POP :: Volume #8

#32: Harvest! Wang Clan Heaven's Chosen sweeps Sword Sovereign Palace

...... …… Naturally, entire Sword Sovereign Palace Dungeon exploration team , is completely not the Wang Clan clansmen. 当然,整个剑皇宫副本探索队伍,也绝非全部都是王氏族人。 Present Divine Martial world may differ from the past, various group of clan and influences in Divine Martial Holy Alliance( Wang Clan) under condensation, has formed the huge and thorough industry chain and industrial group, the business proliferates entire Holy Territory. 如今的神武世界可不同以往,各路家族和势力在神武圣盟(王氏)的凝聚下,已经形成了庞大而周密的产业链、产业群,生意遍布整个圣域 Divine Martial world can make a lot of money from top to bottom. 神武世界自上而下都能赚不少钱。 It can be said that Wang Clan this core engine drove Great Qian and Divine Martial world, but Divine Martial world drove Eastern Rosy Cloud Divine Dynasty and entire Holy Territory, the overall is progressing day by day. 可以说,王氏这个核心引擎带动了大乾神武世界,而神武世界又带动了东霞神朝和整个圣域,总体都在蒸蒸日上。 What to do did everyone has money? 大家都有钱了怎么办? Naturally must do everything possible the investment next generation, making the posterity stronger, enhances the clan grade! 自然是要想方设法投资下一代,让子孙后代们变得更强,提高家族品级! Also is therefore , Divine Martial world gradually emerged more and more outstanding youngster in recent years, although by having the top talent, they added also by far cannot compare Wang Clan completely, but on the talent of intermediate-level rank, was actually Wang Clan by far cannot compare they. 也是因此,这些年来,神武世界内部逐渐涌现出了越来越多的优秀年轻人,尽管论起顶尖天才来,他们全部加起来也远远比不过王氏,但就中层级别的天才而言,却是王氏远远比不过他们。 After all, the Wang Clan development is also less than 3000 until now, the population base differed is too far. 毕竟,王氏发展至今也还不到三千年,人口基数相差太远了。 Naturally, development of this Sword Sovereign Palace Dungeon, converged many Divine Martial world youth one generation of elites. 自然而然的,此次剑皇宫副本的开拓,也就云集了诸多神武世界青年一代的精英。 They did not ask Dao Book, did not ask Holy Picture, even did not count on Immortal Scripture, only sought the luck to mix to Void Soaring Precious Book well! 他们不求道书,不求圣图,甚至连仙经都不指望,只求运气好能混到一步凌虚宝典 As the outstanding talent youth enters the Sword Sovereign Palace vestige group by group, protects item spirit to be shaken is shaking, gradually was numb. 随着一批又一批俊杰青年进入剑皇宫遗迹,守护器灵被震着震着,就逐渐麻木了。 Once when Sword Sovereign Palace was most magnificent, was impossible to have so many outstanding youth outstanding talent. 曾经在剑皇宫最辉煌的时候,也不可能有如此众多优秀的青年俊杰 No, even was once Immortal Alliance largest sect Limitless Dao Sect Super sect that youth talent concentrates, absolutely does not have such grand occasion. 不,甚至是曾经的仙盟第一大宗门【无极道宗】,那个青年天才富集的超级宗门,也绝对没有如此盛况。 Unknowingly, in the Sword Sovereign Palace vestige becomes lively. 不知不觉,剑皇宫遗迹内就变得热闹起来。 They do not dare to clamor loudly, actually first started to clean the ruined square, cleaned up various types of disorderly and decayed trash, and cleaned up a big place, supported the portable tent rooms of various one after another specifications. 他们不敢大声喧哗,却第一时间就开始打扫起了破败的广场,清理起了各种杂乱而腐朽的垃圾,并清理出了一大片地方,支起了一个个各种规格的便携式营帐房间。 Sword Sovereign Palace is Immortal Alliance top five large-scale sect, in core big Heavenly Grotto that Sword Sovereign Palace is at the light is ninth grade said spirit vein Has enough six, surplus eighth grade Saint spirit vein, seventh grade Immortal Spirit Vein The quantity is huge! 剑皇宫乃是仙盟排名前五的大型宗门,剑皇宫所在的核心大洞天中光是【九品灵脉】都有足足六条,剩余【八品灵脉】,【七品仙灵脉】数量更是庞大! May compare Absolute Beginning Dao Palace At Absolute Beginning big Heavenly Grotto Wealthy were too many. 可比【太初道宫】所在【太初洞天】富裕的太多了。 Naturally, this is also when initially big migration walks hurriedly, Absolute Beginning Dao Lord they carry too many things radically without enough time . Moreover, Absolute Beginning Dao Palace is also only limitless Dao Palace in which say/way lineage/vein, cannot compare this Sword Sovereign Palace core supreme headquarters. 当然,这也是因为当初大迁徙之时走得匆忙,太初道主他们根本来不及携带太多东西,而且,太初道宫原本也只是无极道宫的其中一个道脉,自是比不得这剑皇宫的核心大本营。 Under so nourishing of many spirit vein, even if Sword Sovereign Palace big Heavenly Grotto has sealed up for 1 million years, its interior as before is the immortal machine abundant, under spirit qi nourishes various heavenly materials and earthly treasures innumerable ~ ~ that breeds even if a weed, under long-time spirit qi moistened also turned into good spirit medicine. 在如此诸多灵脉的滋养下,哪怕剑皇宫洞天已然封闭了百万年,其内部依旧是仙机盎然,在灵气滋养下孕育出的各种天材地宝数不胜数~~甚至哪怕是一根杂草,在长久的灵气滋润下也变成了不错的灵药 Moreover, in which construction trash is also valuable. 而且,其中的建筑垃圾也非常值钱。 For example one side of the square supports the decayed pillar of pavilion, although at present seemingly ruined decayed, the surface was covered with had keen ears spirit this solitary one, but it was actually one eleventh stage spirit wood built, although the semblance was rotten, but the firm wooden core has not rotted, can value a lot of money. 例如广场一侧支撑凉亭的腐朽柱子,眼下虽然看起来破败腐朽,表面又长满了灵耳灵孤,但它却是一根“十一阶”的灵木打造而成,外表虽烂,可坚固的木芯尚未腐坏,能值不少钱。 Longevity Tree Senior in initial Long Spring Valley, is eighth stage spirit tree. 要知道,最初长春谷中的长生树前辈,也不过是八阶灵树而已。 Draws back 10,000 steps, even if this rotten wood is used to continue to cultivate the fragrant this solitary one auricularia auricula is still good, these spirit this solitary one grade are not low, is very precious and rare food. 退一万步而言,这朽木就算用来继续培植香孤木耳也不错,那些灵孤品级不低,是非常珍贵而罕见的食材。 These broken brick broken tiles, even is the shatter flagstone non- common thing, is Void Soaring Boundary cultivator wants to crush is not easy, constructed the clan secret room and treasure house to some second grade third grade aristocratic family enough. 还有那些破砖破瓦,甚至是破碎的石板都非寻常之物,便是凌虚境修士想要击碎都不容易,给一些二品三品世家建造家族密室和宝库都够了。 In this Sword Sovereign Palace vestige, can say that everywhere is the wealth and resources. 剑皇宫遗迹内,可以说处处都是财富和资源。 The Dungeon search party the familiar house, will not have let off any slightly valuable resources absolutely, a grass, pou earth, valuable. 副本探索队对此也早就熟门熟路了,绝对不会放过任何稍有价值的资源,一根草,一抔土,都是有价值的。 While everyone is busy, is comprehending demon Sword Sovereign sword tablet sword intent Old Ancestor Longyan, aura actually courageous earth-shaking transformation. 而正当所有人忙忙碌碌间,正在领悟魔剑皇剑碑剑意珑烟老祖,身上的气息却勐地变了。 She the comprehension on Sword Dao was extremely deep, only the bad shooting, personally experiences demon Sword Sovereign sword intent now, immediately is similar to restores justice general, found the way forward all of a sudden. 她原本在剑道上的领悟就极深,只差临门一脚,如今亲身感受到魔剑皇剑意,顿时就如同拨云见日一般,一下子找到了前进的方向。 Sees only the double pupil that she shuts tightly to open the eyes courageous, fearful sword intent ascends from her on suddenly, direct impact cloud heaven. 只见她紧闭的双眸勐地一睁,一股可怕的剑意蓦然自她身上升腾而起,直冲云天。 Bang ~! “轰~! sword light, Heavenly River shakes, the star splendor drags, entire big Heavenly Grotto as if shakes. 剑光所至,天河震荡,星辉摇曳,整个大洞天都仿佛为之一震。 In a flash, heaven and earth as if for it one lonesome, everyone put down movement on hand as if by prior agreement, turns the head to look that to direction that Wang Longyan was. 一瞬间,天地都仿佛为之一寂,所有人都不约而同地放下了手头的动作,转头看向了王珑烟所在的方向。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 The Wang Longyan look is imposing, whole body clothes sleeve drags, the whole person is common just like the Peerless sharp sword that a destroys the hardest defenses, is sending out inexhaustible sword intent. 王珑烟神色凛然,周身衣袂摇曳,整个人就宛如一柄无坚不摧的绝世利剑一般,散发着无穷无尽的剑意 That is one type, very sword intent beyond description. 那是一种,非常难以形容的剑意 Dreadful demon qi gathers in her whole body, the pinnacle chill in the air gathers in her whole body, the endless darkness covers her, packages her, is stranded lock in which her. 滔天的魔气在她周身汇聚,极致的寒意在她周身聚拢,无尽的黑暗将她笼罩,将她包裹,将她困锁其中。 This makes her seem a Demon Flame dreadful big demon to be the same at first sight. 这让她乍看起来就好似一个魔焰滔天的大魔头一般。 However. 然而。 All these actually cannot invade her slightest. 这一切却并不能侵染她分毫。 Even if the whole body covers dark, even if surroundings Demon Fiend Qi is dreadful, even if like placing oneself nine quiet cold prisons, the aura that she lends was still also bright like the snowy peak, pure, stainless. 哪怕周身黑暗笼罩,哪怕周围魔煞之气滔天,哪怕如同置身九幽寒狱,她散发出的气息也仍旧如雪峰般剔透,清净,无垢。 Pointed out the light burst out from her within the body, changed into reaching the heaven and penetrating the earth sword intent. 一点明光自她体内迸发,化为了通天彻地剑意 The passing all experiences, cultivate/repair all poverty-stricken, difficult, changed into sharpened the sword that travels stone, polished even more purely her sword intent, was even more swift and fierce, was even more intrepid. 过往的所有经历,修行路上的所有困苦,艰难,都化为了磨剑之“石”,将她的剑意打磨得愈发纯粹,愈发凌厉,也愈发强悍。 Rises steeply ten thousand Ren, destroys the hardest defenses. 壁立万仞,无坚不摧。 With the formation of sword intent, in the Wang Longyan heart moves, suddenly took out an demon nuclear that from storage ring is lending the terrifying aura. 随着剑意的成型,王珑烟心中一动,忽然从储物戒中取出了一枚散发着恐怖气息的魔核。 This demon nuclear, naturally was in the past from Spider Queen that 19th stage demon nuclear. 这枚魔核,自然便是当年得自蛛后的那颗十八阶魔核。 Since obtaining this demon nuclear, Wang Longyan has then brought to estimate in it at times, absorbs energy cultivation, while the principle of sensibility implication, remaining soul that coordinates Spider Queen to leave behind senses again together, these years but actually are also the harvest a great deal. 自从得到这枚魔核之后,王珑烟便一直将它带在身上时时揣摩,一边汲取其中的能量修炼,一边感悟其中蕴含的法则,再配合着蛛后留下的残魂一起感悟,这些年来倒也是收获良多。 Her these years the cultivation progress fast, has the majority to give credit to this demon nuclear. 她这些年来修炼进度飞快,倒有一多半得归功于这枚魔核。 However, more than 1000 years later, she actually cannot the genuine refining demon nuclear, refine Dao Book it, always felt that missed anything. 不过,这一千多年下来,她却始终没能真正炼化魔核,将其炼制成道书,总感觉差了点什么。 But today, with the formation of sword intent, she actually had a strong feeling inexplicably. 但今天,随着剑意的成型,她却莫名生出了一种强烈的感觉。 She continuously waiting that turning point, finally. 她一直在等的那个契机,终于到了。 She counted on the fingers the demon nuclear bomb to the top of the head courageous. 她勐地屈指将魔核弹到了头顶。 next moment. 下一刻 Fearful sword intent suddenly its package. 可怕的剑意骤然将其包裹。 Under the sword intent shake, the demon nuclear walk of that unified whole, presented the faint trace crack unexpectedly. 剑意震荡之下,那原本浑然一体的魔核表面,竟是出现了丝丝裂纹。 kacha ~ 卡察~ kacha ~ 卡察~” In clear crashing, crack bigger and bigger on demon nuclear, are getting more and more, finally finally kacha disrupts thoroughly. 一声声清脆的碎裂声中,魔核上的裂纹越来越大,越来越多,最后终于“卡察”一声彻底碎裂。 Bang! “轰! The terrifying dark energy erupts loudly, changes into the overlapping black energy tide to sweep across. 恐怖的黑暗能量轰然爆发,化为层层叠叠的黑色能量浪潮席卷而出。 In a flash, the entire big Heavenly Grotto sky seems by the black energy is filled up, ray for it one dark. 一瞬间,整个大洞天的天空都好似被黑色的能量填满,就连光线都为之一暗。 In the black energy tide, is correct the black demon mark to overflow to disperse from the demon nuclear of disruption, spreads to void. 黑色的能量浪潮之中,有道道黑色的魔纹自碎裂的魔核中溢散而出,蔓延向虚空之中。 That is in the demon nuclear the principle of brand mark, as the disruption of demon nuclear gradually starts the overflowing powder. 那是魔核中烙印的法则,随着魔核的碎裂而逐渐开始溢散。 If not try to find the solution, soon, these are then dissipated by the principle that the brand mark will solidify with great difficulty thoroughly, return to heaven and earth. 若是不想办法,用不了多久,这些好不容易被烙印固化的法则便会彻底消散,重归天地 Goes!” “去!” Wang Longyan is unhurriedly, and refers to for the sword. 王珑烟不慌不忙,并指为剑。 Takes her as the center of circle, myriad sword intent will burst out shortly, punctures toward the dark tide that in the sky surges. 以她为圆心,万千剑意顷刻间迸发而出,朝着天空中涌动的黑暗浪潮中刺去。 Suddenly, the tide surges, tumbles just like the dark clouds, startled big wave ten thousand heavy. 瞬息间,浪潮涌动,宛如黑云翻滚,惊涛万重。 Under the sword intent shake, has the heterogeneous dark energy to be scattered unceasingly, peeling, breaking, these are the Demon Race gene information that in the demon nuclear contains wait/etc. 剑意震荡下,不断有驳杂的黑暗能量被驱散,剥离,震碎,那些都是魔核之中蕴含的魔族基因信息等等。 Meanwhile, that soon will overflow the loose say/way demon mark, by the Wang Longyan powerful spiritual sense one by one capture, was solidified, and defers to the she's understanding of the principle to start the structure. 与此同时,那即将溢散的道道魔纹,也被王珑烟强大的神念一一捕捉,重新固化,并按照她自身对法则的理解重新开始构架。 Above her top of the head, then presented a completely by the demon mark construction, as if can puncture void black great sword phantom. 不知不觉间,她的头顶上方,便出现了一柄完全由魔纹构建而成的,仿佛能刺破虚空的黑色巨剑虚影 Great sword phantom vanishes, the plain scroll that covered entirely the black demon mark appeared in her top of the head. 紧接着,巨剑虚影消失,一幅布满了黑色魔纹的古朴卷轴出现在了她的头顶。 Carefully looks, the appearance of that scroll looks also somewhat empty, seeming is also only an embryonic form, however, that terrifying but the mysterious aura, had actually shown its status fully. 仔细看去,那卷轴的模样看着还有些虚,好似还只是一个雏形,然而,那恐怖而玄妙的气息,却已然充分彰显了它的身份。 Dao Book! 道书 That clearly is an demon Sword Dao standard! 那分明就是一部魔剑道典! Even if also merely is an embryonic form, this is also quite terrifying. 哪怕还仅仅是一个雏形,这也已经极为恐怖。 Condenses Dao Book by the strength of True Immortal, this feared that is also few individuals can achieve through the ages. 真仙之力凝聚道书,这怕是古往今来也没几个人能做到。 Suddenly, the person who all sees this scene, is shocked the speechless, looked that was also full of the awe to the Wang Longyan look. 一时间,所有看到这一幕的人,都被震撼到失语,看向王珑烟的眼神中也充满了敬畏。 Said the standard, although has taken shape, the dark energy in demon nuclear has not actually exhausted. 道典虽已成型,魔核中的黑暗能量却未耗尽。 Was reduced the pinnacle, pure incomparable, the Demon Race source energy of no impurity changes into a little bit energy raindrop to drop from the clouds, integrated Wang Longyan within the body rapidly. 被压缩到极致,精纯无比,没有一丝杂质的魔族本源能量化为一滴滴能量雨滴从天而降,迅速融入了王珑烟体内。 After excluding the gene information and various heterogeneous energies, the remaining energies were purest Demon Race Source Strength, its strength attribute and human the strength of bloodline has the wonder of equally good results from different methods. 剔除掉了基因信息和各种驳杂的能量之后,剩下的能量就是最为纯粹的魔族本源之力,其力量属性与人类的血脉之力有着异曲同工之妙。 With integrations of these energies, Wang Longyan within the body the strength of bloodline starts to boil suddenly, has not had for a long time the bloodline aptitude of moving to start to grow suddenly. 随着这些能量的融入,王珑烟体内的血脉之力蓦然开始沸腾,久未动弹的血脉资质蓦然开始增长。 The time that this process continues is not long. 这个过程持续的时间并不长。 Quick, these source energies were absorbed completely completely, but Wang Longyan bloodline aptitude, also promoted Daoist Seed first grade. 很快,这些本源能量就被全部吸收殆尽,而王珑烟血脉资质,也随之提升到了道子甲等 The beginning day God Sovereign bloodline aptitude is Daoist Seed first grade, so aptitude, even if puts in the Immortal Alliance period, is extremely rare counter aptitude nature. 要知道,始天神皇血脉资质便是道子甲等,如此资质,哪怕搁在仙盟时期,都已经是极其罕见的逆天资质了。 Has this aptitude, if in World of Immortals, then has the enormous probability to be able by some Immortal Emperor to be regarded as important, obtained the Immortal Emperor inheritance. Moreover, even if unable to obtain the inheritance, so long as the resources are sufficient, still has the enormous probability to be able cultivation to Chaos Origin Boundary late stage, even peak. 有此资质,若是在仙界,便有极大概率能被某位仙帝看重,获得仙帝传承了。而且,即便无法获得传承,只要资源足够,也有极大概率能修炼混元境后期,甚至巅峰。 So, then also had the qualifications of attacking Immortal Emperor. 如此,便也就有了冲击一下仙帝的资格。 Even if hopes uncertainly, but eventually is also a ray of hope. In history, has presented has wrestled succeeded finally the example. 哪怕希望渺茫,但终究也是一线希望。历史上,也不是没有出现过搏一搏最后成功了的例子。 „......” “……” Watched the demon Sword Sovereign standard of Wang Longyan entire promotion process, entire item spirit felt not right, consciousness some disorder to get up. 观看了王珑烟整个晋升过程的魔剑皇道典,整个器灵都感觉不对劲了,就连意识都有些紊乱起来。 Who am I? Where am I at? Am I doing? 我是谁?我在哪?我在干什么? A string of question marks appear in her top of the head, in her brain chaotic, good long while the slow god comes. 一连串的问号出现在她头顶,她脑子里乱糟糟的,好半天都缓不过神来。 Her sense to the Wang Longyan was excellent, Demon Fiend Qi of this person is quite rich, talent bloodline is not also inferior in that Wang Liyao, the light looks at demon Sword Sovereign sword tablet, then can have the intense sensibility. 原本她对王珑烟的感官极好,此人身上的魔煞之气极为浓郁,天赋血脉又丝毫不逊色于那个王璃瑶,光是看一眼魔剑皇剑碑,便能有强烈的感悟。 This female absolutely is the best inheritor of demon Sword Sovereign standard. Did not say exaggeratingly, compared with the previous generation stunning talent demon Sword Sovereign, must in a big way win one to plan. 此女绝对是魔剑皇道典的最佳传承人。毫不夸张的说,比起上一代“惊才绝艳”的魔剑皇,犹自要胜出一大筹。 Previous generation demon Sword Sovereign, but Chaos Origin Boundary late stage powerhouse, if not his one man guards the pass, defended finally the frontline effortfully, now the inheritance of entire Sword Sovereign Palace lineage was then finished thoroughly. 要知道,上一代魔剑皇可是混元境后期的强者,若非他一夫当关,力挽狂澜地守住了最后一线,如今整个剑皇宫一脉的传承便彻底完蛋了。 In the idea of demon Sword Sovereign item spirit, which dao lineage dares to struggle Wang Longyan with her, she spelled with whom! 在魔剑皇器灵的想法中,哪个道统敢和她争王珑烟,她就和谁拼了! But the result, actually punctures her very much to be painful. 可结果,却刺得她很痛。 Excessiveness of that Wang Longyan really talent, unexpectedly with the sword intent implication that demon Sword Sovereign leaves behind, unifies a 19th stage Demon Race demon nuclear, sought Demon Sovereign Grand Dao that belonged to oneself! 王珑烟着实天才的过了头,竟然凭着魔剑皇留下的剑意意蕴,结合一枚十八阶魔族魔核,寻找到了属于自己魔皇大道 Although that is only the dao lineage embryonic form, but had actually pointed out the direction. 尽管那只是道统雏形,可却已经是指明了方向。 To this kind of dao lineage, starting that step is most difficult, once looked for right the direction, so long as she continued to rise to challenges, most crossed again 10,000-20,000 years, then can walk to pass this Grand Dao thoroughly, formed her Wang Longyan dao lineage. 要知道,向这一类的道统,起脚那一步才是最难的,一旦找对了方向,只要她继续披荆斩棘走下去,最多再过个10,000-20,000年,便能彻底走通这条大道,形成她王珑烟道统 Regarding this, demon Sword Sovereign item spirit is not strange. 对此,魔剑皇器灵一点并不陌生。 After all, her demon Sword Sovereign standard, is the first generation quarries a mountain Ancestral Master with Grand Dao that similar way opens. 毕竟,她魔剑皇道典,也是第一代开山祖师用类似的方式开辟出来的大道 Wang Longyan Wang Longyan, do you inherit demon Sword Sovereign dao lineage is not good honestly? We can together the happy pass life.” item spirit calls out in grief, was sad the tears to be quick, had obviously is easier the road to walk, can select a more difficult road to do really?” 王珑烟王珑烟,你老老实实的继承魔剑皇道统不好吗?咱们就可以一起愉快的度过一生了。”器灵悲鸣不已,伤心得眼泪都快下来了,“明明有更容易得路可以走,非要挑一条更难的路作甚?” The day of great difficulty presenting choose the inheritor, unexpectedly flew in this unthinkable way, she must cry simply. 好不容易出现的天选传承人,居然以这种匪夷所思的方式飞了,她简直要哭死。 Congratulates Ancestor Longyan marvelous ability great accomplishment, after this in territory unparalleled.” Wang Liyao and clan juniors see Old Ancestor Longyan to come soberly, crowded around. “恭喜珑烟老祖宗神功大成,从此之后域内无双。”王璃瑶家族一众小辈们见珑烟老祖清醒过来,也是纷纷簇拥了过来。 Successfully condenses Dao Book this matter regarding Old Ancestor Longyan, when their pleasant surprise, to Old Ancestor is also the admiration extremely. 对于珑烟老祖成功凝聚出道书这件事,他们惊喜之余,对老祖也是钦佩万分。 This is homemade dao lineage ~ 这可是自创道统啊~ Even if establishes, in the digestion absorbs the Demon Race crystal core in the foundation to create, the difficulty compared with created simply innumerable times baseless, as before was an extremely difficult matter. Achieved in True Immortal Boundary not to mention ~ 哪怕是建立在消化吸收魔族晶核的基础上创造出来的,难度比凭空创造简单了无数倍,也依旧是一件极其困难的事情。更别提还是在真仙境的时候就做到了~ Historically in these illustrious homemade dao lineage legends, creates the dao lineage talent powerhouse to be possible successfully to create dao lineage in the Great Principle boundary mostly, and promotes Chaos Origin Boundary depending on this. 要知道,历史上那些赫赫有名的自创道统的传奇故事里,创造道统的天才强者可多半都是在大罗境才成功创造出道统,并凭此晋升混元境的。 Old Ancestor can in so young, so cultivation base create to belong to oneself dao lineage, this is one rare and is worth the matter of congratulations absolutely. 老祖能在如此年轻,如此修为就创造出属于自己道统,这绝对是一件罕见而值得庆贺之事。 Loquacious.” In the Wang Longyan double pupil extremely rare passing over gently and swiftly wiped the happy expression, started the dao lineage embryonic form, became a true Demon Sovereign standard to be bad very from it, discussed what marvelous ability great accomplishment.” “贫嘴。”王珑烟双眸中极为难得的掠过一抹笑意,“不过是草创了道统雏形而已,距离它成为真正的魔皇道典还差得很远,谈什么神功大成。” When her young with one's effort, shouldered the entire clan heavy burden, when was most difficult entire clan was precarious, returned in destruction edge pai momentarily. 年轻之时凭着一己之力,肩负起了整个家族重担,最最困难之时整个家族风雨飘摇,随时都在覆灭边缘徘回。 That time her whole body pain, actually lived simply and frugally as before every day, the resources that will be economical first supplied children cultivation. 那时候的她满身病痛,却依旧每天都节衣缩食,将节省下来的资源优先供给孩子们修炼 Until after Shouzhe starts to hold the post of Family Head, all gradually good. 直至守哲开始担任家主之后,一切才渐渐地好了起来。 That time she, is unable to imagine in any event, small Ping'an Wang Clan can reach this time situation unexpectedly. 那个时候的她,无论如何都无法想象,小小的平安王氏竟然能走到今时今日的地步。 But clan were even powerful day after day, her Wang Longyan never still has relaxed the oneself moment. 但即便是家族日渐强盛了,她王珑烟也是从未放松过自己片刻。 She goes all out always cultivation, was pondering how to make oneself stronger, only then her enough, can protect clan truly, protects in the house millions of children. 她无时不刻的拼命修炼着,思考着如何让自己变得更强,只有她足够强,才能真正守护家族,护住家里千千万万的孩子们。 Perhaps this faith and focus, can make her constantly create the miracle, always insists on cultivation base highest the first line in clan! 或许正是这份信念和执着,才能令她不断创造奇迹,始终坚持在家族修为最高的第一线上! Ancestor, said no matter how, Holy Territory four big Divine Continent 1 million brings, never sees some people able to create new dao lineage to come.” Wang Liyao pair of bright eyes are splendid, „, even if has helping of Spider Queen crystal core, is unusual. not like I, can only inherit dao lineage like this honestly.” 老祖宗,不管怎么说,圣域四大神洲百万载来,也从未见过有人能创造出新的道统来。”王璃瑶一双明眸熠熠生辉,“哪怕有蛛后晶核之助,也是非同寻常。不像我,只能老老实实的继承道统这样子了。” Yao'er do not improperly belittle oneself.” Old Ancestor Longyan encourages her to say with a smile, you can unify Origin Water bloodline and Brilliant Jade sword intent, forms sword intent that oneself is in sole possession, is not the common person can achieve. After you inherited dao lineage, in the future life not necessarily cannot take the oneself road to come.” 瑶儿勿要妄自菲薄。”珑烟老祖笑着勉励她道,“你能结合元水血脉瑶光剑意,形成自己独有的剑意,也绝非寻常人能做到的。等你继承了道统后,未来的人生中未必不能走出自己的路来。” Actually Wang Longyan persists in oneself dao lineage, there is an extra consideration. 其实王珑烟坚持走自己道统,也有额外的考量。 In this world Holy Picture is also good, Dao Book, upward, the total quantity are smaller. She can little take a quota, was equal to vacating a quota to the clan children. 这世上圣图也好,道书也罢,越往上,总数量就越少。她能少占用一个名额,就等于就是给家族孩子们多空出了一个名额。 Many thanks Ancestor praise.” “多谢老祖宗夸赞。” After Wang Liyao salutes, then starts to ponder four big Sword Sovereign dao lineage seriously. 王璃瑶行礼之后,便开始郑重思考起四大剑皇道统来。 But four big dao lineage item spirit, instead do not dare to urge Wang Liyao at this time again, for fear that left a poor impression to her, instead lost the opportunity. 而四大道统器灵,此时反而不敢再催促王璃瑶了,生怕给她留下不好印象,反而失去了机会。 It is possessed by a demon the Sword Sovereign standard foundation to be most vigorous, the might is also unusual, but Wang Liyao always walks is the orthodox route, now changes to demon sword cultivator not to conform to her individuality obviously, the future road also smooth that will not be necessarily able to walk, naturally will be takes the lead to eliminate. 其中魔剑皇道典根基最为浑厚,威力也非同寻常,但是王璃瑶向来走得是正统路线,现在改成魔剑修显然并不符合她的个性,未来的路也未必就能走的顺,自然是率先淘汰。 Next, say/way of also no small matter Kunlun Sword Sovereign. 其次,昆仑剑皇之道也非同小可。 According to the item spirit self-glorification, the say/way of this Sword Sovereign came from the branch inheritance of previous generation Wu Yue Immortal Emperor lineage! First generation Wu Yue Immortal Emperor in Kunlun Dao Comprehending, creates the say/way of Kunlun Sword Sovereign, kept Kunlun this inheritance, waits being predestined friends person to inherit. 器灵自我吹嘘,此剑皇之道来自于上一代武岳仙帝一脉的分支传承!前代武岳仙帝昆仑悟道,创出昆仑剑皇之道,将此传承留在了昆仑,留待有缘人继承。 Then, first-generation Kunlun Sword Sovereign in the summit of Kunlun this inheritance, World of Immortals rushed out the big reputation vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 尔后,第一代昆仑剑皇昆仑之巅得此传承,纵横仙界闯出了偌大名头。 Therefore, this sword Dao Book foundation was vigorous did not say, if there is an opportunity to return to World of Immortals, could go to the Wu Yue temple to mix. With the Wang Liyao bloodline aptitude, can mix the high-rank probably. 因此,这一部剑道书根基非常浑厚不说,若是有机会回到仙界,说不定能去武岳神殿混一下。以王璃瑶血脉资质,保不齐能混上位。 Naturally, Wang Liyao when only it boasted from raising the worth. 当然,王璃瑶只当它是吹牛皮自抬身价。 Others solemn Immortal Emperor, in Sword Sovereign Grand Dao that under the accident of sorts understands, does not bring to go back to give the temple accumulation background, must wait being predestined friends person, what show is this operates? 人家堂堂仙帝,在机缘巧合之下悟出的剑皇大道,不带回去给神殿积累底蕴,偏偏要留待有缘人,这是个什么骚操作? After all, even Immortal Emperor, is not frequently can create some Grand Dao dao lineage, by, once will create new dao lineage to attach great importance to surely , may abandon absolutely not casually. 毕竟,即便是仙帝,也不是动辄就能创造出某条大道道统,是以一旦创出新的道统必定会十分重视,断不可能会随随便便抛弃。 Naturally, final reason that Wang Liyao has not chosen its Kunlun Sword Sovereign standard, because the attribute does not agree with. 当然,王璃瑶没选它昆仑剑皇道典的最终原因,还是因为属性并不十分契合。 Afterward, Wang Liyao then starts to observe and emulate boundless vast day sea Sword Sovereign sword tablet. 随后,王璃瑶便开始观摩起磅礴浩瀚的天海剑皇剑碑 This is the say/way of water attribute Sword Sovereign, is somewhat similar to Wang Liyao first Teacher True Person Heavenly River Divine Ability, is fastidious enormously and powerful, the atmosphere is broad. 此乃水属性剑皇之道,与王璃瑶第一位师尊天河真人神通有几分相似,都是讲究浩浩荡荡,大气恢宏。 Properly speaking, day sea Sword Sovereign lineage and Wang Liyao attribute quite agrees with, once inherits its dao lineage, comprehension day of sea Sword Sovereign sword intent definitely will also be twice the result with half the effort. 按理来说,天海剑皇一脉王璃瑶的属性颇为契合,一旦继承其道统,领悟天海剑皇剑意也必然会事半功倍。 However after Wang Liyao hesitant moment, finally has not chosen day of sea lineage. 但是王璃瑶犹豫了片刻后,最终还是未选天海一脉 For two reasons. 原因有二。 First, but this peer to clan junior Wang Youdao, is pure first Tianyuan (Heavenly Origin) water bloodline, day sea Sword Sovereign lineage quite suitable Wang Youdao. 其一是此次同行而至的家族小辈王宥道,也是纯粹的先天元血脉,天海剑皇一脉颇为适合王宥道 Second, Wang Liyao spent for 1000 several hundred years, studies diligently fuses Origin Water and Brilliant Jade sword intent, goes out of oneself Grand Dao hopefully. If she chooses a pure day sea Sword Sovereign standard, she must specialize in Origin Water lineage sword intent in the future, this will instead limit her toward the oneself goal vanguard. 其二,王璃瑶花费了一千数百年时间,钻研将元水瑶光剑意融合,是有希望走出自己大道的。若是她选择纯粹的天海剑皇道典,那她将来就要专修元水一脉剑意了,这反而会限制她往自己的目标前行。 After setting firm resolve, the Wang Liyao vision fell on too the slightly Sword Sovereign tablet, confidently toward its cups the hands ritual: I choose too slightly Sword Sovereign dao lineage, in the future remaining years of life, but also please too slightly Elder Sister advise much.” 下定决心之后,王璃瑶的目光落在了太微剑皇碑上,坦然朝其拱手一礼:“我选择太微剑皇道统,往后余生,还请太微姐姐多多指教。” Good.” “太好了。” Too slightly Sword Sovereign standard item spirit has the feeling of planting feels proud and elated finally. 太微剑皇道典器灵有种终于扬眉吐气的感觉。 She said excitedly: Wang Liyao, you are really insightful. You could rest assured that although I the foundation is quite superficial, from now on but how you will say how, even if changes toward crystal Sword Dao me, I do not have two words certainly.” 她兴奋道:“王璃瑶,你果然有眼光。你放心,我虽然根基较为浅薄,但是从今往后你说怎么样就怎么样,哪怕把我往水玉剑道改,我也是绝无二话。” hearing this, other three big Sword Sovereign dao lineage throw the look that deeply despised to her. 闻言,其余三大剑皇道统都向她投去了深深鄙夷的眼神。 Your two has not made peace the same place, did you too turn into the Wang Liyao shape? Oh ~ ~ was really the too enviable envy hated, we were also good to want with Wang Liyao to cross ~ 你们两个还没媾和到一起呢,你太微就变成王璃瑶的形状了吗?唉~~真的是太让人羡慕嫉妒恨了,我们也好想和王璃瑶一起过啊~ After Wang Liyao designates to fall the hand. 王璃瑶选定落手之后。 Other Wang Clan these potential seeded players, go forward in item spirit with various Sword Sovereign tablets to try to get close. 王氏其他那些有潜力的种子选手们,才纷纷上前和各剑皇碑中的器灵套起了近乎。 And, Wang Youdao first looks at an ascending the sky sea Sword Sovereign standard, tian the face is gathering up to go to salute: Day sea Elder Sister, little brother Wang Youdao, this year 2313 years old, cultivation base is True Immortal Boundary six layers. Although my bloodline awakening degree was inferior that our family/home Great Grandaunt Liyao, actually also achieved Daoist Seed fourth grade on. Moreover I am inborn Origin Water bloodline, agrees with a day sea Sword Sovereign standard.” 其中,王宥道第一时间就瞄上了天海剑皇道典,觍着脸凑上前去行礼:“天海姐姐,小弟王宥道,今年2313岁,修为真仙境六层。我的血脉觉醒程度虽不如我们家璃瑶祖姑奶奶,却也是达到了道子丁等偏上。而且我是天生元水血脉,与天海剑皇道典非常契合。” Wang Youdao is Wang Clan Item Refining Main Division backbone Wang Ningxi Great Grandson, since childhood then has the outstanding bloodline aptitude, is one of the clan key training high sequence objects. 王宥道乃是王氏炼器总司的顶梁柱王宁晞重孙儿,从小便拥有卓绝的血脉资质,属于家族重点培养的高序列对象之一。 Moreover Wang Ningxi is having money that becomes famous has the ability, regards as important to Wang Youdao this outstanding Great Grandson extremely, this/should subsidy subsidy, this/should support support, is not absolutely lenient. 而且王宁晞是出了名的有钱有能耐,对王宥道这个优秀的重孙儿也极为看重,该补贴补贴,该扶持扶持,绝对不手软。 As for Wang Ningxi oneself, then with Solar Dao Lord and source iced Divine Maiden to reach the agreement several hundred years ago, in name joined ice fire Dao Sect, and prepared to inherit ice fire two Dao Book simultaneously. 至于王宁晞本人,则是在数百年前与太阳道主和源冰神女达成了协议,名义上加入了冰火道宗,并准备同时继承冰火两部道书 This is also because Solar Dao Lord sees Wang Ningxi oneself ice fire double bloodline is quite unique, wants to try taking this opportunity, looked that can create some miracles to come out. 这也是因为太阳道主王宁晞本人的冰火双血脉极为独特,想借此机会试一试,看能不能创造些奇迹出来。 Perhaps which day of ice fire two Dao Book will fuse thoroughly, turns into an extremely powerful inheritance! 或许哪一天冰火两部道书会彻底融合,变成一部极为强大的传承! Naturally that is another story, at present for the time being does not raise. 当然那是另外一个故事,目前暂且不提。 At this time, attitude of day sea Sword Sovereign item spirit to Wang Youdao is languid, as if somewhat could not have what interest: Origin Water bloodline, Daoist Seed fourth grade on, oh ~ somewhat is careless, other your also a little talent and skill?” 此时,天海剑皇器灵王宥道的态度是懒洋洋的,仿佛有些提不起什么兴致:“元水血脉,道子丁等偏上,唉~有些马马虎虎啊,你还有点其他才艺吗?” This may really be widely experienced to press the water, abatement Wushan did not say! 这可真是曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云! Properly speaking Wang Youdao bloodline talent is very very strong, once after inheriting Dao Book, bloodline can arrive at Daoist Seed third grade on mostly, even if compares with World of Immortals these reputation illustrious would-be god child accurate Divine Maiden, is still is not as good partly plans. 按理说王宥道血脉天赋已经很强很强了,一旦继承道书后,血脉多半能到道子丙等偏上,即便是与仙界那些声名赫赫的准神子准神女比,也不过是稍逊半筹而已。 Sword Sovereign Palace previous generation fame very loud demon Sword Sovereign, in fact is also this level. Perhaps if not for Wang Liyao and Wang Longyan pearls and jade before, this Wang Youdao will cause fights of four big Sword Sovereign standards. 剑皇宫上一代名气很响的魔剑皇,实际上也就是这种水准。若不是王璃瑶王珑烟珠玉在前,这王宥道说不定会引起四大剑皇道典的争抢。 Such as today's sea item spirit just missed Wang Liyao, the mood naturally somewhat does not raise lowly vigorously. 只是如今天海器灵刚刚错失了王璃瑶,心情自然是有些低落提不起劲来。 What?” “啥?” A Wang Youdao face is ignorant. 王宥道一脸懵。 Can this year mixes Dao Book is not really easy, inspect the talent and skill unexpectedly? Or, does he trade a Sword Sovereign standard to try? 这年头混一部道书委实不易啊,竟然还得考核才艺?要不,他换一部剑皇道典试试? Husband, come on, coaxes day of sea Elder Sister to be happy well.” His wife Jiang Xiyue is Husband encourages under. 夫君,加油,好好哄天海姐姐开心。”他的娘子姜洗月在下方为夫君鼓劲。 Such Dao Book chance is rare, absolutely not fault-tolerant. 此等道书机缘乃是举世罕见,绝对不容错过。 The Jiang Xiyue family background from Luojing, is then listening to God Sovereign Cang Ping and Pingtian God King two big Dao Lord legends since childhood grows up, venerates about the powerhouse of Dao Lord rank extremely, is hopes Husband can succeed. 姜洗月出身自洛京,从小便是听着苍平神皇平天神王两大道主的传说长大的,对道主级别的强者极为尊崇,自是希望夫君能成功。 Grandfather, or do you give the day of sea paternal grandmother to dance?” A elegant young young fellow look shines offers advice to Wang Youdao, for the dao lineage inheritance, this does not lose face.” 爷爷,要不您给天海奶奶跳个舞吧?”一位丰神俊朗年轻小伙儿眼神放光地给王宥道出主意,“为了道统传承,这不丢人。” He called Wang Huanliang, was Wang Youdao and Jiang Xiyue eldest son of legal wife grandson. 他叫王寰亮,乃是王宥道姜洗月的嫡长孙。 A few years ago, he by Divine Ability Boundary big late stage cultivation base, has been wresting away the Divine Ability list first place. 前些年,他一直以神通境后期修为,霸占着神通榜榜首。 However, recently he had promoted Void Soaring Boundary, was separated from the Divine Ability list list. 不过,最近他已经晋升了凌虚境,脱离了神通榜榜单。 His aptitude is Son of Heaven first grade on, after promoting Void Soaring Boundary, he with the clan meritorious service that for many years saves, and help of Grandma Grandfather exchanged Bloodline Aptitude Improvement Fluid, promoted big section of bloodline under the asylum of Old Ancestor Shouzhe sect again. 原本他的资质是天子甲等偏上,在晋升凌虚境之后,他凭着多年来积攒下来的家族功勋,以及爷爷奶奶的帮助兑换了血脉资质改善液,在守哲老祖宗的庇护下再次提升了一大截血脉 Present he, bloodline has achieved the Void Soaring Boundary Holy Child third grade intermediate stage appearance. 如今的他,血脉已然达到了凌虚境圣子丙等中段的样子。 Has not inherited Holy Picture then to have such bloodline, in one generation could also be called one in entire Holy Territory young outstandingly. 未曾继承圣图便有此等血脉,在整个圣域年轻一代中也称得上一声“优秀”了。 When wants king Old Ancestor Lici just to go to Absolute Beginning Dao Palace initially, the bloodline degree is also almost so. 想当初王璃慈老祖刚刚去太初道宫时,血脉程度也就是差不多如此。 Wang Huanliang this time follows Sword Sovereign Palace, naturally is thinking mixes Holy Picture while this good opportunity early, can in the involution serious Void Soaring list, mix one first 100 as soon as possible! 王寰亮此次跟着过来剑皇宫,当然是想着趁此良机早早混一部圣图,尽早能在内卷严重的凌虚榜中,混一个前一百名! Then, Wang Youdao with encouragement of wife grandson, started the talent shows of some spicy eyes, spent the good time, finally moving day of sea item spirit, complied to accept him to become the day sea Sword Sovereign dao lineage successor of new generation. 然后,王宥道在妻子孙子的鼓励下,开始了一些辣眼睛的才艺表演,花了好一番功夫,终于“打动”了天海器灵,答应接受他成为了新一代的天海剑皇道统继承人。 Hence, Wang Clan obtained the dao lineage inheritance of two plus one with ease. 至此,王氏轻松获得了两加一的道统传承。 But this was also far from the conclusion. 而这还远远没有结束。 Kunlun Elder Sister, I called Wang Jinyu, my Great Grandfather called Wang Anye, although you have not listened to his name now, but after we successfully unified, you will certainly satisfy my Great Grandfather.” Put on purple to practice moral culture sturdy clothes Wang Jinyu to start self introduction self-confidently. 昆仑姐姐,我叫王瑾瑜,我的太爷爷王安业,您虽然现在没听过他名字,但是咱们俩成功结合后,您一定会满意我的太爷爷的。”穿着一袭紫色修身劲装王瑾瑜自信满满地开始了自我介绍。 A Kunlun Sword Sovereign item spirit face is inexplicable. 昆仑剑皇器灵一脸莫名。 What do I satisfy your Great Grandfather to make? 我满意你太爷爷做什么? However, this Miss seems like bloodline to be very strong, although is inferior to Wang Longyan and Wang Liyao, but compares that boy also outline named Wang Youdao to plan! 不过,这姑娘看起来血脉很强啊,虽不如王珑烟王璃瑶,但是比那个叫王宥道的小子还要略强一筹! Demon sword Elder Sister hello, my father called Wang Fugui, he was the Holy Territory highest organization, the Saint altogether pledge secretary-general! Runs the entire Holy Territory important matter! Moreover you listened to his name to know, my father his great rich ~ ~ “魔剑姐姐您好,我的爸爸叫王富贵,他是圣域最高机构,圣共盟的秘书长!掌管整个圣域大事!而且您听他的名字就知道了,我爸他巨有钱~~ Wang Fugui and Zhaoyu Princess daughter Origin Spirit Princess Wang Guiling, is starts to put together the father tactic naturally...... 王富贵昭玉公主的女儿元灵公主王瑰玲,也是开始理所当然的拼爹战术…… ...... ……
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