POP :: Volume #8

#25: Counterattack system! The grandson of mandate of heaven arrives

...... But, even Crystal 5 takes the bull by the horns, the aspect is still less optimistic. At this moment, was short of crystal ancient leader battle armor him, but can also depend on then was only left over this to be damaged the heavy 19th stage soul, however first had Tree of Samsara Wang Chen lun of sun-blocking to prevent, latter had Long River of Reincarnation crazy bang chaotic exploding -type surfing scrubbing, the pressure that he faced turned directly grows. ……不过,即便晶五当机立断,局面也不容乐观。此刻,少了晶古领袖战甲的他,还能倚仗的便只剩下这一身受创不轻的十九阶灵魂了,然而前有遮天蔽日的轮回之树王辰轮阻挡,后有轮回长河狂轰乱炸式的冲浪洗刷,他面临的压力直接翻倍增长。 Even, beside samsara Heavenly River, has rich purple tribulation cloud to produce indistinctly, extremely targeted is guarding against the Crystal 5 soul. 甚至,轮回天河之外,影影绰绰间还有浓郁的紫色劫云在生成,极有针对性的防范着晶五灵魂。 Looks at this stance, if he accepts the washout to be good in the river, once dares to tread the river, then suffers bombing of purple crazy thunder immediately! 看这架势,他若在长河内接受冲刷还好,一旦敢踏出长河,便会立刻遭受紫色狂雷的轰炸! Also Crystal Ancient Race 19th stage is the soul flies upwards fortunately, purely at the soul spiritual sense intensity, and supreme stronger compared with Immortal Emperor on plans, this can still have strength of the spelling in the so difficult situation. 也亏得晶古族十九阶乃是灵魂飞升,纯以灵魂神念强度而言,比起仙帝和至尊都要强上一筹,这才能在如此艰难的情况下犹自拥有一拼之力。 Crystal 5 at this moment has prepared for has been ready for any sacrifice all psychology. Today, in any event, he must open a reincarnation channel for the subordinates! 此刻的晶五已然做好了豁出去一切的心理准备。今日,无论如何,他都要替属下们开辟出一条转世通道! He is almost spares nothing, the way of strength of combustion soul erupts unequalled terrifying power. 他几乎是不惜一切代价,以燃烧灵魂之力的方式爆发出了无与伦比的恐怖力量。 The strength of boundless vast soul changes into a giant dragon volume, packages the innumerable True Spirit souls to howl, direct impact Wang Chen lun goes. 磅礴浩瀚的灵魂之力化为一道巨大的龙卷,包裹着无数真灵魂魄呼啸而下,直冲王辰轮而去。 That stance, stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, unprecedented, appeared several points of solemnness and stirring unexpectedly inexplicably. Seeing that Tree of Samsara Wang Chen lun is also mind cold, complete branches and leaves stretches, erupted the complete strength instantaneously. 那姿态,孤注一掷,一往无前,竟莫名显出了几分悲壮。见状,轮回之树王辰轮也是心神一凛,全部枝叶舒展,瞬间爆发出了全部的力量。 The strength of mysterious incomparable samsara changes into the solid barrier, resisted Crystal 5 that potential forcefully, if extremely heavy impact. 玄妙无比的轮回之力化为坚实的屏障,硬生生抵挡住了晶五那势若万钧的冲击。 Has my Wang Chen lun, you gave up any idea of that forcibly overcomes an obstacle!” Wang Chen lun clenching teeth hissing angrily roars. When to this time, had arrived at the decision result critical moment, he does not dare to have retains slightly, is almost squeezing the strength of every minute oneself within the body with the reckless stance crazily. “有我王辰轮在,你休想强行闯关!”王辰轮咬着牙嘶声怒吼。时至此时,已然到了决定胜负的关键时刻,他不敢有丝毫保留,几乎是以不要命的姿态疯狂压榨着自己体内的每一分力量。 However, what he faces being strength of the 19th stage powerhouse combustion soul erupts the complete strength, even if there is the Heavenly Dao addition and a home advantage, he also as before is only 16th Stage Holy Tree, the power gap was too big. 然而,他面对的可是一位十九阶强者燃烧灵魂之力爆发出的全部力量,哪怕有天道加成和主场优势,他也依旧只是棵十六阶圣树而已,实力差距太大了。 The Crystal 5 offensive is similar to the tide to be the same, wave after wave, just like inexhaustible general, Wang Chen lun resisted one after another, own strength is actually also consuming at a crazy speed. 晶五的攻势便如同潮水一般,一波接着一波,宛若无穷无尽一般,王辰轮抵挡住了一波又一波,自身的力量却也是以一种疯狂的速度在消耗着。 Over time, some of after his, strength are finally bad. Finally. Under strength of impact a soul like surging tides, the strength of barrier firm samsara was ripped open an opening. 随着时间的流逝,他终于还是有些后力不济起来。终于。在一次如潮水般的灵魂之力冲击下,坚固的轮回之力屏障被撕开了一道口子。 Sees the situation to be critical, is 眼看着局势危急,偏偏又是 Room leaks meets continually night rain. That cataclysm beast that kills to get angry saw that Crystal 5 removes battle armor to break in Long River of Reincarnation, followed close on to kill unexpectedly, tried to crash in Long River of Reincarnation to wreak havoc. “屋漏偏逢连夜雨”。那头杀红了眼的灾变兽眼看着晶五褪去战甲冲入轮回长河,竟是紧跟着杀了过去,试图冲进轮回长河之中肆虐。 Once were penetrated by it successfully, must make the irretrievable disastrous consequence. This does not serve the Wang Shouzhe imaginary profit without doubt. 一旦被它成功突入,必会造成不可挽回的灾难性后果。这无疑不符合王守哲的预期利益。 The Shouzhe goal is very clear, that is must for Holy Territory 守哲的目标很明确,那就是既要为圣域 Introduces talent, must clean as far as possible cleanly the soul original brand marks of these Crystal Ancient Race clansmen, so that they can integrate into the Holy Territory system thoroughly. “引进人才”,又要将那些晶古族族人的灵魂原烙印尽可能清洗干净,以便他们彻底融入圣域体系之中。 So the aspect, cannot be called the cataclysm beast to kill by mistreatment the Crystal Ancient Race soul. Wang Shouzhe takes the bull by the horns, immediately makes beginning day God Sovereign lead to prevent the cataclysm beast, and attracts the cataclysm beast attention, directs the distant place it. 如此局面,自不能叫灾变兽对晶古族灵魂进行虐杀。王守哲当机立断,立刻让始天神皇带队阻挡住灾变兽,并吸引灾变兽注意力,将其引到远处。 Beginning day God Sovereign receives the instruction is to also be mad shouts 'motherfucker'. Your Wang Shouzhe speaks irresponsibly and sarcastically seriously, even if the cataclysm beast is wounded again seriously, that is still existence of 19th stage, where is so easy to divert? 始天神皇收到指令也是气得直骂娘。你王守哲当真是站着说话不腰疼,灾变兽即便受创再严重,那也是十九阶的存在,哪里是那么容易牵制的? However scolded turns over to scold, beginning day God Sovereign led the numerous to go to intercept the provocation honestly, was only the cataclysm beast as if not bird he, still continued to break through in the Crystal 5 direction forcefully. 不过骂归骂,始天神皇还是老老实实率众前去拦截挑衅,只是灾变兽似乎不怎么鸟他,仍是继续朝着晶五方向强行突破。 Beginning day God Sovereign was forced, has to put forth the big move. He enhances the volume courageous: Ji Daoyi, you still remember Senior Sister Jiang Xianyun that you admire?” 始天神皇被逼无奈,只好使出大招。他勐地提高音量:“姬道一,你还记得你爱慕的学姐姜仙韵吗?” Roar!” In a cataclysm beast whole body stiff, giant child hole flashes through wipes the inexplicable look, seemed had the response unexpectedly. “吼!”灾变兽浑身一僵,巨大的童孔中闪过一抹莫名的神色,竟好似有了反应。 Right, because of my Xuanyuan beginning day, in trips somebody up, sows dissension in secret and throws to you your filthy water, day after day year after year bright to praise secretly censures slandered you!” “没错,就是因为我轩辕始天,在暗中给你使绊子、挑拨离间、泼你脏水,日复一日年复一年的明赞暗贬的诋毁你!” Finally, made ginger Senior Sister have to detest and reject about you, then put into my bosom!” The voice falls, in the eye pupil of cataclysm beast pollution delimits courageous has wiped the vicious tendencies, immediately the dreadful anger flaming ignites. “最终,才令姜学姐对你心生厌弃,转而投入我的怀抱!”话音落下,灾变兽浑浊的眼眸中勐地划过一抹戾气,随即滔天怒火熊熊燃起。 „!” The wild power and influence erupts from the cataclysm beast on suddenly, the terrifying murderous intention blots out the sky to spread, covers to go toward beginning day God Sovereign. “嗷嗷嗷!”狂暴的威势蓦然自灾变兽身上爆发,恐怖的杀机铺天盖地蔓延开来,朝着始天神皇笼罩而去。 Obviously, Ji Daoyi has never thought Senior Sister gives up him investing the reason of Xuanyuan beginning day bosom. In his memory indistinctly, as if still remembers oneself very grieved at the same time, actually has to bless Jiang Xianyun Senior Sister and Xuanyuan beginning day sentiment. 十分显然,姬道一从未想过学姐放弃他而投入轩辕始天怀抱的原因。他影影绰绰的记忆中,似乎还记得自己非常心痛的同时,却不得不祝福姜仙韵学姐和轩辕始天的感情。 Moreover, his oneself is very guilty, the feeling is because oneself extremely concentrates on cultivation and enterprise, treated coldly Jiang Xianyun, makes her dejected under love another. 而且,他自己还十分愧疚,感觉是因为自己太过专注于修炼和事业,冷落了姜仙韵,才让她心灰意冷之下移情别恋。 Until at this moment, the inherent cognition was overthrown, his where can also be able to control the mood? Wang Shouzhe hears the beginning day God Sovereign words in the distant place, is cold sweat. 直至此刻,固有认知被一举推翻,他哪里还能控制得住情绪?王守哲在远处听到始天神皇的话,也是一头冷汗。 The beginning day your majesty and Ji Daoyi comes the Immortal Alliance period most sect Limitless Dao Sect, This point everyone was clear, who can think among two people really also has such past events? 始天陛下和姬道一都出身仙盟时期的最宗门【无极道宗】,这一点大家都清楚,嘞谁能想到两人间竟然还有此等往事在内? Moreover, what dirty deal did beginning day God Sovereign dry/does that call? Others Ji Daoyi becomes the brothers with him, when takes the post of Immortal Alliance Alliance Lord, but also apportioned the beginning day your majesty...... they to know these sect power today, won't really silence a witness of crime? 而且,始天神皇干的那叫什么龌龊勾当啊?要知道,人家姬道一可是拿他当兄弟的,出任仙盟盟主时,还将宗门权力分给了始天陛下……他们今天知道了这些,真的不会被杀人灭口吗? Wang Shouzhe cannot bear in the heart despises beginning day God Sovereign secretly. This bad old man young time is really not a thing. 王守哲忍不住在心中暗暗鄙视始天神皇。这糟老头子年轻时候真不是个东西。 However, hatred that beginning day God Sovereign is so ready for any sacrifice, is quite indeed effective. After his these words, the hatred of cataclysm beast has shifted on beginning day God Sovereign thoroughly. 不过,始天神皇如此豁出去的拉仇恨,的确颇为行之有效。经他这一句话,灾变兽的仇恨已经彻彻底底转移到了始天神皇身上。 But beginning day God Sovereign as if for fear that hates the value to be insufficient, but also is continue draw the hatred: But, a little Ji Daoyi you could rest assured that good that the immortal rhyme and I am living together. The heir descendant under our birth, but also continues Eastern Rosy Cloud Divine Dynasty that this Sovereign founded. Naturally, all these were your merit...... are you sacrificed oneself, brought in the cataclysm beast, started in view of the Crystal Ancient Race unprecedented great misfortune......” 而始天神皇似乎生怕仇恨值不够,还在继续拉仇恨:“不过,有一点姬道一你放心,仙韵和我在一起生活的很好。我们诞下的子嗣后代,还延续了本皇开创的东霞神朝。当然,这一切都是你的功劳……是你牺牲了自己,引来了灾变兽,发动了针对晶古族的旷古大劫……” Roar!!” The cataclysm beast very chaotic intelligence was seized thoroughly angrily, the beast body leaps up, the roaring filial piety is killing to beginning day God Sovereign. “吼!!”灾变兽本就十分混乱的神智彻底被愤怒占领,兽身一蹿,咆孝着杀向了始天神皇 That speed, simply compared with flickering to move quickly also! 那速度,简直比瞬移还快! I *!” Beginning day God Sovereign has a scare, turns around to run hastily. Even if he under the eruption to cataclysm beast violent anger has the preparation early, this little while was a little frightened as before by its speed, travels crazily, while makes everyone help stop the diversion cataclysm beast hurriedly, after this cataclysm beast catches up is killed reluctantly, and smooth directs the cataclysm beast. “我*!”始天神皇吓了一跳,连忙转身就跑。哪怕他对灾变兽暴怒之下的爆发早有心理准备,这会儿依旧有点被它的速度吓到了,一边疯狂跑路,一边匆忙让大家伙儿帮忙阻拦牵制灾变兽,这才勉强没有被灾变兽追上后打死,并顺利的将灾变兽引走。 But that while the cataclysm beast was directed, another side, Wang Shouzhe also branched out part of Dao Lord levels to be greatly old, started to assist Wang Chen lun to prevent Crystal 5 to cooperate the impact of numerous. 而就在灾变兽被引走的同时,另一边,王守哲也分出了一部分道主级大老,开始协助王辰轮阻挡晶五协众的冲击。 From, Long River of Reincarnation opposed in principle all exist to interfere with the samsara to revolve. Also only has Tree of Samsara, itself cultivates is the samsara Heavenly Dao principle, the strength with the root common origin, belongs to oneself in the samsara Heavenly Dao cognition 从原则上而言,轮回长河反对一切存在干涉轮回运转。也唯有轮回之树,本身修的就是轮回天道法则,力量同根同源,在轮回天道的认知里属于自己 human, can step in the part reluctantly. Before Cai Youdao interfered with samsara Heavenly Dao forcefully, then encountered backlashed fatally, if did not have the Wang Shouzhe help to treat, the final outcome will certainly perish miserable. “人”,才能勉强涉足部分。以前财有道强行干涉轮回天道,便是遭到了致命反噬,若无王守哲帮忙治疗,最终结果必将凄苦而亡。 Naturally, the strength of Dao Lord level powerhouse was not Cai Youdao of past Holy Venerable strength can compare, may even if were the Dao Lord level powerhouse makes a move to prevent Crystal 5 with spiritual sense, will bring in the Long River of Reincarnation violent temper as before inevitably. 当然,道主级强者的实力自不是当年不过圣尊实力的财有道可以比拟,可哪怕是道主级强者用神念出手阻挡晶五,也依旧不可避免会引来轮回长河的暴脾气。 Under the strength of powerful samsara principle backlashes, Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord acted with constraint merely more than ten breath times, then could not shoulder to return two: „It is not good, I am not good. God Sovereign Cang Ping, was one's turn you to get up.” Can be able to block the samsara principle to backlash more than ten breath time not injured, Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord has been enough proudly. 强大的轮回法则之力反噬之下,天衍道主仅仅矜持了十多息功夫,便扛不住退回了二线:“不行了,我不行了。苍平神皇,轮到你上了。”能挡得住轮回法则反噬十多息时间而不受伤,天衍道主已经足以自傲了。 Persists in naturally also being able to insist again, was only in that case on the easy wound and soul radically. With stepping down to the second line of Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord, God Sovereign Cang Ping the seam protector , to continue to resist Crystal 5 immediately, shouldered one wave to backlash hardly. 再坚持当然也能坚持,只是那样一来就容易伤及神魂根本了。随着天衍道主的退居二线,苍平神皇立刻补位,继续抵挡起了晶五,同时也硬扛了一波反噬。 One group of Dao Lord you sang me to arrive, played the relay wave after wave, poured also to maintain the aspect reluctantly. 一群道主们就这么你方唱罢我登场,一波接着一波地玩起了接力,倒勉强也能维持住局面。 Then, is looked that who first could not shoulder. 接下来,便是看谁先扛不住了。 Wang Shouzhe, that Crystal 5 is a lunatic, he can not mind that was only brushed is frightened out of one's wits by Long River of Reincarnation keeps True Spirit, but we assign/life are long, does not want such reincarnation rebirth.” Went out rarely saves world God Sovereign Cang Ping just now to resist the second wave, obviously felt strenuous and difficult, cannot bear complain toward Wang Shouzhe: You are this plan Chief Regional Military Commissioner, you try to find the solution quickly, must call this Sovereign to be disappointed not.” Wang Shouzhe prepared several subsequent hand cards in a hand, but many are deterrent and extremely destructive card in a hand, once displays, is prepared to accept the imperfect consequence. 王守哲,那晶五就是个疯子,他可以不介意被轮回长河刷得魂飞魄散只留真灵,可我们命还长啊,不想就这么转世重生。”难得出门拯救一下世界苍平神皇才刚抵挡了第二波,就明显感觉到了吃力和艰难,忍不住朝王守哲抱怨起来:“你是此计划的总指挥,你快想想办法,莫要叫本皇失望。”王守哲自是准备了几张后手底牌,但是多数都是威慑性、破坏性极强的底牌,一旦施展出来,便要准备好接受不完美的后果了。 He slightly hesitates, suddenly said to side Wang Anye: Anye, you find the way to solve the difficult position.” A Wang Anye face is ignorant. 他略一沉吟,忽然对身旁的王安业道:“安业,你来想想办法解决困境。”王安业一脸懵。 What means can my have? Difficult to be inadequate, displays sword array to truncate Crystal 5? On his sword array, coping with Holy Venerable is good, to Crystal 5 on Dao Lord being afraid/painful, that doesn't even deliver the vegetable/dish? 我这能有什么办法?难不成,施展剑阵去削晶五么?就他这剑阵,对付对付圣尊还行,对上连道主都憷的晶五,那不是送菜么? Great Grandfather, you cannot always believe these luck and so on profound studies, although my Wang Anye somewhat luck, can actually 't reverse so the general situation? 太爷爷,您不能老是相信那些运气之类的玄学啊,虽然我王安业有几分运气,却也扭转不了如此大局吧? However in the heart drop gu turns over to drop gu, Wang Anye is obedient trying. He thinks slightly, then the move from Breath Soil Bracelet Wang Baofu, exhorted several toward him. 不过心中滴咕归滴咕,王安业还是听话的试了一试。他略微想了想,便从息壤镯中招出了王宝福,朝他嘱咐了几句。 Wang Baofu then jumps under the directional samsara meter immediately knowingly. So many years pass by, Wang Baofu also has not been in the past that plump and fair-complected young youngster, but grew into a tall and straight small child, only has that fully is the luck condition circle small meat face, the meat arm leg least bit has not changed, entire first-grade scale amplifying. 王宝福便立刻心领神会地跳进了定向轮回仪下方。这么多年过去,王宝福也早已不是当年那个白白胖胖的小少年,而是长成了一个挺拔的小青年,唯有那张满是福态的圆都都小肉脸,还有肉都都的胳膊腿半点没变,整个一等比例放大。 But his strength is the growth is also rapid in these years, although not like Wang Lixian such has many benefits and Wang Shouzhe Life Source Strength powerful addition, but in the cultivations of many resources, as well as under Wang Anye nourishing of strength of destiny the promotion speed fast, has also achieved fourteenth stage now. 而他的实力在这些年里也是增长迅速,虽不像王璃仙那样有诸多福利以及王守哲生命本源之力的强大加成,但在诸多资源的培育,以及王安业的气运之力的滋养下提升速度也是飞快,如今已然达到了十四阶 fourteenth stage Destiny Tree, the upfront fight is not perhaps good, but in the attainments on say/way of destiny, actually already very powerful. 十四阶气运之树,正面战斗或许不行,但在气运之道上的造诣,却已然十分强大。 At least, in without specializing in human world of say/way of destiny, no one can excel compared with him probably. 至少,在没有专修气运之道的人类世界之中,大概也没有谁能比他更擅长了。 After arriving in the directional samsara meter, Wang Baofu changes into the original form immediately. Huge immortal plant rises straight from the ground, the slender tall and straight tree trunk attacks cloud heaven, although not Tree of Samsara like that palatial magnificent, has own unique tone. 抵达定向轮回仪之后,王宝福立刻就化为了原形。巨大的仙植拔地而起,修长挺拔的树身直插云天,虽不似轮回之树那般巍峨壮观,却也有着自身的独特气韵。 Different with Wang Lixian of tree forest, the Wang Baofu original form is more like a willow, the branch is pliable but hard to break, the leaf blade is slender, looks from afar, myriad branches let fall from the sky, just like myriad ribbons, drags with the wind, too beautiful to behold. 和一树成林的王璃仙不同,王宝福的原形更像是一棵杨柳,树枝柔韧,叶片修长,远远看去,万千树枝从天空垂落,宛如万千丝绦,随风摇曳,美不胜收。 The boundless immortal plant aura fills the air, covered the entire directional samsara meter. Following letting fall the branch, the silk threads naked eye not obvious red destiny scatters to these rooms. 磅礴的仙植气息弥漫开来,笼罩了整个定向轮回仪。顺着垂落的树枝,丝丝缕缕肉眼不可见的红色气运散落到那些房间中。 These destiny invisible do not have the nature, cannot see unable to feel, is mysterious, is in this universe existence that is hard to estimate. 这些气运无形无质,看不见摸不着,却又玄妙无比,乃是这宇宙中最难以揣摩的存在。 Has these destiny in addition to hold, the balance of good luck will then approach in this directional samsara meter 有着这些气运的加持,好运的天平便会向这定向轮回仪中的 Parents incline, some quite disadvantageous situation, will then be removed to them imperceptibly. “父母”倾斜,一些对他们来说比较不利的情况,便会在不知不觉中被排除掉。 This is also Wang Anye after being pondered choice that makes. Now this situation, the Destiny Tree rank is insufficient, the strength is limited, holds on destiny in addition with it these Dao Lord, might as well in addition holds these 这也是王安业在经过思考后做出的选择。现在这情况,气运之树等级不够,力量有限,与其将气运加持到那些道主身上,还不如加持到这些 Parents. After all, this plan result also falls on the final analysis “父母”身上。毕竟,这次的计划成功与否归根到底还落在 Reincarnation in two character, so long as reincarnation pass/test Bawo lived, other secondary. But while the Destiny Tree original form exposes, the Wang Anye also flying fell in the crown of Wang Baofu. “投胎”两个字上,只要投胎这一关把握住了,其他都是次要的。而就在气运之树原形展露的同时,王安业也飞身落到了王宝福的树冠之中。 He directly does not participate and the resistance of Crystal 5, but is shouldering both hands, the righteousness expression mentioned the pompous polite talk toward Crystal 5: Crystal 5, I urged you to cancel the impractical thought earlier, repented and was saved. Your plan is not not possible to work, makes the clansmen accept the examination honestly is Righteous Path.” After saying, Wang Anye flew back to side Wang Shouzhe, 他也不直接参与与晶五的对抗,而是背负着双手,义正言辞地朝晶五说起了冠冕堂皇的套话:“晶五,我劝你还是早点打消不切实际的念头,回头是岸。你的计划是不可能得逞的,老老实实让族人们接受检验才是正道。”说完之后,王安业就飞回了王守哲身边,一副 I have made contribution appearance. Is replacing God Sovereign Cang Ping to conduct the Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord face that the next round assists to resist to hide shakes, nearly no old blood spurts. “我已经尽力了”的模样。正接替苍平神皇进行下一轮协助抵抗的天衍道主脸皮子一抖,险些没一口老血喷出来。 Is this called to try to find the solution? The Wang Anye destiny is indeed good, but he thinks that who he is? Said casually how many words, is difficult to be inadequate also has effect as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced? 这就叫做想办法啊?王安业的气运的确不错,可他以为他是谁?随便说个几句话,难不成还带言出法随效果? Other Dao Lord levels greatly old are also speechless. Ok ~ the matter that originally their crowd of Dao Lord do not handle, gives a True Immortal Boundary junior to find the way is very odd, cannot count on that he really makes a move to change the course of events. 其余道主级大老也都是一阵无语。算了~本来他们这一群道主都搞不定的事情,交给一个真仙境的小辈想办法就挺离谱的,总不能指望他真的一出手就扭转乾坤。 Is their oneself thought too much. Good, this everyone spelled! Puts together soul to suffer to backlash at most to be damaged, looks at that Crystal 5 remaining soul, not like can insist the too long appearance. 是他们自己想多了。好吧,这次大家拼了!至多是拼着神魂遭受反噬受创而已,看那晶五残魂,也不像是能坚持太久的样子。 Especially God Sovereign Cang Ping, he dark under had decided that when his soul received the wound, depends on Wang Clan main house to go, eats his Wang Clan drinks his Wang Clan, requests a lot of deep soul tea and all sorts of precious resources subsidies. 尤其是苍平神皇,他已经暗下决定,等他神魂受了创伤,就赖到王氏主宅去,吃他王氏的喝他王氏的,要求大量的冥魂茶和种种珍贵的资源补助。 Finally, he must tie up Wang Shouzhe to go to Luojing, when Grand Secretariat Senior Grand Secretary, helping him govern Divine Dynasty to go. But while the both sides test of strength is in the deadlock stage. 最后,他还要强绑王守哲洛京内阁首辅,帮他治理神朝去。而就在双方角力进入僵持阶段的同时。 So giant sound that them tosses about, brought in Long River of Reincarnation finally the attention of other these powerful True Spirit. 他们这边折腾出的如此巨大的动静,也终于引来了轮回长河中其他那些强大真灵的关注。 Then has True Spirit from the distant place to flutter one after another, but, as if smelled what chance to be the same keenly. 不知不觉间,便陆陆续续有真灵从远处飘荡而至,仿佛敏锐的嗅到了什么机缘一般。 These True Spirit, how long did not know the baptism in Long River of Reincarnation, does not know that was but from where. Even, has extremely individual True Spirit, the intensity was also had no time to let compared with Wu Yue Immortal Emperor that initially together much. 这些真灵,不知道在轮回长河中洗礼多久了,也不知道是从何而至。甚至,有极个别的真灵,强度比起当初武岳仙帝那一道也是不遑多让。 Because these ancient True Spirit washed out too for a long time in Long River of Reincarnation, the soul had been stripped completely, consciousness is ignorant, only leaves behind most core does not extinguish True Spirit, is acting with the instinct. 只是这些古老的真灵因为在轮回长河中被冲刷得太久了,灵魂早就已经被完全剥离,就连意识都已经浑浑噩噩,仅留下最核心的不灭真灵,凭着本能在行动。 But these have not entered True Spirit of samsara reincarnation for a very long time, naturally each is not the good stubble, even before many since birth, for the ferocious generation, Long River of Reincarnation has to wash out them for a long time, so as to avoid after carrying the memory reincarnation , to continue for the calamity human world. 而这些久久没有进入轮回投胎的真灵,自然每一个都不是什么善茬,甚至不乏有生前为穷凶极恶之辈,轮回长河不得不长期冲刷它们,免得携带记忆转世后继续为祸人间。 But in powerful True Spirit that many were attracted, is actually mixing with different kind. Its aura very emaciated, mixes in numerous powerful True Spirit, looks like a firefly to place oneself in the dim light of night that the spark embellishes general, flickering, is very common. 而那诸多被吸引来的强大真灵之中,却夹杂着一个异类。它的气息十分孱弱,夹杂在一众强大的真灵之中,就像是一只萤火虫置身于星火点缀的夜色中一般,忽明忽暗,很不起眼。 But it also is quite smart, hiding that traces quietly after many True Spirit, but also is changing the position unceasingly, in order to does not bring to the attention of others. 可它却又颇为机灵,悄摸摸的躲在了诸多真灵之后,还不断地在调换位置,以求不引起旁人的注意。 In others cannot see under the condition of not being able to hear, that say/way unique True Spirit deep place, has sound together as if in 就在旁人看不见也听不到的状态下,那道独特的真灵深处,有一道声音似乎在 Thought aloud: Over a thousand True Spirit simultaneously rushing samsara reincarnation, this scene, magnificent sight how! The system, you know that what happened?” The voice falls, the sound of mechanical type in that said together the True Spirit core place resounds: Host please note, that 19th stage soul wants the reincarnation rebirth, in addition these powerful ancient True Spirit eye covetously, definitely presented the best reincarnation parents. The stored energy of this system are not many, we cannot miss the opportunity of this counterattack.” “自言自语”:“上千真灵同时抢着轮回投胎,这场面,何其之壮观!系统,你知道发生了什么事情吗?”话音落下,一道机械式的声音就在那道真灵核心处响起:“宿主请注意,那个十九阶的灵魂想要转世重生,加上那些强大古老的真灵虎视眈眈,肯定是出现了最佳的转世父母。本系统的储能已经不多了,我们不能错过这个逆袭的机会。” Counterattack?” That True Spirit cannot bear complain, “逆袭?”那真灵忍不住吐槽, Your told me previous time, you were the ancient strongest counterattack system, may help me from a skirt silk, successful counterattack to life's peak! Finally? You told me to want the approaching rich woman, lived by pimping. The soft food eats fragrant, I become stronger......” “你上一次告诉我,你是亘古最强的逆袭系统,可助我从一个屌丝,成功逆袭至人生巅峰!结果呢?你却告诉我要傍富婆,吃软饭。软饭吃得越香,我就变得越强……” Host, this counterattack system, according to host world, and current situation, evolves the best counterattack growth line.” The sound rebuttal of mechanical type said that “宿主,本逆袭系统,会根据宿主所处的世界,以及当前的情况,演化出最佳的逆袭成长线路。”机械式的声音反驳道, In world that in you were, spirit qi dries up, the cultivation resources expensive/noble lack the pinnacle . Moreover the Heavenly Dao disorder, what male changes the female and female to change the male extremely, has 88 types the sex...... not, afterward also increased to 112 types!” “在你原本所在的世界里,灵气枯竭,修炼资源贵乏到极致,而且天道极其紊乱,什么男变女、女变男,连性别都有八十八种……不,后来还增加到了一百十二种!” „Is that other national brain is remnant, what matter closes my?” That True Spirit short of breath, “那是别的国家脑残,关我什么事情?”那真灵气急, You is a swindler.” “你就是个骗子。” In brief, your world was too weak, was too chaotic, this system can only act according to the actual situation to plan an optimal solution, that is Soft food counterattack system! Living by pimping that so long as you persevere, does not forget living by pimping of first thought that the soft food eats fragrant, this system can steal the strength of Heavenly Dao to help you be powerful continuously.” The sound of mechanical type is not convinced contradicts, “总之,你那个世界太弱了,也太乱了,本系统只能根据实际情况规划出一个最优解,也就是【软饭逆袭系统】!只要你持之以恒的吃软饭,不忘初心的吃软饭,软饭吃得越香,本系统就能源源不断窃取天道之力助你强大。”机械式的声音不服气地抗辩, Said that you do change have not stiffened? Do you have to become the ss level powerhouse.” “就说你变没变强吧?你有没有成为ss级强者吧。” „...... Stiffened, becomes the ss level powerhouse!” That True Spirit returned to one worn out, immediately cannot bear the complaint, “呃……变强了,也成为了ss级强者!”那真灵有气无力的回了一句,随即又忍不住埋怨, But the ss level strength was also too weak, I have not resisted a round of nuclear bomb, flew to annihilate on the ash. My transnational beautiful woman president Elder Sister, after my epic level song Elder Sister, my iceberg beautiful woman president aunt, my s + level ultra can Younger Sister...... I probably go back, I must save them......” “可ss级实力也太弱了,我连一发核弹都没抗住,就灰飞湮灭了。我的跨国美女总裁姐姐,我的史诗级歌后姐姐,我的冰山美女总统阿姨,我的s+级超能妹妹……我要回去,我要救她们……” Does not have the issue, our present opportunities came.” The sound tone of mechanical type becomes misleads, “没问题,咱们现在的机会来了。”机械式的声音语气变得蛊惑起来, Wants your again reborn through reincarnation, throwing a wealthy family was good born, our starts were high! When your cultivation to 19th stage, had the opportunity to go back to save your Elder Sister Aunt Younger Sister!” “只要你重新转世投胎,投个好人家好出生,咱们的起步就高了!等你修炼十九阶,就有机会回去救你的姐姐妹妹阿姨们了!” Wait, what rank is 19th stage? How many ss level to be higher than?” Some True Spirit doubt, “等等,十九阶是什么级别?比ss级高多少?”真灵有些狐疑, Can shoulder the nuclear bomb?” “能不能扛核弹了?” „...... Said, in your world, S level ultra those who are able at mysterious side, is this universe world fifth stage powerhouse, the s + level is sixth stage...... the ss level, is equivalent to the seventh stage powerhouse! According to this system observes in secret, the seventh stage powerhouse they calls it Purple Mansion Boundary cultivator.” The sound of mechanical type somewhat is faintly stimulated, “呃……这么说罢,在你那个世界里,处在神秘侧的s级超能者,便是这个宇宙世界五阶强者,s+级就是六阶……ss级,相当于七阶强者!据本系统暗中观察,七阶强者他们称之为紫府境修士。”机械式的声音隐隐有几分亢奋, Really is the powerful grand big universe, this has infinite possible world.” “真是强大的宏伟大宇宙啊,这是个拥有无限可能的世界。” Originally, I once was seventh stage powerhouse, Purple Mansion Boundary boundary cultivator......” that True Spirit speechless, felt and vast gap between 19th stage immediately! “原来,我曾经是七阶‘强者’,紫府境修士……”那真灵一阵无语,登时就感受到了和十九阶之间的巨大差距! In his original world, his seventh stage powerhouse is world first. 要知道,在他原本的世界里,他这个七阶强者就已经是世界第一了。 Wait!” That said that True Spirit seems to have gotten back one's composure, “等等!”那道真灵似乎回过了神来, Time is not right, I can cultivation to 19th stage, not know even lord knows, when I go back, these aunt Elder Sister Younger Sister did not have!” “时间不对劲啊,我就算能修炼十九阶,也不知道猴年马月了,等我回去,那些阿姨姐姐妹妹们岂不是全没了!” Different world, will perhaps have the time speed of flow difference. Regardless of places in what adversity, so long as has not arrived the last step, you cannot certainly give up hoping. Does not try, how you know that couldn't rescue?” The sound of mechanical type continued to mislead is saying, “不同的世界,也许会有时间流速差异。无论身处何种逆境中,只要还没到最后一步,你都一定不能放弃希望。不试一试,你怎么知道救不了呢?”机械式的声音继续蛊惑着说, We must the counterattack, save your meal tickets!” “咱们要一路逆袭,拯救你的饭票们!” Good, for my Elder Sister Aunt Younger Sister, that spelled!” That True Spirit as if also sweeps dispiritedly, was stimulated must raise the fighting spirit. “好,为了我那些姐姐妹妹阿姨们,那就拼了!”那真灵似乎也是一扫颓废,被刺激得昂起了斗志。 Very good, this is the host of system binding. Then the first step, we first duplicate second step of your memory information...... in this system, making Long River of Reincarnation scrub cleanly your True Spirit, cleanly is better!” The mechanical sound said. “很好,这才是本系统绑定的宿主。接下来第一步,咱们先将你的记忆信息复制一份在本系统中……第二步,让轮回长河把你的真灵洗刷干净,越干净越好!”机械式声音说道。 That True Spirit quickly grasps the meaning of something immediately: „After memory thorough scrubbing is clean, did my personality have? Am I I?” 真灵登时一激灵:“记忆彻底洗刷干净后,我的人格不是没了?那我还是我吗?” Not, not? Aren't you will prepare the belt/bring memory reincarnation?” The sound of mechanical type improves one eight degrees immediately, “不是吧,不是吧?你不会是准备带记忆投胎吧?”机械式的声音立刻提高了一个八度, „Did you see at present that weaponry? That 16th Stage Tree of Samsara, will strike back to attempt True Spirit of belt/bring memory reincarnation.” “你看到眼前那阵仗了吗?那棵十六阶轮回之树,会打回一切试图带记忆投胎的真灵。” Also, here is not your low-grade world. Even if you depended on this systematic assistance to deceive that tree by luck, this world some so many strength terrifying big old, you bring the memory reincarnation to be very likely to be considered as possession, once were discovered, will be choked to death in the seed.” “还有,这里可不是你那个低等级世界。就算你靠着本系统的辅助侥幸骗过了那棵树,这世界有那么多实力恐怖的大老,你带着记忆投胎极有可能会被认为是夺舍,一旦被发现,就会被掐死在萌芽之中。” But......” True Spirit hesitates. “可是……”真灵还在犹豫。 It‘s nothing, but. After blank True Spirit is reincarnated, the after child brand-new personality of birth forms, I can a memory fragment of roll-call duplication give back to you, fuses with his personality.” The mechanical sound replied, “没什么可是的。等空白真灵转世后,诞生的孩童崭新人格形成之后,我会一点点将复制的记忆碎片还给你,与他的人格相融合。”机械式声音回答道, Only by doing so, we can avoid revealing the secret by the risk of having an abortion. After all according to the energy rank judged, on after this world grows up some, the awakening innate intelligence is a very ordinary matter.” “只有这样,我们才能避免露馅被打胎的风险。毕竟按照能量等级判断,这世界上长大一些后,觉醒宿慧是件很平常的事情。” Good......” True Spirit expressed very reluctantly. This powerful world was also too fearful, throwing an embryo is frightening, unexpectedly was strangled the risk in cradle. “好吧……”真灵表示很无奈。这个强大的世界也太可怕了,投个胎都让人胆颤心惊,居然还有被扼杀在摇篮里的风险。 I know, by host your intelligence, will certainly make the correct choice.” The sound of counterattack system obviously rose some. “我就知道,以宿主您的聪慧,一定会做出正确的选择。”逆袭系统的声音明显上扬了些许。 It revolves immediately, took the lead to duplicate a memory of host, then said: Memory has duplicated successfully. Considering that this reincarnation plans to be important, and difficulty is extremely high, when necessary, this system will not hesitate to exhaust all residual energies in this action. Now, starts the second plan, simulates that powerful race True Spirit aura.” 它立刻运转起来,率先复制了一份宿主的记忆,然后说道:“记忆已复制成功。考虑到此次投胎计划事关重大,且难度极高,必要的时候,本系统将不惜在此次行动中耗尽所有残余能量。现在,开始第二步计划,模拟那个强大种族真灵的气息。” Wait, the system are you prepare to infiltrate in the reincarnation team? But, how you know that reincarnation which is best?” At this time, True Spirit of baptism somewhat is not shocking. “等等,系统你是准备混进投胎队伍中吗?可是,你怎么知道投胎哪个才是最好的?”此时,还未洗礼的真灵有些震惊。 Naturally is looking at that 19th stage powerful soul. He wants the parents of reincarnation, definitely is strongest!” The mechanical sound said that “当然是瞄着那个十九阶的强大灵魂了。他想要投胎的父母,肯定是最强的!”机械式声音说道, First rubbish, this spread me to detain. Wrestles the bicycle change the motor, wants the reincarnation to throw well! If the plan fail, we die together.” The voice falls. “先别废话了,这一铺我全都押上去了。搏一搏单车变摩托,要投胎就投最好的!如果计划失败,咱们就一起死吧。”话音落下。 In a twinkling, that said that the True Spirit aura changes, Crystal Ancient Race True Spirit aura covered above True Spirit. 霎时间,那道真灵的气息就是一变,一股晶古族真灵的气息笼罩在了真灵之上。 Comes compared with these powerful Crystal Ancient Race True Spirit, he seemed emaciated a big truncation. Afterward, that said True Spirit to stagger along, trembling flew toward Crystal 5, that stealthy appearance seemed a stowaway. 只是比起那些强大的晶古族真灵来,他好似孱弱了一大截。随后,那道真灵跌跌撞撞,颤颤巍巍的朝晶五飞去,那鬼鬼祟祟的样子就好似一个偷渡客。 Had insisted finally, Crystal 5 that almost soon collapses perceives this scene, had doubts suddenly. 原本已经坚持到最后,几乎快要崩溃的晶五觉察到了这一幕,也是忽而疑惑了起来。 He had coerced all clansman True Spirit obviously, why omits? However, has the leader elegant demeanor extremely, always grasps to the clansman is not giving up not abandoning Crystal 5 of principle, branches out part of psychic forces saying that immediately True Spirit curled. 他明明已经将所有族人真灵都裹挟了过来,为何还有遗漏的?不过,极有领袖风采,对族人一向秉持着不放弃不抛弃原则的晶五,还是立即分出一部分精神力将那道真灵卷了过来。 But because of this small action, making his strength have to divide thinly, was damaged a impeller to return backlashes, originally broken soul became is even more dreary. 可正因为这个小小的举动,令他的力量有所分薄,又是受创了一波轮回反噬,本就残破的神魂变得愈发惨澹起来。 Clansmen, I could not insist.” The Crystal 5 sound filled guilty, “族人们,我坚持不住了。”晶五的声音充满了愧疚, „The strength of my combustion last wave of soul, will spell to go all-out to kill a small gap, you clash together, can go out to clash one to go out to one!” Among next instant. “我会燃烧最后一波神魂之力,拼尽全力杀出一个小缺口,你们一起冲,能冲一个出去就冲一个出去!”下一瞬间。 Crystal 5 remains strength of many soul to burn again, the terrifying energy erupts loudly, attacked a small gap with the strength of soul forcefully. 晶五所剩不多的神魂之力再度燃烧,恐怖的能量轰然爆发,硬生生用神魂之力冲击出了一个小缺口。 Big several hundred soul runs out of Long River of Reincarnation with the energy tide immediately, such as the mighty force crowded single-plank bridge charges into that gap. 大几百的神魂立刻随着能量潮冲出了轮回长河,如千军万马挤独木桥般冲向那道缺口。 But in this flash, the sound of system resounds in the True Spirit core: „The execution counterattack metempsychosis's third plan, removes the competitor.” The voice falls, the system relieved saying that to that suddenly the shield of True Spirit, making True Spirit completely expose during the Heavenly Dao examination of this world. 可就在这一瞬间,系统的声音又在真灵核心中响起:“执行逆袭投胎第三步计划,排除竞争者。”话音落下,系统忽然解除掉了对那道真灵的屏蔽,让真灵彻底暴露在了这方世界天道检测之中。 next moment. Condensed highly, being ready tribulation cloud seemed feels anything general, boiled to be hot tempered courageous. 下一刻。原本就高度凝聚,蓄势待发的劫云就好似感受到了什么一般,勐地沸腾暴躁起来。 The purple crazy thunder blots out the sky goes to Crystal 5 and an numerous True Spirit bang. So the mutation, makes Crystal 5 be startled immediately, how possibly? 紫色狂雷铺天盖地的向晶五和一众真灵轰去。如此异变,登时让晶五大吃一惊,怎么可能? !...... !……
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