POP :: Volume #8

#21 Part 2: Shouzhe playing chess Crystal 5

...... …… Ying Lingzhu just prepared to say anything, actually by a Yun Yuhe drawing behind. 嬴灵竹刚准备说些什么,却被妘玉河一把拉到了身后。 Her cold angry: Since the opposite party had acknowledged that what with him but also to be wordy? First suppressed to take directly then!” 她冷怒道:“既然对方已经承认了,还与他啰嗦什么?直接先镇压拿下便是了!” The voice has not fallen, in the Yun Yuhe palm had/left the jade bottle. 话音还未落下,妘玉河掌心中就多出了个玉瓶。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Huge magical form phantom appears behind her suddenly. 巨大的法相虚影蓦然出现在她背后。 That is a graceful female form, she foot treads Heavenly River to stand lightly, just like Divine Maiden near the world, sends out is imitating, if inexhaustible vast pressure. 那是一位风姿绰约的女子身影,她脚踏天河翩然而立,宛如神女临世,散发着彷若无穷无尽的浩瀚威压。 Delicate hands jade bottle one horizontal. 纤手将玉瓶一横。 In an instant, Heavenly River that crosses boundless appeared in the sky, the mighty current was billowing, the vast soup, as if must explode this Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto brace. 刹那间,一条磅礴横贯的天河就出现在了天空之中,洪流滚滚,浩浩汤汤,仿佛要将这曹氏洞天撑爆。 next moment. 下一刻 This imitates, if inexhaustible Heavenly River then falls in torrents from the sky, goes toward cloud Lie the Old Ancestor suppression. 这彷若无穷无尽的天河便从天空中倾泻而下,朝云烈老祖镇压而去。 Suddenly, the entire sky seems by this billowing mighty waves is flooded, startled big wave flying curls, monstrous waves crazy whirlwind, the power and influence of that terrifying releases seriously for the first time general like Heavenly River, as if can destroy entire heaven and earth together. 一时间,整个天空都好似被这滚滚波涛充斥,惊涛飞卷,巨浪狂飚,那恐怖的威势当真是如同天河乍泄一般,仿佛能将整个天地一同毁灭。 cloud Lie Old Ancestor immediately complexion big change. 云烈老祖登时脸色大变。 He has not thought that Yun Yuhe said unexpectedly hits hits, on the face that self-satisfied mood flickers the time to vanish into thin air. 他万万没想到妘玉河居然说打就打,脸上那得意的情绪瞬时间烟消云散。 However he is also becomes famous many years of Holy Venerable, even if does not have any preparation, when the attack arrival, first reacted as before. 不过他到底也是成名多年的圣尊,哪怕没有任何心理准备,在攻击到来之时,依旧第一时间做出了反应。 Almost is instantaneous, huge Flame Venerable phantom appears in him behind. 几乎是瞬间,一尊巨大的火焰尊者虚影就出现在他身后。 That Venerable covers in the brilliant roaring flame all through, in back that dreadful flame visibles faintly nine groups of blazing light group vicissitudes, is ordinary just like the brilliant hot sun, sends out the intermittent terrifying the pressure. 尊者通身都笼罩在灼灼烈焰之中,背后那滔天的火光之中隐约可见有九团炽热的光团浮浮沉沉,宛如灼灼烈日一般,散发出阵阵恐怖的威压。 Meanwhile, has the brilliant roaring flame from fill the air to come void, then condensed a giant flame shield before his body in a flash. 与此同时,有灼灼烈焰自虚空弥漫而来,转瞬间便在他身前凝聚成了一面巨大的火焰盾牌。 That shield is sincere, congealing to be solid is ordinary just like the essence, nine lifelike Golden Crow crustifications in the shield surface, during the wing vibrations send out the one after another incomparably real crying sound. 那盾牌厚重无比,凝实得宛若实质一般,九只栩栩如生的金乌镶嵌在盾牌表面,羽翼振动间散发出一道道无比真实的啼鸣声。 Falls in torrents but below Heavenly River and shield bump into, the deafening bellow resounded through heaven and earth immediately. 倾泻而下的天河与盾牌相撞,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声顿时响彻了天地 In the sky, the water glare and flame explode, the terrifying power and influence swept across entire heaven and earth immediately. 天空中,水光与火光爆裂开来,恐怖的威势顿时席卷了整个天地 What cloud Lie Old Ancestor cultivation is scarlet cauldron Cao Clan Nine Yang Holy Picture, This Holy Picture is pure Fire Department Holy Picture, cultivation to the pinnacle, when acts is near spatially just like Nine Yang, the might is extraordinary. 云烈老祖修炼的是赤鼎曹氏的【九阳圣图】,这部圣图乃是一部纯粹的火系圣图,修炼到极致,出手时宛如九阳临空,威力非凡。 This Holy Picture, can arrange in all Holy Picture by the battle efficiency to sails upstream, is Holy Picture that an extremely rare lord attacks. 这部圣图,论战斗力在所有圣图之中都能排到中上水准,算是一部极为难得的主攻伐的圣图 But cultivation technique, although is wonderful, but cloud Lie Old Ancestor after all is only gradually obsolete ordinary Holy Venerable, bloodline was worse than Yun Yuhe planned incessantly. 只不过功法虽然神妙,可云烈老祖毕竟只是个垂垂老朽的普通圣尊,血脉妘玉河差了不止一筹。 Moreover, what most suffers a loss, handed down in the family Nine Yang Holy Picture he classics and commentaries had given Cao Wenbai , without the Holy Picture in addition to hold, his striking power and defensive power had weakening in varying degrees. 而且,最吃亏的是,家传的九阳圣图他早已经传给了曹文柏,没有了圣图的加持,他的攻击力和防御力都有不同程度的削弱。 Under two collide, cloud Lie Old Ancestor suffers a loss big, somewhat cannot support gradually. 两相碰撞之下,云烈老祖吃亏不小,渐渐有些支撑不住。 The accident, naturally made in the Cao Clan mystical place go haywire. 如此变故,自然令曹氏秘境中陷入了混乱之中。 Quick, Cao Clan several True Immortal Boundary Elder make a move, resists the complementary waves that the two Holy Venerable powerhouse energy collided, have several True Immortal Elder and big dozens Void Soaring Boundary cultivator acts to keep the order, the director participates in youngster of youth outstanding talent meeting to retreat backward. 很快,曹氏数位真仙境长老就纷纷出手,抵挡住了两位圣尊强者能量碰撞的余波,又有数位真仙长老和大几十个凌虚境修士出面维持秩序,指挥参加青年俊杰会的年轻人们向后撤退。 Finally, 56 True Immortal Elder, have Holy Picture True Immortal Boundary Mr. and Mrs. Cao Wenbai in addition, various self-detonation send out the tyrannical aura, wants to rush to rescue cloud Lie Old Ancestor. 最后,还有五六个真仙长老,外加拥有圣图真仙境曹文柏夫妇,各自爆发出强横的气息,想要驰援自家云烈老祖 Can see from this point, Holy Clan Cao Clan is almost the entire clan elite is uneven. 从这一点可以看出,圣族曹氏几乎已经是全族精锐齐出。 However although the Wang Clan clansman are few, but can appear here actually each one outstanding uncommon, sees this chaotic shape also to act. 然而王氏族人虽少,但能出现在这里的却个个都卓绝不凡,见此乱状也是纷纷出手。 First said that Wang Clan young one generation of outstanding talent Wang Youxuan. 先说那王氏年轻一代俊杰王宥玄 He treads to empty lightly, an profound azure long gown flap flap flutters under the expansive sky, lining he seems the Setsurei cold mountain, resembles the isolated hill pine and cypress, having the type to have the dust lightly character remarkably. 他翩然踏空而起,一身的玄青色长袍在长空下猎猎飘飞,衬得他好似雪岭寒山,又似孤山松柏,带着种翩然出尘的卓然风骨。 Although by cultivation base, he now merely is the True Immortal Boundary three layers appearance, but he innate has Holy Child bloodline, now after a series of bloodline promotion, the aptitude has achieved the Daoist Seed rank. 虽然论修为,他如今仅仅是真仙境三层的模样,可他先天就有圣子血脉,如今经过一系列的血脉提升,资质早已经达到了道子级别。 Under the strength of addition bloodline, his overwhelming profound qi at this moment is boundless, heavy/thick vast, left compared with the common True Immortal Boundary three layers powerhouse did not know many. 血脉之力加成下,此刻的他一身浩然玄气磅礴无匹,厚重浩瀚,比起一般的真仙境三层强者强出了不知多少。 Sees only him to wield conveniently, profound qi then fell from the sky together, forms Daoism authentic profound qi to protect the shield, protected to be one of them Mr. and Mrs. Wang Yanjiao and Chen Zhengyang Mr. and Mrs. and Murong Gaoda and other youngster. 只见他随手一挥间,一道玄气便从天空中落下,形成了一道玄门正宗的玄气护盾,将王宴骄夫妇、陈正阳夫妇和慕容高达年轻人护在其中。 Meanwhile, the Wang Youxuan figure flashes, in in the air steps on the Heaven's Revolution Big Dipper step continually, refers to the secret art pinching within, then seven dao sword light soar, shortly will then defer to the position of Heaven's Revolution Big Dipper to construct sword array. 与此同时,王宥玄身形闪动,在空中连踩天衍七星步,指诀掐动间,便有七道剑光腾空而起,顷刻间便按照天衍七星的方位构筑成了一个剑阵 Person who if there is being able to judge the quality of goods here, can identify inevitably, this sword array, is illustrious Heaven's Revolution Big Dipper sword array. 若有识货的人在这里,必然一眼就能辨认出来,这剑阵,就是赫赫有名的【天衍七星剑阵】。 Right. This sword array Southern Ye Divine Continent Heaven's Revolution Dao Alliance Presses one of the bottom array, is famous for the strength of attacking Heaven's Revolution Big Dipper sword array, Measures mysteriously not, the might is astonishing. 没错。此剑阵正是南烨神洲天衍道盟】压箱底的阵法之一,以攻伐之力着称的【天衍七星剑阵】,玄妙莫测,威力惊人。 Since Wang Clan conformed with four big Divine Continent experts jointly, strangles to death Purple Clouds Dao Lord, stilled Demon Race randomly until now, already nearly in 1500. 自从王氏联手整合了四大神洲高手,绞杀紫云道主,平定魔族之乱迄今,已经快一千五百年了。 In the age of this peace and development, under the arrangement of Wang Shouzhe, clan many juniors joined major Dao Sect Buddhism to pursue advanced studies, to reduce clan in Immortal Scripture Holy Picture this, on the one hand burden. 在此和平发展的年代里,在王守哲的安排下,家族不少子弟都加入了各大道宗佛门深造,以减轻家族仙经圣图这一方面的负担。 Joining that major Dao Sect Buddhism naturally also welcome the Wang Clan juniors very much. After all, can be sent the Wang Clan juniors who pursue advanced studies, oneself aptitude talent is quite often outstanding, to major Dao Sect Buddhism it is a good deed. 各大道宗佛门自然也很欢迎王氏子弟的加入。毕竟,能被派出来深造的王氏子弟,自身资质禀赋往往都比较出众,对各大道宗佛门来说本身就是件好事。 Moreover, the major Buddhism Dao Sect top powerhouses have the oneself news channel, naturally knows fierce of Wang Clan. Others family/home has the Wang Clan juniors to acknowledge as teacher, oneself does not have, in the future when will look Wang Clan seeks the cooperation, for no reason short others head? 而且,各大佛门道宗的顶尖强者都是有自己的消息渠道的,自然知道王氏的厉害。别人家都有王氏子弟拜师,自己家却没有,往后找王氏寻求合作时,岂不是凭白矮了别人一头? Also is therefore, Wang Clan outstanding youngster almost it can be said that proliferates the entire Holy Territory major influences now. 也是因此,如今王氏的优秀年轻人几乎可以说是遍布了整个圣域各大势力。 And, Wang Youxuan was does obeisance into Heaven's Revolution Dao Alliance, Becoming one of the Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord personal inheritance disciple, and matched one in Void Soaring Boundary Heaven's Revolution Holy Picture, Learned many Heaven's Revolution Dao Alliance the secret of not passing on. 其中,王宥玄便是拜入了【天衍道盟】,成为了天衍道主亲传弟子之一,并在凌虚境时分配到了一部【天衍圣图】,学到了诸多天衍道盟的不传之秘。 But his outstanding bloodline aptitude and good perception, makes Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord very gratified, is regrets. 而他那出众的血脉资质和不俗的悟性,也让天衍道主既是无比欣慰,又是惋惜至极。 His Heaven's Revolution Dao Lord over 60,000 years old, but also has not arrived at the inheritance period, the inheritance of Heaven's Revolution Dao Book he wants unable to give. Even if the Wang Youxuan aptitude is outstanding, the perception is splendid, the road of his future Grand Dao can only walk by oneself. 天衍道主本身不过六万多岁,还远未到传承期,天衍道书的传承他想给也给不出来。纵然王宥玄的资质再优秀,悟性再出色,他未来的大道之路就只能靠自己走了。 The idle talk does not raise for the time being. 闲话暂且不提。 Only said this Heaven's Revolution Big Dipper sword array The core position, is a is passing the profound say/way authentic aura, Holy Sword of greatly skillful non- labor. 只说这【天衍七星剑阵】的核心位置,是一柄透着玄道正宗气息,大巧不工的圣剑 Other six handles must miss on plan, only has the high grade immortal sword level. 其余六柄要差上一筹,“仅有”上品仙剑的层次。 Because this actually not Wang Youxuan cannot collect many Holy Sword, but is request of this Heaven's Revolution Big Dipper sword array to the sword is quite harsh, must is good by Daoism authentic Holy Sword or immortal sword! 这倒不是因为王宥玄凑不出多件圣剑,而是这天衍七星剑阵对剑的要求比较苛刻,须得以玄门正宗的圣剑仙剑才行! Moreover each must spend lots of time to go to personally refining, the principle of myriad swords great array this and Wang Anye that all comes are welcome is entirely different. 而且每一柄都得花大量时间去亲自祭炼,这和王安业那来者不拒的万剑大阵的原理迥然不同。 In a twinkling. 说时迟那时快。 Also while Heaven's Revolution Big Dipper sword array arranges successful, Cao Clan True Immortal Elder entered sword array controls a range. 也就是在天衍七星剑阵布置成功的同时,一位曹氏真仙长老进入了剑阵的控场范围。 Flickers the time, in sword array then have several the dao sword light to make chaotically. 瞬时间,剑阵中便有数道剑光杂乱无章地打出。 That True Immortal Elder thinks little, casual flickered to move then appears in the Wang Youxuan body side, put out a hand to grasp toward him. 真仙长老不以为意,随便一个瞬移便出现在了王宥玄身侧,伸手朝他抓去。 Has not actually thought, his figure just now reveals, then have several the dao sword light to be ahead of time flickers to take place, like roaming dragon-like from all parties very towering raids, then all blocks that True Immortal Elder various escape routes suddenly! 却不曾想,他的身形才刚一显露,便有数道剑光已经提前一瞬就位,如同游龙般从各方很突兀的袭来,瞬息间便将那真仙长老的各处退路悉数封死! That stance, goes at first sight, seemed is that True Immortal Elder oneself runs upon that to count the dao sword light to be the same simply! 那架势,乍一看去,简直就好似是那真仙长老自己一头撞上了那数道剑光一般! This is how possible!?” “这怎么可能!?” That True Immortal Elder startles greatly, unavoidablily under can only raise profound qi to protect the shield by profound qi to shoulder hardly. 真仙长老大骇,不得已之下只能强提玄气玄气护盾硬扛。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Under the sword light bombardment, that Cao Clan True Immortal Elder protecting shield will be rumbled shortly broken, the left shoulder shoulder blade was pierced by immortal sword directly, in the internal organs are damaged, bloody! 剑光轰击下,那曹氏真仙长老的护盾顷刻间被轰破,左肩胛骨直接被一柄仙剑洞穿,内腑受创,血流如注! However, this True Immortal Elder is also experienced True Immortal Boundary cultivator, in the situation in so distressedly taking a beating, was found the opportunity by him unexpectedly forcefully, flickered to emigrate a big section distance. 不过,这真仙长老到底也是身经百战的真仙境修士,在如此狼狈挨揍的情况下,竟硬生生被他找到机会,瞬移出了一大段距离。 Has not actually thought that in he just cropped up, has several the dao sword light seems sentences his action path to appear in advance generally ahead of time, let him is pocket ran upon these sword light. 却不曾想,就在他刚冒头之际,又有数道剑光就好似预判到了他的行动轨迹一般提前出现,让他又是兜头撞上了那些剑光 Rumbling ~!” “轰轰轰~!” Also is a bellow resounds. 又是一阵轰鸣声响起。 That Cao Clan True Immortal Elder was counted the dao sword light to hit one after another, was rumbled to result in the severe wound to fall to the ground directly, nearly passed away. 曹氏真仙长老被数道剑光接连击中,直接被轰得重伤倒地,险些一命呜呼。 Crashes from the sky, on his face still brings thick being unwilling with unbelievable, even is somewhat suffering, impulsion that wants to cry. 从天空中坠落的时候,他的脸上仍旧带着浓浓的不甘和难以置信,甚至于有些委屈,想哭的冲动。 This really hit is too aggrieved, seemed oneself any action, was acted bashful by that sword array stubbornly, various types sentenced sword light ahead of time in advance! 这架打得实在是太憋屈了,好似自己任何一步行动,都被那剑阵拿捏得死死的,各种提前预判出剑光 Right, this was the Heaven's Revolution Big Dipper sword array fierce place, step by step leading, sentenced step by step in advance, making the opponent virtually impossible to guard against. 没错,这就是天衍七星剑阵的厉害之处了,步步领先,步步预判,让对手防不胜防。 What is more fearful, at present this sword array is also far from the most powerful condition. 更可怕的是,目前这剑阵还远非最强大的状态。 Legend in the Immortal Alliance period, original beginning of the universe spirit treasure Heaven's Revolution beginning of the universe mirror When has not lost, may be the sword array core through the beginning of the universe mirror, seven Holy Sword are auxiliary, at the appointed time was the Dao Lord level powerhouse of same step bumps into must yield and withdraw. 传说在仙盟时期,原版的混元灵宝天衍混元镜】尚未遗失之时,可通过混元镜作为剑阵核心,七圣剑为辅助,届时便是同阶的道主级强者碰上了也要退避三舍。 It can be said that although past Heaven's Revolution Dao Alliance cannot compare limitless Dao Sect such apex big influence, but the strength is also highly regarded, in addition some special effects of Heaven's Revolution beginning of the universe mirror, the position in Immortal Alliance are also very special. 可以说,当年的天衍道盟虽然比不上无极道宗那样的顶尖大势力,但实力也是不可小觑,再加上天衍混元镜的一些特殊作用,在仙盟中的地位也是十分特殊的。 This side, Wang Youxuan showed the strong battle efficiency, but another side, his big brother Wang Youyue and sister-in-law Linglong Princess also acted. 这一边,王宥玄展现出了强大的战斗力,而另一边,他大哥王宥岳和大嫂玲珑公主同样也是出手了。 Wang Youyue as the clan first wife's eldest son, the reincarnation of Wu Yue Immortal Emperor, once three small only natural bloodline most powerhouses, where can be in the surface looks that simple? 王宥岳身为家族嫡长子,武岳仙帝之转世,曾经三小只中的天生血脉最强者,又哪里会是表面上看起来那么简单? Places in the strategic place, he at this moment shoulders both hands to stand hangingly in the battlefield, head high, chest out, impressive bearing. 身处险地之中,此刻的他背负着双手悬空立在战场上,昂首挺胸,气宇轩昂 Huge Immortal Emperor phantom appears in him behind, the terrifying power and influence fills the air momentously, making him seem like similar to high mountain ridge that is unable to shake to be the same, sends out is letting the unsurpassed impressive and dignified manner that the person mind trembles. 一尊巨大的仙帝虚影浮现在他身后,恐怖的威势排山倒海般弥漫而出,让他看起来就如同一座无法撼动的崇山峻岭一般,散发着让人心神震颤的无上威仪。 Brown profound qi fills the air in his whole body, the aura is vigorous like the mountain. 土黄色的玄气在他周身弥漫,气息如同山岳般浑厚巍峨。 profound qi place visited, one after another invisible wave proliferation. 玄气所过之处,一道道无形的波浪扩散而出。 Suddenly, the wave institute and place, seemed changed into his domain. 一时间,波浪所及之处,都好似化为了他的领域。 Cao Clan True Immortal Elder that several clash by the profound qi fluctuation influence, the figure was stagnated immediately, seemed the body to change heavy several hundred times all of a sudden, over a thousand times! The unexpected under figure is not steady, nearly crashes in the place. 几位冲过来的曹氏真仙长老玄气波动影响,登时身形一滞,就好似身体一下子变重了数百倍,上千倍!猝不及防下身形不稳,险些坠落在地。 Under the invisible wave encirclement, their all actions will slow down shortly, seemed the average person to crash into the mud general, various types were hard to start, action delay. 无形波浪环绕之下,他们的所有行动都在顷刻间变慢了许多,就好似普通人坠入了泥浆之中一般,各种举步维艰,行动呆滞。 So exceptionally, frightens immediately heavily these True Immortal Elder. What profound art is this? Has such wonderful effectiveness unexpectedly!? 如此异常,顿时将那些真仙长老吓得不轻。这是什么玄功?竟有如此神效!? Also they do not understand no wonder. 也难怪他们不懂。 Wang Youyue cultivation the distinguished merit, is called «Two Meter Yuan Magnetism Merit», is a Saint step Earth Department practicing method of side door. 王宥岳修炼的这门奇功,叫做《两仪元磁功》,是一种偏门的圣阶土系修行法门。 This practicing method, stems from Northern Ji Divine Continent ice fire Dao Sect. In Dao Sect, this two meter Yuan magnetism merit were also dust-laden for a long time, no one can cultivation. 此修行法门,出自北殛神洲的冰火道宗。在道宗之中,这门两仪元磁功也是尘封了许久,无人能够修炼 It is said in the Immortal Alliance period, iced in the fire Dao Sect history to present a top talent, he created cultivation technique of this use magnetic field control gravity, was only as before many not too perfect places, therefore he is not willing to call it by Holy Picture! 据说在仙盟时期,冰火道宗历史上曾经出现过一个顶尖天才,他创造出了这部利用磁场操控重力的功法,只是依旧有诸多不太完善之处,因此他不肯以圣图称之! Initially after the Wang Youyue promote entered Void Soaring Boundary, for clan the road of his Holy Picture also worries. 当初王宥岳晋入凌虚境后,家族为了他的圣图之路也是操碎了心。 Earth Department cultivation technique in this world were not many, achieving Holy Picture rank is few, is one does not have as for Earth Department dao lineage! 这世上的土系功法本就不多,达到圣图级别者更是寥寥无几,至于土系道统更是一个都没有! However Wang Youyue oneself does not care actually, he has given up struggling in any case. He the request to oneself is not high, at the worst depends on talent bloodline and previous life memory fragment, oneself deduces Saint path to come. 不过王宥岳自己倒是不太在乎,反正他早就已经放弃挣扎了。他对自己的要求也不高,大不了靠着天赋血脉以及上一世的记忆碎片,自己推演出一条圣路来。 Although slow, but can definitely push to spread out sooner or later. 虽然慢一点,但肯定迟早是能推衍出来的。 However her old lady Yun Yuhe is not dry. Really must wait for his oneself to deduce Holy Picture to come, can that wait till lord knows when? Do not do well solemn Immortal Emperor to be reincarnated, finally Dao Lord has not mixed to exhaust on the life. 不过她老娘妘玉河不干。真要等他自己推演出圣图来,那得等到猴年马月?别弄不好堂堂仙帝转世,最终连个道主都没混上就寿元耗尽了。 Therefore Yun Yuhe runs around, finally made her discover ice fire Dao Sect the unpopular cultivation technique. With the Wang Clan prestige and relations with ice fire Dao Sect, she finally with Holy Picture two meter Yuan magnetism merit replacing. 因此妘玉河四处奔波,最终让她发现了冰火道宗的这部冷门功法。凭着王氏的威望和与冰火道宗的关系,她最终用一部圣图将两仪元磁功给置换了出来。 Must say this Wang Youyue talent talent really unparalleled, when cultivation two meter Yuan magnetism merit, not only strives amazingly quick , because the perception is astonishing as well as sensibility of previous life, cultivation can also makes up for this cultivation technique the place of biased errors. 要说这王宥岳天赋才情果然无双,修炼两仪元磁功时非但精进神速,更是因为悟性惊人以及上辈子的感悟,边修炼还能边弥补此功法的偏颇错漏之处。 These two meter Yuan magnetism merit in his hands, plays the true role, its terrifying might also showed gradually. 这两仪元磁功在他手中,也算是发挥出了真正的作用,其恐怖的威力也渐渐展现了出来。 This field of endeavor cultivation to pinnacle, but seizes the star with ease with the moon/month, directs the stars to fight, in its domain, any enemy will be large scale is weakened. 此道修炼到极致,可轻松捉星拿月,指挥星辰进行战斗,在其领域之中,任何敌人都会大幅度被削弱。 But Wang Youyue big wife Linglong Princess is not the ordinary person. 王宥岳的大老婆玲珑公主也绝非等闲之辈。 It seems like her of young girl appearance to fight is actually very ominous courageous overbearing. 看起来还是个少女模样的她打起架来却是十分凶勐霸道。 Sees only her to grasp the Xuanyuan Imperial Family inherited Holy Item dragon cry Saint halberd, huge, sends out wild aura Origin Dragon phantom to reappear in her behind, serves as contrast overbearingly just like her imposing manner unparalleled, each halberd gets down, angrily roars along with say/way dragon cry, incurs the move to have the potential of earth-shattering, felt the endless constriction. 只见她手持着轩辕皇室的祖传圣器龙吟圣戟,一条巨大的,散发着蛮荒气息的始龙虚影浮现在她身后,将她的气势衬托得宛如霸道无双,每一戟下去,都伴随着道道龙吟怒吼,招招都有天崩地裂之势,充满了无尽的压迫感。 Also is she is so no wonder fierce. 也是难怪她如此厉害。 She is not only extremely rare innate Holy Daughter, from infancy to maturity is trained and taught by beginning day God Sovereign personally, Xuanyuan Clan consumed the resources of astronomical figures to promote bloodline for her, laid the foundation. 要知道,她不仅仅是极其罕见的先天圣女,从小到大更是由始天神皇亲自培养与教导,轩辕氏更是耗费了天文数字的资源替她提升血脉,夯实根基。 By, even if she were younger than over 100 years old Wang Youyue, that strength comes also to differ not in a big way compared with Wang Youyue! 是以哪怕她比王宥岳小了一百多岁,那一身的实力比起王宥岳来也是相差不大! But Linglong Princess and Wang Youyue coordinate, controls attacks, that may really be matches certainly, can achieve the one plus one over two effects. 玲珑公主王宥岳配合起来,一控一攻,那可真是绝配,能够发挥出一加一远超过二的效果。 Then is even strength good Mr. and Mrs. Cao Wenbai, was hit by Mr. and Mrs. Wang Youyue is only then the resistance, does not have the energy of hitting back. 便是连战力不俗的曹文柏夫妇,都被王宥岳夫妇打得是只有招架之力,毫无还手之能。 Has their three human-controlled fields, the Cao Clan True Immortal Boundary powerhouse definitely is unable to rush to rescue cloud Lie Old Ancestor suddenly unexpectedly. 有他们三人控场,曹氏真仙境强者一时间竟是完全无法驰援云烈老祖 Also at this time. 也就在这个时候。 Wang Baosheng and Mr. and Mrs. Ying Lingzhu also make a move. 王宝圣嬴灵竹夫妇同时出手。 Sees only them each other hand in hand, stimulated to movement beginning of the universe spirit treasure by boundless profound qi jointly Taiyi Primordial Seal! 只见他们彼此手牵着手,以磅礴玄气联手催动了混元灵宝太乙混元印】! Suddenly. 瞬息间。 Has the terrifying power and influence on erupt from Taiyi Primordial Seal in loudly. 有恐怖的威势自太乙混元印中轰然爆发。 Said that Golden Light blooms, originally only then Taiyi Primordial Seal of palm of the hand size rises against the wind, almost then changed to a giant gold/metal seal in a flash, goes toward this Heavenly Grotto barrier bombardment courageous. 道道金光绽放间,原本只有巴掌大小的太乙混元印迎风就涨,几乎是转瞬间便化作了一尊巨大的金印,勐地就朝这洞天壁垒轰击而去。 When this power and influence, with the Taiyi Primordial Seal automatic on-hook the power and influence of sending out may completely not be a progression. 这威势,跟太乙混元印自动挂机时散发出的威势可完全不是一个级数。 Radiant Golden Light blooms, in entire Heavenly Grotto, was covered by its Golden Light, the innumerable low rank outstanding talent youth were frightened crawl in the place, seemed feels the earth-shattering end to approach general. 璀璨的金光绽放开来,整个洞天之中,都被其金光笼罩,无数低阶的俊杰青年都被吓得匍匐在地,好似感受到了天崩地坍末日来临一般。 Looks at its power and influence, the couple jointly, has displayed Taiyi Primordial Seal several tenths might impressively reluctantly. 瞧其威势,夫妻联手之下,赫然是已经勉强发挥出了太乙混元印的数成威能 „It is not good!” “不好!” Is resisting Yun Yuhe cloud Lie Old Ancestor to see this scene with hardship, at the scene is the complexion big change. 正在苦苦抵挡妘玉河的云烈老祖见得这一幕,当场又是脸色大变。 How possibly, Mr. and Mrs. Baosheng is so young, cultivation base is Great Principle Holy Venerable has not even arrived, how can display Taiyi Primordial Seal so might? 怎么可能,宝圣夫妻如此年纪轻轻,修为更是连大罗圣尊都没有到,如何能发挥太乙混元印如此威能 If this pounds to it, this Heavenly Grotto barrier definitely will be destroyed, when the time comes alarms most scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion, their Cao Clan consumed 1000 several hundred years of painstakingly planning , and full gambling stake is very likely to drain! 这要是给它砸个正着,这洞天壁垒必然会被砸破,到时候惊动大半个赤鼎圣府,他们曹氏耗费了一千数百年的苦心经营,以及全盘赌注就极有可能付诸东流! Looked down on Wang Baosheng and Ying Lingzhu eventually! 终究还是小瞧了王宝圣嬴灵竹 In the ground, falls into scared numerous youngster to see this scene, is pleasantly surprised, revealed the color of hope. 地面上,陷入恐慌的一众年轻人见到这一幕,则是惊喜非常,纷纷露出了希冀之色。 So long as Wang Baosheng and Young Palace Lord can drive out the Heavenly Grotto barrier, they could be saved. 只要王宝圣少宫主可以轰开洞天壁垒,他们就有救了。 But at this important moment. 可就在此关键时刻。 In void of Taiyi Primordial Seal front, presented a form suddenly. 太乙混元印前方的虚空之中,忽的出现了一道身影。 That is the human form form that is together slender and selects high. 那是一道纤细而高挑的人形身影。 He wears silver Captain Crystal Ancient Race battle armor, is sending out the terrifying all through, but powerful aura, unexpectedly impressively is a Crystal Ancient Race powerhouse! 他身着银色的晶古族首领战甲,通身都散发着恐怖而强大的气息,竟赫然是一位晶古族强者! Clear to see Taiyi Primordial Seal flies to come toward oneself extreme speed whirlwind, he lifts hand one, at the same time sent out the huge pure white energy shield of terrifying aura then to appear in front of oneself immediately. 眼见得太乙混元印朝着自己极速飚飞而来,他抬手一张,一面散发着恐怖气息的巨大纯白色能量盾当即便出现在了自己面前。 next moment. 下一刻 Bang!” “轰!” Taiyi Primordial Seal pounds ruthlessly on the energy shield, the fearful shock-wave sweeps away, shakes entire Heavenly Grotto fiercely to shiver instantaneously, countless people were frightened courage entirely cracks almost! 太乙混元印狠狠砸在能量盾上,可怕的冲击波横扫而出,瞬间震得整个洞天都剧烈颤抖起来,无数人被吓得几近肝胆俱裂! !” “噗!” Wang Baosheng and Ying Lingzhu are connected because of the mind and Taiyi Primordial Seal, immediately backlashed, spouted a blood respectively, the complexion also becomes pale. 王宝圣嬴灵竹因心神与太乙混元印相连,当即受到反噬,各自喷出了一口鲜血,脸色也变得惨白起来。 Under the sky, the terrifying explosion complementary waves wreak havoc, that pure white Crystal Ancient Race battle armor is actually gorgeously motionless, whatever the shock-wave is washing out oneself battle armor, does not seem to been harmed to be the same slightly. 天空之中,恐怖的爆炸余波肆虐之下,那具纯白色的晶古族战甲却是巍然不动,任凭冲击波冲刷着自己战甲,仿佛丝毫没有受到伤害一般。 Is Sir Crystal 68!” “是晶六十八大人!” Cao Clan cloud Lie Old Ancestor is overjoyed, immediately felt oneself escapes. 曹氏云烈老祖大喜过望,当即感觉自己逃过了一劫。 He and Crystal 68 has had several social dealings, knows opposite party is powerful! 他与晶六十八打过几次交道,知道对方的实力非常强大! Crystal 68?” 晶六十八?” Hears this name, the Wang Clan various people look immediately becomes exceptionally dignified. 听到这个名字,王氏诸人的神色顿时变得异常凝重。 Wang Clan core clansman very clear Crystal Ancient Race sorting way. Do not look that sorting of Crystal 68 seems not high, but Crystal Ancient Race person only then achieves 17th Stage to have the qualifications to have sequence ranking. 王氏核心族人都十分清楚晶古族的排序方式。别看晶六十八的排序好似不高,但是晶古族人只有达到十七阶才有资格拥有序列排名。 Wang Clan orthodox lineage eldest daughter Wang Jin path previous life, is Crystal 39. 王氏嫡长女王瑾路的前世,便是晶三十九 Then she is in 17th Stage high stage, the series number actually still can only arrange to 39! But now becomes the Wang Clan Consecrate crystal 17, is existence of 19th stage . 当时的她已经是十七阶高段了,序列号却仍旧只能排到三十九位!而如今成为王氏供奉的晶十七,更是十八阶的存在。 It can be imagined, this Crystal 68 strength, even if inferior to Crystal 39, inferior will not be many, at least was not that type just promote entered existence of 17th Stage. 可想而知,这个晶六十八的实力即便不如晶三十九,却也绝不会逊色太多,至少不是那种刚刚晋入十七阶的存在。 But the appearance of Crystal 68 actually merely is only a start. 晶六十八的出现却仅仅只是个开始。 With appearance of Crystal 68, in the upper air presented several spaces to fluctuate. 随着晶六十八的现身,高空中又是出现了几道空间波动。 In this Heavenly Grotto presented three Crystal Ancient Race battle armor forms again, each one aura are stronger than that Crystal 68. 紧接着,这洞天内再次出现了三道晶古族战甲的身影,个个气息都比那晶六十八强。 The power and influence that and strongest that it sends out is not unexpectedly weaker than outset day God Sovereign. 其中最强的那个,其散发出来的威势竟是比起始天神皇也不弱。 As the Crystal Ancient Race experts appear, the fight also stops suddenly instantaneously, then even Yun Yuhe also restrains the aura, the look becomes incomparably dignified. 随着晶古族众高手出现,现场的战斗也是瞬间戛然而止,便是连妘玉河也是收敛气息,眼神变得无比凝重。 At this time, cloud Lie Old Ancestor that relaxed greatly actually thorough calm, several forms of his cups the hands to sky saluted distantly: Has seen Crystal 68, Crystal 52, Crystal 41 and Sir Crystal 13!” 这时,大松一口气的云烈老祖却已经彻底镇定了下来,他拱手冲着天空中的数道身影遥遥施礼:“见过晶六十八晶五十二晶四十一晶十三大人们!” Is the Crystal 13 vision of head cool looked at Wang Clan various people: You know that our origins and goals, did not explain with you. Our Crystal Ancient Race, is the race that in the boundless universe sea struggles to seek livehood. So long as everyone coordinates well, looks in the Feifei Princess face, we will not injure your.” 为首的晶十三目光澹然的看了一眼王氏诸人:“你们知道我们的来历和目的,就不和你们解释了。我们晶古族,也不过是茫茫宇宙海中挣扎求生的种族。只要大家好好配合,看在菲菲公主的面子上,我们是不会伤害你们的。” Then, Crystal 13 also said to cloud Lie Old Ancestor: battle, had the possibility to alarm the outside world. The Crystal 5 leader decides to shift the position immediately, in order to avoid new difficulties crop up unexpectedly. Then, we are responsible for guarding, your Cao Clan is responsible for comforting the people.” 说罢,晶十三又对云烈老祖说道:“刚才的争斗,有可能已经惊动外界。晶五领袖决定立即转移位置,以免横生波折。接下来,我们负责镇守,你们曹氏负责安抚众人。” Yes, Sir.” “是,大人。” cloud Lie Old Ancestor should respectfully under. 云烈老祖恭敬应下。 As cloud Lie the Old Ancestor voice falls, entire Heavenly Grotto world shivers again fiercely. 随着云烈老祖话音落下,整个洞天世界再度剧烈颤抖起来。 As if has a huge energy to pull entire Heavenly Grotto to be the same forcefully, Heavenly Grotto some faint distortions of surface barrier even under powerful energy role. 就仿佛是有一股巨大的能量在强行拉扯整个洞天一般,洞天的表层壁垒在强大的能量作用下甚至隐隐有些扭曲。 Among next instant, beside the barrier went black , the ray in entire Heavenly Grotto is becoming secretly is peaceful. 下一瞬间,壁垒之外就陷入了黑暗之中,连带着整个洞天内的光线都变得暗澹起来。 Entire Heavenly Grotto, drew in the endless darkness unexpectedly forcefully, entered during the rapid traverse. 整座洞天,竟是被强行拖入了无尽黑暗,进入了快速移动之中。 Young Palace Lord, Baosheng Young Patriarch, Yuhe Grand Princess.” On cloud Lie the Old Ancestor face tears wipes the self-satisfied smile, went forward polite cups the hands saying that you also see now, Sir Crystal 5 towed our Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto using the strength of forbidden area, is accelerating far away from scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion. The rapidness of the speed, is Absolute Beginning Dao Palace Absolute Beginning Dao Boat cannot catch up by far!” 少宫主,宝圣少族长,玉河长公主。”云烈老祖脸上扯开一抹略带得意的笑容,上前客气的拱手说,“你们现在也看到了,晶五大人利用禁区的力量牵引住了我们曹氏洞天,正在加速远离赤鼎圣府。其速度之快,便是太初道宫太初道舟也是远远追不上的!” At this moment, I might also as well told everyone. The plan of Sir Crystal 5 is, first evacuates two years of distance, then launches the first reincarnation samsara plan, lets the fine God Physique advance samsara reincarnation of part of Crystal Ancient Race people.” “事到如今,我也不妨告诉诸位晶五大人的计划是,先撤离出去两年的距离,而后启动第一次转世轮回计划,让一部分晶古族人的精神体先行轮回转世。” Later, the forbidden area will then start to fly in Dark Void Realm to World of Immortals, the entire process approximately needed in 2000. Waited till World of Immortals, turns on the second samsara to plan again.” “随后,禁区便会在黑暗虚界中启程飞向仙界,整个过程大约需要两千年时间。等到了仙界,再开启第二次轮回计划。” Now what is done cannot be undone, everyone is person on a ship, later, we are together quite, develops in World of Immortals well.” “如今木已成舟,大家都已经是一条船上的人了,以后啊,咱们就好生相处,在仙界好好发展。” cloud Lie Old Ancestor a series of words, let Wang Baosheng and the others all are silent. 云烈老祖一连串的话,让王宝圣等人俱是沉默不已。 Crystal 5 worthily is one of the Crystal Ancient Race leaders, it planned and makes a decision. 晶五不愧是晶古族的领袖之一,其谋划和决断果然了得。 Also is luckily, this overall plan layout, is Ancestral Grandfather acts personally! 也是幸好,此次整体计划布局,乃是老祖爷爷亲自出手! What although they take over is only part of layouts, not clear complete situation, but they believe Ancestral Grandfather, is absolutely not whatever the Crystal 5 plan will easily succeed! 虽然他们接手的只是其中一部分布局,并不清楚全部情况,但他们都相信老祖爷爷,是绝对不会任由晶五计划轻易成功的! ****** ****** Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Scarlet cauldron Holy Mansion. 赤鼎圣府 Vanishes in Cao Clan Heavenly Grotto Dark Void Realm that flash. 就在曹氏洞天消失进黑暗虚界的那一刹那。 In nearby Heavenly River, presented a physique not big azure profound boat unexpectedly. 附近的天河之中,蓦地出现了一艘形体不大的青色玄舟。 That profound boat construction, goes at first sight, almost in Shenzhou of Ancient God inspection world during with these antiquity murals was exactly the same, is plain is passing the stock sacred dignity aura. 那玄舟形制奇古,乍一看去,几乎和那些上古壁画中古神巡视天下的神舟一模一样,古朴之中又透着股神圣威严的气息。 In the profound boat deck, stops the stage to stand tall and erect, the pavilion stands in great numbers, is ordinary just like small-scale Immortal Palace, on the boat is covering smoke wave vast azure Immortal Spirit Qi, has the mysterious trace in partly visible, seems the living creature to send out the vigorous vitality unclearly unexpectedly generally, seeming like is extremely the mystical. 玄舟甲板上,停台高耸,楼阁林立,宛如一座小型仙宫一般,舟身上更是笼罩着一层烟波浩渺的青色仙灵之气,有玄奥的纹路在其中若隐若现,隐隐然竟好似活物一般散发着蓬勃的生命力,看起来殊为神异。 In profound boat, in pavilion. 玄舟内,楼阁中。 Wang Shouzhe of white clothing stands in the parapet edge, is looking out into the distance the situation in distant place, the pupil light somewhat is slightly dignified: Crystal 5 worthily is the Immortal Emperor rank powerhouse, can tow Heavenly Grotto to run away using the forbidden area unexpectedly. He thinks that from beginning to end knows we are staring in secret, is secure, came to thwart simply. I used both hard and soft tactics from life Senior taking advantage of Teacher Azure Emperor the luckily Deep black Shenzhou Provides against contingencies, otherwise, feared that really must run by him.” 一袭白衣的王守哲站在栏杆边缘,远眺着远方的情况,眸光微微有些凝重:“晶五不愧是仙帝级别强者,竟能利用禁区牵引洞天逃遁。他想必从头到尾都知道我们在暗中盯着,却有恃无恐,索性来了个将计就计。幸好我从生命前辈那边软磨硬泡借来了师尊青帝的这艘【玄青神舟】以防万一,不然,怕是真的要被他跑了。” This Deep black Shenzhou Is higher than first-level Shenzhou Absolute Beginning Dao Boat, is in itself wonderful unusual treasure, besides speed quick, has many wondrous uses. 这艘【玄青神舟】乃是比太初道舟更高一级的神舟,本身就是一件神妙非常的宝物,除了速度快之外,更有诸多妙用。 However, the build of this deep black Shenzhou is small, let alone decides rhyme Divine Palace that and other existences of rank, even if Cold Moon Immortal Dynasty makes the Imperial Palace use Yuhua Immortal Tower it be much bigger than sufficiently, in the past years, this was the Azure Emperor casual private car, at all was not official Shenzhou. 不过,这玄青神舟的体型非常小,别说定韵神宫那等级别的存在,就算是寒月仙朝充做皇宫使用的玉华仙阙都要比它大得多,在当年,这就是个青帝的休闲座驾,根本不是正式的神舟。 Forbidden area in some sense, the itself/Ben is Immortal Emperor Ancient God the temporary palace, with the Queen of Pain painful fortress is actually a nature.” Beginning day God Sovereign stands in him behind, the complexion is imposing, „, if the only forbidden area in the Endless Heaven Abyss move in, the speed is about Absolute Beginning Dao Boat about ten times, but drags Heavenly Grotto to walk, the speed reduces inevitably! Shouzhe, this Old Ancestor urged you to catch up as soon as possible, so as to avoid lost the whereabouts.” “禁区从某种意义上来说,本就是仙帝古神等的行宫,和痛苦女王的痛苦堡垒实则是一个性质。”始天神皇站在他身后,面色凛然,“如果单凭禁区在无尽天渊中移动,速度约是太初道舟的十倍左右,不过拖着一个洞天走,速度必然降低很多!守哲啊,本老祖劝你还是尽快追上,免得失去了行踪。” Stable running many years of novel app, compare favorably with old version to pursue book divine item, old bookworms using trading source App , huanyuanapp.org 【稳定运行多年的小说app,媲美老版追书神器,老书虫都在用的换源App,huanyuanapp.org】 This does not need to fear that cannot catch up.” Wang Shouzhe hearing this actually smiles, comforts him to say confidently, our deep black Shenzhou contour is exquisite, is fast, hangs the opposite party more appropriate by far.” “这倒不用怕追不上。”王守哲闻言却是一笑,胸有成竹地安慰他道,“咱们的玄青神舟外形小巧,速度飞快,远远吊着对方更为妥当。” He has the self-confidence regarding deep black Shenzhou. 他对于玄青神舟非常有自信。 If drags Heavenly Grotto to walk the forbidden area, is regarded as one to tow the car(riage), he has taking advantage without deep black Shenzhou, roughly can be counted is ultra ran, the speed is much faster than the forbidden area. 若是将禁区拖着洞天走,视作是一架拖挂车的话,那他有借无还的这艘玄青神舟,约摸着可以算作是一辆超跑了,速度比禁区要快得多。 With the life Senior words, so long as the energy is sufficient, deep black Shenzhou may the extreme speed navigation in Endless Heaven Abyss, in the millennium flights then be able to arrive in World of Immortals! 用生命前辈的话来说,只要能源充足,玄青神舟可在无尽天渊中极速航行,千年航程内便能抵达仙界 ...... ……
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