POP :: Volume #8

#34: Miss! This interesting

...... …… Is good has had the regular Clan School education because of Wang Guiling after all, although the result is not much, but some three views do not lack. 好在王瑰玲终归是接受过正规族学教育的,虽然成绩不咋样,但该有的三观还是不缺的。 She shook the head saying: This person seemingly seems in the comatose condition, we cannot take advantage of somebody, first rescued to say again.” 她摇头说:“这人看上去好似在昏迷状态,咱们不能趁人之危,还是先把人救回去再说。” Cloud Crane Young Master relaxes secretly. 云鹤公子暗松一口气。 Is good because of this Immortal Clan Miss also somewhat conscience, not like that broken say/way standard, the whole body is various black talisman writing, is sending out ominous offense demon qi, looks is not the kindhearted say/way standard. 好在这仙族姑娘还有几分良知,不像那破道典,浑身都是各种黑色符文,散发着凶戾的魔气,一看就不是什么良善之道典。 Has not thought, his heart was actually puts early. 可不曾想,他这心却是放早了。 Before Wang Guiling, a few words just said, in an instant also holds the chin to hesitate: „This person of luxurious equipment, the background is perhaps big. Although looks is also good, but eventually one may know a person's face but not what's in his heart. We are careful for on, first breaks his four limbs, after bundling is solid , the belt/bring to go back to save him, then interrogates well, brushes wave of three view topics. If the unprincipled person, dug up him to equip. If the good person , helping him treat and cure the four limbs and injury again is not late, when the time comes only asked he received a treatment to spend.” 王瑰玲前一句话刚说完,转眼又托着下巴沉吟起来:“不过此人一身豪华装备,恐怕来头不小。虽然长得也不错,可终究知人知面不知心。咱们还是小心谨慎为上,先打断他四肢,捆结实后再带回去救活他,然后好好审讯一番,刷一波三观题。若是坏人,就扒了他装备。若是好人,再帮他救治四肢和伤势也不迟,到时候就只问他收点救治费好了。” „......” Cloud Crane Young Master speechless. “……”云鹤公子一阵无语。 Good, was he is eventually wrong. 好吧,终究是他错了。 Seriously is a passer-by, does not enter a home, has in place of three hidden dragon to have young phoenix. 当真是不是一路人,不进一家门,有卧龙之地三步之内必有凤雏 When to this time, Cloud Crane Young Master to prevent the four limbs was broken, was kidnapped, could not install again. 时至此时,云鹤公子为了防止四肢被打断,被人绑走,自是再也装不下去了。 He then moan, made the appearance that awakes to transfer spookily immediately. 他当即便“呻吟”了一声,做出一副幽幽醒转的模样。 His looking all around void sea and Heavenly River, take a look at Wang Guiling and a sword Demon Sovereign standard again, incomparably said weakly: „Is this where? May I ask, was Miss saved me?” 他环顾四周虚空海和天河,再瞅瞅王瑰玲和剑魔皇道典,虚弱无比地说:“这是何处?敢问,是姑娘救了我吗?” His authentic World of Immortals Southern Ming imperial capital The voice, is showing the noble status unknowingly. 他一口正宗仙界【南明帝都】的口音,不经意间彰显着高贵的身份。 Right, was we were the eldest child time-comsuming, was very laborious saved you.” “没错,是我们费了老大功夫,‘很辛苦’的救了你。” Wang Guiling recognized the merit of rescue unrestrained/no trace of politeness, later started to pull out the bunch of immortal rope and imprisonment class double headed bracelet and anklet outward and so on, very skilled approached on Cloud Crane Young Master the wrap/sets to go altogether. 王瑰玲毫不客气地认下了救助的功劳,随后开始往外掏捆仙绳和禁锢类双头手镯、脚镯之类,很熟练的一股脑儿向云鹤公子身上套去。 Miss, your face? 姑娘,你的脸呢? Cloud Crane Young Master was shocked. 云鹤公子被震惊到了。 This Miss looks that the cheek slightly circle is very lovable, can be so smelly is not concerned about face? 姑娘看着脸蛋微圆挺可爱的,可怎会如此臭不要脸? Also works hard, is very laborious? Your this called to brave the merit...... wait/etc, did you wrap/sets the gadget toward this Young Master on? 还费功夫,很辛苦?你这叫冒功……等等,你往本公子身上套嘛玩意儿? Because must maintain the severe wound to be weak, the person who can not move supposes, Cloud Crane Young Master hesitant several breaths had not revolted, tied up a solidity by various types of things suddenly. 因为要维持重伤虚弱,不得动弹的人设,云鹤公子只是犹豫了几息没有反抗,就冷不防被各种东西捆扎了个结结实实。 The movement of this Miss bundle is quite skilled, looked does this matter frequently. 姑娘捆绑的动作极为熟练,一看就是经常干这种事情。 His Cloud Crane should Young Master not be will bump into the void sea pirate? 云鹤公子该不会是碰到虚空海海盗了吧? However is good because of his slightly inspection, discovers these ropes and shackles, although is the special material refinement, actually is also bundles one bunch of True Immortal Boundary cultivator or various immortal beast at most. 不过好在他略一检查,发现这些绳索和镣铐虽然是特殊材料炼制,却也至多是捆一捆真仙境修士或各种仙兽 His solemn Cloud Crane Young Master is Great Principle boundary Holy Venerable, so long as courageous catches up, the selfenergy made them disintegrate. 他堂堂云鹤公子乃是大罗圣尊,只要勐一发力,自能令它们分崩离析。 From this, he naturally also feels relieved, was still innermost feelings is confident, appearance of watching changes quietly. 由此,他自然也就放心下来,仍是一副内心坦然,静观其变的模样。 Who would imagine. 岂料。 Among next instant, his temples, Spirit Platform hole, in sea of qi hole several big essential hole holes, by this Miss gust of wind insertion like lightning several long needles, mortal body and soul numb at the same time, in the mouth was fed a spheroid of plump by her. 下一瞬间,他的太阳穴,灵台穴,气海穴几大关键窍穴上,就被这姑娘疾风闪电般的插入了数根长针,肉身和神魂一阵酥麻的同时,嘴巴里又被她喂进了一枚圆滚滚的球体。 These have to lull soul and needle of mortal body function, the spheroid that you swallow down contained the violently poisonous element and high explosive.” A Wang Guiling face explained to him sincerely, „my drives ten thousand years of ship carefully, you do not need too to worry, endured quickly on the past.” “这些都是有麻痹神魂和肉身作用的针,你吞下去的球体包含了剧毒元素和高爆炸药。”王瑰玲一脸诚挚地跟他解释,“我这只是小心驶得万年船,你不用太担心,忍一忍很快就过去了。” Cloud Crane Young Master for it illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, but in the surface actually revealed an amazed forced smile: Miss, my is only innocent meeting misfortune. You, is your what intent?” 云鹤公子为之气结,可面上却是露出了一个惊诧的苦笑:“姑娘,我这只是个无辜的落难者而已。您,您这是何意?” If not for important matter, and looked that this Miss has Dao Book, an origin uncommon appearance, he really thinks that a palm of the hand pulls out her to knock it off! 若非为了大计,且看这姑娘拥有道书,一副来历不凡的模样,他真想一巴掌抽死她拉倒! ~ for the important matter, he endured! 罢了~为了大计,他忍了! Ok, you can say now.” Wang Guiling proficiently interrogated, and observes the Cloud Crane Young Master slightly expression to come unknowingly, you name, what status, why appears here......” “好了,你现在可以说了。”王瑰玲熟练的审讯了起来,并且不经意间观察起云鹤公子的微表情来,“你叫什么名字,什么身份,为何出现在这里……” As the Wang Clan clan juniors, earning clan contribution points is very important. 身为王氏家族子弟,赚取家族贡献值是很重要的。 Therefore many fierce clan juniors, will do everything possible to contract all kinds of mission, has many in entire Holy Territory seizes wanted criminal and so on mission. Such as interrogates and reads the slightly expression and inducing a confession, the psychological suggestion wait/etc will browse, clan also has the special division/discipline to go for the clansman to study and pursue advanced studies. 因此很多厉害的家族子弟,都会想尽办法承揽各种各样的任务,其中不乏有在整个圣域抓捕通缉犯之类的任务。诸如审讯、阅读微表情、诱供,心理暗示等等都会有所涉猎,家族也有专门的学科去供族人研究和深造。 Wang Guiling to this field of endeavor, exactly compared with excelling. 王瑰玲对此道,恰恰比较擅长。 Miss, my name was Yan Cloud Crane, was the person of World of Immortals Southern Ming temple, was not an unprincipled person.” Cloud Crane Young Master protested slightly, seeing the protest is fruitless, then smiles bitterly to reply. 姑娘,我叫阎云鹤,是仙界南明神殿之人,不是坏人。”云鹤公子微微抗议了一下,见抗议无果,便苦笑着回答起来。 Hears World of Immortals the two character, the Wang Guiling heart jumps. 听到“仙界两个字,王瑰玲心头一跳。 Unexpectedly is the World of Immortals person. 居然是仙界的人。 Old Ancestor Shouzhe has wanted to seek to the World of Immortals way, this point she knows. 守哲老祖一直想要寻找去往仙界的途径,这一点她是知道的。 Has not thought, their had not found the World of Immortals road, some World of Immortals actually people hit on own initiative. 万万没想到,他们这还没找到去仙界的路呢,仙界倒是有人主动撞上来了。 Her thoughts revolve rapidly, in the surface actually maintained composure , to continue to listen to Cloud Crane Young Master to say. 她心思飞转,面上却不动声色,继续听云鹤公子说下去。 I was discovering accidentally ancient Transmission Array, then in two Elder with the clan restored Transmission Array together, prepares to explore another head of Transmission Array, is thinking could pick some treasure and so on.” “我在无意中发现了一座古老的传送阵,便与族内两位长老一起修复了传送阵,准备探索一下传送阵的另外一头,想着或许能捡到些宝物之类。” Actually does not think, after transmitting, we discovered that here unexpectedly is one piece just like end the world war ruins.” “却不想,传送过来后,我们才发现这里居然是一片宛如末世般的大战废墟。” This also has nothing, after all, in the ruins also has the talent treasure. Finally, we just now start to plunder heavenly materials and earthly treasures, was attacked by strength terrifying monster suddenly!” “这倒也没什么,毕竟,废墟里也是有天才地宝的。结果,我们才刚开始搜刮天材地宝,就忽然遭到了一只实力恐怖的怪兽的攻击!” Three of us spell to go all-out, actually does not beat the monster as before, two Elder to protect me, has to give self up to direct the monster, but I was depend on Transmission Talisman to fly here together, actually also therefore lost the direction. If not Miss rescues, below perhaps......” “我们三人拼尽全力,却依旧不敌怪兽,两位长老为了保护我,不得不舍身引走怪兽,而我则是靠着一道传送符飞到了此处,却也因此迷失了方向。若非姑娘相救,在下恐怕……” What boundary your two is Elder?” Wang Guiling broke him, questioned asks. “你那两位长老是什么境界?”王瑰玲打断了他,质疑问道。 This......” Cloud Crane Young Master slightly one hesitant, said, our family/home two Elder, is Chaos Origin Boundary cultivation base.” “这……”云鹤公子略一犹豫,还是说道,“我们家两位长老,都是混元境修为。” Wang Guiling is also one silent...... 王瑰玲也是一阵默然…… In the family/home Elder is Chaos Origin Boundary, what clan influence is this? 家里长老都是混元境,这得是什么家族势力啊? However she changes mind thinks, oneself Wang Clan is not bad, once really must handle anything, various Holy Territory Chaos Origin Boundary can also direct. 不过她转念一想,自家王氏也不差啊,一旦真要办点什么事情,圣域混元境也是能指挥得动的。 Such a thinks, she was immediately confident. 这么一想,她顿时就坦然了。 Originally is Chaos Origin Boundary, no wonder will cause the hostility of cataclysm beast.” The Wang Guiling expression is somewhat dignified, in the Shattered Territory range, once Chaos Origin Boundary cultivator exposes oneself, is very likely to bring in the attack of cataclysm beast!” “原来是混元境,怪不得会引起灾变兽的敌意。”王瑰玲的表情有些凝重,“在破灭之域范围内,一旦混元境修士暴露出自己,就极有可能引来灾变兽的攻击!” Such strange matter?” Cloud Crane Young Master many somewhat is also shocking. “还有此等离奇之事?”云鹤公子多少也有几分震惊。 He has seen the cataclysm beast in the historical data image, never had actually heard the cataclysm beast will defend the domain, and only aims at Chaos Origin Boundary to act. 他在史料影像中见过灾变兽,却是从未听说过灾变兽会守地盘,且只针对混元境出手。 Slightly after doing hesitates, the Cloud Crane Young Master probe said: Miss may know reason?” 略作沉吟后,云鹤公子试探道:“姑娘可知其中缘由?” I am small True Immortal Boundary, how to know such secret.” Wang Guiling curls the lip, expression gruff saying. “我就是一个小小的真仙境,岂会知晓此等秘闻。”王瑰玲撇嘴,表情憨憨的说道。 This...... Miss carries the dao lineage inheritance, is not the ordinary person. However Miss is young, indeed not necessarily knows secret.” Cloud Crane Young Master hit two, later coughed, sincere said, actually Miss must guess, I was Southern Ming temple present age Young Lord Yan Cloud Crane, this time was indebted Miss to rescue, haven't please asked the Miss fine reputation?” “这个……哈哈~姑娘身负道统传承,想必也绝非等闲之辈。不过姑娘年纪轻,的确未必知晓秘辛。”云鹤公子打了两声哈哈,随后又咳嗽了一声,正色说道,“其实姑娘应当猜出来了,我乃是南明神殿当代少主云鹤,此番承蒙姑娘相救,还未请问姑娘芳名?” He sees this Miss does not seem to comprehend him to the suggestion of oneself status, has to play the bright sign pretentiously. 他见这姑娘似乎并没有领会到他对自己身份的暗示,只好装模作样的打起了明牌。 Wang Guiling swept one to tie hands, the handcuff fetters put on, is actually maintaining handsome demeanor Yan Cloud Crane as before with every effort, a two stars pupil stared perfectly round: Southern Ming temple Young Lord? Sounds very extraordinary appearance, is that does do?” 王瑰玲扫了一眼已经被五花大绑,手铐脚镣都戴上了,却依旧在尽力维持着翩翩风度的阎云鹤,一双星眸瞪得滚圆:“南明神殿少主?听起来很了不起的样子,那是干什么的?” cough cough!” 咳咳!” Cloud Crane Young Master has not expected the opposite party to link of unexpectedly World of Immortals top influences Southern Ming temple Has not heard, this may really lavish praise to look to the blind person. 云鹤公子没料到对方竟然连仙界顶级势力之一【南明神殿】都没有听说过,这可真是抛媚眼给瞎子看了。 Under his heart oppressed, actually can only brace oneself to develop. 他心下憋闷,却还是只能硬着头皮演下去。 Our Southern Ming temple, was the Consecrate Southern Ming Immortal Emperor top influence. This Miss saved me, Yan engraves on one's memory, surely generous reward.” “我们南明神殿,乃是供奉南明仙帝的顶尖势力。此次姑娘救了我,阎某铭记于心,必当厚报。” Can thick?” Asking that Wang Guiling is interested in very much. “能有多厚?”王瑰玲很感兴趣的问。 „......” “……” Cloud Crane Young Master does not want to speak with this Miss. 云鹤公子都不想跟这姑娘说话了。 From beginning to end, this Miss does not have to play a card according to the sign principle one time, seriously is the intelligence quotient worrying appearance. 从头到尾,这姑娘就没有一次是按照牌理出牌的,当真是智商堪忧的样子。 However, for the general situation, he can only endure again. 然而,为了大局,他只能再次忍了。 He is maintaining, although tied up actually as before the mild-mannered and cultivated attitude , to continue a face to indicate sincerely: Life-saving efforts big such as day, from working as strongly by report.” 他保持着虽然被绑却依旧温文尔雅的态度,继续一脸真诚地表示:“救命之恩大如天,自当竭力以报。” Good, your clothes first give to me, when repaid a debt of gratitude.” The Wang Guiling honest impolite say/way, after we went back, digs up to me.” “那好,你这身衣服先送给我,就当报恩了。”王瑰玲老实不客气道,“等我们回去后就扒给我。” Digs up the clothes, digs up the clothes ~ your Miss each family, digs up the clothes every time, this interesting? 扒衣服,扒衣服~你一个姑娘家家,开口闭口都是扒衣服,这有意思吗? In the Cloud Crane Young Master heart the anger rubs again dramatic rise, the expression on face has not nearly controlled. 云鹤公子心中怒火再次蹭蹭蹭的飙升,脸上的表情险些没控制住。 But this Young Master this God silkworm Yunjin cotton material Cuts valuable clothes that weaves, although defensive power, in addition is less than proper defense class beginning of the universe spirit treasure, actually also stronger much compared with defense class Holy Item, puts on can show the extraordinary charm and status, entire World of Immortals also few can put on! 本公子这身可是【神蚕云锦布料】裁织的宝衣,虽然防御力尚且不及正经的防御类混元灵宝,却也要比防御类的圣器要强不少,穿在身上更能彰显非凡魅力和身份,整个仙界也没几个能穿得起的! However, even if was foul-mouthed at heart, on his mouth still said refreshedly: Miss, if likes, how trivial things Yan will be mean-spirited?” 不过,哪怕心里骂骂咧咧,他嘴上却仍是爽快道:“姑娘若是喜欢,区区身外之物阎某岂会小气?” Brother Yan you are really good, you wait a bit here, I asked for instructions in the family/home the elder.” The smile on Wang Guiling face a flower is in full bloom immediately likely, mouth also sweet several points. “阎大哥你人真好,你在这里稍等一下,我去请示一下家里长辈。”王瑰玲脸上的笑容顿时像朵花儿般盛开,嘴巴也甜了几分。 This clothes Holy Territory alone, turn head asks a fool to sell, can sufficiently collect the material service to execute the Demon Dao sword. 这件衣服圣域独一份,回头找个冤大头一卖,就能凑够材料维修诛魔道剑了。 Well satisfied , the Wang Guiling region a standard is leaving happy. 心满意足之下,王瑰玲心情很好地带着道典离开了。 Enough after small half-day time, she flies back again, the mouth shouted in the family/home elder complying to make Brother Yan embark, along with, even if retrieved too on Yan Cloud Crane slightly Dao Boat. 足足小半天功夫后,她才再度飞回,嘴里喊着家里长辈答应让阎大哥上船了,随即便将阎云鹤救回了太微道舟上。 But on this time too slightly Dao Boat, except for some smart actor who” stays behind specially outside, most youth elites have evacuated, only left behind some Void Soaring Boundary, True Immortal Boundary clan Consecrate. 而此时的太微道舟上,除了专门留下的一些机灵的“演员”外,大部分青年精英们都已经撤离,只留下了一些凌虚境,真仙境家族供奉 After all, is a drama, the person were too many were easy to reveal the secret. 毕竟,接下来是一场大戏,人太多了容易露馅。 Brother Yan, this is our clan profound bright Old Ancestor.” A Wang Guiling introduced, these are our clan Consecrate Elder.” “阎大哥,这位是我们家族的玄明老祖。”王瑰玲介绍道,“这几位是我们家族供奉长老。” After a beforehand probe, Wang Guiling discovered Cloud Crane Young Master most words saying real, but the detail actually must process has decorated. 经过之前的一番试探,王瑰玲发现云鹤公子大部分话说的都是真的,可细节却应当加工修饰过了。 She does not believe that that anything found Transmission Array to cultivate/repair to make the lane accidentally, such harebrained transmission. Who the normal people will do this matter, if Transmission Array opposite is a dangerous place? 她才不信,那什么无意中找到个传送阵修修弄弄,就这么冒冒失失的传送过来了。正常人谁会干这种事,万一传送阵对面是个危险的地方呢? Let alone, Young Lord of this person of it is said that what Southern Ming temple. Young Lord of influence, does the starting matter come possibly so to be harebrained? 更别说,这人据说还是那个什么南明神殿的少主了。一个势力的少主,做起事情来怎么可能这么冒失? In addition the opposite party after so tied up and shame, unexpectedly also insists to maintain the demeanor, did not shout abuse in public did not say, but also is coaxing her in turn, this let her more assured opposite party dark bosom sinister design. 再加上对方在被如此捆绑和羞辱后,居然还硬要维持风度,不骂街不说,还反过来哄着她,这就让她更加笃定对方暗怀鬼胎了。 Since the opposite party wants to develop, wants to play the pattern, she naturally must accompany him to develop one wave. 既然对方想演,想玩花样,那她自然是要陪他演一波的。 Naturally, when leading him sees Old Ancestor, Wang Guiling naturally first fulfilled the condition ahead of time, dug up to carry off him God silkworm treasure clothes, Also gave him one set of ordinary men's long gown, and relieved the bundle and control of opposite party. 当然,在带他去见“老祖”时,王瑰玲自然是提前先履行了条件,扒拉走了他的【神蚕宝衣】,同时也给了他一套普通的男子长袍,并且解除了对方的捆绑和控制。 The profound bright Holy Venerable beard and hair is all white, makings quite features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, pretending to be Wang Clan Old Ancestor come the appearance to be actually good. 玄明圣尊须发皆白,气质颇为仙风道骨,冒充起王氏老祖来倒是卖相不错。 At this time a he appearance in reverential awe, salutes disturbedly: Originally was the Young Lord position of World of Immortals Southern Ming temple is near, our Changning Wang Clan child rash rash, did not have good manners the number, but also looked to forgive. Rose Ling, fast gives back to Young Master the valuable clothes.” 此时他一副诚惶诚恐的样子,忐忑行礼:“原来是仙界南明神殿的少主位临,我们长宁王氏的孩子冒失孟浪,不懂礼数,还望恕罪恕罪。瑰玲,还不速速将宝衣还给公子。” Might as well.” “无妨无妨。” Retrieval free body Cloud Crane Young Master, appears especially the elegant bearing. 重获“自由身”的云鹤公子,显得格外风度翩翩。 A he weak appearance salutes toward profound bright Holy Venerable, looked that is a face is more grateful to the Wang Guiling vision: Rose Ling Young Lady life-saving efforts, Cloud Crane gratitude, in addition without enough time, how to blame at will? This traveling schedule is extremely hurried, the Cloud Crane body does not have the surplus, after waiting for World of Immortals, will decide will report bright clan, thanked politely the Wang Clan great kindness.” 他一副虚弱的样子朝玄明圣尊行礼,看向王瑰玲的目光更是一脸感激:“瑰玲小姐的救命之恩,云鹤感激尚且来不及,岂会随意怪罪?只是此次行程太过匆忙,云鹤身无长物,等回了仙界之后,定会禀明家族,拜谢王氏的大恩大德。” A pie, what picture is round and attractive. 一张大饼,画的是又圆又漂亮。 Obviously, this Cloud Crane Young Master usually in does this grade of matter a lot. 显然,这云鹤公子平日里没少干这等事情。 Profound bright Holy Venerable people become shrewd with age, on the mouth was saying does not want, the eye has actually started to emit none, a excited appearance. 玄明圣尊人老成精,嘴上说着“不要不要”,眼睛却已经开始冒出了精光,一副大为心动的模样。 Cloud Crane Young Master sees the opposite party to swallow the bait, then also said: Does not know below, whether to see right in front of one Chaos Origin Boundary Ancestor of aristocrat with Senior together? Some younger generation important matters, need to talk with it face to face.” 云鹤公子见得对方上钩,便又说道:“不知在下,可否与前辈一同去面见贵族的混元境老祖宗?晚辈有些要事,需要与之当面交谈。” Saying, he pulled out some spirit stone to force in the opposite party hand in secret, said that was the thank-you gift. 说着,他暗中掏出些许灵石塞进了对方手中,说是谢礼。 Profound bright Holy Venerable hefts secretly, discovered that only has 30-40 Immortal Spirit Stone appearances unexpectedly. 玄明圣尊暗暗一掂,发现竟只有30-40枚仙灵石的样子。 Although so many Immortal Spirit Stone regarding Holy Venerable, are not a poor great sum of money, but he saw the Wang Clan that several Young Master Gui/noble young master writing skill, immediately thought Young Lord of this Southern Ming temple somewhat was rather mean-spirited. 虽说这么多仙灵石对于圣尊而言,已是一笔不菲的巨款,可他见惯了王氏那几个贵公子的手笔,登时觉得这南明神殿的少主未免有些小气吧啦。 Not too lining on his sounds very big on status. 不太衬得上他那听起来挺高大上的身份。 However, is also shouldering concerned about oneself mission that clarifies the opposite party goal, profound bright Holy Venerable ships out a becoming greedy at the sight of money happy appearance: „ Thanks for the compliment, by the Cloud Crane Young Master status, naturally made my clan you honor my humble home. 不过,碍于自己还肩负着弄清楚对方目的的任务,玄明圣尊还是装出一副见钱眼开的欢喜模样:“好说好说,以云鹤公子的身份,自然令我族蓬荜生辉。 So, Cloud Crane Young Master then mixed in the exploration team smoothly. 如此,云鹤公子便顺利混入了探索队伍之中。 But frequents each other here, when compares notes the performing skill mutually. 而就在这边你来我往,相互切磋演技时。 Same time. 同一时间段。 This when carries out Exterminates cataclysm beast The mission deep black Shenzhou, has received the information that the Wang Clan search party has transmitted. 本待去执行【剿灭灾变兽】任务的玄青神舟,已经收到了王氏探索队传来的情报。 Since Wang Clan Research Institute takes over these bases that Demon Race kept, has been decoding technology diligently, so many years later, the technical standards in various Research Institute aspects can be said as fly to enter suddenly courageous. 自从王氏研究院接手了魔族留下来的那些基地之后,就一直在努力破解其中的技术,这么多年下来,研究院各方面的技术水平可以说是突飞勐进。 Communication similarly is also so. 通讯这一块同样也是如此。 Wang Clan Research Institute has decoded Demon Race to conduct the communication through Endless Heaven Abyss the method, now Wang Clan can also through Endless Heaven Abyss be a springboard similarly, realizes the ultra long-distance communication. 王氏研究院已经破解了魔族通过无尽天渊进行通讯的手段,如今王氏同样也可以通过无尽天渊为跳板,实现超远距离通讯。 Naturally, this ultra long-distance communication has the limit. 当然,这种超远距离通讯还是有限制的。 If the distance is too far, for example from Divine Martial world to Holy Territory, the middle needs to cross Shattered Territory, because the distance is too far, the middle will not have enough base depot to conduct skipping, the information will then present the delay inevitably, even possibly because the signal will be too bad to cause to appear cannot receive the signal the situation. 若是距离实在太远,譬如说从神武世界圣域,中间需要横穿破灭之域,由于距离太远,中间也没有足够的基站进行跳转,信息不可避免地便会出现延迟,甚至可能会因为信号太差而导致出现收不到信号的情况。 The search party in Shattered Territory conducts the exploration, because the exploration region belongs has not developed the region, may not be used to increase the signal and information relay base depot, the pass on message will also present the delay. 探索队在破灭之域之中进行探索时,由于探索区域属于未开发区域,没有可用于扩增信号和信息中转的基站,传讯同样也会出现延迟。 Normally, Wang Liyao and Wang Longyan their pass on message want to feed in Wang Clan, is needs some time, what fortunately is, deep black Shenzhou now in Endless Heaven Abyss. Moreover, from the space, they are away from Wang Liyao they not too to be far. 正常情况下,王璃瑶王珑烟他们的传讯想要传回王氏,是需要一段时间的,但凑巧的是,玄青神舟如今就在无尽天渊之中。而且,从空间上来讲,他们距离王璃瑶他们并不算太远。 Therefore, almost separated a few days , the information passed to deep black Shenzhou. 所以,几乎是隔了没几天,情报就传到了玄青神舟之中。 At this moment. 此刻。 Deep black Shenzhou, an antiqueness, filled in the garret of immortal rhyme, one crowd of original plans must exterminate the cataclysm beast big is old is crowding together to meet. 玄青神舟内部,一座古色古香,充满了仙韵的阁楼之中,一群原计划要去剿灭灾变兽的大老正凑在一起开会。 Beginning day God Sovereign looks at the information content, in the profound eye pupil reveals to dread the color: Southern Ming temple, that was one of the World of Immortals peak influences. On the strength, entire Immortal Alliance adds to be inferior that the Southern Ming temple came powerfully. That Cloud Crane will Young Master, why restore Transmission Array? Actually does he come Shattered Territory also to have what goal?” 始天神皇看完情报内容,深邃的眼眸中露出忌惮之色:“南明神殿,那可是仙界最顶尖的势力之一。论实力,整个仙盟加起来都不如南明神殿来得强盛。还有那个云鹤公子,为何会修复传送阵?他来破灭之域又究竟有何目的?” No matter the opposite party is what goal, since he thinks of every means to see Wang Clan Chaos Origin Boundary Old Ancestor, that makes him see.” Nearby Extreme Happiness God Sovereign proposition said. “不管对方是什么目的,既然他费尽心机想要见‘王氏混元境老祖’,那就让他见一见。”一旁的极乐神皇提议道。 In her opinion, the opposite party does this naturally has the oneself goal, so long as made him see Wang Clan Chaos Origin Boundary Old Ancestor, can mostly the plot revealed. 在她看来,对方如此做自然有自己的目的,只要让他见到了“王氏混元境老祖”,多半就会“图穷匕见”了。 This is also her consistent style. 这也是她一贯的行事风格。 These years, as Extreme Happiness Divine Dynasty straightens out, her makings are even more dignified, is even more aggressive, even more has the sovereign bearing. 这些年,随着极乐神朝步入正轨,她身上的气质愈发威严,愈发霸气,也愈发有皇者气度。 Her vision glance people, the tone offer to volunteer to say seriously: I thought that I can be good, when the time comes makes Wang Shouzhe call me Ancestor!” 她目光扫视众人,语气严肃地自荐道:“我觉得我能行,到时候让王守哲叫我一声老祖宗!” Obviously, she in pretending to be mission is interested very much. 十分显然,她对冒充任务很感兴趣。 That is not good.” Absolute Beginning Dao Lord knits the brows saying that Extreme Happiness your style is extremely overbearing strongly, is not suitable to act ordinary aristocratic family beginning of the universe Old Ancestor. Really must make you go, feared that cannot say two words must reveal the secret. This Dao Lord recommends Heaven's Revolution to go, he most agrees with.” “那不行。”太初道主皱眉说道,“极乐你行事风格太过霸道强硬,不适合扮演一个普通世家的混元老祖。真要让你去了,怕是说不了两句话就得露馅。本道主推荐天衍去,他最为契合。” A Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord face is inexplicable: Why do I most agree with? Is it possible that what art but also there is inadequate?” 天衍道主一脸莫名:“凭什么我最契合?莫非,还有什么讲究不成?” That Cloud Crane Young Master is the would-be god child who the position keeps aloof, then in World of Immortals, many Chaos Origin Boundary cultivator will pat his horse buttocks, follows the lead to him.” A Absolute Beginning Dao Lord face explained earnestly, Heaven's Revolution you were pressed be used to it in Southern Ye Divine Continent, passed the hard times, after seeing the person would-be god child, did not need to develop has one share to be timid, lowly person makings in reverential awe.” “那云鹤公子乃是地位高高在上的准神子,便是在仙界,也会有诸多混元境修士拍他马屁,对他马首是瞻。”太初道主一脸认真地解释,“天衍你在南烨神洲被压习惯了,又过惯了苦日子,见了人准神子后,不用演都自有一股子唯唯诺诺,诚惶诚恐的小家子气质。” „......” “……” The Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord corners of the mouth pull out. 天衍道主嘴角一抽。 He wants to curse at people. 他想骂人。 ...... ……
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