POP :: Volume #8

#37 Part 1: Old Ancestor Shouzhe must see Cloud Crane Young Master

...... …… Mother egg!” “妈蛋!” Cloud Crane Young Master criticized one. 云鹤公子暗骂了一声。 When to this time, where his has not known, oneself was hit the mind to look down upon by this crowd of oneself indigenous planning?! 时至此时,他哪里还不知道,自己是被这群自己打心眼看不起的土着们给算计了?! In a flash, the flaming anger flies to flee from his heart, almost must destroy his reason. 一瞬间,熊熊怒火从他心头飞窜而起,几乎要将他的理智摧毁。 However, is burning with anger even if, even if the hatred is dreadful, the present situation actually cannot allow him to have slight diverting attention. 然而,哪怕怒火中烧,哪怕恨意滔天,眼前的情况却容不得他有丝毫的分心。 Clear to see sword light must run upon with Taixu (Universe/Cosmos/Great Void) Shuttle, he controls Taixu (Universe/Cosmos/Great Void) Shuttle sharply to stop busily, simultaneously the backhand pulls out battle blade. 眼见得剑光就要和太虚梭撞上,他忙操控着“太虚梭”一个急停,同时反手掏出一柄战刀 Bang ~ ~ “轰~~” The blazing flame ignites, periphery void will shine upon red instantaneously. 炽烈的火光燃起,瞬间将周围的虚空映照得一片通红。 That is scarlet battle blade, on the knife is burning all over the body light roaring flame. 那是一柄通体赤红的战刀,刀身上燃烧着一层薄薄的烈焰。 That flame seems like ordinary, among the flame glow turnovers, actually as if can scatter the dark energy in Heavenly Abyss. 那火焰看似平平无奇,焰芒吞吐间,却仿佛能将天渊内的黑暗能量都驱散一空。 This blade named Does not extinguish the Heavenly Fire blade, When is with the endless universe birth breeds, but Hundun (Primal Chaos) flame fine gold forging. That material is quite unusual, from the collection to smelting, to forging, burns again throughout is not extinguishing Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) True Fire. 此刀名为【不灭天火刀】,乃是用无尽宇宙诞生时孕育而出的混沌火焰精金锻造而成。那材料极为奇特,从采集到冶炼,再到锻造,始终燃烧着不灭先天真火 Once commonplace cultivator were stained a tiny bit by this flame, the flame will spread instantaneously on the body, is unable to extinguish, is unable to scatter, was cremated by the extreme speed in a flash, finally soul entirely to extinguish. 等闲修士一旦被这火焰沾上一星半点,火焰就会瞬间在身上蔓延开来,无法熄灭,也无法驱散,而后转瞬间就被极速焚化,最终神魂俱灭。 battle blade in the hand, a Cloud Crane Young Master blade cuts. 战刀在手,云鹤公子一刀斩出。 Flickers the time, blade intent, the roaring flame is vertically and horizontally dreadful, the fearful power and influence blots out the sky to spread. 瞬时间,刀意纵横,烈焰滔天,可怕的威势铺天盖地蔓延开来。 The blade light institute and place, in Heavenly Abyss that as if no darkness that the thing does not seep to be fired suddenly, fired a giant gully in the endless darkness! 刀光所及之处,天渊内那仿佛无物不沁的黑暗眨眼间就被灼烧一空,生生在无尽黑暗之中灼烧出了一条巨大的沟壑! next moment. 下一刻 The blade glow and sword intent collide! 刀芒和剑意碰撞! Bang!” “轰!” In the deafening bellow, the blade glow and sword intent simultaneously blasting open, the scarlet flame and blue wave surge mutually, suddenly then changes into the sphere impact wave direction to take away as many things as possible in all directions. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声中,刀芒和剑意齐齐炸裂,赤红的火焰和蓝色的水波互相激荡,眨眼间便化为球形冲击波向四面八方席卷而去。 Flickers the time, void shake, ray blasting open. 瞬时间,虚空震荡,光芒炸裂。 Under the shock-wave of wreaking havoc sweeps across, then in this energy density extremely high Heavenly Abyss, created the astonishing destructive power. 肆虐的冲击波席卷之下,便是在这能量密度极高的天渊内部,也是造成了惊人的破坏力。 The warring parties receive the energy that makes a false counter- accusation against come to shake, has to the extreme speed retreat backward, to slow down that is hit. 交战双方受到反噬而来的能量震荡,也不得不极速向后退去,以减缓遭受的冲击。 A little meaning!” “有点意思!” In eye pupil of Liu Ruolan, extremely rare revealed strong fighting intent. 柳若蓝的眼眸中,极为难得的露出了浓烈的战意 Her figure in a flash, is slow not slow one then bullies the body unexpectedly again on, wields a sword to go toward that Cloud Crane Young Master attack. 她身形一晃,竟是缓都不缓一下便再度欺身而上,挥剑朝那云鹤公子侵袭而去。 She displays so actively, initiates an attack, is hears that Cloud Crane Young Master is Quasi God Child/Seed of World of Immortals temple, in one generation is the character of ceiling rank in World of Immortals young. 她之所以表现得如此积极,主动出击,也是听闻那云鹤公子乃是仙界神殿的准神子,在仙界年轻一代中属于天花板级别的人物。 She from somewhat has one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing, thinks a weighing World of Immortals Quasi God Child/Seed weight. 她自有些见猎心喜,想称量一下仙界准神子的斤两。 Also is from this, although she put on Captain Crystal Ancient Race battle armor, has not actually started 17th Stage burst mode, but used the normal state pattern merely, showed roughly the 16th Stage strength! 也是由此,她虽然穿上了晶古族首领战甲,却并没有启动十七阶的“爆发模式”,而仅仅是使用了常态模式,展现出了约莫十六阶的战力! Such strength is almost the same as that Cloud Crane Young Master, can be called fairly two characters. 此等战力与那云鹤公子相差无几,称得上“公平”二字。 But after Cloud Crane Young Master Liu Ruolan blocks next, is startled and anger. 云鹤公子柳若蓝拦下后,自是又惊又怒。 His cultivation base has achieved Great Principle boundary intermediate stage, the bloodline aptitude achieves Dao Seed/Son second grade, battle blade in hand could be in Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) spirit treasure excellent, this lets his battle efficiency far ultra common Great Principle Holy Venerable. 他的修为已然达到大罗中期,血脉资质更是达到了道子乙等,手中的战刀更是在混元灵宝之中都算得上是上乘,这让他的战斗力远超寻常大罗圣尊 The sentence is impolite, so long as does not meet Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Dao Lord, he is fearless. Even if met Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Dao Lord, he can still run at least. 说句不客气的,只要不遇上混元道主,他根本无所畏惧。就算遇上了混元道主,他起码也能跑得掉。 However, the battle efficiency that Liu Ruolan displays actually far exceeded his cognition. It seems like the age is not big obviously, the might of that sword is not unexpectedly inferior in oneself. 然而,柳若蓝表现出的战斗力却远远超出了他的认知。明明看上去年纪也不大,那一剑的威力竟是丝毫不逊色于自己 So strength, this, if in World of Immortals, he must suspect that this was the successor of that temple secret trained. 如此实力,这要是在仙界,他都要怀疑这是不是那座神殿秘密培养的继承人了。 But merely such words , he although shocked and is unable understand, but also insufficiently flurried. 但仅仅如此的话,他虽然震惊和无法理解,但还不至于慌乱。 But quick, made he panic-stricken matter extremely happen. 但很快,更令他惊恐万分的事情发生了。 Sees only on that Xuanqing (Deep Black/Profound Azure) color Shenzhou, really has together the remarkable aura ascension again, pursues soul that Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast is running away to graze to go. 只见那艘玄青色的神舟上,竟然再度有一道惊人的气息升腾而起,追着灾变兽逃遁的神魂就飞掠而去。 That aura is much more intrepid, is far from common Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Dao Lord can compare, that tyrant said that but has the power and influence of wild aura, only compared beforehand Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast to be not as good unexpectedly planned. 那道气息强悍得惊人,远非寻常混元道主能比,那霸道而带着蛮荒气息的威势,竟是只比之前的灾变兽略逊了一筹。 However suddenly, that aura has grazed numerous void, vanished in his sensation, the speed quick far exceeded his expectation similarly. 不过眨眼间,那道气息就飞掠过重重虚空,消失在了他的感知之中,速度之快同样远远超出了他的预料。 Obviously, this is another card in a hand that indigenous hides! 很显然,这是土着们藏匿的又一张底牌! Sees that in the heart of Cloud Crane Young Master dials dials coolly coolly. 见状,云鹤公子的心中拨凉拨凉。 This group of did indigenous, how many cards in a hand hide?! Before the sentiment, shows in oneself front strength, unexpectedly is also only the tip of the iceberg?! 这帮土着,到底是藏了多少底牌?!感情之前展现在自己面前的实力,竟然还只是冰山一角?! In his heart is unwilling, again and again wants to drive back Liu Ruolan, tries to depend on Taixu (Universe/Cosmos/Great Void) Shuttle to pursue to try one's luck again. 他心中不甘,几次三番想逼退柳若蓝,试图靠着太虚梭再追上去碰碰运气。 However that Liu Ruolan is quite hard to deal with, how he erupts, is just like attaches the deep-rooted ulcer of pursuit bone. 然而那柳若蓝极为难缠,无论是他如何爆发,都是犹如附骨之疽般驱逐不去。 Under the air/Qi anger happened simultaneously, Cloud Crane Young Master displayed one of the Quasi God Child/Seed cards in a hand again. 气怒交加之下,云鹤公子再度施展出了准神子的底牌之一。 That is one like the sunset glow brilliant scarlet red flame, the flame is brilliant, the flame drags is even passing an invincible might indistinctly. 那是一道如晚霞般绚烂的赤红色火焰,火光绚烂,火光摇曳间甚至隐约透着一丝神威。 Just appears, it changes to lifelike Fire Phoenix to go to Liu Ruolan killing. 甫一出现,它就化作一只栩栩如生的火凤柳若蓝扑杀而去。 The fiery-red flame light passed over gently and swiftly dark void, the dark energy is similar to boils immediately the tumbling. 火红色的焰光掠过黑暗虚空,黑暗能量顿时如同沸腾般翻滚起来。 The terrifying power and influence sweeps across fully, is the Dao Lord level opponents is not then good to stroke its point hardly. 恐怖的威势铺天盖地般席卷开来,便是连道主级对手都不好硬捋其锋芒。 This flame named Southern Ming(Brightness) flame, Is from famous Southern Ming(Brightness) god fire Separates! 此火焰名为【南明道焰】,正是从大名鼎鼎的【南明神火】中分离而出! As the fire seed, after the god fire was separated, but, it then degraded automatically Dao Fire. 只是作为火种,在被从神火中分离而出之后,它便自动降级成了道火 At the beginning, it is only small group fire seed, after many years of nourishing, is gradually strong, passes to his hand, has the powerful might. 在最初的时候,它只是一小团火种,经过多年蕴养,逐步壮大,传到他手里时,已然拥有了强悍的威力。 Even in entire World of Immortals, it is still one of the fame very big Dao Fire! 即便是在整个仙界,它也是名气很大的道火之一! Naturally, is different from resources expensive/noble deficiency Holy Territory, various entire World of Immortals Dao Fire come in many different varieties, splits up from the Southern Ming(Brightness) god fire Southern Ming(Brightness) flame However is one type. 当然,不同于资源贵乏的圣域,整个仙界各种道火种类繁多,从南明神火中分化出来的【南明道焰】不过是其中一种。 But same rank flame that Holy Territory currently has, that is Sun Dao Fire, Taiji (Primal Chaos/Supreme Ultimate) Dao Fire, And crude person Heavenly Demon Flame Three types. 圣域目前拥有的同级别火焰,也就是【太阳道火】、【太极道火】,以及半吊子的【天魔焰】三种。 However, although Liu Ruolan does not have Dao Fire, she has, since mang In the forbidden area ruins obtains Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Dao Water. 然而,柳若蓝虽然没有道火,她却有从【娏】的禁区废墟中获得的【混元道水】。 This Dao Water, is Ancient God mang associated Dao Water, has oneself spirit wisdom, may look after the forbidden area for mang. 道水,乃是古神娏的伴生道水,拥有自己灵智,可替娏照看禁区。 If in the forbidden area, Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Dao Water depends on array and strength of god in lineage/vein forbidden area, even if deteriorates to the pinnacle forbidden area ruins, when turns into the Water Origin vegetarian giant also at least can duel Dao Lord. 若是在禁区之中,混元道水依托禁区内的阵法以及神脉之力,哪怕是衰败到极致的禁区废墟,化成水元素巨人时也至少能单挑一个道主 However left the forbidden area, without the god lineage/vein and forbidden area array strength support, it imitated, if did not have a duckweed, can only display normally the Dao Water strength. 但是离开了禁区,没有了神脉和禁区阵法的力量支撑,它就彷若是无根之萍,只能发挥出“正常”道水的力量。 Even so, under the stimulation of movement of Liu Ruolan, Water Origin vegetarian giant spirit light that Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Dao Water changes to fills the air as before, is sending out the boundless power and influence. 但即便如此,在柳若蓝的催动下,混元道水化作的水元素巨人依旧灵光弥漫,散发着磅礴的威势。 Sees only it to welcome Fire Phoenix that a that Southern Ming(Brightness) flame is only changing to then to rush, the giant water fist brandishes, hit with that Fire Phoenix ruthlessly in one. 只见它迎着那只南明道焰化作的火凤便冲了上去,巨大的水拳挥舞,与那火凤狠狠撞击在了一起。 Suddenly, the water glare and flame bloom one after another, water and fire energy everywhere dances in the air, fought well-matched unexpectedly! 一时间,水光和火光接连绽放,水火能量漫天飞舞,竟是斗了个旗鼓相当! Dao Water?!” 道水?!” Cloud Crane Young Master heart hemp. 云鹤公子的心都麻了。 Actually did oneself this special meet what hard to deal with anomaly? 自己这特么究竟是遇到了个什么样难缠的变态啊? This being known as Holy Territory Immortal Alliance family of the deceased what's the matter? How card in a hand one after another probably are more than oneself? 这个号称“圣域”的仙盟遗族到底是怎么回事?怎么底牌一张一张的好像比自己还多? Suddenly, Cloud Crane Young Master somewhat is dejected, somewhat missed homeland. 一时间,云鹤公子都有些心灰意冷,有些想家了。 Same time. 同一时间段。 Xuanqing (Deep Black/Profound Azure) Shenzhou. 玄青神舟内部。 Wang Fugui is directing item spirit of Xuanqing (Deep Black/Profound Azure) Shenzhou: Xuanqing (Deep Black/Profound Azure) Old Ancestor, you made several tactical interception movements to be good again, that what Cloud Crane Young Master does not have the fighting spirit.” 王富贵正指挥着玄青神舟的器灵:“玄青老祖,您再做几个战术性拦截动作就行了,那个什么云鹤公子已经没了斗志。” Wang Shouzhe called Shenzhou item spirit to be respectfully Xuanqing (Deep Black/Profound Azure) Elder Sister, Wang Fugui as Young Lord one, although there is a temporary command jurisdiction, actually does not dare to pull rank, the opens the mouth silent called it by Old Ancestor. 王守哲都恭敬地叫一声神舟器灵为“玄青姐姐”,王富贵作为“少主”之一,虽有临时指挥权,却也不敢托大,张口闭口都以“老祖”称之。 The Xuanqing (Deep Black/Profound Azure) Shenzhou also gives the Wang Fugui face, so long as the request is not excessive, basically grants every request. 玄青神舟也给王富贵面子,只要要求不过分,基本有求必应。 When to this time. 时至此时。 Wang Fugui has felt relieved to present thoroughly. 王富贵已经彻底对眼下局面放心了。 To be honest, he is actually not willing to make Ruolan Ancestral Grandmother go to duel Cloud Crane Young Master. 说实话,他其实是不太愿意让若蓝老祖奶奶单挑云鹤公子的。 Ruolan Ancestral Grandmother puts on the crystal ancient battle armor later strength is very indeed strong, but during the fight the war is ever changing, even the slightest misstep may be injured. 若蓝老祖奶奶穿上晶古战甲之后的实力的确很强,但战斗之中战局千变万化,稍有不慎就有可能受伤。 Makes Ancestral Grandmother make a move with it, asked two Hunyuan (Primordial/Chaos Origin) Dao Lord to suppress Cloud Crane Young Master is not fragrant casually? 与其让老祖奶奶出手,随便请两个混元道主去镇压云鹤公子不香吗? Once Ancestral Grandmother got down the decision, is Ancestral Grandfather cannot block, let alone his junior, therefore must along with her. 只是老祖奶奶一旦下了决定,便是老祖爷爷也拦不住,他这个小辈就更别说了,因此也就只得随她老人家去了。 Only he can do is also staring, if the situation changes, good to make to deal promptly. 他唯一能做的也就是多盯着一点,万一局势有变,也好及时做出应对。 Ancestral Grandmother is really fierce, crystal ancient battle armor does not erupt the 17th Stage strength in the situation, can hit well-matched with World of Immortals Quasi God Child/Seed.” Side Wang Fugui is standing stature enchanting Demon Race Queen, her profound eye pupil looks at the front tactical situation, in the pupil light is surging the color of admiration, „after she promoted Holy Venerable, even does not depend upon battle armor, absolutely will not be inferior in any Quasi God Child/Seed, will surpass them.” 老祖奶奶果然厉害,晶古战甲不爆发十七阶战力的情况下,也能与仙界准神子打得旗鼓相当。”王富贵身旁站着一位身材妖娆的魔族女王,她深邃的眼眸看着前方的战况,眸光中涌动着钦佩之色,“等她老人家晋升圣尊后,即便不依靠战甲,也绝对不会逊色于任何准神子,甚至会超过他们。” Although restrained the whole body aura, but her share undulating pressure from inside to outside makes one be inspired as before. 虽然收敛了浑身的气息,但她那股子由内而外的澹澹威压却依旧让人心生敬畏。 This Demon Race Queen, naturally was Queen of Pain Bai Yuxia. 这位魔族女王,自然便是痛苦女王白玉霞了。 Queen of Pain Bai Yuxia betrayal Supreme You, Although has with the Wang Youyue sentiment , but also is the compromise that the situation compels to make. 痛苦女王白玉霞背叛【至尊幽】,虽说其中有与王宥岳的感情在,但也是局势所迫下不得不做出的妥协。 However, in her heart has a wisp of dreading heart to Supreme You as before, feared that which day of Supreme You kills to visit recklessly, breaks oneself at present the tranquil and happy life. 然而,她心中依旧对至尊幽存在着一缕畏惧之心,就怕哪一天至尊幽不顾一切杀上门来,打破自己眼下宁静而幸福的生活。 May in elders one after another with Wang Clan clan expose the incomparably astonishing potential one after another, she decided on the heart gradually. 可随着王氏家族中的长辈们一个个相继展露出了无比惊人的潜力,她渐渐就心定了。 So long as grows to these elders enough time, even if Supreme You really kills, is brings about own destruction. 只要给这些长辈们充足的时间成长,哪怕至尊幽真的杀过来,也不过是自寻死路而已。 Moreover, at this time has begun to materialize to the gate of World of Immortals, so long as can communicate World of Immortals smoothly, our Wang Clan can stand firm in World of Immortals inevitably. 而且,此时通往仙界之门已经有了眉目,只要能够顺利沟通仙界,咱们王氏必然能够在仙界站稳脚跟。 That side World of Immortals has Immortal Emperor to exist, so long as there is a backer help to divert, the threat of Supreme You will greatly reduce. 仙界那边可是有仙帝存在的,只要有了靠山帮忙牵制,至尊幽的威胁就会大大降低。 Actually Queen of Pain Bai Yuxia has not to know, present Supreme You oneself greatly troublesome, in a short time has no time to care about Holy Territory radically. 其实痛苦女王白玉霞有所不知,如今的至尊幽自己都有大麻烦,短时间内根本无暇顾及圣域 Queen is wise.” 女王英明。” Hears the Queen of Pain words, nearby Fear/Dread Great Commander look flattered to mention the flattery immediately: It is fortunate that Queen your majesty hits to relate with Holy Territory Human Race early, now has existence of our Demon Race autonomous region.” 听到痛苦女王的话,一旁的恐惧大统领立马神色谄媚地说起了奉承话:“得亏女王陛下及早和圣域人族打好关系,如今才有我们魔族自治区的存在。” Flattery at the same time, in its heart actually is also the incomparable shock. 奉承的同时,它心中其实也是无比震惊。 These Wang Clan elite clansmen were too abnormal, Immortal Emperor is reincarnated in their family/home is not anything. 这些王氏的精英族人太变态了,仙帝转世在他们家都不算什么。 The one side plunders Crystal Ancient Race 19th stage powerhouse Crystal 17 to see the stance that Liu Ruolan is acting, the innermost feelings actually are also quite shocking. 一旁掠阵的晶古族十八阶强者晶十七见着柳若蓝出手的架势,内心其实也是相当震惊。 He has followed previously Jing Feifei, this time also to encircle Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast, adjusts him, contacts with Wang Clan the mistress are not many, has not seen her to act. 他此前一直跟着晶菲菲,这一次也是为了围剿灾变兽,才将他调过来的,跟王氏的这位主母接触并不多,更是从来没有见过她出手。 Before then, he has to hear this mistress's battle efficiency, but has not believed. After all, Liu Ruolan is the Wang Clan mistress, everyone when mentioning her word of some excessively exaggerating the boast is purely normal, illuminates single Quanxin is a fool. 在此之前,他不是没有听说过这位主母的战斗力,但始终没怎么信。毕竟,柳若蓝乃是王氏主母,大家在说起她时有些过分夸张的吹嘘之言纯属正常,照单全信的才是傻子。 Also until this moment, he realizes the rumor not empty. 也是直到这一刻,他才意识到传言非虚。 In addition Wang Clan mistress so, Family Head these rumors perhaps also real, the two people potential is so astonishing, in the future perhaps really can bring the hope to crystal ancient Canzu. 王氏的主母尚且如此,家主的那些传言或许也是真的,两人潜力都如此惊人,未来或许真的能给晶古残族带来希望。 Originally, Crystal 17 towed remaining soul not to go to the reincarnation, to protect Jing Feifei Princess. But now looks like, how long perhaps could not want, Wang Clan and Feifei Princess did not need him to work, but he can also the happy going reincarnation. 本来,晶十七之所以拖着残魂迄今未去投胎,就是为了守护晶菲菲公主。但如今看来,或许要不了多久,王氏菲菲公主就无需他效力了,而他也能开开心心的去投胎了。 two people as the 19th stage powerhouse, to at this moment, can still chat on the Xuanqing (Deep Black/Profound Azure) Shenzhou, naturally is because two people is extra strength, is the Wang Fugui arrangement subsequent hand. 两人作为十八阶强者,到了此时此刻,仍旧能在玄青神舟上闲聊,自然是因为两人都是“富余战力”,也就是王富贵安排的“后手”。 If that side Cloud Crane Young Master also has what subsequent hand, then also arrived at them to act. 若是云鹤公子那边还有什么后手,便也就到了他们出手的时候。 All these, naturally are Wang Fugui specially arrange for discrete. 这一切,自然是王富贵出于谨慎考虑特意安排的。 If from the Wang Shouzhe orthodox lineage generation after generation, chooses one most to look like with Wang Shouzhe, without doubt was Wang Fugui. However, because from the difference of small living conditions, caused the character between two people to be different. 若是从王守哲嫡脉子子孙孙中,挑选出一个和王守哲最像的,无疑就是王富贵了。不过,因为自小生活环境的不同,也造成了两人之间的性格不同。 Compares in Wang Shouzhe excessive discrete, the Wang Fugui strategic layout will be often greater, is more radical, but some discrete actually do not lack, is only not like Wang Shouzhe is so discrete excessively. 相较于王守哲的过度谨慎,王富贵的战略布局往往会更加宏大一些,激进一些,但同时该有的谨慎却也不缺,只是不像王守哲那样谨慎过度。 The idle talk does not raise for the time being. 闲话暂且不提。 The words saying that another head, Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign pursues soul that Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast is running away to go. 话说另一头,始天神皇追着灾变兽逃遁的神魂而去。 Not many moments, he then striving ripped open Endless Heaven Abyss and lord the world barrier, arrived to advocate in world. 不多片刻,他便“勉力”撕开了无尽天渊和主世界的壁垒,降临到了主世界中。 Meanwhile, he puts out a hand to grasp, a vast mighty force, will then condense an energy great claw turbulently shortly, caught courageous ran away soul! 与此同时,他伸手一抓,一股浩瀚伟力汹涌而出,顷刻间便凝聚成了一只能量巨爪,勐地擒住了“逃遁神魂”! soul starts, Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign felt not right. 神魂一入手,始天神皇就感觉到了不对。 This soul aura very heterogeneous, including to be the Alliance Lord Ji Daoyi aura, there is the Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast soul aura, two types of aura each other pester in together, has been loath to part from each other thoroughly. 这道神魂的气息非常驳杂,其中有属于盟主姬道一的气息,也有属于灾变兽神魂的气息,两种气息彼此纠缠在一起,已经彻底难舍难分。 Moreover, because is injured with each other battle, two soul have become is now badly-damaged, is therefore, the consciousness of two soul also become Hundun (Primal Chaos) to be ignorant, unclearly unexpectedly is the meaning that somewhat must fuse mutually. 而且,因为受伤和彼此争斗,两道神魂现在都已经变得残破不堪,也是因此,两道神魂的意识也变得混沌而蒙昧,隐隐然竟是有几分要相互融合的意思。 On this situation, does not know that can also separates Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast and Alliance Lord Ji Daoyi soul. 就这情况,也不知道还能不能把灾变兽盟主姬道一神魂分离开来。 But in addition, a matter that makes Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign highly care about is, these two pester together broken soul, now attaches on a treasure fragment firmly. 而除此之外,还有一个让始天神皇非常在意的事情就是,这两道纠缠在一起的残破神魂,如今都牢牢地依附在了一块宝物碎片上。 That treasure shape is unadorned, say/way mark that above decorative design in a utensil some Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign cannot even be understanding, but the shape is obviously incomplete, seems is the fragment of some type of token! 宝物形态古拙,上面纹饰着一些连始天神皇都看不懂的道纹,但形态明显不完整,好似是某种令牌的一块碎片! Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign spiritual sense sweeps from that fragment, then the feeling boundless pressure make a false counter- accusation against come following spiritual sense, his mind entirely tremor of shock and awe, seeming to be able not help to lie prostrate in worship general. 始天神皇神念只是从那碎片上一扫而过,便感觉有一股磅礴的威压顺着神念反噬而来,震慑的他心神俱颤,好似要情不自禁顶礼膜拜一般。 „Is this what kind of treasure? Only fragment unexpectedly also is so terrifying......” Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign to frighten quickly cuts off spiritual sense, does not dare to provoke that token fragment again. “这是何等宝物?区区一块碎片竟也如此恐怖……”始天神皇吓得急忙斩断神念,不敢再招惹那令牌碎片。 In his heart somewhat is unavoidably panic-stricken. 他心中难免有些惊恐。 He once was the Immortal Alliance top three powerhouses, a strength has achieved the boundary of half step Immortal Emperor. He ponders, even if grasps the attack of complete almighty troops facing Immortal Emperor, there is self-confidently saves the life in a short time, only indefinite how long can live on dishonorably. 他好歹曾是仙盟排名前三的强者,一身实力已然达到了半步仙帝之境。他自忖哪怕是面对仙帝手持完整神兵的打击,也有自信在短时间内保住性命,唯一不确定的就是能苟活多久而已。 But in his opinion, is even legend the fragment of Immortal Emperor almighty troops, is absolutely impossible to have such terrifying effect! 可在他看来,便是连传说中的仙帝神兵的碎片,也绝无可能有此等恐怖效果! Alliance Lord? Ji Daoyi? Are you a little sane?” Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign does not dare to go to manage that token fragment for the time being, can only try to exchange with Ji Daoyi remaining soul. 盟主姬道一?你还有点理智吗?”始天神皇暂且不敢去管那令牌碎片,只能试图与姬道一残魂交流。 Actually unexpectedly, the opposite party had not only responded, instead is one struggles, tries to flee the control of Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign. 却不料,对方不仅没有反应,反而又是一阵挣扎,试图逃离始天神皇的掌控。 Oh ~ “唉~ Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign sighed reluctantly. 始天神皇无奈的叹息了一声。 soul broken fierce of Ji Daoyi, looked that like this consciousness is also very chaotic, perhaps can only bring to go back to give the Shouzhe boy to have a look, refuses to abandon hope ~ 姬道一神魂残破的厉害,看这样子意识也很混乱,恐怕只能带回去给守哲小子看看了,死马当活马医吧~ He receives the spoils of war, immediately then tearing lord world and Endless Heaven Abyss barrier, flew back to Endless Heaven Abyss, quick returned to Liu Ruolan and Cloud Crane Young Master battlefield. 他收起战利品,当即便撕裂主世界无尽天渊的壁垒,飞回了无尽天渊之中,很快就回到了柳若蓝云鹤公子的战场。 At this time, Liu Ruolan and Cloud Crane Young Master two people also hit well-matched, has not divided the victory and defeat ~ 这时候,柳若蓝云鹤公子两人还打得旗鼓相当,未分胜负呢~ Just, Cloud Crane Young Master at this moment because of the mentality issue, the fighting spirit has almost collapsed. 只不过,此刻的云鹤公子因为心态问题,斗志已经几乎崩溃。 The clear to see pursues Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast soul that say/way powerful aura to return, he lost the fighting spirit thoroughly, will withdraw unexpectedly directly in the future, the clear and resonant voice shouts greatly: I surrendered, surrendered good?” 眼见得去追灾变兽神魂的那道强大气息返回,他更是彻底失去了斗志,竟是直接往后撤去,朗声大喊道:“我投降了,投降了行不行?” Oh ~ World of Immortals Quasi God Child/Seed, no more than so.” “唉~仙界准神子,也不过如此。” Liu Ruolan sees him not to have the fighting spirit, loses the interest of again hitting. 柳若蓝见他毫无斗志,也失去了再打下去的兴趣。 As two people stops. 随着两人住手。 Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign and Queen of Pain Bai Yuxia, Crystal 17 as well as Fear/Dread Great Commander also comes in abundance, a person occupies a direction, encircles Cloud Crane Young Master. 始天神皇痛苦女王白玉霞晶十七以及恐惧大统领也纷纷现身,一人占据一个方向,将云鹤公子团团围住。 Cloud Crane Young Master saw this stance, the mentality collapses directly. 云鹤公子见到这架势,心态直接崩了。 Did that damn indigenous secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, how many cards in a hand arrange?! In this case, his Cloud Crane does Young Master possibly win? 那该死的土着幕后黑手,到底是布置了多少底牌?!这种情况下,他云鹤公子怎么可能赢? What is most essential, this group of indigenous some so many powerhouses, why had not acted obviously a moment ago, after being probable he to lose, comes out? Playing jokes upon him is very fun?! 最关键的是,这帮土着明明还有这么多强者在,为什么刚才不出手,非得等他输了之后再出来?戏耍他很好玩吗?! What a pity, even if his mood collapses again, is angry, under look To watch attentively that in Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign and other Dao Lord level powerhouses eye covetously, he does not dare to have any change, can only honest acceptance be disarmed, anything Does not extinguish the Heavenly Fire blade, Southern Ming(Brightness) flame Waits for the destructive weapons to be captured, this time was walked by to rub storage ring. 可惜,纵然他的情绪再崩溃,再愤怒,在始天神皇等四个道主级强者虎视眈眈的眼神注视下,他也根本不敢有任何异动,只能老老实实的接受被缴械,什么【不灭天火刀】、【南明道焰】等杀伤性武器统统都被收缴,这一次储物戒都被撸走了。 In order to prevent him also has other card in a hand, made other trick again, Big Boss/Great Elder even aims at his mortal body and soul got down various bans, its method compared hundred years ago Wang Guiling to come not to know many times. 为了防止他还有别的底牌,再闹出点别的幺蛾子,大老们甚至针对他的肉身和神魂下了各种禁制,其手段比起百年前的王瑰玲来强了不知多少倍。 But at this time, another side numerous Dao Lord and in void battlefield of Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast fierce combat, had started the post-war clean-up. 而这时候,另一边众道主灾变兽激战的虚空战场上,也早就开始了战后清理工作。
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