POP :: Volume #8

#37 Part 2: Old Ancestor Shouzhe must see Cloud Crane Young Master

But before acted to tempt the enemy main force, and was abandoned by temporary in the final moment, the image very distressed Elder Tianchen and Elder Zhantian, naturally have become under eying covetously of numerous Big Boss/Great Elder capture. 而之前充当诱敌主力,并且在最后关头被“临时性”抛弃,形象已经非常狼狈的天尘长老斩天长老,自然是在众大老的虎视眈眈下成为了俘虏。 Flesh that Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast that is split up, was collected devotedly, even these scattered the blood in void sea to be collected as far as possible, did not waste bit by bit. 灾变兽那四分五裂的血肉,也都被悉心收集了起来,连那些飘散在虚空海中的血液都被尽量收集了起来,一点一滴都不浪费。 Everyone was unable to determine that actually these flesh can eat, but is at least certain, the values of these flesh are high, even when used to make the compost the nourishment is also the highest level nourishment. 大家其实还无法确定这些血肉能不能食用,但至少可以肯定,这些血肉的价值非常高,哪怕用来做堆肥的养料也是最顶级的养料。 As for the fur/superficial knowledge sharp claws, naturally can serve as item refining, and value is quite astonishing. 至于皮毛利爪,自然都可以用作炼器,且价值极为惊人。 19th stage ferocious beast, a stature estimates to be able value big several thousand Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, Zaibian (Cataclysm) Beast that this is equivalent to 19th stage ferocious beast, a material can value many unable to estimate simply. 要知道,一头十八阶凶兽,一身材料算下来都能值个大几千混沌灵石,这一头相当于十九阶凶兽灾变兽,一身的材料能值多少简直就无法估量。 Busy within, everyone was very happy, the morale is also quite spirited. 忙忙碌碌间,大伙儿都很高兴,士气也颇为激昂。 This is the first time that Holy Territory in history great achievements that the enemy who got rid of 19th stage, can go down in history absolutely. 这可是圣域有史以来第一次干掉了一头十九阶的敌人,绝对是能载入史册的丰功伟绩。 Suddenly, the people even felt that Supreme You does not seem fearful. 一时间,众人甚至感觉至尊幽似乎也没那么可怕了。 Meanwhile. 同时。 Endless Heaven Abyss. 无尽天渊内部。 Cloud Crane Young Master after was controlled thoroughly, was sent under custody in the Xuanqing (Deep Black/Profound Azure) Shenzhou. 云鹤公子在被彻底控制住后,才被押送到了玄青神舟之内。 In the quick, antique Shenzhou garret, Wang Fugui and Cloud Crane Young Master met with again. 很快,古色古香的神舟阁楼中,王富贵云鹤公子再次会面。 His elegant bearing toward Cloud Crane Young Master good a ritual: Cloud Crane Young Master, this time many offended, puts in great inconvenience to you.” 他风度翩翩地朝着云鹤公子行了一礼:“云鹤公子,此番多有得罪,委屈你了。” Before his tone manner and exactly the same, as if present Cloud Crane Young Master was still that gold/metal revered jade expensive/noble Quasi God Child/Seed, rather than the captive was common. 他的语气神态和之前一模一样,就仿佛眼前的云鹤公子仍是那个金尊玉贵的准神子,而非阶下囚一般。 However, Cloud Crane Young Master looked that is entirely different to his look: Snort ~ good Holy Communist Alliance Secretary to be long! You may really play the role of a good pig, you do not install, did you lay cards on the table?” 然而,云鹤公子看向他的眼神却已经截然不同:“哼~好一个圣共盟秘书长!你可真是扮得一手好猪,你这是不装了,你这是摊牌了?” Before the clear to see, to/clashes contradictory, momentarily these Dao Lord rank powerhouses who may pinch, now one after another peaceful stands in Wang Fugui behind, seems like to the appearance that he follows the lead, his where has not understood where the issue does leave? 眼见得之前还矛盾冲冲,一副随时都有可能掐起来的那些道主级别强者,如今一个个安安静静站在王富贵身后,似乎是对他马首是瞻的样子,他哪里还不明白问题出在哪里? This Holy Communist Alliance Where is what mere show, clearly is a control full authority! 这【圣共盟】哪里是什么空架子,分明就是一个掌控力十足的权利机构! He sighs: Was my Yan Cloud Crane looked down on the world hero eventually.” 他不由叹了一口气:“终究是我阎云鹤小瞧了天下英豪。” We are impossible to make Young Master belong to our Holy Territory treasure, brings back to World of Immortals at will. Each other standpoint is different, do not blame not to blame.” Wang Fugui said. “我们也不可能让公子将属于我们圣域宝物,随意带回仙界。彼此立场不同而已,勿怪勿怪。”王富贵笑着说。 In view of this, might as well return World of Immortals us.” Cloud Crane Young Master revealed wiped the color of hope. “既如此,不如将我们放回仙界。”云鹤公子露出了一抹希冀之色。 Oh ~ this was Young Master chats.” Wang Fugui shakes the head with a smile, the attitude was still very genial appearance, your status was extremely honored, put you to return to World of Immortals, if in your heart were unbearably angry, what to do called people friends readily to hit us? We small Holy Territory, may be unable to take so the consequence.” “哎哟~这就是公子说笑了。”王富贵笑着摇头,态度仍是十分和煦的样子,“您的身份太过尊贵,就这么放您回仙界,万一您心中气不过,呼朋唤友过来打我们怎么办?我们小小的圣域,可承担不起如此后果。” The Cloud Crane Young Master face is somewhat black: „Do you want to silence a witness of crime? You may result to think the consequence!” 云鹤公子脸有些黑:“你们是想杀人灭口?你可得想好后果!” That is insufficient but actually.” Wang Fugui spoke frankly, Cloud Crane Young Master you, although the character was more naive, is actually not the true wicked generation. Kills you to annoy fishy smell for no reason, isn't worthwhile.” “那倒不至于。”王富贵坦言,“云鹤公子你虽然性格天真了些,却也不是什么真正的奸恶之辈。杀你凭白惹来一身腥,不值当不值当。” This, you returns to main house along with me, my family Ancestral Grandfather is very interested to you , indicating must chat with you.” “这样吧,你随我回主宅一趟,我家老祖爷爷对你挺有兴趣,指明了要与你聊聊。” Ancestral Grandfather? Your family's Heaven's Divination Old Ancestor?” 老祖爷爷?你们家的天衍老祖?” No, is my family Ancestral Grandfather Shouzhe must see you.” “不,是我家守哲老祖爷爷要见你。” ****** ****** After some time . 一段时间之后。 Lively Space center Xinping Town. 繁华的【宇宙中心】新平镇 The busy airport inspection port, wears the white robe, is impressive, leaves leeway two to cast aside the young men of small beard, shoulders both hands to pace. 忙忙碌碌的空港检查口,一位身穿白袍,气度不凡,留有两撇小胡子的青年男子,背负着双手踱步而出。 In his behind, but also such as the beautiful girls of 28 young girls with a semblance. 在他的身后,还跟着一位外表如二八少女的漂亮女孩。 She puts on one to work the fine light blue one-piece dress, the double pupil is nimble and resourceful, walks while looks around curiously: Father, is this Changning Garrison Xinping Town? Here architectural style and our Luojing (Luo Capital) are completely wildly different ~ we first play everywhere.” 她穿着一袭做工精致的浅蓝色连衣裙,双眸灵动,一边走一边好奇地四下张望:“爹爹,这就是长宁卫新平镇吗?这里的建筑风格和咱们洛京完全不一样野~咱们先四处玩玩吧。” responsibility, this time we come Xinping Town, the main objective is to defeat that Ice dragon Holy Daughter Wang Jinna, wins the Divine Ability list first place!” The calm youth said, you took first, you want what condition fathers to comply.” “荷儿,这一次咱们来新平镇,主要目标是击败那个【冰龙圣女王瑾娜,勇夺神通榜榜首!”沉稳青年说道,“等你拿了第一,你想要什么条件爹爹都答应。” Father.” The attractive young girl wrinkled the nose, expression some did not prefer, you compelled my cultivation to progress daily, to let me struggled a length with that Wang Jinna?” “爹爹。”漂亮少女皱了皱鼻子,表情有些不情愿,“您天天逼着我修炼上进,就为了让我和那王瑾娜争个长短啊?” That not. When your father my young, but is known as Luo Capital 4 Young Master one , the crest of wave does not have two talents for a while.” The youth mentioned the past years, the tone also cannot help sighing with regret, was only a pity, these year of Wang Clan various group of Heaven's Chosen rose, pressed our entire Luojing (Luo Capital). Although your father I and Wang Clan relate the sworn friend, clan is the relations by marriage relates, but your father always wants representative Luojing (Luo Capital), wins this.” “那可不。你爹我年轻之时,可是号称‘洛京四少’之一,也是一时风头无二的天才。”青年说起当年,语气也是不胜唏嘘,“只可惜,那些年王氏各路天骄崛起,将咱们整个洛京都压了下来。虽然你爹我和王氏关系莫逆,家族又是姻亲关系,但你爹始终要代表洛京,赢回这一场。” This calm youth, is the Ancient Holy Clan Ying Clan present age inherits Holy Child to win Yu'An impressively. 这位沉稳青年,赫然便是古圣族嬴氏的当代传承圣子玉安 Since Wang Lici leaves, he left the army in a while, having a military exploit to return to clan. 自从王璃慈离开之后,他没过多久就离开了部队,带着一身军功回归了家族 Present to win Yu'An, when early non- initially young appearance. Many years informed and experienced presses the heavy responsibility on his shoulder with clan, has made him grow to transform, for a mature steady youth. 如今的嬴玉安,也早非当初年幼之时的模样了。多年的历练和家族压在他肩膀上的沉甸甸责任,已经让他成长蜕变为了一个成熟稳重青年。 Regardless of but how the contour changes, in his heart proud actually throughout has not changed with obsession. 可无论外形如何变化,他心中的骄傲和执念却始终未变。 But his daughter is not a commonplace. 而他的这个女儿也绝非等闲。 She is Ying Clan Dao Lord level Old Ancestor Luohe Old Ancestor True Spirit reborn through reincarnation, similarly is not inferior in Wang Jinna Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Holy Daughter. 她乃是嬴氏道主老祖洛荷老祖真灵转世投胎,同样是不逊色于王瑾娜先天圣女 This time comes Changning, she then must bring back the Divine Ability list for Luojing (Luo Capital) Heaven's Chosen first! 此次来长宁,她便是要替洛京天骄们拿回个神通榜第一! ...... ……
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