POP :: Volume #8

#42 Part 2: Shouzhe promotes Holy Venerable

****** ****** In Wang Lici while World of Immortals " laboriously " development. 就在王璃慈仙界「辛苦」開拓的同時。 Wang Clan after eliminating cataclysm beast, starts to intensify the effort to explore the territory of entire being disillusioned, big development! 王氏在消滅了災變獸後,也開始加大力度對整個破滅之域進行探索,大開發! Various Dao Lord level powerhouses do not need to be worried again the cataclysm beast jumps to aim, but therefore joins in the team unscrupulously. 道主級強者也無需再擔心災變獸跳出來針對,因此可肆無忌憚加入團隊之中。 Short dozens years, the exploration progress was been all of a sudden full by drawing, once for a while some vestiges will be discovered, later enters the exploration flow. Massive cultivation technique and smart arteries, as well as all sorts of resources, continuous entered Divine Martial world. 短短數十年的時間,探索進度一下子被拉滿,時不時就會有一些遺蹟被發現,隨後進入探索流程。大量功法、靈脈、以及種種資源,源源不斷的進入到了神武世界 Through Divine Martial world, circulates again to entire world. 再通過神武世界,流通向整個世界 Under this development fever, Divine Martial world and Saint territory, also welcomed a blowout -type development. 在此開發熱潮之下,神武世界和聖域,也隨之迎來了一次井噴式的發展。 In the territory of big development being disillusioned, except for the normal exploration and development, has two things that Wang Shouzhe most pays attention. 在破滅之域大開發中,除了正常的探索和開發,王守哲最為關注的有兩樁事情。 First, then leads to World of Immortals transmission. 其一,便是通往仙界的傳送陣。 Second, are Crystal Ancient Race divine item 【The heart of crystal source Search. 其二,就是晶古族神器【晶源之心】的搜尋。 And, seeks for transmission to World of Immortals, naturally to make a connection with among relation with World of Immortals. 其中,尋找通往仙界的傳送陣,自然是為了打通和仙界之間的聯繫。 Lici is missing that for a long time, even if can through extinguishing the world is also living this, knew that Lici is also living, but will be worried eventually. What to do if her these years are hungry? 璃慈失蹤那麼久,縱然可以通過滅世還活著這一點,得知璃慈也還活著,但終究還是會擔心的。萬一她這些年餓著了怎麼辦? Now, he can only place hopes in Lici to go to nearby World of Immortals by the space vortex scroll, like this waited for them to arrive at World of Immortals, was good to look for her. 如今,他隻能寄希望於璃慈是被空間漩渦捲去了仙界附近,這樣等他們到了仙界,也好尋找她。 As for seeking for the heart of crystal source, this is actually not the recent plan, but since knew that " the heart of crystal source " existence of this thing starts, various group of search parties had not given up seeking for it. 至於尋找晶源之心,這其實並不是最近的計劃,而是自從得知有「晶源之心」這個東西的存在開始,各路探索隊就一直沒有放棄尋找它。 What a pity, the information that initially Athane Clan obtained is not very as if accurate, had not found until now. 可惜,當初阿塔納族獲得的情報似乎並不是特別準確,以至於直到現在都還沒找到。 But smooth that very these two things, the former progresses. 而這兩件事情,前者進展的十分順利。 By calling it 【The gate of World of Immortals Ancient transmission, under cutting day and the coordination of day dust two elders localization and search. 被稱之為【仙界之門】的古傳送陣,已經在斬天和天塵兩位長老的配合下定位並搜尋到了。 Moreover benefitted from former Yun He first-aid repair of Young Master to transmitting, transmission is at may at present the running condition. 而且得益於之前雲鶴公子對傳送陣的初步修繕,傳送陣目前處在可使用狀態。 But Wang Shouzhe sharply has not been starting the first transmission. 王守哲並沒有急著開始第一次傳送。 The reason has. 原因有很多。 First, according to cutting day and other elders described, the gate of World of Immortals opposite is " limitless city ruins " , is in the Demon Race control area. The small scale elite sinking type action is good, once if the movement is oversized, bringing to the Demon Race attention is the huge trouble. 第一,根據斬天等長老描繪,仙界之門對面是「無極城廢墟」,乃是處在魔族控制區內。小規模精英潛入式行動還行,若是一旦動作過大,引起魔族注意就是天大的麻煩。 Second, are Demon Race is still related. 其二,依舊是與魔族相關。 Since the opposite is the Demon Race control area, must prevent Demon Race to come through transmission. Therefore, Wang Shouzhe decides to clean up a transmission peripheral region in advance, establishes one to defend Fort/Stronghold, will transmit to defend impregnably is good. 既然對面是魔族控制區,就得防止魔族通過傳送陣過來。因此,王守哲決定先行清理出傳送陣周邊區域,建立一座防守要塞,將傳送陣守得固若金湯才好。 Third, were the gate of this World of Immortals serviced simply, if wanted to transmit to be stabler, and can use for a long time, but must conduct the maintenance and reinforcement in the original foundation again. 其三,便是這仙界之門不過是簡單維修了一下,若是想要傳送陣更加穩固,並且可以長期使用,還得再在原有基礎上進行維護和加固。 Therefore, under the organization of Saint pledge, lots of strategy masters was altogether invited, studies in view of the gate of World of Immortals, and designs the maintenance reinforcement plan. 因此,在聖共盟的組織下,大量的陣法大師被請了過來,針對仙界之門進行研究,並設計維護加固方案。 Fourth, were the Wang Shouzhe oneself reasons. 其四,便是王守哲自己的原因了。 He will soon promote greatly Luo Golden Immortal boundary. 他即將晉升大羅金仙境了。 Once after the promotion, naturally can have all sorts of change production. 一旦晉升之後,自然會有種種變化產生。 For example, after blood vessels promotion, he can further train Hundun (Primal Chaos) golden lotus kind of 13th grade wonder drug. 例如,血脈提升後,他就可以進一步培養混沌金蓮一類的十三品神藥。 Can give Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign to treat to lose money again, lengthens his life indirectly. 或者,可以再度給始天神皇治療一下虧損,間接延長一下他的壽元。 For example, may attempt to rescue Ji Daoyi broken soul again, saves and so from the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment it! 再例如,可再次嘗試救助姬道一的殘破神魂,将其從掌界令碎片中拯救出來等等! The Ji Daoyi situation were too bad more than initial pill crazy Daoist/Taoist, without the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command strength support, feared that had the danger of being frightened out of one's wits. Moreover his soul and cataclysm beast soul pestered was also too deep, if the peeling, will inevitably cause the irretrievable damage to Ji Daoyi soul forcefully. 姬道一的情況比當初的丹癡道人糟糕太多,要是沒有掌界令的力量支撐,怕是有魂飛魄散的危險。而且他的神魂和災變獸神魂糾纏得也太深了,若是強行剝離,勢必會對姬道一神魂造成不可挽回的傷害。 Wang Shouzhe also no good way, can only bit by bit take your time at present, is first trying soul of peeling cataclysm beast. 王守哲目前也沒有什麼太好的辦法,隻能一點一點慢慢來,先嘗試著剝離災變獸的神魂 After he promotes greatly Luo Jing, may have the means. 等他晉升大羅境之後,或許會有辦法。 Wang Shouzhe also wants to exchange well with Ji Daoyi, gradually improves the World of Immortals exploration program again. 王守哲也想與姬道一好好交流一番,再逐步完善一下仙界探索計劃。 In brief implements a thought that that can careless careless, does not act harebrainedly. 總之貫徹一個思想,那就是能苟則苟,絕不冒失行動。 So after imposing dozens years . 如此轟轟烈烈數十載後。 Yong'an experience in the fall of 2205. 雍安歷2205年秋。 Repairing of Wang Shouzhe for the polish , the breakthrough shackles, was bringing in heavenly tribulation unceasingly finally. 王守哲的修為在不斷地打磨下,終於突破桎梏,引來了天劫 On this day. 這一天。 The deep purple tribulation cloud almost covered sky over the entire Changning health, the entire Changning health as if turned into the night from the daytime, the terrifying power and influence depresses layer on layer/heavily, the air as if solidified. 深紫色的劫雲幾乎覆蓋了整個長寧衛上空,整個長寧衛都仿佛從白天變成了黑夜,恐怖的威勢重重壓下,就連空氣都仿佛凝固住了。 Tribulations the cloud to fill the air, indistinctly obviously golden Thunderclap breeding in, several wisps of Golden Light that even if blooms merely occasionally, are sending out the terrifying power and influence of making the person palpitation. 劫雲瀰漫間,影影綽綽可見金色的雷霆孕育其中,哪怕僅僅是偶爾綻放出的幾縷金光,都散發著令人心悸的恐怖威勢。 This, is only compared with Taiyi gold/metal who the Hundun (Primal Chaos) purple gold thunder is not as good as. 這,是僅比混沌紫金雷稍遜一籌的太乙金雷。 Common True Immortal Boundary Son of God saintess, when the promotion greatly Luo Golden Immortal boundary, not only needs several types of the compounded drugs of eleventh grade auxiliary breakthroughs to assist, what most has a headache is must face Taiyi gold/metal bombing. 尋常真仙境的聖子聖女,在晉升大羅金仙境時,非但需要數種十一品輔助突破的丹藥相助,最頭疼的是還得面對太乙金雷的轟炸。 If the preparation is not sufficient, was bied injuried by an explosion under heavenly tribulation, even died by explosion by Taiyi gold/metal has the possibility. 若是準備不充分,在天劫之下被炸成重傷,甚至被太乙金雷轟死都有可能。 But Wang Shouzhe is actually not ordinary True Immortal Boundary, but is the God Child/Seed blood vessels, when intelligence tall Jue , to promote greatly Luo Golden Immortal boundary, any auxiliary compounded drug does not need, then successful broke the shackles with ease. 王守哲卻不是什麼普通真仙境,而是神子血脈,資質高絕,晉升大羅金仙境時,什麼輔助丹藥都不需要,便水到渠成般輕鬆破開了桎梏。 As for that one after another Taiyi gold/metal, in Wang Shouzhe is prepared under early, is injures oneself through over-heavy labor or over-exertion to the homicide is quite limited. 至於那一道道太乙金雷,在王守哲早有準備之下,更是對他殺傷力極為有限。 one after another golden tribulation thunder punctures the deep purple cloud layer, cuts to fall like the sharp sword, actually kept off in the final moment. 一道道金色的劫雷刺破深紫色的雲層,有如利劍般斬落,卻在最後關頭被擋了下來。 Wang Shouzhe has not been any time-comsuming, passed Taiyi gold/metal thunder tribulation with ease. 王守哲沒費什麼功夫,就輕輕鬆鬆度過了太乙金雷劫 Afterward, is the day falls sweet rain , helping Wang Shouzhe wash the marrow to cut down the wool. 隨後,便是天降甘霖,助王守哲洗髓伐毛。 Quick, his blood vessels level then broke through one again, achieved ten five layers Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) bodies ranks. 很快,他的血脈層次便再次突破了一層,達到了十五重混元道軀的級別。 Most Dao Lord level big shot, the blood vessels awakening degree is also ten five layers Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) bodies! 要知道,絕大部分道主級大佬們,血脈覺醒程度也不過就是十五重混元道軀而已! In other words, present Wang Shouzhe, Shan Lun the blood vessels awakening degree, has endured to compare Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm Dao Lord! 也就是說,如今的王守哲,單論血脈覺醒程度,已經堪比混元境道主了! But with the breakthrough of blood vessels level, his came from the talent ability of Life Source blood vessels, naturally also welcomed the considerable promotion, treats the ability, the treatment speed, expedites the ability, will welcome a big breakthrough. 而隨著血脈層次的突破,他那來自於生命本源血脈的天賦能力,自然也迎來了長足的提升,無論是治療能力,治療速度,還是催生能力,都將會迎來一個大突破。 Meanwhile, as the blood vessels awaken, the body of Wang Shouzhe also had the transformation again. 同時,隨著血脈覺醒,王守哲的身體也再度產生了蛻變。 His that share is aloof the dust the makings becomes even more obvious. 不知不覺間,他身上那股子超然出塵的氣質就變得愈發明顯。 Obviously is an ordinary white clothing, puts in him, actually as if increased several to lose concentration baseless, but Saint the flavor, raised hand to step, whole body say/way rhyme circulation, even can arouse the heaven and earth sympathy, at first sight went, as if Heavenly Dao melted, for a body was common. 明明是再普通不過的一身白衣,穿在他身上,卻仿佛憑空增添了幾分神而聖之的味道,一舉手一投足之間,周身道韻流轉,甚至能引發天地共鳴,乍一看去,就仿佛和天道融為了一體一般。 This is body great accomplishment, heaven and earth is pregnant naturally the induction of giving birth. Generally this situation will only appear on Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Dao Lord, is the one sign of Dao Lord rank powerhouse. 這是道軀大成,天地自然而然孕生出的感應。一般這種情況隻會出現在混元道主身上,也算是道主級別強者的一種標誌。 Now on Wang Shouzhe will have this makings, naturally is also blood vessels that because his goes against heaven's will. 如今王守哲身上會有這種氣質,自然也是因為他那逆天的血脈了。 The say/way body of Wang Shouzhe to oneself is very satisfied, felt that oneself has true and Dao Lord level big shot contends with the ability, is short only, then only then cultivates for insufficiently to cause the insufficiency of profound makings and quantity. 王守哲自己的道軀十分滿意,感覺自己已經有了真正和道主級大佬抗衡一下的能力,唯一欠缺的,便隻有修為不夠導緻的玄氣質與量的不足。 In this regard, he Dao Lord big shot also in a big way misses one to plan earnestly. 在這一方面,他較真正的道主大佬還差一大籌。 Therefore theoretically, present Wang Shouzhe can contend with some time with the Dao Lord level powerhouse, actually not long-time...... 因此從理論上而言,如今的王守哲能和道主級強者抗衡一段時間,卻不長久…… Even so, he also satisfied, after all he links 3000 years old not to arrive now. In the World of Immortals standard, ready ready is talent outstanding who has not grown up. 但即便如此,他也十分滿意了,畢竟他現在連三千歲都還沒到。以仙界的標準來看,妥妥就是個沒長大的天才俊傑。 Moreover, he is Wang Clan following jade smoke Old Ancestor beside, second promotion Luo's existence, snatched in front of the wife greatly again. 而且,他還是王氏繼瓏煙老祖之外,第二個晉升大羅的存在,再一次搶到娘子前面去了。 Meanwhile. 與此同時。 With the smooth promotion of Wang Shouzhe, many wait for in nearby person, started to act as soon as one gets the news. 隨著王守哲的順利晉升,諸多守候在附近的人,也開始聞風而動了。 Most positive, certainly was Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign. 最為積極的,當然要數始天神皇了。 Without the means that when Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign is young spells, the matter of die sooner die sooner does a lot, the matter that the life loses money does a lot. Now after all points at Wang Shouzhe is promoting, Life Source Strength again transforms, is good to give him to treat some internal injuries , to continue to assign/life. 沒辦法,始天神皇年輕時太拼,折壽的事情沒少幹,壽元虧損的事情沒少幹。現在全指著王守哲晉升後,生命本源之力再度蛻變,好給他多治療一些暗傷,多續一下命。 In addition, defends Wang Jinna in main house is also very excited. 此外,守在主宅內的王瑾娜也是十分興奮。 Grandpa Old Ancestor promoted greatly Luo Shengzun, then can help her take twelfth grade Dao Origin Pill ahead of time. 老祖爺爺晉升了大羅聖尊,便能助她提前服用十二品道元丹了。 At the appointed time her blood vessels promotion, cultivates with the Divine Ability Boundary peak for again with the terrifying battle efficiency, before can snow the shame, recaptured the Divine Ability Boundary first place the position. 屆時她血脈一提升,再憑著神通境巔峰修為和恐怖的戰鬥力,就能一雪前恥,重新奪回神通境榜首的位置了。 But with this at this time, Divine Ability Boundary first place Wang Songyi is also have mixed feelings, since is happy for Old Ancestor Shouzhe, is somewhat heavyhearted. 而與此此時,神通境榜首王宋一也是心情複雜,既是替守哲老祖感到高興,又是有些憂心忡忡。 Old Ancestor Shouzhe has said that after he promotes greatly Luo Golden Immortal, then must protect him to take Excellent works blood vessels intelligence improvement fluid, Helps him attack the First Heavenly God Child/Seed rank. 守哲老祖說過,等他晉升大羅金仙後,便要守護他服用【聖品血脈資質改善液】,助他衝擊先天神子級別。 That thing was too expensive was too expensive, was only thinks contribution value that oneself will soon owe again, he felt soon crashed by the huge debt. 那東西太貴太貴了,光是想想自己即將再次欠下的一屁股貢獻值,他就感覺快要被巨額債務壓垮了。 No matter what whose speed, does not have willow Ruolan to be fast. 但是任誰的速度,都沒有柳若藍快。 Wang Shouzhe just crossed the tribulation to finish, falls the oneself yard, was held by willow Ruolan, direct transmission in Azure Sovereign small Heavenly Grotto. 王守哲才剛剛渡劫完畢,落回自己小院,就被柳若藍一把抓住,直接傳送進了青皇洞天之中。 In small Heavenly Grotto, plants green everywhere, divine and wonderful spirit abundant. 洞天中,綠植遍地,靈氣盎然。 In Azure Sovereign building. 青皇樓內。 Under the graceful light, on the dining table has arranged one table to make up the food greatly, obviously is prepared early. 盈盈燈光下,飯桌上早就已經備好了一桌大補菜餚,顯然是早有準備。 willow Ruolan Wang Shouzhe according to arriving at table sits down, oneself sat in his left hand, rests one's chin in one's hands looks to him. 柳若藍把王守哲按到桌邊坐下,自己則坐在了他的左手邊,托著腮看向他。 " Congratulates Husband to break through utmost Luo Golden Immortal. These days you have closed up, this made up well. " 「恭喜夫君突破至大羅金仙。這段時間你一直閉關,該好好補一補了。」 When spoke this saying, the wonderful eye that her pair is exuding the water glare stares on the face of Wang Shouzhe, playing musical instruments on the cheeks that may break brings to wipe light blushing. 說這話時,她一雙泛著水光的妙目直直地盯在王守哲的臉上,吹彈可破的臉頰上帶著一抹淡淡的紅暈。 Wang Shouzhe looked in the heart by her one pit-a-pat. 王守哲被她看得心中一突突。 The wife evidently is the future is this time bad ~ this look, is to eat the person ~ 娘子此番看樣子是來者不善啊~這眼神兒,是要吃人吶~ " This period of time , the laborious wife managed the housework. " Wang Shouzhe cups the hands wish stands hastily, " , but, is not hungry for the husband. Must process for the husband also many odd jobs, first I must say good bye now...... " 「這段時日,也辛苦娘子操持家務了。」王守哲連忙拱手想要站起來,「不過,為夫不餓。為夫還有諸多雜務要處理,先失陪了……」 However, he has not used the living person disappearance technique with enough time, had guarded willow Ruolan ahead of time seizes firmly, the coquettish look such as the silk pasted: " Odd job cannot process, the rare today's wedding day, making the concubine body remember at age 16, spent together the predestined match with Husband that night. " 然而,他還沒來得及施展活人消失術,就被提前有所防備的柳若藍一把扭住,媚眼如絲地貼了上來:「雜務是處理不完的,難得今天大喜之日,讓妾身想起了16歲那年,與夫君共度良緣的那一夜。」 Any wedding day, you are greedy my Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) body! 什麼大喜之日,你就是饞我這【混元道軀】! Wang Shouzhe several excuses shirk, finally annoyed willow Ruolan the crabby. 王守哲幾番藉口推脫,終於惹出了柳若藍的暴脾氣。 " Husband, today you from, since, not from also since. " 夫君,今日你從也得從,不從也得從。」 " Right, I do not install, I laid cards on the table, I am the greedy greatly Luo Jing God Child/Seed flavor. " 「沒錯,我不裝了,我攤牌了,我就是饞大羅境神子的味道。」 " ...... " 「……」 Wang Shouzhe was silent. 王守哲沉默了。 He face upwards, innermost feelings alas ~ he fondly remembered initially that seriously quite, looked wife who continually the prohibited booklet can blush ~ ~ 他仰天,內心嗚呼~他當真是好生懷念當初那個,連看違禁小冊子都會臉紅的娘子了~~ ...... ……
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