POP :: Volume #8

#36 Part 1: Wang Fugui VS Cloud Crane Young Master

Newest website: 最新网址: ...... …… Time in a hurry. 时光匆匆。 In a flash, was hundred years passes. 一晃眼间,又是百年过去了。 Yong'an Era in 2135. 雍安历2135年。 Shattered Territory surrounding, No. 125 advanced base. 破灭之域外围,第125号前进基地。 Here once was vestige ruins, several hundred years ago was discovered by the search party, then conducted a series of development. 这里曾经是一处遗迹废墟,几百年前被探索队发现,进而进行了一系列开发。 After several hundred years of development and construction, nowadays, here has become one quite to have the void base of scale. Because, it is not around Heavenly River, the search party of way place relatively are usually few, the cargo contact is infrequent, therefore develops quite slowly, and was inferior that these big exploration bases prosper like that. 经过几百年的开发和建设,现如今,这里已然成为了一处相当有规模的虚空基地。只不过,由于它并不在天河附近,平时途径此地的探索队相对较少,货物往来并不频繁,因此发展得比较慢,并不如那些大的探索基地那般繁荣。 However, now was different. 不过,如今不一样了。 Because of the present, in this base were many God child temporary palace. 因为如今,这基地之中多了一座【神子行宫】。 This god child temporary palace with relocating building material temporary build. However although builds hastily, the overall scale of this temporary palace is still big, from the semblance looked that is the suitable imposing manner is also broad, does not seem poor. 这座神子行宫是用拆迁下来的建筑材料临时搭建而成的。不过虽然搭得仓促,这座行宫的整体规模依旧不小,从外表看也是相当的气势恢宏,一点都不显得寒酸。 At this moment. 此刻。 God child temporary palace In. 【神子行宫】内。 Cloud Crane Young Master however is sitting on an exquisite spirit wood chair leisurely. 云鹤公子正施施然地坐在一张做工精湛的灵木椅上。 Now periphery does not have others, he was also disinclined to maintain that handsome Young Master deportment, the whole person deportment did not have the nest in the chair, slightly was pressed the eyebrow, on the face the look is being somewhat exhausted and dispirited. 如今周围没有其他人,他也懒得保持那副翩翩公子的仪态了,整个人仪态全无地窝在椅子里,微蹙着眉,脸上神色有些疲惫和颓废。 This group of countrysides indigenous went too far, holding everything is inadequate, mixes money my first.” His little while is not very happy, cannot bear complained toward a side old man verbosely. “这帮乡下土著太过份了,办事事不成,混钱我第一。”他这会儿心情很不好,忍不住朝身边的一位老者絮絮叨叨的抱怨。 Hundred years, from Cloud Crane Young Master and Wang Clan Heaven's Revolution Old Ancestor picture ended the cake to pass for enough hundred years, even the temporary palace has constructed. 百年了,距离云鹤公子王氏的“天衍老祖”画完饼已经过去了足足百年,连行宫都已经建好了。 But that scoundrel old thing surface complies well, handles matters actually hauls, had not completed to assemble all indigenous Chaos Origin Boundary cultivator mission. 可那混账老东西表面答应好好的,办起事来却拖拖拉拉,迄今都没有完成集结各方土著混元境修士任务 Urged him each time, Heaven's Revolution Old Ancestor would all sorts of reasons shirking, what countryside local telecommunication was inconvenient, what such and such Old Ancestor are closing up, or other all sorts of difficulties. 每次催促他,天衍老祖总会有种种理由推脱,什么乡下地方通讯不便,什么某某老祖正在闭关,或是其他种种困难。 What is most hateful, that Heaven's Revolution Old Ancestor will visit his regularly, will come not to forget that each time in the side will have several clan youth outstanding talent. 最可恶的是,那天衍老祖隔三差五就会来拜访他一下,每次来还都不会忘记在身边带几个“家族”的“青年俊杰”。 These so-called outstanding talent, is only some Void Soaring Seed and True Immortal Seed. Trades to do when World of Immortals, he will take a look will not take a look at their one eyes. 那些所谓的“俊杰”,不外乎都是些凌虚种真仙种而已。换作在仙界时,他瞅都不会多瞅他们一眼。 But Cloud Crane Young Master must maintain the elegant bearing, the person of impressive would-be god child supposes, has to bear temper temperately direction their cultivation, and rewards some resources classes the gift to encourage. 云鹤公子要维持风度翩翩,气度不凡准神子的人设,不得不耐着性子“温和”的指点一番他们的修炼,并赏赐一些资源类的礼物以资鼓励。 Each time although gives are not many, may be unable to support the number of times extremely to be really frequent, gradually, such as the ant moves to move, pulled out spatial the medium low rank resources that Cloud Crane Young Master carried along unexpectedly. 尽管每次给的不多,可架不住次数着实太过频繁,久而久之,如蚂蚁搬家搬,竟是将云鹤公子随身携带的中低阶资源掏了个空。 How does this let him is not air/Qi? 这让他怎么能不气? Young Lord appeases anger.” The Elder Tianchen patient consolation said, these remote indigenous far away from the enlightenment of temple, in addition this local resources are deficient, they were used to poorly, naturally can incite all sorts of tricky air/Qi abuse.” 少主息怒。”天尘长老耐心的劝慰道,“这些偏远土著远离神殿之教化,加上这地方资源匮乏,他们穷惯了,自然会滋出种种刁气恶习。” At present we return to the road of World of Immortals to be stopped up by that cataclysm beast, that thing on cataclysm beast. By our strengths, wants to remove this cataclysm beast, can only unite indigenous works as one. Also looks at the Young Lord many points of patience, takes the larger situation into account.” “眼下咱们回仙界之路被那灾变兽堵住,偏偏‘那东西’就在灾变兽身上。以咱们的实力,想要除掉这只灾变兽,只能联合土著们齐心协力。还望少主多点耐心,以大局为重。” Cuts day of Elder to stand at the back of the sword in the one side, hearing this said: Young Lord, if cannot swallow this tone, after waiting for the matter to become, I teach Heaven's Revolution that son of a bitch for Young Lord.” 斩天长老背着剑站在一旁,闻言道:“少主若是咽不下这口气,等事成之后,我替少主教训教训天衍那狗东西。” Before and a cataclysm beast war, he was seriously injured, so many years passed by, his injury did not have as before, good not to see on the surface comes out. 之前和灾变兽一战,他身受重伤,这么多年过去,他的伤势也依旧没好,好在表面上已经不怎么看得出来了。 These days, he and Elder Tianchen one after another with Cloud Crane Young Master joining forces, to let their appearances is more logical, they also specially and Cloud Crane Young Master coordinated to develop one wave disaster in front of Wang Clan not dead”, Lord from affectionate and other programs. 在这段时间中,他和天尘长老相继与云鹤公子“会师”,为了让他们的出现更加顺理成章,他们还专门和云鹤公子配合着在王氏面前演了一波“大难未死”,“主从情深”等戏码。 Snort!” “哼!” Cloud Crane Young Master remembers that crowd defiant person, then cannot help but sneers: forget it, forget it, this Young Master is the person of important matter eventually, haggled over with this group of outside defiant people too, rather lost the status for no reason. Told that Heaven's Revolution, left youth outstanding talent of what any cat flatter dog toward the this Young Master side belt/bring, this Young Master does not want to see ~ 云鹤公子一想起那群“刁民”,便不由得冷笑:“罢了罢了,本公子终究是做大事之人,与这帮化外刁民计较太多,未免凭白丢了身份。只是告诉那天衍,别什么阿猫阿狗的青年俊杰都往本公子身边带,本公子一个都不想见~ He has decided that before the matter has not become, his one cent will not pull out again! 他已经决定好了,在事情未成之前,他一分钱都不会再掏! Also after is a period of time . 又是一段时日之后。 The No. 125 advanced base in Shattered Territory surrounding, welcomed enough six Dao Boat suddenly. 破灭之域外围的第125号前进基地,忽然迎来了足足六艘道舟 These six Dao Boat each imposing manners are powerful, powerful, before Wang Liyao them that tattered Dao Boat that sits did not know many. 这六艘道舟每一艘都气势强大,威风凛凛,比起王璃瑶他们之前坐的那艘破破烂烂的道舟强了不知多少。 In Heaven's Revolution Old Ancestor diligently under calling people friends readily, Immortal Clan loses the big shot of people tribe to converge finally, but. 在“天衍老祖”“努力”的呼朋唤友之下,仙族遗民部落的大佬们终于云集而至。 Sees that Cloud Crane Young Master also sweeps the dispirited spirit finally, restored again mildly like the jade, the World of Immortals Young Master world unparalleled bearing. 见状,云鹤公子也终于一扫颓废精神,再度恢复了温润如玉,仙界公子世无双的气度。 Under the introduction of Heaven's Revolution Old Ancestor, he came a friendly meeting with indigenous big shot. 天衍老祖的介绍下,他与“土著大佬们”来了一次友好会面。 Cloud Crane Young Master worthily is temple Young Lord, seriously is impressive appearance and calm as water and high as a mountain, imitates, if the True God is born.” The secretary-general Wang Fugui dark golden long gown of Saint pledge, on the clear face is piling the incomparably sincere smile slightly, draws Yan the hand of Cloud Crane not to put, my Wang Fugui representative Holy Territory together reform and development alliance, Welcome god child your highness to visit the guidance.” 云鹤公子不愧是神殿少主,当真是器宇轩昂渊渟岳峙,仿若真神降世。”圣共盟的秘书长王富贵一袭暗金色的长袍,微微圆润的脸庞上堆着无比真挚的笑容,拉着阎云鹤的手不放,“我王富贵代表【圣域共同改革发展联盟】,欢迎神子殿下莅临指导工作。” Cloud Crane Young Master already beforehand understanding, so-called Saint altogether pledge Then is this group of Immortal Alliance loses the people nominal organizations and agencies, to coordinate all influence resources, solves the dispute, seeks develops for the organizational principle together. 云鹤公子已经事先“了解”过了,所谓【圣共盟】便是这帮仙盟遗民名义上的组织机构,以协调各方势力的资源,解决纷争,谋取共同发展为组织原则。 Sounds like very good high-rank functional organization, at first sight, somewhat seems to be similar to the World of Immortals all temple. 听起来似乎是个很不错的上位功能性组织,乍一看,似乎有些类似于仙界的各方神殿。 But in fact, Cloud Crane Young Master is clear, all temple can keep aloof to be aloof in a territory , because his has very strong strength., Who is not so willing to listen mistakenly your? 可实际上,云鹤公子非常清楚,各方神殿之所以能高高在上超然于一域,乃是因为其自身拥有非常强大的实力。错非如此,谁愿意听你的? Obviously, this so-called Saint altogether pledge is the mere show without the support, in all parties advantageous under can also coordinated coordinated, once the conflict were big, who manages your Saint non- Saint altogether pledge? 十分显然,这个所谓的圣共盟不过就是个没有支撑的空架子,在各方有利下还能协调协调,一旦矛盾冲突大了,谁管你圣不圣共盟的? However at present also needs to seek help, Cloud Crane Young Master had not revealed slightly innermost feelings idea, the attitude to Wang Fugui is very temperately kind: Secretary-General Fugui/riches and honor is young, the future is limitless. This time from now on must go to our Southern Ming temple to be a guest, Cloud Crane performs the duties of a host settledly.” 不过眼下还需要求助于人,云鹤公子丝毫没有表露出内心的想法,对王富贵的态度十分亲切温和:“富贵秘书长年少有为,前途不可限量。此番过后一定要去我们南明神殿作客,云鹤定当尽地主之谊。” Certainly, will probably have in the future must trouble Cloud Crane Young Master.” Wang Fugui is a happy expression recites as before, attitude of friendly disposition leads to wealth. “一定,往后少不得要麻烦云鹤公子。”王富贵依旧是一副笑意吟吟,和气生财的态度。 Also, he started to introduce all big shot who accompanied. 随之,他开始介绍了一下随行的各方大佬。 This is Northern Ji Divine Continent Solar Dao Lord and source ices Divine Maiden, this is purgatory Demon Sect Demon Sovereign your majesty...... this is west, if Xumi Buddha Lord of Buddha sect, Prajna Buddha Lord, beautiful sound Buddha Lord. These, are Eastern Rosy Cloud Divine Dynasty God Sovereign Cang Ping, Pingtian God King, Absolute Beginning Dao Lord, these are Southern Ye Divine Continent Extreme Happiness God Sovereign, the Myriad Demon City lord, Nether Soul Palace Hall Lord!” “这位是北殛神洲太阳道主、源冰神女,这位是炼狱魔宗魔皇陛下……这位是西若佛宗的须弥佛主,般若佛主,韶音佛主。还有这几位,是东霞神朝苍平神皇,平天神王,太初道主,这几位是南烨神洲极乐神皇,万魔城主,冥魂殿殿主!” One introduced, altogether came 12 Dao Lord level powerhouses, each one was the background is enormous, calls sovereign Dao Lord, was top great person ~ ~ of side influence Heaven's Revolution Old Ancestor, altogether was enough 13 powerhouses. 一番介绍下来,一共来了十二位道主级强者,个个都是来头极大,称皇道主,均是一方势力的顶尖大人物~~连带着天衍老祖,一共便是足足十三位强者。 Under the so tyrannical all-round strength, was Cloud Crane Young Master receives the heart of belittling subconsciously, when the attitude kindly was even more kind ~ ~ ~ also to put very amiably with fellow big shot had to do the stance, on the mouth was one one Senior is calling. 如此强横的综合实力下,便是云鹤公子都下意识收起了小觑之心,态度愈发的和蔼亲切起来~~~与各位大佬打交道时姿态也放得很随和,嘴上都是一口一个“前辈”叫着。 However indeed is also, Yan Cloud Crane at present is about 4,000-5,000 years old, frequently big several long live in these, even crosses in front of hundred thousand years big shot is a junior, said that younger generation instead can show the education and demeanor of temple. 不过的确也是,阎云鹤目前不过4,000-5,000岁,在这些动辄大几万岁,甚至过十万岁的大佬们面前本就是小辈,自称“晚辈”反而能彰显出神殿的教养和风度。 After one exchanged greetings and consulted, both sides then sit to start in detail to discuss strangled to death the plan of cataclysm beast. 一番寒暄和接洽后,双方便坐下来开始详细商谈绞杀灾变兽的计划。 However this discussed, seemed discusses some issues. 但是这一谈,却好似谈出了些问题。 Except for quite low-key and humble Heaven's Revolution Old Ancestor outside, the remaining these 12 big shot all are the overlords who assume a side, the mental disposition temperament is conceited, has a hugely Dalaozi biggest appearance greatly. 除了比较低调和谦逊的“天衍老祖”外,剩下的这十二位大佬个个都是坐镇一方的霸主,秉性脾气都是唯我独尊,大有一副天大地大老子最大的模样。 Among them also has the accumulated grievances to be contradictory, without discussing two, started the mystifying mutual resentment, then kicks up a racket, the anger started to rub to rise dramatically, threatened that must go out the duel solution. 偏偏他们之间还多有积怨矛盾,没谈两句呢,就开始阴阳怪气的互怼了起来,然后吵着吵着,火气就开始蹭蹭蹭飙升,扬言要出去单挑解决。 But as Wang Fugui of Saint pledge secretary-general is clamped in the middle, with being a scapegoat in all directions sandwich biscuit, actually can only brace oneself to find the way to mediate strongly. 而身为圣共盟秘书长的王富贵被夹在中间,就跟个夹心饼干似的四处受气,却还是只能硬着头皮想办法竭力调停。 But he when one's position is lowly one's words carry no weight, here with great difficulty was often more moderate, that side braved the smoke, what this scene end was one group of messes. 只不过他“人微言轻”,往往这边好不容易缓和了些,那边又冒起了烟,这场面端的是一团乱麻。 The face of Cloud Crane Young Master was black. 云鹤公子的脸都黑了。 Although he underestimated the organizational ability of Saint pledge, has not actually thought the handling energy balance of Saint altogether pledge is in so the situation unexpectedly! 尽管他低估了圣共盟的组织能力,却没想到圣共盟的掌控能力竟然能差到如此地步! Such a team, resists the cataclysm beast together, when the time comes hits to become a hopeless mess randomly? Then, but also how dozen of cataclysm beasts? 这样的一支队伍,一起去对抗灾变兽,到时候打起来岂不是得乱成一锅粥?就这样,还怎么打灾变兽? The heart is really tired ~! 心真累~! The clear to see cannot count on Wang Fugui, he has oneself to act, tries to organize to coordinate this group of unruly big shot. 眼见得指望不上王富贵,他只好自己出面,试图组织协调起这帮桀骜不驯的大佬们。 Other he did not count on that hope at least in facing the situation of cataclysm beast, everyone can a little organize the strength, can the combat teamwork, not do the internal strife when the time comes again, disrupted his plan. 别的他也不指望了,就希望至少在面对灾变兽的情况下,大家能有点组织力,可以协同作战,别到时候再搞出了内讧,打乱了他的计划。 Since is Cloud Crane Young Master acts to coordinate, this God Sovereign you do not haggle over with Absolute Beginning Old Thief for the time being.” Extreme Happiness God Sovereign wields the sleeves, a face suppresses the anger the expression, the majestic say/way, our contradictions, make the time to be solved again in secret.” “既然是云鹤公子出面协调,本神皇就暂且不与太初老贼你计较了。”极乐神皇一挥衣袖,一脸强忍怒气的表情,大气磅礴道,“咱们的矛盾,再约时间私下里解决。” Absolute Beginning Dao Lord partly closing one's eyes pupil, not salty not pale saying: This Dao Lord does not want before the World of Immortals god child, lost our Holy Territory face.” 太初道主则半闭眼眸,不咸不淡的说道:“本道主也不欲在仙界神子面前,丢了咱们圣域的面子。” Cloud Crane Young Master secret one happy. 云鹤公子暗暗一喜。 It seems like that this group of Dao Lord, although the internal relations are complex, does not unite, but at least his World of Immortals accurate god child a little weight/quantity, then had the possibility of coordinated organization. 看来,这帮道主虽然内部关系复杂,一点都不团结,但至少他这个仙界准神子还是有点分量的,如此便有了协调组织的可能性。 Only pitifully, he was happy early. 只可惜,他还是开心早了。 Quick, he realized, oneself underestimated the hard to deal with degrees of these big shot eventually. 很快,他就意识到,自己终究是低估了这些大佬们的难缠程度。 This group of people all kept aloof for a long time , the long time occupied this remote land, each one was not good to cope. 这帮人个个高高在上久了,又久居这化外之地,个个都不是那么好对付的。 When he proposed that wants the combat teamwork, when gets rid of the plan of cataclysm beast together, just also very gave him the face the group of Dao Lord, starts various types to shift responsibility onto others and complain, as if one after another has the huge difficulty. 当他提出要协同作战,一起干掉灾变兽的计划时,刚刚还挺给他面子的这帮道主,就都开始各种推诿和吐槽,仿佛一个个都有天大的困难。 this time, even if the Cloud Crane Young Master pictures of cakes do not help matters unceasingly. 这一次,哪怕云鹤公子不断地画饼也无济于事。 This group defiant people are the worldly person, one after another do not see the rabbit not to scatter the eagle, said over and over again is not willing to relent. 这帮“刁民们”都是人精,一个个不见兔子不撒鹰,说来说去就是不肯松口。 So attitude, but depends here heaven is high and the emperor is far away, the temple pressure did not arrive at their heads to be off. 如此态度,不过就是仗着这里天高皇帝远,神殿也威压不到他们头上去罢了。 The Cloud Crane Young Master surface, the innermost feelings had scolded stream of abuse this group of people with a smile. 云鹤公子表面笑吟吟的,内心却早已经将这帮人骂了个狗血淋头。 What shrewd and crafty things is this one group of? 这都是一帮什么老奸巨猾的东西? Really thinks that he does not know what this group of old thing are thinking, various types shifted responsibility onto others and complain tearfully, to not want some actual advantage? 真以为他不知道这帮老东西在想什么嘛,各种推诿和哭诉,不就是为了要些实际的好处吗? The clear to see pictures of cakes are not easy-to-use, Cloud Crane Young Master to achieve the ultimate goal, has to pull out some precious high stage spirit stone, medicinal pill, treasure wait/etc., was used to comfort the mood of these sly defiant people. 眼见得画饼不好使,云鹤公子为了达成最终目的,只得掏出一些珍贵的高阶灵石丹药宝物等,用来安抚这些狡猾刁民们的情绪。 The thing takes, his heart in the drop blood, can only unceasingly warn and suggest oneself, wants important matter, must have the shed to have. 把东西拿出来的时候,他的心都在滴血,只能不断地告诫和暗示自己,欲成大事者,得有舍才有得。 But he has not expected, this group of people as if tested his bottom line, started to sit the starting price unceasingly, poor-mouthed! 可他万万没料到,这群人似乎试探出了他的底线,开始不断地坐地起价,哭穷! What Holy Territory this poor place compared with World of Immortals, their poor even/including beginning of the universe dao pill furnace cannot collect, resources spirit qi is very deficient. 什么圣域这种穷地方不比仙界,他们穷的连一尊混元道丹炉都凑不齐,资源灵气无比匮乏。 In the spoken language, naturally compares the day to be high Cloud Crane Young Master handful. 言语之中,自然又是将云鹤公子捧得比天高。 As for face? 至于脸面? Hehe, what thing is that? 呵呵,那是什么东西? The plan of this time Wang Fugui is actually not complex, depends entirely on the pouring love performances of these Dao Lord level big shot, principal was broken to the world outside the defiant person image! 这一次王富贵的计划其实不复杂,全靠这些道主级大佬的倾情演出,主打的就是一个穷极了的化外刁民形象! Your solemn World of Immortals god child descends to earth, can't depend on the pictures of cakes to handle matters only? 你堂堂仙界神子下凡,总不能单靠画饼来办事吧? The time does not wait for the person, drags for a long time, what to do if the injury of that cataclysm beast did restore? His solemn can Cloud Crane stay in this countryside corner for a lifetime? 时间不等人,拖得越久,万一那头灾变兽的伤势恢复了怎么办?难道,他堂堂云鹤要一辈子留在这乡下旮旯里吗? Unavoidablily, Cloud Crane Young Master has to make concessions. 不得已下,云鹤公子只得退让。 But this fell back to lack self-confidence. 可这一退就没底了。 Quick, Cloud Crane Young Master pulled out none thoroughly. 很快,云鹤公子就彻底被掏了个精光。 treasure that except that the oneself fight uses, as well as outside some maintaining life cards in a hand, his resources and treasure weeded out clean. 除了自己战斗用的宝物,以及一些保命底牌外,他身上的资源和宝物都被薅了个一干二净。 Not is only he, even his guard Elder Tianchen, cut the resources in day of Elder storage ring to pull out none. 非但是他,连他的护卫天尘长老、斩天长老储物戒里的资源都被掏了个精光。 What is oddest, they do not believe the Cloud Crane Young Master oral commitment, partly coaxed partly deceives partly depresses, making Cloud Crane Young Master sign every contract bill signed in acknowledgment of debt. 最离谱的是,他们不信云鹤公子事后的口头承诺,半哄半骗半压下,令云鹤公子签下了人手一份的契约欠条。 Each contract is three hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone employment fees, the grand total achieves more than 4000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone. 每一份契约都是三百混沌灵石的雇佣费,总计达到四千多混沌灵石 Above wrote plainly, so long as coordinated Cloud Crane Young Master to suppress killed the cataclysm beast, can depending on this contract bill signed in acknowledgment of debt ask that the Southern Ming temple asked for money! 上面写明了,只要配合云鹤公子剿杀了灾变兽,就能凭此契约欠条问南明神殿要钱! Cloud Crane Young Master must be wild with rage by this group of people simply. 云鹤公子简直要被这帮人气疯了。 They also really dare to want. 他们还真敢要。 This is more than 4000 Primal Chaos Spirit Stone! Even background deep such as Southern Ming temple, this is not a change. He can imagine, after waiting, in the temple that group of old fogies knew that this matter, will definitely bring to make much ado about nothing. 这可是四千多混沌灵石!即便底蕴深厚如南明神殿,这也不是一笔小钱。他都能想象到,等回去之后,神殿里那帮老家伙得知这件事,肯定会拿来大做文章。 Is good because, consumed so many mental efforts and financial resource, he achieved the oneself goal finally. 好在,耗费了这么多的心力、财力,他总算是达成了自己的目的。 In a while, was organized in view of the extermination team of cataclysm beast. 没过多久,一支针对灾变兽的清剿队伍就被组织了起来。 Dao Lord present attitude each one more than the last that before various types had not been glad is warm, each one is striking one's chest to indicate that since took the Cloud Crane Young Master advantage, naturally must handle matters. Before exterminating cataclysm beast, everyone obeys Young Master director! 之前还各种不乐意的道主们如今的态度一个比一个热情,个个都拍着胸脯表示,既然拿了云鹤公子的好处,自然不会不办事。在剿灭灾变兽之前,大家都听公子指挥! Sees that Cloud Crane Young Master that because of losing money, but depressed was also then happy. 见状,云鹤公子那因为痛失一大笔钱而郁闷不已的心情这才又好了起来。 Had this team, he has the minimum most likely (80%) assurances to be able successfully to exterminate the cataclysm beast. 有了这支队伍,他有起码八成的把握能成功剿灭灾变兽。 When the time comes, that thing naturally then became his it's in the bag! 到时候,那东西自然便成了他的囊中之物! Smug, he starts to arrange the trap in Shattered Territory. After is appropriate, he then made Elder Tianchen and cuts day of Elder intentionally in the void sea to the war, and displayed the Dao Lord level the strength of Heavenly Dao principle, did the sound the bigger the better. 踌躇满志之下,他开始在破灭之域中布置陷阱。一切妥当后,他便令天尘长老和斩天长老故意在虚空海中对战,并施展出道主级的天道法则之力,将动静搞得越大越好。 According to the plan of Cloud Crane Young Master, made the bait by indigenous Dao Lord, result that group of people all covet life and fear death, is not again dry to the multi- money! 原本按照云鹤公子的计划,是以土著道主做诱饵,结果那帮人个个贪生怕死的很,给再多钱都不干! Do not below, he also only be able oneself to get up. 不得以下,他也就只能让自己人上了。 As for other Dao Lord, then relies on concealment array to hide in the hidden place, prepares cataclysm beast that will ambush to be tempted. 至于其他道主,则都凭借着隐匿阵法躲藏在暗处,准备伏击等会被引诱来的灾变兽。 Slightly as two Elder not covers up fierce battle, the complementary waves of battle in are also more and more broad, tossed about the giant sound that in the void sea disseminates. 随着两位长老丝毫不加掩饰的“激烈交战”,交战的余波在虚空海中传播的也是越来越广,折腾出了巨大的动静。 Time points pasts. 时间一点点过去。 Does not have the two moon/month scene, felt the cataclysm beast that change then from Endless Heaven Abyss shuttles back and forth, but, angrily roars to roar is killing and cuts day of two Elder to the day dust. 不出两个月光景,感觉到异动的灾变兽便从无尽天渊中穿梭而至,怒吼咆哮着杀向天尘和斩天两位长老 The cataclysm beast recognizes their aura. 灾变兽认得他们的气息。 This two was a while ago, alarms fellow who it therapy. 两个就是“前段时间”,惊扰了它疗伤的家伙。 Seeing the scheme is successful, Cloud Crane Young Master is also overjoyed saying: Heaven's Revolution Old Ancestor, start Nine star great array, Preventing the cataclysm beast to escape.” 见得计谋成功,云鹤公子也是大喜过望道:“天衍老祖,启动【九星大阵】,防止灾变兽逃跑。” Heaven's Revolution nine star great array, are very powerful imprisonment class trapped/sleepy. 天衍九星大阵,乃是一种十分强大的禁锢类困阵。 Naturally, normally, Heaven's Revolution nine star great array can also be stranded existence of trapped/sleepy Dao Lord rank, is almost is impossible to surround 19th stage to exist. 当然,正常情况下,天衍九星大阵也就能困一困道主级别的存在,几乎是不可能困得住十九阶存在的。 Perhaps if the cataclysm beast of heyday, could not want several to rumble broken nine star great array. 要是全盛时期的灾变兽,恐怕也要不了几下就能轰碎九星大阵 However the present cataclysm beast injury is very serious, and there are teammates to divert helps one another, pours also to limit the cataclysm beast reluctantly. 然而眼下的灾变兽伤势很重,且有队友们牵制相助,倒也勉强能限制住灾变兽。 Extreme Happiness God Sovereign Senior, Myriad Demon City lord Senior, please divert the cataclysm beast directly......” 极乐神皇前辈,万魔城前辈,请你们正面牵制灾变兽……” With the Cloud Crane Young Master methodical direction, fellow big shot took the stations, perform its own functions, started one in view of the encircling group war of cataclysm beast, seeming like was also hits decent. 随着云鹤公子有条不紊的指挥,各位大佬各就各位,各司其职,开始了一场针对灾变兽的围剿团战,看起来倒也是打得有模有样。 Different from Holy Territory this small place, war between World of Immortals and Demon Realm has played very intensely. In long Years, encircles the campaign that 19th stage has to happen more than once. 不同于圣域这种小地方,仙界魔界之间的战争一直打得很激烈。漫长的岁月之中,围剿十九阶存在的战役都发生过不止一次。 Like the big campaign, every is the imposing decisive battle one time, that can go down in history. 像这样的大战役,每一次都是轰轰烈烈的大决战,能够载入史册的那种。 Compares Holy Territory these Dao Lord, Cloud Crane Young Master is influenced by what one sees and hears since childhood, Teacher of Immortal Emperor rank, is experienced, directs also very to have the appearance, is not aimless. 相比较起圣域这些道主,云鹤公子从小耳濡目染,又有一位仙帝级别的师尊,自是见多识广,指挥起来还挺有模样,不是在无的放矢。 Quick, ganged up to surround and beaten up cataclysm beast received several wounds one after another. 很快,被围殴的灾变兽就接连受了好几次伤。 Under is wounded, it erupted one wave. 受创之下,它又是爆发了一波。 this time, unexpectedly team washing out ~ ~ ~ 这一次,竟然把队伍给冲散了~~~ Solar Dao Lord goes too far because of the Sun Dao Fire output, was observed closely chasing down by the cataclysm beast directly. 太阳道主太阳道火输出太过份,直接被灾变兽盯住了追杀。 His clear to see cannot run away, quickly flushes away toward Cloud Crane Young Master distressedly: Young Master saves a life!” 他眼见得逃不过去,急忙狼狈地朝云鹤公子冲去:“公子救命!” Others also disperse instantly, ran away respectively. 其余人也是一哄而散,各自逃遁去了。 In the Cloud Crane Young Master heart scolded crazily. 云鹤公子心中狂骂。 What this special is what fight quality? At this time did not hurry to intercept the cataclysm beast jointly, to Solar Dao Lord the time of striving for a cushion and escapes, unexpectedly all ran? 这特么的是什么战斗素质?这种时候不赶紧联手拦截灾变兽,给太阳道主争取一个缓冲和逃跑的时间,居然全跑了? If this placed the Southern Ming temple, this enough on the crime of sneaking away at a critical juncture! 这要是放在南明神殿,这都够得上临阵脱逃之罪了!
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