POP :: Volume #8

#38 Part 1: Innate Daoist Seed VS ice dragon Holy Daughter

Newest website: 最新网址: ...... …… Ping'an Town. 平安镇 Shouzhe Grand Dao. 守哲大道 Wang Yinxuan, you halt to me!” 王寅轩,你给我站住!” In the street continuous stream of people, the two handsome small child is pursuing. 街道川流不息的人流里,两位俊朗的小青年正在追逐。 Shouzhe Grand Dao by Wang Clan Ancestor Wang Shouzhe the name name, was known as that side price Holy Territory first, naturally also extremely attaches great importance to the public security. 守哲大道王氏老祖宗王守哲”的名字命名,号称方价圣域第一,在治安上自然也是极为重视的。 On this street, the place besides arena forbids to display strength of profound qi and Divine Ability at will. 在这条街道上,除了擂台以外的地方是禁止随意施展玄气神通之力的。 This two handsome small child naturally does not dare to violate the taboo, can only with physical quality and movement, between lively pilgrimage crowds and various lively constructions fast shuttle. 两个俊朗小青年自然也不敢犯忌讳,只能凭着本身的身体素质和身法,在热闹的“朝圣”人群和各座繁华建筑之间快速穿梭。 Wang Songyi!” 王宋一!” The good-looking youth of front that flexible shuttle is Wang Yinxuan, in his double pupil is passing air/Qi of spirit clever, shuttles back and forth the stance to be nimble and resourceful and elegant when the crowd. 前面那个灵活穿梭的俊俏青年是王寅轩,他双眸中透着一股灵黠之气,在人群中穿梭时的姿态灵动而飘逸。 Runs, he while is also shouting: My this also to hello/you good, the nest do the experiment in the laboratory all day, raised one to be depressed. While you age in full flower, discussed are in love, did rich life story, what make money to have is not good while convenient?” 一边跑,他还一边在喊着:“我这也是为了你好啊,整天窝在实验室中做实验,都养出了一身暮气。你正当风华正茂的年龄,谈一谈恋爱,丰富一下人生阅历,顺便赚点钱有什么不好?” In the small child of following chase is Wang Songyi. 在后面追逐的小青年是王宋一 His movement speed obviously be stronger than Wang Yinxuan plans, even if the surroundings are hustle and bustle, is environmentally harsh, distance between he and Wang Yinxuan is also pulling closer unceasingly. 他的身法速度明显要比王寅轩更强一筹,哪怕周围人潮汹涌,环境恶劣,他和王寅轩之间的距离也在不断拉近。 Pursues, he also angry is scolding: Your this bastard thing! I do not oppose to be in love, but you gave that several females who I introduced 12 to long live, one was Extreme Happiness Divine Cult Holy Daughter, Northern Ji Divine Continent some aristocratic family lived in widowhood Old Ancestor...... to come up to raise a rumpus to me. Your you, how much money did you collect others?” 边追,他还边恼怒的骂着:“你这个混账东西!我不反对谈恋爱,可你给我介绍的那几个女子都一两万岁了,一个是极乐神教圣女,一个还是北殛神洲某个世家的寡居老祖……一上来就对我动手动脚的。你你你,你收了人家多少钱?” The Wang Yinxuan strength eventually was worse than a big truncation Wang Songyi, even if the movement of that escape practices superbly, ran after some time, has not escaped eventually. 王寅轩的实力终究还是比王宋一差了一大截,哪怕那一身逃命的身法练得出神入化,跑了一段时间之后终究还是没逃掉。 Also almost must be seized shortly, he gave up the resistance neatly, the surrender said: Also is each person Primal Chaos Spirit Stone incentive, the grand total received three Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. Like this, I divide you 30%!” 眼看着还差一点就要被捉住,他干脆利落地放弃了抵抗,投降道:“也就是每人一枚混沌灵石的中介费,总计收了三枚混沌灵石。这样吧,我分你30%!” That the Wang Songyi anger soars to the heavens mind that seized firmly Wang Yinxuan: I from infancy to maturity, but works as the brothers you.” 王宋一怒火冲天的一把扭住了王寅轩的胸襟:“我从小到大,可是把你当兄弟的。” cough cough ~ ~ is, although the rank is different, but we are the brothers. 50% , 50% general headquarters?” Wang Yinxuan was pulled almost by him cannot gasp for breath, struggles to protect the neck hastily, opens the mouth to say reluctantly, said again, this matter you do not suffer a loss ~ ~ ~ others also to have no bad mind, wants with having the culture good-looking innate Daoist Seed is in love.” 咳咳~~是是是,虽然辈分不一样,可咱们是兄弟。50%,50%总行了吧?”王寅轩被他扯得差点喘不上气,连忙挣扎着护住脖子,勉强开口道,“再说了,这件事情你也不吃亏~~~人家也没什么坏心眼,就是想和有文化又俊俏的先天道子谈谈恋爱。” What does old point fear? They understand many, will love the person, but can also increase many story ~ ~ to you “年龄大一点怕什么?她们懂得多,会疼人,还能给你增加更多的阅历~~ Wang Songyi was mad the handsome face to be pale: This money must gain your oneself to gain, I do not need to increase the story.” 王宋一被气得俊脸都铁青了:“这钱要赚你自己去赚,我不需要增加阅历。” Looked at you saying that although my Wang Yinxuan was eldest son of legal wife clan the lineage/vein, looks also loose clean good-looking unparalleled, may be unable to support me is the embroidering pillow of outwardly strong but inwardly weak, others Holy Venerable Old Ancestor could not take a look at me!” Wang Yinxuan is smiling, Songyi, can your years grows extremely rapidly, owing clan were too many too many contribution points...... you to soak daily in the laboratory assist to work, lord knows when pay off? Might as well listen to me to urge, I many look for several to you richly......” “瞧你说的,我王寅轩虽然是家族嫡长脉,长得也风流倜傥俊俏无双,可架不住我是个外强中干的绣花枕头,人家圣尊老祖也瞅不上我!”王寅轩嬉皮笑脸,“宋一啊,你这些年来成长太过迅速,欠了家族太多太多的贡献点了……你天天泡在实验室里辅助打工,猴年马月才能还清?不如听我劝,我多给你找几个富……” Wang Songyi is innate Daoist Seed, the clan training sequence is extremely high, but the sequence is high , the not possible all tremendous resources to give for nothing. Even, bloodline is higher, various consumptions of resources will be more exaggerating. 王宋一乃是先天道子,家族培养序列极高,但是序列再高,也不可能所有宝贵资源都白给。甚至乎,血脉越高,各种资源消耗就会越夸张。 On by clan highest level resources twelfth grade Dao Origin Pill The common person is the lining up not possible platoon. Even innate Holy Daughter like Wang Jinna, still obtained Void Soaring Boundary to take reluctantly! 就以家族最为顶级的资源之一十二品道元丹】而言,寻常人是排队都不可能排的到。即便是像王瑾娜那样的先天圣女,也得到了凌虚境才能勉强服用! But his Wang Songyi when Divine Ability Boundary, had then been summoned by the Old Ancestor Shouzhe secret, under protection of strongly Old Ancestor, knocked Dao Origin Pill! 可他王宋一神通境时,便已经被守哲老祖秘密召唤,在老祖的竭力守护下,磕下了一枚道元丹 This was the innate Daoist Seed advantage, then can achieve the terrifying when Divine Ability Boundary eleven layers bloodline, there is Old Ancestor Shouzhe to assist, can play the biggest effect. This also makes him gradually promote to Daoist Seed third grade bloodline, rises dramatically to Daoist Seed second grade on all of a sudden. 这就是先天道子的好处了,在神通境时便能达到恐怖的十一重血脉,又有守哲老祖相助,得以发挥出最大功效。这也使得他原本逐渐提升到道子丙等血脉,一下子飙升至道子乙等偏上。 This is Wang Clan in history, first then achieves the innate Daoist Seed second grade top talent when Divine Ability Boundary. 这可是王氏有史以来,第一个在神通境时便达到先天道子乙等的顶级天才。 But accordingly, Wang Songyi also therefore owed contribution points, the light was that twelfth grade Dao Origin Pill, Internal discount is 20 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, because even if his clan sequence deducted half, still ten Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 但相应的,王宋一也因此欠下了一屁股的贡献点,光是那枚【十二品道元丹】,内部折价就是二十枚混沌灵石,即便因为他的家族序列抵扣掉了一半,也得十枚混沌灵石 So much money, to these Holy Venerable are also great sum of money ~ ~ by the Wang Songyi age and cultivation base, the strength, how can also probably in a short time? 这么多钱,对那些圣尊而言也算是巨款~~王宋一的年龄、修为,实力,如何能在短时间内还得起? Naturally, Wang Clan has not wanted him also to contribute immediately, after he grows truly, point(s) contribution points is not anything. 当然,王氏也没要他马上还贡献,等他真正成长起来后,这么点贡献值不算什么。 These elders in clan, are the bloodline aptitude are better, more is in a clan big buttocks debt. 家族里的那些长辈们,越是血脉资质好的,越是欠着家族一大屁股债。 Wang Songyi that now starts to be in debt, but will be the start of debt...... in the future, more expensive holy grade Bloodline Improvement Fluid, Holy Picture, Holy Item, Dao Book and beginning of the universe spirit treasure, even, Old Ancestor Shouzhe will have the consideration to accumulate one to him in the future 13th grade Good Fortune God Pill. 现在开始负债的王宋一,不过是负债的开始……往后,还有更贵的圣品血脉改善液圣图圣器道书、混元灵宝,甚至,守哲老祖有考虑给他未来攒一枚【十三品造化神丹】。 I...... I can go to Shattered Territory to gain the contribution.” “我……我可以去破灭之域赚贡献。” Wang Songyi is young, the facial skin is quite thin, after owing such big contribution points, is the whole body is naturally uncomfortable, gave in the family/home the elders also to result in very tremendous pressure. 王宋一年纪轻,脸皮还比较薄,欠下这么大一笔贡献值后自然是浑身难受,同时也给家里长辈们也造成了非常大的压力。 Also is therefore since, Wang Songyi the pressure has been big this period of time, going to the laboratory works is also wants to make money. 也是因此,王宋一这段时间以来压力一直非常大,去实验室打工也是想要多赚点钱。 Only pitifully, he does not have qualifications oneself to lead the team to make the project now, light/only by giving others works, money that can make will be really limited, wants to repay the buy on credit contribution points to be it can be said that never. 只可惜,他如今还没资格自己带领团队做项目,光靠给别人打工,能赚到的钱实在有限,想要偿还赊欠的贡献值可以说是遥遥无期。 He knits the brows saying: Shattered Territory is developing with a sense of urgency, I can try one's luck with the group.” 他皱眉说道:“破灭之域正在抓紧开发,我可以跟团去碰碰运气。” Hehe ~ do not be noisy.” Slackens off while Wang Songyi, Wang Yinxuan dug up to pull open the hand of Wang Songyi finally, gasps for breath saying that even your again talent, now still 100-year-old age, Divine Ability Boundary five six layers cultivation base, how even if can jump over the step to hit Void Soaring Boundary? Can you snatch the position with Void Soaring Boundary of these Holy Child Holy Daughter ranks? Let alone, your clan sequence is too high, where does the commonplace exploration team dare running risks to lead you? If there is an accident, where they can take on the responsibility?” “呵呵~别闹了。”趁王宋一松了劲,王寅轩总算扒拉开了王宋一的手,喘了口气道,“就算你再天才,现在也不过100多岁的年纪,神通境六层修为,就算能越阶打凌虚境又如何?你能和那些圣子圣女级别的凌虚境抢位置吗?何况,你家族序列太高,等闲探索团队哪敢冒风险带你?万一出了事,他们哪里担得起责任?” Draws back 10,000 steps, even has the team to dare running risks to lead you to go, what can you make? Hits to overcome the hand? Working unceasingly heavy manual labor? Do others hire True Immortal Boundary Consecrate he is not fragrant?” “退一万步来说,就算有团队敢冒着风险带你去,你又能做什么?打打下手?干干粗活?人家雇佣真仙境供奉他不香吗?” Although Wang Yinxuan the tone is not good, but this analysis said rationally, indeed is the truth. 王寅轩虽然语气不好,但这一通分析却说得头头是道,也的确是实情。 Wang Songyi somewhat cannot help but depressed: What to do have I, been owing the clan contribution? My parents are not your parents, one is Immortal Emperor is reincarnated, one is Divine Dynasty Princess, right, you also had a Demon Race Ms. Queen to cover you! My parents to lighten my burden, ran the Shattered Territory core region to be risky.” 王宋一不由得有些沮丧:“那我怎么办,难道就一直欠着家族贡献?我爹娘又不是你爹娘,一个是仙帝转世,一个是神朝公主,对了,你还有一个魔族女王姨娘罩着你!我爹娘为了减轻我的负担,都跑去破灭之域核心地带冒险了。” In childhood, he can also depend on hits the lists and other harvests helps the parents make money, but grows perceptibly with the age now, he actually more mixed, not only cannot make money to the parents, instead caused the serious burden to the parents. 小时候,他还能靠着打榜和其他收获帮爹娘赚钱,可如今随着年龄见长,他却是越混越回去了,不仅没能给爹娘赚钱,反而给爹娘造成了沉重的负担了。 Is insufficient, clan gives the resources ahead of time mainly to foster talent, after all, certain resources , is best because of the boundary use effect of correspondence. Reason that makes everyone owe contribution points, on the one hand is feared that gives for nothing the resources directly, the clansman instead does not understand to treasure, on the other hand also wants to let clansman many pressure and power ~ ~ “不至于不至于,家族提前给与资源主要还是为了培养人才,毕竟,某些资源只有在对应的境界使用效果才最好。之所以让大家欠贡献点,一方面是怕直接白给资源,族人反而不懂得珍惜,另一方面也是想让族人多一点压力和动力~~ Wang Yinxuan sincere said: These years I depend on the system reward, obtained many advantage in Ancestral Grandfather there, every year also has not the poor patent royalty income, the subsidy that the parents and mother's married sister give are also many. If you thought that owes the clan contribution to be really uncomfortable, I can first lend you, did not eat by my present condition in any case Dao Origin Pill, Could not spend so much money.” 王寅轩正色说道:“这些年我靠着系统奖励,在老祖爷爷那里得了不少好处,每年还有不菲的专利使用费收入,爹娘和姨娘给的补助也多。你要是觉得欠家族贡献实在难受,我可以先借给你,反正以我现在的状况也吃不了【道元丹】,花不了那么多钱。” Wang Yinxuan depends on cultivation Crystal Ancient Race spirit secret technique, gradually improved the soul intensity, gradually unlocking the strength of suppressed bloodline, these years also freed from the original aptitude predicament, gradually became talent even more. 王寅轩靠着修炼晶古族精神秘法,逐渐提高了灵魂强度,也逐渐解锁了被压制的血脉之力,这些年也算是摆脱了原先的资质窘境,逐渐变得愈发“天才”了。 Even so, present he let alone compares with innate Daoist Seed, was and Wang Jinna that and other innate Holy Daughter compared with also misses numerous went, can only say that fell short of the best to be better than the worst. 但即便如此,如今的他别说和先天道子比,便是和王瑾娜那等先天圣女比也差老鼻子去了,只能说比上不足比下有余。 I owe your money, might as well owes clan contribution points to be comfortable.” Wang Songyi stared his one eyes. “我欠你的钱,还不如欠家族贡献值舒服。”王宋一瞪了他一眼。 Snort ~ you really do not know the will of the people, looks in growing up together the friendship, read you to use energy to help me make up for a missed lesson in childhood, I being disinclined managed you.” Wang Yinxuan was also white his one eyes. “哼~你是真的不识好人心,要不是看在从小一起长大的情分上,要不是念着你小时候费劲吧啦地帮我补课,我才懒得管你。”王寅轩也是白了他一眼。 Although he pinches with Wang Songyi from infancy to maturity a lot mutually, but he also has to acknowledge, so many years later, relate the best brothers with him are also Wang Songyi. 虽然他从小到大没少跟王宋一互掐,但他也不得不承认,这么多年下来,跟他关系最好的兄弟也是王宋一 Without the means that as eldest son of legal wife clan the lineage/vein, most the clansmen of same ages respect to Wang Yinxuan hold, simply does not have the means to become friends normally, let alone was the brothers. 没办法,身为家族嫡长脉,大多数同年龄段的族人对王寅轩都是敬着捧着,根本没办法正常交朋友,更别说做兄弟了。 Also only then Wang Songyi this innate Daoist Seed never fears him. 也就只有王宋一这个先天道子从来不怕他。 His face makes the suggestion to Wang Songyi earnestly: Or, you consider that from Northern Ji Divine Continent, well-off family's Holy Venerable Elder Sister? Others skin white/in vain pretty and rich, has no bad thoughts, is greedy you......” 他一脸认真地给王宋一提建议:“要不,你考虑一下那位来自北殛神洲,家境富裕的圣尊姐姐?人家肤白貌美且有钱,更没啥坏心思,就是馋你……” That called Grandma Holy Venerable! You, Wang Yinxuan you were too dirty.” “那叫圣尊奶奶!你呸,王寅轩你太龌龊了。” Is quarrelling. 正吵着。 The attractive young girl who a youth brims with pants pushed from the crowd, pursued in the two people direction. 一个青春洋溢的漂亮少女气喘吁吁的从人群里挤了出来,朝两人的方向追了过来。 In her sound filled anxiously. 她的声音里充满了焦急。 School leader Yinxuan, school leader Songyi, you do not quarrel.” 寅轩学长,宋一学长,你们别吵了。” This Miss looks not big, five senses looks is fine and three-dimensional, the figure is also very beautiful, in every action and every movement has gentle moving makings, is an out-and-out beautiful woman. 姑娘看起来不大,五官长得精致而立体,身段也很是婀娜,一举一动中自有一股温婉动人的气质,是个不折不扣的美人。 She, with Wang Shanqing that Wang Yinxuan and Wang Songyi grow up. 她,正是和王寅轩王宋一一起长大的王珊晴 Three people with are Wang Clan bloodline, but the rank difference is very big, for the name, they make Wang Shanqing unify to call them for school leader. 三个人同为王氏血脉,但彼此之间辈分差别很大,为了方便称呼,他们就让王珊晴统一称呼他们为“学长”。 Shan Qing, I and Songyi has not quarrelled.” Wang Yinxuan fluttered the neck of Wang Songyi with a smile, a two brothers' good appearance, I am and he chat the life. Previous time I was almost pushed up the surgery table by Old Ancestor Liyue, said that must take to study my system, may all do obeisance the Songyi idle mouth to bestow.” “珊晴啊,我和宋一没有吵架。”王寅轩笑着勾住了王宋一的脖子,一副哥俩好的样子,“我就是和他聊一聊人生。上次我差点被璃玥老祖推上手术台,说是要把我的系统取出来研究研究,可全拜宋一闲嘴所赐。” Wang Songyi then suddenly. 王宋一这才恍然。 Originally Wang Yinxuan is puts here to retaliate him ~ 原来王寅轩是搁这儿报复他呢~ Is he has the mistake eventually in first, the Wang Songyi heart is suppressing that air/Qi disappeared suddenly most probably. 终究是他有错在先,王宋一心底憋着的那股气一时间消了大半。 Wang Yinxuan, this matter is I makes an indiscreet remark for a while...... this, this time you made fun of my matter I do not haggle over with you. Even averaged.” His tone is sincere. 王寅轩,这件事情是我一时失言……这样,这一次你捉弄与我的事我就不跟你计较了。就算扯平了。”他语气诚恳。 His this time is also quite floating, if not critical moment Old Ancestor Shouzhe acts to stop, he almost by that Extreme Happiness Divine Cult Albizzia julibrissin Holy Daughter Violent treachery. 这一次也是好悬,若非关键时刻守哲老祖出面阻拦,他差点就遭了那个极乐神教【合欢圣女】的“毒手”。 Your two, does not know that was previous life tied what intense rivalry.” Wang Shanqing saw their safe/without matter, relaxes, covered the mouth to say with a smile, has not stopped from infancy to maturity obstinately.” “你们两个啊,也不知是不是上辈子结了什么恩怨情仇。”王珊晴见他们无事了,也是松了一口气,掩嘴直笑道,“从小到大就愣是没消停过。” On the other hand, school leader Songyi, since is short of money, why doesn't hit the Divine Ability list first?” Wang Shanqing look doubts, „, if takes the list first, will have many rewards. If can maintain lives in first stably, every year also has the extra premium. Although cannot be as good as the consumption of Dao Origin Pill by far, many can also ease partial pressure.” “不过话又说回来,宋一学长既然那么缺钱,为何不去打神通榜第一呢?”王珊晴神色疑惑,“如果拿下榜单第一,就会有不少奖励。若能维持稳定住第一,每年还有额外奖励。虽然远远抵不上道元丹的消耗,多少也能缓解一部分压力。” This......” the Wang Songyi look hesitates, Nana Old Ancestor is good to our family/home . Moreover, she grows up under the Old Ancestor Shouzhe knee since childhood, deeply by the love of Old Ancestor Shouzhe, I was snatched her first place to be not quite good.” “这……”王宋一神色犹豫,“娜娜老祖对我们家挺好,而且,她从小在守哲老祖膝下长大,深受守哲老祖的宠爱,我抢她榜首不太好。” I was also loved by Old Ancestor Shouzhe deeply, I also wait upon under the Old Ancestor knee, do you different oppose with me all day?” Wang Yinxuan one hear of this saying are mad, white his eyes said, Wang Songyi, I told you, this/should your thing should take, you must think that had confidence won my Nana Aunt, I helped you make!” “我还深受守哲老祖宠爱呢,我还承欢老祖膝下呢,你不一样整天与我作对?”王寅轩一听这话就来气,白了他一眼道,“王宋一,我跟你讲,该你的东西就该拿,你要觉得有把握打赢我娜娜姑姑,我帮你约!” This......” Wang Songyi is indecisive. “这……”王宋一犹豫不决。 Resulted, but must be I helps you make a decision.” Wang Yinxuan sighed, did not wait for Wang Songyi to decide simply, reported a news with the wrist watch to Wang Jinna directly, Nana Aunt, Wang Songyi said that you can occupy the Divine Ability list first place, was because he is letting you.” “得了,还得是我帮你拿主意。”王寅轩叹气,干脆也不等王宋一决定了,直接用腕表给王瑾娜发了个消息,“娜娜姑姑,王宋一说你之所以能占着神通榜榜首,是因为他在让着你。” Wang Yinxuan you......” 王寅轩你……” Wang Songyi notices the news the content, immediately is startled, but wants to prevent is actually without enough time. 王宋一注意到消息的内容,当即大吃一惊,但想阻止却是来不及了。 Received the message, that side Wang Jinna enough silent ten breaths, then reported a news: Three days later high noon, the Divine Ability Boundary lord strikes, I and others he.” 收到消息,王瑾娜那边足足沉默了十息,然后发回来一个消息:“三天后正午,神通境主擂,我等他。” Quick, now Divine Ability list first place Wang Jinna, meets the three days later news to raid the neighboring region with Wang Clan innate Daoist Seed Wang Songyi like the squally shower. 很快,当今神通榜榜首王瑾娜,与王氏先天道子王宋一约战三天后的消息就如狂风骤雨般袭遍了周边地区。 two people innate Holy Daughter, innate Daoist Seed, is one generation of man of the hour. 两人一个先天圣女,一个先天道子,都是一代风云人物。 The Wang Jinna 80 years old promoted Divine Ability Boundary, the first fight then took the Divine Ability list's 35 th good achievements, later the position increased rapidly, then took the Divine Ability list first place position in many years. 王瑾娜80岁晋升神通境,初战便拿下了神通榜第三十五名的好成绩,之后名次更是迅速攀升,没过多少年便拿下了神通榜榜首的位置。 From then on, the position of Divine Ability list first place has been wrested away by her, never some people can shake. 从那以后,神通榜榜首的位置就一直被她霸占着,从未有人可以撼动。 But Wang Songyi, hits slightly wrests away various lists' first to come. 王宋一,也是打小就一路霸占着各种榜单第一过来的。 It can be said that after Wang Songyi promotes the Divine Ability list, secretly some people have been guessing when he will challenge Wang Jinna. 可以说,打从王宋一晋升神通榜之后,暗地里就一直有人在猜测他什么时候会去挑战王瑾娜 Only pitifully , he besides, when just promoted Divine Ability Boundary hit a Divine Ability list, had not hit the list unexpectedly actively, has not challenged Wang Jinna, does not know that broke the eyeglasses of many people. 只可惜,他除了在刚晋升神通境的时候打了一次神通榜外,竟是一直都没怎么积极打过榜,更没有向王瑾娜挑战,不知道跌破了多少人的眼镜。 Now, two people must fight a decisive battle above finally the arena, news, stirred the controversy. 如今,两人终于要决战擂台之上,消息一出,自是引起了轩然大波。 Short three days, this matter ferments rapidly, almost to the well-known situation. 短短三天,这件事迅速发酵,几乎到了人尽皆知的地步。 Finally is, three days later, arena competition on the same day, but also without arriving at high noon, nearby the Xinping Divine Ability Boundary arena had been filled with the person ahead of time, the surrounding various luxurious theater box prices also rise dramatically successively, the news platform that various live broadcasts, record and broadcast also has the reporter to converge in this. 结果就是,三天后,擂台比试当天,还没到正午时分,新平神通境擂台附近就已经提前挤满了人,周围的各种豪华包厢价格也是节节飙升,各种直播、录播的新闻平台也都有记者云集于此。 Around the arena, various types of banners and lend assistance the title to draw fully. 擂台周围,各种横幅和应援标题都拉满。 And over 70% is supports Ice dragon Holy Daughter Wang Jinna, the Nana popularity was too high, the male and female fan are innumerable. 其中有七成以上都是来支援【冰龙圣女王瑾娜的,娜娜的人气太高了,男女拥趸无数。 compares, Wang Songyi is too young, but over 100 years old. 相较而言,王宋一年龄太小,不过才一百多岁。 In addition he has been infatuated with the studies, in graduates after higher Clan School, directly joined the Wang Clan Research Institute laboratory earnestly, becomes the Feifei Princess postgraduate candidate, does not like showing off, hitting the Divine Ability list is not positive, the fan naturally is less. 加上他一直醉心学业,在从高等族学毕业后,就直接埋头加入了王氏研究院的实验室,成为了菲菲公主的博士生,不爱出风头,打神通榜又不积极,拥趸自然要少一些。 Even so, Wang Clan in history innate bloodline aptitude highest reputation, made Wang Songyi win the innumerable attention. Also some large number of people, think that the Wang Songyi actual strength has surpassed Wang Jinna. 但即便如此,王氏有史以来先天血脉资质最高的名头,也令王宋一赢得无数关注。也有相当一部分人,认为王宋一的实际战力已经超过了王瑾娜 Even the secret specialized strategists believe, the Wang Songyi chance is to surpass Wang Jinna. 甚至连幕后的专业操盘手都认为,王宋一的赢面是要超过王瑾娜的。 This type sentenced to manifest in odds of both sides in advance. 这种预判体现在了双方的赔率上。 The arena competes with has not started, in the platform gambling stake of both sides starts to rise fast, atmosphere more and more warm feelings. 擂台比试还没开始,平台上双方的赌注就开始飞快攀升,气氛越来越热络。 Wang Songyi to express the respect to Wang Jinna, went to the arena to wait for ahead of time. 王宋一为了表示对王瑾娜的尊重,提前上了擂台守候。 Not many moments, a dragon cry sound gets up, True Immortal Boundary Ice Department True Dragon leaps the cloud, but. 不多片刻,一声龙吟声响起,一条真仙境冰系真龙腾云而至。 Steps on ice dragon Wang Jinna figure in a flash, then rips open the space, accurate transmission in arena. 踩在冰龙身上的王瑾娜身形一晃,便撕开空间,精准的传送到了擂台上。 As a rule, when profound warrior / black tortoise cultivator must arrive at Void Soaring Boundary can comprehend some Space Principle, can the short distance flicker to move. 通常而言,玄武修士要到凌虚境时才能领悟些许空间法则,得以短距离瞬移。 However, common Void Soaring Boundary bloodline only awakens the ninth layer Dao Comprehending true body, but Wang Jinna is only Divine Ability Boundary, was innate Holy Daughter, bloodline has actually awakened ten layers, comprehending Space Principle came to be simple compared with common Void Soaring Boundary. 然而,寻常的凌虚境血脉只觉醒到第九重悟道真身,而王瑾娜虽仅是神通境,却是先天圣女,血脉已经觉醒到了第十重,领悟起空间法则来比起寻常凌虚境还要简单。 everyone excuses me, for several days I made clan mission and management outside, although already on the way of return trip, but from some clan also distances, was depends on Transmission Array to hurry back.” Wang Jinna valiantly toward Wang Songyi good a ritual, around an inevitable crowd ritual toward arena, Nana is also feared all round the double-hour asked my family to ice dragon Old Ancestor to deliver me by mistake a regulation, does not intend to play the power and prestige.” 诸位见谅,这些天我在外面做家族任务和办事,虽然已经在回程途中,但距离家族还有些距离,是靠着传送阵一路赶回来的。”王瑾娜英姿飒爽地朝王宋一行了一礼,又朝擂台周围的围观人群团团一礼,“娜娜也是怕误了时辰才请我家冰龙老祖送我一程,并非有意耍威风。” The Wang Jinna so well-mannered explanation, naturally caused one to cheer. 王瑾娜如此彬彬有礼的解释,自然引起了一阵欢呼。 Many people cannot bear are whooping secretly, said that Nana Young Lady really waits upon the child under Old Ancestor Shouzhe knee worthily since childhood, has the politeness to know the general situation, wants to be stronger compared with present age eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein Wang Yinxuan that second generation ancestor. 许多人忍不住在暗地里议论纷纷,说娜娜小姐真不愧是从小承欢在守哲老祖膝下的孩子,就是有礼貌知大局,比起当代嫡长脉王寅轩那个二世祖要强许多。 „......” Observes Wang Yinxuan. “……”观战中的王寅轩 Is his lies down is also being hit? 他这算是躺着也中枪吗? But at this moment, that Ice Department True Dragon Form Changing in the intermittent white light had become the appearance of human old man, float outside arena. 而此刻,那头冰系真龙已经在阵阵白光中化形成了人类老者的模样,悬浮在了擂台之外。 He not cares by Nana is ridden, but also favors the look that drowns to look at Wang Jinna by the gentleness. 他毫不在意被娜娜骑乘,还以慈祥而宠溺的眼神看着王瑾娜 Nana Young Lady is he looks since childhood is growing up, being able to become will be the ice dragon clan future hope. 娜娜小姐可是他从小看着长大的,当得上是冰龙一族未来的希望。 Could not need dozens years, Nana Young Lady to promote Void Soaring Boundary, at the appointed time she inherited Holy Picture, there are Dao Origin Pill and other resources to be auxiliary, the bloodline aptitude will definitely rise dramatically again. 只是要不了数十年,娜娜小姐就要晋升凌虚境了,届时她继承了圣图,又有道元丹等资源辅助,血脉资质必然会再度飙升。
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