POP :: Volume #8

#23: Warning! Samsara reincarnation administrative bureau

In Lord world stop in Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto, has started to prepare the first round of directional samsara reincarnation action at the same time. 就在曹氏洞天于主世界停稳,已经开始准备第一轮定向轮回转世行动的同时。 Endless Heaven Abyss, Crystal Ancient Race Number 5 forbidden area. 无尽天渊内部,晶古族五号禁区。 The contour of forbidden area seems is a giant white crystal is ordinary, the internal and external line is succinct, has a rough aesthetic sense. Compared with life-forbidden zone that kind of forbidden area, this Crystal Ancient Race Number 5 forbidden area is more like a giant float fortress, obviously pays great attention to the functionality, rather than artistry. 禁区的外形就好似是一块巨大的白色晶体一般,内外部线条简洁有力,有种粗犷的美感。比起生命禁区那一类的禁区,这座晶古族五号禁区更像是一座巨大的悬浮堡垒,明显更注重功能性,而非艺术性。 Is supreme to Demon Race from Ancient God, again to Immortal Clan Immortal Emperor, each race aesthetic entirely different, the forbidden area that constructs naturally is also many and varied. However the function, all forbidden areas are only same. 古神魔族至尊,再到仙族仙帝,每一个种族的审美都迥然不同,建设出来的禁区自然也是多种多样。但是仅作用而言,所有的禁区都是一样的。 The goal that the forbidden area has is to then realize the cultivation survival and logistics supply, transfers the transportation, as well as attack and defense and other functions. 禁区存在的目的便是实现修炼生存、后勤补给,挪移转运,以及进攻和防御等功能。 The Crystal Ancient Race Number 5 forbidden area, looks like a giant disk flying fortress, carves just like the white crystal all over the body, its over liangsanqian miles in diameter, various crystal seed ancient energy great artillery are found in all around, has energy main artillery that can pose the threat to the 19th stage powerhouses. 晶古族五号禁区,就像是一艘巨大的圆盘式空中堡垒,通体宛若白色晶体雕琢而成,其直径超过两三千里,各种晶古能量巨炮遍布四周,更有能对十九阶强者都产生威胁的能量主炮。 The Core Area territory of Number 5 forbidden area. 五号禁区的核心区域。 In the Crystal 5 conference room, condenses originally vivid Crystal 5 by fine God Physique, on the board of succinct no flaw, met with several elites under. 晶五的会议室中,以精神体凝聚出原本形象的晶五,在简洁无瑕的会议桌上,与几位精英麾下开会。 Different from the Demon Race supreme overbearing suppression, is different from the Immortal Clan Immortal Emperor ice is certainly dignified, when as Crystal 5 of leader meets, with several subordinates sits on a board, not rack of too many high-rank. 不同于魔族至尊的霸道镇压,也不同于仙族仙帝的凌绝威严,作为领袖的晶五开会时,与几位属下都是坐在一张会议桌上,并没有太多上位者的架子。 Accordingly, the atmosphere on board is also much more optional. 相应的,会议桌上的气氛也要随意得多。 „The Crystal 5 leader, our forbidden area this time navigates for short two years, then encountered various accidental/surprised mighty waves, because the dark energy storm has to change the direction several times. The position that now we stop, from the Immortal Alliance Shattered Territory edge, only 10 unit distances, can say that half has treadonned into Shattered Territory.” What opens the mouth is Crystal 68. 晶五领袖,我们禁区此番航行不过短短两年时间,便遭遇了各种意外波澜,更因为黑暗能量风暴数度不得不改变航向。现在我们停下的位置,距离仙盟破灭之域边缘,仅有十单位距离,可以说已经半只脚踏入了破灭之域。”开口的是晶六十八 In the past fell into the deep sleep time, he promoted the 17th Stage time is not long, the potential was also far from the limit, compared name one young to be promising with other Crystal Ancient Race leaders is not overrated certainly. 当年陷入沉睡的时候,他晋升十七阶时间也不算长,潜力也远没有到极限,与晶古族其他首领相比称一句“年轻有为”绝不为过。 This time he was still a youngster appearance, a symbolic Crystal Ancient Race standard white robe put in him, outlined very slenderly his figure. Although according to the Human Race standard, this contour some emaciated, actually may can be called one looks to be elegant as before, delicate and pretty extraordinary. 此时的他仍旧是一副年轻人的容貌,一袭标志性的晶古族制式白袍穿在他身上,将他的身形勾勒得十分修长。虽然按照人族的标准而言,这外形有些过于“羸弱”了一些,却依旧可称得上一句“姿容俊雅,俊美非凡”。 Crystal 68 takes a crystal, above the crystal is broadcasting the void sea three-dimensional void sailing chart projection. 晶六十八拿着一块晶体,晶体上方正播放着虚空海立体虚空航海图投影。 Big piece of phantom that on that labels specially, is the Shattered Territory range. 那上面特意标注出的一大片虚影,便是破灭之域的范围。 Obviously, once in this region has suffered, until now still made their impression profound. 很显然,曾经在这片区域吃过的亏,迄今为止仍旧让他们印象深刻。 He was saying was saying cannot bear knit the brows, tone also low and deep: This extremely in the coincidence, I could not bear the suspicion, was this universe Heavenly Dao is aiming at us again. Therefore, I suggested to suspend the first round of directional samsara plan immediately, set sail to run far to observe the situation again.” 他说着说着就忍不住皱起了眉,语气也低沉了下来:“这太过于巧合了,我忍不住怀疑,这是不是宇宙天道在再次针对我们。所以,我建议立即暂停第一轮定向轮回计划,再次启航跑远一点观察一下情况。” Crystal 68, I do not agree with your viewpoint.” 晶六十八,我不同意你的观点。” Listens to the analysis of Crystal 68, nearby at mature stage, the appearance seemed like very dignified crystal ancient man to make noise to express the opposing opinion. 听完晶六十八的分析,旁边一位处在壮年期,模样看起来十分威严的晶古男子出声表达了反对意见。 He is Crystal 41. 他是晶四十一 He does not have the Crystal 68 that high potential, but to his situation, a strength had been tempered very solidly, the battle efficiency comes to want as before tyrannicalally compared with Crystal 68 this promising youth many. 他没有晶六十八那么高的潜力,但到了他这个地步,一身实力已经被锤炼得十分扎实,战斗力比起晶六十八这种后起之秀来依旧是要强横不少。 According to our known knowledge, universe Heavenly Dao, only then regular will but no individual consciousness, and its rule is quite limited to the Dark Void Realm internal influence. After this time we regain consciousness, getting along with people has been very low-key, this Venerable/main body of Sir Crystal 5 had not gone out in the Number 5 forbidden area, must be insufficient to touch the Heavenly Dao rule.” “根据我们已知知识,宇宙天道只有规则意志而无个体意识,且其规则对黑暗虚界内部影响极为有限。此次我们苏醒之后,处世一直十分低调,晶五大人的本尊也一直在五号禁区内没有外出,应当不至于触动天道规则。” Moreover, although this time navigation somewhat surprised, but in Dark Void Realm the crisis on top of crisis, we still does not have any evidence can suggest at present, this series of accidents/surprises are universe Heavenly Dao are aiming at us.” “而且,这一次航行虽有些意外,但是黑暗虚界中本就危机重重,我们目前尚没有任何证据可以表明,这一系列的意外是宇宙天道在针对我们。” We cannot because of being very suspicious psychological factor, the interrupt such important plan step.” “我们不能因为一点杯弓蛇影的心理因素,就中断如此重要的计划步骤。” Crystal 68 brow slightly wrinkle: I am not being very suspicious psychology, but has very not wonderful premonition. Although I do not have the evidence, but does not have the blunder carefully.” 晶六十八眉头微皱:“我不是杯弓蛇影心理,而是有很不妙的预感。虽然我没有证据,但是小心谨慎无大错。” In the Crystal 41 clan ranks and position, although above him, but everyone is crystal Captain ancient the powerhouse of level, Crystal 68 naturally does not dread Crystal 41. 晶四十一的族内排名和地位虽然在他之上,但大家都是晶古首领级的强者,晶六十八自然是并不畏惧晶四十一 Premonition?” Crystal 41 hearing this also knits the brows, cold sound said, our Crystal Ancient Race works, what art is the data and evidence, even if must push to spread out the future, still needs to pass through the mass data and evidence conducts the crystal brain calculation, rather than talks irresponsibly like the god stick of ignorant race.” “预感?”晶四十一闻言也皱起了眉,冷声说道,“我们晶古族做事,讲究的是数据和证据,即使要推衍未来,也是需要经过大量数据和证据进行晶脑演算,而不是像愚昧种族的神棍那样信口雌黄。” two Captain Crystal Ancient Race the level big shot opinion was different, fails to agree this matter to argue immediately, suddenly was who does not convince anyone unexpectedly. 两位晶古族首领级大佬意见相左,话不投机间立刻就此事争论了起来,一时间竟是谁也说不服谁。 Finally, two people will focus in Crystal 5 leader. 最终,两人都将目光集中在了晶五领袖身上。 That meaning, must do by him makes a decision finally. 那意思,显然是要由他做最终决断。 Discussed from the logic, you two people of ideas reasonable.” Crystal 5 is hesitating the say/way, „, but, our data is nowadays insufficient, the event is not proven, the oil reserve is also beset with problems, even consumption a lot of time, use Crystal brain Calculates, the deviation of result will also be very big.” “从逻辑上来论,你二人的想法都有道理。”晶五沉吟着道,“不过,现今我们数据不足,事件证据不足,能源储备也捉襟见肘,即使耗费不少时间,使用【晶脑】进行演算,结果偏差也会很大。” The argument of two people he heard a moment ago, in heart naturally early consideration and consideration. 刚才两人的争论他都听见了,心中自然早有一番思虑和考量。 Crystal 68 is worried also some truth, since is great Ancient God Crystal After falling from the sky, our Crystal Ancient Race looked like lost father's urchin, henceforth, the universe Heavenly Dao regular will became aims at us everywhere.” “不过晶六十八担心的也有些道理,自从伟大的【古神晶】陨落之后,我们晶古族就像是失去了父亲的野孩子,从此,宇宙天道的规则意志变得处处针对我们。” „Our first round of reincarnation rebirth plan, only takes short one month to be completed at most, even if Heavenly Dao has aimed, this leader can still resist!” “不过我们第一轮转世重生计划,至多只需要短短一个月就能完成,就算天道有所针对,本领袖也能抵挡!” In addition, the Number 5 forbidden area starts and stops each time, including transferring navigation, the source crystal consumption is very huge. Our went to World of Immortals also to spend on about in 2000, in addition the consumption in Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto, we could not withstand too spend freely.” “除此之外,五号禁区每次启动和停下,包括挪移航行,源晶消耗都十分巨大。我们此去仙界还得花上将近两千年,加上曹氏洞天内的消耗,我们经不起太多挥霍。” The Crystal 5 words are well-founded, many leaders on board hear to nod the head repeatedly, obviously thought that he said rational. 晶五的话有理有据,会议桌上的诸多首领听得都是频频颔首,显然都觉得他说得有理。 In summary.” After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, Crystal 5 gives the final word as leader, „ instantly fully launches the first round of plan, must complete in one month. “综上。”权衡利弊之后,晶五以领袖的身份一锤定音,“即刻全面启动第一轮计划,务必要在一个月内完成。 Yes, Sir Crystal 5.” “是,晶五大人。” The leaders receive an order instantly. 众首领即刻领命。 Although on the board is relaxed, talking stage everyone all may speak freely, but the leader has the choice, the argument of Crystal 68 and Crystal 41 naturally also comes to the end. 虽然会议桌上氛围宽松,讨论阶段所有人皆可畅所欲言,但领袖已然有了抉择,晶六十八晶四十一的争论自然也就告一段落。 Then, everyone then entered during the intense plan whole-heartedly. 接下来,所有人便全力以赴进入到了紧张的计划之中。 ****** ****** The following some time, Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto also became lived it up. 接下来的一段时间,曹氏洞天内部也变得热闹了起来。 For the reincarnation rebirth plan of Crystal Ancient Race, Cao Clan the Heavenly Grotto had been transformed very early in the morning, not only in Heavenly Grotto buries ninth grade spirit vein that Crystal Ancient Race provided, is centered on spirit vein, the samsara is reincarnated the instrumentation equipment that needs, and corresponding experiment place, has naturally also prepared. 为了晶古族的转世重生计划,曹氏的这个洞天一早就已经被改造过,不仅洞天内埋了一条晶古族提供的九品灵脉,以灵脉为核心,轮回转世所需要的仪器设备,以及相应的实验场所,自然也早就已经准备好了。 At this moment. 此刻。 With start of first batch of samsara reincarnation plans, ninth grade spirit vein The Dense Fog Array method that the core place, was used in covering up untied gradually, revealed central huge incomparable white crystal shape instrument. 随着第一批轮回转世计划的启动,【九品灵脉】核心处,原本用于遮掩的迷雾阵法逐步解开,露出了中央一座巨大无比的白色晶体状仪器。 That instrument is palatial and exquisite, is manifesting the dignified and solemn and respectful different kind aesthetic sense. 那仪器巍峨而精妙,体现着庄严和肃穆的别样美感。 This instrument, then undergoes after the Crystal 5 many improvements Directional samsara meter. 这仪器,便是经过晶五多番改进过后的【定向轮回仪】。 The samsara meter is divided into three parts, the main part, naturally as directional samsara array of core, its two, is the placement needs reincarnation the region of Crystal Ancient Race fine God Physique, its three, are breeds the baby mortal body the parental residence. 轮回仪分为三部分,其中最主要的部分,自然是作为核心的定向轮回阵法,其二,便是安置需要投胎的晶古族神体的区域,其三,便是孕育婴儿肉身的父母居所。 The instrument, constructed many rooms by the special building material. These room semblances are exactly the same, only piles up one on top of another with serial number 000 to 999 in turn dispels, the grand total has 1000. 仪器内部,以特殊的建筑材料建造出了很多房间。那些房间外表一模一样,只以编号000至999依次堆叠排开,总计有一千间。 Because the space is limited, the room is not big, but sparrow, although slightly is fully equipped, and interior does not have the flaw all over the body pure white cleanly, neat, the daily life goods have it all, the acoustic treatment is extremely also good. 由于空间有限,房间并不算大,但麻雀虽小五脏俱全,且内部通体洁白无瑕、干净整洁,生活起居物品一应俱全,隔音措施也极佳。 Such room, as the place of temporary reside, pouring reluctantly was also sufficient. 这样的房间,作为暂居之地,倒也勉强够用了。 These rooms, are then used to place the designated parents. 这些房间,便是用来安置被选定的父母的。 Under the direction of item spirit, the Wang Yanjiao little couple arrives assigned before their room gates, but also without pushed the door to go, Murong Gaoda of next room entrance then collected anxiously, the tone flatters: Yanjiao brother, your couples in 618 rooms? Fortunately, I in 6 Number 19 room.” 器灵的指引下,王宴骄小夫妻来到了分配给他们的房间门前,还没等推门进去,隔壁房间门口的慕容高达便巴巴地凑了过来,语气讨好:“宴骄兄,你们夫妇在618号房?凑巧了,我在六19号房。” In his hand, but also pulls one attractively also to bring heroic spirit Miss, obviously was his wife. 他的手里,还牵着一个漂亮又带点英气的姑娘,显然就是他媳妇了。 Has anything well fortunately, we also in 617.” Another side not far away, Chen Zhengyang is also holding the hand of fiancee, is preparing to enter the room, hearing this cannot bear white Murong Gaoda one, this is Crystal Ancient Race looks at several of us to walk near, arranged the room of hyphen especially, enabling us to encourage to comfort mutually, reduces the tense anxiety as far as possible.” “有什么好凑巧的,我们还在617呢。”另一边的不远处,陈正阳也拉着未婚妻的手,正准备进房间,闻言忍不住白了慕容高达一眼,“这是晶古族看我们几个走得近,特地安排了连号的房间,让我们可以互相鼓励安慰,尽可能减少紧张焦虑感。” Crystal Ancient Race person many of first batch of reincarnations are very outstanding, this is the consideration of Crystal 5, wants to train one batch as soon as possible outstandingly New Crystal Ancient Race person Come, letting them in going to the World of Immortals journey grows. 第一批转世的晶古族人多数都十分优秀,这是晶五的考量,希望尽快培养出一批优秀的【新晶古族人】来,让他们能在前往仙界的路途中成长起来。 Then, can reduce the following pressure for him. 如此一来,也可以替他减轻后续的压力。 The present Crystal Ancient Race person mortal body death, only has in fact had the soul by the fine God Physique deep sleep of condition in the Number 5 restricted area. 要知道,现在的晶古族人肉身实际上都已经“死亡”,仅剩下灵魂以精神体的状态在五号禁地内沉睡。 Crystal 5 was when promoting 19th stage chooses removed the mortal body, was promoted in the fine God Physique way, although the existing defect, but his fine God Physique was powerful, and spiritual energy became the circulation, even if were separated from the mortal body still definitely to exist independently. 晶五乃是在晋升十九阶时选择了褪去肉身,以精神体的方式晋级,虽然存在缺陷,但其本身的精神体非常强大,且精神能量自成循环,就算脱离了肉身也已经完全可以独立存在。 But these fine God Physique are not good. 但这些精神体不行。 Their strength has not achieved the threshold that can remove the mortal body, mostly in the mortal body that the crisis moment strips urgently, for is fine God Physique can escape. 他们本身实力并没有达到可以褪去肉身的门槛,大多都是在危机关头紧急剥离掉的肉身,为的就是精神体能逃过一劫。 By their fine God Physique present condition, once puts on crystal ancient battle armor to fight, will consume the soul energy massively, and cannot obtain to supplement, regains consciousness and fights for a long time to intensify to squander the clansman. 以他们精神体如今的状态,一旦穿上晶古战甲进行战斗,就会大量消耗灵魂能量,且得不到补充,长久苏醒和战斗都会加剧耗干族人。 Only then after reincarnation samsara, had the new mortal body and soul, has a new lease of life they to be able fostered by Crystal Ancient Race devoted to become more outstanding New Crystal Ancient Race person. 只有转世轮回之后,拥有了新的肉身与灵魂,重获新生的他们才能在晶古族的悉心培养下成为更优秀的【新晶古族人】。 Until after they grow, can protect Crystal 5 also to enter the samsara! 直至等他们都成长起来后,才能保护晶五也进入轮回! „The Zhengyang brother, Gundam/reaches as high as the brother, was I implicated you eventually.” Wang Yanjiao recalled these two years the experience, cannot bear somewhat sobs, sighs is saluting apologetically, if not initially accompanied me to attend the outstanding talent meeting, you will not reduce hence.” 正阳兄,高达兄,终究是我连累了你们。”王宴骄回想起这两年来的经历,忍不住有些唏嘘,叹息着歉然行礼,“当初若非陪我来参加俊杰会,你们也不会沦落至此。” Yanjiao, we were whole family don't speak two words.” Chen Zhengyang said indifferently, „, let alone by the Cao Clan urogenous, I do not come in you, they can also think that mostly other means come in my deceive. After all, my Chen Zhengyang is also the famous youth talent......” 宴骄,咱们都是一家人莫说两家话。”陈正阳淡然说道,“何况以曹氏的尿性,我不跟你进来,他们多半也会想其他办法将我诓进来。毕竟,我陈正阳也算是有名的青年才俊……” Right, I reach as high as am also rare outstanding talent, let alone, this time still discussed in Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto a girlfriend......” Murong Gaoda is also frank smiling. “没错,我高达也是难得的俊杰,何况,这一次还在曹氏洞天谈了个女朋友……”慕容高达也是爽朗的笑。 Wang Yanjiao and Chen Zhengyang hear this saying, stared his one eyes ill-humoredly. 王宴骄陈正阳听到这话,均是没好气的瞪了他一眼。 Are you obviously good that tian is collecting unyieldingly? Cao Clan took along the foot grasping you, but also really will toot one's own horn to oneself. 你明明就是觍着脸硬凑上来的好不好?曹氏不过是把你捎带脚给抓了,还真是会给自己脸上贴金。 Remembers for two years ago when Crystal Ancient Race inspects the list, discovered alone by grasped Murong Gaoda, finally discovered that this Murong Gaoda passing rampant domineering, is notorious, the most important thing is he did not have the object! 记得两年前晶古族重新查验名单时,发现了单身被稍带抓了的慕容高达,结果发现这慕容高达过往嚣张跋扈,劣迹斑斑,最重要的是他还没有对象! This matter even alarmed Crystal 68. 这事儿甚至都惊动了晶六十八 Crystal 68 reads his personal history on the brow straight wrinkle, said that this grade of trash does not match is the parents of Crystal Ancient Race person, processing. 晶六十八一看他的履历就眉头直皱,说了一句,这等垃圾不配成为晶古族人的父母,就地处理了吧。 Processing? 就地处理了吧? After hearing this saying, Murong Gaoda yowled to wail immediately , indicating that he has passed through thoroughly rectifies misdeeds, may invite Wang Yanjiao and Chen Zhengyang testifies. 听到这话后,慕容高达当即恸哭哀嚎,表示他早已经痛改前非,可请王宴骄陈正阳作证。 Is good because of Wang Yanjiao , is not only the Wang Clan clansman, synthesizes minute/share in this all list is third, is parental goal that Crystal Ancient Race attaches great importance. Especially Crystal 5 has also solicited the suggestions of Crystal 68, has read Mr. and Mrs. Wang Yanjiao personal history to him. 好在王宴骄非但是王氏族人,在此次全体名单中综合分更是名列第三,是晶古族非常重视的父母目标。尤其是晶五还征求过晶六十八的意见,给他看过王宴骄夫妇的履历。 To be honest, the sense of Crystal 68 to Mr. and Mrs. Wang Yanjiao is very good, this wants the school record to have the school record to would-be parents, wants the culture to have the culture, behavior and conduct also has the quality neither arrogant nor servile, moreover they seem like the luck to be good, obtains the fortuitous encounter most in recent years repeatedly. 说实话,晶六十八王宴骄夫妻的感官很不错,这对“准父母”要学历有学历,要文化有文化,为人处世也是不亢不卑颇有素质,而且他们似乎运气还不错,最近些年屡屡获得奇遇。 This lets study secretly Secret pushes to spread out technique With Great Radiance Prophecy Technique Crystal 68, picked Mr. and Mrs. Wang Yanjiao all of a sudden. 这让暗暗研究过【天机推衍术】和【大光明预言术】的晶六十八,一下子就相中了王宴骄夫妇。 Had Wang Yanjiao to ask for leniency, after Crystal 68 hesitated, finally decided turned over a new leaf the opportunity to Murong Gaoda one time, but the premise was he can in two years, in similarly single Miss from Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto found the object. 有了王宴骄说情,晶六十八犹豫过后,最终还是决定给慕容高达一次重新做人的机会,不过前提是他能在两年内,从曹氏洞天内同样单身的姑娘中找到对象。 Murong Gaoda naturally does not dare should not. 慕容高达自然不敢不应。 Under the big terrifying of life and death oppression, he burst out the unprecedented potential, three months, coaxed soul to invert next door Holy Mansion single good-looking Miss, became the male and female friend, got rid of the processed threat. 生死压迫的大恐怖下,他迸发出了前所未有的潜力,不出三个月,就将一位隔壁圣府的单身俊俏姑娘哄得神魂颠倒,结为了男女朋友,摆脱了被处理的威胁。 Also therefore, he will appear here. 也正是因此,他才会出现在这里。 Ok, this time everyone should not be anxious.” Wang Yanjiao comforts the companions saying that our family/home Youyue Old Ancestor has said that this matter eye shut, is lying down. In any case, our Wang Clan also three Old Ancestor are the directional samsara comes, no at the worst.” “行了,这一次大家也都别太紧张。”王宴骄安慰同伴们说道,“我们家宥岳老祖说过,这种事情眼睛一闭,躺着就过了。反正,我们王氏也有三位老祖就是定向轮回过来的,没啥大不了的。” Crystal Ancient Race gives our time to be limited, when must start, we first go to the room respectively.” 晶古族给我们的时间有限,等会就要开始了,咱们还是先各自回房间吧。” ...... …… But is preparing to conduct the first round of samsara reincarnation plan when Crystal 5 aggressively. 而就在晶五这边正紧锣密鼓地准备进行第一轮轮回转世计划之时。 Once Immortal Alliance limitless Dao Sect center, now Shattered Territory most core region. 曾经的仙盟无极道宗腹地,如今破灭之域的最核心地带。 Here once lively incomparable, once was entire Immortal Alliance most powerful sect, now has actually turned into stretch of desolated ruins. 这里曾经繁华无比,也曾经是整个仙盟最强大的宗门,如今却早已变成了一片荒芜的废墟。 Dark, silent. 黑暗,寂静。 Is here theme. 是这里的主旋律。 Here, lord world and Endless Heaven Abyss boundary normally seems broken general, the space stack-up was shattered, in all directions is the wild black space vortex, during the huge dark matter energy fills the air in entire is void, all dyed heavy such as the black of night. 在这里,正常主世界无尽天渊的界限仿佛已经被打破一般,空间层叠破碎,四处都是狂暴的黑色空间漩涡,庞大的黑暗物质能量弥漫于整个虚空之中,将所有的一切都染成了沉沉如夜的黑。 Under the space vortex attack, has the space crack production of profound danger unceasingly, the spread, the institute of touching and all dark energies rip torn to pieces. 空间漩涡侵袭之下,不断有深邃危险的空间裂缝生成,蔓延,将触之所及的一切黑暗能量撕得支离破碎。 Here, seems is all life species forbidden areas, life that any dares to enter, by everywhere danger embezzling. 这里,好似是所有生命物种的禁区,任何胆敢进入的生灵,都会被无处不在的危险给吞没。 But in the extremely dangerous region, actually the giant monsters lies in the ruins the deep sleep. 而就在极度危险的区域内,却有一头巨型怪兽趴在废墟中沉睡。 Its such as Taotie and body Qilin and claw such as White Tiger and rib live the wing of Phoenix, to live a long tail, the shape such as the tail of ancient times Origin Dragon, seemed is common that many different ferocious beast spot splicing became, among the different parts also had a strange sense of harmony, seeming like quite strange and terrifying. 它头如饕餮、身似麒麟、爪如白虎、肋生凤凰之翼、又生一条长长的尾巴,形如远古始龙之尾,就好似是许多不同的凶兽部位拼接而成的一般,不同部位间却又有种诡异的和谐感,看起来极为怪异和恐怖。 His plate in the ruins, looks like the Taotie head pillow above the great claw, the abdomen section fluctuates slightly, obviously rests is sinking. 他就那么盘在废墟之中,酷似饕餮的头颅枕在巨爪之上,肚腹部微微起伏,显然睡得正沉。 However, even if in the sleeping soundly condition, its from head to toe hair, each piece of scales is also sending out the dreadful ominous prestige every inchs always, overbearing, withers, brings dangerous aura that absorbs the person. 然而,哪怕是在酣睡状态,它浑身上下每一寸毛发,每一片鳞甲也都在无时不刻的散发着滔天凶威,霸道,肃杀,带着摄人的危险气息。 Under the pressure covers, the trim void seemed solidified generally, making one almost not gasp for breath. 威压笼罩下,整片虚空都好似凝固了一般,让人几乎喘不过气来。 Unexpectedly. 蓦地。 Slept soundly it seems feels what general, the closed double pupil opened quickly, reveals one to have the humane doubts. 酣睡中的它好似感受到了什么一般,紧闭的双眸倏地睁开,露出了一股带有人性般的疑惑。 However next moment. 然而下一刻 A its pair of vertical pupil actually reduces suddenly, has to absorb the hatred of person from blasts open, angry, unwilling, brings to the profound mood that letting the person is unable to understand complex. 它一双竖瞳却是猝然紧缩,有摄人的恨意从其中炸裂开来,愤怒,不甘,带着复杂到让人无法理解的深刻情绪。 Meanwhile, the power and influence of its whole body also erupts in this moment loudly, overawes the trim to tremble dreadfully ominously void. 与此同时,它浑身的威势也在这一刻轰然爆发,滔天凶威震得整片虚空都震颤起来。 Roar!” “吼!” The deafening roaring sound resounded through the trim to be void. 震耳欲聋的咆哮声响彻了整片虚空。 The overlapping impact wave direction spreads in all directions, shakes these debrises, the energy vortex, the vestige remained in the ancient times, all changes to the fragment powder. 层层叠叠的冲击波向四面八方扩散而出,震得那些空间碎片,能量旋涡,古代遗迹残留,悉数化作齑粉。 In roaring sound. 咆哮声中。 It one step steps forward, among next instant then vanished in Endless Heaven Abyss, did not know where. 它一步跨出,下一瞬间便消失在了无尽天渊之中,不知去了何处。 ****** ****** Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Shattered Territory edge. 破灭之域边缘。 After Wang Anye a series of seems like under very unscientific throwing dice tracing, deep black Shenzhou the ejection from Endless Heaven Abyss, is not at this moment far from the Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto position. 在经过王安业的一系列看起来很不科学的抛骰子式追踪下,玄青神舟已经从无尽天渊中弹射了出来,此刻距离曹氏洞天位置并不远。 To this result. 对此结果。 Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord silent at the same time, cannot bear start to suspect the life. 天衍道主沉默的同时,忍不住开始怀疑人生。 oneself spent to study the secret to push to spread out Grand Dao for a lifetime, was actually inferior that others threw the dice to be accurate casually. 自己花了一辈子研究天机推衍大道,却不如人家随随便便抛骰子精准。 I where? Do I also want to continue the research of Heaven's Revolution Grand Dao again? Can the disparity of person and person, really go to so the situation? 我在哪里?我到底还要不要再继续天衍大道的研究了?人和人的差距,真的能达到如此地步吗? While Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord questioned the oneself life, another research team on deep black Shenzhou Wang Liyue The team, is actually incomparably excited, harvest a great deal. 就在天衍道主质疑自己人生的同时,玄青神舟上的另外一支科研团队【王璃玥】团队,却是无比兴奋,收获良多。 As the research to Endless Heaven Abyss is even more thorough, in addition understanding and various utilization of Demon Race to the dark matter energy, and related analysis, Wang Liyue is leading the elite team, is always trying to tackle Endless Heaven Abyss this huge topic unceasingly. 随着对无尽天渊的研究愈发深入,再加上魔族对黑暗物质能量的理解和各种运用,以及相关解析,王璃玥率领着精英团队,始终在不断试图攻克无尽天渊这个庞大的课题。 This time in Endless Heaven Abyss internal long distance navigation tracing, the hidden hides and other actions, gave them to practice the data and experimental data massively, believes that under the assistances of these data, they can also times tackle more topics in the future inevitably. 此次在无尽天渊内部的长距离航行追踪,隐藏躲匿等行动,给予了她们大量实践数据和实验数据,相信在这些数据的辅助下,他们未来必然还能一次次攻克更多的课题。 In fact, the Wang Liyue team is the third preparation of Wang Shouzhe! 事实上,王璃玥团队就是王守哲的第三手准备! Carries on the instant messenger using Endless Heaven Abyss the technology, was the Wang Liyue team after having a thorough understanding of the Demon Race technology conducted the product of improvement. 利用无尽天渊进行即时通讯的技术,是王璃玥团队在吃透了魔族技术后对其进行改良的产物。 Although Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto started the array barrier, isolated the communication. However starts the array wall isolation for a long time, inevitably is a consumption enormous matter, sooner or later will relieve the seal. 虽说曹氏洞天启动了阵法壁垒,隔绝了通讯。但是长期启动阵法壁隔绝,必然是一件消耗极大的事情,迟早会解除封印。 In addition, once the opposite party decides to turn on the directional samsara, needs to relieve the Heavenly Grotto array barrier inevitably, perhaps will otherwise be exploded by the Long River of Reincarnation energy crowded. 此外,一旦对方决定开启定向轮回,也必然是需要解除洞天阵法壁垒的,否则说不定会被轮回长河的能量挤爆。 Shouzhe, when do we prepare to begin?” 守哲,咱们准备什么时候动手?” In deep black Shenzhou, beginning day God Sovereign is taking a look at Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto of distant place, the expression somewhat is slightly anxious. 玄青神舟内,始天神皇瞅着远处的曹氏洞天,表情略有几分焦急。 Side he does not care, but he regards Linglong Princess and Wang Youyue that if oneself has are stranded in Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto together, since then did not have the least bit news to spread, the time long he was unavoidably mentally confused. 旁的他不在乎,但是他视若己出的玲珑公主王宥岳一起困在曹氏洞天中,迄今没有半点消息传出,时间久了他难免心乱。 Beginning day your majesty is patient.” Wang Shouzhe is actually calm as usual, „the present will test will soon start, present Crystal 5 is the most vigilant condition inevitably, at this time will begin is not inappropriate.” “始天陛下稍安勿躁。”王守哲却是淡定如常,“如今实验即将开始,现在的晶五必然出于最警惕的状态,此时动手并不合适。” Moreover, our ultimate goals do not prevent the plan of Crystal 5, is not complete ignores his action. Therefore, when the opposite party formally launches the samsara plan, when without escape route begins again, instead can exchange with the opposite party well.” “而且,我们最终的目的并非完全阻止晶五的计划,也不是完全放任他的行动。因此,等对方正式启动轮回计划,没有退路时再动手,反而能与对方好好交流交流。” Wang Clan as well as Holy Territory and Demon Race Supreme You has the big enmity, perhaps perhaps which day of Supreme You killed Holy Territory to come! 王氏以及圣域魔族至尊幽有大仇,也许说不定哪一天至尊幽就杀到圣域来了! Has this crisis to hang in that Wang Shouzhe naturally is the strength that the plan unites to be able to unite, if can obtain the cooperation with Crystal 5, that it would be the best. 有此危机悬在那,王守哲自然是打算团结一切能团结的力量,若是能和晶五取得合作,那就最好不过了。 Even if between Human Race and Crystal Ancient Race had also once had the intense and deep-seated hatred, but the time eventually had changed, so long as the benefit is consistent, the cooperation is not totally impossible. 哪怕人族晶古族之间也曾有过血海深仇,但时代终究已经变了,只要利益一致,合作并非完全不可能。 However, Wang Shouzhe will not make Crystal 5 complete his plan absolutely truly. 但是,王守哲也绝对不会让晶五真正完成他的计划。 After all, plan of Crystal 5, the Human Race parents, when the springboard, treats as the training household utensils of new Crystal Ancient Race person, after waiting for the number of new Crystal Ancient Race person to be the ration, is conforming with a new race it. 毕竟,晶五的计划,是将人族父母当跳板,当做新晶古族人的培养器皿,等新晶古族人的数量达到一定量之后,在将它整合成一个新的种族。 This behavior, Wang Shouzhe will not permit. 这种行为,王守哲是绝不会允许的。 In this regard, Wang Shouzhe after the big shot discussed reached an agreement. 关于这一点,王守哲与众位大佬商议后达成了一致。 The True Spirit reincarnation reincarnation does not have the issue. Who also isn't True Spirit reborn through reincarnation comes? However our Holy Territory, is not your casual problem to the place that the reincarnation can throw! 真灵投胎转世没问题。谁还不是真灵转世投胎而来的?但是我们圣域,也不是你随便想定向投胎就能投的地方! Brings to remember completely the reincarnation samsara, is absolutely is not better. 带着全部记忆转世轮回,更是绝对不行。 Must think that premeditated large-scale reincarnation Holy Territory, the nature a series of some declaration, screening, examination, agreement and other admittance flows, this looks like sets up an immigrant administrative unit to be the same, entry application that the special management reincarnation is reincarnated! 要想蓄谋大规模投胎圣域,自然得有一系列申报、筛选、审查、同意等准入流程,这就像是设立一个移民管理单位一样,专门管理投胎转世的入境申请! Wang Shouzhe thought the name of this organization, called Samsara reincarnation administrative bureau, Abbreviation Round of administrative bureau. 王守哲连这个组织的名字都想好了,就叫【轮回投胎管理局】,简称【轮管局】。 Chenlun Old Ancestor, you prepare.” Wang Shouzhe is saying, transfers to salute to say to an old man respectfully, listens to me to order, we launch the interception plan momentarily.” 宸轮老祖,您准备一下。”王守哲说着,转首恭敬地对一位老者行礼道,“听我命令,咱们随时启动拦截计划。” Haha ~ Shouzhe you felt relieved that other aspect is also obsolete same, but the say/way of this samsara, hehe ~ ~ ~ Wang Chenlun Old Ancestor is stroking the gray beard, smiling a face is self-confident, Crystal Ancient Race wants to sneak across the samsara, naturally must ask the opinion of my Wang Chenlun.” “哈哈~守哲你放心吧,别的方面老朽也就一般般,但是这轮回之道嘛,呵呵~~~王宸轮老祖捋着花白的胡须,笑得一脸自信,“晶古族想要偷渡轮回,自然得问问我王宸轮的意见。” ****** ****** Crystal Ancient Race is always an effective race. 晶古族向来是个有效率的种族。 As a series of preparations prepare completely appropriately, all parents also entered in the respective room, the door also fell the lock. 随着一系列的准备工作全部准备妥当,所有父母也都进入了各自的房间之中,房门也随之落了锁。 That 1000 pure white busy room peaks, presented the one after another tiny hole, continuously light red mist from overflows to disperse. 那一千个纯白无暇的房间顶端,出现了一个个细小的孔洞,一缕缕淡淡的红色薄雾自其中溢散而出。 Meanwhile, the room interior pastes the megacryst curtain of wall arrangement also to open automatically, starts to broadcast some command many small lover blushing ear scarlet movies. 与此同时,房间内部贴墙布置的大晶幕也自动开启,开始播放一些令很多小情侣都脸红耳赤的爱情片。 This is Crystal Ancient Race entrusts obviously, Cao Clan thing that does from some prohibited small workshop. 这显然是晶古族委托,曹氏从某个违禁小作坊内搞来的东西。 Is the eye from small family education excellent Wang Youyue and Linglong Princess stares straight. 从小家教极好的王宥岳玲珑公主看得是眼睛都瞪直了。 Does this this...... among this couples have such mysterious technique? 这这这……这夫妻之间还有此等玄妙之术 Their this usually in does not crave to these to the little couple, instead is more like a pair of playmate, makes merry together plays the game together, lying flat is crossing the worry-free easy life together. 他们这对小夫妻平日里对这些并不热衷,反而更像是一对玩伴,一起吃喝玩乐一起打游戏,一起躺平过着无忧无虑的小日子。 This lets this to the little couple broadens the outlook at the same time, somewhat had a parched mouth unexpectedly. 这让这对小夫妻大开眼界的同时,竟有些口干舌燥了起来。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The giant directional samsara meter of modified version also starts slowly, the one after another light beam compiles to the crystal peak, then changes into one bunch, the direct impact clouds! 改良版的巨型定向轮回仪也缓缓启动,一道道光柱汇总到晶体顶端,而后化为一束,直冲云霄! In a twinkling, top of the head void then trembles fiercely. 霎时间,头顶的虚空便猛地一颤。 Seemed is touched some switch to be the same, an enormous and powerful energy river appeared in void of top of the head suddenly, invisible did not have the nature, vast boundless. 就好似被触及到了某个开关一般,一条浩浩荡荡的能量长河就蓦然出现在了头顶的虚空之中,无形无质,浩瀚无边。 This, is Long River of Reincarnation. 这,就是轮回长河 This river, is almost strength constitution by terrifying the samsara, in the river the mighty waves tumbles, innumerable remaining soul and True Spirit drift with the current. 这条长河,几乎完全是由恐怖的轮回之力构成,长河中波涛翻滚,无数残魂真灵随波逐流。 Delivery soul!” “投放灵魂!” Crystal 5 ordered calmly. 晶五沉着下令。 With this order, including Crystal 13, the Crystal 68 powerhouse soul, and soul of lots of elite Crystal Ancient Race person was awakened from the Number 5 forbidden area, was invested to advocate in world one after another. 随着这道命令,包括晶十三,晶六十八在内的强者灵魂,以及大量的精英晶古族人的灵魂都从五号禁区中被唤醒,而后陆陆续续被投入到了主世界之中。 These souls just appear, Long River of Reincarnation complied with the Heavenly Dao rule immediately, the release the strong attraction, all towed in them the river, prepared according to the rule washout baptism. 这些灵魂甫一出现,轮回长河就立即顺应天道规则,释放出了强大的吸引力,将它们悉数牵引进了长河之中,准备按照规则冲刷洗礼。 All are conducting methodically. 一切都有条不紊地进行着。 The Crystal 5 look concentrates on, closely is staring at Long River of Reincarnation, waits for these souls to roll when Long River of Reincarnation, the soul is stripped thoroughly, is only left over True Spirit, pulls back them. 晶五神色专注,紧紧盯着轮回长河,就等着那些灵魂在轮回长河中滚过一圈,魂魄被彻底剥离,只剩下真灵时,就将它们拉回来。 May be in this time. 可正在此时。 Bang ~!!!” “轰~!!!” A deafening bellow resounds suddenly. 一声震耳欲聋的轰鸣声乍然响起。 Long River of Reincarnation nearby lord world space is loudly stave, monster that is sending out the Peerless ominous prestige but air-splitting, sent out terrifying roaring fiercely. 轮回长河附近的主世界空间轰然破碎,一头散发着绝世凶威的怪物破空而至,猛地发出了一声恐怖的咆哮。 Roar!!” “吼!!” In the roaring sound, entire Long River of Reincarnation and Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto starts to shiver fiercely, just like welcoming the disaster of World Extinguishing. 咆哮声中,整个轮回长河曹氏洞天都开始剧烈颤抖起来,宛如迎来了灭世之灾。 This is...... the cataclysm beast!?” Crystal 5 immediately complexion big change. “这是……灾变兽!?”晶五登时脸色大变。 But at the same time. 而与此同时。 Wang Shouzhe and the others were also the long-distance range induces this terrifying aura. 王守哲等人也是远距离感应到了这股恐怖气息。 Fellow big shot simultaneously turns hostile immediately. 各位大佬登时齐齐变脸。 Isn't this big terrifying of Shattered Territory deep place exists? 这不是破灭之域深处的大恐怖存在吗? It never does not leave Shattered Territory? 它不是从不离开破灭之域的么? How can, appear all of a sudden here?! 怎么会,一下子出现在这里?! „Is this Shattered Territory big terrifying exists?” Beginning day God Sovereign was also the complexion drastic change, in the look revealed the color of shock, „wasn't this Alliance Lord the cataclysm beast that brought from the Endless Heaven Abyss deep place? Why waits for...... on it to have the Alliance Lord aura?” “这就是破灭之域的大恐怖存在?”始天神皇也是脸色剧变,眼神中露出了震惊之色,“这不就是盟主无尽天渊深处引来的灾变兽么?等等……它身上为何会有盟主的气息?” Can make beginning day God Sovereign routine politely call one Alliance Lord, only one in the history, that is last Immortal Alliance Alliance Lord! 能让始天神皇习惯性尊称一声“盟主”的,在历史中仅有一位,那便是最后一任仙盟盟主 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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