POP :: Volume #8

#39 Part 1: 3 shake Cloud Crane! Wang Clan is too abnormal

...... …… don't said that was Yan Cloud Crane, was Wang Fugui is even flabbergasted slightly. 莫说是阎云鹤了,便是连王富贵都微微咋舌。 In recent years he has been busy with the Holy Communist Alliance business, these more than hundred years have handled the World of Immortals Cloud Crane Young Master intrusion event in Shattered Territory, have not paid attention to the growth of clan juniors actually for a long time. 近些年他一直忙于圣共盟事务,这百多年又一直在破灭之域处理仙界云鹤公子的入侵事件,倒是好久没有关注家族小辈们的成长了。 He has not thought, the clan juniors the competition in trivial Divine Ability Boundary arena, have been in so the situation unexpectedly involution. 他也是不曾想到,家族小辈们在区区神通境擂台上的比试,居然已经内卷到如此地步了。 When looks at that scene on arena, Wang Fugui recalls the oneself young situation, is one sobs. 看着擂台上的那一幕,王富贵回想起自己年轻时的情况,也是一阵唏嘘。 Back then, as soon as he birth was Innate Spirit Body, in was also the aptitude was at that time outstanding, but compared with the group of children of present, is one is actually inferior. 想当年,他一出生便是先天灵体,在当时也算是资质卓绝了,但跟如今的这帮孩子们相比,却是一下被比了下去。 Nearby Shitian (Beginning Heaven) God Sovereign is also looks askance. 一旁的始天神皇也是侧目不已。 Although sits even if here, he can also the relaxed sensation arrive at all on arena, is actually out of control to be somewhat curious: „Does Fugui/riches and honor, take a look?” 虽然哪怕坐在这里,他也能轻松感知到擂台上的一切,却还是禁不住有些好奇:“富贵,瞅瞅去?” That...... takes a look.” “那就……瞅瞅去。” Wang Fugui nods, immediately exhorts the flying carriage chair bearer to change the traveling schedule. 王富贵颔首,立刻嘱咐飞辇轿夫改变了行程。 Quick. 很快。 flying carriage then dropped certain altitude in the cloud layer, finally hovering in Divine Ability Boundary arena sky. 飞辇便在云层中下降了一定高度,最后悬停在了神通境擂台上空中。 Wang Fugui and the others under the short distance watched this war with own eyes. 王富贵等人近距离下“亲眼”观看了这一战。 On the time of this while, ices dragon Holy Daughter Wang Jinna, with low-key Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Dao Seed/Son Wang Songyi, various show/unfolds method wars in the arena had always made one group. 就这一会儿的功夫,冰龙圣女王瑾娜,与向来低调的先天道子王宋一,已经在擂台上各展手段战作了一团。 From the war, two people seems like some appearances of sharing half and half. 从战局上看,两人似乎有些平分秋色的模样。 But the energy level that they erupt, has actually gone far beyond Divine Ability Boundary, even, surpassed many common Void Soaring Boundary! 但他们爆发出来的能量层级,却已经远远超过了神通境,甚至乎,超过了很多寻常的凌虚境 It is fortunate that also Wang Clan had expected when the arena will curl more and more, constructs the Divine Ability Boundary arena, use the high stage material that skids from Ancient Times Historical Remnants, may withstand True Immortal Boundary cultivator to compare notes at most to fight. 也得亏王氏早就预料到擂台会越来越卷,建造神通境擂台时,动用的都是从古代遗迹中撬回来的高阶材料,至多可承受真仙境修士切磋战斗。 Protection array on arena, is Qianzhen (Thousand Arrays) Holy Venerable arranges personally, similarly may withstand the True Immortal Boundary cultivator energy bombardment. 擂台上的防护阵法,也是千阵圣尊亲手布置,同样可承受真仙境修士能量轰击。 Therefore Wang Jinna and Wang Songyi, although plays intensely, actually cannot and protects array to have the destructiveness as before to the arena. 因此王瑾娜王宋一虽然打得激烈,却依旧未能对擂台和防护阵法产生破坏性。 Naturally, here True Immortal Boundary refers to the common True Immortal Boundary powerhouse, if trades to make present Wang Shouzhe to come, from can relaxed strike the arena and protects the shield to hit to explode. 当然,这里的真仙境指的是寻常的真仙境强者,若是换做如今的王守哲过来,自可以轻松一击将擂台和护盾悉数打爆。 Wang Songyi!” 王宋一!” Saw unable to beat the opponent for a while dignifiedly, the Wang Jinna expression gradually: Your great strength surpassed my estimate, if given time I perhaps really am not your opponent. However now...... you are tender ~!” 见一时拿不下对手,王瑾娜的表情渐渐凝重了起来:“你的强大超过了我的预计,假以时日我恐怕真的不是你对手。但是现在……你还是嫩了点儿~!” The voice falls. 话音一落。 A boundless dignified pinnacle chill in the air then ascends from Wang Jinna suddenly, swept across the entire arena suddenly. 一股磅礴威严的极致寒意便蓦然从王瑾娜身上升腾而起,瞬息间席卷了整个擂台。 A piece, two pieces, three pieces...... the ice crystal dragon scale spreads from her ear backward nape of the neck place piece by piece, covered her second half stretch/open face suddenly. 一片,两片,三片……片片冰晶般的龙鳞自她耳后向脖颈处蔓延,瞬息间就覆盖了她的下半张脸。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Two exquisite ice crystal dragon corner/horn also appeared in her forehead, in her behind, duplicate filled magnificent Dragon's Tail of ice crystal scale to wind. 两枚小巧的冰晶龙角也出现在了她的前额,在她身后,更是有一条覆满了冰晶鳞片的华丽龙尾蜿蜒开来。 Almost is short in an instant, the Wang Jinna image had the earth-shaking change, from a human, became the appearances of half -and-a-half people of dragons. 几乎是短短刹那之间,王瑾娜的形象就发生了翻天覆地般的变化,从一个人类,变为了半人半龙的模样。 That appearance, was looks like her mother to ice dragon Holy Daughter seriously, had the impressive and dignified manner compared with her, was dragon corner/horn, dragon scale, was more magnificent, was brighter. 那模样,当真是像极了她母亲冰龙圣女,却又比她更加有威仪,便是龙角,龙鳞,都更加华丽,更加剔透一些。 Boundless dragon prestige sweeps across. 磅礴的龙威席卷开来。 In dragon prestige, mixed with one wisp profoundly distant, is wilder, more ancient far Ancient God dragon prestige pressure. 龙威中,更是夹杂了“一缕”更加深邃悠远,更加蛮荒,更加古老的远古神龙威压。 Even if were separated by the long time, the great antiquity mighty force that in this faint trace far Ancient God dragon aura contains, lets person of the feeling of as before without reason mind entirely shakes, cannot bear want to lie prostrate in worship. 哪怕相隔了漫长的时间,这一丝丝远古神龙气息之中蕴含的洪荒伟力,依旧让人没来由的感觉到心神俱震,忍不住想要顶礼膜拜。 Suddenly, under the arena expression of the crowds changed. 一时间,擂台下围观群众们的表情都变了。 Outside the arena, is staring at the war ice dragon old man to see that actually reveals the gratified mother's married sister to smile. 擂台外,正盯着战局的冰龙老者见状却是露出了欣慰的姨母笑。 Nana Young Lady this time returns to Ice and Fire Dao Sect ice dragon Holy Land, but obtained ancestor approval of Consecrate in Ancestral Dragon grave, fused ice dragon lineage clan-guarding highest treasure. 娜娜小姐这一次冰火道宗的冰龙圣地,可是获得了供奉祖龙墓中的先祖认可,融合了冰龙一脉镇族至宝 Depends on this dragon bead, she not only bloodline promoted a big truncation, and is icing dragon Daozhu the in addition to hold, but also activated more far Ancient God Dragon Blood lineage/vein. Present she, the strength is not previous she can compare by far! 靠着这枚龙珠,她非但血脉提升了一大截,且在冰龙道珠的加持下,还激活了更多的远古神龙血脉。如今的她,战力远远不是先前的她能比! Wang Songyi this boy, kicks the sheet iron. 王宋一这小子,算是踢到了铁板。 At the same time, in observing crowd to win Yu'An father and daughter two, is looks look at each other in blank dismay. 同一时间,观战人群中嬴玉安父女两个,也是看得面面相觑。 Especially daughter Ying Minghe, the elegant pupil stares the plump, showed an inconceivable expression. 尤其是女儿嬴梦荷,俏眸更是瞪得圆滚滚,露出了一副不可思议的表情。 She is the Ying Clan Luohe Old Ancestor reincarnation. Although passes through one after Long River of Reincarnation time, the previous life this life the relatedness are extremely few, actually does not hinder her to have the powerful self-confidence, after all, as the reincarnation of Luohe Old Ancestor, she, as soon as were born then has the Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Holy Daughter aptitude. 她乃是嬴氏洛荷老祖转世。虽然在轮回长河之中走过一遭之后,前生今世已经关联性极少,却也不妨碍她有着强大的自信,毕竟,作为洛荷老祖的转世,她一出生便有着先天圣女的资质。 Moreover Ying Clan now is unusual, has been finding the way to promote bloodline for her. 而且嬴氏现在也非寻常,一直在替她想办法提升血脉 At least, she thinks that oneself has the qualifications and reputation illustrious Wang Jinna measures strength. 至少,她认为自己有资格与声名赫赫的王瑾娜一决高下。 Has not actually thought that the battle efficiency that Wang Jinna erupts from the beginning has made her shocking, felt will deal to be strenuous. 却不曾想,王瑾娜一开始爆发出来的战斗力就已经让她触目惊心,感觉应对起来会非常吃力。 Nowadays, Wang Jinna no longer hidden the strength, the aura that erupts was makes Ying Minghe have a powerless feeling. 现如今,王瑾娜不再隐藏实力,爆发出来的气息更是让嬴梦荷有了一种无力感。 Looked that this aura...... that girl who did have ancient times iced the Dragon Blood series, the bloodline aptitude achieved Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Holy Daughter first grade unexpectedly? She does Divine Ability Boundary, really have so the aptitude?” World of Immortals guest Cloud Crane Young Master after detecting the Wang Jinna bloodline aura, the expression is also surprised, „this this...... this small can Holy Territory, have such rank unexpectedly the god talent?” “看这气息……那个拥有远古冰龙血统的女孩,血脉资质竟然达到了先天圣女甲等?她才神通境,竟然就已经有了如此资质?”仙界来客云鹤公子在察觉到王瑾娜血脉气息之后,表情也是惊愕不已,“这这这……这小小的圣域,竟然也能出此等级别的神才?” „, Such shouldn't bloodline, be very common in World of Immortals?” Wang Fugui spoke thoughtlessly to probe one. “哦,这样的血脉,在仙界不是应该很常见吗?”王富贵随口试探了一句。 Possibly to be how common!?” Cloud Crane Young Master blurted out. “怎么可能常见!?”云鹤公子脱口而出。 After saying, he felt not right, slightly does to explain hesitant: Even in our World of Immortals, Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Holy Child Holy Daughter could be called is the talent. However, Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) awakens so rank bloodline , to promote bloodline medicinal pill and heavenly materials and earthly treasures, even was inherits the Immortal Scripture effectiveness is very low.” 说完之后,他才感觉到不对,略作犹豫还是解释道:“即便是在我们仙界,先天圣子圣女都称得上是天才了。不过,先天觉醒如此级别血脉者,很多提升血脉丹药天材地宝,甚至是继承仙经效用都很低了。” Therefore, can achieve the appraisal of Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Holy Child Holy Daughter first grade when Divine Ability Boundary, very importance. By me, I the bloodline aptitude when Divine Ability Boundary is Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Holy Child first grade on.” “因此,在神通境时能不能达到先天圣子圣女甲等的评价,非常之重要。就以我个人而言,我在神通境血脉资质是先天圣子甲等偏上。” Cloud Crane Young Master knew that fell on these indigenous in hand, in a short time wanted to withdraw is not possible. 云鹤公子自知落在了这些“土着”手中,短时间内想要脱身已经几无可能。 In others domains, is in sharp opposition with it, might as well disclosed on own initiative some World of Immortals well-known information, received exchange for some good sensitivities, such day can also feel better several points. 在人家的地盘上,与其针锋相对,还不如主动透露一些仙界众所周知的情报,换取些好感度,这样日子也能好过几分。 I depending on this bloodline degree, did obeisance into the Emperor Venerable hanger-on. Has such aptitude scratch coat, after promoting Void Soaring Boundary, then can depend on , attacks Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Dao Seed/Son rank bloodline!” “我凭此血脉程度,拜入了帝尊门下。有如此资质打底,在晋升凌虚境之后,便能靠着、,冲击先天道子级别血脉!” In the future, to True Immortal Boundary, I depended on again inherits one, the temple source that and luck is good to obtain rewards, promoted Dao Seed/Son second grade the bloodline aptitude!” “再往后,到了真仙境,我又靠着继承一部,以及运气好获得的神殿本源奖励,将血脉资质提升到了道子乙等!” I cultivated/repaired to Great Principle Golden Immortal boundary, was indebted Emperor Venerable to reward 13th grade, making my bloodline achieve the Dao Seed/Son second grade upside, partly planned separation from first grade. So, I then have the qualifications to be one of the Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple Quasi God Child/Seed, becomes temple Young Lord. So long as can have the opportunity to inherit the Emperor Venerable inheritance, then can be among the true God Child/Seed ranks!” “等我修至大罗金仙境界,又承蒙帝尊赏赐了一枚十三品,令我血脉达到了道子乙等上段,距离甲等也不过是半筹之隔。如此,我便有资格名列南明神殿准神子之一,成为神殿少主。只要能够有机会继承帝尊传承,便能跨入真正的神子行列!” One of Quasi God Child/Seed?” Wang Fugui knits the brows to ask slightly, your does Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple have several Quasi God Child/Seed?” 准神子之一?”王富贵微微皱眉问道,“你们南明神殿有几个准神子?” At present is two......” “目前是两个……” Like this information, goes to World of Immortals to inquire slightly can know, Cloud Crane Young Master naturally cannot conceal at this matter. 像这种信息,去仙界稍微打听一下就能知道,云鹤公子自然不会在这种事情上有所隐瞒。 His frank said: My also competitor. However, his bloodline achieves Dao Seed/Son second grade reluctantly, was worse than me partly planned many.” 他坦言道:“我还有一个竞争对手。不过,他的血脉不过是勉强达到道子乙等,比我差了半筹还多。” Really worthily is World of Immortals.” The Wang Fugui look is sigh with emotion, background is seriously vigorous, is only Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple has two present age Quasi God Child/Seed......” “真不愧是仙界。”王富贵神色感慨,“底蕴当真浑厚,光是一个南明神殿就有两位当代准神子……” Cloud Crane Young Master was given by his words entire is speechless. 云鹤公子被他的话给整无语了。 What is the World of Immortals background is vigorous? The Southern Ming(Brightness) Temple itself/Ben is the strength tyrannical temple, having two present age Quasi God Child/Seed is very odd? 什么叫仙界底蕴浑厚?南明神殿本就是实力强横的神殿,拥有两名当代准神子很离谱吗? Actually your small Holy Territory, place big World of Immortals only to be a small place of horn corner, around him has seen two to have the person of Quasi God Child/Seed potential. 倒是你们这小小的圣域,放在偌大的仙界只能算是一个犄角旮旯的小地方,他前后都已经见过两个拥有准神子潜力之人了。 This two people, previously intercepted him, female who puts on mysterious crystal armor. Another, then this ices the Dragon Blood lineage/vein at present Miss. 两人,一个是先前拦截他,穿着神秘晶甲的女子。另外一个,便是眼前这冰龙血脉的姑娘了。 The potential turns over to the potential, wanting achievement Quasi God Child/Seed also to need massive resources stacks, first Dao Origin Pill, Good Fortune God Pill, Holy Picture, Dao Book, these must have. 只是潜力归潜力,想要成就准神子还需要大量的资源堆砌,首先道元丹,造化神丹,圣图,道书,这些都是少不了的。 In this trivial Holy Territory, wants achievement true Quasi God Child/Seed, be more difficult than on many World of Immortals. 在这区区圣域,想要成就真正的准神子,还是要比仙界难上许多。 Big World of Immortals, 13th grade wonder drug, although is difficult to seek, but the major temple background are vigorous, can collect eventually reluctantly. 偌大的仙界,十三品神药虽然难寻,但是各大神殿底蕴浑厚,终究还是能勉强凑出来些的。 But this Holy Territory...... feared that has the tenth grade god lineage/vein is an issue. 可这圣域……怕是有没有十品神脉都是个问题。 Naturally these words, Cloud Crane Young Master suppressed was not saying that so as to avoid these arbitrary indigenous turn head took him to trade Spirit Pill, he may lose disgraced sends greatly. 当然这些话,云鹤公子就憋着不说了,免得这些蛮横的土着们回头拿他去换神丹,那他丢人可就丢大发了。 Here is speaking. 这边正说着话呢。 Fight on arena also in like a raging fire is conducting. 擂台上的战斗也在如火如荼的进行着。 By the far Ancient God Dragon Blood lineage/vein in within the body, changes ices Daughter of Dragon Wang Jinna, is not only valiant, is domineering and tyrannical, grasps Ice Department dragon spear/gun, hits the arena and array protects the shield rumble to make noise, is bearing the tremendous pressure. 凭借体内的远古神龙血脉,化作冰龙女王瑾娜,既是英姿飒爽,又是强横霸道,手持一杆冰系龙枪,打得擂台和阵法护盾都隆隆作响,承受着巨大压力。 Reviews Wang Songyi, actually as if fell leeward, can only depend on the excellent movement avoidance, evaded then can only shoulder hardly, seems quite distressed. 反观王宋一,却仿佛落入了下风,只能靠着出色的身法躲避,躲不过的便只能硬扛,显得颇为狼狈。 Nana is strongest! Nana first!” 娜娜最强!娜娜第一!” Under the arena, the call like the tsunami, lends assistance the flags swing makes noise, such as sea wave tumbling. 擂台下,呼声如海啸,应援旌旗被摇的哗哗作响,如大海波浪般翻滚。 Hey, Wang Songyi are you good?” Wang Yinxuan with eldest son of legal wife Wang Clan the lineage/vein status, pushed actually in front of the arena, shouted to exclaim, I was used to press you to win the lives and properties, if you dare to lose, but I anything could do.” “喂喂,王宋一你行不行啊?”王寅轩凭着王氏嫡长脉身份,硬是挤到了擂台前面,扯着嗓子吼道,“我可是把身家性命都用来压你赢了,你要是敢输,我可是什么事情都做得出来的。” Wang Songyi heard the forehead to explode. 王宋一听得脑门子都炸了。 Wang Yinxuan that son of a bitch is not affable, usually restrains is being mixes ball second generation ancestor. Really must lose all the net worth, stimulated him, the odd matter he can do. 王寅轩那狗东西可不是什么好惹的,平常收敛着点就是个混球二世祖。真要输光了身家,刺激到了他,再离谱的事情他都能做得出来。 For example, administered to turn him, tied up to deliver to Hehuan (Happy/Joyful Union) Holy Daughter bed to change money and so on, he could do absolutely. 例如,把他给药翻了,捆绑起来送到“合欢圣女”床上去换钱之类的,他绝对干得出来。 thoughts reach here, Wang Songyi can only spunk up, blocked Wang Jinna to strike hardly, then sincere said: Jinna Great Grandaunt, Songyi offended.” 一念及此,王宋一只能强打起精神,硬挡住了王瑾娜一击,而后正色说道:“瑾娜祖姑奶奶,宋一得罪了。” The voice falls, his makings courageous change, vast erupts from him like the starry sky great aura suddenly. 话音落下,他身上的气质勐地一变,一股浩瀚如星空般伟岸的气息蓦然从他身上爆发。 In a flash, that covered the entire arena Dragon Clan pressure then to be broken through an opening. 一瞬间,那股笼罩住整个擂台龙族威压便被冲破了一个口子。 Wang Songyi power and influence also increases in this process unceasingly, becomes stronger and stronger, is getting stronger and stronger, stronger and stronger...... 王宋一身上的威势也在这过程中不断攀升,变得越来越强,越来越强,越来越强…… The terrifying power and influence is centered on Wang Songyi fills the air, has pressed on Wang Jinna unexpectedly forcefully that dragon prestige that mixes with the far Ancient God dragon prestige to press. 恐怖的威势以王宋一为核心弥漫开来,竟是硬生生压过了王瑾娜身上那股夹杂着远古神龙威压的龙威。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Piece of magnificent Xinghai (Star Sea) appears like phantom in him behind, changes into the boundless vast power and influence on integrate his body. 一片华丽的星海虚影般出现在他身后,化为磅礴浩瀚的威势融入他的身体。 profound qi that the Wang Songyi whole body surges also rises suddenly in this flash power and influence. 王宋一周身涌动的玄气也在这一瞬间威势暴涨。 He also no longer dodges, but pulls out a long sword backhandedly, every gesture and motions shoulder with Wang Jinna hardly hit hardly! 他也不再闪避,而是反手掏出一柄长剑,一招一式都与王瑾娜硬扛硬打! Rumbling!” “轰轰轰!” The energy shock-wave one after another wreaks havoc in the arena, the deafening bellow resounds through heaven and earth. 一波又一波的能量冲击波在擂台上肆虐开来,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声响彻天地 Under the tyrannical energy impact, the arena actually loomed some cracks, covers array of entire arena to protect the shield also to shake unceasingly, has the ripples to disperse intermittently, demonstrated that is bearing the tremendous pressure the appearance. 强横的能量冲击之下,擂台竟然隐隐出现了一些龟裂,笼罩住整个擂台的阵法护盾也不断震荡起来,有涟漪阵阵散开,显示出一副正在承受巨大压力的模样。 But the Wang Jinna invincible elegant demeanor, was also no longer hit unexpectedly retreats in defeat again and again, somewhat cannot shoulder the attack of Wang Songyi! 王瑾娜也不复无敌风采,竟是被打得节节败退,有些扛不住王宋一的进攻! This makes she incomparably shock. 这让她内心无比震撼。 On bloodline, she has achieved Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Holy Daughter first grade. On cultivation base, she has achieved Divine Ability Boundary eight layers, compared with Wang Songyi enough high two layers. 血脉,她已经达到了先天圣女甲等。论修为,她已经达到了神通境八层,比王宋一足足高了两层 Moreover she also has ice dragon Daozhu to hold the fight, where properly speaking to will not go to Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Dao Seed/Son even if inferior. 而且她还有冰龙道珠加持战斗,按理说哪怕对上先天道子也不会逊色到哪里去。 However what she has not thought that this Wang Songyi also hid the strength unexpectedly, under erupts, is she cannot even resist unexpectedly! 然而她没想到的是,这王宋一居然还隐藏了实力,爆发之下,竟是连她都招架不住! So accident, makes the arena next quietness. 如此变故,也是令擂台下一片静谧。 Many Wang Jinna fans were shocked, revealed one not to dare to believe the color. 很多王瑾娜的拥趸们都被震惊到了,露出了一副不敢置信之色。 Nana was Young Lady, suppressed unexpectedly? 娜娜小姐,竟然被压制了? This......” “这……” The Cloud Crane Young Master aura solidified, the whole person did not stand from the chair voluntarily, the eyeball sticks out suddenly, has a big shock. 云鹤公子的气息都凝固了,整个人不自觉地从椅子上站了起来,眼珠暴起,大惊失色。 This is Divine Ability Boundary Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Dao Seed/Son! “这是神通境先天道子 ! This is how possible!? ” !这怎么可能!?” Moreover according to his experience sensation, this child perhaps is also not Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Dao Seed/Son fourth grade! After all his cultivation base be worse than two three layers appearances Wang Jinna, actually instead can breaking skill with strength, the forcing opposite party. 而且根据他的经验感知,此子恐怕还不是先天道子丁等!毕竟他的修为要比王瑾娜差了两三层的样子,却反而能以力破巧,力压对方。 So, then only then bloodline is over opposite party one big section to explain that must pass. 如此,便只有血脉超过对方一大截才能解释得通。 Wang Fugui looks that the Cloud Crane Young Master complexion is shocking, asked with a smile: Young Master is so amazed, is it possible that doesn't World of Immortals have Divine Ability Boundary Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Dao Seed/Son?” 王富贵看着云鹤公子脸色如此震惊,不由笑着问道:“公子如此惊诧,莫非仙界没有神通境先天道子吗?” A Cloud Crane Young Master innermost feelings mania. 云鹤公子内心一阵狂躁。 Divine Ability Boundary Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) is Dao Seed/Son so can it be that good? 神通境先天道子岂是那么好出的? This Wang Fugui what's the matter? This tranquil tone, the tone of this doubts, appears him not to experience actually probably very much. 这个王富贵怎么回事?这平静的语气,这疑惑的口吻,倒是显得他好像很没见识似的。 However, Wang Fugui is managing his Life and Death eventually, even if in his heart has many disaffection not to dare to reveal, can only from repressing the mighty waves in heart, displays very even Dan, very calm appearance explained: Poured does not say does not have, is entire World of Immortals also is quite rare will be born Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Dao Seed/Son.” 然而,王富贵终究是主掌着他的生死,他心中纵然有再多的不满也不敢表露出来,只能强自按捺住心中的波涛,表现出一副很平澹,很镇定的模样解释道:“倒也不是说没有,就是整个仙界也极为难得才会降生一个先天道子。” Young Master Fugui you ponder, even if the Big Boss/Great Elder reincarnation of Immortal Emperor rank, washes out after Long River of Reincarnation some time was emitted reborn through reincarnation, innate talent mostly is still Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Holy Child second grade to Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Holy Child first grade about.” Cloud Crane Young Master sighed, when is some Immortal Emperor Mighty Figure just fell from the sky, in Long River of Reincarnation rapidly strolls one to come out, may have the aptitude of Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Dao Seed/Son rank after reborn through reincarnation.” 富贵公子您细想一下啊,即便是仙帝级别的大老转世,在轮回长河内冲刷一段时间后再被放出转世投胎,先天资质多半也就是先天圣子乙等先天圣子甲等左右。”云鹤公子叹息了一声,“除非是某个仙帝大能刚陨落时,在轮回长河内迅速逛一圈就出来,才有可能在转世投胎后拥有先天道子级别的资质。” „But how will Long River of Reincarnation have the so obvious loophole?” “可轮回长河又岂会有如此明显的漏洞?” Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Dao Seed/Son that since the ancient times, is naturally born is quite rare. Once has Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Dao Seed/Son Pill Saint, so long as grows smoothly, in the future after becoming Immortal Emperor, can be existence of forcing with generation Immortal Emperor.” “自古以来,自然诞生的先天道子就极为罕见。而一旦有先天道子丹圣,只要顺利成长起来,未来成为仙帝后,也会是力压同代仙帝的存在。” When Cloud Crane Young Master spoke these words the tone sobbed, in the eye pupil flashed through from time to time wipes the stern countenance, from time to time delimited several to segregate heavily, obviously, he remembered anyone at this time. 云鹤公子说这些话时语气唏嘘,眼眸中时而闪过一抹厉色,时而又划过几分凝重,显然,这时候他是想起了什么人。 In the Wang Fugui heart understands clearly. 王富贵心中了然。 Looks at his such, in a World of Immortals young generation, had a awesome character forcing of Xiantian (Innate/Congenital) Dao Seed/Son family background mostly the present age. 看他那样子,仙界年轻一辈中,多半有一位先天道子出身的牛掰人物力压了当代。 However regarding this point, Wang Fugui has not gotten to the bottom again. 不过对于这一点,王富贵没有再次刨根问底。 But while they spoke. 而就在他们说话的同时。 In arena. 擂台上。 As Wang Songyi no longer hidden the strength, erupted the complete battle efficiency, the situation also clarified thoroughly. 随着王宋一不再隐藏实力,爆发出了全部战斗力,局势也彻底明朗化了。 Did not have the less than half quarter, Wang Jinna cannot resist the defeat again. 不出小半刻钟,王瑾娜就再也抵挡不住败下了阵来。 As in the arena the victory and defeat falls decides, on the Divine Ability list stele, the Wang Jinna name also withstood/top from the first place position, original position, then changed into the Wang Songyi name! 而随着擂台上胜负落定,神通榜石碑上,王瑾娜的名字也从榜首的位置被顶了下来,原来的位置,则换成了王宋一的名字! Suddenly, under the arena bursts into thunderous applause, the cheers are shocking, is cheering for the birth of new first place. 一时间,擂台下掌声雷动,欢呼声震天,都在为新榜首的诞生喝彩。 But under these heavy note bets Wang Jinna to win, then all looks grief-stricken, regret. 而那些下重注赌王瑾娜赢的,则是个个如丧考妣,懊悔不已。 Songyi, congratulated you to win.” Whole body distressed Wang Jinna scratched the blood of corners of the mouth, looked that concentrates to the Wang Songyi vision austere incomparable, in the eye pupil is flooding vigorous fighting intent, „, but, you may not relax practicing of oneself. Sooner or later one day, I will ask you to challenge again, but when the time comes let alone my win non- military.” 宋一,恭喜你赢了。”满身狼狈的王瑾娜擦了擦嘴角的鲜血,看向王宋一的目光凝肃无比,眼眸中更是充斥着勃勃战意,“不过,你可千万别放松自己的修行。迟早有一天,我会再找你挑战的,到时候可别说我胜之不武。” Respectfully follows the Nana Great Grandaunt instruction.” Wang Songyi quickly salutes humbly, I will certainly try hard well.” “谨遵娜娜祖姑奶奶教诲。”王宋一急忙谦逊行礼,“我一定会好好努力的。” Is frank regarding this character, has benevolence Nana Great Grandaunt to oneself, Wang Songyi is also the heartfelt admiration. 对于这位性格直爽豪迈,又对自己家有恩情的娜娜祖姑奶奶,王宋一也是由衷的敬佩。 If not Wang Yinxuan that brat pushes courageous, he actually does not want to fight this from the start. 若非王寅轩那臭小子勐推一把,他其实压根就不想打这一架。 Wang Jinna also remembers obviously before , pounds to leave about the aggressive statement Wang Yinxuan, chilly eye pupil to arena near Wang Yinxuan of ruthlessly white, frightens the Wang Yinxuan neck to shrink. 王瑾娜显然也记得之前捣乱放狠话的王寅轩,清冷的眼眸对着擂台边上的王寅轩狠狠白了一眼,吓得王寅轩脖子一缩。 Among next instant, Wang Jinna vanished in the arena. 下一瞬间,王瑾娜就消失在了擂台上。 Haha ~ I said your boy line.” Wang Yinxuan relaxes, the direct jumping up arena, pats the Wang Songyi shoulder to congratulate. “哈哈~我就说你小子行的。”王寅轩松了一口气,直接跳上擂台,拍着王宋一肩膀恭喜。 Yinxuan, you also refuel well, diligently practicing spirit secret technique. The oneself bloodline complete unlocking, you get the advantage early.” Wang Songyi routine talked incessantly to Wang Yinxuan, also has that side system mission, you must brush with a sense of urgency......” 寅轩,你也好好加油,努力修行精神秘法。越早将自己血脉全部解锁,你就越占优势。”王宋一习惯性的对王寅轩唠叨了起来,“还有系统任务那边,你也要抓紧刷……” Good was good ~ my oneself knows fairly well. Later my father becomes Immortal Emperor, my brother becomes Immortal Emperor, can my how to go so far as to also so strive for success?” Wang Yinxuan laughs, to give Wang Songyi to send greetings winkingly in a low voice, a moment ago that Hehuan (Happy/Joyful Union) Holy Daughter and frost occupied Holy Venerable Elder Sister to report the news to me, as to be in love with you, this price......” “行了行了~我自己心中有数。以后我爹成仙帝,我兄弟成仙帝,我何至于还要如此拼搏?”王寅轩嘻嘻一笑,挤眉弄眼地低声给王宋一传音,“刚才那个合欢圣女和霜居圣尊姐姐都给我发消息,似乎更想和你谈恋爱了,这价格……” Go away!” “滚!” Wang Songyi is good to hang is irritated by him. 王宋一好悬没被他气死。 The positive energy atmosphere of being positive and progressive in good condition, all asked him to give to destroy. 好端端的积极向上的正能量气氛,全叫他给毁了。
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