POP :: Volume #8

#41 Part 2: In history most tragedy Quasi God Child/Seed

Good Fortune God Pill is the 13th grade wonder drug , is to promote the bloodline aptitude in medicinal pill highest level, precious exceptionally. Even if in World of Immortals, wants to get so far as one grain is not easy. 造化神丹乃是十三品神药,也是提升血脉资质的丹药之中最顶级的,珍贵异常。即便是在仙界,想弄到一粒也没那么容易。 Naturally, is precious, by the financial resource and influence of Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple, is the lane obtains certainly. 当然,再珍贵,以武岳神殿的财力和势力,肯定也是弄得到的。 But she just now promotes the Great Principle boundary shortly, goes to Demon Realm harebrainedly, Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade) Dao Lord knew after the news, looks for Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor immediately, after coming back, was one pile of things, Ni Xuan (Secondary Rainbow Jade) Dao Lord also goes to the frontline to assume personal command, this purchased the Good Fortune God Pill matter naturally also to put aside. 但她才刚晋升大罗境没多久,就冒冒失失地去了魔界,霓璇道主得知消息之后就立刻去找了紫薇仙帝,回来之后又是一堆事情,霓璇道主也去了前线坐镇,这购买造化神丹的事情自然也就搁置下来了。 Is good in treasure that in this time takes by force from Great Secluded Forbidden Region, has to refine Good Fortune God Pill Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Jinlian (Golden Lotus). 好在这一次太幽禁区打劫来的宝贝里,就有炼制造化神丹混元金莲 Ziwei (Crape Myrtle) Immortal Emperor has asked Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple best Pill Dao to act, refines Good Fortune God Pill it. When pill becomes, she can definitely divide to one. 紫薇仙帝已经请了南明神殿最好的丹道出手,将其炼制成造化神丹。等丹成,她肯定能分到一枚。 With the Dao Seed/Son first grade aptitude, flushes first three is not a problem. When the time comes, I must look down upon my Yan Cloud Crane to step on that under the foot.” “以道子甲等的资质,冲一冲前三不成问题。到时候,我一定要把那个看不起我的阎云鹤踩在脚底下。” First three?” Wang Lici look surprise. “才前三?”王璃慈神色诧异。 Can the Dao Seed/Son first grade aptitude, only clash first three unexpectedly? This Shenying (God Brilliant) List gold content such high? Who that Shenying (God Brilliant) List is first? 道子甲等的资质,居然还只能冲前三?这神瑛榜含金量这么高的吗?那神瑛榜第一得是什么人? First three are very good.” The Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess look somewhat is also helpless, I have not grasped the ratio to win, another is super abnormal ~ ~ I am not possible to win, I also can only the foot step on Yan Cloud Crane like this.” “前三已经很不错了。”青璃神女的神色也有些无奈,“其中有一个我没把握比赢,另外一个就是个超级变态~~我根本不可能赢,我也就只能脚踩一下阎云鹤这样子了。” Younger Sister Lici, actually your some does not know, now the immortal World Group brave gathers together, fierce youngster are many. Soon will mainly have the world of big struggle to arrive, each household are willing to pull out the family property to train the elite disciple. Quenches the body pond with this that we soak now, usually where is willing to open?” 璃慈妹妹,其实你有所不知,现在仙界群英荟萃,厉害的年轻人很多。主要还是即将有大争之世到来,各家各户都舍得掏出家底来培养精英弟子。就拿咱们现在泡的这淬体池来说,平常哪里舍得开启?” What is the world of big struggle?” Wang Lici came the interest, blinks the eye is undertaking outstandingly holds with the role. “大争之世又是什么?”王璃慈来了兴趣,眨巴着眼睛承担起了优秀的捧跟角色。 This matter is not the news, you in the long time of World of Immortals dull treating, will naturally know.” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess answered, our World of Immortals, there is a very famous antiquity forbidden area, named Zhuān Xū Divine/God Palace, Was the antiquity Immortal Emperor Zhuān Xū vestige.” “这事儿也不是什么新闻,你在仙界再呆的待的久一点,自然就会知道了。”青璃神女解释道,“咱们仙界,有一座很出名的上古禁区,名叫【颛顼神宫】,是上古仙帝颛顼的遗迹。” It usually flutters in Endless Heaven Abyss, 760,000 annual meetings is close to World of Immortals one time very much every other.” When Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess earnest saying, it is close to World of Immortals each time, World of Immortals many influences will then train the outstanding disciple to rush. If by some chance can obtain the inheritance of Zhuān Xū Great Emperor naturally should better. If cannot attain, can obtain many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, or Zhuān Xū Great Emperor leaves treasure of being predestined friends person and so on.” “它平常在无尽天渊内部飘得很远,每隔七十六万年会接近仙界一次。”青璃神女认真的说道,“每次它接近仙界时,仙界的诸多势力便都会培养优秀的弟子去闯一闯。万一能得到颛顼大帝的传承自然是最好不过。若是拿不到,也能获得不少天材地宝,或是颛顼大帝留给有缘人的宝物之类。” Zhuān Xū Divine/God Palace Dungeon must open in the near future. Younger Sister Lici you come also skillfully, our this time must do one wave jointly in a big way.” 颛顼神宫副本近期就要开启了。璃慈妹妹你来得也巧,咱们这一次一定要联手搞一波大的。” Qing Li and Wang Lici treated for a long time, was the unconsciousness contaminates to be many her wording terminology. 青璃王璃慈待得久了,也是无意识地沾染到了不少她的遣词用语。 Is so fierce?” Wang Lici stared in a big way the eye. “这么厉害?”王璃慈瞪大了眼睛。 Such fierce Dungeon, can stir up so many top big influences on train the disciple to compete for the chance specially, in that good thing definitely really many. 这么厉害的副本,能惹得那么多顶级大势力专门培养弟子去争夺机缘,那里面的好东西肯定是真的多。 Moreover there is an antiquity Immortal Emperor inheritance, if can take, that may be fierce. 而且还有上古仙帝传承,要是能弄到手,那可就厉害了。 She pursues hastily asks: You said that Zhuān Xū Divine/God Palace will open in the near future, how long this near future is? I must hurry to find the way to inform in the family/home, such good Dungeon cannot miss.” 她连忙追问道:“你说颛顼神宫近期就开启,这近期是多久啊?我得赶紧想办法通知一下家里,这么好的副本可不能错过。” Heard in the near future, she somewhat was anxious, fears unable to catch up. 一听说“近期”,她就有些急了,就怕赶不上。 You must concentrate on work at selected units to inform tightly, according to the past cycle calculated, 1,000-2,000 years, the slow 2,000-3,000 years, open quickly inevitably!” Qing Li (Azure Glass) Goddess said seriously. “那你得抓点紧通知了,根据以往的周期推算,快则1,000-2,000年,慢则2,000-3,000年,必然开启!”青璃神女严肃地说道。 Wang Lici: „......” 王璃慈:“……” Do you manage this are in the near future? 你管这叫“近期”? ...... ……
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