POP :: Volume #8

#38 Part 2: Innate Daoist Seed VS ice dragon Holy Daughter

When the time comes, her strength is not inferior in the True Immortal Boundary powerhouse, then did not need his useless old dragon to protect in the nearby. 到时候,她自身的战力都已经不逊色于真仙境强者,便无需他这头没用的老龙在边上守护了。 As for that Challenger Wang Songyi, old dragon thought that he indeed is a strong opponent, if given time surpasses Nana Young Lady to still do not know. 至于那个挑战者王宋一,老龙觉得他的确是个强劲的对手,假以时日超过娜娜小姐犹未可知。 But now, his too young. 但现在,他太年轻了。 Moreover, some time past Nana Young Lady returned to ice fire Dao Sect, attained ice Saint dragon lineage inherited legacy, the strength and background rose dramatically again a big truncation. 而且,前些时候娜娜小姐回了冰火道宗,拿到了冰圣龙一脉的祖传遗馈,实力和底蕴再度飙升了一大截。 this time, Nana Young Lady will perhaps give a that extremely arrogant youngster profound lesson. 这一次,娜娜小姐恐怕会给那个狂妄的年轻人一个深刻的教训。 In the Divine Ability Boundary arena is blustery. 就在神通境擂台风起云涌之际。 In the upper air, a semblance is low-key, in plays the part of actually very luxurious flying carriage to slide in the cloud layer fast. 高空中,一架外表低调,内饰却十分奢华的飞辇在云层中快速滑过。 In flying carriage is small unusually, actually each one. 飞辇内人数不多,却个个都非同寻常。 Cloud Crane Young Master, that side is the Xinping airport region, every year population volume of goods handled achieved 50 million! The port freight volume is huge and astonishing.” Wang Fugui smiles the whole face to be friendly, the look was naturally introducing some characteristics constructions of Changning Garrison, that side that reaching to the sky building, is our Wang Clan famous Shouzhe building, is our Changning Garrison highest manual construction.” 云鹤公子,那边是新平空港区域,每年的人口吞吐量达到了五千万!货物吞吐量更是庞大而惊人。”王富贵笑得满脸和气,正神色自然的介绍着长宁卫的一些特色建筑,“那边那栋高耸入云的大楼,是我们王氏著名的守哲大厦,也是我们长宁卫最高的人工建筑。” On his opposite guest's seat seat of honor, is sitting Cloud Crane Young Master, behind also followed Elder Tianchen of Southern Ming temple, to cut the day of Elder two look to be ill and weary, expression dispirited accompanying guard. 在他对面的客座主位上,正坐着云鹤公子,后面还跟着南明神殿的天尘长老、斩天长老两位神色恹恹,表情颓废的随行护卫。 Do not look that their present semblances look at no difference, but in fact has the numerous bans to add the body, cannot show the true strength. What even if opposite sitting is only then True Immortal Boundary Wang Fugui, they do not have the means that can only sit honestly, why lets. 别看他们现在外表看着没什么异样,但实际上都有重重禁制加身,根本施展不出真正实力。哪怕对面坐着的是只有真仙境王富贵,他们也是毫无办法,只能老老实实坐着,让干什么干什么。 „, In small world, breeds so to be unique unexpectedly and lively civilization.” Hears the Wang Fugui words, Cloud Crane Young Master pulls to wipe the happy expression reluctantly, echoes the praise saying that so characteristics state, cannot look everywhere in World of Immortals. Good place good place, no wonder can breed Young Master Fugui this and other rare talents.” “没想到,小小的一处世界中,竟然孕育出如此独特而繁华文明。”听到王富贵的话,云鹤公子勉强扯出一抹笑意,附和着夸赞道,“如此特色的国度,在仙界也是遍寻不着。好地方啊好地方,难怪能孕育出富贵公子这等举世罕见的天才。” He can also maintain the demeanor actually reluctantly, but the discerning people can look, he at this moment is forcing oneself to look cheerful. 他倒是勉强还能保持风度,只是明眼人都看得出来,此刻的他只是在强颜欢笑而已。 If not for the status of Southern Ming temple successor made him unable to make the action that the collapse begged for mercy, he fears not guard Elder good many of two Dao Lord level at this moment. 若不是南明神殿继承人的身份让他做不出崩溃求饶的举动,他此刻怕是不会两位道主级的护卫长老好多少。 Cloud Crane Young Master likes our Changning Garrison being good.” Wang Fugui seems like had not felt that the smile on Cloud Crane Young Master face has reluctantly, the expression on face was still a school of genialness, after all in future a long time, Young Master must be a guest in this.” 云鹤公子喜欢我们长宁卫就好。”王富贵像是没感觉到云鹤公子脸上的笑容有多勉强,脸上的表情仍是一派和煦,“毕竟在未来很长一段时间内,公子都要在此作客了。” Cloud Crane Young Master expression one stiff, on the face is piling smiling hardly, the innermost feelings are actually 10,000 numb Mapi. 云鹤公子表情一僵,脸上硬堆着笑,内心却是一万个麻麻批。 Is a guest? What guest is? 作客?作什么客? This clearly puts under house arrest! 这分明就是软禁! Thinks that my solemn would-be god child Yan Cloud Crane, is the person of what kind of stunning talent, now unexpectedly must be put under house arrest in this and other in the remote horn corners, this simply is the great shame! 想我堂堂准神子阎云鹤,是何等惊才绝艳之人,如今居然要被软禁在这等偏远的犄角旮旯里,这简直是奇耻大辱! Is speaking. 正说话间。 In the Divine Ability Boundary arena of not far away, suddenly two remarkable aura ascension. 不远处的神通境擂台上,忽然有两道惊人的气息升腾而起。 Even if flying carriage situated in the upper air , can still feel that two rushing pressure that soars to the heavens in the imposing manner to contain. 哪怕飞辇处于高空之中,仍是能感觉到那两股冲天气势之中蕴含的澎湃威压。 Well? It seems is two Divine Ability Boundary cultivator to the war?” Although Cloud Crane Young Master strength by seal, but the sensation sensitivity still, almost judges two people boundary cultivation base from that aura instantaneously. “咦?好似是两位神通境修士在对战?”云鹤公子虽然实力被封印,但感知灵敏度还在,几乎是瞬间就从那气息中判断出了两人境界修为 If ordinary Divine Ability Boundary cultivator to the war, he feared that is the even/including looked dislikes bothersomely. 如果是普通的神通境修士对战,他怕是连多看一眼都嫌烦。 But at this moment, his whole person did not sit voluntarily straight, the innermost feelings also somewhat were surprised uncertain. 但此时此刻,他整个人都不自觉坐直了,内心也有些惊疑不定。 Was the strength that this two Divine Ability Boundary cultivator erupts some? 两个神通境修士爆发出的力量是不是有些过了? This aura, this pressure, this fluctuation of energy...... this to two people of war, bloodline aptitude high to what degree? 这气息,这威压,这能量波动……这对战的两人,血脉资质得高到什么程度? Even when his Yan Cloud Crane, in the past Divine Ability Boundary still no more than so. 即便是他阎云鹤,当年神通境之时也不过如此而已。 ...... …… Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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