POP :: Volume #8

#24: Rushes when Wang Clan grandson!

...... Once Immortal Alliance Alliance Lord Ji Daoyi, Is a stunning talent evildoer/monstrous talent talent, merely 2700 years old then promote Great Principle Golden Immortal, even if such achievement puts World of Immortals, still withstood/top the day super talent. ……曾经的仙盟盟主姬道一】,是一位惊才绝艳的妖孽天才,仅仅两千七百岁便晋升大罗金仙,此等成就即便是放到仙界,也是顶了天的超级天才。 Then was young promoted Chaos Origin Boundary, becomes the Immortal Alliance first large amount Limitless Dao Sect Sect Lord, holds a concurrent post of the position of Immortal Alliance Alliance Lord! 而后更是年纪轻轻就晋升了混元境,成为了仙盟第一大宗【无极道宗】的宗主,又兼任仙盟盟主之位! However because the Immortal Alliance business is many, his usual whole time treat in the Immortal Alliance headquarters. But limitless Dao Sect many miscellaneous matters, hand over by the Xuanyuan beginning day and Ji Clan of the same clan handle. 不过由于仙盟事务繁多,他通常大部分时间都待在仙盟总部。而无极道宗的诸多杂事,都是交由轩辕始天和一位姬氏同宗代为打理。 When beginning day God Sovereign young is also the having god-given wisdom rare talent, is fearless, wishes one could to hold day after day a hole, but to Ji Daoyi, is inspired only throughout, was sincerely convinced! 始天神皇年轻之时也是天纵奇才,天不怕地不怕,恨不得连天都捅个窟窿,可唯独对姬道一,始终心存敬畏,心服口服! In Immortal Alliance encounters end in the world age that Crystal Ancient Race beats mercilessly, Immortal Alliance Alliance Lord Ji Daoyi also organizes to resist and counter-attack again and again, formulated remained to plant to seek asylum, crossed the rubicon to perish together and other plans. 而在仙盟遭到晶古族毒打的末世年代中,仙盟盟主姬道一也是几次三番组织抵抗、反击,也制定了留种避难,破釜沉舟同归于尽等计划。 In that in the age of flooding the blood and fire, he sent off one after another best friend, the young later generations, that all, recall until now was still similar to suddenly a dream. 在那个充斥着血与火的年代里,他送走了一位又一位至交好友,一个又一个年轻的后辈,那一切,至今回想起来仍旧如同恍然一梦。 Beginning day God Sovereign has does not have to recall these matters for a long time, but he cannot expect, oneself felt the Alliance Lord Ji Daoyi aura on the cataclysm beast unexpectedly. 始天神皇都已经有好久没有去回想那些事了,但他怎么也料不到,自己竟然在灾变兽上感受到了盟主姬道一的气息。 Does Alliance Lord have remaining soul not dead? Was the parasitic on the cataclysm beast, fused with it? 难道说,盟主还有残魂没死?是寄生在了灾变兽身上,还是与之融合了? Is shocking when beginning day God Sovereign, somewhat absent-minded goes down in the world, that side Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto, is the accident lives suddenly. 就在始天神皇震惊错愕,又有些失神落魄之时,曹氏洞天那边,又是变故骤生。 Saw only that cataclysm beast not to spoil the samsara plan with enough time, the Heavenly Grotto space is ripped an opening. 只见得那灾变兽还未来得及破坏轮回计划,洞天空间就又是被撕出了一条口子。 Meanwhile. Is sending out the ray person's shadow together, appeared in the profound dark giant space crack. 与此同时。一道散发着光芒的人影,出现在了深邃黝黑的巨大空间裂缝之中。 That wears Crystal Ancient Race leader battle armor Crystal 5. During the space fluctuation of rippling, his figure seems like some indistinctly, but that streamline Crystal Ancient Race leader battle armor is actually sending out brightly brilliance, was full of the aesthetic sense of strength at the same time, is sending out the terrifying pressure of startled season. 那是身穿晶古族领袖战甲晶五。在荡漾的空间波动之中,他的身形看起来有些影影绰绰,但那一身流线型的晶古族领袖战甲却散发着熠熠光辉,充满了力量之美感的同时,更是散发着令人惊季的恐怖威压。 Just appears, the pressure of that terrifying then blots out the sky to sweep across like the sea tide, resists the terrifying power and influence that the cataclysm beast sent out unexpectedly instantaneously. 甫一出现,那恐怖的威压便如海潮般铺天盖地席卷开来,竟是瞬间抵挡住了灾变兽散发出的恐怖威势。 Meanwhile. Crystal 5 lifts conveniently, then had in the light beam bang that the energy height together condensed the cataclysm beast. 与此同时。晶五随手一抬,便有一道能量高度凝聚的光束轰中了灾变兽。 This strikes, is not big to the cataclysm beast vulnerability, but insulting is big. The roaring filial piety sound of cataclysm beast stops suddenly immediately, that was full of ominous severe vision of tyrannical meaning to shoot at Crystal 5 courageous. 这一击,对灾变兽伤害性不大,但侮辱性却不小。灾变兽的咆孝声顿时戛然而止,那充满了暴虐之意的凶厉目光勐地射向了晶五 The vision clashes. In a twinkling, its look becomes angrier and wild and hatred! 目光对撞。霎时间,它的眼神变得更加愤怒、狂暴和仇恨! Roar!!” Also is an acoustic shock results in angry roaring that the space clears away to tremble. The cataclysm beast huge body vanishes in courageous same place, like cursory shuttles back and forth in the space generally one after another, then slightly is suddenly excessive the heavy space, fell down in front of Crystal 5. “吼!!”又是一声震得宇宙空间都涤荡震颤的怒吼。灾变兽庞大的身躯勐地消失在原地,如同浮光掠影一般在空间中接连穿梭,眨眼间便略过重重空间,扑倒了晶五面前。 Crystal 5 clearly is prepared early. Sees it to throw, then returned Endless Heaven Abyss without delay, attracted Endless Heaven Abyss the cataclysm beast. 晶五显然对此早有准备。见它扑来,二话不说便退回了无尽天渊,将灾变兽也吸引进了无尽天渊 But at this time, the ripped open space has not even healed with enough time. In split space, but can also feel the strenuous vibration that Endless Heaven Abyss transmits, the terrifying and dangerous dark energies with trembling to gush out the space, making the terrifying power and influence of will of the people season spread crazily. 而这时候,撕开的空间甚至还尚未来得及愈合。裂开的空间之中,还能感受到无尽天渊内部传来的剧烈震动,有一股股恐怖而危险的黑暗能量随着震颤涌出空间,令人心季的恐怖威势疯狂蔓延。 But at the same time. Crystal 5 has been tempting the cataclysm beast of going crazy to the Number 5 forbidden area nearby. As a base of Crystal Ancient Race 19th stage powerhouse, the Number 5 forbidden area is a war fortress, when necessary can definitely act as the war machine use. 而与此同时。晶五已经引诱着发狂的灾变兽到了五号禁区附近。作为一位晶古族十九阶强者的根据地,五号禁区本身就是一座战争堡垒,在必要的时候完全可以充当战争机器使用。 As Crystal 5 attacks, the energy artillery of Number 5 forbidden area has started completely, is shelling the cataclysm beast unceasingly, is diverting the cataclysm beast. 随着晶五出击,五号禁区的能量炮早已全部启动,不断地轰击着灾变兽,牵制着灾变兽。 Again some Crystal 5 secondary attack in side, one almost interrupts the disaster of samsara, was pressed forcefully by Crystal 5. 再有晶五在旁边助攻,一场差点中断轮回的灾难,就这么被晶五强行摁下去了。 The first batch of samsara plans can also continue. Suddenly, about over a thousand Crystal Ancient Race person souls tumble in Long River of Reincarnation. 第一批轮回计划也得以继续。一时间,约有上千晶古族人灵魂在轮回长河中翻滚。 And, strongest Crystal 13 soul, but sways back and forth in Long River of Reincarnation, then with the aid of the light beam strength of directional samsara meter, breaks open Long River of Reincarnation along its hauling, goes toward target direction reborn through reincarnation. 其中,最强的晶十三的灵魂,只是在轮回长河中打了个滚儿,便借助定向轮回仪的光束力量,顺其牵引破开轮回长河,往目标方向转世投胎而去。 His plan target Wang Youyue and Linglong Princess . The soul goes to Long River of Reincarnation to sway back and forth, after the baptism removes the heterogeneous soul and remembers, only keeps True Spirit, this is deferring to the samsara Heavenly Dao principle the custom to complete the established step, is a unignorable flow! 他的计划目标正是王宥岳玲珑公主。灵魂去轮回长河打个滚,经过洗礼后褪去驳杂的灵魂和记忆,只留真灵,这是在按照轮回天道法则的规矩完成既定的步骤,是一个不可忽视的流程! With the big vernacular, after is the formatting, registered a new account number. However, the flow was the flow, actually Long River of Reincarnation will not manage True Spirit to treat how long in Long River of Reincarnation generally speaking, so long as has entered Long River of Reincarnation, has accepted the baptism, then completed the registration of new account number, can the normal samsara reincarnation. 用大白话而言,就是格式化后重新注册了个新账号。不过,流程就是流程,轮回长河一般而言是不会管真灵轮回长河之中究竟待了多久的,只要入过轮回长河,接受过洗礼,便算是完成了新账号的注册,可以正常轮回转世。 After all, the True Spirit quantity in Long River of Reincarnation were too many, words that must manage, where manages? 毕竟,轮回长河之中的真灵数量实在太多了,全都要管的话,哪里管得过来? However he waits the time to be short in Long River of Reincarnation, even soul not with enough time baptism washout ~ however it is well known, the memory of mortal stores up in the brain, soul powerful cultivator will have some memories to store up in the soul, only then a small number of top powerhouses, True Spirit is powerful, the part of memories and knowledge can store up in the True Spirit core! 然而他在轮回长河中待得时间太短,连灵魂都没来得及洗礼冲刷呢~而众所周知,凡人的记忆储存在大脑之中,灵魂强大的修士会有部分记忆储存在灵魂之中,也只有少数顶尖强者,真灵强大无比,才会有一部分记忆和知识能够储存在真灵核心之中! With this way reincarnation rebirth, the memory and knowledge system are to naturally maintain extremely completely, the personality as before is the Crystal 13 complete personality , there is nothing to do with the newborn. 用这种方式转世重生,记忆和知识体系自然是保持得极为完整,人格依旧是晶十三的完整人格,和新生儿无关。 Then, although is also the reincarnation, but almost and possession not different. Wang Shouzhe must prevent, is the loophole of this use samsara Heavenly Dao mechanism, forces 如此一来,虽也是投胎,但几乎和夺舍无异。王守哲要阻止的,便是这种利用轮回天道机制的漏洞,强行 Sneaks across possession behavior. But regarding the present situation, Wang Shouzhe naturally is also prepared early. Immediately, he said to Wang Chen lun cups the hands: Chen turns Old Ancestor, then asked you.” “偷渡夺舍”的行为。而对于眼下的情况,王守哲自然也早有准备。当即,他对王辰轮拱手道:“辰轮老祖,接下来就拜托您了。” Shouzhe felt relieved, must not make him work.” Wang Chen lun nods toward Wang Shouzhe. Among next instant, he then rips open the space, arrived at Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto and between samsara Heavenly River. 守哲放心,必不会令他得逞。”王辰轮朝王守哲点了点头。下一瞬间,他便撕开空间,降临到了曹氏洞天与轮回天河之间。 A green light jumps shoots, his whole person figure fluctuates, suddenly then appeared the Tree of Samsara original form. 道道绿光迸射间,他整个人身形变幻,眨眼间便现出了轮回之树的原形。 That is sun-blocking towering huge tree. Tree of Samsara once suppressed the Divine Martial Heavenly Ruin 100,000 years by strength of the tree, although therefore is seriously injured, once the vitality dried up, almost perishes, has the advantage. 那是一棵遮天蔽日的参天巨树轮回之树曾经以一树之力镇压神武天墟十万年,虽然因此身受重伤,一度生机枯竭,差点殒命,却也不是没好处的。 Then in does not know that in the waiting of end perseveres the conscience, loses experience that the will gets down persistently, wheted his will and disposition enormously, let his state of mind growth degree greatly toward rank. 那在不知尽头的等待中坚守本心,失志不渝坚持下去的经历,极大地磨砺了他的意志和心性,也让他的心境成长程度大大朝过了本身的等级。 Such he, so long as the resources give enough, can break through the rank at the extremely quick speed, but does not need to be worried that the meeting card does not cannot find a proper way on the threshold. 这样的他,只要资源给够,就能以极快的速度突破自身等级,而不用担心会卡在门槛上不得其门而入。 But this time Wang Chen lun, no longer had been initially that gradually obsolete fifteenth stage Tree of Samsara, as Wang Shouzhe Life Source is getting more and more powerful, Wang Chen lun also gained the huge advantage, then broke through 16th Stage in the short 1000 several hundred years smoothly, the prototype build naturally was also today we are no longer as we have been. 而此时的王辰轮,也早已不再是当初那垂垂老朽的十五阶轮回之树了,随着王守哲生命本源越来越强大,王辰轮也是获得了巨大的好处,在短短一千几百年间便顺利突破到了十六阶,原型的体型自然也是今非昔比。 At this moment, restores the prototype Wang Chen lun forceful root system to occupy above the Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto space barrier, the giant crown delays sky over Heavenly Grotto, sun-blocking cast the huge shadow to Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto. 此刻,恢复原型的王辰轮遒劲的根系盘踞在曹氏洞天的空间壁垒之上,巨大的树冠在洞天上空延展开来,遮天蔽日般给曹氏洞天投下了巨大的阴影。 He looks like a giant umbrella to be common, isolated between Long River of Reincarnation and directional samsara meters, regardless of anything wanted to enter the directional samsara meter, must pass through from the Wang Chen lun incomparably giant crown inevitably. 他就像是一柄巨大的雨伞一般,隔绝在了轮回长河跟定向轮回仪之间,无论什么想要进入定向轮回仪,都势必要从王辰轮无比巨大的树冠中穿过。 The power and influence of that terrifying, seems an impregnable bastion to be the same. However, Crystal Ancient Race also has the preparation and protection, Wang Chen lun just a appearance, three 17th Stage Captain Crystal Ancient Race, wore leader battle armor to kill to Wang Chen lun, plans to prevent the unexpected visitor's destruction to the samsara plan. 那恐怖的威势,就好似一道铜墙铁壁一般。不过,晶古族也并非没有准备和保护,王辰轮刚一出现,就有三位十七阶晶古族首领,身穿首领战甲向王辰轮杀去,欲图阻止不速之客对轮回计划的破坏。 Hehe ~ ~ wants casual reincarnation my family Young Lord, must ask my opinion.” A whole body covers the powerhouse in blood-color battle dress, kept off in front of 17th Stage crystal ancient battle armor, wielded conveniently, then had everywhere bloodshed to cover the opponent. “呵呵~~要随便投胎我家少主,得问问我的意见。”一位全身笼罩在血色战袍中的强者,挡在了其中一尊十七阶晶古战甲面前,随手一挥,便有漫天血海笼罩住了对手。 This person, is Northern Ji Divine Continent is famous Bloodshed Demon Sovereign. He and Purgatory Demon Sovereign Together, once encountered planning of Purple Clouds Dao Lord to be planted Too controls Spirit Lock quiet. 此人,正是北殛神洲大名鼎鼎的【血海魔皇】。他与【炼狱魔皇】一起,曾经遭到紫云道主的算计被种下了【太幽控灵锁】。 Is rescued by Wang Youyue that Immortal Emperor is reincarnated luckily, will control the Spirit Lock control to shift on him. Then, bloodshed Demon Sovereign and purgatory Demon Sovereign naturally are regard Wang Youyue are Young Lord, hopes that he some day can turn over to the position of Immortal Emperor early, but also their freedom. 幸好被仙帝转世的王宥岳所救,将控灵锁的控制权转移到了他身上。如此一来,血海魔皇和炼狱魔皇自然是视王宥岳少主,希望他有朝一日能早归仙帝之位,还他们一个自由。 Only pitifully, the Wang Youyue objective always only has two character lying flat! This lets bloodshed Demon Sovereign and purgatory Demon Sovereign has no alternative quite, is good also never with controlling Spirit Lock threatens them because of Wang Youyue, this was equal to indirectly them being free. 只可惜,王宥岳的宗旨向来只有两个躺平!这让血海魔皇与炼狱魔皇都好生无可奈何,好在王宥岳也从不用控灵锁来威胁他们,这等于是间接还了他们自由。 Topic return battlefield. Bloodshed Demon Sovereign came out, purgatory Demon Sovereign that recently Meng was not out of focus naturally also presents. 话题回归战场。血海魔皇都出来了,最近孟不离焦的炼狱魔皇自然也在场。 He is burning the fire of flaming purgatory, similarly resisted 17th Stage Crystal Ancient Race. Last Crystal Ancient Race, then by ice fire Dao Sect Solar Dao Lord Joins to intend to resist voluntarily. 他燃烧着熊熊炼狱之火,同样抵挡住了一位十七阶晶古族。最后一个晶古族,则是由冰火道宗的【太阳道主】主动请缨出手抵挡。 The reason does not have it, when previous Wang Shouzhe saves world the whole staff sends out, kept his one by ignorant/veiled in the drum. 原因无它,上一次王守哲拯救世界时全员出动,就留他一个被蒙在了鼓里。 this time saves world again, how he cannot absent. In addition, the ice fire Dao Sect source ices Divine Maiden, appeared above Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto, double pupil ice-cold she monitored the audience, with the aim of coordinating momentarily, dealt with any variable. 这一次再度拯救世界,他怎么着也不能缺席了。除此之外,还有冰火道宗的源冰神女,也出现在了曹氏洞天之上,双眸冰冷的她监控全场,以便随时策应,应对任何变数。 Then, the Crystal Ancient Race subsequent hand from was disintegrated, but a Cao Clan numerous in Heavenly Grotto see this situation is also dumbfounded. 如此一来,晶古族的后手自被瓦解,而洞天内的曹氏一众见到这情况也是目瞪口呆。 cloud Lie the Old Ancestor mood is also anxious sharply to fall. Regardless of he does not think clearly, matter in good condition, how did turn all of a sudden so? 云烈老祖的心情也是急起又急落。他无论如何也想不明白,好端端的事情,怎么就一下子变成如此了呢? However, his only Great Principle Holy Venerable, in this frequently is during the fight of Dao Lord rank, does not turn any storm. 不过,他区区一个大罗圣尊,在这动辄就是道主级别的战斗之中,自是翻不起任何风浪来。 Is loses wins, he has to accept the arrangement of destiny honestly. Was seeing with own eyes the scene was controlled, Wang Chen lun Old Ancestor exuded the carefree laughter, is happy the entire tree to shiver fiercely. 是输是赢,他都只得老老实实接受命运的安排。眼见着场面被控制住,王辰轮老祖发出了畅快的笑声,开心得整棵树都在剧烈颤抖。 His sturdy branch reverses the bunch, patted toward the Crystal 13 soul ruthlessly: Goes back you to me!” Although the Crystal 13 soul is quite tyrannical, may face to control some samsara principles, suppresses True Spirit Wang Chen lun inborn, actually lacks the strength of resistance. 他粗壮的枝条扭转成束,朝着晶十三的灵魂就狠狠拍了过去:“给我回去吧你!”晶十三的灵魂虽然颇为强横,可面对掌控着部分轮回法则,天生压制真灵的王辰轮,却是缺乏反抗之力。 He only felt that oneself dizzy, then braved Golden Light to be patted in Long River of Reincarnation on the eye courageous. 他只感觉自己勐地一晕,然后就眼冒金光地被重新拍回了轮回长河之中。 Long River of Reincarnation also quite coordinates, immediately urges the rough seas to be involved Crystal 13 together, then whirls around in the great waves the one after another vortex, pulls to rub the Crystal 13 soul courageous brushes courageous! 轮回长河也颇为配合,当即催起一道大浪将晶十三卷入其中,而后在浪涛中翻卷出一个又一个的漩涡,将晶十三的灵魂扯进去勐搓勐刷! The great waves turn well up, in Long River of Reincarnation as if reverberates shrieked and howled wildly intermittently the howling sound. That sound, seems is expressing, is good your boy, almost ran away by you. 浪涛翻涌间,轮回长河内仿佛回荡起了阵阵鬼哭狼嚎般的呼啸声。那声音,就好似在表达,好你个小子,差点就被你跑掉了。 Do not think that father does not recognize you, you and previous that group of samsara stowaways are one group! Naturally, the Long River of Reincarnation not true life consciousness, only has the regular instinct in fact. 别以为老子认不出你,你和上次那帮轮回偷渡客是一伙的!当然,轮回长河实质上并无真正的生命意识,仅有规则本能而已。 It looks like according to the machine that the fixed logic revolves, does not have to have the mood of human, now responds is so big, in the final analysis, was stimulated by the strength of directional samsara meter, caused backlashed. 它就像是按照固定逻辑运转的机器,并不具备有人类的情绪,如今之所以反应这么大,归根到底,也只是被定向轮回仪的力量刺激到了,引起了反噬而已。 But Crystal 13 soul that at this moment, tries to escape in the samsara Heavenly Dao eye, is on the key attendance list, must clean to rub to brush ruthlessly, cannot leave behind the least bit previous life memory residual absolutely. 而此刻,试图逃逸的晶十三灵魂在轮回天道眼里,已经算是上了重点照顾名单了,一定要狠狠地清洗搓刷,绝对不能留下半点上一世的记忆残渣。 However, Wang Chen lun Old Ancestor do not prevent the Crystal Ancient Race samsara reincarnation completely. The Crystal Ancient Race person who this batch of samsara are reincarnated has 1000 fully, naturally not possible each one is 17th Stage, fifteenth stage, in fact, some weakest Crystal Ancient Race elite clansman only has eleventh stage, quite therefore Human Race Void Soaring Boundary. 不过,王辰轮老祖也并非是要完全阻止晶古族轮回转世。这一批轮回转世的晶古族人足有一千个,自然不可能个个都是十七阶,十五阶,事实上,一些最弱的晶古族精英族人仅有十一阶,也就相当于是人族凌虚境而已。 Under strengthening the Long River of Reincarnation washout of version, their emaciated souls blink then flushed clean, only leaves behind True Spirit to sway in the river. 在加强版的轮回长河冲刷下,他们孱弱的灵魂眨眼便被冲的一干二净,只留下真灵在长河中飘飘摇摇。 It is well known, Void Soaring Boundary cultivator True Spirit is weak, almost carrying/sustaining what passing memory. Therefore, when this kind of True Spirit the directional samsara meter is towing downward the reincarnation, Wang Chen lun Old Ancestor only after the branch curls had inspected one slightly, then recognized that conforms to the samsara standard for them, stamps to allow to pass to pass. 众所周知,凌虚境修士真灵偏弱,几乎承载不了什么过往的记忆。因此,这类真灵被定向轮回仪牵引着往下投胎时,王辰轮老祖只用枝条卷过略微检查了一番后,便认定为他们符合轮回标准,盖章放行通过。 These True Spirit, under the direction of directional samsara meter, immediately the joyful samsara reincarnation. The Crystal Ancient Race management is always rigorous, the parents in which True Spirit serial number reincarnation which room have established, if not have accidentally/surprisingly will not make the mistake. 这些真灵,在定向轮回仪的指引下,立刻快快乐乐的轮回投胎去了。晶古族办事向来严谨,哪个真灵编号投胎哪个房间的父母都是早就设定好的,若无意外绝不会出差错。 With one, two, dozens True Spirit being allowed reincarnation, Wang Chen lun movement is one after another getting more and more skilled, the flow is also getting more and more simple. 随着一个,两个,数十个真灵陆续获准投胎,王辰轮的动作越来越熟练,流程也越来越精简。 It seems an immigrant to examine the bureau entrance to be the same, the Wang Chen lun innumerable sturdy branches perform its own functions, brush a quick test, examined unqualified True Spirit to be hit immediately, only then cleaned clean True Spirit to be able through Wang Chen lun examination, entered in the directional samsara system. 就好似一个移民检验局入口一般,王辰轮无数条粗壮的枝条各司其职,刷刷刷一通快速检验,检验不合格的真灵立刻就被打了回去,只有清洗干净的真灵才能通过王辰轮的检验,进入定向轮回体系之中。 But at the same time, samsara Heavenly Dao as if also felt helping oneself with Wang Chen lun of oneself strength common origin, and appreciates to this behavior especially. 而与此同时,轮回天道似乎也感觉到了与自己力量同源的王辰轮在帮自己,并且对这种行为格外赞赏。 As examination unqualified True Spirit struck back Long River of Reincarnation, starts to be correct saying that the Heavenly Dao reward adds various Qishen , Wang Chen lun samsara Heavenly Dao aura becomes even more is rich. 随着一个又一个检验不合格的真灵被打回轮回长河,开始有道道天道奖励加诸其身,不知不觉间,王辰轮身上的轮回天道气息就变得愈发浓郁起来。 If continuously for a long time hence, Wang Chen lun can enter 17th Stage by this probably. However all these, are not the aspects that Crystal 5 anticipates. 若是长此以往,王辰轮保不齐能靠此进入十七阶。但是这一切,并非是晶五所期待的局面。 When all clansman reborn through reincarnation, was cleaned to remember completely and personality, is that his clansman? 若是所有族人转世投胎时,都被清洗掉了全部记忆和人格,那还是他的族人吗? That is was not equal to that is giving Human Race to transfer the clothes? At the appointed time, how his does Crystal 5 also plan to build the new Crystal Ancient Race clansman? 那不就是等于在给人族作嫁衣裳吗?届时,他晶五还如何筹建新晶古族族人? Situation urgent, Crystal 5 cannot attend to considered again the oil reserve condition, took over a vacant post to start the super main artillery of Number 5 forbidden area and only remaining Creation Crystal. 情况紧急之下,晶五顾不得再考虑能源储备状况,直接充能启动了五号禁区的超级主炮和仅剩下的一枚创世水晶 Under the dual sneak attacks, directly created the huge trauma to the cataclysm beast! Also fortunately this is in Endless Heaven Abyss, otherwise the light is the complementary waves of energy explosion, then can explode the space to collapse the surrounding trim void sea, world collapse destroys, degenerates into stretch of ruins directly. 双重偷袭之下,直接给灾变兽造成了巨大创伤!也亏得这是在无尽天渊之中,否则光是能量爆炸的余波,便能把周围的整片虚空海都炸得空间坍塌,世界崩毁,直接沦为一片废墟。 Even so, the sound that this energy explosion produces still is also very terrifying, the entire Crystal 5 forbidden area is shivering crazily. 但即便如此,这能量爆炸产生的动静也依旧很恐怖,整个晶五禁区都在疯狂颤抖。 Roar!” Above the cataclysm beast huge body the dripping with blood, the body whirls around, hair burned black, several joint flesh and blood distortions are serious, just like suffered the serious internal injury. “吼!”灾变兽庞大的身躯之上鲜血淋漓,皮肉翻卷,毛发焦黑,有好几处关节骨肉变形严重,俨然遭受了严重的内伤。 Under the heavy losses, it could not bear sent out the angry rave again. Under the obligation of beastly nature instinct, in its heart at this moment startled season, has the impulsion of running away. 重创之下,它忍不住再次发出了愤怒的狂吼。兽性本能的驱使下,此刻的它心中惊季,已然有了撒腿就跑的冲动。 However, lifts that flash that the claw must remove in it, in its eye pupil flashes through red glow courageous, then castrates stops, killed again recklessly to Crystal 5. 然而,就在它抬爪要撤的那一瞬间,它眼眸中勐地闪过一道红芒,而后去势顿止,再度不顾一切杀向了晶五 Acts recklessly!” The Crystal 5 sound feels cold, in the tone brings not to wipe patiently. Thinks that beforehand that has driven out the cataclysm beast sufficiently, has not thought that it also dares to turn head unexpectedly, even also pesters oneself intensely. “不知死活!”晶五声音发冷,语气中带着抹不耐烦。原以为之前那一下已然足以驱除灾变兽了,万万没想到它居然还敢扭头回来,甚至还变本加厉地纠缠自己 Was this cataclysm beast insane?! In his heart angry, decided that even if oneself soul had not been damaged again, must first remove this cataclysm beast. 这头灾变兽是疯了吗?!他心中恼怒至极,决定哪怕自己原本未愈的灵魂再次受创,也要先除掉这头灾变兽。 However, what he has not thought that stared by this cataclysm insane beast unexpectedly is not he today the most hapless matter. 然而,他万万没想到的是,被这头灾变疯兽盯上居然还不是他今天最倒霉的事情。 When he just made one group with the crazy cataclysm beast war, a azure profound boat has appeared near the Number 5 forbidden area quietly, is deep black Shenzhou. 就在他刚与疯狂的灾变兽战作一团的时候,一艘青色玄舟已经悄无声息地出现在了五号禁区附近,正是玄青神舟。 Shenzhou stop, beginning day God Sovereign brought Holy Territory numerous Dao Lord to kill, dispersed, started to assist the cataclysm beast to cope with Crystal 5. 神舟还没停稳,始天神皇就带着圣域道主杀了出来,分散开来,开始协助灾变兽对付晶五 Although the Holy Territory present strength overall and is inferior to Crystal Ancient Race, because there is the positioned between coordination and a overall plan of Wang Shouzhe, now can also abandon for the time being contradictory of one mind foreign, what demon gate lineage, Buddha sect lineage, at this moment is the oneself person. 圣域如今的实力虽然整体上并不如晶古族,但因为有王守哲的居中协调和统筹,如今也都能暂且摒弃矛盾齐心对外,什么魔门一脉的,佛宗一脉的,这一刻都是自己人。 Also because of a large number, the knife edge on deep black Shenzhou has a chess room sufficiently. Moreover the Holy Territory itself/Ben is the Immortal Alliance family of the deceased, like beginning day God Sovereign and Absolute Beginning Dao Lord, as well as Pingtian God Sovereign Ji Taichang, is Immortal Alliance strongest limitless Dao Sect lineage. 也正是因为人数众多,才足以在玄青神舟上支棱起个棋牌室。而且圣域本就是仙盟的遗族,就像始天神皇太初道主,以及平天神皇姬太昌,便是仙盟最强的无极道宗一脉 But Extreme Happiness Divine Cult and beforehand bloodshed Demon Sect, purgatory Demon Sect wait/etc., then stems from the Immortal Alliance demon gate ranked the second. 极乐神教和之前的血海魔宗、炼狱魔宗等,则都是出自仙盟排名第二的魔门。 As for Western Divine Continent various Dafu Temple, its inheritance also spreads from the Immortal Alliance period top three immeasurable Buddha sects. 至于西若神洲的各大佛寺,其传承也都是流传自仙盟时期排名前三的无量佛宗。 The time indeed is the best healing medicinal preparation, perhaps if general Crystal Ancient Race, they have not hated, but the Crystal 5 past actions, that blood debt may all write in the history book, they whose young time doesn't have to cry for that phase of inspiring history wholeheartedly? 时间的确是最好的愈合剂,若是一般的晶古族,他们或许还没有这么恨,但晶五当年的所作所为,那一笔笔血债可全都写在史书上,他们谁年幼的时候没有真心实意地为那段可歌可泣的历史哭过? At this time, each Holy Territory powerhouse is sending out the high fighting spirit, be ready to fight prepares to conduct 【The war of slaughter god. 此时,每一个圣域强者都散发着高昂的斗志,摩拳擦掌地准备进行【屠神之战】。 What? Holy Territory powerhouse?!” Crystal 5 sees this group of people, finally shocks again, “什么?圣域强者?!”晶五见到这群人,终于再次震惊, How do you pursue?” He should throw off them to be right obviously! “你们是怎么追上来的?”他明明应该早就已经甩掉他们了才对! With villain many idle talk, do not get sick to want him to assign/life while him.” Beginning day God Sovereign this little while had gone bad excitedly, eyes shines called to take the lead to start to attack. “别和反派多废话,趁他病要他命。”始天神皇这会儿已经激动坏了,两眼放光的嗷嗷叫着带头开始进攻。 But that 而那只 Crazy the cataclysm beast, as if also has a reason under the endless violent anger and hatred, unexpectedly does not have no difference attack, instead also made a brilliant coordination with a beginning day God Sovereign numerous, conducted encircling to Crystal 5. “疯狂”的灾变兽,在无尽暴怒和仇恨之下却仿佛还带着一丝理智,居然没有无差别攻击,反而还和始天神皇一众打出了个漂亮的配合,对晶五进行了围剿。 This ignites really has some unusual, does not conform to the cataclysm beast normal conduct logic. But this little while, no one has leisure to think these radically. 这一点着实有些反常,也根本不符合灾变兽正常的行事逻辑。可这会儿,却根本没有谁有闲心想这些。 Because of the emergence of deep black Shenzhou, the Number 5 forbidden area has started to aim at the Holy Territory powerhouses to carry out the energy artillery attack. 因为随着玄青神舟的出现,五号禁区已经开始针对圣域众强者进行能量炮打击。 But at this time, deep black Shenzhou also bloomed the azure energy shield, shouldered the energy artillery to reduce the pressure on the powerhouses unceasingly hardly. 而这时候,玄青神舟也绽放出了青色能量盾,不断硬扛能量炮给众强者减轻压力。 Takes the lead in cataclysm beast wound tiger, as well as under the attack suppression of Holy Territory group wolf tactic, strength tyrannical Crystal 5 obstinately hit retreating in defeat again and again, that ray bright leader level battle armor is also the unceasing battle loss, is also consuming and being damaged including his soul unceasingly. 在灾变兽这头伤虎带头,以及圣域群狼战术的进攻压制下,实力强横的晶五愣是被打的节节败退,那身光芒璨璨的领袖级战甲也是不断战损,包括他的神魂也在不断消耗和受创。 But those who most make Crystal 5 helpless is, he also has no way to run away! But here his den Number 5 forbidden area, once he runs away, first did not say how oneself will roam about in Endless Heaven Abyss, only this forbidden area will unable to block these Holy Territory powerhouses absolutely, when the time comes, the entire clansmen will be annihilated. 而最让晶五无奈的是,他还没法逃走!这里可是他的老巢五号禁区,一旦他逃走,先不说自己无尽天渊之中流浪会怎么样,单是这禁区就绝对挡不住这些圣域强者,到时候,整支族人都将全军覆没。 But in this process, Wang Shouzhe has controlled remotely the direction in deep black Shenzhou. Clear to see Crystal 5 was created one after another, as if no overturn leeway, he then passed on a message to Crystal 5 through deep black Shenzhou, started the negotiations. 而这过程中,王守哲就一直在玄青神舟内遥控指挥。眼见得晶五接连遭创,仿佛已经没有了翻盘余地,他这才通过玄青神舟向晶五传讯,开启了谈判。 „The Crystal 5 leader, I am Divine Martial Changning Wang Clan Wang Shouzhe, although among us has the racist contradiction, but based on your daughter Jing Feifei is my Wang Clan wife fact, whether we did discuss?” How Crystal 5 said that is also the 19th stage powerhouse, in Holy Territory lacks the high-end strength under at present the premise, Wang Shouzhe is also calculating whether can win over Crystal 5. 晶五领袖,我是神武长宁王氏王守哲,虽然我们之间有种族矛盾,但基于令爱晶菲菲乃是我王氏媳妇儿这个事实,我们可否谈一谈?”晶五怎么说也是位十九阶强者,在圣域目前缺乏高端战力的前提下,王守哲也是盘算着是否能拉拢一下晶五 Naturally, he also knows that the hope is not big, after all judged from all sorts of signs, Crystal 5 is one can for the person who the race sacrificed the daughter. 当然,他也知道希望不大,毕竟从种种迹象上判断,晶五是一个可以为了种族而牺牲女儿的人。 Moreover, spanned Human Race in Crystal 5 and intense and deep-seated hatred between Holy Territory does not say the false. He must say this plan, others not to mention, beginning day God Sovereign must be anxious with him mostly. 而且,横亘在晶五圣域人族之间的血海深仇也不是说假的。他要把这打算说出去,别人且不说,始天神皇多半要跟他急。 Ok!” Although all sorts of plans of Crystal 5 are crazy, but in some sense he indeed is an outstanding leader, gives priority to the clansman, and has the overall perception. “可以!”晶五的种种计划虽然疯狂,可从某种意义上来说他的确是一位出色的领袖,以族人为重,且拥有大局观。 „The clansman of aristocrat, our Holy Territory can admit overall, but based on the Heavenly Dao samsara basic maxim, they must through the Long River of Reincarnation baptism, as well as after our Holy Territory the investigation of samsara visa officer Wang Chen lun stamps, can the samsara reincarnation.” Wang Shouzhe sincere said that “贵族的族人,我们圣域可以全盘接纳,但是基于天道轮回基本准则,他们必须通过轮回长河的洗礼,以及我们圣域的轮回签证官王辰轮的核查盖章后才能轮回转世。”王守哲正色说道, In this regard, how does the Crystal 5 leader you see?” “关于这一点,晶五领袖您怎么看?” I do not approve!” Crystal 5 sound cold Dan, in the tone has the depressing anger, “我不认可!”晶五声音冷澹,语气中带着压抑的怒气, According to your proposition, we do not need to study Directed Reincarnation Technique, whatever directly Long River of Reincarnation handling were then good.” “依照你的提议,我们根本无需研究定向轮回术,直接任凭轮回长河处置便行了。” Is much better eventually compared with the natural samsara, each reincarnation samsara are traceable, can have the best education. Let alone, the Crystal 5 leader do you have the choice?” Wang Shouzhe is calm, the sound also decides as before peacefully incomparably. “终究比自然轮回要好许多,每一个转世轮回者都有迹可循,也能接受最好的教育。何况,晶五领袖您还有选择吗?”王守哲情绪稳定,声音也依旧澹定无比。 A Crystal 5 silence. Crosses some little time, he said spookily: I have another choice.” Saying, Crystal 5 was rips open the space unexpectedly courageous, among next instant flickered to transfer to lord in world. 晶五一阵沉默。过得好一会儿,他才幽幽说道:“我还有另外一个选择。”说着,晶五竟是勐地撕开了空间,下一瞬间就瞬移到了主世界之中。 On him that broken leader battle armor falls off, badly-damaged soul had drilled instantaneously. 他身上那身残破的领袖战甲脱落,已经残破不堪的神魂瞬间钻了出来。 The tyrannical 19th stage soul, will then bring in the Heavenly Dao principle shortly 强横的十九阶灵魂,顷刻间便引来了天道法则的 Gaze, has tribulation cloud to start around him to ferment, the say/way thunder light has started partly visible. However. “注视”,有劫云开始在他周围酝酿,道道雷光已然开始若隐若现。然而。 Has not waited for the thunder tribulation formation, he then went to the bosom of Long River of Reincarnation on own initiative. At this time, was seeing with own eyes situation incorrect Wang Shouzhe also led the people to rip open the space to pursue. 还未等雷劫成型,他便主动投向了轮回长河的怀抱。这个时候,眼见着情况不对的王守哲也是带着众人撕开空间追击而来。 Looks at this scene, he always decides on the calm face peacefully is slightly somewhat is also stunned. Crystal 5 this is...... wait/etc, is he prepares to display the trick? 看得这一幕,他一向澹定从容的脸上也是微微有几分错愕。晶五这是……等等,他难道是准备施展奇招? Right. Crystal 5 soul sneaks into Long River of Reincarnation to sway back and forth, before coercing unexpectedly, entered Long River of Reincarnation soul or True Spirit of many Crystal Ancient Race clansmen, included Crystal 13 and the others, then killed directly. 没错。晶五神魂窜入轮回长河打了个滚儿,竟然裹挟住了之前进入轮回长河内的诸多晶古族族人的神魂真灵,其中也包括了晶十三等人,然后直接杀了回来。 Right. He brings these soul and True Spirit killed directly following the light beam, carries the disturbance of Long River of Reincarnation hardly, tries to break through Wang Chen lun checkpoint , helping the clansman first rebirth forcefully! 没错。他直接带着那些神魂真灵顺着光束杀了回来,硬扛着轮回长河的干扰,试图冲破王辰轮的关卡,强行帮助族人优先重生! Wang Shouzhe understood the resolution of Crystal 5 in an instant. Crystal 5 definitely is the preparation after the helping subordinate clansman samsara reincarnation succeeds, oneself on the reincarnation to eldest son of legal wife Wang Clan in the belly of wife Linglong Princess , becomes the Wang Clan eldest son of legal wife lineage/vein! 王守哲只是刹那间就明白了晶五的决断。晶五肯定是准备在助麾下族人轮回投胎成功之后,自己就投胎至王氏嫡长媳妇玲珑公主的肚皮里,成为王氏的嫡长脉! Moreover he has prepared to scrub the oneself memory mostly, otherwise, Wang Clan will not acknowledge Crystal 5 that absolutely has the memory, becomes the clan important successor. 而且他多半已经准备洗刷掉自己的记忆了,否则,王氏绝对不会承认一个带着记忆的晶五,成为家族的重要继承人。 This fellow, but also is really ruthless ~ beginning day God Sovereign also foams with rage, the eldest child does not drop the drop cluck to get up satisfied, “这家伙,还真狠啊~”始天神皇也是吹胡子瞪眼,老大不满意地滴滴咕咕起来, For the clansman, unexpectedly the son who he does not hesitate to become Wang Youyue this junior. Snort ~ ~ ~ beginning day God Sovereign is very discontented facing this scene. “为了族人,他居然不惜成为王宥岳这个小辈的儿子。哼~~~”始天神皇面对这一幕很不满。 Actually, in his life times close to the limit, he is innumerable had also considered must ask Wang Chen lun to help him open the back door. 其实,在他寿元一次次临近极限时,他也是无数次考虑过要不要请王辰轮帮他开后门。 He also has been also considering, whom the reincarnation gives is the optimization. May calculate that he actually discovered that Mr. and Mrs. Wang Youyue is the optimization, one is the beginning Dragon Blood lineage/vein, one is the Immortal Emperor rebirth, may make the start of his Xuanyuan beginning world lifetime extremely high! 只是,他同样也一直在考虑,投胎给谁才是最佳选择。可算来算去,他却发现王宥岳夫妇是最佳选择,一个是始龙血脉,一个是仙帝重生,可令他轩辕始天下辈子的起步极高! One, he has not exhausted the life truly, being reincarnated becomes the son somewhat to be eventually awkward to the junior, he somewhat cannot lag behind this face. 只是一来,他始终未曾真正耗尽寿元,二来,转世给小辈当儿子终究有些尴尬,他着实是有些拉不下这个脸。 Has not actually thought, Crystal 5 actually first his resolution, did not greet completely connected Long River of Reincarnation, this let beginning day God Sovereign had the type by the ox head the feeling. 却不曾想,晶五竟然先他一步决断,完全不打招呼地就直接入了轮回长河,这让始天神皇不免有了种被牛头了的感觉。 ...... ……
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