POP :: Volume #8

#36 Part 2: Wang Fugui VS Cloud Crane Young Master

However at this moment, even if not glad, he still has to brace oneself to force up, displays the card in a hand to rescue Solar Dao Lord. 不过事到如今,即便再不乐意,他也不得不硬着头皮顶上去,施展出底牌救下了太阳道主 But battlefield one chaotic, such as the landslide sea collapsed the common beyond any help, entire team fell into the chaotic war. 可战阵一乱,就如山崩海塌一般无可挽回,整个团队都陷入了乱战之中。 These Dao Lord with making, once such and some stared by the cataclysm beast, charges into Cloud Crane Young Master immediately, coming on one Young Master to save a life. 这些道主就跟约好了似的,一旦某某某被灾变兽盯上,就立刻冲向云鹤公子,来上一句“公子救命”。 Gets down again and again, card in a hand in Cloud Crane Young Master used inevitably. 这么几次三番下来,云鹤公子手里的底牌不可避免地一张张用了出去。 Until finally, Cloud Crane Young Master has to clench teeth, used the biggest card in a hand. 直到最后,云鹤公子只得咬了咬牙,动用了最大的底牌。 A gold/metal seal appeared in his hand instantaneously. 一枚金印瞬间出现在了他的手中。 Impressively before is , startled drew back of cataclysm beast to manage affairs gold/metal seal! 赫然便是之前惊退了灾变兽的那枚掌事金印! As managing affairs gold/metal seal, its internal seal, naturally cannot merely be together Immortal Emperor spiritual sense, inside also seal one group of strengths of belonging to Southern Ming Immortal Emperor! 作为掌事金印,它内部封印的,自然不会仅仅是一道仙帝神念,里面同时还封印着一团属于南明仙帝的力量! This was also gives Southern Ming the temple successor to maintain life to use at crucial moments, only then a use opportunity, but the might actually endured compared with Immortal Emperor to struck, the might was peerless. 这也是给与南明神殿继承人在关键时刻保命用的,只有一次使用机会,但威力却堪比仙帝的至强一击,威力绝伦。 As Cloud Crane Young Master washes one's hands of gold/metal seal ejects, gold/metal Yinnei the strength of Immortal Emperor was also activated instantaneously. 随着云鹤公子抖手将金印抛出,金印内的仙帝之力也在瞬间被激活。 Bang!!” “轰!!” Strength of one group of blazing incomparable flame from gold/metal India , China turbulently. 一团炽烈无比的火焰之力从金印中汹涌而出。 That flame scarlet like blood, is perfectly clear brightly like the amber, is sending out the indistinct colored halo, the flame institute and place, the terrifying power and influence shakes entire void is shivering. 那火焰赤红如血,却又清透明亮如同琥珀,散发着隐约的彩色光晕,火光所及之处,恐怖的威势震得整个虚空都在颤抖。 This was Southern Ming Immortal Emperor the natal god fire that had/left by temple secret technique cultivation, the Southern Ming god fire! 这是南明仙帝以神殿秘法修炼出的本命神火,南明神火! That is among heaven and earth one of the most powerful flame, may burn lonesome heaven and earth, the might is peerless. 那是天地间最为强大的火焰之一,可焚寂天地,威力绝伦。 Almost is the flash. 几乎是一瞬间。 Burns blazing flame gold/metal seal to shuttle back and forth from the space, appeared side the cataclysm beast, pounded toward it quickly ruthlessly. 燃烧着炽烈火光的金印就从空间中穿梭而过,出现在了灾变兽身旁,以迅雷不及掩耳之势朝它狠狠砸了过去。 Bang!!” “轰!!” A dull thumping sound, the cataclysm beast moves aside, was pounded by gold/metal seal directly. 一声闷响,灾变兽躲闪不及之下,直接被金印砸了个正着。 Has the Southern Brightness Li Fire in addition to hold, this gold/metal seal not only stimulated to movement as the beginning of the universe spirit treasure might completely, even also increase incessantly one time. 有着南明离火的加持,这金印作为混元灵宝的威力不仅仅被完全催动了出来,甚至还增幅了不止一倍。 Under the terrifying might, the cataclysm beast whole body shakes, the mouth has the blood to spew out instantaneously, just like damaged. 恐怖的威力之下,灾变兽浑身一震,嘴里瞬间有鲜血喷涌而出,俨然是遭到了重创。 In it seemed like the internal organs to receive the heavy losses, was the whole body stiffly, shouts to wail unexpectedly painfully. Above the wound place, has Southern Brightness Li Fire to attach, was fired to send out the barbecue to be fragrant directly. 它看起来像是內腑受了重创,竟是浑身僵硬,痛苦地嘶吼哀嚎起来。伤口处,更是有南明离火附着其上,被灼烧得直接散发出了烤肉香。 Was seeing with own eyes the cataclysm beast caused heavy losses, but can not move, the Holy Territory big shot morale bursting, hold immediately while he gets sick to want him to assign/life the principle, closes in abundance to the cataclysm beast makes up the blade. 眼见着灾变兽被重创而不得动弹,圣域的众大佬们顿时“士气爆棚”,秉着“趁他病要他命”的原则,纷纷一拥而上对灾变兽补刀。 One round attacks together, this lingers in Shattered Territory over a million years big terrifying exists, finally passed away, falls from the sky at the scene. 一轮齐攻下来,这头盘桓在破灭之域上百万年的“大恐怖”存在,终于一命呜呼,陨落当场。 At the point of death before. 临死之前。 With the cataclysm beast calls out in grief angry roaring sound. 伴随着灾变兽悲鸣般的怒吼声。 Before its volume , the ray flashes, sent out soul of strength of powerful soul to be separated from the cataclysm beast body together fiercely, the extreme speed pillaged to go to the distant place. 它额前光芒一闪,一道散发着强大神魂之力的神魂猛地脱离了灾变兽身躯,极速向远处暴掠而去。 In that soul, indistinct seems to be also coercing anything. 神魂之中,隐隐约约似乎还裹挟着什么东西。 Seeing that numerous Holy Territory big shot in abundance are void stave, pursues to go tightly. 见状,一众圣域大佬们纷纷破碎虚空,紧追而去。 Their speeds as if somewhat cannot catch up with escaping of that soul fast! 只是,他们的速度似乎有些赶不上那神魂的遁速! Extremely distressed Cloud Crane Young Master has seen that is actually the great happiness. 已经极为狼狈的云鹤公子见状却是大喜。 He has expected will have this, is prepared early. 他早就已经料到了会有这一出,自是早有准备。 Sees only his arm to wield, spindle-shaped treasure then emerges out of thin air before him. 只见他手臂一挥,一个梭形宝物便凭空出现在他面前。 This is of World of Immortals famous shuttle class treasure Universe shuttle. 这是仙界著名的穿梭类宝物之一【太虚梭】。 On flying escaping speed, this universe shuttle may be quicker than Dao Lord were too many. In World of Immortals, has this universe shuttle in the hand, the powerhouse who so long as does not meet the Immortal Emperor rank, does not need to be worried unable to escape basically. 论飞遁速度,这太虚梭可比道主快了太多。在仙界,有这太虚梭在手,只要不遇到仙帝级别的强者,基本不用担心逃不掉。 This is also in his hand presses one of the bottom maintaining life cards in a hand. 这也是他手里压箱底的保命底牌之一。 Initially met the cataclysm beast time, reason that useless, is because the cataclysm beast speed was too fast, used unable to escape. 当初遇到灾变兽的时候之所以没用,也是因为灾变兽速度太快,用了也逃不掉。 But this soul, may not have the 19th stage speed. 但这道神魂,可没十九阶的速度。 He revolves the universe shuttle huge energy to bind instantaneously it, breaks open the Endless Heaven Abyss space, is not inferior in the speed of World of Immortals Shenzhou pursues to soul that the cataclysm beast runs away. 他运转起太虚梭庞大的能量瞬间将其裹住,破开无尽天渊空间,以不逊色于仙界神舟的速度向灾变兽逃遁的神魂追去。 However, self-confident Cloud Crane Young Master just shuttled back and forth Endless Heaven Abyss world, at heart fiercely thump. 然而,自信满满的云鹤公子刚一穿梭进无尽天渊世界,心里就猛地咯噔一下。 Sees only Endless Heaven Abyss, almost with his parallel position, the unexpectedly profound azure Shenzhou towering navigation, seems to be also going to the direction chase that cataclysm beast soul runs away. 只见无尽天渊内部,几乎和他平行的位置,竟然有一艘玄青色的神舟正突兀的航行着,似乎也在向灾变兽神魂逃遁的方向追逐而去。 What ghost thing!? 什么鬼东西!? Cloud Crane Young Master was ignorant. 云鹤公子懵了。 Endless Heaven Abyss is also hiding a Shenzhou unexpectedly? In this poor countryside corner, how to have Shenzhou? 无尽天渊内部竟然还藏着一艘神舟?这种穷乡下旮旯里,怎么会有神舟? But while Cloud Crane Young Master compels ignorant. 而就在云鹤公子懵逼的同时。 Shenzhou. 神舟内部。 Wang Fugui, Liu Ruolan and the others also saw Cloud Crane Young Master of control universe shuttle. 王富贵柳若蓝等人也是见到了驾驭太虚梭的云鹤公子 Wang Fugui shook the head to say with a smile: I said that the solemn World of Immortals would-be god child so will not be stupid. Without the giving the final word card in a hand, how under shameless weeding out wool, as before with us empty with winding, swallows an insult.” 王富贵笑着摇头说:“我就说嘛,堂堂仙界准神子不会如此愚蠢。若是没有点一锤定音的底牌,岂会在无耻的薅羊毛下,依旧和我们虚与委蛇,忍气吞声。” Beginning day your majesty, you and Ji Daoyi have the friendship, pursues soul and that mysterious treasure mission gave you.” Wang Fugui indifferently with a smile toward side beginning day God Sovereign cupped the hands, as for this Cloud Crane Young Master, goes to be able by deep black Shenzhou and my Ruolan Ancestral Grandmother he.” “始天陛下,您和姬道一有交情,去追神魂和那件神秘宝物任务就交给您了。”王富贵淡然笑着朝身旁的始天神皇拱了拱手,“至于这云鹤公子,就由玄青神舟和我若蓝老祖奶奶去会会他。” Among next instant. 下一瞬间。 Body transgranulation Captain ancient battle armor Liu Ruolan then without delay, flickered to emigrate deep black Shenzhou directly, a sword cut to Cloud Crane Young Master. 身穿晶古首领战甲柳若蓝便二话不说,直接瞬移出了玄青神舟,一剑向云鹤公子斩去。 This sword, overbearing unparalleled, might this heaven and earth among endless dark tears. 这一剑,霸道无双,像是要将这天地间的无尽黑暗都撕裂。 ...... …… Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! 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