POP :: Volume #8

#33: Return home with a full load! Saved the meeting misfortune god child

...... …… Demon Sword Sovereign standard item spirit, never has naturally listened to the Wang Fugui given name, under the description of Wang Guiling tricks, she understands present four big Divine Continent and Dao Lord level of Demon Race autonomous region is greatly old, must await dispatching of Wang Fugui. 剑皇道典器灵,自然是从未听过王富贵的名号,但是在王瑰玲的描绘忽悠下,她明白了如今四大神洲魔族自治区的各位道主级大老,都是要听候王富贵的差遣。 The so-called Saint pledge secretary-general, in fact takes on the Alliance Lord responsibility, modern Holy Territory is not setting up the position of Alliance Lord. 所谓的圣共盟秘书长,实际上是承担着盟主职责,现代圣域不设立盟主之位。 „The rose Ling Young Lady status is so that's how it is honored.” Demon sword item spirit has profound respect all of a sudden. “瑰玲小姐的身份原来如此尊贵。”魔剑器灵一下子肃然起敬。 This made her associate to have the Immortal Alliance Alliance Lord Ji Daoyi position. 这让她联想起了仙盟盟主姬道一的地位。 Holy Territory that now the Immortal Alliance descendant builds, although is inferior to the Immortal Alliance prosperous period, but can become its substantiality supreme leader, that Wang Fugui is very certainly strong, at least will not compare the demon Sword Sovereign peak to be weak. 如今仙盟后裔打造的圣域,虽不如仙盟鼎盛时期,但是能成为其实质性“最高领袖”,那位王富贵一定很强,起码不会比魔剑皇巅峰时期弱。 Therefore you follow I to feel relieved that I lead you, as soon as takes off.” Wang Guiling pats the chest makes noise, Kang Kai spirited say/way, after „, I lead you to go to the World of Immortals wanderer together, strives to mix Divine Maiden ding-dong, then flushes the Immortal Emperor rank. Even if falls short, the life still not regrets.” “所以你跟着我就放心吧,我带你一起飞。”王瑰玲把胸脯拍得啪啪作响,康慨激昂道,“以后我带你一起去仙界闯荡,争取混个神女当当,然后冲一冲仙帝级别。即便功亏一篑,此生也无憾尔。” This cake picture is big and round, making the demon sword item spirit recollections handsome, complied excitedly: Okay good, your ambition I approve. Your my sisters, in the future remaining years of life we together diligently.” 这块饼画得是又大又圆,让魔剑器灵浮想翩翩,激动的答应了下来:“好好好,你的志向我非常赞同。你我姐妹,往后余生我们一起努力。” Demon sword item spirit so to the end does obeisance, pours is flickered purely. 魔剑器灵如此倒头就拜,倒也不纯粹是被忽悠。 In fact Wang Guiling is Dao Daughter third grade rank bloodline, once inherited an demon Sword Sovereign standard, contains the baptism of heaven and earth essence after the standard, must have the opportunity to flush Dao Daughter second grade, must win compared with previous generation's demon Sword Sovereign some. 事实上王瑰玲本身便是道女丙等级别血脉,一旦继承了魔剑皇道典,经过道典中所蕴含天地精华的洗礼,应当有机会冲一冲道女乙等,比起上一代的魔剑皇犹要胜出些许。 If in the family/home the resources are abundant enough, the life will not necessarily have the qualifications to give free reign to the imagination the future. 若是家中资源足够充沛,此生未必就没有资格畅想未来。 The dream must always have, if realized? 梦想总是要有的,万一实现了呢? Draws back 10,000 steps, so long as not midway falls from the sky, even were defeated, Wang Guiling mostly is still in all previous demon Sword Sovereign strongest one. 退一万步而言,只要不中途陨落,即便失败了,王瑰玲多半也是历代魔剑皇最强的一个。 With demon Sword Sovereign item spirit and Origin Spirit Princess Wang Guiling, both hot romantically reached an agreement. 随着魔剑皇器灵元灵公主王瑰玲,干柴烈火般达成了一致。 Nearby Kunlun Sword Sovereign item spirit, was persuaded by Wang Jinyu. She did not understand that who Wang Anye is, but can make aptitude such high Wang Jinyu so proud, wants to come is not the common people. 一旁的昆仑剑皇器灵,也是被王瑾瑜说动了。她不了解王安业是谁,但是能让资质如此之高的王瑾瑜如此为之自傲,想来绝非泛泛之辈。 Jinyu Young Lady , if there is opportunity to go to World of Immortals, leading me to go to the Wu Yue temple to look, before I want to look at reverently next, generation of Wu Yue Immortal Emperor.” Kunlun Sword Sovereign item spirit full is the expectation. 瑾瑜小姐若是有机会去仙界的话,带我去武岳神殿看一看,我想瞻仰一下前代武岳仙帝。”昆仑剑皇器灵满是期望。 Does not have the issue, our clan is seeking for the gate of World of Immortals, at present already some clues.” Wang Jinyu is also vouching to say, „, even if cannot seek the gate of World of Immortals, our clan Old Ancestor Shouzhe sect has a Immortal Emperor Shenzhou rank private car, navigates the millenniums still to arrive at World of Immortals for a long time.” “没问题,我们家族正在寻找仙界之门,目前已经有些线索了。”王瑾瑜也是打着包票说道,“即便寻不到仙界之门,我们家族守哲老祖宗有一艘仙帝神舟级别座驾,长期航行千年也能到仙界。” The millenniums are very long. 千年很长。 However to the Holy Venerable rank, the limit life may reach 36,000 thousand years, millennium can also withstand but actually reluctantly. 但是到了圣尊级别,极限寿元可达三万六千载,千年时间倒也勉强能承受。 Immortal Emperor Shenzhou!?” Kunlun Sword Sovereign item spirit had profound respect all of a sudden, expensive/noble clan is really not the superficial clan, Jinyu Young Lady, I am willing to give you dao lineage inheritance of Kunlun Sword Sovereign lineage.” 仙帝神舟!?”昆仑剑皇器灵一下子肃然起敬了起来,“贵家族果然不是泛泛之族,瑾瑜小姐,我愿意将昆仑剑皇一脉道统传承给你。” In the short time, Sword Sovereign Palace four big Sword Sovereign dao lineage all had the ownership. 短短时间内,剑皇宫四大剑皇道统悉数有了归属。 Sounds somewhat exaggerating, but Sword Sovereign Palace this place has abandoned hundred ten thousand years, what even if today is four Holy Child second grade, four big Sword Sovereign dao lineage will also accept them reluctantly. 听起来有几分夸张,可剑皇宫这地方已经废弃百万载了,哪怕今天来的是四个圣子乙等,四大剑皇道统也会勉强接受他们。 Not to mention in the this time inheritance, worst inheritor is also Daoist Seed fourth grade on, has does not lose start of in the previous generation demon Sword Sovereign. 更别提这一次传承中,最差的一个传承者也是道子丁等偏上,拥有不输于上一代魔剑皇之起步。 Other Wang Clan juniors and Divine Martial young Heaven's Chosen look at this scene, could not bear reveal the color of envying. 其余王氏子弟和神武年轻天骄们看着这一幕,都忍不住露出了羡慕之色。 Envies to turn over to envy, knows their four name will follow reality. 只是羡慕归羡慕,也知他们四个实至名归。 In various people on the scene, only has the qualifications to compete is Moonlight Princess Wang Guihu. 在场诸人中,唯一一个有资格竞争的便是【月华公主王瑰瑚 However others Wang Guihu carries Yun Clan rare bloodline Moonlight Immortal Spirit Body, What now cultivation is Moonlight holy spirit secret art, In the future is to look for the Yun Clan ancestor to lose the inheritance, has the oneself road to walk. 不过人家王瑰瑚身负妘氏的稀有血脉【月华仙灵体】,如今修炼的乃是【月华圣灵诀】,未来是要寻找妘氏先祖遗失传承的,有自己的路要走。 Therefore her this time comes, mainly watches the fun, in addition earns a meritorious value. 因此她这一次过来,主要是看看热闹,外加赚取一笔功勋值。 As the Dao Book inheritance settles down, then was the inheritance of Holy Picture! 随着道书传承尘埃落定,接下来便是圣图的传承了! Sword Sovereign Palace has enough four dao lineage to inherit, how will the inheritance of Holy Picture be few? 剑皇宫拥有足足四部道统传承,圣图的传承岂会少? Especially, in the past when the final bloody battle guarded the Sword Sovereign territory, demon Sword Sovereign persevered the last minute, after many Great Principle Holy Venerable and True Immortal fell from the sky, the inheritance and relic drew to bring by him well together, took back Sword Sovereign Palace. 尤其,当年最后血战守卫剑皇域时,魔剑皇坚守到了最后一刻,许多大罗圣尊真仙陨落之后,传承和遗物都被他收拢好一起带了回来,重新收归了剑皇宫 It can be said that in the past that being shattered war, Sword Sovereign Palace, although is almost annihilated, but dao lineage and inheritance actually retain relatively completely. So long as Sword Sovereign Palace were opened, depended on these inheritance, quick can make Sword Sovereign Palace restore once magnificence. 可以说,当年那一场破灭之战,剑皇宫虽然几乎全军覆没,但道统和传承却保留得相对完整。只要剑皇宫被人重新开启,靠着这些传承,很快就能让剑皇宫恢复曾经的辉煌。 Really by, this fate also wants to be stronger than many big sect on the contrary. After all, in the past that war, sect was destroyed, the influence that the inheritance scatters was too many are too really many. 真论起来,这下场反倒是比许多大宗门还要强一些。毕竟,当年那一场大战,宗门被毁,传承散落的势力实在是太多太多了。 However, Holy Picture that even if in Sword Sovereign Palace preserves inherits much, the Holy Picture competitive intensity goes far beyond dao lineage as before. 不过,即便剑皇宫内留存的圣图传承不少,圣图的竞争激烈程度依旧远远超过道统 Many Holy Child Holy Daughter bloodline, outstanding youth outstanding talent in lacking the Holy Picture situation, their rather card does not promote True Immortal in Void Soaring Boundary, hopes that after obtaining Holy Picture bloodline can go a step further, in the future road will be good. 不少圣子圣女血脉,优秀的青年俊杰在缺乏圣图的情况下,他们宁愿卡在凌虚境不晋升真仙,就是希望在得到圣图血脉能更进一步,往后的路会好走些。 Like Wang Clan famous twin outstanding talent Wang Yincao and Wang Jun nao brother and sister two is so. 王氏着名的双胞胎俊杰王寅操、王君婥兄妹两个便是如此。 This to the twin brother and sister is the Wang Fugui orthodox second son Wang Baocheng grandson closely related granddaughter. 这对双胞胎兄妹乃是王富贵嫡次子王宝承的嫡孙嫡孙女。 Although Wang Baocheng was inferior that closely related brother Wang Baosheng is like that brilliant, even also cannot compare two Younger Sister Wang Guihu and Wang Guiling, but can also be intelligently excellent, and character is low-key. 王宝承虽不如嫡兄王宝圣那般光彩夺目,甚至还比不上两个妹妹王瑰瑚王瑰玲,但也算得上是聪慧过人,且性格低调稳重。 Baocheng follows to instruct earnestly side Fugui/riches and honor since childhood, studied many things steadfastly, then informed and experienced development in various clan industries, now has passed through is the mainstay in Wang Clan economic system, side Dalao. 宝承从小跟在富贵身边耳提面命,踏踏实实学了不少东西,尔后又在家族各产业中历练发展,如今早已经是王氏经济体系中的中流砥柱,一方大老。 Then even Wang Shouzhe often praises him, said that Baocheng has the wind of Zong'an Old Ancestor, is child who can defend the family property. 便是连王守哲都经常夸赞他,说宝承颇有宗安老祖之风,是个能守得住家业的孩子。 Any clan wants to extend unceasingly and prosperous, then must have Fugui/riches and honor and Baosheng to march forward courageously like this, gone all out pioneer, must have like Zong'an and Baocheng Shoucheng/maintain accomplishments. 任何一个家族想要延绵不绝、长盛不衰,便既要有富贵宝圣这样勇往直前,锐意进取的开拓者,也得有像宗安宝承这样的守成者。 Yincao and Monarch nao this to the dragon and phoenix twin, was Wang Baocheng this lineage most outstanding two child, bloodline is the card in Holy Child first grade, cultivation base arrived at the Void Soaring Boundary peak long time ago, even so, has not stood in line to the present Holy Picture! 寅操和君婥这对龙凤双胞胎,是王宝承一脉最出色的两个孩子,血脉俱是卡在了圣子甲等,修为更是早早就到了凌虚境巅峰,但即便如此,也还是到现在都还未曾排上圣图 The reason for this is that actually not because of aptitude issue, because the two people rank is too small. 之所以如此,倒不是因为资质问题,而是由于两人辈分太小。 When the Wang Clan current clan strategy, inherits Holy Picture mainly has two principles ; first, according to the ranking decision order of training sequence, two, was the elder first. 王氏目前的家族策略,继承圣图时主要有两条原则,一是按照培养序列的排名决定先后顺序,二,便是长辈优先。 Namely, is similar when the aptitude, and meets the Holy Picture inheritance condition, the elder has the first option. 即,在资质差不多,且都符合圣图的传承条件时,长辈拥有优先选择权。 But the elder who in Wang Clan, the aptitude goes against heaven's will were too many, the children then also can only wait. 王氏之中,资质逆天的长辈太多了,孩子们便也就只能多等一等。 What is more fearful, by Wang Yincao and Wang Jun nao strength, was unable in the Void Soaring list rock row to first, but is placed for fourth and fifth merely! 更可怕的是,以王寅操和王君婥的实力,还没能在凌虚榜中排到第一,而仅仅是分列为第四和第五名! Also is therefore, this time Sword Sovereign Palace vestige Dungeon, Wang Yincao and Wang Jun nao win to the Holy Picture inheritance. 也是因此,这一次剑皇宫遗迹副本,王寅操和王君婥对圣图传承是志在必得。 After having Holy Picture, bloodline and strength will be increased again, when the time comes they proceed to hit again in the Void Soaring list, can perhaps take first and second position. When the time comes, but can also extra lead(er) contribution points from clan. 有了圣图后,血脉和战力会再度提升,到时候他们俩在凌虚榜中再往前打打,说不定就能拿下第一和第二的位置。到时候,还能从家族中额外领一笔贡献点 In order to maintain order, Wang Liyao and Wang Longyan after striving for the opinion of Sword Sovereign Palace item spirit, then according to planning to conduct Holy Picture to compete for the match. 为了维护秩序,王璃瑶王珑烟在争取了剑皇宫器灵的意见后,便按照计划进行了一场圣图争夺赛。 The rule, holds, potential to classify several dimensions by the bloodline minute/share, the cultivation base minute/share and cultural minute/share well-behaved, the synthesis competes for ranking, ranking high, has optimal chooses the qualifications of Holy Picture. 规则以血脉分、修为分、文化分、操守分、潜力分等几个维度,综合争夺一个排名,排名越高者,就有优选挑选圣图的资格。 But Sword Sovereign Palace amounts to also 39 Holy Picture to inherit at present, many are the Sword Saint inheritance. 剑皇宫目前总计还有三十九部圣图可传承,其中多数都是剑圣传承。 These 39 Holy Picture inherit, assigned a number respectively, respectively from Number 1 to three Number 19. 这三十九部圣图传承,各自分配到了一个号码,分别是从一号到三十九号 They can ask all sorts of issues to choice, can vindicate choice ahead of time. Naturally, was selected Holy Picture also to reject reverse. 她们可以向挑选者提出种种问题,也可以提前表白挑选者。当然,被挑中的圣图也可以反向拒绝。 After dao lineage item spirit listen to the rule, thought that this Holy Picture contest is quite interesting, to Wang Liyao indicated that wants to work as the referee honored guest. 道统器灵们听完规则之后,都觉得这圣图争夺战相当有趣,纷纷向王璃瑶表示想当裁判嘉宾。 Truth that Wang Liyao has not naturally agreed with. 王璃瑶自然没有不同意的道理。 An entirely new tournament, as well as very lively Holy Picture being on intimate terms meeting, started! 一场别开生面的排名赛,以及十分热闹的圣图相亲会,就这么开始了! Strength tyrannical Wang Yincao and Wang Jun nao, naturally obtained Holy Picture with ease respectively. 实力强横的王寅操和王君婥,自然是轻轻松松各自获得了圣图 In addition, is even Wang Huanliang is also lucky obtained Holy Picture to inherit! 除此之外,便是连王寰亮也是幸运的获得了一部圣图传承! Although he 400 dozens years old , just stepped into the Void Soaring Boundary threshold, but he can wrest away the Xinping Town Divine Ability list's first position when Divine Ability Boundary for a long time, in the future the potential naturally is also extremely strong. 他虽然才四百几十岁,也就刚刚踏入凌虚境的门槛,但他在神通境时能长期霸占新平镇神通榜第一的位置,未来潜力自然也是极强的。 With the splendid potential minute/share, he caught up, won the favor of some Sword Saint inheritance. 凭着出色的潜力分,他后来者居上,赢得了某位剑圣传承的青睐。 What is worth mentioning is, in these 39 Holy Picture, 27 and other numerous Wang Clan youth talent were captured by Wang Yincao finally. 值得一提的是,这三十九部圣图之中,足足有二十七部最终是被王寅操等一众王氏青年才俊斩获。 Remaining, by Scarlet Moon Demon Dynasty, True Demon Hall, Cold Moon Immortal Dynasty and Cold Moon Immortal Palace, Great Qian Immortal Dynasty and Wang Clan relations by marriage clan and Cloud Soaring Immortal Palace, Luwei Immortal Palace wait/etc influences was carved up. 剩下的,才被赤月魔朝真魔殿寒月仙朝寒月仙宫,大乾仙朝王氏姻亲家族凌云仙宫绿薇仙宫等等势力瓜分掉。 other influences and clan, have no harvest at all on Holy Picture. 其余势力家族,在圣图上颗粒无收。 The reason does not have it. This is the simplest Matthew effect, obtained Wang Clan of earlier massive advantage to be willing to invest in the training next generation, in Wang Clan this clan unceasingly involution, child who can emerge as before, should be outstanding? 原因无它。这便是最简单的马太效应,取得了前期大量优势的王氏在培养下一代上更舍得投入,在王氏本族不断内卷之下,依旧能脱颖而出的孩子,该是何等优秀? Even if Wang Clan receives the attitude and idea of open competition, some ordinary clan, even if walked shipped out a top talent greatly, was still very difficult to compete to result in Wang Clan youth outstanding talent. 哪怕王氏秉承开放竞争的态度和理念,一些普普通通的家族,即便走大运出了一个顶尖天才,也很难竞争得过王氏的青年俊杰们。 After the Holy Picture inheritance ended, is the True Immortal inheritance competition...... 圣图传承结束之后,便又是真仙传承竞争…… This naturally is one a competition that curled the pinnacle, many Divine Ability Boundary aptitude in Peerless second grade, had the qualifications to inherit Immortal Scripture Heaven's Chosen to be eliminated finally reluctantly. 这自然又是一场卷到了极致的竞争,最终很多神通境资质在绝世乙等,勉强有资格继承仙经天骄们都被刷了下来。 Only then achieves Peerless first grade, has the qualifications acceptance reluctantly, and cannot guarantee that laughs last. 只有达到绝世甲等者,才勉强有资格入围,且不能保证笑到最后。 After all, had not found the inheritor Immortal Scripture After seeing such many talents, wants to look for the idea of inheritor also to change urgently, will be pondering over with it on, was inferior that the next generation talents grow. 毕竟,尚未找到传承人的【仙经】在见到了如此之多的天才后,迫切想找传承人的想法也会改变,会琢磨着与其将就,不如等下一代天才成长起来。 Wants initially, Scarlet Moon Chao Clan Little Demon Venerable Chao Qianjue, leads coquettish one generation of extremely talents in that age, actually was also Divine Ability Boundary Peerless first grade, places this time to stress one now in a big way, can only describe with ordinary. 想当初,赤月晁氏的“小魔尊晁千珏”,在那年代也算是引领风骚的一代绝顶天才了,却也不过是神通境绝世甲等而已,放在现在这个时代就是一抓一大把,只能用平平无奇来形容。 This is the time development speed is extremely quick, brought advantage and drawback. 这就是时代发展速度极快,带来的优势和弊端了。 The idle talk does not raise, competes like a raging fire is conducting. 闲话不提,竞争如火如荼的进行着。 Consumed enough after several years, the Sword Sovereign Palace vestige Dungeon first stage section is comes to the end. 耗费了足足数年之后,剑皇宫遗迹副本一阶段才算是告一段落。 The leading troops after leaving behind some Holy Venerable Consecrate guarded, then packed with the precious resources old route to return. 先头部队在留下了部分圣尊供奉驻守后,便满载着宝贵的资源原路返回。 Then is second plundering to Sword Sovereign Palace vestige, as well as subsequent handling wait/etc. 接下来便是对剑皇宫遗迹的第二步搜刮,以及后续处置等等。 What is slightly regrettable, Sword Sovereign Palace and Crystal Ancient Race that war played intensely, a lot of resources in Sword Sovereign Palace were consumed in that war, they searched for entire Heavenly Grotto, had not found many useful resource. 稍稍遗憾的是,剑皇宫晶古族的那一场大战打得太激烈了,剑皇宫内的很多资源都在那场大战中被消耗一空,他们搜遍整个洞天,也没找到多少有用资源。 These preserve crosses the boat void, the damage is also very serious, needs to invest the huge resources, and after looking to be good at these Item Refiner conducting the service and maintenance specially, can be operational. 就连那些保存下来的虚空渡舟,损坏也都十分严重,需要投入大量资源,并找擅长这些的炼器师专门进行维修和养护之后,才能重新投入使用。 The Dao Boat rank that now can also navigate reluctantly crosses the boat, only has one Too slightly Sword Sovereign boat. 如今勉强还能航行的道舟级别渡舟,只有一艘【太微剑皇舟】。 As the name suggests, this is too the slightly Sword Sovereign lineage Lord private car, naturally turned over to the Wang Liyao use. 顾名思义,此乃太微剑皇一脉的主座驾,自然归了王璃瑶使用。 As for beforehand Brilliant Jade Sword Boat, naturally also on logical stepped down two. 至于之前的瑶光剑舟,自然也就顺理成章的退居了二线。 In addition, four big dao lineage inheritors, has generations of inheritance respectively Beginning of the universe dao sword. 除此之外,四大道统的传承人,也都各自拥有一柄代代传承的【混元道剑】。 This is the sword cultivator life treasure, as long as Chaos Origin Boundary Sword Sovereign, even if will lose everything and offers loans still first will start dao sword! 这是剑修的命宝,但凡混元境剑皇,就算砸锅卖铁、举债也会优先入手一柄道剑 The reason is very simple, even beginning of the universe dao sword no does sword cultivator, what qualifications have to say as Sword Sovereign? 原因很简单,连混元道剑都没有的剑修,有什么资格自称为“剑皇”? What is odder, Sword Sovereign obtains beginning of the universe dao sword that moment is only the start of expense...... 更离谱的是,剑皇获得混元道剑的那一刻只是消费的开始…… They can want completely all means to obtain a better material, please best Item Refiner help them conduct various improvement promotion to oneself dao sword. 他们会想尽一切办法获得更好的材料,请最牛的炼器师帮他们对自己道剑进行各种改进升级。 As long as sword cultivator, besides liking playing the graceful, but also likes fighting ~ ~ ~ 而且但凡剑修,除了喜欢耍帅之外,还更爱打架~~~ After all sword cultivator on fighting also has has the advantage, the person is so, always likes moving in the comfort margin. 毕竟剑修在打架上还有颇有优势的,人就是如此,总喜欢在舒适区活动。 Fought, the dao sword nature was easy to damage, that must consume the huge resources and labor costs services. 打架多了,道剑自然容易损坏,那就又要耗费大量资源和工费去维修。 Gradually, not matter produces some all sorts of problems Sword Sovereign, in the surface seems like one after another is impressive appearance and makings Cloud Soaring, is graceful and natural, frequently steps on dao sword to fly round to make people jealous, but in fact one after another is a poor devil. 久而久之,不事生产又有种种毛病的剑皇们,表面上看上去一个个都是器宇轩昂、气质凌云,又帅又潇洒,动辄踩着道剑飞来飞去羡煞旁人,可实际上一个个都是穷鬼。 Also is the Sword Sovereign Palace older generations renders meritorious service in the opening up wasteland period quite a lot, claimed markets by making preemptive investments to make many domains, was only ninth grade said that spirit vein had enough six, accumulated also to calculate that to Sword Sovereign Palace good family property, this could haunch to live reluctantly like this. 也就是剑皇宫的先辈们在开荒时期立功颇多,跑马圈地弄了不少地盘,光是九品灵脉就有足足六条,给剑皇宫攒下了还算不错的家底,这才勉强支撑得起生活这样子。 Otherwise, Sword Sovereign Palace these greatly old, feared that is poor goes out to rob has the possibility. 否则,剑皇宫的那些大老们,怕是穷得出去抢劫都有可能。 Look is similar the following dialog to happen in various places. 这不,类似下面的对白在各处发生。 Ling Younger Sister, after this time goes back, must help repair slightly to execute, slightly executed him is too pitiful.” Demon Sword Sovereign standard item spirit float is speaking in front of Wang Guiling. “玲儿妹妹,这次回去之后,一定要帮忙修理一下‘小诛’,小诛他太可怜了。”魔剑皇道典器灵悬浮在王瑰玲面前说着话。 By item spirit, this little while is floating a to send out the dreadful demon qi long sword. 器灵旁边,这会儿正漂浮着一柄散发着滔天魔气的长剑。 This sword sword ji is very thick, the sword blade is also very wide, the contour of sword standard looks at also the atmosphere, must be a quite aggressive demon sword, but it at this moment is the whole body is tattered, looks quite pitifully, experiences fierce battles less to repair the maintenance obviously to cause afterward. 这柄剑剑嵴很厚,剑刃也很宽,剑格的外形看着也很是大气,原本应当是一柄相当霸气的魔剑,但此刻的它却是浑身破破烂烂,看着相当凄惨,显然是经历过一场场恶战后来不及修理维护导致的。 This is all previous demon Sword Sovereign inheritance dao sword Executes the Demon Dao sword. 这是历代魔剑皇的传承道剑【诛魔道剑】。 As demon Sword Sovereign sword, it followed demon Sword Sovereign and Crystal Ancient Race in the past conducts does not know that many fierce battles, in the process the damage is serious, even item spirit was almost defeated and dispersed. Until now, executes the consciousness of Demon Dao sword as before is dim, even the words do not talk clearly, can only echo in one side. 作为魔剑皇佩剑,它当年跟随魔剑皇晶古族进行了不知多少场恶战,过程中损毁严重,差点连器灵都溃散了。直到现在,诛魔道剑的意识依旧是朦朦胧胧,连话都说不清楚,只能在一旁伊伊呀呀的附和着。 This...... overhaul beginning of the universe dao item very expensive/noble?” Wang Guiling also somewhat is suddenly afraid, „hasn't my skip-generation Teacher demon Sir Sword Sovereign, besides Holy Item level storage ring, left a heritage?” “这……大修混元道器很贵的吧?”王瑰玲一时间也有些心虚,“我那隔代师尊剑皇大人,除了一枚圣器储物戒外,就没留点遗产?” cough cough ~ fights finally, demon Sir Sword Sovereign consumed the complete resources, the card in a hand that is used to maintain life also exhausted completely.” The demon Sword Sovereign item spirit somewhat afraid explanation, cannot bear question Wang Guiling later, Ling Younger Sister, you did not say that your father Wang Fugui is ultra rich? Didn't you deceive me?” 咳咳~最后一战下,魔剑皇大人耗费了全部资源,用来保命的底牌也全部用尽了。”魔剑皇器灵有些心虚的解释,随后又忍不住质疑王瑰玲,“玲儿妹妹,你不是说你爹王富贵是超有钱吗?你不是欺骗了我吧?” How possibly?!” Wang Guiling denied immediately, slightly executed the damage is so serious likely, can the light materials expenses several hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone? My father is rich, will not support my such big sum of money at will, will make my oneself find the way to gain contribution points mostly......” “怎么可能?!”王瑰玲当即否认道,“只是像小诛损坏如此严重,光材料费都得数百混沌灵石吧?我爹再有钱,也不会随意支援我这么大一笔钱,多半会让我自己想办法赚贡献点……” Ling Younger Sister, you are deceive my inheritance......” “玲儿妹妹,你这是欺骗我的传承……” Demon sword Elder Sister, your my two sentiments like each other, how can call the deceit? Also, my skip-generation Teacher solemn Chaos Origin Boundary late stage, the result poor heritage even had not stayed behind, but must make me pay the huge resources to cultivate/repair the sword...... your demon Sword Sovereign lineage to call the pit. Depending on my innate Dao Daughter third grade bloodline, which Chaos Origin Boundary do't Teacher can ask me to make me acknowledge as teacher, gives big pile of heritages?” “魔剑姐姐,你我两情相悦,怎么能叫欺骗呢?再说了,我那隔代师尊堂堂混元境后期,结果穷的连遗产都没留下,还得让我支付大量资源修剑……你们魔剑皇一脉才叫坑。凭我先天道女丙等血脉,哪个混元境师尊不得求着我让我拜师,给出一大堆遗产?” Yo yo, gathered is shutting out my demon sword dao lineage dowry insufficiently......” “哟哟哟,合着还是嫌弃我魔剑道统嫁妆不够了……” Was you first said I was a swindler!” “是你先说我是骗子的!” Then, Wang Guiling and demon Sword Sovereign item spirit starts to kick up a racket. 然后,王瑰玲和魔剑皇器灵就开始吵吵起来。 That stance, seems a little couple of pledge of eternal love, this did not have being on one's honeymoon period, welcomed the substantive attack of suffering. 那架势,就好似一对山盟海誓的小夫妻,这还没度过蜜月期,就迎来了生活困境的实质性打击。 The one side is tattered Executes the Demon Dao sword Anxiously, „” collects to mediate a quarrel, actually collaborated the racket to fly by Wang Guiling and demon Sword Sovereign item spirit. 一旁破破烂烂的【诛魔道剑】急得不行,“伊伊呀呀”的凑上去想要劝架,却被王瑰玲和魔剑皇器灵联手拍飞了出去。 Is your Gold Swallowing Beast most to spend...... 就属你这吞金兽最花钱…… Is your child in such an arrangement, affected their feelings not saying that what vigor but also dared he/she? 就是你这个拖油瓶,影响她们感情不说,还敢伊呀个什么劲? „Did I walk the line?” An demon Sword Sovereign standard separated from Wang Guiling sea of consciousness, flies angrily toward the void sea. “那我走行了吧?”魔剑皇道典从王瑰玲意识海中分离了出来,气鼓鼓地朝虚空海中飞去。 Hehe ~ walked do not come back.” Wang Guiling was also mad. “呵呵~走了就别回来。”王瑰玲也是被气得不行。 However, after burning a joss stick, Wang Guiling regretted. 不过,一炷香后,王瑰玲就后悔了。 Demon sword Elder Sister within the body saved for a long time Heavenly Dao essence to be used to give her to wash the marrow to cut down the wool, she only walked, but can also find the right successor? 魔剑姐姐体内积攒许久的天道精华都用来给她洗髓伐毛了,她就这样走了,还能找到合适的传人吗? She carries the child in such an arrangement to execute the Demon Dao sword, departed return trip flagship too slightly Dao Boat, the mortal body crossed the void sea, pursues an demon Sword Sovereign standard. 她一把拎起拖油瓶诛魔道剑,飞出了回程旗舰太微道舟,肉身横渡虚空海,去追魔剑皇道典了。 Also in this time, demon Sword Sovereign item spirit is also turning back suddenly. 也是正在此时,魔剑皇器灵也忽然折返了回来。 Quick, a person of standard had a reunion in the void sea together. 很快,一人一道典就在虚空海中重逢了。 Demon sword Elder Sister, you can come back are good. Is I am not good, I should not say your.” The Wang Guiling whole face apology, after I went back, I entangle the father to cultivate/repair to money......” “魔剑姐姐,你能回来正是太好了。是我不好,我不该那么说你的。”王瑰玲满脸歉意,“等我回去后,我就缠着爹爹给钱修……” First let alone these idle talk......” demon Sword Sovereign standard item spirit is actually excited, draws Wang Guiling to fly on the round trip, I discovered on the road fellow who an injured stupor floats, the clothes that the body wears may really be brilliant, storage ring or the beginning of the universe dao item rank, looked old was rich! Walks, we touch a corpse, if really picked a fat sheep, didn't need to worry for money?” “先别说这些废话了……”魔剑皇道典器灵却是一脸兴奋,拉着王瑰玲就往回飞,“我在路上发现了一个受伤昏迷漂浮的家伙,身上穿的衣服可真是光彩耀目,储物戒还是混元道器级别的,一看就老有钱了!走走走,咱们去摸个尸,要是真捡到了一只肥羊,不就不用为钱发愁了?” After hemiprism fragrance . 半柱香后。 Nearby enormous and powerful Heavenly River, youth Young Master of wear brocade clothes is floating in void, the energy of as void surging fluidizes to sink to carry secretly to float. 一条浩浩荡荡的天河附近,一个穿着锦衣的青年公子正漂浮在虚空之中,随着虚空中涌动的能量暗流载沉载浮。 Under the void dark peaceful star splendor complements, he shuts tightly the double pupil to be motionless, the complexion looks incomparably pale, on brocade clothes magnificent dress is also seeping dark-red bloodstains, seemed like already the severely wounded stupor. 虚空中暗澹的星辉掩映下,他紧闭着双眸一动不动,脸色看上去无比苍白,身上的锦衣华服上也沁着一摊摊暗红色的血迹,看上去像是已经重伤昏迷了。 This youth Young Master, impressively is that Cloud Crane Young Master. 这青年公子,赫然就是那位“云鹤公子”。 Naturally, he is not the real severely wounded stupor, the bloodstain on clothes is the pale complexion, even injury, all camouflages. 当然,他并不是真的重伤昏迷,无论是衣服上的血迹还是苍白的脸色,甚至身上的伤势,全都是伪装出来的。 But he will appear here, naturally has his plan and plan. 而他之所以会出现在这里,自然是有他的计划和打算。 Initially, fled from cataclysm beast with great difficulty, after he and two Chaos Origin Boundary Elder took a short break, then started to continue to the Shattered Territory surrounding sets out. 当初,好不容易从灾变兽手里走脱,他和两位混元境长老稍事休息之后,便开始继续向破灭之域外围进发。 Walked a big section distance after Shattered Territory cautiously, 破灭之域内小心翼翼走了一大段距离后, Because in Shattered Territory in all directions is dangerous and ruined, but two Chaos Origin Boundary Elder has not dared to move heedlessly profound qi and Heavenly Dao principle, for fear that brings in the cataclysm beast attack, walked by three people all the way is cautious, spends to go out of a big section distance for a long time finally. 由于破灭之域中四处都是危险和破败,而两位混元境长老还不敢乱动玄气天道法则,生怕引来灾变兽袭击,是以三人一路上走得都是小心翼翼,花了很长时间才终于走出了一大段距离。 But this distance, compared to entire Shattered Territory was really short. 但这点距离,相对于整个破灭之域而言实在是太短了。 According to this trend, their three people light/only leave Shattered Territory, feared that must spend very long time. Wanted to find that Immortal Alliance to lose the people, does not know how long must spend. 按照这趋势,他们三人光是离开破灭之域,怕是就要花费很漫长的时间。想要找到那支仙盟遗民,就更是不知道要花多久了。 Finally. 结果。 When their quite big, suddenly discovered by far a Human Race fleet, what drivehead is a design is very old, many damages do not have service broken Dao Boat. 就在他们颇为头大的时候,忽然就远远发现了一支人族舰队,打头的还是一艘款式很老,多处损坏没有维修的破道舟 Various that behind follows cross the boat, is all kinds of inferior brands crosses the boat, let alone the unified standard, the size was irregular, seems the international sign fleet that was puts all sorts of things together. 后面跟着的各种渡舟,更是各式各样的杂牌渡舟,别说统一的制式了,就连大小都是参差不齐,好似是东拼西凑出来的万国牌舰队。 This looks is that type remote areas, „the deterioration Dao Lord level influence main fleet. 这一看就是那种“偏远地区”,“衰败道主级势力”的主力舰队。 Sees that Cloud Crane Young Master in the heart on the idea, prepares by meets misfortune certainly god child and World of Immortals top Young Master Gui/noble young master the status immediately, mixes in this team, first establishes life-saving efforts sentimental relation. 见状,云鹤公子立刻就计上心头,准备以“落难准神子”、“仙界顶级贵公子”的身份,混入这支队伍中,先建立起“救命之恩”的感情联系。 Afterward, so long as exposes the oneself financial resource and status under slightly, gives them the drawing pie, the opposite party cannot mind entirely shakes, to the end does obeisance? 随后,只要稍稍展露下自己的财力和身份,给他们画画大饼,对方还不得心神俱震,倒头就拜? May plan, although good, truly when implementation actually had/left the accident/surprise. 可计划虽好,真正实施时却出了意外。 Cloud Crane Young Master just now lies down, assumes the posture, when without with enough time transmission distress signal, was bumped into by a strange say/way standard. 云鹤公子这边才刚躺下,摆好姿势,还没来得及发送求救信号时,就被一部奇怪的道典撞见了。 Quick, screamed it that goes to then also called Immortal Clan Miss. 很快,尖叫而去的它便又叫回来了一个仙族姑娘 Cloud Crane Young Master has not thought that can be this expansion. 云鹤公子也没想到会是这个展开。 Finally, the state of mind in his heart revolves rapidly, is pondering over oneself to continue to install to faint, pretends just to regain consciousness, notified them. 结果,就在他心中神思飞转,正琢磨着自己是该继续装晕,还是装作刚好苏醒,跟她们打个招呼的时候。 That standard shouts excitedly: Ling Younger Sister, haven't I deceived you? His clothes minimum value several hundred Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, dug up to pull down sells casually enough services slightly executes.” 那部道典就兴奋地嚷嚷起来:“玲儿妹妹,我没有骗你吧?他这身衣服起码值个好几百混沌灵石,扒拉下来随便卖一卖就够维修小诛了。” Cloud Crane Young Master is good to hang has not been mad spits blood, remaining unconscious that even camouflages has almost not maintained. 云鹤公子好悬没被气吐血,连伪装出的昏迷不醒都差点没维持住。 What your special is what standard, are you poisonous? 你这特么的是什么道典,你有毒吧? Comes up not to save others, unexpectedly first did robbing? 一上来不救人,居然先搞起了抢劫? ...... ……
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