POP :: Volume #8

#26: From the reincarnation involution!

...... Crystal 5 as the 19th stage powerhouse, theoretically has achieved can shoulder Long River of Reincarnation hardly, boundary of unique samsara , is therefore accommodated by the universe Heavenly Dao principle. ……晶五身为十九阶强者,理论上已经达到了能够硬扛轮回长河,超脱轮回的境界,也是因此而被宇宙天道法则所不容。 No matter, like him 19th stage powerhouse, once exposes in Lord the world Heavenly Dao principle range, is very likely to bring in the chaos purple gold thunder the crazy bang. 无论什么时候,像他这样的十九阶强者一旦暴露在主世界天道法则范围之中,就极有可能引来混沌紫金雷的狂轰。 However this time, his Crystal 5 remaining soul also places in Long River of Reincarnation, is bearing Long River of Reincarnation impacts wave after wave. 但是这一次,他晶五残魂还身处在轮回长河之中,正在承受着轮回长河一波接着一波的冲击。 Theoretically, the Heavenly Dao principle will think him now 理论上来说,天道法则会认为他现在正在 Submitting to punishment, will not urge the chaos purple gold thunder to rumble he. But he has not thought, thunder tribulation appeared. “伏法”,自不会驱使混沌紫金雷轰他。可他万万没想到,雷劫就这么出现了。 Moreover, the might of this thunder tribulation, still stronger unexpectedly a big truncation compared with the thunder tribulation might that he usually suffers! 而且,此次雷劫之威力,竟然比他平常遭受的雷劫威力犹要强一大截! Actually Crystal 5 does not know from the start, this thunder tribulation does not aim at him. Regarding universe Heavenly Dao, the powerhouse of unique samsara is no doubt hateful, but must discuss the priority, moistens the different world guest aura the soul priority to above Crystal 5 this unique samsara. 其实晶五压根就不知道,此次雷劫根本不是针对他而来。对于宇宙天道而言,超脱轮回的强者固然可恶,但要论优先级,沾有异世界来客气息的灵魂优先级要远在晶五这个超脱轮回者之上。 No matter when or where, once this grade of different world guest were detected by Heavenly Dao, lowers the heavenly thunder to extinguish it surely instantly kills. 无论何时何地,这等异界来客一旦被天道察觉,必定是即刻降下天雷将其灭杀。 But at this moment, Crystal 5 simply does not have other choices, he even ponders without enough time too many, the might of chaos purple gold thunder is so powerful, no matter if he, clansman soul definitely the ash in the chaos purple gold thunder will fly to annihilate. 而此刻,晶五根本没有其他选择,他甚至来不及思考太多,混沌紫金雷的威力如此强大,他若是不管,族人神魂必然会在混沌紫金雷中灰飞湮灭。 Saw that the chaos purple gold thunder must rumble, the Crystal 5 flash flushed, shouldered the purple gold thunder hardly. 眼看着混沌紫金雷就要轰下来,晶五第一瞬间就冲了出去,硬扛住了紫金雷。 Rumble ~!” The dense and numerous thunder shelled ruthlessly on him, he broken soul shivered fiercely, had only been left over strength of the less than half soul unable to support again, starts to be defeated and dispersed crazily. “轰隆隆~!”密密麻麻的雷霆狠狠轰击在了他身上,他本就残破的神魂剧烈颤抖,本就已经只剩下一小半的神魂之力再也支撑不住,开始疯狂溃散。 He originally sober consciousness, starts to be washed by Long River of Reincarnation, starting becomes not sober. 就连他原本清醒的意识,也开始受到轮回长河的洗涤,开始变得不清醒起来。 Even so, Crystal 5 supported with the strong willpower obstinately, puts together the strength of last soul big several hundred about thousand clansman souls to bind hardly, will then fling ruthlessly in the future, threw in them Long River of Reincarnation. 但即便如此,晶五愣是凭着强大的意志力撑了下来,硬拼着最后一点神魂之力将大几百近千的族人灵魂裹住,而后狠狠往后一甩,将他们重新丢回了轮回长河之中。 Was washed by Long River of Reincarnation, always compared with vanished in a puff of smoke to be better under the chaos purple gold thunder. Completes all these, the Crystal 5 broken soul cannot support finally again, the radical dissipation disappears, only leaves behind together True Spirit, was pulled by Long River of Reincarnation swayingly. 轮回长河洗涤,总比在混沌紫金雷下灰飞烟灭要好。做完这一切,晶五残破的灵魂终于再也支撑不住,彻底消散泯灭,仅留下一道真灵,晃晃悠悠地被轮回长河扯了回去。 Crash-bang ~ spans the Long River of Reincarnation mighty waves in void sea to turn like giant Heavenly River wells up, the strength of one after another invisible samsara changes into the numerous vortex, all souls is involved in washes out crazily. “哗啦啦~”如同巨型天河般横亘在虚空海中的轮回长河波涛翻涌,一道道无形的轮回之力化为重重漩涡,将所有灵魂卷入其中疯狂冲刷起来。 Again and again was provoked, Long River of Reincarnation at this moment has erupted the terrifying strength under of action of force unceasingly stimulated backlash, is almost suddenly, these souls the strength of soul were then stripped in the washout of Long River of Reincarnation rapidly, only left behind True Spirit of most core. 一而再再而三地受到挑衅,此刻的轮回长河在不断被激发的反噬之力作用下已然爆发出了恐怖的力量,几乎是眨眼间,那些灵魂的灵魂之力便在轮回长河的冲刷中被迅速剥离,只留下了最核心的真灵 But so, Long River of Reincarnation does not prepare to let off this group of stowaways even as before , to continue to inspire the samsara principle to wash out these True Spirit unceasingly repeatedly, does not wash the stance of them in vain not allowing to pass thoroughly. 可即便如此,轮回长河依旧不准备放过这群偷渡客,继续引动轮回法则不断反复冲刷着那些真灵,一副不将它们彻底洗白白绝不放行的架势。 Hence, Crystal 5 organization carries the memory and personality samsara massively sneaks across the plan then to end in failure thoroughly. 至此,晶五组织的大规模携带记忆和人格轮回偷渡计划便彻底宣告失败。 But this entire accident, appears from special True Spirit to mixing in the Crystal Ancient Race clansman, was only remained True Spirit to Crystal 5 by chaos purple gold thunder explosion to the soul again shatter, but happening in the short moments, almost all people have not responded with enough time. 而这整个变故,从特殊真灵出现到混入晶古族族人之中,再到晶五被混沌紫金雷轰到灵魂破碎只剩真灵,不过发生在短短片刻之间,几乎所有人都没来得及反应过来。 Wang Chen lun pressure quickly wanes all of a sudden, the entire tree has not responded, looks the present situation is dumbfounded. 王辰轮一下子压力骤减,整棵树却还没有反应过来,看着眼前的情况目瞪口呆。 God Sovereign Cang Ping and Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord and other numerous are greatly old, at this moment cannot bear look the strange color. This what situation? 苍平神皇天衍道主等一众大老们,此刻也都忍不住面露古怪之色。这什么情况? In this final moment, actually did Crystal 5 suffer what disaster? Actually this sudden chaos purple gold thunder touches which strip sensitive nerve of Heavenly Dao principle? 在这最后关头,晶五究竟是遭受了什么劫难?这突如其来的混沌紫金雷究竟是触动到了天道法则的哪条敏感神经? Under is puzzling, finally, one crowd of greatly old looks spooky looked to Wang Anye. This should not be Anye 百思不得其解之下,最终,一群大老都眼神幽幽的看向了王安业。这该不会是安业 , Brought in chaos purple gold thunder thunder tribulation as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced? Wang Anye flexure the cheeks, argued awkwardly weakly: Eh...... I, if said that all these have not related with me, everyone Senior letter/believes?” His little while also somewhat is actually dumbstruck. “言出法随”,引来了混沌紫金雷雷劫吧?王安业尴尬地挠了挠脸颊,弱弱辩解:“额……我要是说这一切都跟我没关系,诸位前辈信吗?”他这会儿其实也有些发懵。 He under superstition of no reason Great Grandfather to his luck, braced oneself to develop one wave, who thinks that the plan of Crystal 5 was really disintegrated unexpectedly? 他不过是迫于太爷爷对他运气的无端迷信,硬着头皮演了一波而已,谁想晶五的计划居然就真的被瓦解了呢? His has Wang Anye really gone to situation as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced? It is not right, this not possible...... perhaps, but is his luck is slightly good, but the luck is good, isn't very ordinary matter? 难道,他王安业真的已经达到言出法随的地步了吗?不对,这不可能……也许,只不过是他运气稍微好一点而已,可运气好,不是很平常的事情吗? He somewhat could not think through......, but, even if cannot think through again, matter will still continue. But was protected very much good directional samsara meter by everyone, this little while also still calmly and steadily according to established program run. 他有些想不通了……不过,就算再想不通,事情也还是会继续下去。而被所有人保护得很好的定向轮回仪,这会儿也还仍旧在安稳地按照既定的程序运行着。 On people dazed the small meeting time, returned to Long River of Reincarnation these Crystal Ancient Race souls to experience crazy of cylinder washing machine 就众人愣神的这一小会功夫,重归轮回长河的那些晶古族灵魂已经经历了一番滚筒洗衣机似的疯狂 Scrubbing. And some weak soul had been washed in vain, starts under hauling light beam guidance that in the directional samsara meter launches, swayingly flutters. “搓洗”。其中一些较弱的灵魂已经被洗白白,开始在定向轮回仪发射出的牵引光柱引导下,晃晃悠悠的飘荡下来。 Sees that Wang Chen lun responds immediately, fishes these to wash white True Spirit to start with the samsara branch to inspect. 见状,王辰轮立刻反应过来,用轮回枝条一把捞住那些洗白真灵开始检查起来。 Over and over has inspected several, determined that True Spirit indeed was washed cleanly, and achieves standard that the samsara was reincarnated, he then stamps to put them to pass. 再三检查过数遍,确定真灵的确被洗干净,并且达到了轮回转世的标准,他这才盖章放他们过去。 As long as in True Spirit a little contamination, infiltrates in Long River of Reincarnation to accept two baptism immediately. Without the disturbance of Crystal 5, Wang Chen lun starts these to come to have a familiar task and handle it with ease, but these lost the consciousness only to have the instinct True Spirit, did not have to escape his control together. 但凡真灵中有一点污秽者,立刻打入轮回长河中接受二次洗礼。没有了晶五的干扰,王辰轮做起这些来已然是驾轻就熟,而那些失去了意识只剩下本能的真灵,也没有一道能逃过他的掌控。 Even if were once 19th stage powerhouse Crystal 5, where in front of controlling Wang Chen lun of samsara principle to had not gone. 哪怕是曾经的十九阶强者晶五,在掌控了轮回法则的王辰轮面前也没强到哪里去。 Unknowingly, this reincarnation samsara then starts becomes systematic. Sees that Wang Shouzhe is hanging the heart also fell. 不知不觉,此次转世轮回便开始变得井然有序起来。见状,王守哲悬着的心也落了下来。 He arranges the God Sovereign Cang Ping and other Dao Lord levels dead of old age support beginning day God Sovereign immediately greatly. Beginning day God Sovereign to direct the cataclysm beast, but drew the limit the hatred value, this little while could not soon have withstood under the cataclysm beast pointed attack. 他立刻安排苍平神皇道主级大老去支援始天神皇。始天神皇为了把灾变兽引走,可是把仇恨值拉到了极限,这会儿在灾变兽针对性的攻击下已经快要顶不住了。 Does not support, waits for beginning day God Sovereign to come back, feared that can the mutter 100 years near his ear, blackmail his big pile while convenient again the thing. 再不支援,等始天神皇回来,怕是能在他耳边碎碎念一百年,顺便再讹他一大堆好东西。 However with the Wang Shouzhe discrete excessive style, the side naturally must keep a guard. Initially flickered that 19th stage Psuedo Divine Beast White Tiger that from the life-forbidden zone, now in his personal bodyguard, to prevent the accident/surprise to happen. 不过以王守哲谨慎过度的行事风格,身边自然不会不留个护卫。当初从生命禁区忽悠回来的那头十八阶伪神兽白虎,如今就在他身边贴身护卫,以防止有意外发生。 By the White Tiger 19th stage battle efficiency, has dealt with overwhelming majority situations sufficiently. Over time, samsara reincarnation methodical is conducting, True Spirit that unknowingly, in Long River of Reincarnation flutters are getting fewer and fewer, fewer and fewer...... quick, the big several hundred over a thousand souls only had the last wave still to wait to examine in lining up, included repeatedly washed out ten six seventh stage True Spirit, Crystal 5 True Spirit, as well as that say/way special True Spirit. 白虎十八阶的战斗力,已经足以应对绝大部分情况了。随着时间的流逝,轮回转世有条不紊的进行着,不知不觉,轮回长河中飘荡的真灵越来越少,越来越少……很快,原本大几百上千的灵魂就只剩下最后一波还在排队等候检验,其中就包括了反复被冲刷的十六七阶真灵,晶五真灵,以及那道特殊真灵 And, Crystal 5 True Spirit as the key attention object, had scrubbed many times in Long River of Reincarnation repeatedly, finally after Wang Chen lun examination, determined that Crystal 5 True Spirit basically had been washed white, only left behind some instinct, this was permitted the reincarnation. 其中,晶五真灵作为重点关注对象,已经在轮回长河中反复洗刷了很多次,最后经过王辰轮的审查,确定晶五真灵基本已经被洗白,只留下了些许本能,这才被允许去投胎。 But that say/way special True Spirit, Wang Chen lun has not discovered what unusuality. That say/way mechanical sound of concealed in True Spirit deep place sees extremely through the examination, relaxes greatly. 而那道特殊真灵,王辰轮则是没发现什么异常。藏在真灵极深处的那道机械音见通过审查,也是大松一口气。 This world powerhouse was too abnormal, making him feel the enormous danger. Luckily it sees the situation is not right, making original True Spirit repeatedly flush in Long River of Reincarnation, turned into blank True Spirit thoroughly. 这个世界的强者太变态了,让他感觉到了极大的危险。幸亏它见得局势不对,让原真灵轮回长河中反复冲洗,彻底变成了一个空白真灵 Although then, the True Spirit personality did not exist, but is at least safe. Clear to see all smooth, under its heart also stabilizes , to continue to control True Spirit of host to mix in the team, moves fast to the whereabouts goes following the hauling light beam that the directional samsara meter projects, the preparation enters the next link, the reincarnation. 虽然如此一来,原本真灵的人格是不复存在了,可至少安全。眼见得一切顺利,它心下也安定下来,继续操控着宿主的真灵混在队伍之中,飘飘忽忽地顺着定向轮回仪所射出的牵引光束向下落去,准备进入下一个环节,投胎。 However. It just now flutters downward far not. Suddenly, the space crack appears together suddenly. The Wang Shouzhe form takes a step from inside, falls by inspection hole that in Wang Chen lun established. 然而。它才刚往下飘了没多远。忽而,一道空间裂缝蓦然出现。王守哲的身影从里面迈步而出,落在了王辰轮设置的检验口旁边。 Chen turns Old Ancestor to hold on a minute, finally this batch of True Spirit need to inspect again.” Wang Shouzhe behind also follows a robust mature guy. “辰轮老祖且慢,最后这批真灵需要再次检查一番。”王守哲的身后还跟着一个虎头虎脑的壮年大汉。 The guy was higher than a head Wang Shouzhe, the whole body was covered with the shank meat not saying that the look was also vicious , the whole body was the valiant air/Qi. 那大汉足足比王守哲高了一个头,浑身都长满了腱子肉不说,眼神也是凶狠非常,满身都是彪悍之气。 That stance, even if wears the brocade clothes magnificent dress, seems like also snatches probably. This fellow, naturally then acts as 19th stage White Tiger of guard Wang Shouzhe! 那架势,哪怕穿着锦衣华服,看起来也像是抢来的。这家伙,自然便是充当王守哲护卫的十八阶白虎了! This fellow is wild wildly has been long, has never given the name to oneself, the life old tree is also calling of White Tiger White Tiger. 这家伙原来一直都是野生野长的,从未给自己取过名字,就连生命古树也一直都是白虎白虎的叫。 After joining Wang Clan, he had the life's first name, is called Wang Yinhu. 一直到加入王氏之后,他才算是有了此生第一个名字,叫做【王寅虎】。 Although this fellow the temperament is not good, three view also a little issues, but the thought is pure, is a frank or straightforward person, so long as is supplying him delicious tastily, he basically too does not care other, why lets, lets protect Wang Shouzhe to defend him proximally, so long as Wang Shouzhe does not open the mouth, anybody said that any words are useless. 这家伙虽然脾气不大好,三观也有点问题,但思想单纯,是个直肠子,只要好吃好喝地供着他,他基本就不太关心别的,让干什么干什么,让保护王守哲就一直寸步不离地守着他,只要王守哲不开口,其他任何人说任何话都没用。 „Can Shouzhe examine Crystal 5 again?” Wang Chen lun sees him to come first to stare, immediately probably responded anything resembles, asked with a smile, 守哲是要再次检验晶五吗?”王辰轮见他过来先是一愣,随即像是反应过来什么似的,笑着问道, I careful investigates passed/lived, Crystal 5 True Spirit cleaned unusual was clean.” “我已经仔细查过了,晶五真灵已经被清洗的非常干净了。” As for some memory fragments that True Spirit have, this is the innate intelligence part, as the promotion of growth and strength of age will gradually awaken, will not affect the formation of child self- personality.” Wang Clan reincarnation rebirth are many, the awakening innate intelligence in the development process, the aptitude will be much higher, the situation of awakening innate intelligence is more common, this degree is the normal category. “至于真灵内部带有的一些记忆碎片,这都属于宿慧部分,会随着年龄的增长和实力的提升逐渐觉醒,并不会影响孩子自我人格的形成。”王氏转世重生者很多,其中不少都会在成长过程中觉醒宿慧,资质越高,觉醒宿慧的情况就越常见,这种程度算是正常范畴。 Who would imagine, Wang Shouzhe actually shakes the head, then aimed at one to seem like very common True Spirit: No, I must inspect this True Spirit.” He refers, impressively is that special True Spirit. 岂料,王守哲却摇了摇头,转而指向了一个看起来非常不起眼的真灵:“不,我是要检查一下这个真灵。”他指的,赫然就是那个特殊真灵 The system of True Spirit core place was frightened trembled. No, can't? Did it where reveal the secret? 真灵核心处的系统被吓得哆嗦了一下。不,不会吧?难道它哪里露馅了? Is insufficient, he is very obviously discrete, even does not dare to attempt to pervert in True Spirit of host, feared that was always detected greatly by this group exceptionally. 不至于啊,他明明已经很谨慎了,甚至都没敢在宿主的真灵里做手脚,就是怕被这帮大老察觉出异常。 This True Spirit looks not strong, I have also inspected, washes very cleanly.” Wang Chen lun somewhat has doubts, “这个真灵看起来不强,我也检查过了,洗得非常干净。”王辰轮有些疑惑, Is it possible that has what not right place?” “莫非有什么不对劲的地方吗?” In this reincarnation rebirth process, my deep black Shenzhou has been using the secret souvenir photo to record all.” The Wang Shouzhe look is tranquil, the tone is a little serious, “此次转世重生过程中,我的玄青神舟一直在用天机留影记录着一切。”王守哲神色平静,语气却有点严肃, Previously I felt like is not quite a little right, then around reads a chaos purple gold thunder arrived at the souvenir photo, discovered that this True Spirit is somewhat strange.” During the speeches, Wang Shouzhe extends conveniently, the strength of tyrannical incomparable attracting absorbing then spreads from his palm, grasped into that True Spirit the palm. “先前我隐约觉得有点不太对劲,便重新看了一下混沌紫金雷降临前后的留影,发现这个真灵有些古怪。”说话间,王守哲随手一伸,一股强横无比的吸摄之力便自他掌心蔓延而出,一把将那个真灵抓入了掌心之中。 The strength of powerful soul searches into True Spirit, conducted a deep level scanning carefully, his forehead then could not bear wrinkle. 强大的神魂之力探入真灵之中,细细进行了一遍深层次扫描,他的眉心便忍不住皱了起来。 This True Spirit indeed washed cleanness. However, is very clean, does not represent strangely. spiritual sense is not multipurpose. 真灵的确被洗的干干净净。不过,很干净,并不代表没有古怪。神念也不是万能的。 The Wang Shouzhe hesitation moment, is knitting the brows to say suddenly: Although is somewhat cruel, but for safety, annihilates this True Spirit.” What? 王守哲沉吟片刻,忽然皱着眉说道:“虽然有些残忍,但是为了安全起见,还是把这个真灵湮灭掉吧。”啥? The counterattack system of True Spirit deep place was scared immediately. It has bet all preparation again reborn through reincarnation thoroughly, wants to obtain a brand-new beginning, has not actually thought, the plan has not started to be defeated unexpectedly. 真灵深处的逆袭系统登时傻眼了。它都已经彻底赌上了一切准备重新转世投胎,想获得一个全新的起点,却不曾想,计划还未开始居然就失败了。 Wait, won't this human be cheating it? The system just had this thought at heart, then felt that the strength of Wang Shouzhe palm has lived in the True Spirit circle layer upon layer, the terrifying strength function above True Spirit, True Spirit starts to distort instantaneously. 等等,这人类不会是在诈它吧?系统心里刚生出这个念头,便感觉王守哲掌心的力量已经将真灵层层圈住,恐怖的力量作用在真灵之上,真灵瞬间就开始变形。 Wait!” Under matter of life and death, the system cannot hide finally again. True Spirit that it parasites shivers slightly, a mysterious and unobservable strength searched from inside, changes into the mechanical sound near the ear of Wang Shouzhe. “等等!”生死攸关下,系统终于再也藏不下去。它寄生的真灵微微颤抖,一股玄妙而难以察觉的力量从里面探了出来,化为机械音响起在王守哲的耳边。 This greatly old, I am only a system tool. My Harajuku lord True Spirit the washed cleanness, will not affect the child to mold the personality, I want to throw an embryo properly.” “这位大老,我只是一个系统工具。我的原宿主真灵已经被洗的干干净净,不会影响孩子重新塑造人格的,我就是正正经经想投个胎而已。” System?” Wang Shouzhe is slightly stunned. He guessed this True Spirit has the issue, then the decision cheats him to cheat, has not actually thought, cheats a system unexpectedly. “系统?”王守哲微微错愕。他只是猜测这真灵有问题,便决定诈他一诈而已,却不曾想,竟然诈出个系统来。 You are an earth, no, you are indigenous people, does not understand this normally also......” who would imagine, he has not said, Wang Shouzhe broke him on cold sound: I know certainly that the system is anything. Which direction system are you?” “您是个土,不,您是个原住民,不懂这个也正常……”岂料,他还未说完,王守哲就冷声打断了他:“我当然知道系统是什么。你是哪个方向的系统?” Counterattack assistance system.” The mechanical sound seems afraid Wang Shouzhe very much, the reply, was fast rapid its principle explained that for example will be different according to the environment situation, design different situation auxiliary flows wait/etc. “逆袭辅助系统。”机械音似乎很害怕王守哲,回答的飞快,然后飞速将它的原理讲解了一下,例如会根据环境情况不同,设计不同情况的辅助流程等等。 So long as the host can complete system mission, he can steal to strength of the part of Heavenly Dao, can provide to various host rewards, various resources, so long as the mission overall is enough, the reward will also be considerable. 只要宿主能完成系统任务,他就能窃取到一部分天道之力,可以提供给宿主各种奖励,各种资源,只要任务积分足够,奖励也会非常可观。 However, if cannot complete mission, will punish! 不过,若是完不成任务,也会有所惩罚! I most excel is assists the host to rise from the negligible, steps onto life's peak. So long as you give my host again reborn through reincarnation opportunity time, I will certainly repay your family well.” “我最擅长的就是辅助宿主从微末中崛起,一路走上人生巅峰。只要您给我的宿主一次重新转世投胎的机会,我一定会好好报答你们家的。” Our family/home non- negligible, and has been moving toward life's peak, having no need for you assisting.” The Wang Shouzhe rejection said. “我们家不微末,而且已经在走向人生巅峰了,用不着你来辅助。”王守哲拒绝道。 If he can obtain a system from the beginning, that is very happy matter, but...... is such a broken counterattack system useful at present? 如果一开始他能获得个系统,那是挺高兴的事情,可眼下……就这么一个破逆袭系统有什么用? Can it win 19th stage Demon Race to be supreme? Can change the 13th grade wonder drug baseless? Obviously cannot, otherwise, will not be held by him with ease. 它能打赢十九阶魔族至尊吗?能凭空变出十三品神药吗?显然都是不能的,否则,也不会被他轻松抓住。 The counterattack system is also speechless. Bumps into the extremely rich and powerful family, its this counterattack auxiliary function is really is also incapable quite ~ it can assist to be the Tongyi Road counterattack moves toward successfully, may be unable to support others already in the peak ~ nearby Wang Chen lun hears also to express admiration: This system function sounds, seems in the meritorious system with clan to be similar, the clansman completes mission to have the extra resources reward. Shouzhe, this thing not necessarily is also useless.” 逆袭系统也是一阵无语。碰到太过有钱有势的家庭,它这个逆袭辅助功能还真是好生无力~它是能辅助系统一路逆袭走向成功,可架不住人家已经在巅峰了啊~一旁的王辰轮听得也是啧啧称奇:“这个系统功能听起来,好似和家族里的功勋系统差不多,族人完成任务有额外资源奖励。守哲,这东西也不见得没用啊。” Chen turned Old Ancestor saying that looked?” Wang Shouzhe knits the brows slightly. “辰轮老祖说说看呢?”王守哲微微皱眉。 It did not say that can assist to rise? If lets it and Youyue that brat unifies, can urge the Youyue boy to grow rapidly?” Wang Chen lun has almost the idea immediately, the tone is sigh with emotion, “它不是说可以辅助崛起吗?如果让它和宥岳那臭小子结合起来,岂不是能敦促宥岳小子快速成长?”王辰轮几乎是立刻就有了主意,语气感慨, Our family/home Youyue was too lazy, this can return to the position of Immortal Emperor lord knows when ~ “咱们家宥岳太懒了,这猴年马月才能重归仙帝之位啊~” „It is not good!” The counterattack system is agitated. It seems like fears to enrage Wang Shouzhe, it also explained hastily weakly: I have bound Harajuku lord True Spirit, is unable to relieve binding, once the host True Spirit ash flew to annihilate, I did not have.” “不行!”逆袭系统语气激动。似乎是怕触怒王守哲,它连忙又弱弱解释:“我已经绑定了原宿主真灵,无法解除绑定,一旦宿主真灵灰飞湮灭了,我也就没了。” That is can become the Youyue child, urged Youyue to grow indirectly. It did not say a moment ago, can be different according to the environment, pushes to spread out the different assistance growth line?” Wang Chen lun actually not discouraged, the look shines continues to suggest, “那还是可以成为宥岳的孩子,间接敦促宥岳成长起来。刚才它不是说了,可以根据环境不同,推衍出不同的辅助成长线路来?”王辰轮却没气馁,眼神放光地继续建议, Shouzhe you conceive, our these are the elder does not have the means with him, even/including his mother punches him to be useless. But if has a son, daily urged the father to progress......” 守哲你设想一下啊,咱们这些做长辈的拿他没办法,连他母亲揍他都没用。可是如果有个儿子,天天敦促爹要上进……” This idea is good.” A Wang Shouzhe slightly ponder, cannot bear the slight nod, “这主意还行。”王守哲略一思考,也忍不住微微点头, Then, is favorable for Youyue, is also favorable for the child. Believes that Youyue will definitely consider for the child. The counterattack assistance system, can you achieve?” In a twinkling, the counterattack assistance system was about to cry. “如此一来,既对宥岳有利,对孩子也有利。相信宥岳肯定会为孩子考虑的。逆袭辅助系统,你能做到吗?”霎时间,逆袭辅助系统都快哭了。 What odd customer private customization demand is this? This system is to think peaceful brings the host to throw an embryo. 这是什么离谱的客户私人定制需求?本系统就是想安安静静带着宿主投个胎而已。 However things have gotten to this point, can turn to obtain it to say no good? Always said greatly, it must. Immediately, it shivers the body to express tremblingly feasible, even if not feasible, does everything possible still good. 不过事已至此,能轮得到它说不行吗?大老说可以,它就必须可以。当即,它颤颤巍巍地颤动着身体表示可行,就算不可行,想尽办法也得行。 This clan seemed like too powerful, so long as can the reincarnation go to their home, that was the good fortune that eight lifetime cultivated/repaired, wasn't stirs up the father? 这个家族看起来太强大了,只要能投胎去他们家,那就是八辈子修来的福分,不就是激爹吗? Although he has not tried, but can study...... 他虽然没试过,但可以学…… Since this, I then agreed that you participate in the reincarnation plan.” Wang Shouzhe then let off it, “既然这样,我便同意你参与转世计划。”王守哲这才放过了它, But, we will not open the back door for you. Then your oneself competitive appointment, can in, unable on even, still to show that you are not very powerful.” Receives in exchange for the resources with the strength of Heavenly Dao principle baseless, sounds like very good appearance, the strength of Heavenly Dao principle but in fact also such, it can get so far as is limited, the resources that can harvest are also naturally limited. “不过,我们并不会为你开后门。接下来你自己竞争上岗,能上就上,不能上就算,也说明你不够强大。”用天道法则之力凭空换取资源,听起来好像很牛的样子,但实际上也就那样,它能弄到的天道法则之力是有限的,能收获的资源自然也是有限的。 Also, Wang Shouzhe suspected that very much its emerging out of thin air resources, in fact is the space shift larceny......, if so, the effect must fall short greatly. 再说了,王守哲很怀疑它那个凭空出现资源,实际上就是空间转移偷窃……若是如此,效果还得大打折扣。 But by Wang Clan now the huge industry chain, the resources and income that every year can produce is the true astronomical figures. 而以王氏如今庞大的产业链,每年能产生的资源和收入才是真正的天文数字。 You must make the system steal, he cannot steal so many resources. As the Wang Shouzhe agreement allows to pass, finally this wavelet reincarnation then started again. 你要让系统去偷,他也偷不来那么多资源。随着王守哲同意放行,最后这一小波投胎便再度开始了。 The first raid over a thousand couples of Crystal Ancient Race plan, have more than 900 pairs successfully to match at this time, but True Spirit that remaining has not matched also only has 20-30. 原本晶古族计划的第一批次上千对夫妇,此时已有九百多对成功匹配,而剩下未匹配的真灵也仅有20-30个而已。 Reason that will have some vacancies, is because in conflict and under the bombardment of chaos purple gold thunder, even if there is a Crystal 5 protection, some extremely emaciated or the luck not good True Spirit also ash flew to annihilate. 之所以会出现一些空缺,也是因为在一次次的冲突和混沌紫金雷的轰击下,哪怕有晶五保护,一些太过孱弱或是运气不好的真灵也还是灰飞湮灭了。 But competitive appointments between this batch of True Spirit, started. This time Crystal 5, according to the instinct and preinstall, naturally replaced the Crystal 13 position naturally, under the hauling light beam direction of directional samsara meter, accelerates toward Wang Youyue and Linglong Princess room falls. 而这批真灵之间的竞争上岗,也就此开始了。此时的晶五,按照本能和预设,自然是理所当然的取代了晶十三的位置,在定向轮回仪的牵引光束指引下,加速朝王宥岳玲珑公主的房间坠去。 Special True Spirit with the help of counterattack system, closely follows after Crystal 5. But Crystal 13 can only back off, under the assistance of directional samsara meter, that side reincarnation goes toward Cao Wenbai and tricky Mr. and Mrs. Wanyu. 特殊真灵在逆袭系统的帮助下,紧紧跟在晶五之后。而晶十三只能退而求其次,在定向轮回仪的辅助下,朝曹文柏与刁婉玉夫妇那边投胎而去。 As for Crystal 68, the reincarnation goal was arranged on Mr. and Mrs. Wang Yanjiao. However in this time, is covering Destiny Tree Wang Baofu above various room actually stretches oneself, the luxuriant crown stretches, myriad ribbons sway gently, under the destiny perturbation, some unknowable mysterious changes happened in this unknowingly. 至于晶六十八,投胎目标则被安排在了王宴骄夫妇身上。然而正在此时,笼罩在诸房间之上的气运之树王宝福却是伸了个懒腰,繁茂的树冠舒展开来,万千丝绦轻轻拂动,气运扰动下,一些不可知的玄妙变化就在这不经意间发生了。 This was Wang Baofu was naturally attempting to pervert in secret, helped the boost with the destiny to the Wang Clan children. Especially Baofu, does not want Crystal 13 born very much Mr. and Mrs. Cao Wenbai in the family/home. 这自然是王宝福在暗中做手脚了,用气运给王氏的孩子们助助力。尤其是宝福,很不愿意晶十三降生到曹文柏夫妇家里去。 Also in this flash. Followed closely in a Crystal 5 behind special True Spirit suddenly acceleration, surpassed Crystal 5 True Spirit courageous, but also hit him ruthlessly. 也就是在这一瞬间。原本紧随在晶五身后的特殊真灵忽然一个加速,勐地超过了晶五真灵,还狠狠地撞了一下他。 But Crystal 5 True Spirit is not a vegetarian, even if it consciousness the chaos now, is only saving some instinct, regarding reincarnation rigid will also make him not give other True Spirit the opportunity. 晶五真灵也不是吃素的,哪怕如今它意识混沌,仅存着些许本能,对于投胎的执着也让他绝不会把机会让给别的真灵 Almost is immediately, he caught up to pursue. Both sides tries to overtake each other, each other dashing, under entanglement True Spirit that affected the surrounding other reincarnations. 几乎是立刻,他就发力追了上去。双方一阵你追我赶,彼此冲撞,纠缠之下连带着影响到了周围其他转世的真灵 Suddenly, last batch of reincarnation True Spirit made one group directly randomly. Finally, that say/way special True Spirit burnt all strengths, forestalled Crystal 5 one step under last time dashing, the successful reincarnation was reincarnated in the Linglong Princess body. 一时间,最后一批转世真灵直接乱作了一团。最终,那道特殊真灵燃烧了所有的力量,在最后一次冲撞下抢先了晶五一步,成功投胎转世到了玲珑公主身体中。 But at the same time, that say/way mechanical sound 而与此同时,那道机械音 Drop, the energy exhausted. A drop did not have, really a drop did not have...... him to think that peaceful threw an embryo, this also was too difficult. “滴”了一声,能量耗尽。一滴都没了,真的一滴都没有了……他就想安安静静投个胎而已,这一路也太难了。 Is filled in mutter, because the counterattack system the energy exhausted to fall into the deep sleep. Energy that waits for it to save enough regains consciousness, after must be very long . 满心碎碎念中,逆袭系统因为能量耗尽而陷入了沉睡。等它重新积攒够苏醒的能量,想必是要很久之后了。 So finally, naturally confused the Crystal 5 preinstall and plan completely, moreover probably Dominoes provoked the chain-reaction. 如此结果,自然是完全搅乱了晶五的预设和计划,而且像是多米诺牌般引起了连锁反应。 Ten sixth level Crystal Ancient Race True Spirit, in 一个十六级晶古族真灵,在 Confusion and under the arrangement of destiny, the reincarnation entered Mr. and Mrs. Cao Wenbai in the family/home. Under cut off Crystal 5 True Spirit of way, the instinct urged, plans to reborn through reincarnation to enter the suboptimal solution in the Wang Yanjiao family/home that the result and comes this's Crystal 13 each other to compete and resist similarly. “混乱”和命运的安排下,投胎进了曹文柏夫妇家里。被断绝了去路的晶五真灵,本能驱使下,欲图转世投胎进次优解的王宴骄家里,结果和同样来此的晶十三彼此争夺和对抗起来。 But at this time, Crystal 68 is not dry, but Mr. and Mrs. Wang Yanjiao his parents! Finally, Crystal Ancient Race three big True Spirit, started falling over one another sky over Room Wang Yanjiao. 但在这时候,晶六十八也不干了,王宴骄夫妇可是他的父母!结果,晶古族三大真灵,就这么在王宴骄上空开始了你争我夺。 Crystal 5 before one's death once naturally was a leader, took care of all clansmen, however under dashing and Long River of Reincarnation baptism, present he, Crystal 13, Crystal 68 was only left over an instinct, naturally was who does not let anyone in the face of the reborn through reincarnation opportunity. 晶五在生前当然是领袖,也照顾所有族人,然而在一次次的冲撞和轮回长河的洗礼下,如今的他,晶十三,晶六十八都只剩下了一点本能,在转世投胎的机会面前自然是谁也不让谁。 However is good because, Crystal 5 before death eventually is the 19th stage powerhouse, its True Spirit essentially is more powerful than Crystal 13 and Crystal 68. 不过好在,晶五生前终究是十九阶强者,其真灵本质上还是比晶十三晶六十八强大许多。 Under friendly comparing notes, Crystal 13 and Crystal 68 were hit to fly by about, Crystal 5 threw into Mr. and Mrs. Wang Yanjiao in the family/home. 一番友好的切磋下,晶十三晶六十八都被左右撞飞,晶五一头扎进了王宴骄夫妇家里。 Crystal 13 fell in Wang Yanjiao next door the room of Chen Zhengyang lover, as for Crystal 68, was in a room that hit another side Murong Gaoda lover. 晶十三则是落在了王宴骄隔壁的陈正阳情侣的房间内,至于晶六十八,则是一头撞进了另一边慕容高达情侣的房间内。 But the surplus True Spirit one after another reincarnation are also successful. Even, as a result of the soul of Crystal Ancient Race clansman in the former buckle, 1000 reincarnation quotas had the vacancy, these are seized the opportunity by True Spirit that the Long River of Reincarnation sound attracts, snatched some reincarnation opportunities, sufficiently collected 1000 quotas forcefully. 而剩余的真灵们也都陆陆续续投胎成功。甚至于,由于晶古族族人的灵魂在之前折损了一些,一千个投胎名额出现了空缺,那些被轮回长河的动静吸引来的真灵抓住机会,也抢到了一些投胎机会,硬生生凑足了一千个名额。 Hence, all settle down finally. The directional samsara meter also took back finally the hauling light beam that shoots at Long River of Reincarnation, activated the next procedure/program slowly. 至此,一切终于尘埃落定。定向轮回仪也终于收回了射向轮回长河的牵引光束,缓缓启动了下一步程序。 Wang Shouzhe sees this scene from afar, is the secret nod. Has not thought that counterattack system a little meaning, can hit Crystal 5 True Spirit unexpectedly, really the success reincarnation became the Wang Youyue child. 王守哲远远看到这一幕,也是暗暗点头。没想到那个逆袭系统还是有点意思的,竟然能撞开晶五真灵,真的成功投胎成了王宥岳的孩子。 Seeming like, this system does not seem waste. Moreover Wang Baofu had started destiny technique ahead of time, so finally, does not dare to say is the optimal solution, is not bad. 看起来,这系统似乎也没有那么废。而且王宝福已经提前启动了气运之术,如此结果,不敢说是最优解,却也不差。 Then, with the birth of this child, after Youyue that boy , was very difficult again lying flat. 接下来,随着这个孩子的诞生,宥岳那小子以后恐怕就很难再躺平了。 Pitiful he, now is affectionate with the wife in the small black room, does not know that the nightmare will soon approach ~...... 可怜的他,现在还在小黑屋内和娘子卿卿我我,不知噩梦即将来临呢~……
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