POP :: Volume #8

#35: Shouzhe also has the economic pressures, the talent are too many

Newest website: 最新网址: ...... …… Same time. 同一时间段。 Divine Martial world. 神武世界 Wang Clan main house. 王氏主宅 In 2000 several hundred years of history, Wang Clan main house has experienced more than dozens extensions and improvement projects. 在两千几百年的历史中,王氏主宅已经经历过不下数十次的扩建与改造工程。 Up to the present, entire Wang Clan main house has buried five eighth grade Saint spirit vein and ninth grade spirit vein, and is centered on the Wang Lixian main body, built growing continually Spirit Gathering Great Array. 至如今,整个王氏主宅内部已经埋了五条八品灵脉和一条九品灵脉,并以王璃仙的本体为核心,打造出了一座生生不息的聚灵大阵 But the yard that Wang Shouzhe is , is one of the Spirit Gathering Array gingkos. 王守哲所在的这个小院,便是聚灵阵的灵眼之一。 2000 several hundred years later, Wang Shouzhe the yard, although has also experienced dozens big reconditioning, but the basic structure is actually maintaining the original appearance as before. 两千几百年下来,王守哲的这座小院虽然也经历过了几十次大翻修,但基本结构却依旧维持着原来的模样。 Only has the spirit flower different plant in institute to go through alternates, finally stays behind, instead anything treasures the variety actually not, instead many are some spirit sparse spirit fruit and so on is good to handle, variety that but can also be a real treat. 唯有院内的灵花异卉几经更迭,最终留下的,反倒不是什么珍惜品种,反而多是些灵疏灵果之类好打理,还可以一饱口福的品种。 Under rich spirit qi nourishes, all plant branches and leaves in institute stretch, full of vitality, even air especially fresh. 浓郁的灵气滋养下,院内的所有植物都枝叶舒展,生机勃勃,连空气都格外的清新。 In the courtyard, there is a pavilion. 院子内,有一座凉亭。 The sturdy grapevine clambers up following the pillar of pavilion, interweaves piece by piece the grass top the pavilion. 粗壮的葡萄藤顺着凉亭的柱子攀缘而上,在凉亭顶部交织出片片绿茵。 In the pavilion, Wang Shouzhe this little while is wearing a loose comfortable white robe, has the leisure refinedly plays chess with over a ten -year-old boy. 凉亭内,王守哲这会儿正穿着一身宽松舒适的白袍,颇有闲情雅致的陪着一位十多岁的男孩儿下棋。 The boy, has grown into Wang Clan present age eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein Wang Yinxuan of young youngster now. 那男孩儿,正是如今已经长成了小少年的王氏当代嫡长脉王寅轩 He inherited the Wang Clan fine good-looking gene, lives handsomely, the pupil such as resplendent star, every action and every movement are also the elegant bearing, is extraordinary, what end is a superficial appearance extremely scary good-looking young Elder Brother Young Master. 他继承了王氏优良的俊俏基因,生得唇红齿白,眸如灿星,一举一动也是风度翩翩,气质非凡,端的是一个皮相极为唬人的俊俏小公子哥儿。 However does not know that looked like anyone, his character his Grandfather and Great Grandfather, do not have Great Grandfather to be like that steady, in the foreheads is instead passing such a share , if there is local ruffian air/Qi that resembles not to have. 然而也不知道是像了谁,他的性格却不似他的爷爷太爷爷、还有曾爷爷那般稳重,眉宇间反而透着那么一股子若有似无的痞气。 „!” “啪!” Ancestral Grandfather you were too negligent, had not seen that my records killing move.” Wang Yinxuan drops one, raises Wang Shouzhe several black moles happily, occupied a scrap domain, in the foreheads showed wipes self-satisfaction slightly, Chinese chess thing, youngster was considered as eventually quickly.” 老祖爷爷您太大意了,没看出我这记杀招。”王寅轩落下一子,喜提王守哲数枚黑子,占下了一小块地盘,眉宇间不由透出一抹微微的得意,“围棋这东西,终究还是年轻人算得快。” Smiling of hehe ~ Wang Shouzhe thinks little, in your grade of age, having such chess strength is the youngster talent. Only pitifully, in this world the ginger is old spicy. Your eye light stared at the bait that I am ejecting.” “呵呵~王守哲不以为意的笑了笑,“在你这等年纪,有如此棋力已算是少年天才了。只可惜,这世上姜还是老的辣。你的眼睛光盯着我抛出的诱饵了。” During the speeches, Wang Shouzhe has offered a sacrifice to killing move, killed Wang Yinxuan one to be caught off guard. 说话间,王守哲已经祭出杀招,杀了王寅轩一个措手不及。 Fell into the leeward Wang Yinxuan smile unable to stretch immediately. He restrains the smile immediately, stretches the look to deal anxiously, quick saved the aspect with several good ideas. 落入下风的王寅轩笑容顿时绷不住了。他当即收敛笑容,绷着神色紧张应对,很快又凭着几手妙招挽回了局面。 This game of chess, what gotten down is frequents each other, inextricably involved! 这一局棋,下的是你来我往,难分难解! When closing, Wang Yinxuan is only defeated by the difference of half a point, looked that admires to the Wang Shouzhe vision immediately extremely: Ancestral Grandfather is Grand Master Ping'an/safe, the style steady is passing worthily vicious, the layout is farsighted.” 终盘时,王寅轩仅以半目之差而落败,看向王守哲的目光顿时钦佩万分:“老祖爷爷不愧是平安棋圣,棋风稳健中透着老辣,布局深谋远虑。” Yinxuan you are not bad, your style goes all out, from time to time like powerful and unconstrained style without restraint of style.” Wang Shouzhe leisurely drinks spirit tea, in the look accumulated is wiping the happy expression, your my grandparent and grandchild, pour to be called meeting the good talent, meets one's match. Later, Xuan'er may say ‚the Wang Clan young chess master.” 寅轩你也不差,你的棋风锐意进取,时而又如天马行空般不拘一格。”王守哲悠哉悠哉的喝着灵茶,眼神中蕴着一抹笑意,“你我祖孙,倒称得上是将遇良才,棋逢敌手。以后啊,轩儿可自称‘王氏小棋圣’。” Eldest son of legal wife Wang Clan this lineage grandparent and grandchild two, you said a I mutual business to flatter, attitude that called sincere. 王氏嫡长这一脉的祖孙两个,你一言我一句的互相商业吹捧着,态度那叫一个情真意切。 Bloodshed Demon Sovereign that the one side chesses actually hears nearly to spit blood three rises. 一旁观棋的血海魔皇却听得险些吐血三升。 On your one big one small two chess circle hidden dragon can young phoenix, not blow mutually strikes mutually? On the level of your two rotten Weiqi basket, this Sovereign enables three child to win with ease. 就你们这一大一小两个棋界的“卧龙凤雏”,能不能别互吹互擂了?就你们俩这两个臭棋篓子的水平,本皇让三子都能轻松赢下。 These years, as Holy Territory recreation industry unceasing vigorously develops, the unceasing popular, all kinds of new glossaries of various recreation works also emerge one after another incessantly, some glossaries, the semantics also had the tremendous changes. 这些年,随着圣域文娱行业的不断蓬勃发展,各种文娱作品的不断流行,各种各样的新鲜词汇也是层出不穷,很多原本就有的词汇,语义也发生了翻天覆地的变化。 hidden dragon young phoenix this word is so. 卧龙凤雏”这个词便是如此。 Wants initially, first to use this word Wang Shouzhe, but the wide scope has not spread for various reasons. 想当初,第一个这么用这个词的还是王守哲,但由于种种原因并没有大范围流传开来。 Finally a few years ago, Great Qian Immortal Dynasty Imperial Family coordinated to pat a commemorative Longchang Great Emperor big souvenir photo. Finally, the new usage of this word all of a sudden gets better -known. 结果前些年,大乾仙朝皇室牵头拍了一部纪念隆昌大帝的大留影。结果,这个词的新用法一下子就变得家喻户晓起来。 Bloodshed is Senior interested in playing chess a game?” Wang Shouzhe the chess is popular today really thickly, spoke to invite. “血海前辈有兴趣对弈一局么?”王守哲今日棋兴甚浓,出言相邀道。 „Is Family Head Shouzhe chess strength vigorous, has chess master the name, the bloodshed can it be that opponent?” Bloodshed Demon Sovereign rushes to reject humbly, plays chess anything with the leader, is troublesome. 守哲家主棋力浑厚,有‘棋圣’之称,血海岂是对手?”血海魔皇赶忙谦逊拒绝,和领导下棋什么的,最是麻烦不过。 May invite with Wang Shouzhe again, refused that bloodshed Demon Sovereign has to brace oneself to go on stage. 可随着王守哲再次相邀,推却不过的血海魔皇只好硬着头皮上了场。 Then, after one racks brains intensely slaughters, he who frequents each other finally is defeated, admires ten thousand skip roads: Family Head Shouzhe chess strength unparalleled, worthily is Grand Master Ping'an/safe.” 然后,经过一番绞尽脑汁你来我往的激烈厮杀之后,他终于败下阵来,钦佩万分道:“守哲家主棋力无双,不愧为平安棋圣。” Comes out to seek a livelihood, this does not knock chen. 出来讨生活嘛,这不磕碜。 In his heart ponders secretly, later did not accompany small Young Lord to see Wang Shouzhe. In this Wang Clan den, small Young Lord will not be instead having any danger. 只是他心中暗忖,以后坚决不陪小少主来见王守哲了。反正在这王氏老巢内,小少主不会有任何危险。 It seems like gathering of beautifully dressed people on Wang Shouzhe this, and ordinary yard, covered entirely the numerous murderous intentions actually. When some Wang Shouzhe assume personal command personally, Chaos Origin Boundary cultivator that even can sneak in secret poses the huge threat. 王守哲这看起来花团锦簇,且又平平无奇的小院,实则布满了重重杀机。有王守哲亲自坐镇时,甚至能对暗中潜入的混元境修士产生巨大的威胁。 Lucky.” Facing the bloodshed Demon Sovereign horse buttocks, Wang Shouzhe cool place it, looked said with a smile to Wang Yinxuan, Xuan'er this time sees me, is it possible that got so far as what fresh small gadget?” “侥幸而已。”面对血海魔皇的马屁,王守哲澹然处之,笑着看向王寅轩道,“轩儿此番来见我,莫非是又弄到了什么新鲜的小玩意儿?” Previous Wang Yinxuan completed system mission, obtained a third stage metal alloy formula, after the comparison test later discovery of Item Refining Main Division, according to the metal that this formula produces, the performance outstanding cost is inexpensive, may replace a Item Refining Main Division third stage alloy. 上一次王寅轩完成了系统任务,获得了一张三阶金属合金配方,经过炼器总司的比对测试之后发现,按照此配方生产出来的金属,性能优异成本低廉,可取代炼器总司其中一项三阶合金。 Now the Wang Clan Item Refining Main Division grand total has several tens of thousands of different performance, the third stage superalloy formulas of different direction, only more than 40 types of alloy are the commonly used alloy, either the performance is outstanding and original, either then has the performance-to-price ratio. 如今王氏炼器总司总计拥有数万种不同性能,不同方向的三阶合金材料配方,其中仅有四十余种合金为常用合金,要么性能优异而独到,要么便是极具性价比。 The alloy formula of system reward can replace one type, naturally was makes Wang Shouzhe somewhat hold in high esteem. If he can obtain this formula long ago, Wang Clan can depend on this alloy formula to dominate mostly, in the item refining industry seizes huge benefit. 系统奖励的合金配方能取代其中一种,自然是令王守哲都有几分刮目相看了。若是他早年能得到此配方,王氏多半能靠着此合金配方大行其道,在炼器行业内攫取到“庞大”的利益。 However now, this formula is also slightly a little use, many functions bring one to Wang Yinxuan huge, made his small age on the net worth not poor. 不过现在嘛,此配方也就是略微有点用处,更多的作用就是给王寅轩带来一笔庞大的,令他小小年纪就身家不菲。 After all present Wang Clan Item Refining Main Division, the business proliferates entire Holy Territory, even if in the nail seam leaks off some, is the astronomical figures. 毕竟如今的王氏炼器总司,生意遍布全圣域,哪怕是指甲缝里漏出些许,也是个天文数字。 Ancestral Grandfather understands me.” “还是老祖爷爷了解我。” Wang Yinxuan smiled, immediately austere the complexion, looks at the system panel, saying of treating a matter seriously: System, I must receive this mission to reward.” 王寅轩嘿嘿一笑,随即又肃了脸色,看着系统面板,郑重其事的说道:“系统,我要领取此次任务奖励。” Among next instant. 下一瞬间。 His front space, third stage spirit bird of several pairs of earth plump appeared in in the pavilion slightly. 他面前的空间微微一荡,几对土圆滚滚的三阶灵禽就出现在了凉亭里。 Their stature is not big, feather also ash throws, Duke looks is very ugly, female uglier...... 它们个子不大,身上的羽毛也灰扑扑的,公的长得很丑,母的更丑…… They giggle called to jump down the stair, jumped in the spirit vegetable field in courtyard, ripe originally did not dread sought the food everywhere. 它们咯咯叫着跳下台阶,扑进院子里的灵蔬田里,自来熟般毫不畏惧的四处觅起了食。 But has not waited for them to peck two, by one is not known the vine where flees is stranded solid, sent out one after another quack sound. 可还没等它们啄两口呢,就被一条不知从哪里窜出来的藤蔓困得严严实实,发出了一连串的嘎嘎声。 Wang Yinxuan looks at the Ancestral Grandfather stunned expression, quickly said: According to system, this is one flock of pheasants, they have strong laying eggs ability, may be spirit meat bird raising.” 王寅轩看着老祖爷爷错愕的表情,急忙解释说:“根据系统所述,这是一群的种雉,它们拥有很强的下蛋能力,也可作为灵肉禽饲养。” The words that „the multiplication raises well, may increase in the clan children's spirit meat spirit egg nutrition to supplement. Also can develop as a clan industry, is clan makes the profit......” “好好繁衍豢养的话,可增加族内孩子们的灵肉灵蛋营养补充。也可以发展起来作为一项家族产业,为家族赚取利润……” The following some supplementary descriptions, such as the industry is a clan foundation and so on, Wang Yinxuan raises has not raised. As far as he knows, clan enormous of village pasture large-scale development, does not lack various spirit bird varieties from the start! 后面的一些补充描述,诸如产业是一个家族的根基之类,王寅轩提都没有提。据他所知,家族的农庄牧场规模发展的极大,压根就不缺各种灵禽品种! third stage spirit bird, is this also useful? 三阶灵禽,这又有什么用? Wang Clan has bred ninth stage tenth stage spirit bird spirit beast in the batching now, even eleventh stage twelfth stage no spirit wisdom spirit beast has been trying few batch cultivations, is only latter's cultivation cycle is extremely long, but also has no way to stabilize supplies. 王氏现在早就在批量化养殖九阶十阶灵禽灵兽了,连十一阶十二阶的无灵智灵兽都已经在尝试少批量养殖,只是后者的养殖周期太过漫长,还没法稳定供应而已。 As for thirteenth stage edible kind of spirit beast spirit bird, Wang Clan, although also spends the price from the major influences, introduced some no spirit wisdom varieties, but has not caught on for the time being. 至于十三阶食用类灵兽灵禽,王氏虽然也从各大势力中花费代价,引进了些许无灵智品种,可暂且还未见成效。 After all the time of Wang Clan development was too short, but high-end fish breeding and poultry raising it breeds the cycle extremely to be long, in a short time is impossible to achieve to leave the pen the condition. 毕竟王氏发展的时间太短了,而高端养殖业本身养殖周期就极长,短时间内根本不可能达到出栏条件。 Therefore, the Wang Clan internal thirteenth stage edible immortal spirit meat egg and so on reserve, is hits either attains wildly, either is the premium inventory. 因此,王氏内部的十三阶食用性仙灵肉蛋之类储备,要么是打野所获,要么是溢价进货。 Now Wang Shouzhe was understood, this system has located clan Young Lord Wang Yinxuan, the given all rewards aimed at growing strong the clan foundation. 如今王守哲算是明白了,这系统已经将王寅轩定位成了家族少主,给出的所有奖励都是以发展壮大家族根基为目的。 This system turns over to usefully usefully, eventually actually comes was too late. 只是这系统有用归有用,却终究来的太晚了。 Naturally, must say a point with if no, pours is also insufficient. The spirit pheasant variety of this earth spirit pheasant seems like should carefully choose after the system, if produces the egg ability is very seriously strong, pours has not necessarily cultivated the value. 当然,要说一点用都没有的话,倒也不至于。这土灵雉的灵雉品种看起来应该是经过系统精心挑选的,如果产蛋能力当真很强的话,倒也不见得就没有培育价值。 He waves slightly, then powerfully-built Divine Ability Boundary Family Guard comes to receive an order. 他微微一挥手,便有一位体格强壮的神通境家将进来领命。 This Family Guard called king Sheng, his ancestor was Wang Shouzhe side Family Guard Wang Yong. 家将叫王胜,其先祖是王守哲身边的家将王勇 In recent years, with the development of Wang Clan, Wang Clan these Family Guard strengths is also when production costs rise, prices rise too. Although follows Wang Shouzhe that batch of Family Guard earliest, had died in bed of old age except for Wang Mei many, their generation after generation also had many have paid wages to disperse the leaf in each place, but most outstanding one batch still kept Wang Clan to take orders. 这些年来,随着王氏的发展,王氏的这些家将实力也是水涨船高。虽然最早跟随王守哲的那一批家将,除了王梅多数都已经寿终正寝,他们的子子孙孙也有很多早已在各个地方开支散叶,但其中最优秀的一批却仍留在王氏听命。 This king Sheng just graduated to start from 60-70 years old of Clan School to follow side Wang Shouzhe, now has been Wang Shouzhe able assistant, Battle Body kind of cultivation technique cultivation is also very tyrannical. 这位王胜从60-70岁族学刚毕业开始就跟在王守哲身边,如今早已是王守哲手下的得力助手,一身的战体功法修炼的也是十分强横。 king Sheng, you send to the village these earth pheasants, the life professional conduct to appraise.” Wang Shouzhe told, „, if promising, may develop the industry.” “王胜,你将这些土雉都送去农庄,命专业人士进行一下评估。”王守哲吩咐道,“若是有前景的话,可发展成产业。” Yes, Family Head.” “是,家主。” king Sheng receives an order respectfully, immediately captured a numerous range chicken with ease, received an order to handle matters. 王胜恭敬领命,随即轻松擒获了一众土鸡,领命办事去了。 After processing this grade of minor matter, Wang Shouzhe pulled out some extreme grade spirit stone subsidies to give Wang Yinxuan conveniently, and said: Xuan'er, you must offer an opinion with your system again, making it try to find the solution to the truly valuable reward, or has a characteristics point also good.” 处理完这等小事后,王守哲顺手掏出了一些极品灵石补贴给了王寅轩,并说道:“轩儿,你得再和你的系统提提意见,让它想办法给点真正有价值的奖励,或者有特色一点的也行。” Many thanks Ancestral Grandfather.” “多谢老祖爷爷。” Wang Yinxuan receives the reward of Old Ancestor immediately happily. 王寅轩立刻开心地收起了老祖的奖励。 This compared with reward valuable ten times that any broken system gives, no, over hundred times! 这比什么破系统给的奖励值钱十倍,不,百倍以上! Without the means that who asked him to have super rich Ancestral Grandfather! System anything, is only the small toy. 没办法,谁叫他有一个超级有钱的老祖爷爷呢!系统什么的,只是小玩具。 Somewhat was just small the cocky system to hear this saying, immediately felt received the enormous insult. 刚刚还有几分小得瑟的系统听到这话,登时感觉受到了极大的侮辱。 Unexpectedly dares to look down upon this system! 居然敢看不起本系统! Wang Shouzhe Wang Shouzhe, thirty years the river goes east thirty years the river goes west, you bully the system to be poor not! 王守哲王守哲,三十年河东三十年河西,你莫欺系统穷! Waited for this system to accumulate enough the strength of Heavenly Dao good fortune, must shine blindly your dog eyes surely! 等本系统攒够了天道造化之力,定要亮瞎你的狗眼! However this saying it also only dares unstated criticism. That Wang Shouzhe strength was too tyrannical, to pinch him divides minute's of matter. 不过这话它也就只敢腹诽一下。那王守哲实力太强横了,要想捏死他就是分分钟的事情。 Even, the system does not dare to give back to Wang Yinxuan the duplication memory stopper of host now, feared that did not affect the Wang Yinxuan personality to form and grow carefully, then turned into the ashes. 甚至,系统现在根本不敢将宿主的复制记忆塞还给王寅轩,就怕不小心影响了王寅轩的人格形成和成长,然后被化成灰灰。 Is speaking. 正说话间。 A white clothing, the young youngster of elegant bearing led half big attractive small Miss to enter the courtyard, arrived at outside the pavilion under the influence of Family Guard. 一个一袭白衣,风度翩翩的小少年领着一个半大的漂亮小姑娘进了院子,在家将的引领下来到了凉亭外。 This young youngster, impressively is the same 11-year-old Wang Songyi. 这小少年,赫然是同样已经11岁的王宋一 As for he is leading that half big attractive small Miss, is Wang Youping bloodline descendant Wang Shanqing. 至于他领着的那个半大的漂亮小姑娘,便是王宥平血脉后裔王珊晴 By training sequence of Wang Songyi in clan, can not need to ask for instructions can pay a visit Old Ancestor Shouzhe. 王宋一家族中的培养序列,可以不用请示就能来拜见守哲老祖 According to the formality, Wang Songyi brings Wang Shanqing well-mannered paid a visit Wang Shouzhe. 按照礼节,王宋一带着王珊晴规规矩矩的拜见了王守哲 After seeing the ritual, Wang Songyi is knitting the brows to Wang Yinxuan said: Today is we looks for the Feifei Princess day together. Reached an agreement to practice Crystal Ancient Race spirit secret technique, did you fail to keep an appointment? Also, the mister said that your recent schoolwork started to haul, this good a few days after......” 见完礼后,王宋一就皱着眉对王寅轩说道:“今天是咱们一起去找菲菲公主的日子。说好了一起练习晶古族精神秘法的,你怎么又失约了?还有,先生说你最近的功课又开始拖拖拉拉了,这才好了没几天……” First shut up.” Wang Yinxuan was frightened the back to sweat, quickly shifts the topic, „, we first next game of chess, I felt that I progressed recently am very big.” “先闭嘴。”王寅轩被吓得后背冒汗,急忙转移话题,“要不,咱们先下一局棋,我感觉我最近进步很大。” On your rotten Weiqi basket level, plays chess not to have the meaning with you.” Wang Songyi be relentless rejected. “就你这臭棋篓子般的水平,和你下棋没意思。”王宋一毫不留情的拒绝了。 How can, I be able to get down give-and-take with Ancestral Grandfather.” Wang Yinxuan is not convinced very much. “怎么会,我都能和老祖爷爷下得有来有往了。”王寅轩很不服气。 hearing this, Wang Songyi raised the eyebrow, has not experienced his quite straightforward said/tunnel that the social rule beats mercilessly: That explained that the Old Ancestor Shouzhe sect is also the rotten Weiqi basket......” 闻言,王宋一掀了掀眉毛,未经历社会规则毒打的他相当耿直地道:“那就说明守哲老祖宗也是个臭棋篓……” The words have not said, without youngster Wang Songyi of human affairs, felt oneself seemed by anything is patted, then flew, non-stop flew flies to fly, flew the horizon. 话还未说完,未经世事的少年王宋一,就感觉自己好似被什么东西拍了一下,然后就飞了起来,一直飞呀飞呀飞呀,飞到了天边。 In he almost departs Divine Martial world...... 就在他差点飞出神武世界时…… Suddenly. 忽而。 Among next instant, he was also held by anything, rips open the space to return to the Shouzhe yard. 下一瞬间,他又被什么东西抓住,撕开空间回到了守哲小院内。 Then, he discovered that Old Ancestor Shouzhe is visiting him with a smile. 然后,他就发现守哲老祖正在笑吟吟的看着他。 Again then, Wang Songyi became aware. 再然后,王宋一就悟了。 He has turned around immediately, serious accusation Wang Yinxuan said: That is the Old Ancestor Shouzhe sect feared that you lost miserably the wound self-respect, gave under you especially the instruction chess. Ok, rubbish, mister being probable makes me assist your learn/study, I am disinclined to respond you.” 他立刻转过身,一本正经的指责王寅轩道:“那是守哲老祖宗怕你输惨了伤自尊,特地给你下指导棋呢。行了,别废话了,要不是先生非得让我帮扶你的学习,我才懒得搭理你。” As eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein, the acting of clan lintel, you want bloodline not to have bloodline, wants the culture not to have the culture, threw the share.” Wang Songyi was saying was saying starts verbosely, an appearance that gets angry him not to struggle. “身为一个嫡长脉,家族门楣的担当,你要血脉血脉,要文化没文化,太丢份了。”王宋一说着说着就开始絮絮叨叨,一副怒其不争的模样。 Bah ~! Ancestral Grandfather has said that when I was born, because I bloodline is powerful and soul strength mis match has almost an accident, this asked beginning day God Sovereign your majesty to act, for the time being seal my bloodline.” Saying that Wang Yinxuan is not convinced very much, after I Crystal Ancient Race spirit secret technique cultivation comes up, can layer upon layer unlocking bloodline talent, when the time comes your my two who be able to laugh last is uncertain.” “呸~老祖爷爷说过,在我出生的时候,我因为血脉过于强大和灵魂强度不匹配差点出事,这才请了始天神皇陛下出手,暂且封印了我的血脉。”王寅轩很不服气的说道,“等我将晶古族精神秘法修炼上去后,就能一层层解锁血脉天赋,到时候你我两个谁能笑到最后还不一定呢。” Your cultivation spirit does secret technique also haul?” Wang Songyi was disinclined again rubbish with him, held his latter collar to tow outward him, I waited for your unlocking bloodline to hit me.” “那你修炼精神秘法还拖拖拉拉?”王宋一都懒得再和他废话了,一把抓住他的后脖领子将他往外拖去,“我等着你解锁血脉来打我。” Wang Songyi, lets go, you let go to me! Do I go is not good?” Wang Yinxuan struggles furiously. 王宋一,松手,你给我松手!我去还不行吗?”王寅轩奋力挣扎。 Wang Shanqing looks in side sips the lip titter, sees two people to walk away, immediately salutes to say goodbye toward Wang Shouzhe, then with. 王珊晴在旁边看得抿唇偷笑,见两人走远,立刻朝王守哲行礼告辞,然后屁颠屁颠的跟了上去。 Exchanges flattery and favors, the two young youngster disappeared outside the courtyard quickly. 拉拉扯扯间,两位小少年很快就消失在了院子外。 Bloodshed Demon Sovereign also followed close on. 血海魔皇也紧跟了过去。 When small Young Lord cultivation spirit secret technique must look, that thing is not simple. 少主修炼精神秘法时要多看着点儿,那玩意可不简单。 Wang Shouzhe looks at this scene, the corners of the mouth also hangs up wiped the happy expression. 王守哲看着这一幕,嘴角也是挂上了一抹笑意。 These children may really energetic ~ 这些孩子们可真有活力啊~ Once he went all out to grow strong clan, to not give a clan children calm and steady environment lived well and cultivation? 曾经他那么拼命要发展壮大家族,还不是为了给家族里的孩子们一个安稳的环境好好生活和修炼 Nowadays, this desire was also realized. 现如今,这个愿望也算是实现了。 In yard visitor then all left. 不知不觉间,小院内的“访客”便全都离开了。 At this time. 这时候。 A shadow walked from the corner of yard, since arrived in the pavilion to continue to report, because Wang Yinxuan arrived at the information of interrupt. 一道黑影从小院的角落里走了出来,来到凉亭内继续汇报起了因为王寅轩到来而中断的情报。 Wang Shouzhe was lies down on the large round-backed wooden armchair, is drinking spirit tea leisurely, while is listening to the latest information that passed from Shattered Territory. 王守哲则是躺回了太师椅上,一边慢条斯理地喝着灵茶,一边听着从破灭之域传过来的最新情报。 Did Old Ancestor Longyan comprehend the dao lineage embryonic form? 珑烟老祖领悟了道统雏形? Good good, worthily is my Old Ancestor Longyan. 不错不错,不愧是我珑烟老祖 Sword Sovereign Palace four do Dao Book belong to Wang Clan entirely? Captures 27 Holy Picture to inherit? 剑皇宫四部道书悉归王氏所有?斩获二十七部圣图传承? Good Good Wang Clan the group of children have not really disappointed oneself. 不错不错~王氏的这帮孩子果然没让自己失望。 Wang Shouzhe happily, in the heart also had several partial pressures. 王守哲欣慰不已,同时心中也有了几分压力。 In clan outstanding youngster were getting more and more, what Son of Heaven Daughter of Heaven is only ordinary, Holy Child Holy Daughter is not rare, even Daoist Seed Dao Daughter are also many, endures compared with the would-be god child also has. 家族中优秀的年轻人越来越多了,什么天子天女都只是平平常常,圣子圣女也不罕见,甚至连道子道女也不少,堪比准神子的也不是没有。 This one after another wants to train, trivial a very tiny area definitely is not only good depending on Holy Territory this. In pond True Dragon, only then broader heaven and earth sea, can have the sufficient nourishment to grow for the clansmen. 一个个想要培养起来,仅凭圣域这“区区弹丸之地”肯定不行。正所谓池塘里出不了真龙,只有更加广阔的天地海洋,才能有充足的养料供族人们成长。 Makes a connection goes to the World of Immortals way, is getting more and more imminent. 打通前往仙界的途径,已经越来越迫在眉睫了。 Afterward. 随后。 Wang Shouzhe heard the Cloud Crane Young Master information, response that as well as deep black Shenzhou passes on. 王守哲又听到了云鹤公子的情报,以及玄青神舟传过来的应对方案。 His double pupil narrows the eyes slightly. 他双眸不禁微微眯起。 Southern Ming temple, Cloud Crane Young Master, World of Immortals guest? 南明神殿,云鹤公子,仙界来客? A little meaning ~ 有点意思~ He was worrying how must go to World of Immortals, was coming to deliver the pillow seriously sleepily. Then, how could it not be is the World of Immortals front door opening to Wang Clan slowly? 他正愁要怎么去仙界呢,当真是瞌睡来了送枕头。如此一来,仙界的大门岂非正向王氏徐徐开启? ...... …… Also receives the message Wang Shouzhe the similar same time. 也就是在王守哲这边收到消息的差不多同一时间段。 Shattered Territory surrounding. 破灭之域外围。 Has not known that oneself already by the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator stares at Cloud Crane Young Master, after the rest healed from a wound some time, finally saw Wang Clan Chaos Origin Boundary Old Ancestor Heaven's Revolution Old Ancestor! 还不知道自己已经被幕后黑手盯上了的云鹤公子,在休息养伤了一段时间之后,终于见到了王氏的“混元境老祖天衍老祖 It is no doubt that this Heaven's Revolution Old Ancestor, naturally was Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord disguises as. 不用说,这位“天衍老祖”,自然就是天衍道主假扮的了。 Cloud Crane Young Master, your matter I listened to the family/home the junior to say.” Attitude of Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord to Cloud Crane Young Master is very polite, even it can be said that somewhat flatters, in family/home the junior was innocent, neglected Young Master, Young Master you may toward not go at heart. Heard that you must see me, does not know that has what important matter?” 云鹤公子,您的事我都听家里小辈说了。”天衍道主云鹤公子的态度十分客气,甚至可以说是有几分讨好,“家里小辈不懂事,怠慢了公子,公子您可千万别往心里去。听说您要见我,不知是有何要事?” Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord does not need deliberately to camouflage, in every word and deed, will then expose some were used to poorly the sour type unknowingly. 天衍道主都不用刻意伪装,一言一行之中,便会不经意展露出一些穷惯了的酸样。 After all, the Heaven's Revolution Dao Alliance economic condition was just also good not to have many years, his mentality has not adjusted completely. 毕竟,天衍道盟的经济情况也就刚刚好了没多少年,他心态都还没完全调整过来呢。 This appearance, this makings, agreed with simply perfectly Cloud Crane Young Master previous sentences in advance. 这模样,这气质,简直是完美契合了云鹤公子先前的预判。 This Divine Martial god clan Wang Clan, although has Chaos Origin Boundary Old Ancestor, but the economy relatively is uptight, was only clan this generation of luck is good, were many Wang Guiling that had dao lineage. 这个“神武神族王氏”虽然有混元境老祖,但经济却相对拮据,只是家族这一代运气好,多了个拥有道统王瑰玲 Then, made this clan not the wealthy economic condition have one misfortune after another inevitably. 如此一来,必然令这家族本就不富裕的经济情况雪上加霜。 Poor ~ 穷一点好啊~ Poorer clan, is easier to be urged for the benefit, more won over as to use easily. 越穷的家族,就越容易为了利益被驱使,也越容易被拉拢为己用。 Heaven's Revolution Senior was polite ~ I must many thanks the rose Ling's life-saving efforts ~ 天衍前辈客气了~我还得多谢瑰玲的救命之恩呢~” After some time training, Cloud Crane Young Master had restored that elegant bearing, the makings striking appearance, raises hand to step in completely reveals the style of temple would-be god child. 经过一段时间的“修养”,云鹤公子已然重新恢复了那副风度翩翩,气质斐然的模样,一举手一投足之间尽显神殿准神子的风范。 He is swinging the folding fan, the manner calmly and Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord smalltalk several, had not then continued to cover up, said the oneself intention directly neatly: Heaven's Revolution Senior, the situation is about so. I need Heaven's Revolution Senior to act, contact some nearby Dao Lord level powerhouses , helping me make a connection with the road of World of Immortals.” 他摇着折扇,神态从容地和天衍道主客套了几句,便也没继续遮掩,直接干脆利落地说出了自己的意图:“天衍前辈,情况大致就是如此。我需要天衍前辈出面,联络一些附近的道主级强者,助我打通回仙界之路。” „After matter becomes, our Southern Ming temple surely had a generous reward.” “事成之后,我们南明神殿必当有所厚报。” In addition, I may also receive rose Ling Young Lady for the follower. Has my temple capital Gennosuke, in the future her the future will be inevitably limitless, might become the weight figure in our Southern Ming temple. When the time comes, expensive/noble clan may really soar.” “除此之外,我还可收瑰玲小姐为追随者。有我神殿资源之助,未来她的前途必然不可限量,极有可能成为我们南明神殿的重量级人物。到时候,贵家族可真是一飞冲天了。” Cloud Crane Young Master is proficiently drawing the pie to Heaven's Revolution Old Ancestor, the tone attitude acts bashful just right, the skill is very adept, obviously before gave others to draw the pie a lot. 云鹤公子熟练地给“天衍老祖”画着大饼,语气态度都拿捏得恰到好处,技巧十分娴熟,显然以前没少给别人画大饼。 However, attractiveness that on his mouth said that looks at the expression change of Heaven's Revolution Old Ancestor, in the heart actually cannot help but sneers secretly. 不过,他嘴上说的漂亮,看着天衍老祖的表情变化,心中却不由得暗暗冷笑起来。 this Young Master this saying to be not but actually false. Just, these wild world indigenous cultivator clan, to enter my Southern Ming temple is not easy, to this Young Master is first honest, when a wave of cannon fodder said again. 本公子这话倒也不假。只不过,这些蛮荒世界的土着修士家族,要想进入我南明神殿可不容易,先给本公子老老实实当一波炮灰再说。 If really does well, this Young Master uses judgment to consider to reward again ~ 若是真干得不错,本公子再酌情考虑奖赏~ ...... …… Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said the fragrant book novel gave the perfect score finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给香书小说打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address: https://, the data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:https://,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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