POP :: Volume #8

#28: Holds the father! The fault of father non- hadron

...... …… Shattered Territory Core Area territory. 破灭之域核心区域。 The entire Shattered Territory Core Area territory is giant, besides cataclysm beast habitat that region, but also contained very big void sea. 整个破灭之域核心区域非常巨大,除了灾变兽栖息地那片区域之外,还包含了很大一片虚空海。 And, is outside, Endless Heaven Abyss is smaller to the void influence, the void sea also gradually tends to be normal. 其中,越是靠外侧,无尽天渊对虚空的影响就越小,虚空海也逐渐趋于正常。 And, slightly leaning a point direction in the Core Area territory center, there is one already desolated ruins Heavenly Grotto. 其中,在核心区域中央略偏一点的方向,有一处早已荒芜的废墟洞天 This ruins Heavenly Grotto is very broken is fierce, the Heavenly Grotto wall is tattered, only kept an outline vaguely, can see reluctantly is Heavenly Grotto. Inside and outside Heavenly Grotto, the innumerable void trash flutter at will, is seemingly chaotic. 这处废墟洞天残破得已经很厉害,洞天壁破破烂烂,只依稀留了个轮廓,勉强还能看出是个洞天洞天内外,无数虚空垃圾随意飘荡,看起来乱糟糟的。 This Heavenly Grotto ruins were located in once limitless Dao Sect center, side not far away was huge incomparable world ruins, the far place, was continuous giant Heavenly River. 这处洞天废墟位于曾经的无极道宗腹地,旁边不远处就是一块巨大无比的世界废墟,再远的地方,便是一条川流不息的巨型天河 In the remote past, this world ruins also once were one of the limitless Dao Sect liveliest world. 在遥远的过去,这块世界废墟也曾是无极道宗最为繁华的世界之一。 But this Heavenly Grotto ruins, are limitless Dao Sect keep secret one of the highest-ranking several forbidden areas. Because limitless Dao Sect that most mystical antiquity transmitted great array, then situated in this Heavenly Grotto. 而这座洞天废墟本身,更是无极道宗保密级别最高的几座禁区之一。因为无极道宗那座最为神秘的上古传送大阵,便位于这座洞天之中。 What a pity, these were past tense. 可惜,这些都是过去时了。 Nowadays, here had completely degenerated into the amusement park of void lifeform, everywhere is the space vortex and black energy, does not see the least bit habitation. 现如今,这里已经完全沦为了虚空生物的游乐场,到处都是空间漩涡和黑色能量,再不见半点人烟。 At this moment. 此刻。 Heavenly Grotto deep place. 洞天深处。 Already quiet 100 several hundred thousand years, was almost buried the bottom antiquity to transmit great array by the void trash thoroughly, suddenly bloomed the intermittent weak ray. 早已沉寂了一百几十万年,几乎被虚空垃圾彻底掩埋进地底的上古传送大阵,忽然绽放出了阵阵微弱的光芒。 From the beginning, this ray is very weak, over time, the ray is getting stronger and stronger, is getting stronger and stronger, finally, finally becomes dazzling. 一开始,这光芒还很微弱,随着时间的流逝,光芒越来越强,越来越强,最后,终于变得璀璨夺目起来。 Under the ray complements, the strength of tyrannical space is centered on array spreads one after another, covers the void trash above great array to be shaken scatters in all directions to flutter about, entire great array exposes immediately completely during was void. 光芒掩映下,强横的空间之力以阵法为核心一波又一波地扩散而出,掩盖在大阵上方的虚空垃圾被震得四散纷飞,整个大阵顿时完完全全展露在了虚空之中。 That is one seems like very plain great array. 那是一座看起来非常古朴的大阵 great array has nine dust-shower bases, a base joins by the array trace with the bases. This moment great array opens, flows, the aura that lends like the mercury silver ray in the array traces is tyrannical, mysterious incomparable. 大阵有九座阵基,阵基与阵基之间以阵法纹路相联结。此刻大阵开启,如同水银般的银色光芒在阵法纹路间流淌,散发出的气息强横无比,也玄妙无比。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Buzz ~ ~ “嗡~~” Entire transmits great array to shiver fiercely, the dazzling ray blooms suddenly, the entire space seemed under the huge impact on shake crazily. 整个传送大阵剧烈颤动起来,刺眼的光芒蓦然绽放,整个空间都仿佛受到了剧烈冲击般疯狂震荡起来。 After the moment . 片刻后。 The ray dissipates, the sharp space shake also subsides slowly, the antiquity transmitted in great array, presented three person's shadows. 光芒消散,剧烈的空间震荡也慢慢平息,上古传送大阵之中,出现了三道人影。 And what is the head is youth Young Master. 其中为首的是一个青年公子 He lives the surface like Guanyu/hat's jade pendant, the figure is tall and straight, the whole person just like the white crane, on the cliff the loose snow is in the clouds common, has imposing immortal qi of unique this world. 他生得面如冠玉,身形挺拔,整个人宛如云中白鹤,崖上松雪一般,有种超脱尘俗的凛然仙气 Although looks at young, the aura that but on him lends is not weak, instead resembles the sea to be vast, resembles startled big wave to absorb the person heart and soul. 虽然看着年轻,但他身上散发出的气息却一点不弱,反而似大海般浩瀚,似惊涛般摄人心魄。 He, impressively is Holy Venerable of Great Principle boundary. 他,赫然是一位大罗境的圣尊 In his body side, but also is standing two aura more powerful Chaos Origin Boundary Dao Lord. 在他身侧,还站着两位气息更为强大的混元境道主 This two Dao Lord seems like already some quite ages, one of them is a lost/carrying sword middle-aged person. 两位道主看起来都已经颇有些年纪,其中之一是一位负剑中年人。 He seems like about 40 -year-old appearances, the facial features are firm and resolute, the pupil light is cold, the whole person is common just like the long sword that a is ready, lets person of fearful that does not have the reason. 他看起来大约四十来岁的模样,面容坚毅,眸光冷冽,整个人宛如一柄蓄势待发的长剑一般,让人没来由的心寒。 Another, is an old man who grasps whisk. 另一位,则是一位手持拂尘的老者。 His appearance seemed like has 60-70 years old at least, lived high thin tall and straight, a gray Daoist robe put in him seems deserted, had inexplicable desolate Szo to feel. 他的容貌看起来起码有60-70岁了,生得高瘦挺拔,一身灰色的道袍穿在他身上显得空落落的,有种莫名的萧索感。 two Dao Lord stands in the youth Young Master body side one on the left and other on the right, presents surrounding and protecting unclearly condition, obviously is headed by this youth Young Master. 两位道主一左一右站在青年公子身侧,隐隐然呈现出拱卫之态,显然是以这青年公子为首。 „Is this broken place Immortal Alliance?” Youth Young Master pinches the nose with the sleeve, is observing all around, on the handsome face brings naked eye obvious exclusion, we were that big time-comsuming to find the past limitless city ruins, consumed so many manpower, the physical resource, restored antiquity Transmission Array, started array with Primal Chaos Crystal...... result this?” “这破地方就是仙盟?”青年公子以袖掩鼻,观察着四周,英俊的脸上带着肉眼可见的嫌弃,“咱们费了那么大功夫才找到了当年的无极城遗址,又消耗了那么多的人力,物力,才修复了上古传送阵,用上了混沌结晶才启动阵法……结果就这?” Young Lord, Immortal Alliance and limitless city lost the relation 100 several hundred thousand years, did not have the support of our World of Immortals, declining was not strange. We come to here look for the thing, so long as the thing can find, Immortal Alliance is how unimportant.” The grey robe old man opens the mouth to comfort youth Young Master, simultaneously is observing the surroundings, speculates saying that looks at this appearance, here has about experienced a fierce combat, destroys in the flames of war mostly.” 少主,仙盟和无极城失去联系都一百几十万年了,没了咱们仙界的支持,破落也不奇怪。咱们来这里是找东西的,只要东西能找到,仙盟如何并不重要。”灰袍老者开口安抚着青年公子,同时观察着周围,推测道,“看这模样,这里大约是经历过一番激战,多半是毁于战火之中。” „Front Elder Tianchen, troubles you to go to search, having a look in that side world also to have the human survival.” Youth Young Master notices that near Heavenly Grotto ruins to locate the world ruins, toward grey robe old man polite say/way. 天尘长老,麻烦您去前面探一探,看看那方世界里还有没有人类存活。”青年公子注意到洞天废墟附近的那处世界废墟,朝灰袍老者客气道。 Young Lord was polite.” 少主客气了。” Grey robe old man, is in the youth Young Master mouth Elder Tianchen complied with one, along with even rips open together the space crack, arrived at sky over that side world ruins. 灰袍老者,也就是青年公子口中的“天尘长老”应了一声,随即便撕开一道空间裂缝,来到了那方世界废墟上空。 whisk sweeps, the mysterious fluctuation of energy sweeps away together, shortly will then cover to below world ruins. 拂尘一扫,一道玄妙的能量波动横扫而出,顷刻间便笼罩向了下方的世界废墟。 After the moment, Elder Tianchen comes back saying: Reported Young Master, without living person.” 片刻后,天尘长老回来道:“禀公子,没有活人。” Youth Young Master hearing this somewhat is slightly disappointed. 青年公子闻言微微有些失望。 If there is a living person, that catches a group of people to ask directly, can know here general situation. No one's words, are quite instead troublesome. 如果有活人,那直接抓一批人问一问,就能了解这边的大概情况了。没有人的话,反而比较麻烦。 Approximately was notices the disappointment of youth Young Master, Elder Tianchen continued saying: Approximately evacuated initially hurriedly, in the world ruins also lost many Holy Item actually, spirit vein, but also somewhat wild high grade spirit medicine anything. Is originally the limitless Divine Palace sphere of influence, pouring is not too shabby.” 大约是注意到了青年公子的失望,天尘长老继续道:“大约是当初撤离匆忙,世界废墟里倒是还遗落了不少圣器,灵脉,还有些野生的高品灵药什么的。到底是原先无极神宫的势力范围,倒也不算太寒碜。” Limitless Divine Palace? ~ hears this name, the youth Young Master mouth reveals smiling how wipes to care about, „, since limitless Immortal Emperor falls from the sky, limitless Divine Palace a group of people without a leader, the powerhouse ten do not save one, the den limitless city has downcast. Now where also has what limitless Divine Palace?” “无极神宫?呵~”听到这名字,青年公子嘴边露出一抹怎么在意的笑,“自无极仙帝陨落之后,无极神宫群龙无首,强者十不存一,就连老巢无极城都已经陷落。如今哪里还有什么无极神宫?” Limitless Divine Palace naturally cannot compare with our Southern Ming temple.” Elder Tianchen shows a faint smile. “无极神宫自然不能跟咱们南明神殿比。”天尘长老微微一笑。 He is knows Young Lord is why sensitive to limitless Divine Palace, but he has not talked over thoroughly on this topic, but raised another thread of conversation. 他自是知道少主为何对无极神宫如此敏感,不过他并未就这个话题深谈,而是提起了另一个话头。 That thing that we must look for not in limitless Divine Palace, that was delivered to Immortal Alliance mostly. Our present positions, must be the past Immortal Alliance center, if that thing here, mostly will not be seriously far.” “咱们要找的那件东西不在无极神宫,那多半就是被送到了仙盟这边。咱们如今的位置,应当是当年的仙盟腹地,若是那件东西当真在这里,多半不会太远。” Youth Young Master nods slightly, obviously also approval this speculation: It seems like, we must widen the hunting zone.” 青年公子微微颔首,显然也认同这个推测:“看来,咱们得扩大搜索范围了。” Saying, him is turning around toward middle-aged person cups the hands of body side lost/carrying sword, polite say/way: Cuts day of Elder, but also please coordinate Elder Tianchen, investigates the situation of surrounding void sea.” 说着,他转身朝身侧负剑的中年人一拱手,客气道:“斩天长老,还请您配合天尘长老,探查一下周围虚空海的情况。” Yes, Young Lord.” “是,少主。” Lost/Carrying sword middle-aged person, is cuts day of Elder to hold the fist in the other hand to youth Young Master, at once then and Elder Tianchen tears the space together, explores in the surrounding void sea. 负剑中年人,也就是“斩天长老”冲青年公子一抱拳,旋即便和天尘长老一起撕裂空间,在周围的虚空海中探索起来。 In order to speed up exploring the speed, two people have not covered up their aura, pressure unscrupulous of Chaos Origin Boundary powerhouse fill the air in the surrounding void sea. 为了加快探索速度,二人并未遮掩自身的气息,混元境强者的威压肆无忌惮地弥漫在周围的虚空海中。 While three people are busy. 正当三人忙碌间。 Shattered Territory core place, in chaotic dark space, a being scarred terrifying giant beast, if has a feeling, opened the eyes courageous. 破灭之域核心处,混乱的黑暗空间之中,一头伤痕累累的恐怖巨兽若有所感,勐地睁开了双眼。 This giant beast, naturally is that cataclysm beast. 这头巨兽,自然便是那头灾变兽。 Initially it suffered Crystal 5 and heavy losses of one after another Number 5 forbidden area, ganging up to surround and beating up was punched ruthlessly in beginning day God Sovereign and the others, was injured quite heavy body injury to be heavier. 当初它遭受晶五五号禁区的接连重创,又在始天神皇等人的围殴下被狠狠揍了一顿,本就受伤颇重的身体伤势更重。 Now passes few years, although its bloodstain has done thoroughly, in the wound was actually still tying the thick bloody scab, in addition on the body that motley scale, the lackey of break, is all showing the frigidity of its injury. 如今才过去了没几年,它身上的血渍虽已干透,伤口上却仍是结着厚厚的血痂,再加上身体上那斑驳的鳞片,断裂的爪牙,无一不彰显着它伤势的惨烈。 Arrived 19th stage, once injured, restoring extremely to be slow, where is in the short time can recover? 到了十九阶,一旦受伤,恢复本就极慢,哪里是短时间内能痊愈的? However, the bonus is so, ominous in its bone has not reduced the half a point as before. 不过,饶是如此,它骨子里的凶性也依旧没有减少半分。 Almost is instantaneous, it then from lying to bend down the condition to rise with a spring, then four hooves step, vanished in the principal space instantaneously. 几乎是瞬间,它便从趴伏状态一跃而起,而后四蹄一迈,瞬间消失在了主空间之中。 ****** ****** Same time. 同一时间段。 Yong'an Era in the spring of 2032. 雍安历2032年春。 Is born from the mass talent child, had passed for enough eight years. 距离大批量天才孩童降世,已经过去了足足八年。 From the Immortal Palace airport, leaves for the spatial axle flying boat quiet navigation of Changning Garrison in the horizon, in the under vastness great sea, the shadow is spread like stars in the sky the densely covered islands spaciously obviously. 一艘从仙宫空港,开往长宁卫的空轨飞舟静谧的航行在天际,下方汪洋巨海中,影绰可见星罗密布的岛屿。 In these islands is making the building of standing tall and erect, there is Spirit Gathering Array to gather eight side spirit qi, abundant spirit qi formed still if really the qualitative mist. 那些岛屿上建造着高耸的建筑物,又有聚灵阵汇聚八方灵气,充沛的灵气形成了犹若实质的薄雾。 The sea level between islands and in the islands, under the packing of Water Department spirit vein, constituted the innumerable marine product cultivation region. 岛屿与岛屿之间的海面上,在一条条水系灵脉的填充下,构成了无数海产养殖区域。 A gentle female voice is disseminating news the introduction: The region that under passed is the Great Qian Immortal Dynasty Longzuo Commandery Qingluo Garrison islands. Here once was the region that a pirate converged, afterward Wang Clan vigorously developed the Qingluo Garrison islands, built the top marine product cultivation region it. Present Qingluo Sea produces, the product enjoys a good reputation in the entire Holy Territory high-end market.” 一个温柔女声播报着介绍:“下方路过的区域是大乾仙朝陇左郡青萝卫群岛。这里曾经是个海寇云集的区域,后来王氏大力开发青萝卫群岛,将其打造成了顶级的海产养殖区域。如今的青萝海产,产品享誉整个圣域高端市场。” „Is my goodness ~ ~ ~ that entire large-scale seventh grade Water Department Immortal Spirit Vein?” A passenger from some Northern Ji Divine Continent Holy Clan, by porthole shocking looks under. “好家伙~~~那是一整条大型七品水系仙灵脉吧?”一位来自北殛神洲某个圣族的旅客,透过舷窗震惊的看着下方。 By sea water that below that mighty waves surge, they can feel clearly, the seabed deep place is lying to send out bright brilliance huge spirit vein, still resembles is the big dragon of potential seabed is ordinary. 透过下方那波涛涌动的海水,他们能清晰地感觉到,海底深处正卧着一条散发着熠熠光辉的巨大灵脉,犹似是潜在海底的一条巨龙一般。 Their losing one's voice exclaims: „Do they reveal Heavenly Water to produce the breeding farm with the large-scale seventh grade Immortal Spirit Vein construction unexpectedly?” 他们不由失声惊叹道:“他们竟然用大型七品仙灵脉构建露天水产养殖场?” In that Holy Clan clan also has clan Heavenly Grotto, internal also seventh grade Immortal Spirit Vein, and constructed piece of Immortal Spirit Field, Immortal Spirit Rice that produced was the clan very valuable resources. 那个圣族族内也有家族洞天,内部也有一条七品仙灵脉,并构筑出了一片仙灵田,生产出来的仙灵米家族非常珍贵的资源。 Wang Clan has seventh grade Immortal Spirit Vein he not to feel unusual, but this usage also was too rather luxurious. 王氏七品仙灵脉他不觉得稀奇,但这用法未免也太奢侈了一些。 Otherwise, how does Qingluo Sea produce enjoys a good reputation in the high-end market?” Qingluo Sea that the Great Qian Immortal Dynasty local Divine Ability Boundary passenger slightly somewhat happily connections, you see produces the cultivation base, but is the ordinary cultivation base. It is said that Wang Clan has Heavenly Grotto in Qingluo Garrison, in Heavenly Grotto has two eighth grade Water Department Saint spirit vein, so according to the marine product that being reincarnated spirit vein breeds is peak! If wants to taste the flavor, settles accounts by Immortal Spirit Stone.” “要不然,青萝海产怎么享誉高端市场呢?”有一位大乾仙朝本地的神通境旅客略有些得意地接口,“你们看到的青萝海产养殖基地,不过是普通养殖基地。据说,王氏青萝卫内部有一个洞天,洞天内有两条八品水系灵脉,如此依托生灵脉养殖出来的海产才是最为顶尖!若想尝尝味道,都是以仙灵石来结算的。” Present Great Qian has not been possible to compare initially, the light is Imperial Family then five True Immortal Boundary, beside Immortal Royal Residence not of the same surname except Changning Garrison Wang Clan also has enough 11. 如今的大乾早已非当初可比,光是皇室内部便有五个真仙境,除开长宁卫王氏之外的外姓仙王府也有足足十一个。 Judged at the Yong'an Immortal Sovereign cultivation base progress, perhaps has 3,000-4,000 years to have the opportunity to promote Great Principle Holy Venerable again, making the Great Qian Immortal Dynasty promotion be Holy Dynasty. 雍安仙皇修为进度判断,恐怕再有个3,000-4,000年就有机会晋升大罗圣尊,令大乾仙朝晋升为圣朝了。 Therefore Divine Ability Boundary also calculates in the Great Qian Immortal Dynasty position, but also can only be the ordinary passenger. 因此神通境大乾仙朝地位还算可以,但也只能算是普通旅客。 Does Immortal Spirit Stone settle accounts? 仙灵石来结算? Many passenger shocked heavy, is Great Principle Holy Venerable eats this also to meet the anxiety? 诸多旅客都被震慑的不轻,便是大罗圣尊吃这个也会肉疼吧? Sees their expressions, the surroundings passenger mood is thick gradually. 见他们这副表情,周围旅客谈兴渐浓。 Also some people said: You see the news, scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion Holy Clan Cao Clan, was sentenced the big crime by the Saint pledge, clan Heavenly Grotto is confiscated, Holy Venerable Old Ancestor and does the key man, was sent to chaos mountain Wakuang.” 又有人说:“你们有没有看到新闻,赤鼎圣府圣族曹氏,被圣共盟判了大罪,家族洞天都被没收了,圣尊老祖和一干关键人物,都被送去混沌山挖矿去了。” This was the old almanac, Cao Clan was worked early, but just issued the trial news. Right, our family/home is scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion, naturally understands all these. My this time is visits our family/home child, this year must enter Wang Clan initiation Clan School, is Wang Clan main house that......” “这都是老黄历了,曹氏老早就被抓起,只是刚刚发布审判新闻而已。对了,我们家就是赤鼎圣府的,当然了解这一切。我这一次是去探望我们家孩子,今年要入王氏的启蒙族学了,是王氏主宅的那一所……” What? Do not enter the bear class?” “什么?不会是要入熊班吧?” Wang Clan initiation bear class? This is the initiation class at the most, inside each one is Wang Clan or the relations by marriage clan young elite juniors...... foreign clan person is almost impossible to join.” 王氏启蒙熊班?这可是顶天的启蒙班啊,里面个个都是王氏或是姻亲家族年幼的精英子弟……外族人几乎不可能加入。” Congratulations, the child feared must soar!” The people to awe the look that but incomparably envies looks at that guardian. “恭喜恭喜啊,那孩子怕是要一飞冲天了!”众人都以敬畏而无比羡慕的眼神看着那位家长。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Not far away by porthole place, seemingly mature steady, the corners of the mouth have the smile, is listening to surrounding discussing spiritedly. 不远处靠舷窗处,一位看起来成熟稳重的,正嘴角含着笑容,听着周围的议论纷纷。 But on his seat an appearance pretty cute little girl, is actually winking on hand the naive eye, asked low voice: That class that Ancestral Grandfather, Qing'er must go , is the bear class?” 而他手边座位上一位长相漂亮可爱的小女孩儿,却是眨着天真的眼睛,小声问道:“老祖爷爷,晴儿要去的那个班,是不是就是熊班?” Right, Ancestral Grandfather has contacted for you, must enter a school the bear class.” The young men favored to rub the head of female baby drowned, said, when the time comes may probably study well, must lose our face not.” “没错,老祖爷爷已经替你联络好了,正是要入学熊班。”青年男子宠溺的揉了揉女娃娃的脑袋,笑着说,“到时候可要好好学,莫要丢了咱们的脸面。” Heavenly Prosperity Immortal Clan Wang Clan. 天瑞仙族王氏 Right, this young men called Wang Youping. 没错,这位青年男子叫王宥平 When young, he is only ordinary Great Heaven's Chosen, afterward after being stimulated, goes to Heavenly Prosperity Holy Dynasty to do the development work, finally actually received the recognition and attendance of Old Ancestor Shouzhe accidentally/surprisingly, the bloodline aptitude rises dramatically. 年轻之时,他只是个平平无奇大天骄,后来受到刺激后去天瑞圣朝做开拓工作,结果却意外受到了守哲老祖的赏识和照顾,一路血脉资质暴增。 Then, under the subsidization of Wang Luojing Wang Luotong, bloodline aptitude cultivation base achieved was close to Son of Heaven first grade! 尔后,又在王珞静王珞彤的资助下,血脉资质修为达到了接近天子甲等 Afterward, Wang Youping married Heavenly Prosperity Holy Dynasty young attractive Commandery Princess, afterward also because of the wife and children and other reasons, Wang Youping applied for branch family, established Wang Clan branch clan in Heavenly Prosperity Holy Dynasty. 再后来,王宥平娶了天瑞圣朝的一位年轻漂亮的郡主,后来又因为妻儿等种种缘由,王宥平申请了分家,在天瑞圣朝成立了王氏分支家族 Heavenly Prosperity Wang Clan is not first branch clan that Changning Wang Clan divides, cannot absolutely last. 天瑞王氏并不是长宁王氏分出去的第一个分支家族,也绝对不会最后一个。 Entire Holy Territory greatly was too too big, some youth outstanding talent stayed in some place for a long time, married local Miss, was not willing two places to live apart, or some children had the oneself idea, wanted to develop piece of new heaven and earth, established new branch clan is also normal. 整个圣域太大太大了,部分青年俊杰在某个地方待久了,又娶了本地姑娘,不愿两地分居,亦或是一些孩子有自己想法,想要开拓出一片新天地,建立一个新的分支家族也是再正常不过。 Regarding this, as Changning Wang Clan Family Head Wang Shouzhe, always grasps the attitude of approval. 对此,作为长宁王氏家主王守哲,向来是秉持赞成的态度。 clan opens to disperse this/Ben is the normal state. 家族开枝散叶本就是常态。 Wants initially, Changning Wang Clan also to start from Old Ancestor Zhouxuan, the branch from Longzuo Wang Clan comes out. But Longzuo Wang Clan, branch clan that then branches out from Great Qian Wang Clan. 想当初,长宁王氏也是从宙轩老祖开始,才从陇左王氏中分支出来的。而陇左王氏,则是从大乾王氏分出的分支家族 It looks like in Wang Shouzhe, the main family and relations of branch clan, somewhat are actually similar to Group and subsidiary company. 王守哲看来,主家和分支家族的关系,其实有些类似于集团公司和子公司。 Regarding having the clansman of innovative spirit, Wang Clan will not treat unjustly absolutely, will support in the resources and cultivation technique system, will give some infrastructural industries, or cooperation, so that branch clan can pass smoothly branch family the earlier difficulty, in local standing firm heel. 对于具有开拓精神的族人,王氏也绝对不会亏待,在资源和功法体系上都会有所支援,也会给出些基础产业,或是业务合作,以便分支家族能够顺利度过分家前期的困难,在当地立稳脚跟。 However. 不过。 Once branch family, was not same clan of the same clan, each other was the ancestor and relative rather than the clansman, the branch clan financial status will also be independent, in the normal condition is unable to enjoy in the Wang Clan clan the assignment of resources. 一旦分家出去,就是同宗不同族了,彼此属于宗亲而非族人,分支家族的财务状态也都会独立出去,正常情况下也是无法享用王氏族内资源的分配了。 In progressing day by day Wang Clan big clan, unites on Changning Wang Clan this lofty tree, the future or the day will feel better, the resources that can obtain are also more. 在蒸蒸日上的王氏家族中,团结在在长宁王氏这根参天大树上,无论是前途还是日子都会更好过一些,能获得的资源也更多。 Therefore, will choose branch clan that goes out independently is not many truly, up to now over hundred, have not all dispersed in various entire Holy Territory places. This to having Wang Clan of hundreds of thousands of population, but also is really only the small number. 因此,真正会选择独立出去的分支家族并不多,截止目前尚未超过百家,俱是分散在整个圣域各处。这对拥有数十万人口的王氏而言,还真的只是小数目。 Is good is very powerful because of Divine Martial Changning Wang Clan main lineage, are also many to the attendance of branch lineage clan, therefore most good of also branch clan general development, can be has the sweetness painstakingly. 好在神武长宁王氏主脉十分强盛,对支脉家族的照顾也很多,因此大部分分支家族总体发展的还不错,算得上是有苦有甜。 This Heavenly Prosperity Wang Clan, is in branch clan develops good clan quite. 天瑞王氏,便是分支家族中发展得相当不错的家族 Now about 2500-year-old Wang Youping , the achievement True Immortal Boundary 200-300 years ago, lifted Immortal Clan clan, but also was sealed Immortal Prince not of the same surname by the Heavenly Prosperity Holy Sovereign imperial edict. 如今约2500岁的王宥平,也是在200-300年前成就了真仙境,将家族抬到了仙族,还被天瑞圣皇敕封成了外姓仙王 This was also occupied Wang Clan main lineage and his wife maternal clan light, otherwise Immortal Clan must be sealed Immortal Prince not of the same surname by the imperial edict, at least must a little outstanding contribution be good. 这也算是占了王氏主脉和他娘子母族的光,否则一个仙族要被敕封外姓仙王,至少得有点卓绝贡献才行。 this time, in Heavenly Prosperity Immortal Clan Wang Clan orthodox lineage, the birth got down a birth to bring in the heaven and earth phenomenon, inborn four layers intermediate stage bloodline Innate Spirit Body. 这一次,天瑞仙族王氏嫡脉中,诞下了一位出生即引来天地异象,天生四重中段血脉先天灵体 Under such child quite training, the start is True Immortal, if there is a special chance, further also has the possibility. 此等孩子好生培养下,起步便是一个真仙,若是有特殊机缘,更进一步也有可能。 Therefore, feared that delays the child future Wang Youping, has to apply to make the child enter Wang Clan main lineage Clan School to main lineage to study at school temporarily, accepts high-quality training since childhood. 因此,怕耽搁孩子前程的王宥平,不得不向主脉申请让孩子入王氏主脉族学借读,从小就接受优质培养。 Naturally, resources issue that in which training expense, as well as involves, overwhelming majority must Heavenly Prosperity Wang Clan oneself undertake. 当然,其中的培养费用,以及涉及到的资源问题,绝大部分还得天瑞王氏自己承担。 This and Wang Clan trains the contract the nature to be different from other child signing, after the latter grows, needs to become Wang Clan Consecrate, repays earlier training in the way of service, after satisfying contract condition can have the retirement. 这个和王氏与其他孩童签订培养契约的性质不同,后者成长之后,需要成为王氏供奉,以服役的方式偿还前期的培养,直至满足契约条件后才能有退役。 The present spatial axle flying boat speed is fast. 现在的空轨飞舟速度非常快。 Insufficient double-hour, flying boat from Qingluo Garrison to the Xinping airport. 不足个把时辰,飞舟就从青萝卫到了新平空港。 Wang Youping first then leads eight -year-old girl Wang Shanqing, visited main lineage Patriarch Mr. and Mrs. Family Head Shouzhe, rubbed a wave of advantage, then visited various group of elders, various types rub the advantage. 王宥平第一时间便带着八岁女童“王珊晴”,去拜访了主脉族长守哲家主夫妇,蹭了一波好处,而后又拜访了各路长辈,各种蹭好处。 Without the means that Heavenly Prosperity Wang Clan that has divided family property even if mixes again well, the resources were still well below that Wang Clan main lineage comes strongly. Even originally compared with the clansman who Wang Youping is inferior, now surpasses him. 没办法,已经分家出去的天瑞王氏即便混得再好,资源也远远不如王氏主脉来得强。甚至原本很多比王宥平不如的族人,现在都超过他了。 As for Shan Qing this child, if lives in Changning Wang Clan, naturally is the 19 th generation Shan character generation of child, however in Heavenly Prosperity Wang Clan, is sixth generation of Shan Zibei. 至于珊晴这孩子,若是生在长宁王氏,自然是第十九代的“珊”字辈孩子,但是在天瑞王氏,则是第六代珊字辈。 After visiting mixed fully the advantage, Wang Youping sent in Wang Clan Clan School Wang Shanqing, was taken away the initiation bear class by the specialist. 一通拜访混足了好处后,王宥平才将王珊晴送入王氏族学,由专人带去了启蒙熊班。 The bear class entrance, Wang Shanqing holds a hand of female Teacher to stand near the gate, winks the curious eye to see children in this initiation class. 熊班门口,王珊晴牵着一位女老师的手站在门边上,眨着好奇的眼睛看着这启蒙一班内的孩子们。 Here child most ages are equivalent to her. On Clan School she, is not only for the first time excited and disturbed. 这里的孩子大部分年龄都与她相当。第一次上族学的她,既是兴奋又忐忑不已。 Mister Bear, this is Wang Shanqing, studying at school temporarily that Family Head Shouzhe approves lives, has completed the admission procedure.” Female Teacher handed over in the child the famous Mister Bear hand, then drew back. 熊先生,这位是王珊晴,守哲家主亲批的借读生,已经完成了入学手续。”女老师将孩子交到了大名鼎鼎的熊先生手中,便退了出去。 Originally you are Shan Qing, before your family Ancestor Wang Youping, is my student.” Wears Mister Bear of eyeglasses to notify her, the attitude is kind and kind. “原来你就是珊晴啊,你们家老祖宗王宥平以前就是我的学生。”戴着眼镜的熊先生跟她打了声招呼,态度和蔼而亲切。 He was saying swept in a class, then said: In class on the two vacancy, Wang Yinxuan, Wang Songyi, since your two is not willing to sit in one table, my old bear does not force you, does anyone of you and Shan Qing sit one table?” 他说着扫了一眼班内,而后道:“班内就两个空位了,王寅轩,王宋一,既然你们两个不愿意坐在一桌,我老熊也不勉强你们,你们谁和珊晴坐一桌?” Mister Bear, the girl was too troublesome, speed that affects me to study! I start to contact the middle-grade Clan School knowledge now, this progress was too slow.” The Wang Songyi looks powder weak jade carves quite cute, but the individuality is actually very chilly, also has Mister Bear, I must ask for leave in the afternoon, I met the Spirit Platform Boundary list one, prepares to displace.” 熊先生,女孩子太麻烦了,会影响我学习的速度!我现在才开始接触中等族学的知识,这进度太慢了。”王宋一长得粉凋玉琢颇为可爱,可个性却是十分清冷,“还有熊先生,我下午得请个假,我约战了灵台境榜一,准备取而代之。” I, everyone is eight -year-old child, you install what cup!” “我呸,大家都是八岁大的孩子,你装什么杯!” Hears this saying, side with his same age eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein small Young Patriarch, clan inherited sequence's eighth Wang Yinxuan unable to bear curl the lip to scold one. 听到这话,旁边和他同龄的嫡长脉小小小小少族长,家族继承序列第八的王寅轩忍不住撇嘴骂了一句。 Wang Yinxuan same looks is attractive, but is that local ruffian commander Pishuai attractiveness, with Wang Songyi is completely two entirely different types. 王寅轩同样长得非常好看,不过是那种痞帅痞帅的好看,跟王宋一完全是两种截然不同的类型。 He looks with a smile to Wang Shanqing: Small comes to sit one table with me clearly, we do not respond that attire cup suspect.” 他笑吟吟地看向王珊晴:“小晴晴过来和我坐一桌,咱不搭理那个装杯犯。” Wang Yinxuan, your thought was too weak. You as the clan eighth position successor, you should diligently, striving be clan bring honor to add the color well, shoulders the new generation eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein responsibility.” 王寅轩,你的思想太幼稚了。你身为家族第八顺位继承人,你应该好好努力,争取为家族争光添彩,承担起新一代嫡长脉的责任。” Wang Songyi, according to the rank you must call me Yinxuan Old Ancestor! My father said that what age, should enjoy the life of what age, the small age do not make with Savior.” 王宋一,按照辈分你得叫我寅轩老祖!我爹说了,什么年龄,就应该享受什么年龄的生活,别小小年纪弄得跟救世主似的。” Good was good, your two do not quarrel again.” Mister Bear also by a headache that they toss about. “行了行了,你们两个别再吵了。”熊先生也被他们折腾的一阵头疼。 These two boys, with bitter enemy, does not know the resentment of where tying. 这两小子,就跟世仇似的,也不知道是从哪里结的怨。 Thought, Mister Bear did for the little girl simply directly decided: Shan Qing, you sits Near Schoolmate Wang Songyi. So as to avoid being given the belt/bring ~ his literacy class to be rotten by Wang Yinxuan that boy leaning enough.” 想了下,熊先生干脆直接替小女孩做了决定:“珊晴,你坐王宋一同学边上。免得被王寅轩那小子给带偏了~他文化课已经够烂了。” What?” “啥?” Some Wang Yinxuan scalp hemp. 王寅轩头皮有些麻。 old bear you also very looked down upon the person ~ my Wang Yinxuan was not the bloodline difference, was the culture bad? 老熊你也忒瞧不起人了~我王寅轩不就是血脉差了点,文化差了点吗? Snort, you bully the youngster to be poor not, thirty years the river goes east thirty years the river goes west...... Wang Songyi, you seize me to share a table, you are waiting to this Young Master! 哼,你莫欺少年穷,正所谓三十年河东三十年河西……王宋一,你夺我同桌,你给本公子等着! Also is in this time. 也是正在此时。 His consciousness suddenly one absent-minded, clear drop sound consciousness the deep place to resound in him. 他的意识忽然一恍忽,一个清脆的“滴”声在他意识深处响起。 A mechanical sound resounds in his mind: Starts the energy to save, feeling the host mood is discontented, has the counterattack demand, the counterattack assistance system has regained consciousness. This system will help the host rise from the negligible, counterattack life.” 紧接着,一个机械音在他脑海中响起:“启动能量积攒完毕,感受到宿主情绪不满,有逆袭需求,逆袭辅助系统已苏醒。本系统将助宿主从微末中崛起,逆袭人生。” Drop!” “滴!” Examining this world energy rank is too high, can the bare-handed World Extinguishing big old woman be many, suggested that the host handles affairs low-key.” “检测到本世界能量级别过高,能徒手灭世的大老太多,建议宿主低调行事。” Drop! Examining the host father is top greatly old Wu Yue Immortal Emperor is reincarnated, but is very sluggish because of individual ideological problem, this counterattack system regulation is.” “滴!检测到宿主父亲是顶尖大老武岳仙帝转世,但因个人思想问题十分懒散,本逆袭系统调整为。” Presently issues first holds father mission. First, mission goal: Urged the father to try hard cultivation for a month, the mission reward: Rewards first grade paddy rice spirit seed randomly.” “现发布第一个扶爹任务。一,任务目标:敦促父亲努力修炼一个月,任务奖励:随机奖励一种一品稻米灵种。” What, what thing?” Wang Yinxuan stared in a big way the eye, the whole person somewhat was ignorant. “啥,啥玩意?”王寅轩瞪大了眼睛,整个人都有些懵。 ...... ……
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