POP :: Volume #8

#29: Father! Child this for hello/you good

...... Luckily Wang Yinxuan literacy class, although suspends rottenly, but the brain is very flexible. Exchanged several with the counterattack system slightly, he roughly understood the method logic. ……不过幸好王寅轩的文化课虽然摆烂,可脑子还是很灵活的。略微与逆袭系统交流了几句,他就大致明白了其中的玩法逻辑。 He continues to patrol Beyond Heaven hear of Mister Bear to teach, proposed questioned: mission I understand, what ghost can reward first grade paddy rice spirit seed is?” 他边继续神游天外熊先生讲课,边提出了质疑:“任务我明白,可奖励一品稻米灵种是什么鬼?” Drop! Examines this world to be primarily the clan sticking together survival pattern, the host as the clan eighth position successor, from, when takes clan to develop powerfully as most first.” “滴!检测到本世界家族抱团生存模式为主,宿主身为家族第八顺位继承人,自当以家族发展强盛为最优先。” High-quality first grade paddy rice spirit seed, may enhance the spirit field unit to yield per mu, has more economic efficiencies, is helps clan the foundation that rises from the negligible.” Mechanical sound serious explanation, “一种优质的一品稻米灵种,可提高灵田单位亩产,产生更多经济效益,是助家族从微末中崛起的根基。”机械音一本正经解释, Moreover individual cultivation of host grows, cannot leave spirit rice.” “而且宿主的个人修炼成长,也离不开灵米。” „The truth that you said I understand.” The Wang Yinxuan tone wonders, “你说的道理我都懂。”王寅轩语气纳闷, But our family/home also non- negligible? Feared my vitality rises dramatically unable to shoulder, what grade spirit rice eats casually. Like my parents, daily has the eighth grade Holy Spirit Rice food...... that rice I eats one grain unable to bear.” Even Great Principle Holy Venerable, usually consumes at most is still the seventh grade meter, at holidays bumps into the great happiness matter to eat the eighth grade meter improvement improvement meals. “可我们家也不微末啊?要不是怕我气血暴增扛不住,什么品级的灵米都随便吃啊。就像我爹娘,日常都是吃八品圣灵米饭的……那米饭我吃一粒都受不了。”即便是大罗圣尊,平日消耗至多也就是七品米,逢年过节碰到大喜事儿才能吃吃八品米改善改善伙食。 As for some poor old Holy Venerable, will live on the sixth grade meter, so long as maintains the vitality consumption on the line. 至于一些家境贫寒又年老的圣尊,甚至会以六品米为主食,只要维持住气血消耗就行。 Hears the Wang Yinxuan words, a counterattack system silence. Crossed well long time, its sound resounds: Or, changes to rewards Marrow Washing Pill?” 听得王寅轩的话,逆袭系统一阵沉默。过了好半晌,它的声音才重新响起:“要不,改为奖励一枚洗髓丹?” „Can't you come to select the reality?” Wang Yinxuan was mad heavily, “你就不能来点实际的?”王寅轩被气得不轻, I, although the bloodline aptitude is extremely rotten, actually was also Qi Refining Boundary awakened three layers bloodline Great Heaven's Chosen, was Great Heaven's Chosen second grade.” Compared with his parents' innate bloodline aptitude, his Great Heaven's Chosen bloodline aptitude really is a little much lower. “我虽然血脉资质极烂,却也是炼气境就觉醒了三重血脉大天骄,还是大天骄乙等。”跟他爹娘的先天血脉资质比起来,他这大天骄血脉资质着实有点低得可怜。 However his parents do not care about this, but also the comfort said him to be young, does not need to worry, when grows up, after his physical growth, improves the bloodline aptitude slowly also with enough time. 不过他爹娘并不太在意这个,还安慰说他年龄还小,不用太着急,等长大一些,他的身体发育后再慢慢改善血脉资质也来得及。 Present Wang Clan, said that has the extreme wealth is not absolutely exaggerating, in addition many years accumulate, Wang Clan background already very fearful, the resources that in the hand has are much huger. 如今的王氏,说是拥有泼天的财富绝对一点都不夸张,再加上多年积累,王氏的底蕴已然十分可怕,手中掌握的资源庞大得惊人。 So long as is willing to pound down the huge resources, even if a pig can make it take off. But Wang Yinxuan as the clan present age first wife's eldest son, is the facade acting of clan, training the sequence definitely is extremely high, in the future the twelfth grade Dao Origin Pill quota will not be few, the future aptitude will also be no worse again badly. 只要舍得砸下大量资源,即便是一头猪都能让它起飞。而王寅轩身为家族当代嫡长子,乃是家族的门面担当,培养序列肯定是极高的,未来连十二品道元丹的配额都不会少,将来的资质再差也是差不到哪里去的。 Naturally, only by that the talent converges, bear classes, the bear two classes and bear three classes add to arrange in more than 100 people completely, at present is his bloodline aptitude is worst, other inferiorly are also Innate Spirit Body that awakens fourth layer bloodline. 当然,仅以天才云集的本届而言,熊一班、熊二班、熊三班加起来满编一百多号人中,目前要数他血脉资质最差,其他最次也得是个觉醒第四重血脉先天灵体 So long as the host can relentless completion hold father mission, this system can acquisition more Heavenly Dao good fortunes reward, be able to improve the prize quality when the time comes, so long as the strength of Heavenly Dao good fortune is abundant enough, rewards the 13th grade wonder drug also no reason why not.” The counterattack system is also very helpless. “只要宿主能坚持不懈的完成扶爹任务,本系统就能‘获得’更多的天道造化‘奖励’,到时候就能提高奖品质量了,只要天道造化之力足够充沛,就连奖励十三品神药也未尝不可。”逆袭系统也是很无奈。 The host that bumps into the Haoli trench air/Qi, it also can only coax patiently. Bumping into the god bold host it is timid, meets the skirt silk host it to attack with heavy blows. 碰到壕里壕气的宿主,它也只能耐心的哄着来了。正所谓,碰到神豪宿主它唯唯诺诺,遇到屌丝宿主它重拳出击。 13th grade wonder drug but actually also good.” Wang Yinxuan had some interest finally, 十三品神药倒还行。”王寅轩终于有了些兴致, Heard that in our family/home is also the thing of treasure, the quantity are not many!” Pours also good? The counterattack system is a silence. “听说在我们家里也算是挺宝贝的东西,数量不多!”倒还行?逆袭系统又是一阵沉默。 The 13th grade wonder drug is that very easy to obtain? Consumption the strength of Heavenly Dao good fortune absolutely was the astronomical figures...... at this time, the counterattack system somewhat fondly remembered the previous life host, at least when others started was poor enough, suffices the negligible, rewarded to the point casually can make him stimulated. 十三品神药是那么好弄的吗?消耗的天道造化之力绝对是天文数字……这时候,逆袭系统都有些怀念起前世宿主了,至少人家起步时够穷,够微末,随便给点奖励都能让他亢奋无比。 If not feared in clan always pinches to explode it greatly, it really wants to give back to Wang Yinxuan the memory fragment earlier. 若非怕家族里的大老把它捏爆,它真想早点把记忆碎片还给王寅轩 Yinxuan too Great Grandfather, you left sadly, tasted my mother hand boil the system to me the spirit wheat bud sugar.” After a class, Wang Shanqing looks at Wang Yinxuan to be listless, appearance that the eyes are in a daze, the small hand pinched a sugar to give Wang Yinxuan. 寅轩太爷爷,您别伤心了,尝一尝我娘亲手给我熬制的灵麦芽糖。”一节课后,王珊晴王寅轩无精打采,双眼发呆的模样,小手捏了一把糖递给王寅轩 Actually this class on her is also disturbed incomparable, shared a table king Song, Wang Yinxuan of not far away was actually a depressed appearance. 其实这节课她上的也是忐忑无比,同桌王宋,不远处的王寅轩却是一副闷闷不乐的模样。 In Clan School is the schoolmates, do not call is too old me, you called me Wang Yinxuan.” Wang Yinxuan has taken sugar happy smiling. “在族学里都是同学,别把我叫太老了,你还是叫我王寅轩吧。”王寅轩拿过糖开心的笑着。 He also wants to understand, although the counterattack system opening weakly, but may the time, after all the 13th grade wonder drug be very rare in the future. 他也是想明白了,逆袭系统虽然开局弱,但未来还是可期的,毕竟十三品神药还是挺罕见的。 Was somebody's turn Clan School to be on vacation from school with great difficulty. Wang Yinxuan comes out from the Clan School entrance, discovered that wears the scarlet robe, the beard and hair red middle-aged man is all squatting on the street serrated edge. 好不容易挨到了族学放学。王寅轩族学门口出来,发现一位身穿赤袍,须发皆红的中年男子正蹲在马路牙子上。 Although he has restrained extremely, may lend living person not near fearful aura as before. 尽管他已经极为收敛,可依旧散发着生人勿近的可怕气息。 Bloodshed Grandfather.” Wang Yinxuan goes forward to call, “血海爷爷。”王寅轩上前招呼, Today is you takes me to be on vacation from school? My parents?” According to the Changning Wang Clan clan tradition, will accompany when the child young parents as far as possible in the side, making the child have one complete and physical and moral integrity childhood. “今天又是您来接我放学?我爹娘呢?”根据长宁王氏家族传统,在孩子年幼之时父母都会尽可能陪伴在身边,让孩子有一个完整而身心健康的童年。 Small Young Lord, Young Lord and few Madam just window-shopped to shop, is brushing daily mission.” Bloodshed Demon Sovereign is also somewhat helpless. “小少主,少主和少夫人刚逛街购物回来,正在刷日常任务呢。”血海魔皇也是有些无奈。 According to Young Lord that sluggish temper, cultivation fishes three days and dries the nets two days, can this return to the Immortal Emperor strength lord knows when? 少主那懒散的性子,修炼起来三天打鱼两天晒网,这猴年马月才能重归仙帝实力? Is this ~ all right, when dinner I and father chatted well.” The Wang Yinxuan smile is very clear, as if remembered any interesting matter. “是这样啊~没事,晚饭时我和爹爹好好聊一聊。”王寅轩的笑容很清澈,仿佛想起了什么有趣的事情。 Also is in this time. Not far away broadcasts the Wang Songyi sound: Father, I had said spread, I can oneself travel by public flying carriage to go home, does not need you to run to meet personally.” Wang Yinxuan hears Shengpie, saw side Wang Songyi to stand in the past a calm youth, is Wang Songyi his father Wang Yanjiao. 也是正在此时。不远处传来王宋一的声音:“父亲,我已经说过很多遍了,我可以自己搭乘公共飞辇回家,不需要您亲自跑来接。”王寅轩闻声瞥过去一眼,就见王宋一身边正站着一个沉稳的青年,正是王宋一他爹王宴骄 Although Wang Yanjiao also very young, but after is the father, makings were imperceptibly maturely were steadier. 王宴骄虽然还很年轻,但为人父后,一身的气质却是在不知不觉中成熟稳重了许多。 I and your mother now in the clan Item Refining Main Division work, are quite idle at present.” He touches oneself son's head, said with a smile, “我和你母亲现在都在家族炼器总司工作,目前比较清闲。”他摸了摸自家儿子的脑袋,笑道, Songyi, I know that your thought is very mature, is very independent. However I and your mother, wants to accompany you together joyful growth, even if we to old recalled now, will have the delightful happy flavor.” 宋一,我知道你思想很成熟,也很独立。但是我和你母亲,也只是想陪着你一起快快乐乐的成长,哪怕我们到老了回忆起现在,也会有甜美的幸福味道。” Un, knew the father, thank you.” In the eye pupil of Wang Songyi passed over gently and swiftly wipes the warm color. The parents never have any request to him, but wants to let him joyfully, happy. “嗯,知道了父亲,谢谢您。”王宋一的眼眸中掠过一抹暖色。父母对他从来没有任何要求,只是想让他快乐一点,幸福一点。 He has studied the related knowledge in Clan School, knows that happy family of origin's personality mold to a child is quite important. 他学过族学里的相关知识,知道一个幸福的原生家庭对孩子的人格塑造极为重要。 Father, I asked for leave to hit the Spirit Platform Boundary arena this afternoon, took the first place.” Wang Songyi put out big bag spirit stone and medicinal pill, “父亲,我今天下午请假去打了灵台境擂台,拿下了榜首。”王宋一拿出了一大袋子灵石丹药, These are selected contribution points and bonus exchange. You and mother attack the Purple Mansion Boundary crucial phase, happen to serves a need.” “这些是上榜的贡献值和奖金兑换来的。您和母亲正是冲击紫府境的关键时期,正好用得着。” Your this child......” the Wang Yanjiao face somewhat feels hot. Others raise the child, even if there is a clan subsidy is the expenses is enormous, but his Mr. and Mrs. Wang Yanjiao raises the child, actually occupies child's light always. “你这孩子……”王宴骄脸庞有些发烫。人家养孩子,哪怕有家族补贴都是开销极大,可他王宴骄夫妻养孩子,却是无时不刻的占孩子的光。 In the past, their accident of sorts gave birth to a child of innate Daoist Seed rank, was rewarded astronomically high contribution points by clan directly, and assigned one to enjoy the dividend the industry. 当年,他们夫妻俩机缘巧合生出了一个先天道子级别的孩子,便直接被家族奖励了一笔天文数字般的贡献值,并分配到了一份可享受红利的产业。 In addition, child also once for a while can gain one, subsidizes the resources to them. Their couples depended on the son to pass the wealthy day...... 此外,孩子还时不时的能赚上一笔,给他们补贴资源。不知不觉间,他们夫妻就靠着儿子过上了富裕的日子…… Father, after you and mother cultivation to Purple Mansion Boundary, does not need to worry to promote cultivation base.” Wang Songyi calm plans for the parents, “父亲,您和母亲修炼紫府境后,倒不用太着急提升修为。”王宋一沉着冷静的替父母规划起来, We first exchange promote the bloodline aptitude the opportunity, then consumes certain contribution points to join a production team with Void Soaring Precious Book, after waiting to consolidate Precious Book, cultivation will be twice the result with half the effort.” “咱们先兑换些提升血脉资质的机会,再耗费一定的贡献值插队拿凌虚宝典,等巩固了宝典之后再修炼会事半功倍。” „...... Consumed the clan contribution to join a production team Precious Book not to need?” Wang Yanjiao knitting the brows hesitant say/way, “呃……耗费家族贡献插队宝典就不必了吧?”王宴骄皱眉犹豫道, By me and your mother's bloodline aptitude, can arrange to Void Soaring Precious Book is not difficult, does not need to waste.” “以我和你母亲的血脉资质,能排到凌虚宝典不难,无需浪费。” Time is all, father.” Wang Songyi sincere say/way, “时间就是一切,父亲。”王宋一正色道, „An earlier strengthen is big, more has the opportunity to earn the clan contribution, so can enter the positive cycle. clan contributes you not to need to be worried, more than one year I can promote Celestial Boundary again, when the time comes takes Celestial List first, but can also reward a big contribution.” Some Wang Yanjiao whole person hemp. “越早变强大,就越有机会赚取更多家族贡献,如此才能进入良性循环。家族贡献您不必担心,再有一年多我就能晋升天人境,到时候拿下天人榜第一,还能奖励一大笔贡献。”王宴骄整个人都有些麻了。 Before ten years old , can promote Celestial Boundary...... this is the birth is seven layers bloodline innate Daoist Seed fierce? 十岁以前就能晋升天人境……这便是出生即七重血脉的先天道子的厉害吗? He felt immediately presses strength mountain to be big. It seems like that he really must grasp cultivation, so as to avoid the son also enters Purple Mansion Boundary compared with him quickly. 他登时感觉压力山大。看来,他真的得抓紧修炼了,免得儿子比他还快进入紫府境 Moreover now the son is Spirit Platform Boundary, when birth were also more than single layer bloodline, at present the bloodline awakening degree has achieved eighth layer, compared with his Wang Yanjiao also high enough twofold bloodline, comprehends various Divine Ability with ease! 而且现在儿子已经是灵台境了,比出生时又多了一重血脉,目前血脉觉醒程度已经达到了第八重,比他王宴骄还高了足足两重血脉,轻松领悟各种神通 Wang Yanjiao a little suspected indistinctly, actually oneself can be victorious this eight -year-old son. How long even if can be victorious...... this advantage to maintain? 王宴骄都隐约有点怀疑,自己究竟能不能打得过这个八岁大的儿子。即便能打得过……这种优势又能维持多久呢? Bloodshed Grandfather, you have a look at others families of origin, how proper family relationships, how warm...... really enviable.” Wang Yinxuan sighs, “血海爷爷,您看看人家的原生家庭,多么父慈子孝,多么温馨……真叫人羡慕。”王寅轩叹了一口气, Indeed was the time discusses with the parents, I also want to give the parents more loves.” “的确是时候和爹娘谈一谈了,我也想给爹娘更多的爱。” „...... Hehe ~ bloodshed Demon Sovereign embarrassed smiled two saying that “呃……呵呵~”血海魔皇尬笑了两声说, Actually Young Lord and few Madam also very love your.” “其实少主和少夫人也挺疼爱你的。” But I, love them.” Wang Yinxuan said spookily, made bloodshed Demon Sovereign take him to go home. ****** Wang Clan main house. “可我,更爱他们呀。”王寅轩幽幽说完,就让血海魔皇接了他回家。******王氏主宅 The Zhuwei Lake bank, constructed many houses near the water, these houses vary, the constructed time also has the evening early, but constructs without exception very lordly. 珠薇湖畔,临水建了不少宅子,这些宅子有大有小,建的时间也有早有晚,但无一例外都建得十分气派。 As the entire Wang Clan main house golden section, has the qualifications to live in this piece, is Wang Clan orthodox lineage, Wang Shouzhe yard also in this piece. 作为整个王氏主宅的黄金地段,有资格住在这一片的,都是王氏嫡脉,就连王守哲的小院也在这一片。 These houses were mostly with a history of liangsanqian years, in this period does not know the repair and has rebuilt many times, although cannot see slightly the obsolete and decayed feeling externally, actually fills the unique flavor that the time left behind. 这些宅子大多都有两三千年的历史了,期间不知修葺和改建过多少次,尽管外观上看不出丝毫陈旧和腐朽的感觉,却充满了时光留下的独特韵味。 But in these houses, only has 1000 several hundred years of history. master of this house, is Wang Youyue and Linglong Princess couple. 而这些宅子之中,有一座才只有一千几百年历史。这座宅子的主人,便是王宥岳玲珑公主夫妻俩。 At this moment. In the side building in dwelling, is spreading the Wang Youyue shouting and wrangling sound unceasingly: Wife, quickly, the quick milk I, my could not withstand......” 此刻。宅院的厢房内,正不断传出王宥岳的大呼小叫声:“娘子,快,快奶我,我这顶不住了……” Husband, or today we even? This point Xuan'er should finish class...... our appearances, saw is not good to him.” The Linglong Princess hesitant sound resounds. 夫君,要不今天咱们就算了?这个点儿轩儿该下课了……咱们这个样子,给他看见了不好。”玲珑公主犹犹豫豫的声音响起。 Wife does not want ~ Wang Youyue wails immediately, “娘子不要啊~”王宥岳顿时哀嚎起来, My this is about to end, do you want to escape unexpectedly? Today I accompany you to stroll a afternoon, had custom-made five clothes, you may have no alternative but to be loyal.” “我这都快结束了,你居然想临阵逃跑?今天我可是陪你逛了一个下午,定制了五套衣服,你可不能不讲义气。” okay okay, that Husband you act a bit faster.” Linglong Princess is clenching teeth to comply, 行行行,那夫君你动作快点。”玲珑公主咬着牙答应, Xuan'er was about to come back.” 轩儿快回来了。” Wife felt relieved, Husband quick on good......” modeling plain side building , the milky white total information game cabins of two most updates were being placed in the room corner, little couple two is lying down in inside, engaging in fierce battle big boss in game world, boasts, delighted. “娘子放心,为夫很快就好了……”造型古朴的厢房内,两台最新版的乳白色全息游戏舱正被安置在房间一角,小夫妻两个正躺在里面,在游戏世界里鏖战大boss,咋咋呼呼,不亦乐乎。 Is good is indeed quick because of Wang Youyue. In a while, he starts to shout and wrangle: Exploded, boSS explodes greatly, this wave got rich.” Linglong Princess swept spoils of war, is pleasantly surprised: Exploded the beautiful clothing immortal clothes unexpectedly. This immortal clothes is quite attractive, attribute also extreme grade.” 好在王宥岳的确很快。没过多久,他又开始大呼小叫起来:“爆了爆了,boSS大爆,这一波发财了。”玲珑公主扫了眼战利品,也是惊喜不已:“竟然爆了件霓裳仙衣。这仙衣好好看呀,属性也极品。” Is good, but I must take away to trade holy war treasure armor.” “是不错,不过我要拿去换圣战宝甲。” Wang Youyue you dare! This is my beautiful clothing immortal clothes.” 王宥岳你敢!这可是我的霓裳仙衣。” Xuanyuan Yulong, I am your Husband, I decide.” Then, this right 轩辕玉珑,我可是你夫君,我说了算。”然后,这对 Love the little couple quarrelled, kicks up a racket to decide to go out approximately in the frame ~ ~ ~ courtyard, Wang Yinxuan and bloodshed Demon Sovereign calmly is standing. “恩爱”的小夫妻就吵了起来,吵着吵着决定出去约个架~~~院子里,王寅轩和血海魔皇静静地站着。 Listens the sound that in the side building is broadcasting, the expression on one big one small face to be a long story. Especially Wang Yinxuan, on the small face the expression is serious, the complexion becomes dark. 听着厢房内传来的声音,一大一小脸上的表情都是一言难尽。尤其是王寅轩,小小的脸上表情沉重,脸色发黑。 Your this couples lead the kid? Can't set an example to the son well? 你们这对夫妻就是这么带娃的吗?就不能好好地给儿子树立个榜样吗? My Wang Yinxuan is only eight years old, but also wanted the growth of physical and moral integrity sunlight? Really worries for them, is really tired! 王寅轩才八岁啊,还要不要身心健康阳光的成长了?真是为他们操碎了心,真累! Bloodshed Demon Sovereign is also the corners of the mouth pulls out. How in the past to count on that Young Lord did return to Immortal Emperor? His bloodshed was also very rash...... 血海魔皇也是嘴角直抽。当年怎么就指望少主重归仙帝了?他血海也忒莽撞了…… cough cough ~ Wang Yinxuan coughed layer on layer/heavily two. next moment, the quarrel sound in side building stops suddenly, hears the flurried close-down sound, 咳咳~王寅轩重重咳嗽了两声。下一刻,厢房内的争吵声戛然而止,紧接着又传来慌乱的关机声, Pingpong pass/test Cangsheng. When, Mr. and Mrs. Wang Youyue did not appear before the son, expression each one was somewhat awkward. “乒乒乓乓”的关舱声。不多会儿,王宥岳夫妇出现在了儿子面前,表情各自有些尴尬。 When dinner. Little couple two somewhat seems to be guilty about the precious son, clamped chopsticks to him Stir-fries the True Dragon tendons, Gave him abundantly half bowl Cooks immortal luan egg soup. 晚饭时。小夫妻两个似乎对宝贝儿子有几分愧疚,一个给他夹了一快子【爆炒真龙蹄筋】,一个给他盛了半碗【炖仙鸾蛋羹】。 Father, mother!” A Wang Yinxuan face “爹,娘!”王寅轩一脸 Tired sleep/felt does not love expression, the tone is spooky, “累觉不爱”的表情,语气幽幽, I am only eight years old, did you catch up are sending me to again the reincarnation? The meal of this True Immortal level is I can eat? By my bloodline cultivation base, eats these risen vitality to exploding?” In this flash, Wang Yinxuan thought that oneself can live enough eight years old to be possible is not really easy. “我才八岁啊,你们就赶着送我去再次投胎了吗?这种真仙级的饭菜是我能吃的吗?以我的血脉修为,吃这些会被疯涨的气血冲爆吧?”在这一瞬间,王寅轩觉得自己能活到足足八岁可真不容易。 Haha Xuan'er, this is not good for the father.” Wang Youyue embarrassed said with a smile, “哈哈~轩儿,这是为父不好。”王宥岳尬笑道, Almost forgot for the father, your bloodline is a little really waste. Your father ate some True Immortal level food to have no issue in childhood few, your mother I also hugged her to drink real phoenix milk after the dilution in childhood! Oh ~ ~ Xuan'er, your bloodline, although is a little waste, but toward do not go at heart, your parents have no request to you, so long as you joyfully on line.” “为父差点忘记了,你这血脉实在有点废。你爹小时候少量吃些真仙级食材没啥问题,你娘小时候我还抱着她喝了点稀释后的真凰奶呢!唉~~轩儿啊,你这血脉虽然有点废,可你千万别往心里去,你爹娘对你没啥要求,只要你快乐就行。” Xuan'er, no matter you are nine days of Origin Dragon, is inborn waste material bloodline, as the saying goes, good of afflicted with favus son oneself, mother will be will not shut out absolutely your, certainly will love you forever.” Linglong Princess is also grasps the opportunity to express the sincere maternal love. 轩儿,不管你是九天始龙,还是天生废材血脉,俗话说得好,瘌痢头儿子自己的好,娘是绝对不会嫌弃你的,一定会永远爱你。”玲珑公主也是抓紧机会表达一下真挚的母爱。 Really good strong father love, the good warm maternal love...... Wang Yinxuan incomparably is moved: „The father mother's love, child is greatly touched. Right, does the father you know the system? Understands the system?” 真是好浓烈的父爱,好温馨的母爱……王寅轩无比感动道:“父亲母亲的爱,孩儿深受感动。对了,父亲您知道系统吗?了解系统吗?” Has looked in some little transcript, was very once popular.” Wang Youyue doubts, “在一些小抄本中看过,曾经一度挺流行的。”王宥岳疑惑, You want to look that little transcript looked, I only think your joyful life.” “你想看小抄本就看呗,我只想你快快乐乐的生活。” Child awakened a system, wants to repay the mountain-like father love with it.” Wang Yinxuan looked that is sincere and sincere to own biological father's expression, “孩儿觉醒了一个系统,想用它来报答一下如山如岳般的父爱。”王寅轩看向自家亲爹的表情真挚而诚恳, Particularly saw that Wang Songyi that attire cup violates after his father's the father loves, I am the sympathize.” “尤其是看到王宋一那装杯犯对他父亲的父爱后,我更是感同身受。” „?” Wang Youyue has to plant not good premonition inexplicably. After hemiprism fragrance, listening to the Wang Yinxuan explanation the Wang Youyue expression to exhale the sound painfully sadly: No, I did not agree! As a father, the love to child is selfless, did not seek the return. Xuan'er, does not need you to repay for the father.” Wang Yinxuan seems to be expected to his father's response, the seeing that expression changes has not changed, instead opened " Divine Martial Rise » portable version with the oneself communication wrist watch, on the wrist watch springs a total information to project immediately: „Does father, what you look at this is?” That is a power, very attractive cute White Tiger divine beast young child. “?”王宥岳莫名有种不太好的预感。半柱香之后,听完王寅轩解释的王宥岳表情痛苦地悲呼出声:“不,我不同意!作为一个父亲,对孩子的爱是无私的,不求回报的。轩儿,为父不用你来报答。”王寅轩似乎对他爹的反应早有所料,见状表情变都没变上一下,反而用自己的通讯腕表打开了《神武崛起》便携版,腕表上立刻弹出了个全息投影:“父亲,您看一下这是什么?”那是一只威风凛凛,又非常漂亮可爱的白虎神兽幼崽。 This is, limited edition divine beast young child who Divine Martial rises?” Wang Youyue shocks to stare in a big way the eye immediately, “这是,神武崛起的限量版神兽幼崽?”王宥岳立刻震惊得瞪大了眼睛, This divine beast young child I tried hard for several years not to get so far as. You, where do you make?” This divine beast young child is not fond of playing jokes, only then can exchange the drawing opportunity in the specific activity with the activity overall, moreover winning rate strange Di, he harbored intentions for several years not to pull out. “这神兽幼崽我努力了好几年都没弄到。你,你从哪里弄来的?”这神兽幼崽可不好弄,只有在特定的活动里用活动积分才能够兑换抽奖机会,而且中奖率奇低,他心心念念了好几年都没抽出来。 Before he also wants to make Youxuan help him change the backstage data, finally Youxuan paid no attention to him unexpectedly, added anything, for fair fair, did not help him cheat...... remembers this matter to come, he was angry. 之前他还想让宥玄帮他改后台数据,结果宥玄居然不理他,还说什么为了公平公正,坚决不帮他作弊……一想起这事儿来,他就生气。 Actually does Xuan'er where make? 轩儿究竟从哪里弄来的? Asked that the uncle wants.” Wang Yinxuan looks with a smile own biological father, “问叔叔要的。”王寅轩笑吟吟地看着自家亲爹, So long as the father completed first wave of mission, this divine beast borrows you to play for a month.” “只要父亲完成了第一波任务,这神兽就借你玩一个月。” Xuan'er, you for trivial first grade spirit seed, your father's life?” Wang Youyue 轩儿,你为了区区一品灵种,是要你爹的命吗?”王宥岳一副 Sorrow is loses hope being deeply grieved appearance greatly, “哀大莫过于心死”的悲痛欲绝模样, I am your father.” “我可是你爹。” Since the father does not want, I remain also uselessly, destroyed it simply.” Wang Yinxuan sighed, selected the destruction directly, then started to input the confirmation password. “既然爹不想要,我留着也没什么用,干脆销毁了它。”王寅轩叹了口气,直接点了销毁,然后开始输入确认密码。 Do not kill it...... the limited edition White Tiger divine beast young child to be innocent.” A Wang Youyue face hated bitterly, covers the chest to agree difficultly, “不要杀它……限量版白虎神兽幼崽是无辜的。”王宥岳一脸痛心疾首,捂着心口艰难地同意了, „ Do I try hard to complete mission is not good? “我努力完成任务还不行吗? Signature presses the hand imprint. The father, child this is for hello/you good ~ “签字摁手印。爹,孩儿这可是为了你好啊~” Son, your love, has felt for the father.” “儿子,你的爱,为父已经感受到了。” Husband you refuel, I thought that the idea of Xuan'er is good.” Then, Wang Youyue was forced to start to close up cultivation. 夫君你加油,我觉得轩儿的主意不错。”然后,王宥岳就被迫开始了闭关修炼 Three days later, insisted that cultivation three days of Wang Youyue solid hands were itchy, ran away the Internet cafe to try to play the public holographic numerical simulation cabin secretly. 三天后,足足坚持修炼了三天的王宥岳实在手痒,偷偷跑去了网吧试图玩公共全息模拟舱。 Finally he has not entered in the cabin, by bloodshed Demon Sovereign catching. 结果他还没钻进舱内呢,就被血海魔皇给逮了回来。 Bloodshed, did you also revolt?” Unbelievable of Wang Youyue face. “血海,你也叛了?”王宥岳一脸的难以置信。 Right, I revolted.” “没错,我叛了。” Why? Why is this?” “为什么?这是为什么?” Small Young Lord said, all these to hello, me feel very reasonable. You endured again...... for a month quickly on the past.”...... A month later. “小少主说,这一切都是为了您好,我觉得挺有道理的。您再忍一忍……一个月很快就过去了。”……一个月后。 In Wang Shouzhe yard. Wang Shouzhe lowers the head, looks in the palm holds that first grade spirit paddy rice spirit seed, the look could not say was complex. 王守哲小院内。王守哲低头,看着掌心中托着的那一枚一品灵稻米灵种,神色说不出的多么复杂。 Long time later, he appraises spookily: This paddy rice spirit seed quality excellent.” 良久之后,他才幽幽评价:“此稻米灵种品质上乘。” Ancestral Grandfather, the system said many thanks your praise.” The Wang Yinxuan help rephrased in own words, 老祖爷爷,系统说多谢您的夸赞。”王寅轩帮忙转述, It said that if clan wants to rise, high-quality spirit seed is the key.” “它说,一个家族要想崛起,优质的灵种是关键。” But in my Wang Clan spirit seed storehouse, first grade spirit seed of similar rank quality has 217 types fully, exceeds this quality to have 39 types, steamroll quality has six types!” The Wang Shouzhe sigh said that “但是我王氏灵种库中,类似级别品质的一品灵种足有两百一十七种,超越此品质者有三十九种,碾压此品质者有六种!”王守哲叹息说, This broken system, does wanting what use?” However, even Wang Shouzhe still has to acknowledge, this spirit seed wants to be stronger than first grade spirit seed that his oneself training improves from the beginning! “这破系统,要之何用?”不过,即便是王守哲也不得不承认,这灵种比他一开始自己培养改进的一品灵种要强许多! If he had such spirit seed at that time, and can control the use at will, guaranteed not Qi to be copied. 如果当时他就有此等灵种,且可以随意支配使用的话,保不齐家都要被抄了。 How saying that...... this system cannot say completely uselessly, yes, came late nearly in 3000. 就,怎么说呢……这系统也不能说完全没用,就是,来晚了近三千年。 Was frightened in the system trembles, when thinking oneself must by the greatly old annihilation, a Wang Shouzhe also thread of conversation revolution, said suddenly: But, this system on driving Youyue cultivation is somewhat the use. Xuan'er, you must make persistent efforts, urged your father well.” 就在系统被吓得瑟瑟发抖,以为自己要被大老湮灭时,王守哲又忽然话锋一转,说道:“不过,这系统在激励宥岳修炼上还是有几分用处。轩儿,你要再接再励,好好敦促你爹。” Yes, Ancestral Grandfather, I even to work as one Immortal Emperor two generations, I will still try hard.” Wang Yinxuan resolute is earnest. “是,老祖爷爷,我就算是为了当一个仙帝二代,我也会努力的。”王寅轩的语气坚定而认真。 ...... ……
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