POP :: Volume #8

#40 Part 1: Young Lord! We are voluntary

...... …… Wang Fugui sees Cloud Crane to be somewhat rude, immediately coughs lightly two reminders. 王富贵云鹤有些失态,当即轻咳两声提醒。 Cloud Crane Young Master then gets back one's composure suddenly, quickly returns salute humbly: Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple Yan Cloud Crane, has seen Old Ancestor Shouzhe.” 云鹤公子这才恍然回神,急忙谦逊地还礼:“南明神殿云鹤,见过守哲老祖。” Now does not think these times, depresses in the heart in advance the anxiety, passed this pass/test to say again. 现在并非是想这些的时候,还是先行压下心中疑虑,过了这关再说。 But follows in his behind Tianchen (Heavenly Dust/Dirt/Earth) and Zhantian (Severing Heaven) two Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm Elder, rushes to salute: Pays a visit Old Ancestor Shouzhe.” 而跟在他身后的天尘斩天两位混元境长老,也都赶忙行礼:“拜见守哲老祖。” In the two Elder heart this moment suspicion grows thickly, being filled with is puzzled. 两位长老心中此刻疑窦丛生,满心都是困惑。 This Wang Clan Old Ancestor Shouzhe, looked that the aura has not as if arrived at Great Principle Golden Immortal, how can so young? 这位王氏守哲老祖,看气息似乎还未到大罗金仙,怎么会如此年轻 two Elder, regardless of the age or cultivation base far ultra Shouzhe a great deal, Shouzhe works as not to two this Old Ancestor.” Wang Shouzhe smiles humbly, every action and every movement all are the demeanor, „, if not shut out, two Senior called me Shouzhe then.” 两位长老无论年龄还是修为都远超守哲良多,守哲当不得两位这一声‘老祖’。”王守哲笑得谦逊,一举一动皆是风度,“若是不嫌弃,两位前辈叫我一声守哲即可。” Senior and elder call the name, expressed to the kindness of junior. 前辈与长辈唤名,自是表示对小辈的亲切。 However, Tianchen (Heavenly Dust/Dirt/Earth) and Zhantian (Severing Heaven) two Elder actually does not dare to pull rank at this time completely, cups the hands, makes the stance again extremely lowly: Has seen Young Master Shouzhe.” 不过,天尘斩天两位长老此时却完全不敢托大,再次拱手,将姿态摆得极低:“见过守哲公子。” In World of Immortals, is the major influences trains generally carefully like aptitude outstanding young Young Master, either is the would-be successor of influence, either will be the future core class, when had not been clear opposite party details, said that Young Master will not be always wrong. 仙界,像这样资质卓绝的年轻公子一般都是各大势力精心培养出来的,要么是势力的准接班人,要么是未来的核心阶层,在还不清楚对方底细的时候,称一声“公子”总不会错。 A smalltalk that two sides this frequents each other, seriously is guests and hosts having a good time, harmony happiness. 两边这你来我往的一番客套,当真是“宾主尽欢”,“其乐融融”。 After smalltalk, Wang Shouzhe then invited everyone to take a seat politely. 客套过后,王守哲便客气地邀请诸位落座。 Quick, one group of people gathered round the stone table in pavilion to sit in a circle. 很快,一群人就围着凉亭内的石桌围坐了一圈。 As presenting in everyone youngest, the rank also youngest person, Wang Fugui gives everyone to steep tea to pour out the water personally, offers spirit fruit immortal melon that clan Mystical/Secret Realm produced, this accompanies respectfully end the place, is a courtesy thorough appearance. 作为在场所有人中年龄最小,辈分也最小的人,王富贵亲自给所有人沏茶斟水,奉上了家族秘境自产的灵果仙瓜,这才敬陪末座,自是一副礼数周到的模样。 Shitian (Beginning Heaven) your majesty.” Wang Shouzhe carries a tea sincere say/way, this time your majesty acts to exterminate Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast, removes a Shattered Territory big hidden danger, accommodates Shouzhe first use tea in the place of wine, advances thanked your majesty the labor.” 始天陛下。”王守哲端起茶盏正色道,“此番陛下出面剿灭灾变兽,排除掉破灭之域一大隐患,容守哲以茶代酒,先行谢过陛下之辛苦。” Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast dies, Dao Lord can come and go out Shattered Territory freely. 灾变兽一死,道主就可以自由出入破灭之域了。 But had joining of Dao Lord rank powerhouse, the Shattered Territory development speed will definitely welcome a leap progress. When the time comes, only need first make a connection with the route, entire Shattered Territory will then welcome a big tide of big wave development and construction. 而有了道主级别强者的加入,破灭之域的开发速度必然会迎来一个跨越式的进步。到时候,只需先打通航线,整个破灭之域便会迎来一大波开发建设的大浪潮。 Thus and such and such, feared that has more than enough for several thousand years, this piece left uncultivated over a million years of desolated place, will then become the lively place. 如此这般,怕是用不了几千年,这片荒废了上百万年的荒芜之地,便会重新成为繁华之地。 ~ Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign mentioned this matter unable to bear smile, takes a look around Cloud Crane Young Master to say with a smile, I grabbed the ready-made bargain, may work as not to the first in merit. Must speak of laboriously, all relies upon Cloud Crane Young Master to map out strategic plans in an army tent actually, comes between the direction, takes the lead.” “哈~始天神皇说起这事儿就忍不住笑,瞅着一旁的云鹤公子笑道,“我不过是捡了现成便宜,可当不得首功。要说到辛苦,倒是全仰仗云鹤公子运筹帷幄,居中指挥,还有身先士卒。” The Cloud Crane Young Master expression stagnates, is good to hang tea not to spurt. 云鹤公子表情一滞,好悬没有一口茶喷出来。 Cannot be victorious Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign that old thing, he really thinks that a great competition pocket flings his face to come up. 要不是打不过始天神皇老东西,他真想一个大比兜甩他脸上去。 But the person under the eaves, has to lower the head, Cloud Crane Young Master greets with a smile to say actually: This...... this matter said, the indeed several points misunderstand. After is I astrayed the expensive/noble treasure trove, desperate under wants to hurry World of Immortals, therefore the rash, Young Master Shouzhe do not blame ~ ~ 可人在屋檐下,不得不低头,云鹤公子硬是陪着笑说:“这个……此事说起来,的确有几分误会。是我误入了贵宝地后,情急之下想赶紧回仙界,因此孟浪了,守哲公子勿怪~~ Is far from the rash.” Wang Shouzhe continuedtea to him with a smile personally, „, if not Cloud Crane Young Master strives, we how can smoothly and do remove Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast lossless? cup “谈不上孟浪。”王守哲笑着亲自给他续了杯茶,“若非云鹤公子出力,咱们岂能如此顺利又无损地除掉灾变兽呢?” Lossless? 无损? The Cloud Crane Young Master throat chokes up, feeling heart in drop blood. 云鹤公子喉头一哽,感觉心都在滴血。 In order to remove that only Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast, he and two Elder wealth pulled out none, moreover various maintaining life cards in a hand that he accumulates laboriously, most precious Emperor Venerable golds seal is all hitting. Did this also call lossless? 为了除掉那只灾变兽,他与两位长老的财富被掏了个精光,而且他辛辛苦苦攒下来的各种保命底牌,连带着最珍贵的帝尊印都悉数打出去了。这也叫无损? However, he has become others' captive now, others are willing to be dignified to him, shows due respect for the feelings very much, how can he also? 不过,他如今都已经成了别人的阶下囚了,人家愿意给他体面,已经算是很给面子了,他还能怎么样? He can only force a smile is continuing the fine words: Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast this type of ominous thing, everybody has the right to punish.” 他只能强笑着继续说漂亮话:“灾变兽这种凶物,人人得而诛之。” Said well, Young Master esteemed friendship.” Wang Shouzhe applauded to approve one, said sincerely, in any event, Cloud Crane Young Master the benevolence, our Holy Territory will engrave on mind up and down.” “说得好,公子高义。”王守哲击掌赞了一声,又诚挚说道,“无论如何,云鹤公子的这番恩情,我们圣域上下都会铭记在心。” Should, should.” “应该的,应该的。” Cloud Crane Young Master greets with a smile, but the innermost feelings actually rave, paid lip services only, your real main point my benevolence, do not put under house arrest me actually, earlier put me to return to World of Immortals ~ 云鹤公子陪着笑,可内心却狂吼,嘴上说得好听,你真要领我这份恩情,你倒是别软禁我啊,早点放我回仙界啊~ After speaking thoughtlessly chatted several, several people of thread of conversation revolutions, finally mentioned the proper business. 随口闲聊了几句之后,几人话锋一转,终于说起了正事。 Wang Fugui pulled out a token fragment, gives Wang Shouzhe saying: Ancestral Grandfather, this token fragment, is departs from Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast sea of consciousness, is also pestering Immortal Alliance Alliance Lord Ji Daoyi and Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast soul, you looked that also does have to be saved?” 王富贵掏出了一块令牌碎片,递给王守哲说道:“老祖爷爷,这块令牌碎片,乃是从灾变兽识海中飞出,其中还纠缠着仙盟盟主姬道一灾变兽神魂,您看一下还有没有得救?” Wang Shouzhe puts down tea, treating a matter seriously took the token fragment to inspect, immediately could not bear knit the brows: Senior Ji soul has deteriorated unable to withstand, if not this token fragment is quite unusual, preserved a pure brightness of completeness and intelligence of his True Spirit, he soul has flown to annihilate probably. Evidently, this token fragment somewhat is quite mysterious.” 王守哲放下茶盏,郑重其事的拿过令牌碎片检查了一番,随即忍不住皱起了眉:“姬前辈神魂早已经衰败不堪,若非这枚令牌碎片颇为奇特,保住了他真灵的完整和神智的一丝清明,保不齐他已经魂飞湮灭。看样子,此令牌碎片颇有些神奇。” Sees this token fragment, nearby Cloud Crane Young Master eye stared straight. 看到这令牌碎片,一旁的云鹤公子眼睛都瞪直了。 This this, isn't this he harbors intentions the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment that wants to seek?! 这这这,这不就是他心心念念想要谋取的掌界令碎片吗?! Cloud Crane brother.” A Wang Shouzhe thread of conversation revolution, as if noticed his unusual to take advantage of opportunity to ask, is it possible that did you recognize this fragment?” 云鹤兄。”王守哲话锋一转,仿佛注意到了他的异样般顺势问道,“莫非你认得此碎片?” The Cloud Crane Young Master hurried restraining vision and mind, embarrassed shakes the head with a smile: Does not recognize. I am see this token fragment to be plain, not the thing of modern, has at the same time protects soul the unique effect, unavoidably looked at eyes curiously.” 云鹤公子急忙收敛目光和心神,尬笑着摇头:“不认得。我就是见此令牌碎片古朴厚重,不似现代之物,又兼有守护神魂之独特功效,不免好奇多看了两眼。” The Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment is precious, if these people knew its true use, definitely will grip stubbornly in the hand. 掌界令碎片珍贵无比,若是这些人得知了它的真正用途,必然会死死攥在手里。 But since these people do not know the Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment, that this is his opportunity, used, perhaps in the future some day can also have the opportunity to take it. 但这些人既然不认识掌界令碎片,那这就是他的机会,利用好了,说不定将来某一天还能有机会将它弄到手。 Even if this hope is somewhat uncertain, always than without hope was better a lot. 哪怕这希望有些渺茫,也总比没有希望要好得多了。 Experienced World of Immortals doesn't Young Master recognize?” Wang Shouzhe swept Cloud Crane Young Master one, knit the brows to ponder the little while slightly, immediately the peaceful sound told, came the person, asks Youyue to come.” “连见多识广的仙界公子都不认得吗?”王守哲扫了云鹤公子一眼,微微皱眉思考了会儿,随即澹声吩咐,“来人,去请宥岳过来。” Lives in any case not far, he does not have the sending a letter breath to call the person directly. 反正住得也不远,他也没直接发信息叫人。 Yes, Family Head.” “是,家主。” Defends receives an order to go in nearby Family Guard immediately , is not then leading somewhat blurry, somewhat afraid Wang Youyue entered the yard. 守在附近的家将立刻领命而去,不多会儿,便领着有些迷迷瞪瞪,又有几分心虚的王宥岳进了小院。 Wang Youyue passing through the gate, instigated that chirp shouted the injustice: Ancestral Grandfather, Grandfather, I cultivation was diligent recently, without the least bit is loaf!” 王宥岳一进门,就怂唧唧地喊起了冤:“老祖爷爷,爷爷,我最近修炼非常勤奋,没有半点偷懒!” Ok.” Wang Fugui ill-humoredly white his eyes, your being loaf own Yinxuan supervision, your Ancestral Grandfather has the matter to ask you.” “行了。”王富贵没好气地白了他一眼,“你偷没偷懒自有寅轩监督,你老祖爷爷有事要问你。” One hear do not teach oneself, Wang Youyue relaxes immediately. 一听不是要训自己,王宥岳立马松了一口气。 Old Ancestor Shouzhe sends Family Guard to invite oneself unexpectedly specially, he also thinks that oneself must suffer one to reprove today unavoidably, on come road disturbed half of the day. 守哲老祖居然特意派家将来请自己,他还以为自己今天免不了又要挨一顿训斥了,来的路上忐忑了半天。 Luckily luckily ~ it seems like today does not need to get a bawling out. 幸好幸好~看来今天不用挨训了。 Saw his to instigate squish the appearance, on the Wang Fugui forehead the blue vein jumped jumping, the blood pressure started to rub to leap up upward. 见他这副怂了吧唧的模样,王富贵脑门上青筋跳了跳,血压又开始蹭蹭蹭往上蹿。 Regarding this from the small weary, various bad habit big group of eldest son of legal wife grandsons, he seriously is a lot of air/Qi. 对于这个从小惫懒,各种臭毛病一大堆的嫡长孙,他当真是一肚子气。 Also was recently these more than hundred years, under the supervision of Yinxuan, he was more diligent, the eye that on practicing can look finally reluctantly, otherwise, his little while feared that could not have borne start to teach the person. 也就是最近这百多年,在寅轩的监督下,他在修行上面勤奋了许多,总算是勉强能看的过眼了,否则,他这会儿怕是已经忍不住开始训人了。 Wang Shouzhe swept Wang Fugui one with a smile. 王守哲含笑扫了王富贵一眼。 He the attitude to Wang Youyue is actually very kindly kind. After all was oneself separated the multi- younger generation child, even if he had the mistake, Wang Shouzhe will not teach mostly personally. 他对王宥岳的态度倒是十分和蔼亲切。毕竟是自己隔了多少辈的孩子,就算他有错,王守哲多半也不会亲自教训。 Youyue, you have a look at this token fragment, doesn't recognize?” Wang Shouzhe handed over the token fragment conveniently, hints him to look. 宥岳,你看看这令牌碎片,认得不?”王守哲随手将令牌碎片递了过去,示意他看。 Wang Youyue "Oh", gathers up to go carefully to observe immediately. 王宥岳“哦”了一声,立刻凑上前去仔细观察起来。 Finally this looked, his brow wrinkled. 结果这一看,他的眉头就皱了起来。 In nearby Cloud Crane Young Master heart secret funny. 一旁的云鹤公子心中暗暗好笑。 Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command this most precious object, are not then many in the people of World of Immortals understanding. This Young Master Shouzhe can it be that head was clamped by the gate, asked a coward boy to appraise unexpectedly. 掌界令这种至宝,便是在仙界认识的人都不多。这守哲公子莫不是脑袋被门夹了,竟找了个缩头缩脑的小子来鉴定。 This young fellow must be able to appraise, my Cloud Crane...... 这种毛头小子要能鉴定出来,我云鹤…… But his darkness ponders not to ponder, sees Wang Youyue to tap the head suddenly, showed a being suddenly enlighted expression. 可他的暗忖还未忖完,就见得王宥岳忽然一拍脑袋,露出了一副恍然大悟的表情。 „Isn't this Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command fragment? This fragment is a little small, I have not recognized unexpectedly for a while.” “这不是掌界令的碎片吗?这块碎片有点小,我竟一时没认出来。” What? 啥? The Cloud Crane Young Master eyeball almost stares. 云鹤公子眼珠子都差点瞪出来。 This this...... this cracks a joke? Did this boy really recognize unexpectedly? 这这这……这开玩笑的吧?这小子竟然真的认了出来? This may be bad enough. 这可够糟糕的。 The intention illness/quick neglects, he quickly attempts the mixing up water: Young fellow, you do not talk irresponsibly ~ Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command this thing, in our World of Immortals is also the most precious object legend that have several, I thought that you admitted mistakes mostly!” 心念疾闪下,他急忙试图搅混水:“小伙子,你可别信口开河啊~掌界令这东西,在我们仙界也是有数的至宝传说,我看你多半是认错了!” How possibly to admit mistakes?” A Wang Youyue face you dare to suspect unexpectedly I the expression, stared Cloud Crane Young Master one uncomfortable, „before this thing me, has about half, compared with this scrap mostly.” “怎么可能认错?”王宥岳一脸“你居然敢怀疑我”的表情,不爽地瞪了云鹤公子一眼,“这东西我以前有将近半块,比这一小块大多了。” About half? 近半块? Cloud Crane Young Master was mad smiles: Hehe ~ the young fellow, your boasted also a little limit. As far as I know, full World of Immortals was also Emperor Wu Yuexian once more than half blocks. Are you Emperor Wu Yuexian are inadequate?” 云鹤公子被气笑了:“呵呵~小伙子啊,你这吹牛也得有点限度。据我所知,满仙界也就是武岳仙帝曾经得过半块。难道,你是武岳仙帝不成?” I.” Wang Youyue took a look at his one eyes, a natural appearance said, naturally, I am not. Emperor Wu Yuexian is my previous life matter, now I am eldest son of legal wife Wang Clan lineage/vein Wang Youyue.” “我是啊。”王宥岳瞅了他一眼,一副理所当然的样子道,“当然,我是也不是。武岳仙帝已经是我上辈子的事情了,现在我是王氏嫡长脉的王宥岳。” „......” Cloud Crane Young Master in shock silent. “……”云鹤公子在震惊中沉默。 This gave him entire cannot. 这把他给整不会了。 Emperor Wu Yuexian reincarnation?” 武岳仙帝转世?” Tianchen (Heavenly Dust/Dirt/Earth) and Elder Zhantian look at each other in blank dismay, the expression a little suspects the life. 天尘斩天长老面面相觑,表情有点怀疑人生。 Some time past was widely known, True Spirit of Emperor Wu Yuexian in Long River of Reincarnation has been reincarnated. The Wu Yue (Martial High Mountain) temple starts seeks, actually does not look everywhere, really changed to this side remote world?” “前些时候盛传,武岳仙帝轮回长河中的真灵已转世。武岳神殿发动寻找,却又遍寻不至,难道真的转到这一方偏远世界中了?” Their so-called some time past, before referring to 2000, slightly. 他们所谓的前些时候,指的是小两千年前。 May reach 139,000 thousand years regarding their lives Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Dao Lord, trivial less than 2000, indeed can only be some time past. 对于他们这种寿元可达十三万九千载的混元道主而言,区区不到两千年的时间,的确只能算是前些时候。 Wang Shouzhe draws on Wang Youyue today face to face, has not naturally planned to conceal this matter. 王守哲今天当面把王宥岳招来,自然就没打算隐瞒此事。 He said to two Elder politely: two Senior, franking, Youyue indeed is the Emperor Wu Yuexian reincarnation. Therefore, Demon Race that we also and come to find fault Supreme You did one, and all cuts off or collects its lackey, this won the temporary peace.” 他客气地对两位长老说道:“两位前辈,实不相瞒,宥岳的确是武岳仙帝转世。为此,我们还与前来找茬的魔族至尊幽’干了一架,并将它的爪牙悉数斩断或是归拢,这才赢得了暂时的和平。” Such remarks, the World of Immortals three guests were shaken the person hemp. 此言一出,仙界三位来客又是被震得人都麻了。 Does the frame with Supreme You? Finally also won dry/does? 至尊幽干架?结果还干赢了? Difficult to be inadequate this small Immortal Clan Survivor(s) Holy Territory, is hiding the strength of Immortal Emperor level unexpectedly? 难不成这小小的仙族遗民圣域,竟然隐藏着仙帝级的战力吗? They have not actually expected, Wang Shouzhe actually contains lake its refined language intentionally, shocks their, buries some warning lines in their hearts, quite makes them more law-abiding. 他们却是没有料到,王守哲其实是故意含湖其辞,借此震慑他们一番,也在他们心中埋些警戒线,好让他们安分一些。 Suddenly, three World of Immortals guests fell into silent. 一时间,三个仙界来客都是陷入了沉默。 They need to digest well. 他们需要好好消化消化。 Since coming to here, matter one after another is attacking their cognition and mentality repeatedly, they a little could not stretch. 自从来了这里之后,一桩又一桩的事情反复冲击着他们的认知和心态,他们着实有点绷不住了。 Supreme You that old dog plays a trick to be cloudy I, how at my meeting to bend down to perish?” Wang Youyue raised Supreme You air/Qi, sneered, this account, I must look for it to calculate sooner or later.” “要不是至尊幽那老狗设局阴我,我岂会中伏殒命?”王宥岳一提起至尊幽就来气,不由冷笑了一声,“这笔账,我迟早要找它算。” With the gradual enhancement of cultivation base, the memory fragment that he awakens is also more and more, the understanding of the past naturally was also more and more. 随着修为的逐渐提高,他觉醒的记忆碎片也是越来越多,对前尘往事的了解自然也是越来越多。 However, after Wang Youyue already has formed the three views of perfect personality and stability, the memory fragment that these gradually awaken will not produce to his personality too affects, instead probably is away from the screen to watch the movie to be the same, although the substitution feeling is still very strong, will not actually lose in the past memory and hatred. 不过,在王宥岳已经形成了健全的人格和稳定的三观之后,这些逐渐觉醒的记忆碎片并不会对他的人格产生太多影响,反而像是隔着屏幕在看电影一般,虽然代入感依旧很强,却并不会迷失在往昔的记忆和仇恨中。 Looks for Supreme You to do accounts also early, where you first think your half Zhangjie (To hold the world in one's hand) Command conceals.” Wang Fugui shot a look at Wang Youyue one, I remember that Supreme You has interrogated your matter.” “找至尊幽算账还早,你还是先想想你那半块掌界令藏哪里了吧。”王富贵瞥了王宥岳一眼,“我记得至尊幽可是质问过你此事。” This...... I have not thought.” Wang Youyue patted the head, some slightly headaches, perhaps this memory fragment buries deeply, possibly was I gives the oneself seal that some memories, did not arrive at Great Principle or Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Realm possibly cannot think.” “这个……我还没想起来。”王宥岳拍了拍脑袋,略有些头疼,“兴许这一块记忆碎片埋得太深,也可能是我给自己封印了那部分记忆,不到大罗或是混元境可能想不起来。” Ok, that this did not have your matter, went back to grasp time cultivation to go well.” Wang Fugui beckons with the hand saying that „your solemn Immortal Emperor should not be reincarnated when the time comes, instead was given by Songyi that boy counter- ultra. Your enmity, after you grow to the certain extent, Grandfather comes back for you Yin.” “行,那这没你的事了,回去好好抓紧时间修炼去。”王富贵摆摆手道,“别到时候你这堂堂仙帝转世,反而被宋一那小子给反超了。你的仇,等你成长到一定程度后,爷爷替你阴回来。” Many thanks Grandfather, but I do not have the whereabouts Dao Book now, goes all out cultivation is also useless again ~ Wang Youyue somewhat is also worried, this, if has not inherited Dao Book in True Immortal Boundary, to lose part of bloodline potential for no reason?” “多谢爷爷,不过我现在连道书都还没着落呢,再拼命修炼也没用啊~”王宥岳也有些苦恼,“这要是在真仙境没继承到道书,岂不是会凭白损失了一部分血脉潜力?” Might as well, this matter you do not need to worry.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, your Ancestral Grandfather will try to find the solution for you, but, you are Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Earth Department, suits your Dao Book to inherit well looks.” “无妨,这种事情你不用多操心。”王守哲笑着说道,“你老祖爷爷会替你想办法的,不过,你乃是先天土系,适合你的道书传承得好好找找。” Ok, many thanks Ancestral Grandfather.” Wang Youyue well satisfied good a ritual, immediately turns around to leave on the preparation, that Yue Er first said goodbye.” “行,多谢老祖爷爷。”王宥岳心满意足地行了一礼,当即就准备转身离开,“那岳儿就先告辞了。” Youyue Young Master, and first waits!” 宥岳公子,且先等等!” Elder Tianchen opened the mouth to stop by calling out him suddenly. 天尘长老忽然开口叫住了他。 He closely is staring at Wang Youyue, some look twinkles are uncertain, seem are making some consideration. 他紧紧盯着王宥岳,眼神有些闪烁不定,好似在做某种考量。 Movement paused that Wang Youyue turns around, turns around immediately, salutes toward Elder Tianchen respectfully: This Senior, do you have what instruction?” 王宥岳转身的动作顿了一下,随即重新转过来,恭敬地朝天尘长老行礼:“这位前辈,您有何吩咐?” Although he weary, but receives aristocratic family Young Master of Wang Clan Clan School higher education eventually, once the foreign negotiation, various etiquette stances are also impeccable. 他虽惫懒,但终究是受过王氏族学高等教育的世家公子,一旦对外交涉,各种礼仪姿态也是无可挑剔。 So the attitude, made Elder Tianchen be reassured to be the same actually probably, one was at heart steadfaster. 如此态度,倒是让天尘长老像是吃了颗定心丸一般,心里一下踏实了许多。 His setting out suddenly toward a Wang Shouzhe ritual, said seriously: Young Master Shouzhe, obsolete Tianchen (Heavenly Dust/Dirt/Earth) Dao Book, Has not inherited for the time being. If not shut out, may help Youyue Young Master helping hand obsolete.” 他忽的起身朝王守哲一礼,郑重道:“守哲公子,老朽的【天尘道书】,暂且还未传承下去。若是不嫌弃,老朽可助宥岳公子一臂之力。” What?” “啥?” Wang Shouzhe has not opened the mouth, nearby Cloud Crane Young Master is startled ruthlessly. 王守哲还未开口呢,一旁的云鹤公子就狠狠吃了一惊。 He looks up courageous to Elder Tianchen, deeply frowned, look question. 他勐地抬头看向天尘长老,眉头紧锁,眼神质疑。 This......” Wang Shouzhe slightly acts with constraint, does intentionally the anxiety saying that Senior Tianchen, your Dao Book inheritance, doesn't need to agree after Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple?” “这……”王守哲略一矜持,故作疑虑道,“天尘前辈,您的道书传承,不用经过南明神殿首肯吗?” Does not use.” The Elder Tianchen stiff chest, answered to the people, our clan generation Consecrate Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple, but the economic structure and self- sovereignty were the relative independence. Our family/home grand total has two Dao Book to inherit, uniform comes out to assist Emperor Wu Yuexian to be reincarnated, is an edifying anecdote.” “自是不用。”天尘长老挺直胸膛,向众人解释道,“我们家族世代供奉南明神殿,但是经济结构和自我主权是相对独立的。我们家总计有两部道书传承,匀一部出来相助一下武岳仙帝转世,也算是一桩美谈。” But, a little must state ahead of time, waits for Emperor Wu Yuexian no longer to need Tianchen (Heavenly Dust/Dirt/Earth) Dao Book When must remember that gives back to our clan Dao Book.” “不过,有一点得提前声明,等武岳仙帝不再需要【天尘道书】时,要记得将道书还给我们家族。” That is natural.” Wang Shouzhe nods, expression incomparably with deep veneration and sincere, Senior has the obligation of leading by the hand to Youyue, how our will Wang Clan seek after the small advantage of aristocrat? Youyue, what do you also stare are making? Has not acknowledged as teacher in a big hurry!” “那是自然。”王守哲点头,表情无比肃然和诚恳,“前辈宥岳有提携之大恩,我们王氏岂会贪图贵族的便宜?宥岳,你还愣着做什么?还不快快拜师!” Wang Youyue was really also shocked. 王宥岳还真是愣住了。 He was grasped to ask that an issue, oneself Dao Book did fall from the space unexpectedly? 他不过就是被抓来问个问题而已,自己道书居然就这么从天上掉下来了? Was this extremely is also optional? 这是不是也太过于随意了? However, the Ancestral Grandfather words he does not dare, since. 不过,老祖爷爷的话他可不敢不从。 At that moment, he was good hurried toward Elder Tianchen the worshipping on bended knees big ritual, the mouth middle course: Youyue pays a visit Teacher.” 当下,他便急忙朝天尘长老行了个跪拜大礼,口中道:“宥岳拜见师尊。” Good, good, good.” Elder Tianchen smiles very carefree and comfortable, lifted in the hands an invisible energy to hold Wang Youyue, Yue Er was overly courteous, my Tianchen (Heavenly Dust/Dirt/Earth) lineage, was always the heavy friendship, but light custom.” “好,好,好。”天尘长老笑得十分畅快和舒适,抬手间一股无形的能量将王宥岳扶了起来,“岳儿无需多礼,我天尘一脉,向来是重情义而轻规矩。” Elder Tianchen is not a fool, this act seems like that makes clan be short of the lineage dao lineage inheritance for the time being, the advantage obtained to come is actually countless. 天尘长老自不是傻子,此举看似是暂且让家族少了一脉道统传承,可得来的好处却是数之不尽。 First, this acknowledges as teacher, oneself may be Teacher of body of Emperor Wu Yuexian reincarnation. 其一,这一拜师,自己可就是武岳仙帝转世之身的师尊了。 Even if Emperor Wu Yuexian will return to the position of Immortal Emperor in the future, when recalls oneself must call one Teacher. Depending on this point, unknown oneself can keep the World of Immortals history. 哪怕武岳仙帝将来重归仙帝之位,回想起自己时也还得叫一声“师尊”。光凭这一点,原本名不见经传的自己就能名留仙界青史。 Second, Emperor Wu Yuexian is lacking Dao Book now, oneself this is gives opportune help, when he once in the future will rise, will be reading this benevolence, will look after with the feedback their clan. At the appointed time, the return far exceeds present payout inevitably. 其二,武岳仙帝如今正缺一部道书,自己这算是雪中送炭,等他将来一旦崛起,自会念着这份恩情,照拂和回馈他们家族。届时,回报必然远超眼下的付出。 Third, this Divine Martial Wang Clan talent like clouds, even First Heavenly God Child/Seed has, what end is immeasurably deep. 其三,这神武王氏天才如云,连先天神子都有,端的是深不可测。 Has the opportunistic investment to be on good terms, climbs up the relations with such clan, the following advantage naturally is rich incomparable. 有机会投资交好,与此等家族攀上关系,后续的好处自然是丰厚无比。 But in addition, urging him to set firm resolve quickly, actually another very important reason. 而除此之外,促使他这么快下定决心的,其实还有另外一个非常重要的原因。 This reason, naturally was oneself nowadays the awkward status. 这原因,自然便是自己现如今尴尬的身份了。 In the surface, their three people are „the World of Immortals honored guest, but actually actually put under house arrest prisoner, is lives is dies all depending on the opposite party in an instant. 表面上,他们三人是“仙界贵客”,可实则却是被软禁的囚犯,是生是死全凭对方一念之间。 In this case, even if the opposite party is shameless robs Dao Book directly, oneself actually still has no means that with its scruples scruples that might as well is ready for any sacrifice, directly through receiving the disciple and opposite party binds. 这种情况下,就算对方无耻些直接抢夺道书,自己其实也没有任何办法,与其顾忌这顾忌那,还不如豁出去一点,直接通过收徒和对方绑定。 This time he and Wang Youyue form the masters and disciples, naturally can jump out of Prison Cage, becomes the Wang Clan oneself person, did not have extra worries. 此番他与王宥岳结成师徒,自然就能跳出囚笼,成为王氏自己人,也就没有了后顾之忧。 Many thanks Senior Tianchen.” “多谢天尘前辈。”
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