Master somewhat was but actually surprised. 云鹤公子倒有些惊讶了。 Without thinking of this Young Lady Guiling also very heroic spirit, he is also tries to ask that is from the start hopeless she to agree. 没想到这瑰玲姑娘还挺豪气的,他也不过就是尝试一下问问而已,压根就没指望她能同意。 My not pit you, receive you 300, no, four hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone.” Wang Guiling sincere said, this is the god silkworm treasure clothes of personal ordering, is even World of Immortals is alone one.” “我也不坑你,就收你三百,不,四百混沌灵石。”王瑰玲正色说道,“这可是私人订制的神蚕宝衣,便是连仙界都是独一份。” Cloud Crane Young Master was shocked. 云鹤公子被惊呆了。 What took his valuable clothes to sell to him is operates? 拿着他的宝衣卖给他是什么操作? The most important thing is, oneself just heard obviously, has she prepared to reduce prices to two hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone...... the present actually to want the initial cost to sell to give back to him? 最重要的是,自己刚刚明明听到了,她已经准备降价到两百混沌灵石了……现在却要原价卖还给他? In his heart that is burning with anger ~ 他心中那个怒火中烧啊~ Good your ferocious Wang Guiling, how you not to snatch...... not, you are the ratio snatch also excessively. 好你个穷凶极恶王瑰玲,你怎么不去抢……不,你这是比抢还过份。 this Young Master previously also very had the favorable impression to you fortunately, prepares to receive you to be the follower to train quite. 亏得本公子先前对你还挺有好感,准备收你做追随者好生培养呢。 Young Master, if do not relate.” Wang Guiling is blinking saying that actually I have related Jile (Extreme Happiness) God Sovereign, her offer wish is very strong.” 公子若是不要也没关系。”王瑰玲眨着眼睛说道,“其实我已经联系上了极乐神皇,她的出价意愿很强烈。” Jile (Extreme Happiness) God Sovereign? Isn't that a female?” Cloud Crane Young Master knits the brows, rose Ling Young Lady, even if sits the starting price, you still tasteful the logic isn't?” 极乐神皇?那不是个女子吗?”云鹤公子皱眉,“瑰玲小姐,就算是坐地起价,你也得讲究些逻辑不是?” All right, she said that can first collect, after her next cultivation base breaks through, after turning into the man, puts on.” Wang Guiling is calm and composed even in press of work to say. “没事,她说可以先收藏起来,等她下一次修为突破后,变成男人后再穿。”王瑰玲好整以暇说道。 Cloud Crane Young Master: „......” 云鹤公子:“……” He was done silent. 他被干沉默了。 Previously when with that Jile (Extreme Happiness) God Sovereign had to do, he also felt she not only had the empress bearing, and had the sycophancy myriad, a strength and potential, even if placed Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple, still had the opportunity of striving to get the upper hand. 先前和那极乐神皇打交道时,他还觉得她既有女皇气度、又有媚骨万千,一身实力和潜力即便放在南明神殿,也有力争上游的机会。 At that time, he also had the favorable impression about her, is thinking after and other plans were completed, with her development sentiment, will also be good to add a boost in the future. 那时,他不免还对她心生好感过,想着等计划完成后,与她发展发展感情,未来也好平添一份助力。 Has not actually thought, Jile (Extreme Happiness) God Sovereign unexpectedly is such Jile (Extreme Happiness) God Sovereign! 却不曾想,极乐神皇竟然是那样的极乐神皇 forget it, forget it.” Wang Guiling looked that his whole face is elegant, rare heart good, looked, in your I quite have in the share of fate, my three hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone sold to give back to you then.” 罢了罢了。”王瑰玲看他满脸郁郁,难得心善了一回,“看在你我颇有缘分的份上,我三百混沌灵石卖还给你便是了。” I do not have money.” The Cloud Crane Young Master expression was melancholy several points. “我已经没钱了。”云鹤公子表情更是忧郁了几分。 Sees Wang Guiling for the first time , he was disguises becomes met misfortune Young Master Gui/noble young master. Now may be good, he really became solid going down in the world Young Master, develops does not need to develop. 第一次见王瑰玲时,他是假装成了落难贵公子。现在可好,他是真的成了实实在在的落魄公子,连演都不用演。 Line, that is first owing ~ Wang Guiling without delay, pulls out God silkworm treasure clothes Forced in the Cloud Crane Young Master bosom, immediately pulls out the written records, drew up a contract bill signed in acknowledgment of debt rapidly, grabbed his hand to press being in charge. “行叭,那就先欠着~”王瑰玲二话不说,就掏出【神蚕宝衣】塞进了云鹤公子怀里,随即掏出纸笔,迅速拟定了一份契约欠条,抓着他的手摁下了掌印。 Pitiful Cloud Crane Young Master, cultivation base as before is by the condition of seal, is incapable of revolting radically. 可怜的云鹤公子,修为依旧处在被封印的状态,根本无力反抗。 Looks at this skilled technique, the agile movement, can look in the Wang Guiling beforehand life, is not one piece moe the blank dull. 看她这熟练的手法,利落的动作,看得出来王瑰玲之前的人生中,绝非一片呆萌空白。 According to the contract, you owes me three hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, every year 1% interest, not with your interest on interest, even if your hundred years of both capital and interest turns one time.” Wang Guiling adept received the bill signed in acknowledgment of debt. “根据契约,你欠我三百混沌灵石,每年百分之一的利息,就不与你利滚利了,就算你百年连本带利翻一倍。”王瑰玲娴熟的收起了欠条。 Every year 1% interest? You insane inadequate!” Cloud Crane Young Master was frightened. “每年百分之一的利息?你疯了不成!”云鹤公子被吓到了。 This Miss is lends money at high interest? 姑娘是放高利贷的吧? Oh ~ chatted the interest with your person from backwardness economy, really used energy.” Wang Guiling with pitying the look looks at him, „the economy of your World of Immortals mostly is dead situation, however in our Holy Territory is not, our rates of economic development are quick, the years interest 1% calculate few.” “哎哟~和你这种来自落后经济体的人聊利息,真的是费劲。”王瑰玲用怜悯的眼神看着他,“你们仙界的经济多半是一潭死水,但是在我们圣域可不是,我们的经济发展速度很快,年利息百分之一算少的了。” forget it, forget it.” Cloud Crane Young Master thinks oneself financial condition, immediately is dejected, I the dragon trapped/sleepy shoal, the uncertain future, Miss had said that anything was what is good.” 罢了罢了。”云鹤公子一想到自己的财产状况,顿时心灰意冷起来,“我已龙困浅滩,前途渺茫,姑娘说什么就是什么好了。” „?” The Wang Guiling star pupil circle opens the eyes, that line? this Miss as your creditor, does not allow you is so dispirited.” “?”王瑰玲星眸圆睁,“那怎么行?本姑娘身为你的债主,可不允许你如此颓废。” How isn't dispirited can?” Cloud Crane Young Master shakes the head to sigh, in the Young Master Shouzhe method, my this lifetime feared did not have the opportunity to return to World of Immortals again. Thinks that my Yan Cloud Crane, is solemn......” “不颓废又能如何?”云鹤公子摇头叹道,“以守哲公子的手段,我这辈子怕是没机会再回仙界了。想我阎云鹤,乃是堂堂准……” Shut up! Are you prepare to repudiate a debt?” Wang Guiling seized his mind, the willow eyebrows are but actually vertical, slightly on the clear pretty face full is aggressive, little repents here, starting today, you do with this Princess, until you debt also!” “闭嘴!你这是准备赖账吗?”王瑰玲一把揪住了他的胸襟,柳眉倒竖,微微圆润的漂亮脸蛋上满是霸气,“少在这里自怨自艾,从今天开始,你就跟着本公主干,直到你把债还完了!” „Don't I do to be good?” Cloud Crane Young Master struggles does not escape, some swayed rotten say/way. “我不干行不行?”云鹤公子挣扎不脱,有些摆烂道。 Hehe ~ Wang Guiling smilingly is sizing up Cloud Crane Young Master, picked up his chin, had not previously paid attention actually, your Cloud Crane Young Master looks is very good-looking.” “呵呵~王瑰玲笑眯眯地打量着云鹤公子,托起了他的下巴,“先前倒是没留意,你这云鹤公子长得挺俊俏的。” „Do you...... you want to do? Do not act unreasonably.” Bumped into the female hooligan, Cloud Crane Young Master somewhat flustered, I was Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple......” “你……你想干什么?你别乱来啊。”碰到女流氓,云鹤公子有些慌了,“我可是南明神殿……” Quasi God Child/Seed Young Lord is right? Hehe ~ ~ is only this status, can value a lot of money. Cloud Crane Young Master, you believe I can accomplish?” Saying that Wang Guiling harbors evil intentions, particularly Jile (Extreme Happiness) God Sovereign, will definitely patronize your.” 准神子少主对吧?呵呵~~光是这个身份,就能值不少钱。云鹤公子,你相信我能办到的吧?”王瑰玲不怀好意的说道,“尤其是极乐神皇,肯定会光顾你的。” I admit defeat, I render back the money, do I work to render back the money am not good?” Cloud Crane Young Master quickly grasps the meaning of something, was looked by the Wang Guiling look forcefully shivers, the eyeground exudes to wipe deep dreading and Fear/Dread. “我认输,我还钱,我打工还钱还不行吗?”云鹤公子一个激灵,硬生生被王瑰玲的眼神看得打了个冷颤,眼底泛起一抹深深的忌惮和恐惧 This wild girl looks clearly, but in the bone so will be evil? 这野丫头看着清清纯纯的,可骨子里怎么会这么邪恶? It looks like Demoness to be reincarnated simply! 简直就像是个魔女转世! Ha haha the ~ ~ rose Ling Younger Sister military might, rose Ling Younger Sister is aggressive.” “哈哈哈~~瑰玲妹妹威武,瑰玲妹妹霸气。” In Wang Guiling sea of consciousness, demon sword Dao Canon/Law item spirit looks at own master such military might aggressive appearance, could not bear brandish the arm to drink the color to own master. 王瑰玲意识海中,魔剑道典器灵看着自家主人这么威武霸气的模样,忍不住挥舞着手臂给自家主人喝起了彩。 As her master, naturally cannot be the female who that type extremely toes the line. 身为她的主人,自然不会是那种太过循规蹈矩的女子。 The Cloud Crane Young Master innermost feelings are dismal. 云鹤公子内心悲凉。 Alas ~ is my solemn Quasi God Child/Seed destiny, a tragedy? 呜呼哀哉~我堂堂准神子的命运,难道是个悲剧吗? ****** ****** Same time. 同一时间段。 World of Immortals. 仙界 The Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple, quenches the body pond. 武岳神殿,淬体池。 This is a side with water pond that the thick stone builds weakly becomes, under the dense mist, full is the milky white pool of water. 这是一方用粗大的石块凋砌而成的水池子,氤氲雾气下,满是乳白色的池水。 This pool semblance is very ordinary, the name is ordinarier, but the scenery is very beautiful. 这池子外表很普通,名字更普通,可风景却很优美。 Because at this moment, has the two young pretty female, is wearing the take a bath of underwear in quenching the body pond. 因为此时此刻,有两位年轻貌美的女子,正穿着亵衣在淬体池中泡澡。 Younger Sister Lici, inciting ~ is not I, incites, boasted with you.” 璃慈妹妹,滋滋~不是我,滋,和你吹嘘。” Skin white/in vain pretty, divine light reserved outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman, was quenched body pond the whole body in energy inciting to shiver, cannot bear and side another beautiful woman is boasting. 一个肤白貌美,神光内敛的绝色美女,边是被淬体池中的能量滋的浑身颤抖,边是忍不住地和身边的另一位美女吹着牛皮。 , this quenches under the body pond, but incites ~ ~ to hide Emperor Wu Yuexian to dig personally First heaven and earth lineage/vein, Can seep out a drop of Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) god breast every thousand years. With by the take a bath, has to quench the body strong mortal form, washes the marrow to cut down the wool , to promote the effect of bloodline.” “滋,这淬体池下方,可是滋~~藏着一条武岳仙帝亲自挖来的【先天地脉】,每隔千年才能渗出一滴先天神乳。用以泡澡,有淬体强魄,洗髓伐毛,提升血脉之功效。” This outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman, naturally is Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess . 这绝色美女,自然是青璃神女 Although she is Great Principle Golden Immortal, but actually was also years old bigger than dozens Wang Lici by the age, in addition sharing the joys and privations when Demon Realm shares hardships, she has treated as own Younger Sister Wang Lici now, has any good thing not to forget minute/share her. 她虽然已经是大罗金仙,但论年龄其实也就比王璃慈大了几十岁,再加上在魔界之时的同甘苦共患难,她如今已然将王璃慈当做了自家亲妹妹,有什么好东西都不忘了分她一份。 She said several characters every time, inciting, in addition her boasting will roar fiercely, the cocky tune, the Divine Maiden image was destroyed simply completely. 她每说几个字,都会龇牙咧嘴地“滋”一声,再加上她那副牛皮哄哄,得瑟不已的腔调,神女形象简直被破坏殆尽。 Naturally, this quenches the god breast in body pond has diluted, where otherwise collects this pool together. 当然,这淬体池中的神乳是稀释过的,否则哪凑得齐这一池子。 Is so uncomfortable?” Wang Lici also soaks in the pool, the appearance is more peaceful than Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess decides a lot, the expression somewhat is even bored to death, I am feel numb, looks like massages in within the body, very comfortable appearance.” “有那么难受吗?”王璃慈也泡在池子里,模样却比青璃神女澹定得多,表情甚至有几分百无聊赖,“我就是感觉酥酥麻麻的,就像是在体内按摩,很舒服的样子。” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess fails to explode immediately, looks at Wang Lici reluctantly. 青璃神女登时哑火,无奈地看着王璃慈 From infancy to maturity, she is experiences suffering the day of love and praise the arrogant female, is evildoer/monstrous talent that” countless people look up. 从小到大,她便是受尽万般宠爱和夸赞的天之骄女,是无数人仰望的“妖孽”。 Even then counts entire World of Immortals, in the contemporaries can with oneself comparing favorably still be those. 就算是便数整个仙界,在同龄人中能与自己媲美者也就是那么些个。 Although she has therefore not been arrogant and complacent, has such several points to be conceit with the proud mood unavoidably, had to the oneself ability is a little self-confident. 她虽然并不曾因此而骄傲自满,却也难免有那么几分自矜和自傲的情绪,对自己的能力也有那么一点过于自信了。 If this is not the case, she will not intrude Demon Realm on the one person alone initially harebrainedly. 若非如此,她当初也不会冒冒失失地就孤身闯入魔界 May until bumping into Wang Lici, Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess understands that anything is called the true evildoer/monstrous talent. 可直到碰到了王璃慈,青璃神女才明白什么叫做真正的妖孽。 It can be said that that time, if did not bump into Wang Lici, actually oneself can live is leaving Demon Realm not to say. 可以说,那一次,如果不是碰到了王璃慈,自己究竟能不能活着离开魔界都不好说。 But had the help of Wang Lici, they not only lived were leaving Demon Realm, carried over a large quantities of Demon Race counter- rebel army, even also robbed the Supreme You den, high of seized spoils of war value, even if were Immortal Emperor must change countenance. 而有了王璃慈的帮助,她们不仅活着离开了魔界,带出了一大批魔族反叛军,甚至还抢劫了至尊幽的老巢,缴获的战利品价值之高,哪怕是仙帝都要动容。 Nowadays, these once counter- rebel army has settled down in the sphere of influence of Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple, cultivates to live to rest up. Their present days, had well compared with not to know many times in Demon Realm. 现如今,那些曾经的“反叛军”都已经在武岳神殿的势力范围内安家落户,修生养息起来。他们如今的日子,过得比在魔界好了不知多少倍。 But these spoils of war that seizes from Great Secluded Forbidden Region, under Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor and management of Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade) Dao Lord, divided part to follow their alien race these large amount of commodities to these, remaining was divided equally by Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor and Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple, as for the most core also most valuable resources, was divided into three by the average, turned over to her, turned over to Lici, turned over to Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor. 而那些从太幽禁区内缴获的战利品,在紫薇仙帝霓璇道主的主持下,将那些大宗物资分了一部分给那些追随他们的异族,剩下的由紫薇仙帝武岳神殿平分,至于最核心也最珍贵的资源,则被平均分成了三份,一份归她,一份归璃慈,一份归了紫薇仙帝 But what no one has thought that Wang Lici actually only remained in small some preparations prepare to send home as the gift, the remaining majorities were all changed into various heavenly materials and earthly treasures and eating by her unexpectedly. 但谁也没想到的是,王璃慈竟然只留了其中一小部分准备作为礼物准备送回家里,剩下的大部分竟然全被她换成了各种天材地宝和吃食。 This eats is eating is eating, her bloodline aptitude starts by a slowly speed elevation. 这吃着吃着吃着,她的血脉资质就开始以一种缓慢地速度向上提升。 But during this period, Wang Lici also successfully inherited the Golden Barbarian King God Physique inheritance of Barbarian Giant clan, obtained bloodline from Barbarian Giant clan ancestor to present. 而在这期间,王璃慈还成功继承了蛮巨人一族黄金蛮王神体传承,获得了来自蛮巨人一族先祖的血脉馈赠。 Until now, her bloodline aptitude has broken through Dao Daughter first grade! 到如今,她的血脉资质已经突破到了道女甲等 Then including is quenching the body pond, is weak to her effect. 便是连着淬体池,对她的功效都已经非常微弱了。 Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess looks is dumbfounded, has not thought completely, the bloodline aptitude can also rise unexpectedly. 青璃神女看得是目瞪口呆,完全没想到,血脉资质居然还能这么升。 But most made Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess think what tragedy was, she measured a Lici mind/bosom secretly , compared with oneself, finally also made her somewhat despondent. Really is anything cannot compare Younger Sister Lici. 而最令青璃神女觉得悲剧的是,她偷偷丈量了一下璃慈的胸怀,与自己比了比,结果又令她有些抑郁了。真的是什么都比不过璃慈妹妹 You arrived at the Great Principle boundary, I incite, leading you to rush Shenying (God Brilliant) List.” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess is not willing to face again, braced oneself to shift the topic simply. “等你到了大罗境,我就滋,带你去闯【神瑛榜】。”青璃神女不愿再面对,干脆提起精神转移了话题。 What is Shenying (God Brilliant) List?” 神瑛榜是什么?” Wang Lici is curious. 王璃慈好奇。 After World of Immortals, she has been staying in the Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple, swallows the magnanimous commodity and talent treasure using bloodline talent, while accompanies Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess to place the Barbarian Giant clan together, inherits Golden Barbarian King God Physique anything, has not strolled World of Immortals carefully ~ 到了仙界之后,她就一直在武岳神殿待着,一边运用血脉天赋吞噬海量物资和天才地宝,一边陪青璃神女一起安置蛮巨人族,还有继承黄金蛮王神体什么的,还没仔细逛过仙界呢~ Is youth list of one crowd of abnormal gatherings.” Mentioned Shenying (God Brilliant) List, Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess was proud on a face, I was listed at Shenying (God Brilliant) List seventh!” “就是一群变态汇聚的青年榜单。”说起神瑛榜,青璃神女就一脸自傲,“我可是排在了神瑛榜第七位!” You seventh?” Some Wang Lici finally shock. “你才第七位?”王璃慈终于有些震惊了。 Words that has not made a mistake, Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess , but Quasi Goddess, the talent of World of Immortals this rank many? 没搞错的话,青璃神女可是准神女,仙界这个级别的天才很多的吗? Oh, I rush to the god beautiful jade palace time, is not mature.” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess somewhat is also embarrassed, but in a flash she and self-confident, „, but, this time wait/etc. I soaked to quench the body pond, cracks with the teeth again a grain Good Fortune God Pill, bloodline can definitely achieve Dao Seed/Son first grade.” “唉,我闯神瑛殿的时候,太不成熟了。”青璃神女也有几分不好意思,不过转瞬她就又自信满满起来,“不过,这一次等我泡完淬体池,再嗑一粒【造化神丹】,血脉肯定能达到道子甲等了。”
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