POP :: Volume #8

#31: Young Master Young Lady each one talents!

...... …… After a period of time . 一段时日之后。 Wang Longyan and Wang Liyao and other joint search parties, rise to challenges arrived in the Sword Sovereign Palace vestige core position. 王珑烟王璃瑶等联合探索队,一路披荆斩棘的抵达了剑皇宫遗迹核心位置。 As the core of search party, they naturally cannot be the first wave arrive. Before Brilliant Jade Sword Boat arrives, have several Wang Clan Holy Venerable level Consecrate on the morning and outside hires Holy Venerable to come here ahead of time, explores the danger zone of peripheral region, and assigned the vestige core place probably. 作为探索队的核心,她们自然不会是第一波抵达的。早在瑶光剑舟抵达之前,就早有数位王氏圣尊供奉和外聘圣尊提前来到这里,将周边区域的危险地带都探索完毕,并大概划出了遗迹核心所处之地。 Now they come this, is, is the final inheritance. 如今她们来此,为的,便是最终的传承。 At this moment. 此刻。 Brilliant Jade Sword Boat is leading the team hovering near a space crack. The ray that the sword boat sends out is bright and gentle, a surrounding piece of void photo translucently. 瑶光剑舟正率领团队悬停在一处空间裂缝附近。剑舟散发的光芒明亮而柔和,将周围的一片虚空照得透亮。 In sword boat. 剑舟内。 Wang Liyao to beard all white Holy Venerable old man polite saying of: Profound bright Senior, the exploration and guard of mission this Sword Sovereign territory, was laborious you.” 王璃瑶对一位胡须皆白的圣尊老者客气的说道:“玄明前辈,此次剑皇域的探索和护卫任务,辛苦您了。” Profound bright Holy Venerable is one from Northern Ji Divine Continent, the lord of Holy Land level influence, his cultivation base achieved the Great Principle boundary seven layers appearance, is strength tyrannical and Senior of noble character and high prestige. 玄明圣尊是一位来自于北殛神洲,圣地级势力之主,他修为达到了大罗七层的样子,是一位实力强横而德高望重的前辈 When his young the bloodline aptitude is outstanding, there is the oneself chance, when True Immortal Boundary holds the post of Holy Child, bloodline achieved on the rare Holy Child second grade rank! 年轻之时血脉资质非常出众,也有属于自己的机缘,在真仙境担任圣子之时,血脉达到了罕见的圣子乙等偏上级别! The youth outstanding talent reputation enjoys a good reputation in entire Northern Ji Divine Continent. 其青年俊杰的名声享誉整个北殛神洲 If such bloodline places the inheritance the place of Dao Palace, when inherits on Dao Book, had to put together the qualifications of Legacy inheritance. Only pitifully, bright ruins Heavenly Grotto does not have Dao Book to inherit to him, other Dao Lord level influences do not use him adopting. 此等血脉若是放在有传承的道宫之地,又恰逢道书传承之际,都有拼一拼衣钵传承的资格了。只可惜,明墟洞天并没有道书给他继承,其他道主级势力也不用他“过继”。 This is also in the legend Young Lady the life of body maidservant. 这也就是传说中的“小姐的身子丫鬟的命”了。 Under is unwilling, he to accelerate cultivation to wrestle that illusory opportunity, consumed the bright ruins Heavenly Grotto huge resources with the Teacher support, successfully is promoted the Great Principle boundary at the under 5000-year-old age! 心有不甘之下,他为了加速修炼以搏一搏那虚无缥缈的机会,在师尊支持下耗费了明墟洞天大量资源,以不到5000岁的年龄成功晋级大罗境! This and other practicing speeds, taking a broad view at entire Holy Territory are very rare, comes is not inferior compared with these major Dao Palace successors are too many. 这等修行速度,放眼整个圣域都是十分罕见的,比起那些各大道宫的继承人来也并不逊色太多。 Then, profound bright Holy Venerable naturally is the high-spirited, self-confident bursting , to continue with a sudden burst to clash upward! 如此一来,玄明圣尊自然是意气风发,自信爆棚,继续卯着劲想要往上冲! Also so, was 10,000 6,000-7,000 years passes. 如此,又是一万6,000-7,000年过去了。 Under 22000-year-old profound bright Holy Venerable had rushed to Great Principle boundary seven layers, becomes a rare Great Principle late stage expert. 不到22000岁的玄明圣尊已经冲到了大罗七层,成为了一位罕见的大罗后期高手。 However, after seven layers, he discovered suddenly, upward, walks a half step again every time is the countless sufferings and hardships, the resources of consumption are also not initial stage can compare! 然而,到了七层之后他才蓦然发现,再往上,每走一小步都是千难万难,耗费的资源也远不是初期能比! According to the cultivation progress calculated, even if he surplus 10,000 3,000-4,000 years of lives will exhaust completely, are not necessarily able cultivation to the Great Principle boundary nine layers peak. 按照修炼进度推算,哪怕他将剩余一万3,000-4,000年的寿元全部耗尽,也未必能修炼大罗九层巅峰。 But in his first more than 20,000 years of cultivation processes, has attracted too many too many blood, present bright ruins Heavenly Grotto poor sound dingdong, to maintain the entire Heavenly Grotto inheritance, many assets have mortgaged, even there is a two lineages True Immortal inheritance unable to maintain. 而在他前两万多年的修炼过程中,已经吸了太多太多的血,如今的明墟洞天穷的响叮当,为了维持整个洞天传承,许多资产都已经抵当了出去,甚至有两脉真仙传承都维持不下去了。 When to that time, profound bright Holy Venerable comprehended at a glance, untied the demon barrier of innermost feelings, gave up the impractical dream. 时至那时,玄明圣尊才幡然悔悟,解开了内心的魔障,也放弃了不切实际的梦想。 After this, he no longer is crazy cultivation, every year only maintains the body consumption in the lowest standard, and operates diligently, tries to promote Heavenly Grotto. 在这之后,他不再疯狂修炼,每年只以最低标准维持身体消耗,并努力经营,试图重新振兴洞天 Profound bright Holy Venerable did not ask the human affairs for a long time, only the knowledge closed up cultivation wholeheartedly, was not good at operating . Moreover, bright ruins Heavenly Grotto has lost money under the excessive drain of accumulating over a long period of time are too many, accumulating poor was difficult to return, tried hard by him for a long time, Heavenly Grotto as before not too big improvement. 只是玄明圣尊长期不问世事,一心只知闭关修炼,并不擅长经营,而且,明墟洞天在日积月累的过度消耗下早已亏损太多,积贫难返,是以他努力了许久,洞天依旧没有太大起色。 When he endures about three long live, after with great difficulty seeks may the right Legacy apprentice Holy Picture inherits, then in the introduction of Solar Dao Lord Wang Clan met mission to have the odd-job, gives the Legacy apprentice to accumulate the resources. 直至他熬到将近三万岁时,好不容易寻了可合适的衣钵徒弟将圣图传承下去之后,便在太阳道主的介绍下去了王氏任务打零工,去给衣钵徒弟攒资源。 This odd-job hits is hitting, he because of money to become one of the Wang Clan Holy Venerable Consecrate. After all, when Consecrate brings in money is stabler, and after mission completes, has the extra premium. 这零工打着打着,他就因为钱成了王氏圣尊供奉之一。毕竟,当供奉来钱更加稳定,且任务完成之后还有额外奖励。 Nowadays, profound bright Holy Venerable had worked as more than 1000 years of Consecrate in Wang Clan. Depends on the high quota that Wang Clan gives to care for with the bonus returns nurses, he finally gradually the bright ruins Heavenly Grotto knife edge. 现如今,玄明圣尊已经在王氏当了一千多年的供奉。靠着王氏给的高额奉养和奖金回哺,他终于渐渐将明墟洞天支棱了起来。 Especially responded with the great expectations by him Legacy Disciple, the easy life crosses quite well. 尤其是被他报以厚望的衣钵弟子,小日子过得相当不错。 Such experiences this to make profound bright Holy Venerable publicize everywhere, the undertaking might as well work, particularly works for Wang Clan, is really stabilizes and gains greatly. Therefore, he also drew Wang Clan bright ruins Heavenly Grotto many True Immortal Elder and Void Soaring main force, the collective worked to Wang Clan! 此等经历这让玄明圣尊四处宣扬,创业不如打工,尤其是替王氏打工,真是又稳定又大赚。因此,他还将明墟洞天很多真仙长老凌虚主力都拉来了王氏,集体给王氏打工! Under personally setting an example of profound bright Holy Venerable, was propagandized one wave for the Wang Clan treatment, attracted long-term Consecrate of many Holy Venerable level and outside hires odd-job Holy Venerable. 在玄明圣尊的身体力行下,也算是为王氏的待遇宣传了一波,吸引了更多圣尊级的长期供奉和外聘零工圣尊 When to the present, profound bright Holy Venerable recalled that the oneself passing more than 30,000 years of lives, the innermost feelings incomparably sobbed as before the feeling, but also was therefore, he treasures this hard-won happy future especially. 时至如今,玄明圣尊回想起自己过往这三万多年的人生,内心依旧是无比唏嘘感慨,但也是因此,他才格外珍惜这来之不易的美好未来。 Hears the instruction of Wang Liyao, he quickly returns salute respectfully: Young Lady Liyao should not be impolite, this is the obsolete job.” 听到王璃瑶的吩咐,他急忙恭敬还礼:“璃瑶小姐别客气,这都是老朽分内之事。” Wang Liyao shakes the head saying: If not profound bright Senior, the Sword Sovereign Palace vestige is not easy to look. You could rest assured that this time explores mission Senior to occupy the first in merit, the reward must not be short of you.” 王璃瑶摇头说道:“若非玄明前辈,剑皇宫遗迹可不好找。您放心,此次探索任务前辈居首功,奖励必不会少您。” Such remarks, on the profound bright Holy Venerable old face revealed the happy color immediately, the tone actually was still very humble: Many thanks Young Lady Liyao praise. However obsolete this time , was only the accident of sorts found the Sword Sovereign Palace vestige, alarmed Sword Sovereign Palace item spirit. Protects item spirit, although thought that my bloodline aptitude attains a designated standard reluctantly, actually shuts out me is too old, moreover it thinks sword intent that I cultivate/repair compared to my strength also can only be barely satisfactory......” 此言一出,玄明圣尊苍老的脸上顿时露出了高兴之色,语气却仍是十分谦逊:“多谢璃瑶小姐夸赞。不过老朽这一次,也是只是机缘巧合才找到了剑皇宫遗迹,惊动了剑皇宫器灵。只是守护器灵虽觉得我血脉资质勉强达标,却嫌弃我年龄太大,而且它认为我修出的剑意相对于我的实力来说也只能算是差强人意……” But, by going against heaven's will of talent Young Lady Liyao, so long as exposes some sword intent and bloodline slightly, will decide will make that protect item spirit to tread on to welcome but actually.” “不过,以璃瑶小姐之逆天天赋,只要稍稍展露些剑意血脉,定会令那守护器灵倒履相迎。” On the mouth pats the Wang Liyao horse buttocks, his heart is somewhat sobbing. 嘴上拍着王璃瑶的马屁,他内心不免有些唏嘘。 Not long, he is also the grace and talent peerless God's favored one, the Northern Ji Divine Continent famous youth talent, now is actually protected item spirit to dislike by Sword Sovereign Palace old...... 曾几何时,他也是风华绝代的天之骄子,北殛神洲有名的青年天才,现在却被剑皇宫守护器灵嫌老了…… Is listening to the profound bright Holy Venerable words, the Wang Liyao actually not big response, not extremely humble, has not displayed happily, but moved sideways directly Brilliant Jade Sword Boat. 听着玄明圣尊的话,王璃瑶却是没多大反应,既没有太过谦逊,也没有表现出得意,而是直接闪身出了瑶光剑舟 She usually believed in the strength speaks, how finally, to try apparent. 她素来信奉用实力说话,结果如何,试一试便知。 Before arriving at that space crack, her complexion slightly one cold, grasps a Brilliant Jade Holy Sword conveniently sword void. 来到那道空间裂缝前,她面色微微一凛,手持瑶光圣剑随手一剑噼向虚空。 In a twinkling, astonishing water jade color sword light then surges together. 霎时间,一道惊人的水玉色剑光便激荡而出。 That sword light, like Cicada Wing, the peaceful as wave, actually as if can tear the stars to be the same thinly with ease, the sword light place visited, had the tough space to look like the cream to be cut reliably generally with ease, revealed the smooth silk slippery huge margin. 剑光,薄如蝉翼,澹似水波,却仿佛能轻松撕裂星辰一般,剑光所过之处,牢固而有韧性的空间就像是奶油一般被轻松划破,露出了平整丝滑的巨大切口。 This is Wang Liyao by own Water Department talent, as well as an institute studies to become aware, in addition the inheritance of Brilliant Jade Sword Saint lineage, unifies to understand. 这便是王璃瑶以自身水系天赋,以及一身所学所悟,加上瑶光剑圣一脉的传承,结合起来悟出的。 This sword intent is gentle but firm, the belt/bring was just supple, sword qi that surges is the tamper force with mercy, the might is infinite. 剑意柔中带刚,刚中带柔,激荡起来的剑气可谓是刚柔并济,威力无穷。 In Brilliant Jade Sword Boat. 瑶光剑舟内。 Profound bright Holy Venerable and other Holy Venerable Consecrate saw this sword, on the face simultaneously revealed the shocking and dignified color. 玄明圣尊等几位圣尊供奉见到这一剑,脸上齐齐露出了震惊和凝重之色。 Especially that several Holy Venerable initial stage Consecrate, in the eye pupil took several to divert attention to be startled. 尤其是那几个圣尊初期供奉,眼眸中更是带上了几分心惊。 Said that Young Lady Liyao has been able to jump the ranks a war with common Holy Venerable by True Immortal late stage cultivation base, and in a short time will not be defeated. 都说璃瑶小姐真仙后期修为已能与寻常圣尊越级一战,且短时间内不会落败。 Previously, they also thought that this is Wang Clan to raise the worth to orthodox lineage eldest daughter, boasted intentionally, had the exaggerating suspicion, but now an own clear to see so sword...... 先前,他们还觉得这不过是王氏为了给嫡长女抬身价,故意吹嘘,有言过其实之嫌,但如今亲眼见得如此一剑…… Pure on sword intent, this dao sword intent surpassed many Holy Venerable absolutely, is they must deal with resist will not be relaxed. 单纯就剑意本身而言,这一道剑意绝对是超过了不少圣尊,便是他们要应付抵挡也不会太轻松。 Naturally, profound bright Holy Venerable must remove, after all he has been Great Principle Holy Venerable late stage, the battle efficiency with common Holy Venerable at all is not a level. 当然,玄明圣尊要排除掉,毕竟他早已是大罗圣尊后期了,战斗力跟寻常圣尊根本不是一个层面的。 But while numerous Holy Venerable shocking, that space crack also had the change suddenly. 而就在一众圣尊震惊的同时,那道空间裂缝也骤然间生出了变化。 Buzz ~ ~ “嗡~~” A sharp space shake ripples suddenly. 一阵剧烈的空间震荡蓦然荡漾开来。 Everyone's attention was attracted the past immediately. 所有人的注意力顿时被吸引了过去。 Under is a focus of public attention, that space slit starts to expand courageous outward, seemed void opens an eye to be the same, has the radiant ray from bloomed, then scattered periphery the darkness and profoundness in endless void sea suddenly. 万众瞩目之下,那道空间缝隙勐地开始向外扩张,就好似虚空中睁开了一只眼睛一般,有璀璨的光芒自其中绽放开来,瞬息间便驱散了周围无尽虚空海中的幽暗和深邃。 With ray but, one is lending the endless dignified fearful aura, lets person of the mind without the reason trembled, cannot bear have the respectful fear. 伴随着光芒一齐而至的,还有一股散发着无尽威严的可怕气息,让人没来由的心神震颤,忍不住生出了敬畏之情。 Very powerful sword intent!” “好强的剑意!” Suddenly, the female sound of mechanical sound eye passed from that together. 忽然,一道略带机械音的女子声音从那“眼睛”中传了出来。 „When this sword intent aura is strange somewhat is also familiar, actually somewhat my Sword Sovereign Palace charm. Is the future, my Sword Sovereign Palace lineage successor?” “这剑意的气息陌生之余又有几分熟悉,倒是有几分我剑皇宫的神韵。请问来者何人,是不是我剑皇宫一脉传人?” „Below Wang Liyao, is Zhenze Sword Palace Palace Lord, the Brilliant Jade Sword Saint lineage successor.” Wang Liyao receives the sword to stand, salutes in the direction of space crack, the sound is clear and bright, the tone is neither arrogant nor servile, sees Sword Sovereign Palace to protect item spirit.” “在下王璃瑶,乃是镇泽剑宫宫主,瑶光剑圣一脉传人。”王璃瑶收剑而立,朝着空间裂缝的方向施了一礼,声音清朗,语气不亢不卑,“见过剑皇宫守护器灵。” Brilliant Jade Sword Saint?” Sword Sovereign Palace item spirit seems to be astonished slightly, immediately also suddenly, I said somewhat is why familiar, originally is too the derivation inheritance of slightly Sword Sovereign lineage. However, you can weed through the old to bring forth the new based on Brilliant Jade sword intent, join oneself to Origin Water sensibility together, is very seriously great.” 瑶光剑圣?”剑皇宫器灵似乎微微讶异,随即却又恍然,“我说为何有些熟悉,原来是太微剑皇一脉的衍生传承。不过,你能在瑶光剑意的基础上推陈出新,加入自己元水一道的感悟,当真挺了不起的。” Regarding some Sword Dao talents, comprehends some superficial sword intent is not anything. 对于一些剑道天才而言,领悟一些浅薄的剑意并不算什么。 Once, when Wang Anye seven years old can spend a burning a joss stick time comprehension, is an example. Naturally, that faint trace sword intent foundation is really incomparable. 曾经,王安业七岁时就能花一炷香时间领悟,便是个例子。当然,那一丝丝剑意着实基础无比。 But Brilliant Jade sword intent is different. 瑶光剑意则不同。 That is too the slightly Sword Sovereign lineage branch, with carves complete sword intent that and inherits weakly. The aptitude slightly is bad cultivator, let alone the revision fused, then even comprehends Brilliant Jade sword intent such as to ascend to heaven. 那是太微剑皇一脉的分支,是久经凋琢和传承的完整剑意。资质稍差一些的修士,别说修改融合了,便是连领悟瑶光剑意都如登天。 Wang Liyao can successfully integrate Origin Water sensibility of together oneself in the original foundation, and makes the sword intent might not reduce instead increases, this can only prove a matter. 王璃瑶能在原本的基础上成功融入自己元水一道的感悟,并使得剑意威力不减反增,这只能证明一件事。 That is, she has basically thoroughly comprehended Brilliant Jade sword intent, and digested to absorb the oneself thing. By her age and cultivation base, can achieve this point, already very extraordinary. 那就是,她已经基本将瑶光剑意悟透,并消化吸收成了自己的东西。以她的年纪和修为,能做到这一点,已然十分了不起。 Younger generation is lucky.” Wang Liyao smalltalk, along with even showed the Zhenze Sword Palace token, does not know that protects item spirit Senior, the younger generation may be qualified for the Sword Sovereign Palace vestige, seeks to inherit a Sword Sovereign standard the qualifications?” “晚辈不过是侥幸而已。”王璃瑶客套了一句,随即便出示了镇泽剑宫的令牌,“不知守护器灵前辈,晚辈可有资格进入剑皇宫遗迹,寻求继承剑皇道典的资格?” Your good of sword intent comprehension, but I also need to examine your bloodline grade, soul age, race subordinate wait/etc.” Sword Sovereign Palace protects item spirit saying that do not blame me being discrete, when 3 rd big Sword Sovereign when Sword Sovereign territory bloody battle Crystal Ancient Race, only had demon Sir Sword Sovereign to tow the remnant body to protect the Sword Sovereign Palace final vestige, in the big cataclysm approached, protected Inheritance Land at the soul entirely to extinguish price.” “你的剑意领悟的不错,不过我还需要检测一下你的血脉品级,神魂年龄,种族所属等等。”剑皇宫守护器灵说道,“你别怪我谨慎,当初三大剑皇剑皇域血战晶古族,唯有魔剑皇大人拖着残躯护住了剑皇宫最后的遗迹,并在大灾变来临之时,以神魂俱灭的代价护住了传承之地。” Wang Liyao is nods shows the understanding, and relaxes the body and soul. 王璃瑶自是颔首表示理解,并放松身体与神魂 Also, Sword Sovereign Palace item spirit then starts to defer to the flow, conducts the scanning and appraisal to Wang Liyao. 随之,剑皇宫器灵便开始按照流程,对王璃瑶进行扫描和鉴定。 Together after obscure fluctuation of energy, item spirit personification exuded the sound of shock: How possibly?! Does your soul age link 3000 years old not to arrive? cultivation base has achieved True Immortal Boundary eighth layer unexpectedly! Your bloodline unexpectedly has awakened tenth three layers! Calculated by this, the bloodline aptitude must be Daoist Seed second grade......” 一道晦涩的能量波动之后,器灵拟人化的发出了震惊之声:“怎么可能?!你的神魂年龄连三千岁都没到?修为竟然已经达到了真仙境第八层!你的血脉竟然已经觉醒到了第十三重!以此推算,血脉资质应当是道子乙等……” According to the bloodline level turn of expression, bloodline achieves in twelve layers when True Immortal Boundary high stage, is the Holy Child second grade level, has to inherit the qualifications of Dao Book reluctantly. 按照血脉层次表达方式,血脉真仙境时达到十二重高段,便是圣子乙等的水准,已经勉强拥有继承道书的资格了。 After the similar character inherits Dao Book, bloodline will receive in Dao Book the baptism of heaven and earth essence, thus has the transformation, in the normal condition can break through to the tenth three layers Great Principle Saint body generally, then has to endure when True Immortal Boundary compared with the common Holy Venerable bloodline level. 类似这样的人物继承完道书之后,血脉会受到道书天地精华的洗礼,从而产生蜕变,正常情况下一般都能突破至第十三重大罗圣躯,在真仙境时便拥有堪比寻常圣尊血脉层次。 The character, truly had the breakthrough to the qualifications of Chaos Origin Boundary. 如此人物,才真正拥有了突破至混元境的资格。 Likely profound bright Holy Venerable, although is on Holy Child second grade bloodline, but cannot inherit Dao Book when True Immortal Boundary, the bloodline aptitude cannot a level higher, wants to break through to Chaos Origin Boundary absolutely is the wishful thinking. 像玄明圣尊,虽然是圣子乙等偏上血脉,但在真仙境时没能继承道书,血脉资质没能更上一层楼,想要突破至混元境就绝对是痴心妄想。 Senior, I think that I can be qualified for the Sword Sovereign Palace vestige?” Wang Liyao tranquil saying. 前辈,我想我应当有资格进入剑皇宫遗迹了吧?”王璃瑶平静的说道。 Her walks, bloodline promotes repeatedly, all relies upon the father and clan help, she did not think that this is worth the contented and proud matter. 她这一路走来,血脉屡屡提升,全仰仗父亲和家族的帮助,她并不觉得这是件多么值得自得和骄傲的事情。 Let alone, in clan, she is not bloodline highest that. 何况乎,在家族中,她也并非是血脉最高的那一位。 Now her father Wang Shouzhe, after inheriting Azure Sovereign Dao Book, the bloodline awakening degree has transformed to tenth four layers! 如今她的父亲王守哲,在继承完青皇道书之后,血脉觉醒程度都已经蜕变至第十四重了! True Immortal Boundary ten four layers bloodline, ready ready are in the legends god child! 真仙境四重血脉,妥妥就是传说中的“神子”! Moreover, he has not inherited a Immortal Emperor seal now, is god child bloodline, this is ready proper first deity. 而且,他如今还未继承仙帝道印,便是已经是神子血脉,这就是妥妥的“先天神子”。 Her Wang Liyao compared with father, must in a big way miss one to plan, even if this time inherited the Dao Book inheritance, the baptism later aptitude is still not necessarily able to arrive at Daoist Seed first grade, achieved the god child rank not to mention. 王璃瑶比起父亲,还是要差了一大筹,即便此番继承了道书传承,洗礼之后资质也未必就能到道子甲等,更别提达到神子级别了。 After all the Dao Book baptism is very big to the Holy Child rank promotion, but to bloodline of Daoist Seed rank, the improvement effect missed a meaning. 毕竟道书的洗礼对圣子级别提升很大,但是对道子级别的血脉来说,提升效果就差了点意思。 If no other special chances, after she only then Great Principle Holy Venerable rank, the luck is good to obtain some Immortal Emperor Emperor Seal, or some Ancient God inherits, has the opportunity to become the true god child. 若无其他特殊机缘,她只有到了大罗圣尊级别后,运气好获得某个仙帝帝印,或是某个古神传承,才有机会成为真正的神子。 This is also the promotion routes of overwhelming majority god children. 这也是绝大部分神子的升级路线。 But did this call Wang Liyao exciting getting up? 但这叫王璃瑶如何兴奋的起来? But Sword Sovereign Palace item spirit actually does not know that her mental journey, instead thought the Wang Liyao state of mind decides peacefully gentle, being indifferent to personal gains and losses, seriously is the good Immortal Emperor seedling and would-be god child! 剑皇宫器灵却不知她的心路历程,反而觉得王璃瑶心境澹定平和,宠辱不惊,当真是个上好的仙帝苗子、准神子! Suddenly, it the attitude to Wang Liyao was different: Young Lady Liyao, your status and qualifications had determined, may enter the Sword Sovereign Palace vestige at any time. However, a Sword Sovereign standard of everyone Sir Sword Sovereign has the oneself individuality, the request to inheritor also has the enormous difference, which the favor of lineage inheritance can obtain, but must look at your oneself.” 一时间,它对王璃瑶的态度都不一样了:“璃瑶小姐,您的身份和资格已经确定,可随时进入剑皇宫遗迹。不过,诸位剑皇大人的剑皇道典都有自己的个性,对传承者的要求也存在着极大的区别,能得到哪一脉传承的青睐,还得看您自己的。” After saying, it then supported in a big way a point the space slit, awaited respectfully the appearance that Wang Liyao went in momentarily. 说完之后,它便将空间缝隙撑得更大了一点,一副随时恭候王璃瑶进去的模样。 According to the original plan, the Wang Liyao figure in a flash, then entered in the space slit insistently. 按照原本的计划,王璃瑶身形一晃,便一马当先的进入了空间缝隙之中。 Among next instant, she then felt that a surrounding space distortion , she then entered a the other side. 下一瞬间,她便感觉周围的空间一阵扭曲,紧接着,她便进入到了一方之中。 Compared with common Heavenly Grotto, this Heavenly Grotto volume wants on big dozens times to continue. Heavenly Grotto not only has the mountain range sea, the prairie lake, in the sky has the stars to revolve, even also Heavenly River crosses from the expansive sky together, is mapping stars. 比起寻常洞天,这个洞天的体积要大上数十倍不止。洞天内部不仅有山峦大海,草原湖泊,天空之中更是有日月星辰运转,甚至还一道天河自长空横贯而过,映射着繁星点点。 Those images and scenes, if were not clear that beforehand this is Heavenly Grotto, she almost must think that this is complete world. 此情此景,如果不是事先清楚这是个洞天,她几乎都要以为这是个完整的世界 However at this moment, most attracts her attention is actually not this big Heavenly Grotto, but is the Heavenly Grotto central that giant palace. 不过此刻,最吸引她注意力的却不是这个大洞天本身,而是洞天中央的那一座巨型宫殿。 That palace construction does not know that which type of stone material with builds, the style is swift and fierce, the semblance is emitting the metallic luster of undulating, looks from afar, seems great sword direct impact clouds, is very palatial, is very magnificent. 那宫殿建筑也不知是用哪种石料砌成,风格凌厉霸道,外表更是散发着澹澹的金属光泽,远远看去,就好似一柄巨剑般直冲云霄,无比巍峨,无比壮观。 Before Sword Sovereign Palace, four palatial giant sword tablet tower high. 剑皇宫前,四座巍峨的巨型剑碑高高耸立。 In them each, is sending out powerful and terrifying sword intent, or is vast like the sky, either such as disaster World Extinguishing tyrannical recklessly, even if the common person sweeps at will with spiritual sense, possibly implication terrifying sword intent stirring broken will. 它们中的每一座,都散发着强大而恐怖的剑意,或如天空般浩瀚磅礴,或如天灾灭世般暴虐肆意,寻常人哪怕随意用神念扫一下,就可能会被其中蕴含的恐怖剑意给搅碎意志。 But has not waited for her to look at that four sword tablet carefully, then the girl voice of pleasant to hear conveys: Innate Daoist Seed second grade Miss, electing me to elect me, I am a Kunlun Sword Sovereign standard, in sword intent am just boundless, daring!” 可还没等她细细地去看那四座剑碑,便有一个好听的女孩声音传来:“先天道子乙等姑娘,选我选我,我是昆仑剑皇道典,剑意中正磅礴,气吞山河!” Bah! Kunlun your enchanting inexpensive goods, smelly are not concerned about face! This is my too slightly Sword Sovereign lineage successor, you dare, when my surface does skid the corner?” “呸!昆仑你个妖娆贱货,臭不要脸!这是我太微剑皇一脉的传人,你竟敢当我面撬墙角?” „The slightly lineage foundation is extremely too superficial, might as well choose my day sea Sword Sovereign lineage, the atmosphere is vast, in space invincible.” “太微一脉根基太过浅薄,不如选我天海剑皇一脉,大气浩瀚,宇内无敌。” Rolls rolling! My demon Sword Sovereign lineage is strongest! Your three give me the edge to come up. Repairs Sword Dao, naturally should free and easy uninhibited, has one's wish, so can walk to tall Zhichun sword intent! If not for our demon Sword Sovereign lineage supports finally, had your inheritance at risk of life, you must play ~ ~ “滚滚滚!我魔剑皇一脉才是最强的!你们三个都给我滚边上去。修剑道,自然应该洒脱不羁,随心所欲,如此才能走至高至纯剑意!而且若不是我们魔剑皇一脉撑到最后,拼死把你们的传承都带了回来,你们全得玩完~~ Wang Liyao has not spoken, was sealed four Sword Dao inheritance in four sword tablet snatches the person unexpectedly face to face. 王璃瑶还没说话呢,被封存在四座剑碑内的四个剑道传承竟然就这么当面抢起了人。 The words have not said two, they started to kick up a racket directly, greatly prepared to attack brutally the appearance that for Wang Liyao. 话没说两句,她们直接就开始吵吵了起来,大有一副为了王璃瑶准备大打出手的模样。 ...... 呃…… Wang Liyao speechless. 王璃瑶一阵无语。 Four big Sword Sovereign standards of reaching an agreement have various characters respectively, has various acting with constraint respectively and proud? Is this your pride? Is this your acting with constraint and individualities? 说好的四大剑皇道典各有各的性格,各有各的矜持和骄傲呢?这就是你们的骄傲?这就是你们的矜持和个性? However, what Wang Liyao does not know, item spirit has not really flickered she. 1 million years ago, these four big Sword Sovereign standards are each one more than the last are indeed difficult to do, the each one more than the last temperament is cunning. 不过,王璃瑶不知道的是,器灵还真没忽悠她。百万年前,这四大剑皇道典的确是一个比一个难搞,一个比一个脾气刁钻。 But the issue was they quietly in this already over hundred ten thousand years, this first time had inheritor to enter the Sword Sovereign Palace vestige, being beyond control they were not excited. 可问题是她们沉寂在此已经超过百万载了,这还是第一次有传承者剑皇宫遗迹,由不得她们不激动。 What if comes is only Holy Child second grade or first grade, perhaps they can also restrain, is not the extent that rude. 如果来的只是一个圣子乙等甲等,她们或许还能克制一点,不至于如此失态。 But at present this Young Lady Wang Liyao, this is the innate Daoist Seed second grade aptitude, even after inheriting Dao Book, cannot arrive at Daoist Seed first grade , can be called ready ready is would-be god child accurate Divine Maiden, had the qualifications to struggle Immortal Emperor or the Ancient God inheritance. 可眼下这位王璃瑶小姐,这可是先天道子乙等的资质,哪怕继承完道书后到不了道子甲等,也妥妥能称得上是“准神子”“准神女”,有资格争一争仙帝古神传承了。 Draws back 10,000 steps, such character does not have Ancient God or the Immortal Emperor inheritance even, so long as the resources can follow, in the future will mix Chaos Origin Boundary late stage to be relaxed, will have the possibility to the peak. 退一万步而言,此等人物即便没有古神仙帝传承,只要资源跟得上,未来混个混元境后期轻轻松松,到巅峰都有可能。 On but strongest demon Sword Sovereign, is Chaos Origin Boundary late stage. 而上一届最强的剑皇,也不过是混元境后期而已。 The Immortal Alliance period of even if in the outstanding heroes pouring forth, having so counter aptitude qualitative inheritor is also extremely rare, being beyond control they are not excited. 哪怕是在群雄辈出的仙盟时期,拥有如此逆天资质的传承者也是极其罕见的,由不得她们不激动。 In Wang Liyao by four Sword Sovereign standards besieging, another side, Wang Clan Old Ancestor Wang Longyan was also exposed to Sword Sovereign Palace item spirit qualifications. 就在王璃瑶被四部剑皇道典“围攻”之时,另一边,王氏老祖王珑烟也是向剑皇宫器灵展露了一下“资格”。 On the bloodline aptitude, she naturally cannot compare Wang Liyao to be low, on cultivation base was high many, and age has not arrived similarly 3000 years old. 血脉资质,她自然不会比王璃瑶低,修为上更是高了不少,且年龄同样也是未到三千岁。 Right, Old Ancestor Longyan rank and position, although is high, but its real age compared with Wang Shouzhe was big less than hundred years old. 没错,珑烟老祖辈分和地位虽高,但是其真实年龄比起王守哲不过是大了不到百岁而已。 When places your all my mortal, hundred years old of disparity nature enormous enormous, may arrive at True Immortal Boundary this grade of cultivation base boundary, only hundred -year-old age gaps, but is in a flash. 放在你我皆凡人之时,百岁差距自然已经极大极大,可到了真仙境这等修为境界,区区百岁的年龄差距,不过就是“弹指间”而已。 This also in Wang Clan, traded other Holy Clan, hundred -year-old age difference can be counted are the same. For example initial Xuanyuan Hao Zhe and Taishi Yushu and the others, age difference incessantly 100 years old. 这也就是在王氏,换了其他圣族,百岁的年龄差都可以算作是同一代人。譬如当初的轩辕昊喆和太史玉书等人,年龄差都不止一百岁。 Also enters that flash of Sword Sovereign Palace vestige in Old Ancestor Longyan, the inheritance standard of say/way of four big Sword Sovereign almost induced her existence simultaneously. 也就是在珑烟老祖进入剑皇宫遗迹的那一瞬间,四大剑皇之道的传承道典几乎是同时感应到了她的存在。 The sounds of four inheritance standard quarrels stop suddenly, was caught neck simultaneously to be shocked unexpectedly probably. 四部传承道典争吵的声音戛然而止,竟像是被卡住了脖子般齐齐愣住了。 This new, is the aptitude also so how high? 这新来的,怎么资质也这么高? But, they simultaneously excited. 但紧接着,她们又齐齐兴奋了起来。 Aptitude tall good ~ this inheritor aptitude is so also high, did they snatch the high aptitude inheritor opportunity is not bigger? 资质高好啊~这个传承者资质也这么高,她们抢到高资质传承者的机会不就更大了吗? They do not select in any case, good which this two is casual. 反正她们不挑,这两个随便哪个都行。 However this time, but also without them started to fight , the Old Ancestor Longyan vision fell on demon Sword Sovereign sword tablet on the earliest possible time. 然而这一次,还没等她们开始争抢,珑烟老祖的目光就第一时间落到了魔剑皇剑碑上。 In an instant, overbearing, cold and gloomy and terrifying demon sword sword intent then ascends from sword tablet, wells up courageous to Old Ancestor Longyan. 刹那间,一股霸道、森冷、恐怖的魔剑剑意便自剑碑中升腾而起,勐地向珑烟老祖涌去。 But Old Ancestor Longyan not only has not resisted, instead is opens wide the consciousness admission and estimates, immediately in the eye pupil delimited suddenly had wiped to be shocking and joyful. 珑烟老祖非但没有抗拒,反而是敞开意识接纳和揣摩起来,随即眼眸之中蓦然划过了一抹震惊和喜悦。 Right, is this sword intent flavor! 没错,就是这股剑意的味道! She estimated many years, actually the card cannot trace the concrete direction on the nape of the neck, now finally holds the direction indistinctly! 她揣摩了多少年了,却始终卡在脖颈上迟迟摸不到具体方向,如今终于隐约抓住了方向! She the closing one's eyes pupil, estimated to comprehend this demon Sword Sovereign sword intent immediately carefully. 她当即闭上眼眸,细细揣摩领悟起了这道魔剑皇剑意 But this has not ended. 而这还没完。 As Old Ancestor Longyan enters the Sword Sovereign Palace vestige, outside Wang Clan clansmen, starts to demonstrate oneself talent and skill. 随着珑烟老祖进入剑皇宫遗迹,外面的王氏族人们,也纷纷开始展示自己的“才艺”。 item spirit, I was inferior that Liyao Old Ancestor and Old Ancestor Longyan, I am only trivial Daoist Seed third grade ~ ~ wū wū ~ ~ ~ pitiful ~ ~ 器灵,我不如璃瑶老祖珑烟老祖,我只是个区区道子丙等~~呜呜~~~可怜~~ Oh ~ ~ you were too involution serious, perhaps my Daoist Seed fourth grade did not turn on a Sword Sovereign standard.” “唉~~你们内卷太严重了,我这道子丁等恐怕轮不上剑皇道典了。” Fellow elders like this, how not making my grade of Holy Child first grade live? item spirit, you looked that I also do have the opportunity?” “各位长辈不要这样子,让我这等圣子甲等怎么活?器灵,你看我还有机会吗?” Profound bright Holy Venerable looks is a face heart stopper. 玄明圣尊看得是一脸心塞。 Although he has long known that Wang Clan these Young Master Young Lady all are the talents, but this Holy Child armor second grade is delicate in this attire, the abundant sympathy, lets his heart stopper. 虽然他早就知道王氏这些少爷小姐们个个都是人才,可这一茬一茬的圣子乙等在这装柔弱,博同情,着实让他心塞。 Wants initially, his trivial Holy Child second grade on, thought that oneself is the talent of unmatched in the world, is not completely worse than anybody, then acts willfully almost to waste all one's money the Heavenly Grotto family property! 想当初,他一个“区区”圣子乙等偏上,就觉得自己是天下无敌的天才,完全不比任何人差,然后一意孤行差点将洞天的家底都败光! Has a look to huddle together at present on this day, Holy Child walks scene everywhere, recalled the oneself past determination heroic feelings again, smug, he could not bear feel to blush. 看看眼前这天才扎堆,圣子满地走的一幕,再回想一下自己当年的壮志豪情,踌躇满志,他都忍不住觉得脸红。 ...... ……
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