POP :: Volume #8

#22: This Immortal Emperor thorough lying flat

Naturally, Wang Shouzhe may not go to World of Immortals with deep black Shenzhou for the time being, first did not say that this came one on 2000, was only this energy consumption on the way is the astronomical figures that was hard to bear, could not consume. 当然,王守哲可暂且不会用玄青神舟去仙界,先不说这一来一回就得两千年,光是这途中的能源消耗就是个难以负担的天文数字,根本耗不起。 Nowadays, deep black Shenzhou biggest role, hits Crystal 5 one to be caught off guard. 现如今,玄青神舟最大的作用,还是打晶五一个措手不及。 Perhaps that Crystal 5 has a dream cannot think, even if to Endless Heaven Abyss, depended on the advantage of forbidden area, he cannot run away as before ~ ~ 晶五恐怕做梦都想不到,哪怕到了无尽天渊之中,倚仗禁区之利,他也依旧跑不掉吧~~ Deep black Senior Sister, please enter Endless Heaven Abyss world, the start tracing pattern.” “玄青学姐,请您进入无尽天渊世界,启动追踪模式。” Took back the line of sight, Wang Shouzhe told one. 收回视线,王守哲吩咐了一声。 The voice falls, the gentle moving sound resounds together suddenly. 话音落下,一道温婉动人的声音蓦然响起。 Such as you hope, Junior Brother Shouzhe.” “如你所愿,守哲师弟。” This sound brings several points of spatial vast, could not detect that explicit whence, seems surrounding each to make the sound to be the same. 这声音带着几分空渺,察觉不出明确的来处,就好似周围的每一处都在发出声音一般。 master of this sound, is item spirit of deep black Shenzhou Deep black. 这声音的主人,正是玄青神舟的器灵【玄青】。 As a Shenzhou, the item spirit rank of deep black Shenzhou is high, followed Azure Emperor to be extremely long, mental already very mature, exchanged with it almost could not feel that she was item spirit. 作为一艘神舟,玄青神舟的器灵等级非常高,又跟随了青帝极久,心智早已十分成熟,与之交流几乎感觉不出她是器灵 Because its master is Azure Emperor, may regard as the Azure Emperor half disciple, respects to it by Senior Sister by Wang Shouzhe symmetrially. 因其主人乃是青帝,可视作青帝半个弟子,是以王守哲才对其以“学姐”相称以示尊重。 As the item spirit deep black sound falls. 随着器灵玄青声音落下。 Among next instant, deep black Shenzhou bloomed the fierce azure ray, went to the forward slip like ships entering the sea generally, broke open unexpectedly directly the space barrier that lord world, entered in Endless Heaven Abyss that was full of the dark matter energy. 下一瞬间,玄青神舟绽放出了剧烈的青色光芒,如同船只入海一般向前滑去,竟是直接破开了主世界的空间壁垒,进入到了充满暗物质能量的无尽天渊之中。 This is the mysterious and powerful place of deep black Shenzhou, only by own array strength then can direct crossing the worlds, but does not need to seek for the natural Heavenly Abyss entrance. 这便是玄青神舟的玄妙和强大之处,仅凭自身阵法力量便能直接破界,而不需要寻找天然的天渊入口。 This is Dao Boat cannot achieve definitely. 这是道舟决计做不到的。 Naturally, does that first consumes energy enormously, must has abundant Primal Chaos Spirit Stone to provide the energy support. 当然,这么做一来是耗能极大,须得有充沛的混沌灵石提供能量支持。 Secondly, the risk is also big. 二来,风险性也是不小。 After all, in Endless Heaven Abyss is complicated, the danger is numerous. Considers, so momentarily towering intrudes strange Endless Heaven Abyss, if went into one crowd of Heavenly Abyss Demon Fiend encirclement ring, that didn't send directly? 毕竟,无尽天渊之中情况复杂,危险众多。试想一下,如此随时突兀的闯入陌生的无尽天渊,万一闯入了一群天渊魔煞的包围圈中,那不就直接寄了? If initial Azure Emperor, naturally did not fear these, after all many Heavenly Abyss Demon Fiend he can also work as Nakiri, was bumps into the cataclysm beast also to fight, may regarding present Holy Territory, these situations, actually be the solid risks. 若是当初的青帝,自然是不怕这些,毕竟再多的天渊魔煞他也能当菜切了,便是碰上灾变兽也可一战,可对于如今的圣域来说,这些情况,却都是实实在在的风险。 Is good because , the battle efficiency on this moment deep black Shenzhou is quite astonishing, even if seriously towering hits one crowd of Heavenly Abyss Demon Fiend, unlucky is also they, rather than Wang Shouzhe. 好在,此刻玄青神舟上的战斗力极为惊人,哪怕当真突兀的撞到一群天渊魔煞,倒霉的也是它们,而不是王守哲 So, just now supports the Wang Shouzhe crazy plan sufficiently. 如此,方才足以支撑王守哲疯狂的计划。 However the this time Wang Shouzhe luck is good, after breaking into Endless Heaven Abyss, not encounters any danger. 不过这一次王守哲的运气还算不错,破入无尽天渊后并无遇到任何危险。 Junior Brother Shouzhe.” The sound of item spirit deep black resounds again, Endless Heaven Abyss internal dark matter energy density is extremely high, even if starts the tracing pattern, wants to lock the Crystal 5 forbidden area is still difficult, and is easy to arouse the opposite party 19th stage powerhouse vigilance. Also asked Junior Brother Shouzhe to provide the target direction, as well as tracing tactic policy.” 守哲师弟。”器灵玄青的声音再次响起,“无尽天渊内部暗物质能量密度极高,即便启动追踪模式,想要锁定晶五禁区也非常困难,且容易引起对方十九阶强者警觉。还请守哲师弟提供目标方向,以及追踪战术方针。” Relax, I have the arrangement early.” “放心,我早有安排。” Wang Shouzhe shows a faint smile, is unhurried. 王守哲微微一笑,丝毫不慌。 Regarding this scene, his naturally several sets of plans deal early. 对此场景,他自然早有数套预案应对。 If the cultivators want to trace anything, the method that can use are many and varied, not necessarily must depend on spiritual sense. 修行者若是想要追踪什么,能使用的手段多种多样,也未必就一定要靠神念 Wang Shouzhe first invites Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord, asking him to use Heaven's Revolution technique to push to spread out. 王守哲先是请出了天衍道主,请他用天衍之术进行推衍。 Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord also knows to be important, took out the Heaven's Revolution beginning of the universe mirror to push to spread out very much earnestly, helpless finally revealed the forced smile to Wang Shouzhe: Family Head Shouzhe, in this Endless Heaven Abyss various Heavenly Dao principle shields are extremely fierce, my Heaven's Revolution beginning of the universe mirror is replica...... I can only infer general direction ~ ~ merely 天衍道主也知道事关重大,很认真地取出天衍混元镜推衍了一番,最后无奈对王守哲露出了苦笑:“守哲家主,这无尽天渊之中各类天道法则屏蔽太过厉害,我这天衍混元镜又仅仅是仿品……我只能推断出大概方向~~ The quality goods of this Heaven's Revolution beginning of the universe mirror, had been robbed to take away to study by Crystal Ancient Race, replica of Heaven's Revolution lineage only this Holy Item level is the continuation, the function weakened. 天衍混元镜的正品,早就被晶古族抢走拿去研究了,天衍一脉只余这一件圣器级的仿品代代相传,功能自是削弱了许多。 Naturally, Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord cultivation base Chaos Origin Boundary initial stage, in this Endless Heaven Abyss one of the restricted quite a lot, important reasons. 当然,天衍道主修为不过混元境初期,在这无尽天渊之中受限颇多,重要原因之一。 Might as well, that activates the second plan.” Wang Shouzhe is actually calm as usual. “无妨,那就启动第二预案。”王守哲倒是淡定如常。 He then assigned/life the person to invite Wang Anye and Wang Baofu immediately, making them make a move. 他当下便命人请来了王安业王宝福,让他们出手。 , Must be shielded the destiny for some unknown resson Wang Anye, its inherent good luck not to have been suppressed in Endless Heaven Abyss from the start, instead probably got rid of the shackles to be the same, compared unexpectedly when Lord world must stronger several points. 不知是何原因,原本应当被屏蔽气运的王安业,其与生俱来的好运气在无尽天渊中压根就没受到压制,反而像是摆脱了桎梏一般,竟是比在主世界时还要更强了几分。 This point, they had experienced before several times, since this time must seek for the Crystal 5 forbidden area, they do not pass on responsibilities. 这一点,他们之前就已经体验过数次,这次既然是要寻找晶五禁区,他二人自是当仁不让。 Then, Wang Anye on drawing the Destiny Tree Wang Baofu same place, is starting to throw the dice. 2-3 throwing, Wang Anye gave the precise direction assuredly. 然后,王安业就拉着气运之树王宝福一起,开始抛骰子。2-3把抛下来,王安业就笃定的给出了精确的方向。 Also, deep black Shenzhou on speedily which direction tracing toward goes . Moreover the speed has not mentioned quickly, obviously to prevent Crystal 5 perceived. 随之,玄青神舟就一溜烟的朝哪个方向追踪而去,而且速度并没有提到最快,显然是为了防止晶五觉察。 But such navigation, naturally has the price. 而这样的航行,自然是有代价的。 As deep black Shenzhou gradually accelerates, starts in Heavenly Abyss the navigation pattern, Primal Chaos Spirit Stone in core driving influence array also starts to consume rapidly. 随着玄青神舟逐渐加速,启动天渊内部航行模式,核心驱动力阵法中的混沌灵石也开始迅速消耗。 This consumption, according to does not calculate, but batches of consumptions. 这种消耗,可不是按颗算的,而是成批成批的消耗。 But deep black Senior Sister somewhat is discontented with Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, controls extreme speed of deep black Shenzhou in Endless Heaven Abyss to graze, while cannot bear with Wang Shouzhe complained: Junior Brother Shouzhe, you use massive Primal Chaos Spirit Stone packing to actuate array, although can also navigate, but the Primal Chaos Spirit Stone impurity eventually is a much less! If possible, must make me eat Primal Chaos Crystal occasionally.” 而玄青学姐混沌灵石还有几分不满,一边控制着玄青神舟在无尽天渊之中极速飞掠,一边忍不住跟王守哲抱怨:“守哲师弟,你用大量的混沌灵石填充驱动阵法,虽然也能航行,但混沌灵石的杂质终究是有点多!有机会的话,还是得让我偶尔吃一吃混沌结晶。” Deep black Senior Sister you could rest assured that I have arranged many high-purity Primal Chaos Crystal, is used to use alternately.” Wang Shouzhe comforts with a smile, will not make you use Primal Chaos Spirit Stone.” “玄青学姐您放心,我已经筹备了多枚高纯度的混沌结晶,用来交替使用。”王守哲笑着安抚,“不会让您一直用混沌灵石的。” Deep black Shenzhou is indeed powerful and easy-to-use, regardless of the speed defends second to kill Dao Boat, may consume actually also really in a big way, moreover requests also high, Immortal Spirit Stone cannot have a liking, common Holy Venerable regards as the most precious object Primal Chaos Spirit Stone to shut out the impurity to be many continually...... 玄青神舟的确强大而好用,无论速度还是防御都秒杀道舟,可消耗却也是真的大,而且要求也高,仙灵石根本看不上,连寻常圣尊视作至宝的混沌灵石都嫌弃杂质多…… However, Wang Shouzhe can also understand her but actually, like deep black Shenzhou high-end ultra runs, cannot make her eat nine SAW oil. 不过,王守哲倒也能理解她,像玄青神舟这样的高端超跑,总不能让她一直吃九二汽油。 During the one person and one item spirit speeches, Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord looks helplessly Primal Chaos Spirit Stone in array change into the fragment powder, cannot bear cover the chest, loves dearly. 一人一器灵说话间,天衍道主眼睁睁地看着阵法中的混沌灵石一颗颗化为齑粉,忍不住捂着心口,心疼得不行。 The consumption of this deep black Shenzhou was extremely also astonishing, is good withstand/top because of the day collapsing reason tall person...... has Wang Clan that super big plutocrat to keep off! 这玄青神舟之耗费也太过惊人了,好在天塌下来由高个子顶着……有王氏那个超级大财阀挡着! Has not actually thought that when he just had this thought that Wang Shouzhe opens the mouth suddenly: This time prevents the plan of Crystal 5 action, what concerned is the entire Holy Territory security problem, this consumption of resources should not undertake by my Wang Clan strength. Our Wang Clan Primal Chaos Spirit Stone, is not the gale blows.” 却不曾想,就在他刚刚生出这个念头的时候,王守哲忽的开口:“此次阻止晶五行动之计划,关乎的是全圣域的安全问题,这资源消耗不应由我王氏一力承担。咱们王氏混沌灵石,也不是大风刮来的。” Nearby Wang Anye nods slightly, agrees: Great Grandfather said right, after this action, I reorganize the entire bill of resource consuming, making various Holy Territory influences divide equally.” 一旁的王安业微微颔首,深表赞同:“太爷爷说得对,此次行动之后,我整理一下全资源消耗列表,让圣域各势力均摊一下。” „......” “……” Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord complexion one stiff. 天衍道主脸色一僵。 Not? 不是吧? His Heaven's Revolution Dao Alliance these year days felt better with great difficulty, had not accumulated many family properties with enough time. This shares, isn't shearing his meat? 天衍道盟这些年好不容易日子好过了些,还没来得及攒下多少家底呢。这一分摊,不就是在割他肉么? However, was good in the entire Holy Territory influence are many went to...... the booth to his Heaven's Revolution Dao Alliance on,...... did not love dearly ~ 不过,好在整个圣域势力多了去……摊到他天衍道盟头上,唔……还是心疼啊~ Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord hung up the painful mask. 天衍道主挂上了痛苦面具。 Holy Clan following humble family.” Wang Shouzhe beckons with the hand, Holy Clan many have some meaning meanings, the big end made the Dao Lord level influence share. An ability bigger responsibility is bigger, no one want to stay out.” 圣族以下的小门小户就罢了。”王守哲摆了摆手,“圣族多少出一些意思意思,大头就令道主级势力分摊。正所谓能力越大责任越大,谁也别想置身事外。” Yes, Great Grandfather.” Wang Anye receives an order. “是,太爷爷。”王安业领命。 Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord heard the hemp in side. 天衍道主在旁边听得都麻了。 It seems like in the oneself pocket that pitiful Primal Chaos Spirit Stone was doomed unable to detain. Blames that damn Crystal 5, what is all right to mess about to make? 看来自己兜里那点可怜的混沌灵石注定是留不住了。都怪那该死的晶五,没事瞎折腾做什么? Right, your Great Grandmother?” Wang Shouzhe looked about, cannot bear ask, how to see her person's shadow good long while?” “对了,你太奶奶呢?”王守哲看了看左右,忍不住问道,“怎么好半天不见她人影?” This, the meaning of Great Grandmother is, has not known how long must pursue, everyone idles is also idling, chess room.” Wang Anye gathers side Wang Shouzhe, low voice explanation. “这,太奶奶的意思是,还不知道要追击多久,大家闲着也是闲着,就支了个棋牌室。”王安业凑到王守哲身边,小声解释。 Chess room......” the Wang Shouzhe eye hides jumps. “棋牌室……”王守哲眼皮子直跳。 This is not the person how, 12 table-boards cannot support the scene.” Helpless Wang Anye said. “这不是人多么,一两张牌桌撑不住场面。”王安业无奈道。 „...... My this azure profound Shenzhou, to become Duchuan.” Wang Shouzhe cold snort/hum. “呵……我这青玄神舟,成赌船了。”王守哲冷哼不已。 ****** ****** When Wang Shouzhe director azure profound Shenzhou, traces the Crystal 5 restricted area and Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto from afar, the situation in Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto, has stabilized. 就在王守哲指挥青玄神舟,远远追踪晶五禁地和曹氏洞天之时,曹氏洞天之中的局势,也已经稳定了下来。 The Crystal Ancient Race powerhouse controlled the scene thoroughly, cloud Lie Old Ancestor then with the assistance of massive Cao Clan elite clansman, starts the clansman who comforted oneself majority not to know the circumstances of the matter, young one generation that as well as various path to come attended the youth outstanding talent meeting. 晶古族强者彻底掌控了现场,云烈老祖便在大量曹氏精英族人的协助下,开始安抚起了自家大部分不知情的族人,以及各路来参加青年俊杰会的年轻一代们。 In this period, naturally must have one use both persuasion and threats, in addition promise all sorts of advantage, picture next pie. 期间,自然少不得一番软硬兼施,外加许诺种种好处,画下一块块大饼。 young one generation on the scene is not willing to submit, may as a result of what is done cannot be undone, in addition the strength deterrent of Crystal Ancient Race terrifying, punishing one as a warning to others that and other methods in addition must have, the situation quickly steady. 在场的年轻一代自是不愿意屈服,可由于木已成舟,加上晶古族恐怖的实力威慑,再加上少不得的杀鸡儆猴等手段,局势很快就平稳了下来。 young one generation of attending the outstanding talent meeting has to accept the Cao Clan arrangement, honest lived in Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto. 参加俊杰会的年轻一代们不得不接受曹氏安排,老老实实的在曹氏洞天内住了下来。 Mr. and Mrs. Wang Yanjiao two, because the paid attention rank is high, what was assigned is one set is quiet and comfortable, is located the independent yard on eighth grade spirit vein. Institute entrance, but also arranged True Immortal Boundary Elder especially nursing accompaniment. 王宴骄夫妻两个因为受关注的级别较高,被分配到的是一套环境幽静,座落在八品灵脉上的独立小院。院门口,还特地安排了一位真仙境长老“看护陪同”。 But Mr. and Mrs. Wang Baosheng three, in addition Wang Youyue couple and the others, the aptitude is more remarkable, the strength is more tyrannical, is the environment is naturally better, and personally is accompanied by cloud Lie Old Ancestor. 王宝圣夫妻三个,外加王宥岳夫妻俩等人,资质更加卓越,实力更加强横,自然是居住环境更好,且由云烈老祖亲自陪同。 Baosheng Young Patriarch bright mirror. This time many offends, being really my Cao Clan is helpless ~ cloud Lie Old Ancestor is quite polite to a Wang Clan numerous attitude and respectful, a oneself also very helpless appearance. 宝圣少族长明鉴。此番多有得罪,实属我曹氏无奈啊~”云烈老祖王氏一众的态度极为客气和恭敬,一副自己也很无奈的样子。 That performing skill unusual conditions, without slightly flaw, before as if, blade dagger-axe opposite direction is not he is ordinary. 那演技浑然天成,没有丝毫破绽,就仿佛之前刀戈相向的不是他一般。 Things have gotten to this point, we blame your Cao Clan being also insignificant.” Wang Baosheng sincere said, Crystal Ancient Race is the race that struggles to seek livehood, the conduct attitude has the extremeness, but Crystal 5 is one of the race leaders, once he decides to start this plan, you want to oppose not to oppose. However, I want to know actually how you are Crystal Ancient Race mix in the same place?” “事已至此,我们怪你曹氏也无意义。”王宝圣正色说道,“晶古族是一个挣扎求生的种族,行事作风多有偏激,而晶五是种族领袖之一,一旦他决定开启这个计划,你想反对也反对不了。不过,我倒是想知道,你是怎么和晶古族搅和在一起的?” This......” cloud Lie Old Ancestor slightly one hesitant, said truthfully, present what is done cannot be undone, the situation has become, I consider Young Patriarch also to might as well the cause and effect but actually.” “这……”云烈老祖略一犹豫,还是如实说道,“如今木已成舟,大势已成,我将前因后果告之少族长倒也无妨。” This matter must 1000 600-700 years ago mentioned, at that time led the elite clansman to explore an ordinary vestige in the void sea obsolete, actually unexpectedly that vestige after trembled greatly changed beyond all recognition, appears an entrance to Endless Heaven Abyss.” “此事要从一千600-700年前说起,当时老朽带着精英族人在虚空海中探索一个普通遗迹,却不料那遗迹在一阵巨颤之后面目全非,显现出了一个通往无尽天渊的入口。” Our only does Holy Clan, how dare to excel at rushing to Endless Heaven Abyss? In we prepare to retreat, a vast mighty force then arrested forcefully us, as you expected, that was the Crystal Ancient Race Number 5 restricted area!” “我们区区一个圣族,如何敢擅闯无尽天渊?就在我们准备撤退时,一股浩瀚伟力便将我们都强行抓捕进了进去,如您所料,那便是晶古族五号禁地!” Later I found out from the Crystal 5 big population, originally Crystal Ancient Race Number 5 restricted area, already in scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion nearby Endless Heaven Abyss quiet of hundred ten thousand years! That Sir Crystal 5 regains consciousness time , because received some signals. Afterward I know, the signal that after that is directional samsara technological experiment to be successful , the experimental equipment sends automatically!” “事后我才从晶五大人口中得知,原来晶古族五号禁地,早就在赤鼎圣府附近的无尽天渊内部沉寂了百万载之久!那一次晶五大人苏醒,是因为接收到了一些信号。后来我才知道,那是定向轮回技术实验成功后实验仪器自动传递来的信号!” Mr. and Mrs. Wang Baosheng three hears here, immediately looked at one mutually. 王宝圣夫妻三个听到此处,登时互相望了一眼。 That so-called directional samsara technological experiment successfully what's the matter, they are naturally clear. 那所谓的“定向轮回技术实验成功”是怎么回事,他们自然再清楚不过。 To them, that memory it can be said that remembers with eternal gratitude time. That is under the management of Crystal 39, an experiment of conducted crazy resistance samsara Heavenly Dao. 对他们来说,那一次的记忆可以说是刻骨铭心。那是在晶三十九的主持下,进行的一次疯狂的对抗轮回天道的实验。 Crystal 39 thinks that is oneself puts together completely all, even does not hesitate to seize leader's daughter Jing Feifei to attend the experiment, just now makes the experiment be able to succeed, all are independently deciding of her oneself. 只是晶三十九以为是自己拼尽一切,甚至不惜抓捕领袖之女晶菲菲来参加实验,方才让实验得以成功,一切都是她自己的自作主张。 Perhaps her oneself cannot even think, that all unexpectedly during the surveillance and control of Crystal 5. 恐怕连她自己都想不到,那一切竟都在晶五的监视和操控之中。 But is also the success that because Crystal 39 that experiments time, Crystal 5 concealed the back door in directional samsara meter to transmit a multitude of experimental data, awakened the Number 5 restricted area, awakened Crystal 5 of deep sleep hundred ten thousand years. 而也是因为晶三十九那一次实验的成功,晶五暗藏在定向轮回仪中的后门传输回来了大量实验数据,才唤醒了五号禁地,唤醒了沉睡百万载的晶五 Then had the present accident. 这才有了如今的变故。 Tiger poison, in addition does not eat.” In the Wang Baosheng pupil exudes to wipe angrily. “虎毒尚且不食子。”王宝圣眸中泛起一抹恼怒。 Before Wang Clan had suspected a possibility, that is Crystal 5 brings favored daughter Jing Feifei to inspect the Crystal 39 experiment base especially, and gave the Crystal 39 opportunity, was tempts Crystal 39 to go to the thunder of road ahead! 之前王氏就怀疑过一种可能性,那就是晶五特地带着爱女晶菲菲去视察晶三十九的实验基地,并且给与晶三十九机会,便是引诱晶三十九去趟前路的雷! Jing Feifei, but is a board game piece in Crystal 5 hand, is a best test piece. 晶菲菲,不过是晶五手中的一枚棋子,也是一份最佳的实验品。 After all, according to the view of Jing Feifei, she was young initially, has been protected very well, most time learn/study except for cultivation, do not contact world outside forbidden area. 毕竟,按照晶菲菲的说法,她当初年龄尚小,一直被保护得很好,大多数时间除了修炼就是学习,并不怎么接触禁区外的世界 That inspection, is Crystal 5 proposed suddenly, how to see that somewhat is towering. 那一次视察,也是晶五忽然提出的,怎么看都有些突兀。 However, suspected that suspected eventually, they have no evidence, in addition the matter is separated too for a long time, tries to prove difficultly, then also can only put aside this suspicion for the time being. 不过,怀疑终究只是怀疑,他们并没有任何证据,加之事情间隔太久,就连求证都难,便也只能将这怀疑暂且搁置。 But this suspicion, this time in view of the Crystal 5 plan during, Jing Feifei and Wang Jinlu was then excluded. 但有了这个怀疑,此次针对晶五计划之中,晶菲菲王瑾璐便都被排除在外了。 This is the meaning of Wang Clan Old Ancestor Shouzhe, he does not think that Jing Feifei and Jinlu receive two injuries. 这是王氏守哲老祖的意思,他不想晶菲菲瑾璐受到二次伤害。 Baosheng, Crystal 5 eventually is the Crystal Ancient Race leader.” Ying Lingzhu held on the hand of Baosheng actually, comforts was saying, „the Crystal Ancient Race practicing evolution line took the wrong road from the beginning the road, if could not find the new outlet, will welcome finally perishes. Crystal 5 as the race leader, the pressure nature that shoulders is different.” 宝圣,晶五终究是晶古族的领袖。”嬴灵竹倒是拉住了宝圣的手,安抚着说道,“晶古族的修行进化路线从一开始就走岔了路,若找不到新的出路,终将迎来灭亡。晶五身为种族领袖,肩负的压力自然不一样。” These years, they unearthed many Crystal Ancient Race vestiges, the understanding Crystal Ancient Race naturally is also more and more profound. 这些年,他们挖掘了不少晶古族遗迹,对晶古族的了解自然也是越来越深刻。 In some sense, this race is a tragedy. 从某种意义上来说,这个种族就是个悲剧。 The Crystal Ancient Race inborn body is emaciated, the psychic force is powerful, cultivates the body wasted effort, therefore then took the psychic force cultivation route from the beginning. When the leader promotes 19th stage, to get rid of the mortal body shackles, chose simply removed the mortal body, spiritual to become God. 晶古族天生身体羸弱,精神力强大,修体事倍功半,因此一开始便走了精神力修炼路线。首领晋升十九阶时,为了摆脱肉身的桎梏,更是干脆选择了褪去肉身,精神成神。 Finally, this exuviate, shed have problems. 结果,这一蜕,就蜕就出了问题。 It is well known, in Endless Heaven Abyss the everywhere dark energy has the intense corrosive nature to the mental consciousness. 众所周知,无尽天渊内无处不在的黑暗能量对精神意识有强烈的侵蚀作用。 The Crystal Ancient Race leader does not have the mortal body as the backing, in Endless Heaven Abyss, even the forbidden area leaves can not, it can be said that is restrained everywhere. 晶古族领袖没有肉身作为依托,在无尽天渊之中,甚至连禁区都出不得,可以说是处处受制。 In addition, the road of following promotion also has problems. 除此之外,后续的晋升之路也是出了问题。 Also is therefore, Crystal Ancient Race so will be afterward rigid in using human does the experiment. bloodline transplants, taking advantage of embryo reincarnation, to solve Crystal Ancient Race mortal body emaciated problem. 也是因此,晶古族后来才会如此执着于用人类做实验。血脉移植,借胎转生,都是为了解决晶古族肉身羸弱的问题。 Baosheng Young Patriarch, the past events are all over, must look eventually forward.” cloud Lie Old Ancestor also urged one in the one side, Sir Crystal 5 based on Crystal 39 experimental data, made massive optimizations and improvements, the brand-new directional samsara instrument success rate is extremely high. Later, we went to the World of Immortals development, must rely upon Sir Crystal 5 to look after!” 宝圣少族长,往事俱已矣,终究还得向前看。”云烈老祖也在一旁劝了一句,“晶五大人在晶三十九的实验数据基础上,作出了大量的优化和改进,全新的定向轮回仪器成功概率极高。以后啊,咱们去了仙界发展,都得仰仗晶五大人照拂!” In the final analysis, cloud Lie Old Ancestor does not want to offend Wang Baosheng and other numerous to be powerful thoroughly, and powerhouse of infinite potential. 归根究底,云烈老祖也不想彻底得罪死了王宝圣等一众实力强大,且无限潜力的强者。 After all, as the experimental subject of Crystal 5 designation, they will give birth to the descendant who Crystal Ancient Race is reincarnated mostly, Crystal 5 will not definitely kill their. 毕竟,作为晶五选定的实验对象,他们多半会生下晶古族转世的后裔,晶五肯定是不会杀他们的。 But by Wang Baosheng and others of potential, will promote Dao Lord in the future is not the issue. By that time, the Cao Clan position becomes extremely awkward. 而以王宝圣等几人的潜力,将来晋升道主不是问题。到那时候,曹氏的地位就会变得极为尴尬。 Being forced to leave native place the World of Immortals survival was not easy, can win over several backers is also good for Cao Clan. 背井离乡去仙界生存本就不易,能为曹氏多拉拢几个靠山也是好的。 Moreover this big action, Cao Clan is also is really helpless, belongs is partly forced the participation, has the opportunity naturally also to leave a leeway. 而且此次大行动,曹氏也是实属无奈,属于被半强迫着参与的,有机会自然也想多留点后路。 Snort, your Cao Clan actually good skill, for the Crystal 5 purchase and construction direction detection samsara equipment, consumes so many precious materials, we are unable to determine that obstinately is your Cao Clan does.” Wang Baosheng said indifferently. “哼,你们曹氏倒是好本事,替晶五购买和建造定向轮回设备,耗费那么多的珍贵材料,我们愣是无法确定到底是不是你们曹氏干的。”王宝圣冷眼说道。 This...... ~ cloud Lie Old Ancestor is also helpless embarrassed smiles, our Cao Clan eventually is also deep-rooted, operated the big several hundred thousand years of local bullies in scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion, is more careful the conduct, stirs a turbid water not to cover their ears and eyes in a short time difficultly. However, if delayed the time to be long, we gave oneself away eventually unavoidably.” “这……哈~”云烈老祖也是无奈的尬笑,“我们曹氏终究也是根深蒂固,在赤鼎圣府经营了大几十万年的地头蛇,小心谨慎些行事,搅个混水短时间内掩人耳目不难。不过,若是拖得时间久了,我们终究还是免不了露出马脚。” Things have gotten to this point, Wang Baosheng complained again Cao Clan does not have the significance, has to calm the mind to wait for patiently. 事已至此,王宝圣再埋怨曹氏也是毫无意义,只得静下心来耐心等待。 The time, crossed in a flash for two years. 时间,一晃眼间又过了两年。 Two years later some day. 两年后的某一天。 The crystal ancient Number 5 restricted area eventually ended the condition that the extreme speed transferred, stopped after a deceleration finally gradually. 晶古五号禁地终于结束了极速挪移的状态,在一番减速之后终于渐渐停了下来。 Belonged to Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto also to end the hauling, appeared to advocate in world again. 属于曹氏洞天也结束牵引,再次浮现到了主世界之中。 This short two years, Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto had left the scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion extremely far distance, even if Absolute Beginning Dao Boat knew that the position wants to catch up, ten years eight years have not given up any idea to achieve. 只是这短短两年时间,曹氏洞天早就离开了赤鼎圣府极远的距离,哪怕是太初道舟得知位置想要赶过来,没有十年八年也休想做到。 But in this short two years of navigation, the Number 5 restricted area is not also problem-free, does not know that they were but actually what mildew, was taken by surprise various mistakes and all the way repeatedly. 而在这短短两年的航行中,五号禁地也绝非一帆风顺,也不知道他们是倒了什么霉,一路上频频遭遇各种差池和意外。 Also the Crystal 5 strength is fortunately tyrannical, the subordinate team is the Crystal Ancient Race elite, deals with reluctantly. 也亏得晶五实力强横,麾下团队都是晶古族精英,才勉强一路应付过来。 Crystal 5 decides the suspend navigation, stops first to conduct the first wave of reincarnation samsara, then again set off , not the reason in this aspect. 晶五决定暂停航行,停下来先进行第一波转世轮回,而后再度出发,也未尝没有这方面的原因。 In Heavenly Grotto. 洞天内。 One set luxurious and in spirit qi abundant yard. 一套豪华而灵气盎然的小院内。 Linglong Princess is holding the hand of Husband Wang Youyue, is pressed pair of delicate eyebrows, the look is being somewhat anxious: Husband, we were selected it is said into first in round, what to do? I am somewhat afraid.” 玲珑公主拉着夫君王宥岳的手,蹙着一双秀眉,神色有些紧张:“夫君,据说咱们被挑入了第一轮中,怎么办?我有些害怕。” Wife feared not.” Wang Youyue is comforting Linglong Princess in a soft voice, this matter Husband has had the experience, we set level the mentality in any case, is lying down on the line. Even if tested successfully, we were still when the time comes many a son.” “娘子莫怕。”王宥岳轻声安抚着玲珑公主,“这种事情为夫有过经验,反正咱们放平心态,躺着过就行了。就算实验成功了,到时候咱们也就是多了个儿子而已。” His Wang Youyue is experienced, is when the Crystal 39 start tested initially, his True Spirit joins a production team hardly. 王宥岳之所以有经验,也是因为当初晶三十九启动实验时,他的真灵就是硬插队进来的。 „The Husband mentality may be really good.” Linglong Princess white his eyes, „, since gets married after Husband, do you have which day not to lie down?” 夫君的心态可真好。”玲珑公主白了他一眼,“自从和夫君成亲以后,您又有哪一天不是躺着过的?” Wife, lying flat is also a knowledge, is a life capital.” Wang Youyue this saying said righteously, you take a look at our clan these elders, postures of how many Immortal Emperor? Must save world, round of not on our to little couple?” “娘子啊,躺平也是一种学问,也是一种生活资本。”王宥岳这话说得理直气壮,“你瞅瞅咱们家族那些长辈们,有多少个仙帝之姿?要拯救世界,也轮不上咱们这对小夫妻啊?” But I heard, later after we went to World of Immortals, in a short time feared could not go back Holy Territory.” Linglong Princess still worried, feared wanted our little couple oneself diligently.” “可我听说,以后咱们去了仙界后,短时间内怕是回不去圣域了。”玲珑公主仍是担忧,“怕是要咱们小夫妻自己努力了。” Wife feared not.” Wang Youyue patted her hand , to continue to comfort saying that do not forget, your Husband is the Wu Yue Immortal Emperor reincarnation. Went to World of Immortals, we go to the Wu Yue temple to lie down on the line. Shortly after Wu Yue Immortal Emperor falls from the sky, the present Wu Yue temple also holds several points of vitality, will give shelter to our two not to have what issue mostly.” “娘子莫怕。”王宥岳拍了拍她的手,继续安抚道,“你可别忘了,你夫君乃是武岳仙帝转世。去了仙界,咱们去武岳神殿躺着就行。武岳仙帝陨落不久,如今的武岳神殿还保有几分元气,收留我们两个多半不会有什么问题。” Said again, did not say that Crystal 13 did assign to us became the son?” “再说了,不是说晶十三分配给了咱们当儿子么?” Wife you may know, but Crystal 13 under Crystal 5 number one, the status precious as gold potential is infinite, that is the kid who has the gold/metal soup ladle birth. You said that we gave birth to the son laboriously, cannot make the son protect and foster us?” “娘子你可知道,晶十三可是晶五麾下的头号人物,身份金贵潜力无穷,那可是含着金汤勺出生的娃。你说咱们那么辛苦生下了儿子,不得让儿子保护和抚养咱们?” „......” Linglong Princess speechless. “……”玲珑公主一阵无语。 „......” “……” Crystal 13 heart is also a flurry. 门外的晶十三心头也是一阵慌乱。 He is also knows that this couple will become the oneself future parents, often will come to take a look at eyes secretly, does not want listens secretly such a dialogue unexpectedly. 他也是知道这对夫妻会成为自己未来的父母,时常会偷偷过来瞅两眼,不想竟是偷听到了这么一番对话。 He more listens more to feel, this is far-fetched to the parents? 他怎么越听越觉着,这对父母那么不靠谱呢? Or, changes pair of parents to the leader application? 要不,向领袖申请换一对父母? ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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