POP :: Volume #8

#30: Southern Ming temple! Cloud Crane Young Master

...... …… Same time. 同一时间段。 Shattered Territory. 破灭之域 Youth Young Master had taken out oneself cave mansion along, found a place to place near antiquity Transmission Array. While convenient, he still put the security puppet by antiquity Transmission Array, restored the surrounding ban, arranges array that a hidden used outside, to guard Transmission Array to be discovered or destroyed. 青年公子已经取出了自己的随身洞府,在上古传送阵附近找了个地方安置了下来。顺便,他还在上古传送阵旁边放了个警戒傀儡,修复了周围的禁制,又在外面布置了一个隐藏用的阵法,以防传送阵被发现或者破坏。 During the remote past, this antiquity Transmission Array naturally situated in protected layer on layer/heavily, but leaves uncultivated now so many years, array can also use is the lucky, original banned and protective measures nature has expired. 在久远的过去,这上古传送阵自然是处于重重保护之中,但如今荒废了这么多年,阵法还能用就已经是万幸,原本的禁制和保护措施自然早已失效。 At this moment. 此刻。 In the cave mansion, cuts day of Elder and Elder Tianchen along is reporting the situation. 随身洞府之中,斩天长老天尘长老正在汇报情况。 Nearby big world, the Heavenly Grotto ruins, declining small Heavenly Grotto, the mystical place, waits for the place I and cuts day of brothers to search completely, had not found the thing that we want, found many talent treasures actually, I received conveniently.” “附近的大世界,洞天废墟,破落小洞天,秘境,等等地方我和斩天兄弟都已经全部搜查过一遍,没找到我们要的东西,倒是找到了不少天才地宝,我顺手都收起来了。” Cutting day of Elder was usually quiet, can not open the mouth not to open the mouth, what therefore is responsible for reporting is Elder Tianchen. 斩天长老素来沉默寡言,能不开口就不开口,因此负责汇报的是天尘长老 Talent treasure?” Youth Young Master rubbed the forehead speechless, „does Elder receive these to do?” “天才地宝?”青年公子无语地揉了揉眉心,“长老收那些干什么?” Young Lord, you are well-known World of Immortals, our Southern Ming temple future Young Lord, will never lack the resources, could not have a liking for these.” as if made by Heaven Elder smiles, the tone was honest, „, but I was ordinary Chaos Origin Boundary Dao Lord, in the family/home also one group of juniors must raise, met so many high grade levels rarely spirit medicine, naturally must help in the family/home the junior take. Let alone, in this also has much is the medicinal herb that my cultivation needs to use ~ 少主,您是闻名仙界的,咱们南明神殿未来的少主,从不缺资源,自是看不上这些。”天成长老笑了笑,语气坦诚,“但我就是个普普通通的混元境道主,家里还有一帮小辈要养,难得遇到这么多高品级的灵药,自然要帮家里小辈多拿一些。更何况,这里面还有不少是我修炼需要用到的药材呢~” Nearby cuts day of Elder to nod silently. 一旁的斩天长老默默点了点头。 Obviously, he also thinks. 很显然,他也是这么想的。 This piece of big world once was one of the Immortal Alliance cores, even if screened out many spirit vein when the big migration, the remaining spirit vein quantities and qualities were still high. 这片大世界曾经是仙盟核心之一,哪怕在大迁徙之时被抽走了不少灵脉,剩下的灵脉数量和品质依旧非常高。 Has enough spirit qi supplies, even if here has left uncultivated, bred spirit medicine of many full year as before, ninth grade, being not infrequent of tenth grade, even good many eleventh grade spirit medicine. 有足够的灵气供给,哪怕这里早已荒废,依旧孕育出了不少足年份的灵药,其中九品,十品的不在少数,甚至还有好不少十一品灵药 Even if Chaos Origin Boundary Dao Lord, medicinal pill that usually takes is also tenth grade pill. 要知道,哪怕是混元境道主,平时服用的丹药也不过是十品丹而已。 But eleventh grade spirit medicine basically has the special effect, each value dozens Immortal Spirit Stone, even if also is quite rare regarding their these temple Elder, having the opportunity can accumulate one naturally to accumulate. 十一品灵药则基本都有特殊作用,每一颗都价值好几十仙灵石,哪怕是对于他们这些神殿长老来说也相当难得,有机会能多攒一点自然要多攒一点。 Now has free, they are not naturally willing to let off. 如今有免费的,他们自然不愿意放过。 Saw two people this response, Cloud Crane Young Master has not said again other, but said: two Elder accompanies me to run indeed laboriously these. Such being the case, these spirit medicine are regarded as two to run laboriously one of the reward, this Young Master did not snatch with you.” 两人这个反应,云鹤公子也没再说别的,只是道:“两位长老陪我跑这一趟的确辛苦。既然如此,那些灵药便当做是两位辛苦跑这一趟的酬劳之一吧,本公子就不跟你们抢了。” Many thanks Young Lord.” “多谢少主。” Elder Tianchen and cuts in the day of Elder eye simultaneously to reveal the happy expression, hastily cups the hands acknowledgment. 天尘长老和斩天长老眼里齐齐露出喜色,连忙拱手致谢。 „, Right.” Elder Tianchen holds a bronze-color compass suddenly, its assumed in front of Cloud Crane Young Master cautiously, Young Lord, this secret technique compass was looks for that thing the key, is being received by you.” “哦,对了。”天尘长老忽然捧出一个青铜色的罗盘,将其小心翼翼地呈到了云鹤公子面前,“少主,这秘法罗盘是寻找那件东西的关键,还是由您收着。” That bronze compass above trace is mysterious, the compass center is seems is sealing what general, lends the subtle and mysterious aura, lets person of does not have the reason then above will unable to bear the attention concentrate. 那青铜罗盘上面的纹路玄奥复杂,罗盘中央更是好似封存着什么一般,散发出微妙而神秘的气息,让人没来由的便忍不住将注意力投注其上。 Cloud Crane Young Master has not actually met: No need. My trustworthy Elder Tianchen.” 云鹤公子却没接:“不必。我信得过天尘长老。” Young Lord receives. Remains obsolete, if there is an accident obsolete ten thousand dead to be able hardly absolve.” Elder Tianchen actually insisted very much, rashly bronze compass stopper. 少主还是收起来吧。留在老朽身上,万一有个闪失老朽万死难辞其咎。”天尘长老却很坚持,不由分说把青铜罗盘塞了回去。 Cloud Crane Young Master he, has to receive the compass stubborn. 云鹤公子拗不过他,只好把罗盘收了回去。 Elder Tianchen then continues saying: Young Lord, I have labelled several thing possibly depositing places on the void sailing chart, since here could not find, we should also go to the next place. If these places could not find, we could look for Immortal Alliance to lose the people, went to their hands to look. Judged from many vestige residual traces, initially Immortal Alliance withdrew many people.” 天尘长老这才继续说道:“少主,我已经在虚空航海图上标注出了几处东西可能存放的地方,既然这里找不到,我们也该去下一处地方了。要是这几处地方都找不到,我们可能就得去找找仙盟遗民,去他们手里找了。从很多遗迹残留痕迹判断,当初仙盟撤走了不少人。” Before coming, they then looked for the Immortal Alliance once void navigation chart from limitless Divine Palace, although 100 several hundred thousand years passed by, accurate of this void navigation chart canned be discussed that but always compared with being better of eyes pitch darkness. 来之前,他们便从无极神宫找来了仙盟曾经的虚空海航图,虽然一百几十万年过去,这份虚空海航图的精准度有待商榷,但总比两眼一抹黑的要好。 The sought process may be very long, but before coming, they have the preparation, pours does not have nothing patiently. 寻找的过程或许会很漫长,但来之前,他们都早已经有了心理准备,倒也没什么不耐烦的。 Is speaking. 正说话间。 Unexpectedly. 蓦地。 Along by cave mansion void split a big opening suddenly. 随身洞府旁边的虚空蓦然裂开了一道大口子。 A colossus from leaps, the terrifying power and influence sweeps across momentously, shortly will cover surrounding entire void. 一头庞然大物从其中一跃而出,恐怖的威势排山倒海般席卷开来,顷刻间笼罩了周围的整个虚空。 This colossus, impressively is that cataclysm beast. 这头庞然大物,赫然便是那头灾变兽。 Its whole body at this moment is scarred, the dry bloody scab has not even flaked, actually slightly has not seemed distressed, instead added several points of vicious tendencies, lining its even more vicious tyrannical, ominous flame is dreadful. 此刻的它浑身伤痕累累,干涸的血痂甚至还没有剥落,却丝毫没显得狼狈,反而更添了几分戾气,衬得它愈发凶狠暴虐,凶焰滔天。 Roar! “吼! The cruel beast roar resounds through void, flickers the time, entire void trembled fiercely, the cave mansion space seemed under the impact ordinary along, strenuous vibration. 暴戾的兽吼声响彻虚空,瞬时间,整个虚空都剧烈震颤了起来,就连随身洞府内部的空间都仿佛受到了冲击一般,剧烈震动起来。 What thing?!” “什么东西?!” The people in Heavenly Grotto change color instantaneously. 洞天内的众人瞬间变色。 Lived 100,000 years of old Dao Lord, Elder Tianchen was almost the flash responded, moved sideways to protect in front of Cloud Crane Young Master. 到底是活了十万年的老道主,天尘长老几乎是一瞬间就反应了过来,一个闪身护到了云鹤公子面前。 Cutting day of Elder responded is quicker, suddenly has then drawn a sword, the tearing space escaped along the cave mansion. 斩天长老反应更快,眨眼间便已经拔剑而出,撕裂空间遁出了随身洞府。 However, just now has along the cave mansion, he courageous a pair of confusion was tyrannical to, murderous intention imposing terrifying beast child. 然而,才刚出随身洞府,他就勐地对上了一双混乱暴虐,杀机凛然的恐怖兽童。 The dreadful power and influence and terrifying killing intent heads on, his whole body one stiff, complexion instantaneous paleness. 滔天的威势和恐怖的杀意扑面而来,他浑身一僵,脸色瞬间一片苍白。 Cataclysm beast! “灾变兽! This was terrifying monster that in the old book history recorded, in the legends the battle efficiency endures compared with Immortal Emperor 19th stage ferocious beast, the strengths did not know many compared with him. Even if this seems like seriously injured at present, he is not its opponent! 这是古籍历史中记载的恐怖怪物,传说中战斗力堪比仙帝十九阶凶兽,实力比他强了不知多少。哪怕眼前这一头看起来似乎是受了重伤,他也决计不是它的对手! But in the ancient book records, this thing is not always only moves in the Endless Heaven Abyss deep place, how to appear here?! 可典籍中记载,这东西不是一向都只在无尽天渊深处活动吗,怎么会出现在这里?! What a pity, at present really cannot ponder these times. 可惜,眼前实在不是能思考这些的时候。 Has not waited to cut day of Elder to respond, the cataclysm beast moved suddenly. 还没等斩天长老反应过来,灾变兽忽然动了。 Roar!” “吼!” Shakes in the void shouting sound, its figure from vanishes suddenly same place, immediately appears courageous, in cut in front of day of Elder, bit toward him. 震荡虚空的嘶吼声中,它的身形骤然从原地消失,随即勐地出现在了斩天长老面前,一口朝他咬了过去。 The dense advantage tooth is accompanying the power and influence of absorbing the person comes, probably next moment must tear into shreds him. 森森利齿伴着摄人的威势迎面而来,像是下一刻就要将他撕碎。 Cutting day of Elder is pale, actually does not dare to neglect, immediately raises profound qi, put together the going all-out make way this to nip, then wielded a sword to pester with it in one. 斩天长老脸色发白,却根本不敢怠慢,立刻强提玄气,拼尽全力闪开了这一咬,而后挥剑和它纠缠在了一起。 As Chaos Origin Boundary sword cultivator, cuts day of Elder to be known as that cuts day of Sword Sovereign, the battle efficiency is very tyrannical, when acts sword light vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, is firm will incomparable, can probably tear continually void. 作为混元境剑修,斩天长老号称“斩天剑皇”,战斗力自是十分强横,出手时剑光纵横,锐意无匹,像是连虚空都能撕裂。 However, the disparity of strength is too big. 然而,实力的差距实在太大。 Even if the cataclysm beast is seriously injured at this moment, ten tenths strength are most also to display 2-3 tenths, it also endures compared with the 19th stage terrifying ominous thing eventually, is not he can resist. 哪怕灾变兽此刻身受重伤,十成的实力最多也就能发挥出2-3成,它也终究是堪比十九阶的恐怖凶物,根本不是他能抵挡得住的。 Merely several rounds, he carelessly, suffered a cataclysm beast claw for a while. In the internal organs caused heavy losses, his complexion immediately becomes pallid. 仅仅几个回合,他就一时不慎,挨了灾变兽一爪。内腑受到重创,他的脸色顿时变得煞白。 When he falls into the predicament. 正当他陷入困局之时。 Among heaven and earth suddenly has the boundless vigorous earth good vitality gathering to come, then changes into crystal battle armor to protect in a flash him. 天地间忽然有磅礴浑厚的土行元气汇聚而来,转瞬间便化为一具水晶般的战甲将他护住。 What making a move is Elder Tianchen. 出手的是天尘长老 Originally, when does not know, Elder Tianchen and Cloud Crane Young Master has also come out from the cave mansion along. 原来,不知道什么时候,天尘长老云鹤公子也已经从随身洞府之中出来了。 The Elder Tianchen complexion is very ugly: Young Lord, we are not the opponents of cataclysm beast. I and cut the day to constrain it, Young Lord, you walk a bit faster.” 天尘长老的脸色十分难看:“少主,咱们不是灾变兽的对手。我和斩天拖住它,少主,您快点走。” During the speeches, he had flushed, with cutting day of Elder coordinated to tie down the cataclysm beast. 说话间,他就已经冲了出去,和斩天长老一起配合着缠住了灾变兽。 That attitude, has just like prepared for had sacrificed oneself to shield youth. 那态度,俨然是已经做好了牺牲自己掩护青年的准备。 Cloud Crane Young Master slightly one knits the brows, is preparing to say anything. 云鹤公子微一皱眉,正准备说什么。 Suddenly. 忽然。 His look moves, took out that bronze compass from the bosom courageous. 他神色一动,勐地从怀里取出了那个青铜罗盘。 Sees only the bronze compass center, that group tranquil incomparable mysterious aura, actually beat at this moment fiercely, has anything to attract it to resemble probably. 只见青铜罗盘中央,那团原本平静无比的神秘气息,此刻却是剧烈跳动起来,就好像是有什么东西在吸引它似的。 Meanwhile, a bright red red string also appeared in the card of compass, was centered on the central that group of aura, the terminal pointed to the direction of cataclysm beast. 与此同时,一条鲜红的红线也出现在了罗盘的盘面上,以中央的那团气息为核心,末端直指灾变兽的方向。 How can?!” The Cloud Crane Young Master complexion changes, that thing unexpectedly on this cataclysm beast?!” “怎么会?!”云鹤公子脸色一变,“那东西居然在这头灾变兽身上?!” He handled affairs was usually calm, even if met the cataclysm beast not to make him lose calmly, but at this moment, his complexion actually really changed. 他行事素来冷静,哪怕遇到灾变兽都没让他失去镇定,但此刻,他的脸色却真的变了。 Can find the thing quickly, should be a huge good news, but unexpectedly on cataclysm beast...... 能这么快就找到东西,原本应该是个天大的喜讯,但居然是在灾变兽身上…… Does not think these times now, first finds the way to leave here safely, other, after departure, said. 罢了,现在不是想这些的时候,还是先想办法安全离开这里,其他的,等离开后再说。 Young Lord, you walk a bit faster. This cataclysm beast was insane, how long I and cut the day unable to insist!” 少主,您快点走。这只灾变兽疯了,我和斩天坚持不了多久!” Notices Cloud Crane Young Master not to move, Elder Tianchen cannot bear the distant opens the mouth urge. 注意到云鹤公子没动,天尘长老忍不住遥遥开口催促起来。 This cataclysm beast does not know that what's the matter, recognized two Dao Lord to hit, did not care about the injury completely. 这只灾变兽也不知道怎么回事,就认准了两位道主往死里打,完全不顾及自身伤势。 A time of such small meeting, Elder Tianchen and cuts day of Elder to be suppressed completely by the cataclysm beast of going crazy, the body also received the heavy wound. Especially cuts day of Elder, in the wound adds the wound, injury especially heavy, the complexion has become pale incomparable. 就这么一小会的功夫,天尘长老和斩天长老就已经被发狂的灾变兽完全压制住,身上也都受了不轻的伤。尤其是斩天长老,伤上加伤,伤势尤其的重,脸色都已经变得惨白无比。 Sees that Cloud Crane Young Master says immediately: two Senior, is patient. I have a law, or may expel the cataclysm beast. Asked two Senior to coordinate me.” 见状,云鹤公子立刻道:“两位前辈,稍安勿躁。我有一法,或可驱逐灾变兽。请两位前辈配合我。” Then, as soon as he backhands, in the palm then had/left a gold/metal seal. 说罢,他一反手,掌心之中便多出了一枚金印。 This was managing affairs gold/metal seal of Southern Ming temple, was the symbol of his Southern Ming temple Young Lord status, in the meantime, it was also very powerful beginning of the universe spirit treasure, sealed spiritual sense that Southern Ming Immortal Emperor left behind! 这是南明神殿的掌事金印,也是他南明神殿少主身份的象征,同时,它本身也是一件十分强大的混元灵宝,其中更是封存了一道南明仙帝留下的神念 Sees gold/metal seal, such as saw Southern Ming Immortal Emperor! 见金印,如见南明仙帝 As Cloud Crane Young Master actuates by own spiritual sense, gold/metal India , China erupted a tyrannical incomparable spiritual sense fluctuation suddenly. 随着云鹤公子以自身神念驱动,金印中蓦然爆发出了一股强横无比的神念波动。 This spiritual sense is boundless, is scalding hot just like the magma that the place bottom gallops, resembles above Gao Tian/high heaven to overlook the gods of the world to be unattainable, making the mind that the person cannot stop tremble. 神念磅礴浩瀚,宛如地底奔腾的岩浆般灼热,又似高天之上俯瞰人间的神明般遥不可及,让人止不住的心神震颤。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 Surrounding void as if solidified. 周围的虚空都仿佛凝固住了。 With cutting day of Elder, the cataclysm beast whole body of Elder Tianchen fierce struggle one stiff, the movement of fight stops suddenly instantaneously. 正在和斩天长老,天尘长老激斗的灾变兽浑身一僵,战斗的动作瞬间戛然而止。 Its vision looked at fixedly in that gold/metal seal courageous. 它的目光勐地凝注到了那枚金印上。 19th stage Immortal Emperor! 十九阶仙帝 If its strength also in heyday, even if meets the strength of Immortal Emperor still in the same old way war, really hits the victory and defeat is not possible to know. 若它的实力还在全盛时期,即便遇到仙帝也照样有一战之力,真打起来胜负尚未可知。 However, it at this moment has been seriously injured, ten tenths battle efficiencies are most only have 30%, copes with next day dust and cuts day of this two Dao Lord is not a problem, but if to Immortal Emperor, actually must lose without doubt. 然而,此刻的它已然身受重伤,十成的战斗力最多只剩下30%,对付一下天尘和斩天这两个道主不成问题,但若是对上仙帝,却必输无疑。 Even, will also possibly be in danger! 甚至,还可能会有生命危险! Suddenly, the strong sense of crisis well ups, kills the cataclysm beast courageous crouches/submits Di body that gets angry, that whole body ominous offense tyrannical power and influence increased the pinnacle, the threat exuded the low and deep roaring filial piety sound, the figure actually did not enter instead draws back, has just like given birth has drawn back intent. 一时间,浓烈的危机感涌上心头,杀红了眼的灾变兽勐地伏低身体,那满身凶戾暴虐的威势攀升到了极致,威胁般发出了低沉的咆孝声,身形却不进反退,俨然已生出了退意。 Elder Tianchen and cut a day of Elder pressure loosen, on the face revealed the happy expression as if by prior agreement. 天尘长老和斩天长老压力一松,脸上不约而同露出了喜色。 This ominous thing, regarded Immortal Emperor gold/metal seal unexpectedly! 这凶物,竟是将金印当成了仙帝 Cloud Crane Young Master gestures, two people immediately understanding moves sideways, protected before his body. 云鹤公子打了个手势,两人立刻会意的闪身回来,护在了他身前。 Under protecting and sustaining of gold/metal seal, Cloud Crane Young Master brings Elder Tianchen and cuts the day of Elder vision closely to stare at the cataclysm beast, the figure is actually step by step slowly after retreats. 在金印的护持下,云鹤公子带着天尘长老和斩天长老目光紧紧盯着灾变兽,身形却是一步步缓缓朝后退去。 Sees that the cataclysm beast figure moves slightly, seeming like wants to pursue, but has scruples eventually, finally stopped, the vision closely has only been following three people, never relaxes. 见状,灾变兽身形微动,似乎是想追,但终究是有所顾忌,最后还是停了下来,只目光一直紧紧追随着三人,始终不曾放松。 Also does not know that actually to cross how long, three talents left the line of sight of cataclysm beast finally. 也不知究竟过了多久,三人才终于离开了灾变兽的视线。 Cloud Crane Young Master actually does not dare to relax, was still stimulating to movement gold/metal seal, protected the body by Southern Ming Immortal Emperor spiritual sense aura, wrapped three people, then brings severely wounded Elder Tianchen and cuts day of Elder two people to fly to escape toward the distant place to go fast. 云鹤公子却丝毫不敢放松,仍是催动着金印,以南明仙帝神念气息护体,将三人包裹在内,而后带着重伤的天尘长老和斩天长老两人飞快朝着远处飞遁而去。 The cataclysm beast is endures compared with the Immortal Emperor top ominous thing, the sensation is keen, such distance to it at all is not anything. 灾变兽乃是堪比仙帝的顶级凶物,感知敏锐无比,这么点距离对它来说根本不算什么。 Cloud Crane Young Master does not dare to neglect, has brought two people to fly to escape to be very far, sought a covert place to take out the cave mansion to place along, and arranged a series of hideaways outside the cave mansion and isolates the aura array, this brought severely wounded two Elder to worm one's way into. 云鹤公子不敢怠慢,一直带着两人飞遁出去很远,才寻了个隐蔽的地方取出随身洞府安置好,并在洞府外布置了一系列隐藏和隔绝气息的阵法,这才带着重伤的两位长老钻了进去。 Along in cave mansion. 随身洞府之中。 Cloud Crane Young Master holds the severe wound cut day of Elder to sit to collapse, gave him to take treatment medicinal pill, this sat on nearby chair, adjusted the aura silently. 云鹤公子扶着重伤的斩天长老坐到了塌上,给他服下了疗伤丹药,这才在旁边的椅子上坐了下来,默默调整起了气息。 Although a moment ago he has not conflicted with the cataclysm beast directly, but sped away with escape technique, the middle also displayed several times void to transfer technique greatly, he was the consumption is also giant, some within the body profound qi slightly disorder. 刚才他虽然没跟灾变兽正面冲突,但用遁法一路疾驰,中间还施展了好几次虚空大挪移之术,他也是消耗巨大,体内玄气略微有些紊乱。 From beginning to end, his a few words had not said that no matter what who can look, the mood of his little while is very bad. 自始至终,他一句话没说,但任谁都能看得出来,他这会儿的心情十分糟糕。 Young Lord, then we what to do?” Elder Tianchen coughed, braces oneself the inquiry, first finds a place to heal from a wound, goes to the next stand to look directly......” 少主,接下来咱们怎么办?”天尘长老咳嗽了一声,硬着头皮询问,“是先找个地方养伤,还是直接去下一站找……” However his words have not said, was broken by Cloud Crane Young Master. 然而他的话还没说完,就被云鹤公子打断了。 Thing had found.” “东西已经找到了。” Wha, what?” Elder Tianchen is almost surprised the chin to fall. “什,什么?”天尘长老惊讶得下巴都差点掉下来。 Side collapses, wholeheartedly therapy cut day of Elder also to open the eye courageous, almost profound qi took the wrong road, in the wound added the wound. 就连旁边塌上,原本正一心一意疗伤的斩天长老也勐地睁开了眼睛,差点玄气走岔,伤上加伤。 two people is pleasantly surprised, is unbelievable, do two eyes wink immediately are staring at Cloud Crane Young Master. 两人又是惊喜,又是难以置信,两双眼睛顿时一眨不眨地盯着云鹤公子 Cloud Crane Young Master has not beaten around the bush, said directly: On that cataclysm beast. You fought a moment ago, the compass had the response.” 云鹤公子也没绕弯子,直接道:“就在那头灾变兽身上。刚才你们战斗的时候,罗盘有反应了。” How can this...... like this?” The Elder Tianchen wild with joy heart cooled immediately, then exchanged a face anxious look, that thing unexpectedly on that cataclysm beast, we , to take, must kill it inevitably. But by our strengths......” “这……怎么会这样?”天尘长老原本狂喜的心顿时冷却了下来,转而换上了一脸愁容,“那东西居然在那头灾变兽身上,咱们若是想要拿到手,必然得杀了它。但以咱们的实力……” Indeed is a difficult problem. But does not have the means.” “的确是个难题。但也不是毫无办法。” Cloud Crane Young Master gave oneself conveniently but actually. the tea, sleek/moist the throat cup 云鹤公子随手给自己倒了杯茶水,润了润嗓子。 This little while, his whole person has restored originally that such as the loosen like the crane, the immortal qi floating appearance, the ugly/difficult to look at complexion also returned to normal. 这会儿,他整个人已经恢复成了原本那副如松如鹤,仙气飘飘的模样,就连原本难看的脸色也恢复了正常。 Sees that Elder Tianchen look one happy: Young Lord, was your...... has the plan?” 见状,天尘长老神色一喜:“少主,您这是……有方案了?” In my hand has treasure that Teacher grants, with the aid of its strength, or may strike to kill the cataclysm beast.” Cloud Crane Young Master undulating say/way, „, but opportunity only then one time, is unable to be completed to play a trick depending on three of us. We must first try to find these Immortal Alliance to lose the people, organizes enough manpower, can divert the cataclysm beast.” “我手中有师尊赠与的宝物,借助它的力量,或可击杀灾变兽。”云鹤公子澹澹道,“但机会只有一次,光凭我们三人无法完成设局。我们得先设法找到那些仙盟遗民,组织起足够的人手,才能牵制住灾变兽。” hearing this, Elder Tianchen looking pensive: I understood.” 闻言,天尘长老若有所思:“我明白了。” Before knows Immortal Alliance also had lost the people the time, he not with the plan that they contacted, but now looks like, was actually the non-contact may not. 之前知道仙盟还有遗民的时候,他并没有和他们接触的打算,但如今看来,却是非接触不可了。 We hope that this Immortal Alliance family of the deceased's strength, do not disappoint them ~ 希望,这支仙盟遗族的实力还可以,不要让他们失望吧~ ****** ****** As before is Shattered Territory. 依旧是破灭之域 Once Immortal Alliance, under terrifying disaster hardship storm, all vanished into thin air, once magnificent civilising made the endless ruins. 曾经的仙盟,在一场恐怖的灾厄风暴下,所有一切都烟消云散,曾经辉煌的文明化作了无尽废墟。 Even if were hundred ten thousand years, this place also as before was sores all over the eye, everywhere crisis. 哪怕是过了百万载,这片地方也依旧是满目疮痍,处处危机。 However, before this is . 不过,这都是以前了。 These years, under the leading of instruction and Wang Clan of Saint altogether pledge, Divine Martial world various aristocratic family have been conducting the methodical exploration and development to Shattered Territory. 这些年,在圣共盟的指导和王氏的引领下,神武世界世家一直在对破灭之域进行有条不紊的探索和开发。 world ruins that these looked, Heavenly Grotto ruins, small Heavenly Grotto wait/etc, after experiencing the reorganization of advance search party and plunders, mostly will be transferred the position, takes over by the following personnel, conducts the further development. 那些被重新找出来的世界废墟,洞天废墟,小洞天等等,在经历过先遣探索队的整理和搜刮之后,大多会被挪移位置,由后续的人员接手,进行进一步的开发。 Believes, if given time, above these ruins of civilization, will definitely establish the new order, and day after day prospers. 相信,假以时日,在这些文明废墟之上,必然会重新建立新的秩序,并且日渐繁荣起来。 But these advance search parties, is continues thoroughly, hoping can excavate to be buried the treasure under ruins many. 而那些先遣的探索队,则是继续深入,以期能够发掘出更多被掩埋在废墟之下的珍宝。 And represented by Wang Liyao and Wang Longyan search party, has gone down to the Shattered Territory deep place. 其中以王璃瑶王珑烟为代表的探索队,已深入到了破灭之域的深处。 At this moment. 此刻。 Advance explores the flying boat team, is navigating cautiously in a ruined and dangerous void sea. 一支先遣探索飞舟队伍,正小心翼翼地航行在一片破败而危险的虚空海中。 Wang Clan Old Ancestor Wang Longyan, with Wang Shouzhe orthodox lineage eldest daughter Wang Liyao, is sitting in Brilliant Jade Sword Boat at this moment drinks tea to drink tea. 王氏老祖王珑烟,与王守哲嫡长女王璃瑶,此刻正坐在瑶光剑舟内品茗喝茶。 Side two people is also gathering many young men and women, each is grace and talent peerless outstanding talent. 两人身边还聚集着诸多年轻的男男女女,每一个都是风华绝代俊杰 And, Wang Longyan is that pure white long skirt, on the face wears the appearance of veil as before, seeming like not the slightest difference from the past years, only had the pupil that pair exposed profoundly like the deep pool, brings reserved and vicissitudes that Years is precipitating. 其中,王珑烟依旧是那一袭素白长裙,脸上戴着面纱的打扮,看上去与当年一般无二,唯有那一双裸露出来的眸子深邃如渊,带着岁月沉淀出的内敛和沧桑。 But her aura, now is also reserved like the jade, some giving up affectation feeling, the real strength made one be difficult to predict. 而她那一身的气息,如今也是内敛如玉,有了种返璞归真的感觉,真实实力令人难以琢磨。 At this moment. 此刻。 Her vision is penetrating the porthole, is gazing at that torn to pieces Heavenly River and world debris, gazes at that one after another to cross void, sword mark that more/complete Jiu has not diverged, the eyeground is deep changing countenance. 她的目光正穿透舷窗,注视着那支离破碎的天河世界空间碎片,注视着那一道道横贯虚空,弥久不曾散去的剑痕,眼底是深深的动容。 Sword Sovereign Palace everyone engages in introspection the older generation who for the by sword worthily prefers death to humiliation, so dies to fight the Sword Sovereign territory, seriously solemn and stirring unparalleled.” 剑皇宫诸位不愧为以剑明心宁折不弯的先辈,如此死战剑皇域,当真悲壮无双。” As to Shattered Territory unceasing thoroughly explores, 1 million years ago that unprecedented peerless war also the record of few language from the paper surface, became phases of living history, the one after another vivid story, such as picture scrolls map the view of later generation. 随着对破灭之域的不断深入探索,百万年前那一场旷古绝伦的大战也从纸面上寥寥几语的记载,变为了一段段活生生的历史,一个个有血有肉的故事,就如一幅幅画卷般映入后人的眼帘。 In Immortal Alliance has the war to approach, is tied down by care of one's family sect that seeks asylum, there is to dread the powerful enemy to covet life and fear death, sect that finally betrays. Has to look like Sword Sovereign Palace this, built up the complete strength protection native place, fights to blood and iron sect of final soldier. 仙盟之中有大战来临,拖家带口避难的宗门,也有畏惧强敌贪生怕死,最终背叛的宗门。更有像剑皇宫这等,集结全部力量守护本土,战至最后一兵一卒的铁血宗门 Once in Immortal Alliance Sword Sovereign Palace ranked the fifth, had four Sword Dao Dao Book, simultaneously three Sword Sovereign online guarded sect. 曾经在仙盟排名第五的剑皇宫,足足拥有四部剑道道书,同时有三位剑皇在线镇守宗门 Such strength, if has a mind to refuse battle runs away, can retain part of vitalities inevitably. 此等实力,若是有心避战逃遁,必然能保留一部分元气。 But now, number of times entire Holy Territory, does not have, even if Sword Dao dao lineage inheritance of lineage Sword Sovereign Palace, some are only the scattered Sword Saint rank inheritance barely manages to maintain a feeble existence. 可是如今,遍数整个圣域,都没有哪怕一脉剑皇宫剑道道统传承,有的只是零零散散的剑圣级别传承苟延残喘。 The reason is self-evident, three Sword Sovereign had all died in battle in the Sword Sovereign territory, gave the invasion Crystal Ancient Race to incur the massive loss, won the vitality for many fleeing from calamity teams. 其原因不言而喻,三位剑皇已悉数战死在剑皇域中,同时也给入侵的晶古族带来了巨大的损失,更是为诸多逃难队伍赢得了生机。 Reviews immeasurable Buddha sect who the qualifications and demon gate compete for the Immortal Alliance second largest influence, since six big Buddha Lord inheritance, the unexpectedly four big inheritance extend, and occupies one of the four big Divine Continent! 反观有资格与魔门争夺仙盟第二大势力的无量佛宗,六大佛主传承中,竟有四大传承延绵至今,并占据四大神洲之一! Recalls, is to make one sob. 回想起来,自是令人唏嘘不已。 Ancestor Longyan.” In Wang Liyao pupil light, appears the elegant demeanor that the admiration is charmed, Liyao can obtain the Brilliant Jade Sword Saint lineage inheritance is also a good fortune. I also the Peerless elegant demeanor to Sword Sovereign Palace older generations desire something greatly, if the trip can obtain the inheritance of some Sword Sovereign Senior, when does not lose the older generation behest, the sword heart is my heart, Sword Dao is I said.” 珑烟老祖宗。”王璃瑶的眸光中,也是浮现着钦佩神往的风采,“璃瑶能得到瑶光剑圣一脉传承也是一件幸事。我也对剑皇宫先辈们的绝世风采而心向往之,倘若此行能得到某位剑皇前辈的传承,当不负先辈遗志,剑心即吾心,剑道即吾道。” The Wang Liyao in childhood then does obeisance into the True Person Heavenly River hanger-on, cultivation too real water cultivation technique also minoring in Sword Dao, obtained the devoted direction of mother Liu Ruolan on Sword Dao. 王璃瑶幼时便拜入天河真人门下,修炼太一真水功法的同时也兼修剑道,在剑道上更是得到了母亲柳若蓝的悉心指点。 The reason for this is that ; first, because she talent on Sword Dao is extremely high, the sensibility is extremely strong, did not repair Sword Dao to be a pity, two, naturally also because of the she's deep love to Sword Dao. 之所以如此,一是因为她在剑道上的天赋极高,感悟极强,不修剑道可惜了,二,自然也是因为她自身对剑道的热爱。 Also is therefore, with deepening of cultivation base, her practicing direction starts more and more to close up to the pure sword cultivator direction, afterward after attaining the inheritance of Brilliant Jade Sword Saint, more walks in Sword Dao all the way is deeper. 也是因此,随着修为的加深,她的修行方向开始越来越向纯粹的剑修方向靠拢,后来拿到瑶光剑圣的传承后,更是在剑道一路上越走越深。 Present she promote has entered True Immortal late stage, has started to attempt, fuses together Origin Water and Brilliant Jade sword intent, paved the new way initially. 如今的她已然晋入真仙后期,更是已经开始尝试,将元水瑶光剑意融为一体,初步开辟出了新的道路。 But their trip, was the preparation starts investigated for a long time, prepared for a long time Sword Sovereign Palace inheritance. 而她们此行,便是准备开启调查了许久,准备了许久的剑皇宫传承。 But in Wang Liyao they according to the plan of oneself, explores Shattered Territory methodically. 而就在王璃瑶他们按照自己的计划,有条不紊地探索破灭之域时。 In world with Shattered Territory parallel Endless Heaven Abyss. 破灭之域平行的无尽天渊世界之中。 Deep black Shenzhou quiet navigation, goal Shattered Territory most core region. 玄青神舟正在静谧的航行着,目标正是破灭之域的最核心地带。 The deep black Shenzhou trip, naturally goes to the cataclysm beast. But the cataclysm beast sensation is keen, if in Lord world flies, feared that just entered Shattered Territory to be discovered, only then sneaks in Endless Heaven Abyss world secretly, can avoid the vigilance of that 19th stage cataclysm beast. 玄青神舟此行,自然是冲着灾变兽去的。只不过灾变兽感知敏锐,若是在主世界中飞行,怕是刚一进入破灭之域就被发现了,只有在无尽天渊世界之中暗暗潜行,才能躲避那头十九阶灾变兽的警觉。 Since the samsara is reincarnated that war caused heavy losses to the cataclysm beast, Wang Shouzhe fully realizes the opportunity to be rare, then starts to plan the preparation to exterminate the cataclysm beast thoroughly, integrates in entire Shattered Territory the pouch again, even makes a connection taking this opportunity goes to the road of World of Immortals. 自从轮回转世那一战重创了灾变兽后,王守哲深知机会难得,便开始策划着准备彻底剿灭灾变兽,重新将整个破灭之域纳入囊中,甚至借此机会打通前往仙界之路。 This time a main force that exterminates the cataclysm beast, will be led by Wang Clan big woman Liu Ruolan personally. 此次剿灭灾变兽的主力,将由王氏大妇柳若蓝亲自带队。 As for Wang Shouzhe, that nature looks after the house in the old dwelling, accompanies young one generation of talent children to grow. 至于王守哲,那自然得在老宅看家,陪伴着年轻一代的天才孩子们成长。 Regarding clan, youngster from generation to generation, is the clan genuine foundation, at any time cannot be careless. 对于一个家族而言,一代又一代的年轻人,才是家族真正的根基,任何时候都是不能马虎的。 As gradual penetration of deep black Shenzhou, invisible disturbance, in no one detected when raided to entire Shattered Territory. 而随着玄青神舟的逐渐深入,一场无形的风波,也在无人察觉之时袭向了整个破灭之域 ...... ……
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