POP :: Volume #8

#40 Part 2: Young Lord! We are voluntary

Wang Shouzhe toward a Elder Tianchen ritual, respects seriously. 王守哲郑重地朝天尘长老一礼,以示尊重。 The idea of Elder Tianchen is not complex, he one wants to understand 7788 slightly, but is not repugnant. 天尘长老的想法并不复杂,他稍微一想就已经明白了七七八八,但对此并不反感。 This act , is quite good to Wang Clan. 此举,对王氏也是颇有好处。 Related to win over a Dao Lord level strength with the masters and disciples not to raise, but also was clan saved Dao Book! 用师徒关系拉拢了一个道主级战力不提,还为家族省下了一部道书 Now clan is lacking Dao Book, are many this Dao Book, clan is in the clan the outstanding descendant seeks the Dao Book pressure on be able few point. 如今家族正缺道书,多这一部道书,家族为族内优秀后裔谋取道书的压力就能少一分。 So finally, the itself/Ben is cooperation will benefit both sides. 如此结果,本就是合则两利。 Among them fits in easily, jubilant, the Cloud Crane Young Master innermost feelings that the one side surrounds are actually five senses mixed Chen. 他们之间一拍即合,喜气洋洋,一旁围观的云鹤公子内心却是五味杂陈。 He looked that caught several points of quiet color to Elder Tianchen eye Divine Capital. 他看向天尘长老的眼神都染上了几分幽色。 So under the difficult position, everyone must support mutually, rides out the storm. Finally, this meets also less than quite a while, Elder Tianchen did your revolt unexpectedly? 如此困境之下,大家原本应当互相扶持,共度难关。结果,这见面还不到半天,天尘长老你居然这就叛了? Right, my Tianchen (Heavenly Dust/Dirt/Earth) revolted. 没错,我天尘就这么叛了。 Facing the Cloud Crane Young Master look, on the Elder Tianchen face does not have the apology. 面对云鹤公子的眼神,天尘长老脸上丝毫没有歉意。 My Tianchen (Heavenly Dust/Dirt/Earth) is temple Elder, is not the house slave of your Southern Ming(Brightness) Yan, hasn't selected selects the disciple power independently? 天尘乃是神殿长老,又不是你南明阎氏的家奴,还没有点自主择徒权了? ...... …… After having seen right in front of one Wang Shouzhe, Cloud Crane Young Master in Wang Shouzhe warm arrangement, lived in Xinping Town Wang Clan separate compound. 面见过王守哲之后,云鹤公子就在王守哲热情的“安排”下,住在了新平镇王氏别院之中。 Wang Clan will not treat unjustly his food and drink, even excessively will not limit his action. So long as does not have/leave Changning Garrison, or excels at breaking into the restricted area, where Cloud Crane Young Master wants to go to yes. 王氏自是不会亏待他的吃喝,甚至不会过多限制他的行动。只要不出长宁卫,或是擅闯禁地,云鹤公子想去哪里都是可以。 However, the premise, that is his ban has not solved to go as before, where regardless of arrives, will have at least one Dao Lord to follow in secret, reputation it approximately this is protects World of Immortals Young Master Gui/noble young master. 不过,有一个前提,那就是他身上的禁制依旧未曾解去,而且无论走到哪里,都会有至少一名道主暗中相随,美名其约“这是保护仙界贵公子”。 So lost the freedom in disguised form, in addition the Elder Tianchen back thorn, let him recently several months is elegant worried, listless. 如此变相失去了自由,再加上天尘长老的背刺,让他最近数月都是郁郁烦闷,无精打采。 Only the one who makes him slightly feel gratified, in this small Changning Garrison, the interesting fun place are very many. 唯一让他略感欣慰的是,这小小的长宁卫中,有趣好玩的地方还挺多。 This day. 这日。 In the upscale bar in Shouzhe Grand Dao/Avenue edge, the Cloud Crane Young Master intent is popular Shan by drinks in the bar, is listening to the affable music, is mediating the sparseness and loneliness in heart. 守哲大道边缘的一个高档酒吧中,云鹤公子正意兴珊的靠在吧台边喝酒,听着舒缓的音乐,排解着心中的寥落和寂寞。 During the daytime the person in bar are not many, not like that made noise in the evening lively, appeared somewhat is actually peaceful and tranquil. Approximately has not arrived at the busy time, in this little while bar rubs the waiter of wine glass to act leisurely, is passing several points of lazy inexplicably. 白天酒吧里的人不多,不像晚上那么热闹喧嚣,倒是显得有几分安宁和平静。大约是没到忙碌的时候,这会儿就连吧台内擦酒杯的侍者动作都慢条斯理的,莫名透着几分慵懒。 All are leisure, the legato music is very leisurely, the inexplicable lining the atmosphere of Cloud Crane Young Master whole body is lonelier, is more desolate. 一切都慢悠悠的,连音乐声都十分轻缓,却莫名衬得云鹤公子周身的氛围更加寂寥,更加落寞。 These days, he almost strolled entire Changning Garrison under the Wang Clan clansman's leadership. 这段时间,他在王氏族人的带领下几乎把整个长宁卫都逛了一遍。 This place, no matter the architecture style or the cultural custom and World of Immortals is entirely different, the fresh thing also emerges one after another incessantly. But is fresh, after a period of time will also be familiar with slowly. 这地方,不管是建筑风貌还是文化风俗都和仙界截然不同,新鲜的东西也是层出不穷。但再新鲜,过一段时间后也会慢慢习惯。 But after the custom, all sorts of mood of then by curiosity and stimulation feeling from the beginning covering, also well ups slowly. 而在习惯之后,那被一开始的新鲜感和刺激感掩盖住的种种情绪,也就随之慢慢涌上了心头。 Even if eats and drinks did not worry, cannot cover him now is the fact of captive. 就算吃喝不愁,也掩盖不了他如今是阶下囚的事实。 In the foreign land, cultivation base is locked, is isolated and cuts off from help, such day, does not know when is a head? 身在异乡,修为被锁,孤立无援,这样的日子,也不知什么时候才是个头? Is good, although Elder Tianchen revolted, but the good and evil also has Elder Zhantian to accompany him, occasionally at midnight the dream returns, in the heart is depressed, but can also have a person to grumble, grumbles. 好在,虽然天尘长老叛了,但好歹还有个斩天长老陪他,偶尔午夜梦回,心中郁结之时,还能有个人能吐吐苦水,发发牢骚。 Young Lord, Young Lord you here, may make obsolete one easy to look.” 少主,少主原来您在这里,可让老朽一阵好找。” Suddenly, Elder Zhantian but in a hurry, bumped into what good deed probably, in the foreheads is passing the happy expression. 忽然,斩天长老匆匆而至,好像是碰到了什么好事似的,眉宇间透着喜色。 Elder Zhantian behind, but also white clothing Young Master with elegant. 斩天长老身后,还跟着一位丰神俊朗的白衣公子 That Young Master look is incorruptible, the makings are refined, carries a sword box, sees Cloud Crane Young Master to look, then smiles is nodding the head toward him expresses best wishes, very unflustered appearance. 公子眼神清正,气质脱俗,身后背着一副剑匣,见云鹤公子看过来,便微笑着朝他颔首致意,很是从容不迫的模样。 Elder Zhantian.” Cloud Crane Young Master cups the hands, some look surprise, you did not accept the temporary guest official invitation of Wang Clan slightly, carries out mission? Does not know whether all are smooth?” 斩天长老。”云鹤公子微微拱手,眼神有些诧异,“您不是接受了王氏的临时客卿邀请,去执行任务了么?不知是否一切都顺利?” mission is very smooth, the harvest is also quite rich. However today comes obsolete, is not for this, but to consider a Young Lord important matter.” A Elder Zhantian happy expression abundant drawing that white clothing Young Master, toward a Cloud Crane Young Master introduced, this is the apprentice who obsolete accepted recently newly, Wang Anye. Anye, this is Master Young Lord Cloud Crane Young Master.” 任务挺顺利的,收获也颇为丰厚。不过今日老朽前来,并非为了这个,而是为了告之少主一桩重要事情。”斩天长老笑意盎然的一把拉过那位白衣公子,朝云鹤公子介绍道,“这是老朽最近新收的徒弟,王安业安业,这位是为师少主云鹤公子。” What what? 啥啥啥? Cloud Crane Young Master just liked by thunder Pi, the expression was the shock is angry. 云鹤公子恍若被雷噼了一下,表情又是震惊又是恼怒。 From previous Elder Tianchen betrayal, this short several months, how even your did Elder Zhantian also revolt? 距离上一次天尘长老“背叛”,这才不过短短数月,怎么连你斩天长老也叛了? „Below Wang Anye, has seen Cloud Crane Young Master.” “在下王安业,见过云鹤公子。” The white clothing Young Master Wang Anye elegant bearing salutes, on the delicate and pretty face brings to wipe the smile, made one such as the froth spring breeze, completely relaxed. 白衣公子王安业风度翩翩地行礼,俊美的脸上带着一抹微笑,令人如沫春风,心旷神怡。 Cloud Crane Young Master has not responded Wang Anye, but slightly obviously excited holds the arm of Elder Zhantian: Elder Tianchen accepts the disciple, I can also understand 12, after all that was Emperor Wu Yuexian is reincarnated, receives also received.” 云鹤公子没有搭理王安业,而是稍显激动的抓住斩天长老的胳膊:“天尘长老收徒,我还能理解一二,毕竟那是武岳仙帝转世,收了也就收了。” But...... Elder Zhantian you cannot follow the example, for the trivial freedom, catches a Wang Clan clansman to receive to be the apprentice casually?” “可是……斩天长老您不能有样学样,为了区区自由,就随便逮一个王氏族人收做徒弟吧?” Elder Zhantian, you said, is Wang Clan compels your? Did some people trip somebody up to you in secret? You could rest assured that although we now lost the freedom, but the strength of spirit and dignity have. So long as you squeak, my look for Young Master Shouzhe to reason things out.” 斩天长老,您说,是不是王氏逼你的?是不是有人暗中给你使绊子了?您放心,咱们现在虽然失去了自由,可骨气和尊严还是有的。只要您吱一声,我这就去找守哲公子说理去。” Young Lord should not be excited, all these are obsolete voluntary.” Elder Zhantian is too busy to comfort Cloud Crane Young Master. 少主别激动,这一切都是老朽自愿的。”斩天长老忙不迭安抚云鹤公子 Realized that the Cloud Crane Young Master also not clear situation, he explained joyfully to Cloud Crane Young Master: My this treasure Apprentice/Disciple, is extraordinary, even is reincarnated compared with Emperor Wu Yuexian, still still has its original advantage.” 意识到云鹤公子还不清楚情况,他满心欢喜地向云鹤公子解释道:“我这宝贝徒儿啊,可是了不得,即便是比起武岳仙帝转世,也犹有其独到的优势。” In his tone brings cocky and gratified of several points of undulating, obviously is the apprentice who very satisfactory this just accepted. 他的语气中带着几分澹澹的得瑟和欣慰,显然是很满意这个刚收的徒弟。 What?” “什么?” The Cloud Crane Young Master shock, in the look does not believe completely. 云鹤公子震惊,眼神中满是不信。 Elder Zhantian as if to increase the persuasive power, sighs with emotion: „When actually obsolete in receiving Anye for disciple, he is rejects from the beginning my, said that has had several Teacher, temporarily does not want to acknowledge as teacher again. Was I convinced him with great difficulty, he is willing to do obeisance my Master.” 斩天长老仿佛为了增加说服力般,感慨道:“其实老朽在收安业为徒时,他一开始是拒绝我的,说是已经有过好几任师尊了,暂时不想再拜师。是我好不容易说服了他,他才愿意拜我为师的。” „......” Cloud Crane Young Master slightly does silent, on the face hangs up wipes to bring sneering of taunt meaning, Elder Zhantian is really extraordinary, has many , no matter what Teacher Apprentice/Disciple, your also being able to get down hand.” “……”云鹤公子略作沉默,脸上挂起一抹带着嘲讽意味的冷笑,“斩天长老真是了不起啊,有过多任师尊徒儿,你也下得去手。” Naturally next goes well.” Elder Zhantian thinks little, somewhat said proudly plausibly, our World of Immortals somewhat exceptional boy, many wives, our family/home Anye is so outstanding, what many several were Teacher considered as?” “当然下得了手。”斩天长老不以为意,有些自傲地振振有词道,“咱们仙界有些自命不凡的小子,还有很多个老婆呢,我们家安业如此优秀,多几个师尊又算得了什么?” Rumble! 轰隆隆! Cloud Crane Young Master simply looked like by Hundun (Primal Chaos) purple gold thunder Pi in generally, is shaken the whole person hemp by the speech that his shocked everybody, the eye socket slightly was moist. 云鹤公子简直就像是被混沌紫金雷噼中了一般,被他这惊世骇俗的发言震地整个人都麻了,眼眶都微微湿润了。 The swindlers, you are the swindlers! 骗子,你们都是骗子! The rebels, you are the rebels! 叛徒,你们都是叛徒! ...... ……
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