POP :: Volume #8

#27: The talent converges! Wang Clan huge harvest

...... …… In this you sang in imposing that I arrived, the Crystal Ancient Race first round of direction detection reincarnation plan, dropped the curtain finally. 就在这你方唱罢我登场的轰轰烈烈之中,晶古族第一轮定向投胎计划,终于落下了帷幕。 But at this time, was sent to lead away cataclysm beast the beginning day God Sovereign and other Dao Lord level experts, also returned to the Wang Shouzhe deep black Shenzhou finally in abundance. 而这时候,被派去引开灾变兽的始天神皇道主级高手,也终于纷纷返回了王守哲的玄青神舟。 And, is somewhat pitiful as the beginning day God Sovereign appearance of main force, obviously ate in the cataclysm beast hand very much owed much. However, looked that his looks fierce, the stance that the strength curses at people, the injury should also in the controllable range. 其中,作为主力的始天神皇模样有些凄惨,很明显在灾变兽手中吃了不少亏。不过,看他那龇牙咧嘴,还有力气骂人的架势,伤势应该还在可控范围内。 Shouzhe, the cataclysm beast is seriously injured, has run. Looks at the direction, must return to the Shattered Territory Core Area territory.” 守哲,灾变兽受了重伤,已经跑了。看方向,应当是回了破灭之域核心区域。” Sees Wang Shouzhe to look, is holding Old Ancestor God Sovereign Cang Ping to open the mouth to explain a situation. 王守哲看过来,正扶着自家老祖苍平神皇开口解释了一下情况。 That cataclysm beast was injured quite heavily, after a beginning day God Sovereign entanglement, the injury was heavier. 那头灾变兽本就受伤颇重,在和始天神皇一番纠缠之后,伤势就更重了。 After God Sovereign Cang Ping and the others ran supports, beginning day God Sovereign knows that Wang Shouzhe has settled down, has naturally stopped the seeking death hatred behavior to him of limit quickly immediately. 苍平神皇等人跑去支援之后,始天神皇知道王守哲这边已经尘埃落定,本就已经快到极限的他自然是立刻停止了作死的拉仇恨行为。 After the cataclysm beast restores to be calm, discovers not to be victorious they, naturally also ran. 灾变兽恢复冷静后,发现打不过他们,自然也就跑了。 „The Shouzhe boy, how many crimes can you know my the old bones by? You may result to recover for me quite, in addition compensation large quantities of Primal Chaos Spirit Stone and deep soul tea ~ ~ 守哲小子,你可知我这把老骨头遭了多少罪?你可得替我好生恢复恢复元气,外加补偿大批混沌灵石和冥魂茶~~ Sees Wang Shouzhe, beginning day God Sovereign then starts to shout. 一见到王守哲,始天神皇便开始嚷嚷起来。 „When your majesty young, really snatched Immortal Alliance Alliance Lord Ji Daoyi admire Senior Sister with the dirty trick?” The Wang Shouzhe doubt erratically looks at him. “陛下年轻之时,是真的用卑劣手段抢了仙盟盟主姬道一爱慕的学姐?”王守哲狐疑不定地看着他。 May knock it off, but attracts the hatred intentionally.” The beginning day God Sovereign whole face is swollen-headed, initially everyone was respectively depending on the skill fair competition, where was so complex. Let alone, afterward the immortal rhyme was my properly married wife, the Xuanyuan Clan lineage Old Ancestor mother. Wait, the Shouzhe boy don't shift the topic, how the this Sovereign medical expenses calculate?” “可拉倒吧,不过是故意吸引仇恨而已。”始天神皇满脸得瑟,“当初大家是各凭本事公平竞争,哪有那么复杂。何况,后来仙韵可是我明媒正娶的妻子,轩辕氏一脉老祖母。等等,守哲小子你可别转移话题,本皇的医药费怎么算?” This cataclysm beast is seriously battered, ten thousand years us is difficult to meet the good opportunity that.” Wang Shouzhe hesitates saying that „after matter, must develop Shattered Territory with a sense of urgency, seizes the chance the cataclysm beast solution.” “此次灾变兽遭受重创,于我们而言正是万载难逢的良机。”王守哲沉吟道,“等此间事了之后,得抓紧开发破灭之域,趁机将灾变兽解决。” This matter must put on the agenda, does not know that Alliance Lord remaining soul can also be saved.” Beginning day God Sovereign hear of he mentioned this matter, the expression on face was also instantaneously dignified, I thought his appearance, as if with cataclysm beast fusion in one...... wait/etc, this Sovereign medicine......” “此事的确得提上日程,也不知盟主残魂还有没有救。”始天神皇听他说起这事,脸上的表情也是瞬间凝重,“我看他样子,似乎和灾变兽融合在了一起……等等,本皇医药……” Hears the Immortal Alliance period, your limitless Dao Sect has does who goes nonstop to World of Immortals transmit great array?” Wang Shouzhe is serious, position by chance in Shattered Territory core place?” “听说仙盟时期,你们无极道宗有一座直通仙界的古传送大阵?”王守哲一脸严肃,“位置恰巧在破灭之域核心处?” Has such matter. However, that Transmission Array in several hundred thousand years, is not right, cannot use in the Immortal Alliance destruction first several hundred thousand years.” Beginning day God Sovereign recalls, from then on we broke the relation with World of Immortals. Is instead remembering in me, that ancient Transmission Array has not opened. Shouzhe boy, my medicine......” “是有这么回事。不过,那传送阵早在几十万年,哦不对,是早在仙盟覆灭前几十万年就不能用了。”始天神皇回忆道,“从那以后我们跟仙界就断了联系。反正在我记忆中,那座古传送阵就没开启过。守哲小子,我的医药……” „......” Wang Shouzhe took a look at his one eyes, the tone is serious, this beginning day your majesty is strives for the entire Holy Territory security, the medical expenses must look for the reimbursement.” “……”王守哲瞅了他一眼,语气严肃,“此次始天陛下乃是为整个圣域的安全出力,医药费应当找报销。” „The Shouzhe boy, you may have no alternative but reasonable. This Crystal 5 crisis solves, clan that your Wang Clan most profits.” Beginning day God Sovereign one hear of this saying stare in a big way the eye immediately, a face as if received the greatly suffering expression, light is that Number 5 restricted area, fears no one to inherit besides Feifei.” 守哲小子,你可不能不讲道理啊。此次晶五危机解决,你王氏才是最为得利的家族。”始天神皇一听这话立刻瞪大了眼睛,一脸仿佛受了大委屈的表情,“光是那五号禁地,除了菲菲之外恐怕无人能继承。” Your majesty this word is really rational.” “陛下此言甚是有理。” Wang Shouzhe nods slightly, immediately turns around to tell side Wang Anye: Anye, you process the following matters concerned in this, and waits for Feifei and beautiful jade road they to process the Number 5 restricted area.” 王守哲微微颔首,立刻转身吩咐身边的王安业:“安业,你在此处理一下后续事宜,并等待菲菲、瑾路她们过来处理五号禁地。” Yes, Great Grandfather.” Wang Anye respectful say/way. “是,太爷爷。”王安业恭敬道。 „Was Crystal 5 also reincarnated to your family? Hehe, your Wang Clan will add the background in the future.” The beginning day God Sovereign look is spooky, so got the small advantage, can not......” 晶五也是转世到你们家了吧?呵呵,你们王氏未来更添底蕴啊。”始天神皇眼神幽幽,“如此得了便宜,你不得……” Your majesty said right, in small Heavenly Grotto of this endless void sea, is not the having a child place.” Wang Shouzhe seemed like by him is reminded, a face pondered seriously, must organize these over a thousand pairs of youngster, went to my Divine Martial Wang Clan to live, our that side medical resources were developed, the antenatal grasped superiorly......” “陛下说得对,这无尽虚空海的小小洞天中,不是生孩子的地方。”王守哲像是被他提醒了似的,一脸郑重地思考起来,“还是要将这上千对年轻人组织起来,去我神武王氏生,我们那边医疗资源发达,教育环境优握……” Supposed next time, Wang Shouzhe told simply, making people go to shift from the room these youngster, delivered deep black Shenzhou completely, then left behind two Dao Lord to look at the forbidden area, bringing remaining many big old set off to return to Divine Martial world together. 估摸了一下时间,王守哲干脆吩咐下去,让人去将那些年轻人从房间里转移出来,全部送上玄青神舟,然后留下两个道主看着禁区,带着剩下的诸多大老们一起出发回了神武世界 The forbidden area went for two years in Endless Heaven Abyss, at this moment is away from scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion to be very far. Wang Shouzhe has confirmed the position, discovered that the position is not far from the Shattered Territory edge now, going to Divine Martial world instead compares scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion to be nearer. 禁区在无尽天渊中行驶了两年,此刻距离赤鼎圣府已经很远。王守哲确认过位置,发现他们如今所处的位置距离破灭之域边缘不远,去神武世界反而比去赤鼎圣府更近一些。 Fact also such as Wang Shouzhe judgment is the same. 事实也如王守哲判断的一样。 this time deep black Shenzhou does not need to hide the whereabouts, does not need to hang the forbidden area, let loose under the speed full speed flight, but the short several months time, then arrived in Divine Martial world Changning Garrison. 这一次玄青神舟无需隐藏行踪,也无需吊着禁区,放开了速度全速飞行之下,不过短短数月功夫,便抵达了神武世界长宁卫 Changning Garrison as the Wang Clan influence core, now has been in Divine Martial world the developed city second to none, naturally has the flow very perfect being in labor center. 长宁卫作为王氏的势力核心,如今早已是神武世界中首屈一指的发达城市,自然有着流程非常完善的待产中心。 Has the arrangement of Wang Clan this local bully, over a thousand pregnant women integrate is also relaxed, each one received the extremely good care. 王氏这个地头蛇的安排,上千名孕妇融入其中也是轻轻松松,各自都受到了极佳的照料。 Because the becoming pregnant time is up, because although these 1000 pregnant women physique different cultivation base are different, some expected date of childbirth slightly differences, but is also almost the same, about on a difference several days of time. 由于受孕时间都差不多,这一千名孕妇虽说因为体质不同修为不同,预产期略微有些差别,但也相差无几,左右不过就差个几天时间而已。 Also in this crowd of pregnant woman careful served nourishing fetus processes, the time flashes by. 也就是在这群孕妇被精心伺候的养胎过程中,时间一晃而过。 The expected dates of childbirth of pregnant woman arrive quickly. 众孕妇的预产期很快到来。 Then, the Changning Garrison woman produces sky over the center, started a gorgeous incomparable fireworks show. 然后,长宁卫的妇产中心上空,就开始了一场绚丽无比的烟花秀。 Most starts, is in the dark cloud capping, the intermittent thunder, is making clear to a child who has inborn thunder Spirit Body is born. 最开始,是乌云压顶之中,有一阵阵电闪雷鸣,昭示着一名拥有天生雷灵体的孩童降生。 But thunderous just crossed, there is a golden auspicious clouds together to drop from the clouds, the give an exaggerated account of things singing in praise of the Buddha is intermittent, seems has diamond Dharma Protector phantom in partly visible! 可雷鸣刚过,又有一道金色祥云从天而降,天花乱坠中梵音阵阵,又好似有金刚护法虚影在其中若隐若现! So the heaven and earth phenomenon, naturally makes clear to one innate to fight Buddha Spirit Body baby being near world. 如此天地异象,自然昭示着一名先天具有战佛灵体的婴孩临世。 Golden auspicious clouds has not diverged, then also has Wood Department profound qi to condense the vortex, the birth got down a dark green muddy unadorned lofty tree! 金色祥云还未散去,便又有木系玄气凝聚成漩涡,其中诞下了一棵苍浑古拙的参天大树! Without doubt, this was a innate Second Wood Spirit Body child reveals itself. 无疑,这是一个先天乙木灵体孩童出世了。 Also there is a one after another sword whining noise to resound from the horizon, over a hundred dao sword shades do obeisance distantly toward some being in labor center room, seems is congratulating Sword Sovereign born! 紧接着,又有一道道剑鸣声从天际响起,上百道剑影朝着待产中心某个房间遥遥拜去,好似在恭贺剑皇出世! This was one has the sword Spirit Body female baby born inborn. 这是一位天生拥有剑灵体的女娃娃出世了。 With holding talent nest, various strange heaven and earth phenomenon resembles went to the market emerging one after another incessantly. 就跟捅了天才窝似的,各种各样稀奇古怪的天地异象像赶集似的层出不穷。 For several days, bystanders on exclamation from the beginning, to ordinary, to finally becomes thorough numb. 短短几天时间,围观者们就从一开始的惊叹,到平常,到最后变得彻底麻木。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion. 赤鼎圣府 These months, Wang Anyao it can be said that is busy at the foot not moistening. 这几个月来,王安曜可以说是忙得脚不沾地。 Divides the manager of division as the Wang Clan Eastern Rosy Cloud communication Main Division scarlet cauldron, he is Wang Clan in the Eastern Rosy Cloud representative, is the Wang Clan influence in extending of Eastern Rosy Cloud. Several months ago, he received the family/home to pass on a message, then starts to be responsible for inventorying and informing these missing the family member of youth outstanding talent lover. 作为王氏东霞通讯总司赤鼎分司的老总,他便是王氏东霞的代表,也是王氏势力在东霞的延伸。几个月前,他收到家中传讯,便开始负责盘点并通知那些“失踪”青年俊杰情侣的家人。 Initially for did not divulge a secret, Wang Shouzhe is naturally impossible to plan to tell these youth outstanding talent family members, but these youth outstanding talent that outstanding talent can gather , was almost various young elites of various clan careful trained, such collective missing, the nature has stirred the controversy. 当初为了不走漏风声,王守哲自然不可能将计划告诉这些青年俊杰的家人,而俊杰会聚集的那些青年俊杰,也几乎都是各家各族精心培养的年轻精英,就这么集体“失踪”,自然早就引起了轩然大波。 In the two years, scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion here various great aristocratic families has raised a rumpus, looks for Cao Clan to want the view clan to be countless, Cao Clan these not carried off clansman was tossed about feels exhausted physically and mentally, while is also flustered, is about unable to support. 这两年,赤鼎圣府这边的各大世家早就已经闹翻天了,找曹氏要说法的家族不计其数,曹氏那些没被带走的族人一边被折腾得身心俱疲,一边也是人心惶惶,都已经快撑不下去了。 Wang Anyao one shows the wind sound/rumor, these lost aristocratic family of clansman naturally to come in swarms. 王安曜这边一透出风声,这些丢了族人的世家自然是蜂拥而至。 He concentrated to gather in a big restaurant these people, was comforting was the damage control, explained with them the cause and effect of matter, announced after the Wang Shouzhe that sides and an numerous always met greatly , the following handling policy of deciding. 他将这些人集中聚集到了一栋大型酒楼内,边是安抚边是善后,与他们解释了事情的前因后果,同时也宣布了王守哲那边和一众大老开会后商定的后续处置方针。 These aristocratic family know the child who family/home is safe and sound, meanwhile has the chance, rejoiced also stopped. 那些世家知道家里的孩子安然无恙,同时还另有机缘,庆幸的同时也是消停了下来。 A some Saint pledge numerous always endorse in behind greatly, they did not worry that Wang Anyao tricks they. Considering that a pregnant woman is still in labor in Wang Clan, they met not returns to the clan person temporarily, one after another then feel at ease simply, here kept and other news. 有圣共盟一众大老在后面背书,他们也不担心王安曜忽悠他们。考虑到一众孕妇还在王氏待产,他们暂时接不回族人,一个个便干脆安心住了下来,留在这边等消息。 Children who this samsara is reincarnated, basically each one is a talent, is impossible to wander about destitute at will outside. They as child's clansman, cares about the subsequent situation. 此次轮回转世的孩子们,基本上个个都是人才,自不可能随意流落在外。他们作为孩子的族人,也都十分关心后续的情况。 Scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion is far from Divine Martial world, they cannot catch up for the time being, then can only watch the live broadcast through the Wang Clan most advanced mechanics of communication. 只是赤鼎圣府距离神武世界较远,他们暂且赶不过去,便只能通过王氏最先进的通讯技术看现场直播。 Oh Haowei Family Head, congratulations. Your family that to the golden boy jade female student innate Great Heaven's Chosen, only missed remote of half step from Spirit Body it is said! Trains slightly, in the future will then have boundless prospects.” “哎哟~浩伟家主,恭喜恭喜。你们家那对金童玉女生了个先天大天骄,据说距离灵体也仅差半步之遥!稍微培养一下,未来便前途无量啊。” In this big restaurant, each guardian is jubilant. 这栋大型酒楼内,每一个家长都喜气洋洋。 They is watching the Divine Martial world Changning Garrison heaven and earth phenomenon and production situation reported that while each other congratulated is congratulating, the atmosphere was very warm. 他们一边观看着神武世界长宁卫天地异象和生产情况报告,一边彼此道贺恭喜着,气氛很是热烈。 That Haowei Family Head clan, is scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion manages small third grade aristocratic family of southern mountain road. 浩伟家主家族,是赤鼎圣府下辖南山道的一个小小三品世家 Because clan leaves far, in the clan that is also goes out to a outstanding talent Divine Ability couple who just got married travels, will go to outstanding talent to watch the fun while convenient, with the position, in their clan will not have to care hopelessly. 由于家族离得较远,族里那对刚成亲的俊杰神通种夫妇也就是出门游历,顺便去俊杰会看个热闹,没指望拿名次,他们族里也就没太在意。 In addition, Divine Ability Boundary cultivator closes up frequently is many years, all, even if two years do not have the news, they do not have to care, only thinks that they have sensed at the outstanding talent meeting, temporarily the decision closes up anything. 再加上,神通境修士常常一闭关就是好些年,所有即便有两年没消息,他们也没太放在心上,只以为他们是在俊杰会上有所感悟,临时决定闭关什么的。 Finally is, clan has not responded, walked in welcome to place to scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion by Wang Clan. 结果就是,家族还未反应过来呢,就被王氏找上门来请到了赤鼎圣府安置起来。 After the explanation of Wang Anyao, they understood the cause and effect, later at this war lofty waiting in the child production of Divine Martial world. 还是经过王安曜的解释,他们才明白了前因后果,之后就在这战战巍巍的等待远在神武世界的孩子生产。 To third grade aristocratic family, can birth next Great Heaven's Chosen close to Innate Spirit Body, naturally be the huge celebration. 三品世家来说,能诞下一个接近先天灵体大天骄,自然是天大的喜事了。 However, that Family Head named Sun Haowei actually was still somewhat regrettable, cannot help but smiled bitterly saying: Almost, almost, can sign the Divine Martial Wang Clan second grade contract.” 然而,那个叫孙浩伟家主却仍是有些遗憾,不由得苦笑道:“差一点啊,就差一点,就能签神武王氏乙等契约了。” This Divine Martial world pregnant women produce collectively, many children live to have the heaven and earth phenomenon, ready ready is Innate Spirit Body Peerless Heaven's Chosen! 此次神武世界的孕妇们集体生产,不少孩童生出来就有天地异象,妥妥都是先天灵体绝世天骄 But the child of his family/home, actually missed planned. 可他家的孩子,却是差了一筹。 Haowei Family Head should not be content.” Some people persuaded in the one side, beforehand Mr. Anyao has not said that in these over a thousand being in labor pregnant women, can give birth to the Innate Spirit Body child was about 100-200. Near Innate Spirit Body aptitude has calculated well, it is said is qualified for the Wang Clan Clan School headquarters to train, in the future becomes Void Soaring Boundary cultivator is the matter of being settled. If the chance is good, oneself also enough diligently, struggle True Immortal Seed have the possibility!” 浩伟家主你就别不知足了。”有人在一旁劝说,“之前安曜老总不是说过嘛,这上千待产孕妇中,能生出先天灵体的孩童的也不过100-200个而已。将近先天灵体的资质已经算不错了,据说已经有资格进入王氏族学总部培养,未来成为凌虚境修士乃是板上钉钉之事。若是机缘不错,自身也够努力,争一争真仙种也有可能!” „The True Immortal Seed possibility is not big.” Nearby ordinary first grade aristocratic family Family Head hearing this from scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion, could not bear open the mouth to attack that person of one. 真仙种可能性不大。”旁边一位来自赤鼎圣府的普通一品世家家主闻言,忍不住开口打击了那人一句。 His tone somewhat is slightly self-satisfied: I listened to Secretary Yueying to say just now, this same time was born too many Innate Spirit Body Peerless Heaven's Chosen, in the future will be very surely involution, innate talent has not arrived at the Innate Spirit Body child, wanted to strive for Immortal Scripture is too difficult is too difficult.” 他的语气微微有些得意:“适才我听玥英秘书说,这次同一时间段诞生了太多先天灵体绝世天骄,未来必定十分内卷,先天资质未到先天灵体的孩子,想要争取到仙经太难太难。” Also this Family Head is no wonder swollen-headed, their clan outstanding talent birth gets down the child who had, had signed the second grade contract with Wang Clan. 也难怪这家主得瑟,他们家族俊杰诞下了一个拥有的孩子,已经与王氏签订了乙等契约。 Has resources assistance that Wang Clan provides, so long as this child trains devotedly, in the future must be True Immortal! If chance again many, True Immortal late stage also period. 王氏提供的资源辅助,这孩子只要悉心培养一下,未来必是一尊真仙!若是机缘再好些,真仙后期也可期。 Depending on this child, they flattered Wang Clan, clan position also when production costs rise, prices rise too, becomes the future prospect to be limitless from ordinary first grade aristocratic family. Then is keeping aloof some Immortal Clan, starts to be deliberately on good terms with them, worked as the upfront investment relations. 凭此孩童,他们就巴结上了王氏,家族地位也随之水涨船高,从一个普通的一品世家变得未来前途不可限量。便是一些高高在上的仙族,都开始刻意与他们交好,就当提前投资关系了。 However, some people cannot tolerate, the tone acid cooks: Innate Spirit Body is no doubt powerful, but according to the contract, your clan must put in certain resources training! Was this to trivial first grade aristocratic family, the pressure too big?” 不过,也有人看不过眼,语气酸熘熘的:“先天灵体固然强大,但是根据契约,你们家族也得付出一定资源培养!这对区区一品世家而言,压力太大了些吧?” This did not fear!” That first grade Family Head vernal equinox self-satisfied saying with a smile, first did not say that such bestowed by heaven chance, we are lose everything will disburse money to train. Just now when with Mr. Anyao signs the contract, the manager proposed the business that sublets part of communication departments cooperates with us, money lacking who in the future will raise the child.” “这不怕!”那一品家主春分得意的笑道,“先不说此等天赐机缘,我们便是砸锅卖铁都会出钱培养。适才和安曜老总签契约时,老总提出了分包一部分通讯司的业务与我们合作,未来养孩子的钱缺不了。” Right, everyone Family Head best the point prepare spirit stone ahead of schedule. After Wang Clan signs the third grade above admittance contract, then has the qualifications in the Changning Garrison Core Area territory to purchase homes.” “对了,诸位家主最好提早点准备灵石。与王氏签订丙等以上入学契约后,便有资格在长宁卫核心区域买房了。” Now the Changning Garrison house price rises successively, the purchase qualifications also difficult lane, buying is gains. Had the house, not only can be clan at the Changning Garrison foothold , the convenient child studies, advantageous harmless.” “如今长宁卫的房价可是节节攀升,偏偏购买资格还难弄,买到就是赚到。有了房子,不仅可以作为家族长宁卫的落脚点,也方便孩子读书,有利无害。” Such remarks, naturally was annoys one piece to discuss. 此言一出,自然又是惹出了一片热议。 Many of them have not signed the contract, from the start does not know also has such invisible benefits, is excited. 他们中的不少人还没签订契约,压根不知道还有这样的隐形福利,自是激动不已。 The house purchase qualifications of Changning Garrison are not fond of playing jokes, such good opportunity, absolutely not fault-tolerant. 长宁卫的房屋购买资格可不好弄,这么好的机会,绝对不容错过。 In everyone sends to be jubilant. 就在大家一派喜气洋洋之时。 Suddenly. 忽而。 Blocks the sky the heaven and earth phenomenon appeared in the live broadcast crystal curtain, seemed nine days of water to drop from the clouds, formed a huge Origin Water vortex! 一股遮天蔽日般的天地异象出现在了直播晶幕之中,就好似九天之水从天而降,形成了一道巨大的元水漩涡! This is...... first Tianyuan (Heavenly Origin) water Dao Body phenomenon...... my goodness, is this today's fifth Innate Dao Body?” “这是……先天元道体异象……好家伙,这已经是今天第五个先天道体了吧?” The people exclaim in surprise to be flabbergasted, in the look revealed the color of incomparable envying. 众人惊叹咋舌,眼神中露出了无比羡慕之色。 Such character, was just born then awakens five layers bloodline, then can comprehend some Heavenly Dao principles when Qi Refining Boundary, even may comprehend Little Divine Ability. 此等人物,刚出生便觉醒第了五重血脉,在炼气境时便能参悟些许天道法则,甚至有可能领悟小神通 Reason that said that is has possibility, mainly actually not other, because their cultivation speed was too fast, usually the cultivation two years cannot break through Spirit Platform Boundary, the time is too short, possibly has not waited for the Little Divine Ability formation to break through directly. 之所以说是“有可能”,主要倒不是别的,而因为他们修炼速度太快了,通常修炼没两年就能突破到灵台境,时间太短,可能还没等小神通成型就直接突破了。 Even if to these Holy Clan, if can have the Innate Dao Body child, was Ancestor accumulated thick virtue! 哪怕是对那些圣族而言,若是能出个先天道体的孩子,也是祖上积了厚德! Such child, trains quite, often Great Principle Holy Venerable cannot run away, if the resources are abundant enough, in Holy Venerable late stage might also as well be able to achieve! 这样的孩子,好生培养一下,往往一个大罗圣尊跑不掉,若是资源足够充沛,圣尊后期也未尝不能达到! Even in clan does not have unnecessary Holy Picture, delivers to it Absolute Beginning Dao Palace or the army, takes the Dao Palace route or the military exploit route, has boundless prospects. 即便家族中没有多余的圣图,将其送到太初道宫或是军中,走道宫路线或是军功路线,亦是前途无量。 Generations bless ~ Immortal Clan True Immortal Old Ancestor examined a communication wrist watch, suddenly exciting tears, my scarlet cauldron seaside Immortal Clan Qian Clan, under birth first Tianyuan (Heavenly Origin) water Dao Body!” “列祖列宗庇佑啊~”一个仙族真仙老祖查看了一下通讯腕表,忽然激动的老泪纵横,“我赤鼎临海仙族钱氏,诞下先天元道体了!” outstanding talent of this True Immortal Old Ancestor originally thought clan careful training is missing, is a disaster, actually does not want so a good fortune unexpectedly. 这位真仙老祖原本以为家族精心培养的俊杰失踪,是一桩灾难,却不曾想竟会有如此一场造化。 To Immortal Clan, a child who has first Tianyuan (Heavenly Origin) water Dao Body bloodline, without doubt then one time is went against heaven's will changes the life the turning point, even if in the future will unable to become Holy Clan, at least can still mix a Immortal Clan. 对一个仙族来说,一个拥有先天元道体血脉的孩子,无疑便是一次逆天改命的契机,未来即使成不了圣族,至少也能混个仙族 Congratulates Qian Clan Old Ancestor.” Wang Anyao brings Wang Yueying to gather up to go, congratulation with a laugh said, this is a Wang Clan Clan School first grade admittance contract, asking Old Ancestor to glance.” “恭喜钱氏老祖。”王安曜带着王玥英凑上前去,笑呵呵的恭喜道,“这是一份王氏族学甲等入学契约,请老祖过目一下。” That Qian Clan True Immortal Old Ancestor had heard early the Wang Clan Clan School first grade admittance contract, has not actually seen, hearing this read a contract hastily, immediately was grasped the condition to shine by various superiorly is blind. 钱氏真仙老祖早听说过王氏族学甲等入学契约,却还没见过,闻言连忙翻看了一下契约,顿时被其中的各种优握条件亮瞎了眼。 Meanwhile, can make seaside Qian Clan with one of the Wang Clan strategic partnerships. 同时,也能令临海钱氏成为与王氏战略合作伙伴之一。 Qian Clan Old Ancestor is overjoyed, signed this precious first grade contract hastily tremblingly. 钱氏老祖大喜过望,连忙颤颤巍巍地签下了这份珍贵的甲等契约。 Suddenly, his surging emotions incomparably rush. 一时间,他心潮无比澎湃。 Scarlet cauldron seaside Qian Clan, must rise finally! 赤鼎临海钱氏,终于要崛起了! This first grade contract, naturally brought in vision that envies and envy innumerably. 这份甲等契约,自然是引来了无数羡慕和嫉妒的目光。 This seaside Qian Clan is the destiny is seriously uncommon, had/left Innate Dao Body unexpectedly. 这临海钱氏当真是气运不凡,竟然出了一个先天道体 According to the Wang Clan estimate calculation, in the this time talent birth tide, the Innate Dao Body total quantity should in twenty. 要知道,根据王氏预估推算,这一次天才出生潮中,先天道体的总数量应该在二十几个。 Even if Wang Clan, in the passing these years, the birth were the Innate Dao Body child quantity are not then many. Most so-called innate Dao Body, through having the bloodline improvement method of step, will train the day after tomorrow slowly. 即便是王氏,过往这些年里,出生便是先天道体的孩子数量也不多。大部分所谓“先天”道体,都是通过有步骤的血脉改善手段,后天慢慢培养上去的。 However, the highest bloodline rank of Innate Dao Body also not this birth tide. 然而,先天道体还并不是此次出生潮的最高血脉等级。 Quick, then presented a heaven and earth phenomenon that covers entire Changning Garrison, the power and influence is magnificent, shocking. 很快,便出现了一个笼罩整个长宁卫天地异象,威势辉煌,让人震惊。 Quick, then has the news to transmit. 很快,便有消息传来。 Murong Gaoda that to the lover, the birth got down innate Holy Child! 慕容高达那对情侣,诞下了一个先天圣子 Scarlet cauldron Holy Clan Murong Clan Old Ancestor Murong Mingliang obtains the news, immediately is moved to tears: Heaven does not lose my Murong Clan, in my clan history the first innate Holy Child birth!” 赤鼎圣族慕容氏老祖慕容明亮得到消息,登时激动得老泪纵横:“苍天不负我慕容氏,我族史上第一个先天圣子诞生了!” Also not strange Murong Mingliang is excited. 也不怪慕容明亮如此激动。 Murong Clan said that is also established Holy Clan, but also only then, when Holy Venerable takes turn, carefully will train to arrive at two Quasi Holy Child, later selects its one, inherits Holy Picture when Void Soaring Boundary, depends on inherits Holy Picture the baptism of heaven and earth essence, making the bloodline aptitude achieve Holy Child fourth grade. 慕容氏说起来也算是老牌圣族,但也只有在圣尊交替的时候,才会精心培养出一到两位准圣子,随后再择其一,在凌虚境时继承圣图,靠着继承圣图天地精华的洗礼,让血脉资质达到圣子丁等 Like this birth was the innate Holy Child situation, let alone in Holy Clan, even in the Xuanyuan Imperial Family history, were very rare. 像这种出生即先天圣子的情况,别说在圣族中了,即便是在轩辕皇室的历史中,都是非常罕见的。 Like that innate Holy Daughter that Xuanyuan Imperial Family has finally, is famous Linglong Princess , a birth betrothed to eldest son of legal wife Wang Clan lineage/vein Wang Youyue! 就像轩辕皇室最后出的那个先天圣女,便是大名鼎鼎的玲珑公主,一出生就许配给了王氏嫡长脉王宥岳 But Wang Clan last innate Holy Daughter, is Wang Baoguang daughter Wang Jinna. 王氏最后一个先天圣女,便是王宝光的女儿王瑾娜 She then places in the Wang Shouzhe yard since childhood waits on parents, similarly was was also a focus of public attention since childhood. 她从小便寄养在王守哲小院内承欢膝下,同样也是自幼便受到万众瞩目。 Such character, so long as the midway does not fall from the sky, in the future mostly can become the history to leave a good name big old. 此等人物,只要中途不陨落,未来多半能成为青史留名的大老。 This little while, in the Murong Mingliang heart incomparably rejoiced. 这会儿,慕容明亮心中无比庆幸。 Fortunately after initially he Murong Gaoda taught one ruthlessly, in line with the idea of relaxing two clans relating, making him flatter Wang Clan to make reparations, this had so the chance. 亏得当初他将慕容高达狠狠教训一顿后,本着缓和两族关系的想法,令他去巴结王氏赎罪,这才有了如此机缘。 Congratulates bright Old Ancestor, this ultra grade invited to glance.” Attitude of Wang Anyao to Murong Mingliang, all of a sudden becomes very affectionate, showed the strong winning over wish. “恭喜明亮老祖,这份超品契约请过目。”王安曜慕容明亮的态度,也是一下子变得非常亲昵,透出了强烈的拉拢意愿。 Did not need to look, obsolete trustworthy Wang Clan, this signed!” Murong Mingliang signs the contract rapidly, later eager looked to Wang Anyao, „can Mr. Anyao, obsolete later live Changning Garrison, to that child protector.” “不用看了,老朽信得过王氏,这就签!”慕容明亮迅速签下契约,随后眼巴巴的看向了王安曜,“安曜老总,老朽以后能不能长居长宁卫,给那孩子护道啊。” Wang Anyao said with a smile: Welcome bright Old Ancestor to live Changning. Our clan has may be for the Holy Venerable Old Ancestor execution much mission, you can make mission while convenient, accumulates some cultivation resources to the child.” 王安曜笑道:“欢迎明亮老祖长居长宁。我们家族有不少可供圣尊老祖执行的任务,您可以顺便做做任务,给孩子多攒些修炼资源。” Okay good!” Murong Mingliang was happy that laughs. “好好好!”慕容明亮高兴得哈哈大笑。 He had decided, the lifetime placed to train on clan innate Holy Child the remaining all energy. 他已经决定,有生之年就将剩下的所有精力都放在培养家族的先天圣子上了。 This is the clan future hope ~ 这可是家族未来的希望啊~ But with the birth of Cao Clan this innate Holy Child, quick, there is a two innate Holy Child birth. 而随着曹氏这一个先天圣子的诞生,很快,又有两个先天圣子诞生。 Looks at that imposing manner, must not be the Crystal Ancient Race person is reincarnated, but the final moment came by the sound attraction of Long River of Reincarnation, ancient and powerful True Spirit that enters randomly. 看那气势,应当不是晶古族人转世,而是最后关头被轮回长河的动静吸引而来,乱入进去的古老而强大的真灵 The baptism in Long River of Reincarnation was so long, leaving returns alive to be innate Holy Child, obviously certainly is not a weak one. 轮回长河中洗礼了那么久,出生还能是先天圣子,显然一定不是弱者。 The nature, their clan also signed the ultra grade admittance contract with Wang Clan. 自然,他们的家族也都与王氏签订了超品入学契约。 Also. 随之。 Under the attention of many people, scarlet cauldron Immortal Clan Chen Clan Mr. and Mrs. Chen Zhengyang, was the birth got down innate Holy Child. 在万众瞩目下,赤鼎仙族陈氏陈正阳夫妇,也是诞下了一个先天圣子 However, when this innate Holy Child birth heaven and earth phenomenon was more powerful and terrifying. 不过,这先天圣子出生时的天地异象更为强大和恐怖。 Obviously, this is that Crystal 13 the body of reincarnation, before him is reincarnated cultivation base, when birth this heaven and earth phenomenon, the bloodline aptitude of this newborn can achieve innate Holy Child second grade mostly! 十分显然,这就是那晶十三的转世之身,考虑到他转世前的修为,以及出生时这天地异象,这新生儿的血脉资质多半能达到先天圣子乙等 When this grade of bloodline aptitude, compared with Wang Youyue in the past birth also only missed partly plans. 这等血脉资质,比起王宥岳当年出生时也仅差半筹了。 By, Wang Youyue is really reincarnated as Wu Yue Immortal Emperor, had the opportunity to become innate Daoist Seed, but his True Spirit washed out to roam about in Long River of Reincarnation for a long time was very very long, the True Spirit intensity was worn down fiercely, naturally suffer a loss compared with Crystal 13. 真论起来,王宥岳作为武岳仙帝转世,原本是有机会成为先天道子的,只是他的真灵轮回长河中冲刷流浪了很久很久,真灵强度被消磨得厉害,自然要比晶十三吃亏许多。 Naturally, now this is only estimated that the bloodline aptitude of newborn actually how, but must wait to eight years old long, after having measured the aptitude, can determine, but the deviation will not be generally speaking big. 当然,如今这只是估计,新生儿的血脉资质究竟如何,还得等长到八岁,测过资质之后才能确定,但总体来讲偏差也不会很大。 Scarlet cauldron Chen Clan naturally is incomparably happy. Chen Clan Chen Tingwei Old Ancestor all of a sudden becomes a focus of attention. 赤鼎陈氏当然是无比高兴。陈氏陈霆威老祖更是一下子成为了众人瞩目的焦点。 But same time. 而同一时间段。 Wang Clan main house. 王氏主宅 Shouzhe yard, in vine winding pavilion. 守哲小院,藤蔓缠绕的凉亭之中。 Wang Shouzhe is drinking the deep soul tea, looks that in the sky that covered almost less than half Longzuo Commandery heaven and earth phenomenon, in the heart also somewhat surged faintly. 王守哲喝着冥魂茶,看着天空中那笼罩了几乎小半个陇左郡天地异象,心中也是隐隐有些激荡。 The heaven and earth phenomenon, has so surpassed initial Wang Youyue. 如此天地异象,已经超过了当初的王宥岳 this child, must be the Crystal 5 reincarnation. 此子,必是晶五转世。 The time that because he treats when Long River of Reincarnation is very short, in addition the chance is good, Crystal 5 body of the reincarnation is likely to achieve the rank in legend, namely, Qi Refining Boundary the bloodline awakening degree achieves seventh layer, endures compared with ordinary Divine Ability Boundary cultivator! 由于他在轮回长河中待的时间很短,加上机缘不错,晶五的这个转世之身有望达到传说中的级别,即,炼气境血脉觉醒程度就达到第七重,堪比普通的神通境修士 innate talent of this grade of rank, Wang Shouzhe also first seeing. 这等级别的先天资质,王守哲也还是第一次见。 Such character, if born in World of Immortals, trains quite, in the future will be accurate Divine Maiden, the character of would-be god child rank! 此等人物,若是诞生在仙界,好生培养一下,未来都是准神女,准神子级别的人物! If the luck is good, becoming Immortal Emperor is also absolutely possible. 若是运气好,成为仙帝也是完全有可能的。 Oh ~ ~ ~ Holy Territory this pool is too eventually small, accommodated more than big fish more and more.” When the Wang Shouzhe mind surges, in the heart is also filled with emotion, and other child grows, Holy Territory here Holy Picture and Dao Book feared that was the insufficient minute/share. Especially reincarnation of this Crystal 5, without the forbidden area inherits, then wasted aptitude.” “唉~~~圣域这池子终究太小,是越来越容不下一条条的大鱼了。”王守哲心神激荡之余,心中也是感慨万千,“等这些孩子成长起来,圣域这边的圣图道书怕是不够分了。尤其是这晶五的转世,若是没个禁区传承,便是浪费了天资。” But Dao Book and forbidden area inherit, where is that good homing? 道书和禁区传承,又哪里是那么好寻的? Wang Clan searched for these years, forbidden area that seeks formally also on two half, Dao Book also several, but also has the scheduled successor. 王氏搜寻了这么些年,正儿八经寻到的禁区也就两个半而已,道书也就几部,还都已经有了预定的继承人。 But counts next present Wang Clan to have the potential to become certainly the god child, the accurate Divine Maiden person, is counted Crystal 5, may have several. 而细数一下如今王氏内部有潜力成为准神子,准神女的人,算上晶五,可还有好几个。 To seek so many forbidden areas again, easier said than done? 想要再寻到那么多禁区,谈何容易? It seems like, the development of Shattered Territory must grasp. The forbidden area inherits is not easy to look, looks for several Dao Book first to withstand/top one good.” “看来,破灭之域的开发得抓紧了。禁区传承不好找,多找几部道书先顶一顶也行。” Moreover, must make a connection with the World of Immortals channel with a sense of urgency, a release Wang Clan involution pressure.” “另外,还是要抓紧打通去仙界的渠道,释放一下王氏内卷的压力。” ...... ……
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